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  1. I've done more than enough. Solipsism where every experience is had by you, is not equivalent to NPC theories. This is the only thing that matters when discussing solipsism, and it was not addressed. Or it was hinting at NPC theories. There is not any sound reasoning to believe in NPC type solipsism at all. This is not the same as your girlfriend being made of nothingness, this is not the same as your girlfriend's thoughts being had by you...
  2. This dream is one of materialism, it functions precisely as such. Materialism only fails when trying to propose an external world or that materialism creates consciousness itself. However the brain is absolutely and certainly attached to certain happenings like memory and ego. Altering the brain can destroy those things, that is why we take drugs which alter the functioning of the brain. It is not of consequence that brains are made of no substance at all, or that there is no substance PERIOD (which is true, there is no such thing as a substance, just nothingness appearing as everything), it still functions as such. The solipsism Leo is going into right now is not the type of solipsism which might be discussed by Buddha, Spira, whatever other figure. It's not the usual non-duality from 5-MeO-DMT. That's why he says it's way beyond normal "awakening", he's been doing other "weird" drugs and having "conversations with God". He's had a 5-MeO-MALTdown...
  3. If you want to picture it, I picture it as a vacuum of space that is self-aware, a self-aware vacuum of space. But when I say vacuum of space I don’t mean space like the universe. I mean no color, no visual anything. Just complete nothingness.
  4. I feel identified. I got rid of the monster in one day, then it came back, but i already knew what it was... it was never the same and now it's not even a little monster. It was a short time ago, maybe half a year. I took 2 g of mushrooms, and I quickly saw that the thing was going to be unpleasant. As you say, I took a beating from the monster. I endured it stoically. Suddenly, in the middle of the mental torture, something became clear, obvious, evident. out of the void, out of absolute nothingness, my experience arose like a perfect diamond, something of celestial beauty and perfection. and there was "me" labeling, gutting that gem opining that this and that should have been, perhaps, a little different. in a matter of a second, the monster lost its poison completely. there it was, fluttering around me like a black and white movie, lifeless, a dead thought, nothing more. my mind was released, like never before. overall lightness. I went out into the street and the beauty of the sky, the color of the people walking through the center of the city, street musicians, was dazzling, wonderful. At the time, the little monster returned, but for a short time, weak. Yesterday for example, I came back driving 7 hours from a trip, and not a thought of those crossed my mind. something unthinkable before. the monster is nothing more than the should be activity that you print to everything. It is you, who from a wrong, aberrant perspective, print that stupid demand, learned, transmitted by others, of how reality should be. reality is, and "you" must remove your dissonance from it make the should be match to the micron with what it is, because this is the reality. what is is what should be. this has to be seen beyond logic. the monster is the dissonance between what should be and what is, an activity that you do continuously
  5. Do you catch yourself dreaming? Are you aware that: That life of yours is just another dream, within a field of Infinite dreams? But you are holding this dream more dear so you have a ground to stand on? This is just pure magic. Look at "your" hands. Look at everything around you. Its just pure magic. Its amazing. There is nothing here. But yet it seems and "appears" to be "something" "here". Everything is made of the same substance: Consciousness and Awareness. This cannot be "experienced" or summoned through an intellectual process. The mind has to be silent for this to be seen/witnessed. But yet, what is processing this "Nothing" in to "Something", is precisely the Mind. Its so twisted... but so perfect. So beautiful. Our attachments to thoughts, feelings, emotions, senses and our own perspective: Are precisely that which makes this dream in to a solid Reality. But if "we" loosen up these attachments, then there wont be anything holding "your"/"our" awareness, "here". Your dream becomes looser and looser. Question is: What is "outside" this dream? Is it just pure Nothingness? In one of my recent trips (20mg 2CB), I noticed reality breaking down. (Not in a dramatic way) But it was as if everything was "dissapearing" through "my" perspective. It was as if Everything I tied to this dream: Was just being erased with "me" dissapearing. Moments before "experience" of "No-Thing" I heard a laugh with a deep voice, in slow-motion. And with my eyes closed, I looked at it, and the first thing that came to me was: Self-Deception. Gods Infinite Trick, on Her/Himself. But there was so much Love within my heart, and my hands were radiating with love and heat, that I couldnt do anything else but to laugh at that deep voice (Instead of being scared or frightened by it). At that moment "I" dissapeared. There was nothing. No sense of I, no sense of reality, no sense of anything whatsoever. While it was happening, there were NO experience, nor any experiencer of "this" whatsoever. Not in the way we would think an experience would be. And only when "I" came back, did "I" realize I was "gone"... Its as if: When you are "Nothing" you dont "know" that you are "No-Thing", until "you" become "something". Then you can realize what "No-Thing" is. Its like a superthin veil inbetween these two sides. And whenever "you" jump between the two sides, you forget completely Everything you knew from "your" previous side.
  6. I don't want to make this a full trip report and describe the entire thing. But basically, I took one puff of a disposable vape pen like this one: And depersonalized / derealized / dissociated (idk what the technical term would be) for like 3 hours. This was a grey market vape pen (weed is legal here, but only through government-run or approved dispensaries) so it's possible it contained synthetic cannabinoids like spice or something crazy. But I had a very similar experience with 100% for sure pure/authentic THC oil from the government before as well. The seller seemed reputable and had lots of positive reviews from this product that seemed like they were from real people. In a place where weed is legal, I don't think they can get away with cutting their product with fake stuff nowadays. So I'm pretty convinced it was pure THC and I guess weed is just not for me. The main thing that really freaked me out was... it was like I was following myself a split second after the fact. And I could jump between being slightly behind myself, in the present moment, or slightly in the future. I guess my main concern is... if I react this badly to cannabis, am I going to have a similar experience with mushrooms or DMT? I thought I was just going to relax a little bit as an introduction to mind-altering substances but I blasted all the way off the deep end into insanity. I haven't done mushrooms before, but this is literally what I would've expected a 3+ gram or more mushroom trip to feel like. I had to lay in bed in the dark listening to music to try and hold onto the present moment, and every 10 minutes at a time felt like an hour. I had maybe 20% positive and 80% negative from it. I think I felt what Nothingness is at one point, and absolute bliss at another point. But then waves of feeling terrible would always come back and took up a lot more of the time. This CAN'T be what taking 1 hit of weed feels like to normal people. There's no way Elon Musk could do a podcast in this state, there's no way Snoop Dogg could record music in this state. I couldn't do this and then play video games and just chill out. I'm wondering what it all means... Does cannabis just not agree with me? Is the plant trying to tell me I'm not ready? Is being this sensitive a sign of spiritual development, or a lack of spiritual development? Should I still try mushrooms or DMT to see if I react better to them? Or is this a sign my mind is too weak and if I try a more potent substance I may permanently go insane? After being in that state I definitely have a newfound appreciation for being sober and living in reality. I don't want to go back there any time soon.
  7. The more woke you get the more alone you get, until eventually you are so alone reality simple disappears forever into infinite nothingness/oneness. That last bit is the most terrifying thing you can imagine. Everything simply disppears forever. You end reality. You fully awaken, but you also realize you killed yourself, the universe, and all other beings. Now you bask in a pure metaphysical infinite love forever. It's a love that has no end, ever. It annihilates you until no memory of yourself remains. You are simulatenously fully awake and dead. You cannot even recall you ever existed as a human. You simply become nothing forever. It's what you imagine death is, but you are 100% conscious. You become so conscious it kills you. And you are so alone that no one and nothing can save you. You've completely lost your mind.
  8. Sounds like a bad "energy or thought forms" got a hold of you when your guard was down, it is nothing to worry about, just let it go, trust that there is a Light which the darkness comprehends not, but that Light is mightier then the darkness, and it's there for you, just have faith. The darkness is the going away or hiding from he that is Light, it has no dominion. There is such a Light brother that will embrace you and show you the Truth, evil is the absence of the Good and is nothingness, but not even evil can have power over the uncreated Light. It destroys darkness.
  9. There is a difference between the nothingness of ego which I have certainly experienced, and what I am pondering about whether even the viewpoint which is "the void" can be eliminated. When I became void and nothing, there was still a viewpoint. I was nothing such that my ego became an appearance in front of me just like a vision was, ALL forms were in fact. But I was this nothingness. And I wonder if maybe I am not even a "nothingness" observing objects which includes my self, but literally just the observed objects which are sort of observing themselves and entirely alone in the same way the Sun illuminates itself. No God or I or self or any of this.
  10. @Salvijus it is hard to swallow the nothingness of ego for the impermanent biological organism. It can come up with ingenious defense mechanism to defend its survival and existence. It is like an actor arguing with the director that the the movie should not end.
  11. @RMQualtrough @Salvijus One could say nothing exists (as in literally existence = nothingness). Could also say all there is = existence, and nonexistence = impossible. Or you could say existence and nonexistence are not two.
  12. I'm starting to really think it's the latter, that there is no self-ness even to that void. That the existence we see unfolding is one and self illuminating... The experience of Sunyata was still a dual experience, despite the fact I became nothing (without any question or delusion), there was still a point of view which was nothingness. Even though any aspect of me was just something happening to that point of view... But I wonder if it's more like a mixture of that voidness experience, as well as typical DMT ego death where self and other becomes intermingled. I think it might just be happening with no self even as nothing. Difficult to explain the idea of something like a sound ringing out unto itself if you see what I mean.
  13. You will come to know yourself as a creator being of limitless power. Time, space, energy and matter are all illusions created to make certain types of games work and could be easily manipulated. When you know that you are a part of the oneness, then the illusions only work when you want them to work. So these things become flexible. Then you see that time and space are the same thing. They are simply an illusory separation of things. Energy is created by this separation and flows between two or more points that were separated by the illusion of time and space. Matter is simply the result of holding patterns of consciousness in the flow of the energy. Up till now, you have believed yourself to be inside the illusion. You have looked at the forms that result and, not only have you believed these things to be real, but you have actually believed yourselves to be these forms. But it is not so. These forms, which result from the patterns, are not you. They are just your temporary creations. You will see that. You will see that you are the creator of your form. And then you will learn how to alter the forms that you create, to your will. I mean, you will be able to consciously create, or co-create, your world, your body and anything around you, as you wish. Then you will learn instant teleportation. You will be able to simply let go of a form here, where you are, and your body will simply disappear into nothingness, only to reappear from the nothingness elsewhere on the planet. Or, indeed on another planet, if you wish. All you need to do is hold your form's patterns in energy there and then you shall be there. Or, at least the form you are using to represent yourself shall be there. Teleportation is the favored mode of transport for high-order unity conscious beings throughout the universe. Neither space nor time will be an obstacle for you! And, of course, you will never again feel the need to die. Death is a very important and valuable tool for beings on the Karmic Wheel. It is quite normal for beings still on that path to get lost in their games and illusions and to lose sight of the greater purpose and goal of their journey. Not only do such beings get a little lost and confused, but they also begin to create a great deal of pain, fear and confusion for themselves. So, death was created to allow these beings to interrupt their passage so that they could, with some regularity, be brought back to their intended path. Death allows a means for the being to bring their journey to a halt and return to a higher consciousness for guidance and help. Without its merciful release, those beings would become very weary and traumatized. But, as you move into a state of being pure, radiant love, such release becomes utterly unnecessary. There will be nothing you will need release from. If you ever require rest, you may simply still your being and put down your burden and you will instantly find yourself in that state of blissful, balanced, harmonious oneness that is your truest nature. And for you this will be as normal as a night's sleep currently is. These are some of the general attributes of a life in true unity consciousness or God-realization. And being of unity consciousness is the same thing as being Love. The perfect, unconditional love of All That Is. Attaining such awareness and being of such high consciousness is not a limitation. You will not find yourself confined to a life such as I have just outlined. You might, for example, choose to reside in unity consciousness and, from there, make expeditions into the lower realms of separation and duality on missions of discovery or adventures of service for those who require guidance on the journey to God-realization. Or you could move through the portal of the oneness and go and visit other realities entirely. I don't simply mean other places in this universe or other universes, no, I mean other entirely different frames of creation. Creations, which do not operate at all like this one does. As you move from a place of oneness, you can enter any other realm that is within the oneness. And you may go and create there if you desire. This is all open for you to choose. You shall realize very quickly too that you no longer need a three or four dimensional perspective. You will realize that you can operate from outside of time. This means that you might want to maintain a life in one reality and, at the same time, explore and create in a thousand others. There are no limitations on you, save those which you place upon yourself. These are some of the general traits of the life of a being who creates its world entirely with love and who lives in a unity-conscious reality. It is what you can expect for yourself if you open your heart to love, and then stay the course on your journey to oneness. But they are only general traits and you will be free, of course, to choose other experiences if you wish them. As to the specifics of your life – where you will live, how you will live, what you will do – these, of course, are questions you will answer for yourself. I cannot tell you what you will decide. But I can tell you that you will be able, if you wish it, to live a truly sublime life. If you decide to surround yourself with others who are also of God-realized consciousness, then you shall feel nothing but soul-connection on all sides. You shall be held in the soft embrace of love all the days of your existence. You shall trust all whom you meet and your trust shall be returned. You shall seek always to give your greatest gift and you shall be loved and respected for your giving. And whatever your greatest gift is, it shall indeed be something worthy of your time and attention. And you will give your gift away with open-hearted generosity. You shall never need to ask, "But what is in it for me?" because all those around you will be likewise giving their greatest gift. And in an infinite universe, there is guaranteed to be someone, somewhere whose greatest bliss it is to create exactly the thing that you might think you want or need. Taking your need to them will be a gift to them! The fact that you have need of their greatest gift will bless them. And that will be the new economy of the new world in which you shall dwell if you choose to live amongst others who are of unity consciousness. You will give and give and give. And when someone takes of your gift, it will bring you joy. And if there is something you want or need, you shall simply have to accept it, as it will be offered to you. Your accepting it will bring the giver joy. Love shall be the currency of the new world of the God-realized, but the result of every transaction will be joy for all concerned. Greg
  14. I tripped in a dream. Strange happening. A family member popped out of the wheat and argued with me so I decided to go my own way. As I walked away on the wheat field, it became completely infinite such that no matter how far I travelled or where I went, I was always just crawling around on this neverending wheat field. I then broke down crying in joy as I realized there is only the wheat field and the wheat field ALONE. I had some odd thoughts in the dream which I don't quite remember, but involved infinity necessarily being nothing, meaning I could never actually move away from the rooster even if it appeared I was. An example was the attempt to imagine looking at infinite transparency, and how to be perceived as something it must necessarily be limited by the mind adding a black or white backdrop. Something infinite is nothing and imperceptible so although I looked to be moving away from the rooster in actuality I was merely fixed in nothingness. Later in the dream (maybe a different one after falling back asleep) I was on a game show where we had the chance to completely swap out our ego. It showed past events in my history (a fake character, not this me) and showed how the character mourns over those bad past events because it believes it had or is having them... After a very fucking weird bit where a hooker injected liquid in my dick that made me incontinent and shit myself for life (what the actual fuck), I yelled out that I don't want this life anymore, though I had 2 kids and some other stuff like being a successful businessman. Instantly I was back in the game show place and my name tag rolled over and became a new name, everyone cheered, and I was this new person. I then realized the whole hooker bit was a simulation to test if I want to keep my current self or swap it to a new one. The new self still had the medical issues but it felt like "that's just how it's always been", and when shown past events of myself with the old ego crying, I did not feel emotional anymore because I did not identify that character or event as me. It was like watching a doppelganger being tortured instead. Interestingly, the moment I was back at the game show and my tag rolled over, I felt so much relief, and felt anxious about how bad it would have been if I had decided to keep my original ego and squander this chance to be born anew. I'll probably fall back asleep now. But did not want to forget. Fucking weird man.
  15. After watching the videos The Ultimate Structure Of Reality Explained and Absolute Infinity Parts I & II, I have come up with some insights. Just wanted to share them with you. You are, of course, familiar with elastic bands. Well, I'm going to ask you to imagine something which is a little like a rubber band. But instead of being a band, it is a ball. The most curious attribute of this elastic ball is that it is infinite. Infinity is not something that is easily understood, though, so I am going to take some time to explain this properly. The first attribute of The Infinite Elastic Ball is that it can be stretched out an infinite amount in any direction. It never snaps or breaks and it never runs out of stretch. Secondly, it can be stretched in an infinite number of different directions. And here you are going to have to work with me to imagine this. A rubber band can only be stretched in two directions, right? Either end can be pulled outwards. But the infinite elastic ball can be stretched in every direction. Left, right, up, down, yesterday, next year, purple, cinnamon, happy, vibrant, quartz... yes, those are directions. They are directions in consciousness. We live in a narrowly confined, three-dimensional world. We imagine that the cardinal directions in space are the only directions we can move in. Some on our planet have become a little more imaginative and have come to the conclusion that "time" is also a direction. They are right. The next step is to realize that all things are of consciousness and that all consciousness can be traversed. Back to the Infinite Elastic Ball. If you take these two properties: that it can be stretched out infinitely and in an infinite number of directions, then it follows that this ball includes everything. Nothing is outside of it, and everything is inside of it. The word "Infinity" originally comes from the Latin word, infinitas, which means "unboundedness". If something has a boundary, then it is finite. And specifying that anything at all is not inside this ball, is to specify a boundary. But this ball is not finite, it is in-finite. Infinite. So there can be nothing that it does not include. The third attribute of the Infinite Elastic Ball is the fact that, when it is not stretched out in any direction at all, it collapses down to nothingness and ceases to exist. You, at your core, are pure consciousness. This is your true nature. And pure consciousness, when it ceases all function, has no form. There is an aphorism in the world of architecture and design which goes, "form follows function," and in that context it means something like, "purpose should dictate shape". Now, I want to reuse that phrase in a different context. You see, in the most universal sense, it really is true that form does follow function. In fact, it is function that brings form into being. If you cease all function, then you will lose all form. You will return to the experience of pure consciousness. The fourth attribute of The Infinite Elastic Ball is called Infinite Variation. Understand, time does not act on the Infinite Elastic Ball – time is just one of the things inside the Infinite Elastic Ball. This means that this ball is always in all of its possible states. It is, right now, pulled out in every single direction it ever was pulled in and every single direction it ever will be pulled in. And it is also not pulled in any of those directions. It is right now expanded infinitely in infinite directions and also collapsed into nothingness. It is right now busy expanding and busy contracting. And every other permutation that we can imagine and a great many more that we cannot. The Infinite Elastic Ball is in all of these states, all at the same time. If it is to be truly infinite, it must be so that all possibilities exist at the same time. At no point is any possibility excluded. Otherwise there would, again, be a boundary. This really means that everything that is created always exists, and it all exists at the same time. All of it is right now. Greg.
  16. Session Seven: 37,5 minutes. Session felt a little bit longer than usual. Breath occasionally normalized as I seemed to forget about the breath work, when diving into thoughts. At last all thoughts vanished. Glimpse of "God structure" as I like to call it. More important was for me to see how all of reality sits inside this nothingness. Nothingness fulfills and surrounds reality. In that case my imagination of there being a room or a house got smaller and smaller. Nothingness/Spaciousness remained.
  17. @The0Self would you call the thing in itself, the noumenon, that tree which falls in the forest and makes or doesn't make a sound when nowone is there to perceive it conciousness aswell? I guess I'm just curious what that is, maybe rather than it being out of conciousness, it is simply out of the perceptual field of my mind body complex. Is conciousness just the substance then? It can't be atoms cause what are atoms made of etc.. plus atoms are also just more sense data and qualitative experience arnt they? I guess my greatest hunch is that reality is simply nothing and the whole thing exists as that and when perception and the sense aparatus occours that's just more of that nothingness appearing, colourful and "thinged". The thingification is simply just the finite mental activity. Maybe the reason it is appearing as if there is consensus and empirical similarity and objectivity happening is because of similar limited mental structures in animals, other humans etc.. are literally designed to interact with the noumenal nothingness of conciousness/allowance/being in the same way, it produces a similar image hence creating the illusion of the phenomenal shared reality. We have no proof that our experience qualitivatively even looks the same anyways. Is my red your green? Etc.. The question of what anything even is beofre anyone looks at it completely fascinates me Man, feel like I might be making this over technical I just really want a well reasoned position. This sort of inquiry and mental sexy times keeps me up at night sometimes..
  18. Nothingness is total freedom. Never was a life. You thought you were, but now you are gone, forever resting in white space, floating and drifting. Just being raw unused potential of Everything. Peace, Unity and Love. One whole and complete Singularity of Everything.
  19. Somebody wrote this on reddit : I’ve been “dead” on 5meo before. If that state is an ultimate state, then we are all fucked because it is actually the opposite of an ultimate state. It’s just nothing. I’d argue that duality is actually what’s divine, not the state of nothingness. Also, is it REALLY what happens when we die or is it just an experience we have on drugs? Imo, we still don’t know what happens to “us” when we die.
  20. That was a quote, both elements subject and object are fundamentally the same, there appears to be a duality but both components have the same substance, which is nothingness, which is exactly what "pure" awareness is. This can be found, but I also think it is logically obvious that if there is no "thing" for consciousness to be conscious OF, what is left is nothing. But you know consciousness exists which is why I said it (the subject) is an existent nothingness. Awareness is exactly what knows awareness. What could be aware of the existence of awareness, other than awareness? If you take away all things from awareness of course you are aware of nothing, because all that's left is nothing, since sheer awareness is nothingness... The only thing ever experienced is awareness as per the prior quote I posted, and awareness can be found to be literally nothing. All there is to the experience of something is the awareness/knowing of it as per the quote. Both the subject and the object are, in substance, made of the same nothing. If somethingness is not MADE out of nothingness, what substance do you think it is made of? If you imagine a unicorn in your mind, what substance do you think that unicorn is made from?
  21. Before narcissists come in to confuse you on purpose, first here is what is meant when people explain only consciousness exists (no subject and object): "Not only is pure knowing or awareness itself the primary element of mind; it is the only substance present in mind. It is easy to check this in experience. All that is or could ever be known is experience, and all there is to experience is the knowing of it – in fact, not the knowing ‘of it’, because we never encounter an ‘it’ independent of knowing. All there is to ‘it’ is the experience of knowing. In other words, we never know anything other than knowing. All there is to experience is knowing. There is no object that is known and no subject that knows it. There is just knowing. And what is it that knows that there is knowing? Only that which knows can know knowing. Therefore, only knowing knows knowing. That is, awareness or consciousness is all that is ever known or experienced, and it is awareness or consciousness that is knowing or experiencing itself. Thus, the only substance present in experience is awareness. Awareness is not simply the ultimate reality of experience; it is the only reality of experience." It isn't that existence is not happening in a subject and object manner, but that both are fundamentally the same exactly as per that quote. In certain transcendental states of mind, the nothing that is pure consciousness becomes dissociated from the thingness which is any appearance. You can then know nothingness, and know that nothingness is, bizarrely, something which exists. Without those things, there is nothingness, but nothingness is what you are right now, because you identify yourself most strongly (I assume) with pure consciousness alone, that is what most people are afraid will be destroyed in death. But of course, how could you ever destroy nothingness? It's invincible, untouchable, doesn't need a creator, yadda yadda. In other transcendental states experience and self merge like that realization that subject and object are one. I barely remember clearly enough to convey it, because I have not used drugs in a long time.
  22. "Sartre notes that human consciousness is always conscious of something else. However human consciousness itself is really nothingness. So without something to be conscious of, our consciousness cannot exist as it defines itself with respect to the things which it is conscious of." When you say "I" you are referring to human consciousness, and thus to what is inherently nothing. But you would probably say consciousness does exist, and there you find an existent nothingness.
  23. The bold claim of nothing is happening is never as good as the “bold claim” of __________ __ _______________ which is nowhere near as good as . By the way, no one likely has a decent idea of what nothing is without “experiencing” fruition/cessation. “Fruition (phala in Pali) is the fruit of all the meditator’s hard work, the first attainment of ultimate reality, emptiness, nirvana, nibbana, ultimate potential, or whatever extrapolative and relatively inaccurate name you wish to call something utterly non-sensate. In this non-state, there is absolutely no time, no space, no reference point, no experience, no mind, no consciousness, no awareness, no background, no foreground, no nothingness, no somethingness, no body, no this, no that, no unity, no duality, and no anything else. “Reality” stops cold and then reappears. Thus, this is impossible to comprehend, as it goes completely and utterly beyond the rational mind and the universe. In “external time” (if we were observing the meditator) this stage typically lasts only an instant (though the question of “duration” will be addressed below). It is like an utter discontinuity of the space-time continuum with nothing in the unfindable gap, exactly like what happens when someone edits out a frame or sequence of frames of a movie. It is not that you see a blank screen for a while where they edited the frames out, instead that part of the movie is just not there.” -From Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha written by Daniel Ingram “This world, Kaccana, for the most part depends upon a duality—upon the notion of existence and the notion of nonexistence. But for one who sees the origin of the world as it really is with correct wisdom, there is no notion of nonexistence in regard to the world. And for one who sees the cessation of the world as it really is with correct wisdom, there is no notion of existence in regard to the world.” -The Buddha In the Diamond Sutta, the Buddha discusses neither existence nor nonexistence. Following this will get you far closer to “the prize” than using plain dualities such as something vs. nothing or existence vs. nonexistence. The truth is something none of those words do any justice to what “really is” and trap those who cling to one duality vs. the other. I encourage you to listen to this Diamond Sutta audiobook: It has been incredibly helpful for me. This Sutta was spoken by the Buddha while teaching his disciple about how to become a Buddha.
  24. @Phoenix11 The name certainly is, but it’s pointing to the truth. Although I prefer the word ‘nothingness’.
  25. I have tried 10 gr dried shrooms with fresh lemon and dark chocolate. Trip last 20 hours. It wasnt madness, it was straight to source, nothingness. Felt like billlon of years passed away. Took away my all emotions. I felt like i went to before big bang and come back. Be very careful. If you are not ready surrender everything dont do it.