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  1. The biggest fear is...desire/emotions/love. Your thoughts construct meaning which generates an emotional response and that emotional response....stimulates a thought. So feeling your emotions....can be the same...if you don't identify with it. Most cannot do that because they believe their own thoughts as truth. I would say until you can stop believing your own bullshit, your emotions will always control you. Its why the Masculine suppresses emotion, because it believes its own bullshit and thus its emotions would overwhelm it. The Feminine Identifies with its emotion and doesn't suppress it, so it is overwhelmed by it. To integrate the two, you must understand the limits of your knowledge, which thus allows you to watch it without identification, which allows you use it like a tool. You thus can enjoy the ebb and flow of the emotion that arises in conjunction with the thought, without identification. So you can enjoy the world of thought and emotion...without becoming consumed by it. How do you accomplish this? Deconstruct all of your beliefs....every single ONE OF THEM. Deconstruct it till you become empty, a void. Stop this avoidance...a dance around the void. Stop trying to avoid, a void. You are a void, that is trying to avoid what you are and you love to dance around it than to accept it. Deconstruct your creation (the ego), till it is seen for the illusion that it is. That would be insanity.....but reality is insane. So go jailbreak your mind!!! Deconstruct all meaning, all purpose, all values, awaken to that which cannot be described!!! will awaken. After that....feel into your emotions....and the love, the bliss will rise like a tidal wave and come crashing down and you will be in ecstasy. Now that wave....will return to stillness, but since you are that which does not identify, which does not chase, your peaceful state, your being....becomes the base line from which you operate.
  2. ^ I mostly agree with this, enlightenment is not a destination, its a realization. The whole game is to see behind the illusion. The illusion is entirely conceptual. This is why deconstruction is so important, you need to stop projecting symbology, meaning, basically identity onto reality. Once your entire conceptual framework has been seen through as the illusion then you will stop constructing duality. Duality is just a mental construction. So deconstruct your construction, until you can see you are constructing it, and you meditate to center the mind and disallow it its normal stickiness that it loves to engage in. So you don't identity through the stickiness (meditation), and you don't believe the constructs (thoughts that are arising), do this enough....and eventually you will just will realize that your ordinary default is peaceful. THEN at this state you will default always be peaceful, but let's say you want some bliss? Then you allow yourself to feel into what ever emotion arises, but you don't identify with it. Now you can generate bliss, but you don't need it, it can come and go as it pleases and you are always at peace. That's it. Anything else someone is telling complete and utter bullshit lol. So I hear a lot of people say you can't reach it through a can actually. Because being asleep is a constant process. You aren't just asleep, you KEEP yourself asleep through constantly deceiving yourself. Enlightenment is just the process of stop believing your own magic tricks. Stop being the kid at the magic show...constantly trying to figure out the trick. Just admit you don't know how the trick is being done and you don't need to know. As long as you desire meaning and will always be a ME, I don't give a damn if you deconstruct forever, or meditate forever. The only desire you should to just be. When you desire to just BE, and that is your only desire....then and ONLY then you are becoming in alignment. What is reality? All that is. Being. Oneness. Existence. Unconditional Love. So when you desire to just BE, are in alignment. Life is just a playground of being that the ego takes too seriously and it is because it forgot what it was. Then it spends its entire life miserable trying to obtain what it is. It runs around chasing its tail, until it realizes thought I was a dog...but I am actually God.
  3. @Eyowey I've learned a lot to draw/paint by watching kim jung gi on youtube, and same for electronic music which I like and all the new artists and new trendy pioneers are on soundcloud. I've been able to singe and see a master that live in south korea by the confort of my home on the other side of the world, isn't that fucking bliss & magic to be able to directly see the work in live of a true godtier artist ( rip I m so sad, he is dead last month, and he was really what I call a godtier human.. ) mostly I m "artist/creative" but even without the suggestion about doing doing psychedelic at time, I would have stayed away from LSD and the likes.. ( I followed leo work before he started psychedelics, and same for me, wasn't into this, I just smoked weed a bit, and that was it, I trusted his judgement and I've done them maybe a year after him ) Litteraly internet is way more than langage, and langage is even capable to show the beyond, if the spells are rightly casted. leaving this topic aside to not be out of topic, that was just to say you shouldn't underestimate "internet".
  4. Dialogue between Ramana Maharshi and Paramhansa Yogananda Swami Yogananda with four others arrived at 8.45 a.m . . . The group had lunch in the Asramam. Mr. C. R. Wright, his secretary, asked: How shall I realise God? M.: God is an unknown entity. Moreover He is external. Whereas, the Self is always with you and it is you. Why do you leave out what is intimate and go in for what is external? D.: What is this Self again? M.: The Self is known to everyone but not clearly. You always exist. The Be-ing is the Self. ‘I am’ is the name of God. Of all the definitions of God, none is indeed so well put as the Biblical statement “I AM THAT I AM” in EXODUS (Chap. 3). There are other statements, such as Brahmaivaham, Aham Brahmasmi and Soham. But none is so direct as the name JEHOVAH = I AM. The Absolute Being is what is – It is the Self. It is God. Knowing the Self, God is known. In fact God is none other than the Self. D.: Why are there good and evil? M.: They are relative terms. There must be a subject to know the good and evil. That subject is the ego. Trace the source of the ego. It ends in the Self. The source of the ego is God. This definition of God is probably more concrete and better understood by you. D.: So it is. How to get Bliss? M.: Bliss is not something to be got. On the other hand you are always Bliss. This desire is born of the sense of incompleteness. To whom is this sense of incompleteness? Enquire. In deep sleep you were blissful: Now you are not so. What has interposed between that Bliss and this non-bliss? It is the ego. Seek its source and find you are Bliss. There is nothing new to get. You have, on the other hand, to get rid of your ignorance which makes you think that you are other than Bliss. For whom is this ignorance? It is to the ego. Trace the source of the ego. Then the ego is lost and Bliss remains over. It is eternal. You are That, here and now . . . That is the master key for solving all doubts. The doubts arise in the mind. The mind is born of the ego. The ego rises from the Self. Search the source of the ego and the Self is revealed. That alone remains. The universe is only expanded Self. It is not different from the Self. D.: What is the best way of living? M.: It differs according as one is a Jnani [knower] or ajnani. A Jnani does not find anything different or separate from the Self. All are in the Self. It is wrong to imagine that there is the world, that there is a body in it and that you dwell in the body. If the Truth is known, the universe and what is beyond it will be found to be only in the Self. The outlook differs according to the sight of the person. The sight is from the eye. The eye must be located somewhere. If you are seeing with the gross eyes you find others gross. If with subtle eyes (i.e., the mind) others appear subtle. If the eye becomes the Self, the Self being infinite, the eye is infinite. There is nothing else to see different from the Self. He thanked Maharshi. He was told that the best way of thanking is to remain always as the Self. Later the yogi [Yogananda] asked : How is the spiritual uplift of the people to be effected? What are the instructions to be given them? Maharshi: They differ according to the temperaments of the individuals and the spiritual ripeness of their minds. There cannot be any instruction en masse. Yogananda: Why does God permit suffering in the world? Should He not with His omnipotence do away with it at one stroke and ordain the universal realisation of God? Maharshi: Suffering is the way for Realisation of God. Yogananda: Should He not ordain it differently? Maharshi: It is the way. Yogananda: Are yoga, religion, etc., antidotes to suffering? Maharshi: Who suffers? What is suffering? (No answer. Finally the Yogi rose up, prayed for Sri Bhagavan’s blessings for his own work and expressed great regret for his hasty return. He looked very sincere and devoted and even emotional.)
  5. The word destiny is a very tricky word, but I guess you could say our story has already been written and we are just living through it. Everything you said is literally what is happening. Great job expressing it!!! It actually is sustainable, you are just too scared to implement it which I completely understand. Doing spirituality legitimately is the OPPOSITE of survival. The EXACT OPPOSITE of survival. You only want to do it if it helps with survival, initially it actually won't, in fact it will probably make it worse initially. But after super charges it. Spirituality is telling you to not care whether you live or die, to live completely without self-interest. To love another EQUAL to you not more or less in any direction. It is definitely sustainable....but its tough path with twists and turns but if you stick with gives you the peace that passes all understanding, and if you integrate the feminine...the bliss part as well. The bliss comes and goes for me, but the peace is ever present and its surprising when you realize that the your natural state. Its why I say suffering is your creation, you create suffering and project it over your natural peace. You always pursue your desire, if he really wants to kill me, he will. If he doesn't pursue his desire he will get depressed and take it out on himself or others. Hell he might kill someone else because he let fear stop him from killing me, or he might kill himself, or do both. What do you think murder suicide is?
  6. I've been on the forum basically since the start and I think at the beginning, no one really knew what shape it would take and what kind of people it would attract. So it definitely interested me to have a community of people interested in talking about consciousness and non-duality and looking at society from a different perspective. Before i get into my criticisms I want to give some positives, its really great that you can meet and potentially build relationships with people interested in this stuff, theres not a lot of people that are that I come across in my life anyway, so this is cool. Also a lot of great resources get posted which can lead to going down new paths and learning new ideas. Now for the fun part... My main criticism is that I think Leo underestimates how much foundational growth people need to do before they start trying to realise things like god-consciousness and I believe this forum encourages them to bypass basic work they need to do in the real world which will help them grow. Most people come on here I believe because in some way they arent fulfilled by life, theyre looking for a way out. I would say the demographic on here is relatively young lets say 20s, in which case its not people who have lived 50 years and become disillusioned with their path, its those that dont want to face the everyday struggle of looking after yourself, working, going into the world. It can be a daunting prospect, especially if you have unaddressed traumas or parents that have coddled you or youre always online and have never really experienced life. Its natural that if you dont feel prepared you will look for a workaround, an easier way out, this is the human condition. I believe enlightenment is being unconsciously sold as this workaround, if you are looking for a way out in the way ive outlined, and you stumble upon Leos videos and hes talking about ultimate bliss and how it can be realised, something will hit home because there is truth in what Leo says, but you will only be attempting to bypass the hard but essential parts of life. I think people have the idea that, if i get enlightened everything else will fall into place, to me this is fantasy, it does not work like this. Maslows Hierarchy as well as Ken Wilburs model, which states you should 'grow up, clean up, wake up then show up'. No one puts waking up first, even spiral dynamics requires that you go through the lower stages and first and get to healthy versions of them. Because of the nature of any forum, ego does come into play and i think people tend to peg themselves higher on SD, but again this is just another form of bypassing, there is demonisation sometimes of blue and orange but i dont think people realise how important these are to incorporate for your life, its very important that you have structure, discipline, you know how to make money etc. I believe most people on the forum arent content because these things are not in order, its nothing to do with them not being enlightened. You will be surprised at how mch your state can change once you take responsibility for yourself, talk to more people, cook for yourself, workout etc. People who have never attempted to talk to the opposite sex, had a job, lived by themselves etc in my opinion should not be worried about Alien love or the highest levels of awakening. The reality is they want to do all those things and more but for whatever reason they dont feel they can, their striving for higher levels of consciousness is just avoidance and i think until they sort themselves out spirituality will almost be a means to an end. If you notice a lot of the people that I wouldve considered quite healthy higher stage people have actually left the forum or post very rarely and its just because of where the forum actually is. Im not criticising anyone for being at any level, thats part of the journey but i think its a bit of an illusion that this is a high level forum. I think this forum is people on their journey, working it out but have been seduced by the idea that they can be awakened mainly through psychedelics and will be able to skip big chunks of the journey. Im not saying that you shouldnt be interested in non-duality or Leos ideas, they of course can help and give you a new perspective on the world. What im saying is that dont expect them to be a way out of anything. Take joy in normal life, dont try to escape, level up in every aspect.
  7. How? When? Guesses? (TBH, I'M UNSURE AS I HAVEN'T EXPERIENCED NON-DUALITY / NOTHINGNESS DIRECTLY, BUT I'M PRETTY WHAT I SAY BELOW IS CORRECT) SO... If you guessed Sleep, then You're right! The deep-sleep "experience" or rather "non-experience" is what IT is. You know that feeling when we have all had to get up in the morning, but snooze our alarms just to get Even 1-2 minutes more of sleep, that's you wanting that peace/bliss/utter pure stillness . the infinite love/bliss/just being in that restful state , the sleep, the quick zero-durarion-esq blurp of sleep which is infinitely better than a deep massage or a hit of heroin. Now I feel I understand why it cannot be explained, the state/Non-dual experience I mean. It's because there is no content appearing during that for us to explain or talk about. So that's how the experience of enlightenment / NON-DUALITY would feel like I am sure. Yet it's way way more unimaginably powerful as one is somehow "conscious/aware" in that state vs how we normally are "unconscious" during our sleep/deep-sleep. Boom
  8. @Vladimir thanks for the reply Father, I appreciate it. I'm working on my communication. Thanks for the feedback, I will improve and be less standofish. Now about the discussion: What triggers me is mainly the following thing: You have not yet gained immortality, the Glory, the Heaven. You are in the process of doing so. Of course you are eternal as it is, and that awaits you, but not free of the cycle yet. There is a distinct end, to which I want to reserve the words I have awakened or I am enlightened. Is every step you take surrounded by complete, perfect Glory and Beuty? Are you completly free of physical pain and drowning in bliss? If not, then how can you say you have awakened? That is my trigger. Where in this do you find fault, papa? Anyway.. You now put sin and karma into words I can understand. I admit that I have to agree with that definition. Thanks for enduring my assholiness, Holliness.
  9. The model of negative and positive polarity from the RA material is helpful here. What you seem to be urging for is growth in the negative polarity. That happens when the heart chakra is closed if I understand correctly. On the negative polarity you can still realize you're everything and all that, even transcend suffering to some degree, without any element of love involved. The only difference would be that you'll get your energy and bliss from conquering others while the positive polarity gets it near effortlessly just through existing. I think you should work on your heart chakra and balance it with the solar plexus.
  10. Jeez I'm infinitely happy!! It's over overwhelming sometimes, I'm so empty and so fucking full at the same time . ? Let's all drown in loving awareness.
  11. The thing is you are not the only one. Sometimes misfortune befalls people at random and there is nothing we can do about it. Some are born retarded some disabled, some have dementia predispositions in young age. For example I was so severely traumatized I developed dementia in my 34 years of age and even made a whole website about my life story. I'm searching the internet and have yet to find a person that has the same symptoms of cognitive decline. But suicide I feel is still not the answer because much of what happen to me wasn't my fault, and we cant just erase people that are in undesirable circumstances. And just help them commit mass suicide. No ,this is also part of reality and it probably has some purpose. The very existence of these misfortunes where people end up with no fault of their own reduces the glory of life on its positive side. Just a part of every success, bliss or wellbeing is reduced because random misfortune exists and god has no favorites. So the truth of what is normal is in part diminished and in all suffering their is a glimmer of divine mercy and reality.
  12. Cultivate love. Feel your body as hollow and filled with beautiful energetic light of all colors. Breathe in feeling the middle of your chest. Breathe out as you create an explosion of love in your chest. It's an explosion of light and energy radiating out to the rest of your body. Also feel it radiating out from your body into the world, nourishing it. Feel the light forgiving you. All of you. yes. We need to make a distinction between psychological needs and physical needs. On the physical side, you have to survive. It can't be ignored. On the psychological side, I subscribe to a spirituality that doesn't see a conflict between lower needs and consciousness expansion. You should open all your chakras and as you open your lower chakras your energy will naturally rise to the higher chakras. The buddhist path is about ignoring the lower chakras/needs and going straight for enlightenment. This works in the short term as you can quickly get enlightenment experiences this way. But these enlightenment experiences often doesn't stick. It's common for buddhists to have had 10+ enlightenment experiences and still not be permanently enlightened. On the Hindu yogic path of kundalini, it's common that people get their first enlightenment when they have raised their kundalini all the way to the head. This takes a longer time but this way it sticks for good. Tho I subscribe to a combination of SantataGamanas kriya yoga and Tara Springetts tummo Buddhism which combines the two. Start the spiritual practice by cultivating bliss in the form of for example, comfort, pleasure, joy and love. Then when that bliss has stilled your mind, let go of everything and just sit.
  13. @koyadr3 Do spiritual practices you can start doing your Salat again and do Dhikr for mindfulness. If you keep doing it day after day you will realize God and you won't have to believe anymore you will know with absolute certainty. I don't recommend reading Ibn Arabi or going into Sufism yet It will not help you if you're a beginner don't listen to most people on this forum who are hippies they are all about "love" saying you are God you are infinity blah blah blah they like talking so much. After doing your spiritual work for some time your level of consciousness will be raised and you will start to experience heaven and joy bliss on regular basis. Then after you reach very advanced levels you will start to see that you're god and all the things the hippies talk about non-duality etc. Focus on your growth and your family problems will get solved as you will be more conscious and wise.
  14. @GalynaWishing you well too. That's not my take that's what neuroscience says. No I never was an neuron let alone Alien God but I was Infinite Love.Something I want to forget about and don't go into madness again.Rationality is bliss.
  15. In my experience one of the biggest reason for this is living in a society where you are constantly blasted with people identified with themselves talking and behaving in ways that imprint you with that level of being. If you have ever reached a state of bliss or whatever with no sense of self and proceed to talk to people or consume normal media, the self-obsessed nature of people is clear. But then as you interact more and more, you slide to that exact same state yourself. For me, who isn't as well established into the higher states, I'd slide down anyways even without interaction, however with interaction it's much faster. Without interaction, maybe a few hours; with interaction? 30 - 50 mins and I am back to being identified with the self. I need guidance as to how I can sustain such levels of consciousness where I am literally leaking out of my body because of how disidentified I am, but still manage to interact with people without lowering my level? I know it's possible but how? For those of you who are more experienced in this I have more questions I am dying(pun intended) to have answered. In default states and even in such states I feel like I am suffocating in a way I can't explain, and through previous experiences I know the way to solve this is to open my heart, because once I did it for a split second and it felt like I took a big gasp of air after suffocating my whole life. But no matter how hard I try, I cannot open my heart in the right way to feel that breath of fresh air again. Need help. My third question is how do you head towards God realization from here(without psychedelics, I do not intend to take them yet)? I have heard the next step after self-realization would be to experience the void and have enough experience of it to move past the bliss of self-realization. But what is this void and how do I experience it? Maybe God realization is too high a goal to aim for sober, if that is the case then where can I go from here in general besides embodiment?
  16. Flayed, maimed, crushed and all that other good stuff. How can any of you praise this reality. Reality is a curse. Being god is a curse. There is nothing good about being god. There could have been something good if god had any common sense but there is no common sense. There is only everything. Everything includes getting drowned in literal shit, having my bones broken one at a time, being sliced and diced in a thousand pieces. Being pierced to death by a thousand needles. Having my insides turned inside out. Being boiled alive. Burning to death. Grabbing my own eye balls out of my eye sockets and crushing them. Eating shit and piss. You all accept reality so readily and enthusiastically because none of you exist. Only I exist and only I feel the pain of being in this situation. I'm completely alone and isolated, nobody understands. How can you ever say that reality is bliss. It's not. What a horrible night to have a curse ... Being infinity is the literal worst case scenario
  17. When you have an intimate conversation and relationship, it's the most beautiful thing in the world. You create space for love and understanding. That's all we really need to get by in life. We need each other. We need intimacy to know each other. This is sex. It's life. Without sex there is nothing. Sex and spirituality have a connection. Because both are about intimacy. All conflicts are gone during sex. It's free. It's liberating. All differences resolved. It's the most intimate connection. I feel like sex is teaching me something, something deep. Like I need to accept all the harshness in this world, that would make my journey easier. Being intimate is the only way you can truly be yourself. You can be truly free in your self expression. You can simply be yourself. This is where healing begins, because when you're intimate, you aren't judged anymore. You are loved in intimacy. You're made to feel secure. You can be you without all manipulations, you can be free, away from the world, you can say whatever you want, just anything. You can say anything. It's such a relief because finally you can feel free and not stressed out anymore. You can feel healed. You can vent out, let out. It's like deep talk therapy with a psychiatrist. It's one of the reasons why sex is so therapeutic, it can literally cure anything in the world. Do you want something that can simply cure your brain right now, a powerful cure that energizes each and every cell in your brain, that creates a beautiful garden, now I understand what Buddha meant by a beautiful garden, sex is a ginormous about of energy activated. It's an extreme release, it is this intimacy. It creates a beautiful feeling in the brain, like pure bliss, a strong protection against psychic attacks, it's almost like giving a cleansing bath to your brain computer. Sexual healing. There is just no repression. Absolute freedom. When you feel this release, this powerful free self expression, it's the deepest release of all held up swallowed karmas, everything rises to the surface. You feel absolute surrender and peace. If your mind is, even for a minute, held in a rapture of sudden pleasure, release, surrender and absolute understanding, you become liberated for a minute, you reach a different mental state, a state of pleasure and joy and in this state you feel rapture and you feel free, in this state, nothing bothers you anymore, survival looks lame, people seem petty, you do care about life but you aren't as affected. You feel healed, all tensions thrown out and then you come to homeostasis. There is no repression. Your deepest feelings are confronted. You only talk to yourself. There is no more manipulation of your sentiment or feeling. Just rotate your fingers in a circle around your breast. There is no hurt and no room for hurt during an intimate session. This is where healing begins. It's the same as self love. When someone knows you inside out, it's like you're loving yourself. If somebody asked you to describe how you look, it's difficult without a mirror, but with a mirror it's much easier, when you love yourself, it feels hard like a routine, but when you are loved, it's much easier. It's like medicine given to children with a sugar pill. It digests better. Same way. There is a sweetened elegance and ease when someone loves you intimately. And when they do understand you thoroughly, it's like self love, the only difference being someone else is loving you as though you are loving yourself. It's like a twin mate who understands you inside and out. And now that you have this mate, it suddenly feels like self love. The healing begins slowly. You get renewed courage and you feel like you can take on things. You can finally get the love to fuel your actions and positivity.
  18. ‘The entire creation is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil! But the creator—God—is not a half which has fallen out of unity, become separated from it and consequently recognizable; on the contrary, God is unity itself. He stands above all created forms which have fallen out of unity. Right within himself, he has perfect unity. He is the Nothing out of which Everything arises and manifests itself, but in him the nothing and everything make up non-separated, divine unity. ‘Creation always means a half of the whole . . . the half which has fallen out of unity and which has become recognizable through comparisons, while its complementary half has remained behind, unmanifested. That’s why you can never find and never recognize God—the creator—in the world of creation, simply because God has no complementary half with which he could be compared. There is absolutely no possibility of comparing him, and so there is no possibility of recognizing him.—You can only be God! ‘Listen, my child: There is only one eternal being—only one God. In everything alive there lives this one single being, there lives this one single God. God is the indivisible unity, he is present everywhere, he fills the entire universe. The whole universe lives because God animates it with his own eternal being! Hence God is like a tree of life giving its own being to the created, recognizable world that has become separated from its complementary half, in other words, giving life to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This tree of the knowledge of good and evil—our created world—is only alive because the tree of life—God his own life in its veins—lives in it! ‘The material world is like a tree of death: The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the God dwelling within it is the tree of life living in everything that is created. God is one and only one. This one single God is the self, the innermost being within all creatures. God is everywhere present, and since two things can’t occupy the same space at the same time and nothing can displace God from any place in the universe, only one and the same God can be present everywhere as the self in every created form. God is indivisible unity. All creatures, all plants, animals, man himself; all are fruits on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; all are alive because the vital flow from the tree of life streams through their veins, that is, because the tree of life lives within them. And that means in you too, little daughter!—Your body is also a fruit on the tree of death, on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and has no life of its own. But within you there lives the tree of life, because your self is also a little branch on God’s great tree of life, and you are only alive because God is living as your self within you and your body, keeping your person alive. ‘By virtue of having been born into your body, you have become a recognizable being. You have separated your consciousness from the great all and nothing—from God, from your own true self. You have fallen out of the divine, paradisiacal, original state—in which all possibilities of manifestation including all plants, all animals and man himself, are still within the all-embracing unity —into the world of many forms and differentiations. You have become a manifestation, a created form. Consequently everything you are here on the earthly plane is only the recognizable half of unity, made up of good and evil. And since your consciousness has been placed in your body, you have awakened in this body, that is, your consciousness has become identical with the body. ‘To eat of something is to become identical with it; for what you eat is what you will consist of, what you will be. Through identifying itself with your body, your consciousness has—symbolically—eaten of the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and by the same token become subject to the kingdom of death. ‘But now listen to the good news: Your body is the result of separation; it is only the visible half of your own true self. The other half has remained in the unmanifested, unconscious part of your being. By uniting these two complementary halves with each other, you can return to divine unity! It is impossible to experience this unity physically, that is, to make your invisible unconscious visible and physical also, and unite the two halves together. For one consciousness cannot animate two bodies. To try to experience unity in this way would mean death. By virtue of the very fact that the body has become visible and recognizable because it has separated itself from its complementary half, the reunion in this way would have to involve the death of the body. Nevertheless you still can experience, in the body, this divine reunion with your complementary half: In a state of consciousness! You can expand your consciousness until you make the unconscious part of you completely conscious, until you consciously experience the unmanifested, invisible half of yourself, and in this way achieve divine unity in your consciousness. Even while your body remains in the visible world of the created, you can merge your consciousness with your own true self, out of which you have fallen, thus forming the perfect unity. In this way, right here in this earthly existence, you can experience bliss—experience God—be God. ‘This striving for reunion is in everything that has been created. Every creature seeks its complementary half in order to re-unite with it. The positive male forms seek the negative-female forms and vice versa. This tendency on the part of positive and negative force even makes up the basic structure of matter. In actual fact, there couldn’t be any matter at all without this tendency; for this striving towards unity—towards the state of being God—makes up the attractive power between positive and negative forces, and the whole world is built on this striving to attain the divine, primordial state. This striving itself is the source of all power in the manifested world. Nature uses it and, projected into the body, it is the basis of sexual power. ‘As long as a creature seeks its complementary half outside itself, in the created, recognizable world, it will never find unity, simply because its complementary half isn’t outside itself, manifested, separate from itself, but on the contrary, unseparated from itself, in its own unmanifested part, in its unconscious! No creature could exist if it did not have its other half in the unmanifested. Take yourself for example, little daughter. The opposite of everything you are and manifest in your conscious part is contained in your unconscious part which nevertheless belongs to you, and which you are just as much as you are your conscious, manifested part. You don’t find your complementary part outside yourself—in a man of flesh and blood, for example, but in the unconscious part of your true self. When you unite in your consciousness two halves of yourself, you’ve found your way back into the infinite all and nothing, you’ve become identical with God again! ‘Through this union which takes place in your consciousness, the eternal longing of your manifested being ceases because it has found its complementary half and merged into unity with it; and for this reason the sexual desire of your body also ceases once and for all. You become complete within yourself. Right here in this physical existence, you experience the divine state: Immortality, bliss—fulfilment! And inasmuch as the same one, individual being lives in all creatures, you simultaneously become identical with the true self of every creature when you awaken within your own true self. You will achieve unity with God and simultaneously unity with the entire universe. You will lift your consciousness out of your body, out of your personal being, and experience all-inclusive cosmic consciousness. You will feel yourself as the “I”—the self—in every creature, in the entire universe, in God. This means you will again be eating of the fruit of the tree of life! Then you will have moved out of the world of effects into the world of causes, out of the realm of the transitory into the realm of the eternal, out of the created into the creative, out of the realm of death into the realm of life. In short, you will have achieved your resurrection in eternal being. And that is initiation!’ Ptahhotep ceases speaking. But I see this divine unity manifested in the impenetrable depths of his heavenly eyes. Endless happiness, calm and peace radiate forth from his eyes into my soul. In his glance I see the fulfilment of truth. He blesses me and I leave.
  19. Everything you do is mechanical in that sense. Your breathing, walking, eating, writing, and thinking, is mechanical and repetitive. Why do you not complain about breathing? You will not get around this "mechanical" nature of reality. Studying biology will not get you anywhere because it's just delving deeper into the illusion of the dream. You have to wake up from your own self-deception. Your problem is assuming that you are an animal in a real world and that truth can be approached from studying the world from a scientific perspective. These "avatars" lives are even more mechanical as they involve nothing but sitting and spreading abstract notions of reality. These people don't have a clue about what consciousness is. I know most sex is just casual and is not very deep. Even most psychedelic users don't get very deep into consciousness, this depth applies to any topic or subject in reality, not just sex. But it doesn't have to be that way. I would never have sex in some normal kind of relationship where there was no deeper connection. Sex can be about intimacy, vulnerability, and connection, and even transcendence of boundaries and dualities. You can even look into tantra and see how it can be used for spirituality and even enlightenment, though I am not interested in tantra personally as I am able to have a very deep and meaningful sexual experience without relying on methods of others. Sexual pleasure can be a small glimpse into the absolute bliss of complete nondual union, if you find the correct person. Sex can also be very beautiful. To say that sex is low consciousness is merely because the people you are having sex with are low consciousness, not that the activity itself is. It's all about the right person who has the right connection and right level of consciousness. Your idea that you are an animal doing a reproductive function is merely a story that has no basis in direct experience, but you don't have the eyes to see what is actually going on because you have not found a correct partner or your state of consciousness is lacking.
  20. @Javfly33 @Javfly33 Short answer yes, but not as intense mostly. For me in the evening/ night time it is very easy. Through holding conversations with people or intensly listening to them, dancing, sex, looking someone in the eyes. Definetly tho my meditation creates much more psychedelic like bliss states. I don't view my practise as something I do to reach enlightenment or chase anything. For me it just makes my life flow more and I feel much more I'm in control of my energies. One goal I have is to live more with a quiet mind. Karma yoga is helping me do that. But it seems there is much more to learn and transcend. I'm always talking to myself in my mind, sometimes less, sometimes more. I really want to find a way to be quiet. If someone can give me tips on that I would appreciate.
  21. @Sukhpaal anytime bro, happy to see you are actually doing the practices. That's the way to go if you want to improve your life rapidly. Can't wait until your kundalini awakens and you bliss out to the stars ?
  22. Can you get into bliss states without meditation? As far as I'm concerned the point of the practices are to build the skill of producing those states not just when you are doing the practice. Still a good achievement tho', not trying to downplay it, just talking about what is possible).
  23. The advantages of liberation is sat-chit ananda - eternity, knowledge and bliss. Imo, liberation means to conquer death. Have you overcome your fear of death yet ? If not then you are not liberated .
  24. Yogic practises can help you to gain mastery over your body. I never understand the argument, just do psychedelics, they are more powerful. Why not do both? What better things you are doing when you're not on psychedelics? Everyone has time for these practises and they are very helpful in rasising your baseline level of consciousness and you can definetly have awakenings with these practises. I do a combination of hatha yoga, pranayama kriyas, meditatation, psychedelics and self inquiry. I had awakenings in all of them. The psychedelic awakenings are the highest experiences and they make all the other practises much more powerful. However the awakening from the Kriyas are much more valueable, as I learned from them to go into bliss states whenever I want within 10-20 minutes doing meditation, as I Iearned from them how to hold the body, how to breath. So stick with whatever practise you enjoy doing and that work for you. For me the more powerful one is Shakti Chalana Kriya learned from Sadhgurus Shoonya Intesive course. But there are probably many good ones out there.