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  1. @Someone here Why are u being so mysogynistic.wouldnt u love it if u get heavenly chicks. I am trying to research it.there are videos about one taliban freedom fighter suicide bombing himself up and killing 50 us soldiers.i do not know the exact fatwa on it.suicide bombing strategy was very successful against us invaders. I am trying to research on it.suicide is forbidden on doubt about that.but suiciding to kill enemies, i do not know about that
  2. It is described in islam that God would compensate the shahid for sacrificing his life or his land. If you become a martyr, God will give you 70 virgins, 70 wives and everlasting happiness. Why is that ? Promises pussy in the hearafter seems twisted and uncomfortable for me . Since September 11, news stories have repeated the story of suicide bombers and their heavenly rewards, and equally Muslim scholars and Western apologists of Islam have repeated that suicide is forbidden in Islam. Suicide (qatlu nafsi-hi) is not referred to in the Koran but is indeed forbidden in the Traditions (Hadith in Arabic), which are the collected sayings and doings attributed to the Prophet and traced back to him through a series of putatively trustworthy witnesses. They include what was done in his presence that he did not forbid, and even the authoritative sayings and doings of his companions. Can someone explain to me the true version of islam ? @itachi uchiha Tagging you here since you have a good Islamic background.
  3. There's several ways to stop the media doing this right now. But they have too much money and power to be easily stopped. Normally they're helping out the people in charge so it'd be career suicide to turn on them. It will take a real heroic "for the people" politician to finally put their foot down.
  4. @Ulax I’m not so sure I’m that traumatized. For most of my adult life I’ve lived in almost complete solitude. It worked rather well, and my life was pretty good until one and a half years ago when I started studying. There I was surrounded by girls again for the first time since high school and my old strong desires were awakened to life. For other reasons I quit the studies and went back to solitude last year, but then I became very miserable. It wasn’t until summer, when I was on the verge of suicide, that I was finally able to bite the bullet and be proactive about this problem for the first time in my life. Until then I always hoped that I would find someone through work/studies or social circle. I really despised the idea of pickup and online dating. I do stage green activities too by the way.
  5. If morality is entirely relative then how is there such a thing as good and bad karma? I know morality is a byproduct of the ego to support survival needs but intuitively there seems to be a deeper sense of ‘rightness/‘wrongness’ that transcends morality. I’m struggling to understand why I’m viscerally against things like murder, torture, rape, etc. Is it simply because I don’t want it to happen to me? I don’t understand why I have this desire to minimize the suffering of others if morality is relative? For example, Leo does this by warning again suicide even though hypothetically there’s nothing wrong with killing one’s self. Can anyone make sense of all this? Is it simply a paradox that can’t make sense?
  6. Working Doordash got my account out of negative and got some extra. Getting back into self-care, dressing nicer, did a job interview which I dunked, but not enough pay. Did a couple rounds of Wim Hof right before it, on top of adding cold shower time to my normal showers. Think im gonna try for a waiter position instead and take advantage of natural charisma and meet younger locals while having a performance-based pay Saw Case Manager, helped set some goals for me... Getting my ID stuff sorted out Monday, lining up Dr appt, food stamps, check out plasma donation Engaging with people more, saying Hello to ppl, just dusting off the social skills, trying to keep good present energy , picking up more confidence because most people give me good feedback it seems like... Put on some Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy on podcasts while doordashing, and listening to some about the Kyaballion (Corpus Hermetica of Greek philosophy?). Ive been really interested in subconscious programming stuff... Went to Meetup and found a hiking event Just enjoying myself around people, not really trying to talk to people too much... Although there was a girl I ended up chatting with about Tony Robbins and stuff... Im looking for like-minded people but I think she was giving me a soft-rejection on picking her up. Noted some areas of improvement for my game I could work on , maybe try some day-game sometime, although I would like to get a group going of just like people like this community has... Not really sure how to go about it, went to another park solo , taking some selfies at both parks, getting a TikTok going and start broadcasting some of myself. Maybe start a Meetup event about stuff related to self-actualization and consciousness stuff... Although there is a lot of Christians around here... Getting a gym membership gonna work out with a guy from the Salvation Army tomorrow. Can definitely tell my self-esteem is picking up, feeling really relaxed (not stressing nor thoughts clouding my mind hardly that much - which this is a massive turnaround from just several days ago) Tired tonight, kinda wasted the night being social... Had some guys preaching God to me... Which was fine, but I dont subscribe to religion... I use "God" as another way to think about the subconscious, and all of creation. So I was just listening and filtering things like how do I apply the preaching to something real I can use for a couple hours. I really got stuck as the center of attention and I am gonna have to work on not getting stuck with people talking to me on and on... Even if I can find useful stuff in what others say , its just I can be more efficient on my own study. Overall, just calibrating with each interaction. Being good energy, adjusting social skills, saying No to things , curating content I spend time on , reviewing past notes and recollecting my ideas I seem to have forgotten, working on establishing plans, finding inner peace (mental quietness, not reacting to things emotionally) , reprogramming my beliefs/identity so that "I am" the person I want to be and also like abundance mindset and self-talk , and trying to keep consistently doing the things working for me for good habits - adding in a little more each day. Just considering how much Id like to catch up on study-wise , and building up network , and developing myself as a life-coach and monetizing my passion... Gonna be a longgggg road , but at least with things continuously improving, then it doesnt really matter too much as long as I am addressing fears holding me back and expanding on what is working decently enough... I expect there will be those hard things that Ive been scared of and avoiding (like the difficulty of getting to where i want) but at the same time there should be really positive outcomes that I wouldnt have expected that come out of nowhere. Main thing is focusing on improving while also removing stuff with negative outcomes (so less time-wasters) Its only been about 1-2 weeks since I was paralyzed by negative emotions thinking I was gonna be stuck to the point that maybe suicide wasnt such a bad alternative... Now I am feeling like im about to surpass my previous peak within weeks from now. Definitely gotta figure out the whole "how to sit down and grind on productive stuff" like being focused writing study notes or building my online presence... Maybe the gym and some meditation will be the thing to try adding in tomorrow that helps in that area. Much love -Kory
  7. I dont know that I would trade the experiences for an easier life. I remember wishing life was harder for me a long time ago, and the struggle has put me more in touch with the reality and human condition like I don't think I would have if I had just climbed without so much crap... But that crap has given me a unique angle. How many gurus have met heroine addicts or been in a homeless shelter and confronting suicide? Its easy to preach like "oh homeless people, just get a job!" Or "just get over your depression!" ... Its really taught me what is holding people back by experiencing it first-hand ... Losing most everything has been a blessing , before I used to try and help everybody, but now I see that fine-line within our consciousness how you can be trapped by it. Honestly its been amazing in the humbling kind of way... Like some Fight Club shit "How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight" , now I am unafraid of so much , and I have vigorously tested ways to escape from hell myself and found what *actually* works and what doesn't... Certainly people have told me self-help is overrated and tried to help me live a normal life, but I know this stuff like Leo is on about , is like the most legit stuff across the ocean of info (or disinfo). And now I feel destined to fight this bloody war until my last breath, because most people can't ride on rock bottom and make it back up and know what is really going on. So I am glad to talk about the shit I've been through as a way to show others that it can be done no matter how bad you've had it. Let myself be an example. Much love -Kory
  8. Since elementary school I've only wanted one single thing in my life: A girlfriend. 16 years later: Absolutely nothing has happened there. Last summer I was so depressed that there were only two chocies: Start doing pickup and all that, or kill myself. Unfortunately I chose the first. Since then my life has been a nightmare so bad I didn't even know it was possible. I've been on around 40 dates and every single one of them just end with a message the following day where they say they didn't feel the chemistry. Right now I've just had the worst night of my life, where not a single girl at the club I was at wanted to talk to me, and I probably approached around 30 of them. So far this year: All food tastes like ash and it has become so difficult to work out that I give up most of the workouts. I really wish I was dead. The only thing that keeps me alive is that I care too much about my immediate family to commit suicide. Now what?
  9. You don’t need help. The only problem you might run into is wanting to go out of the window/commit suicide during LSD trips because of the feeling of “what’s the point” of living a life like this not being able to find/be around people that are like you. Just be patient with yourself in those moments and don’t do anything stupid.
  10. @Dodo suicide is the result of disconnection with god. That's the only reason. When and if you lose every hope you have in your life ..there is only one door that you can knock for help, and that door is gods mercy .
  11. Hello amazing person, I am Kory , and here is my Day 1 of an official journey I mean to commit to. Welp, after a long time of messing around, here I am in a Salvation Army homeless shelter and now the quote that captures how I feel... "The Sleeping Giant has Awakened" I landed here last night. I have been living in my van for 8 months. I am 32, and my own self-sufficiency has been lacking. I've stayed back and forth with people and on my own, always moving between jobs, places, and people. I've always wanted to be a high level life-coach, but as I went down the rabbit hole to unreel the nature of life, I disassociated with most everything but my own addictions to gaming and staying high. I've definitely been stuck for many years more-or-less doing the same shit not going anywhere. But I have kinda riddled out the missing ingredients to the recipe for my own success, and it is certainly very exciting to be in a homeless shelter and letting go of the things holding me back... I was living in my van near relatives and just staying within a comfort-zone that was actually screwing me over. The week before, it was still entertaining suicide to some degree, but I just came to accept that I needed help and my identity was gonna have to be scrapped... So I deleted all my games , like "I have no idea how I am gonna spend my day if im not binging out, but we will see!" Well I had an incident that pissed me off enough and I had just enough resources to go, so I just said "Thats what I gotta do, go get a fresh start on my own, and cut all the things not getting me results, and it will just have to work out somehow" So I got a call back from the shelter the following morning after I relocated to a nearby metro, and met a cool person that I've been vibing with as I feel myself coming online more and more... Its like recalling the better versions of myself like its just who I am now. Its pretty cool at the shelter, (i mean there are "bad" people to be around more-often-than-not, but helpful good people as well) I am getting 2 free meals/day, shower, laundry, place to get mail, state health insurance , getting a waiting list for a house in 1-2 months , got a bed , and daily life-skills training (reminding me of like military bootcamp but the homeless lite-bootcamp version) , and signed up for mental health stuff... Definitely something I didn't expect, everybody makes homeless shelters sound horrible but Salvation Army is pretty legit and I got taken care of within an hour of getting here. Well... I just wanted to work on writing/journaling and this felt like Day 1 to my journey... Really been a quick turnaround with going from depression/anxiety/existential crisis/etc to feeling like I am picking up with my better-self like riding a bicycle again. I have not had anybody to talk to for a long time, so I cut my time-wasting addictions out and I'm formulating a strategy for my own success... Like asking questions: "What are daily habits I should work on"" What content do I want to study" "Which communities should I get involved in?" "What are the most important+urgent steps to be taking?" I know people mention Leo's Start Guide here, I am also downloading Optimize app by Brian Johnson, enrolled in free online philosophy courses , have some old personal development masterclasses to go back through, looking at some free self-development training workshops from these online ads, reading some books, going through more good youtube self-actualization (Joseph Rodriquez is a recent favorite discussing like Napolean Hill like subconscious inner-talk stuff, and Tom Bilyeu rocks too) I dont really know what my goal is , but I know my passion is teaching in the 'transcendence' category , and I want to get online making money... I've just always avoided trying to start my own Youtube / TikTok channel, but I am gaining confidence from being in this shelter and meeting this guy who has been showing me around giving me the newb-tour , and its just wild that I assume I would be incredible, but I'm also my own biggest critic , and I am beginning to see the more I push myself to express what I am about, the more positive feedback I get and more pace I pick up with it... So this day feels differerent, it seems the spiral has begun its upward climb, and I've been waiting for the day I would see myself getting momentum again, because I knew I would have nothing to look back to again... And now it begins... "Fly, Phoenix, Fly" Question : When a Phoenix rebirths, is it Day 1 for that Phoenix? Is that an accurate metaphor??? Lmao idk, what do you think? Glad to read any comments you wonderful people wanna respond with. Much love -Kory Added a couple snapshots of this Salvation Army place... i just want to provide information that this place is pretty chill, not as bad as I had thought! Legit got my bed right across from buddy I had met, and there is a pile of tobacco behind my shoulder like community sharing lol.
  12. @Someone here all the other questions I feel afraid to answer I don’t want to encourage any ideas of positives from suicide
  13. @Someone here society conditioning leads to the most depression and suicide. The spirit has given up hope completely. some say you don’t need hope, they don’t realise that hope is underneath it all
  14. Stuff said in this thread: "Suicide is delusion", "suicide is wrong", "suicidal people don't care about others", "suicidal people have misunderstood", "suicidal people are identified with illusions", "they understimate", "why don't they just try something new?", "reality has infinite potential for happiness for everyone", "they are in self-denial", "they self-hate', "suicide is corrupted sense of love", "suicide is denial of reality", suicide is because of fear", "suicide is because of hate", "suicide is not truth". Do you notice a mistake with all that stuff? Try to find the mistake which you are doing.
  15. This is not called anything, it’s my direct experience. Spontaneous awakenings could be explained as concepts overpowering other concepts which causes the momentary experience of disillusionment. For instance, if someone was utterly depressed yet they really yearned for mystical experiences, they could be on the brink of suicide (the edge of releasing the self and all beliefs) and the awakening would be the actual experience of the dropping of beliefs. The belief that death would bring a mystical union with God would trigger an extrapolation of that idea the moment it was prioritized over continued life in the body. All awakenings, mystical or otherwise, can be explained by the release of belief systems and a restructuring of perception. If one has no belief systems to begin with, there’s only the delimited mind (infinite space/consciousness/sound/etc.) with nothing to extrapolate towards infinity. This is why Enlightenment has always been the case and why God Realization is not full awakening.
  16. Yes Suicide is an expression of love but in a corrupted sense. Suicide is a denial of reality. This denial is due to fear, and hate. Suicide is a form of protection. Because the individual hates reality, and believes themselves powerless to change their reality they deem the only solution is to flee from it and the ultimate escape is death. Love is truth. Suicide is not truth, but it is an expression of what the individual BELIEVES is true. It is an act of love out of self-preservation but is based on delusion.
  17. I was suicidal the last couple of days. Right now i feel a little better. Actually the only comfortable thought that i have during the periods of depression is that i can kill myself so all of that will end, so that gives me some reliefe to move on. Since everything is love that means that suicide is also love right? Ofcourse i am not advocating suicide and i am aware that suicide comes from scewed interpretation of reality.
  18. While I agree with everything in this post....its too rational. When you deal with people attached to emotion...rationality rarely works. The main cause of depression is self-denial and self-hate. The self-esteem (respect for self) has reached zero. Suicidal people are the most dangerous people around because if you have no respect for your own life, then you have no respect for any other life. Not saying you will harm others if you are suicidal, but you won't really care if you do. The interesting thing about suicidal thoughts and feelings is like anything else it is a STATE. There are many people who have attempted suicide and survived who regretted it, were glad they survived, and are living happy productive lives. It is just a momentary state through which people take action. Suicide is a result of delusion, but like all delusions it feels real and thus logic alone won't snap them out. You first have to reach them emotionally, before logic will make sense to them.
  19. I think suicide is the result of deeply misunderstanding reality. People who are suicidal are completely identified with illusions, which makes them suffer. They deeply underestimate realitys capacity for joy, happiness, love, fulfillment. They think they figured it out, reality ist just unfair, etc. While in truth, reality is deeply loving. If I would get suicidal one day, to the point of killing myself, why wouldn't I just try something new out? Instead of killing myself, give up my current job and all my posessions and move to india to become a monk for example? Why not just try something new? You can always kill yourself later, istn't it? Or instead of killing yourself, you could try out some psychedelics like 5-Meo and go on a journey to discover absolute reality, why not just give it a try? You can always kill yourself later... OR you could go out clubbing to learn socialization and dating, I mean - you have nothing to lose, haven't you already given up your life? Why not give it a try? Or you could try seriously helping other people, for example go to africa and help build the infrastructure there, do the work that is needed etc. Or you could get a dog, get a cat, go to a therapist, etc, etc, etc. Reality has infinite potential for happiness. Even for the most depressed of its members. To depressed people their depression seems to be uncurable. But have you really tried to cure it? What have you changed about the way you live? Have you tried all the examples I mentioned above? Have you tried dancing freely, have you tried adopting a child in need of someone who cares, have you tried starting a new hobbie, have you tried learning a new language together with other people, have you tried visiting a self help group for suicidal people, what have you tried? It isn't much, is it? If you're going to kill yourself anyways, at least try the things I mentioned above before you do it. You have nothing to lose, you can always kill yourself afterwards.
  20. It is never easy to understand why someone attempts suicide, and the reasons are varied and complex. Often suicide involves emotional or physical pain that someone finds to be unbearable and leaves them feeling as if there is no escape. Hopelessness. People sometimes reach a point where they feel there is no hope and no way to change that feeling. When they are hopeless, they may realize the good things in their life, making suicide a viable option to escape. Traumatic Stress. Traumatic experiences such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, assault, or war trauma can put someone at greater risk for suicide, even a great time after the event takes place. What do you think of suicide? Do you think it's a sin ? Is it really the only way out after one has become fed up with existence? Where do you think the person who killed himself go? What awaits him on the other side ?
  21. @Yarco There is a wider context to this, the UK has a long history of racism and violence stemming from that racism, both from normal people and police. There gave been many cases in the past where black people have been murdered for being black. Also been ostracised from society or just generally harassed, attacked etc especially in regard to football, as in it would be normal for football fans to attack any black person they see. Today it has improved a lot but I think Britain sees itself as a country that tackles racism and as such, you could argue that they may overreact to an incident like this but its almost like they're making an example out of the guy. It may look harsh and may even be harsh but within the context any acceptance of this where you let this kind of thing fester can have real world consequences. The other point with the politicians, in the UK there has definitely been one if not two politicians murdered in the last couple of years by people that have tweeted hateful comments at them. This is a fine line because there has to be criticism of public figures but I think there's a line between that and actual hate speech that could lead to something worse. There's also the factor of really affecting someone and being a cause fir them commiting suicide, which has also happened. I get what you're saying in that you should be free to say what you want, but these a directed comments that the recipients see. If you're talking to your friends you can say whatever, but if you're directing comments like 'hope you die bitch' to the actual person that would be the equivalent of calling them and saying it, or leaving notes at their house or in public places, potentially even worse as the whole world can see them forever. Also UKs not that bad, I've lived here all my life and never paid a TV 'loicense' (we don't talk like that ?)
  22. I think you are totally right on that one. We are being so attached to the depressed state/depressed perspective that we can't let it go. If we wouldn't care, we would let it go, but we are caring so much about staying in the depressed state, that we build a whole persona and story around it so it can become stronger. Thats how powerful attachments are, being obsessively attached to something can literally destroy your life. Thats why practicing detachment and letting go of things consciously is a very powerful technique. Its very interesting, that sometimes the ego would rather lead itself to suicide, compared to letting the negative identity go, and letting go of negative attachments.
  23. Sometimes I feel like when depressed, it is not that we don't care, but that we care so much that we are unwilling to drop the seriousness obsession with how much we care; so much that that is what we focus on the entire day non-stop constantly with extreme work ethic, focus, and diligence on our dire mental health. It is what we see all day. We care so much that we are willing to try anything to make things better, even if that means turning to drugs, turning to wild sex with random people, turning to speeding, turning to stealing, turning to hitting, turning to yelling and calling people names, willing to stay up all night. We care so much we contemplate suicide because that is just another thing we could try, another state of mind to play with to see if that will make things better; if we tell ourselves that this is the worst, this is the bottom of the barrel, if this, a way like procrastination or a way of having no plan B, that maybe this will get some sort of idea, reconciliation to pop into our head, something to make things better. We care so much about feeling better that we are willing to quit school, quit our jobs, play video games all day, go for our passions, make music, write books, chase after the dream partner, etc. because we want to see if that will work. ... I guess I need to explore some more on the not caring.
  24. One of the main reason why, you can't think anything else just about suicide, because you are stuck in a negative depressed paradigm. Your paradigm is valid, we don't dismiss how bad you are feeling right now. But remember, just as others said it is just one paradigm from the many. You see no way out, because you think from your current paradigm. You can absolutely shift and change your paradigm, that way you can start to see other possibilities that you can use to feel better. Right now you need to be a little bit selfish, concentrate on yourself, give love to yourself, and only then you have a greater possibility to change situations in the world. If you really struggle and you really think that you can't do it alone, search for help. There is nothing wrong to search for some professional help. If you can't afford or if you really don't want to go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist, you can call a suicide hotline.
  25. I really don't think that gurus like Leo are saying that you are actually in some kind of simulated reality or virtual reality world like how they have portrayed it in The Matrix movie series or in any kind of sci-fi shows/movies. I hope you understand that because no one in their right mind would want anyone including yourself to commit suicide or hurt yourself in anything. Leo talk about this in his vid "The Dangers Of Misapplying Spiritual Teachings." Though I will say that what you are asking is a valid question and has been something that I've always thought about for a long time and I still haven't fully comprehend it to this day. However, think from what I understand about the idea of you being in a "dream" is that you're not actually in a dream, but you always start out with a low level of perceiving reality in your awakened state. However, the more you work on developing your level of consciousness and enlightenment then the greater your perception of true reality will become. Yet, if you are dead then you may not be in a "dream" anymore, but you also will not be able to perceive ANY reality AT ALL to ANY DEGREE, not even a shred of it. If you are in coma or in some state of unconsciousness then you really will be stuck in a literal perpetual dream state.