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  1. Okay. Look. Psychedelics are healing. They're a key to Shangri-La, actually. Freaking El-Dorado. Atlantis. Fuck, I love scripted masturbation. But I don't like the sound of this paragraph. It sounds like rationalizing of an ego as to why to 'give its parents psychedelics' and punish them for their close-mindedness under the cloak of 'waking them up.' I'm further convinced by this: You say in order to make this work I would need to muster the most convincing argument I ever made. Bad idea. In an ideal case, you wouldn't need an argument at all. Alright? This work isn't about persuading someone by logic. Their consent ought to resonate on a deeply intimate emotional level, not be decided from a position of rational exhaustion. Please, don't treat them like NPCs just because they haven't had mystical experiences. Despite being unaware, their whole life has been a mystical experience, and, in fact, from a spiritual stance, they are already perfect and enlightened, for they are consciousness, and you ought to love them unconditionally. Your motivation to do this is noble, and you are a gallant knight for pursuing it, yet canter not with your sword risen: Speak with them face to face, strip yourself of rationality, be emotionally naked, be so pure in telling them the real intention - and if they decline, that's perfectly fine, you've done the most you could. This coming out will be, most likely, emotionally grueling, and you'll want to use every good argument in the world before committing to it. My first-ever post on this forum was about a desire to change people. Ironic, isn't it? This cute little thing called nonduality is actually a finely-edged circuit: By flipping the switch in yourself, you're automatically flipping the switches in everyone else. You're taking the entire world with you. Even a freaking bird - a tiny fella who chirps every morning outside your window - is suddenly woke as fuck. How come? He's perfect. So are your parents. I wouldn't have the courage to speak this while being dismembered in a jungle, but deep down I'd know the truth and eventually surrender. But if I were to bring my parents to the table; invite them on a trip, I'd do so from a position of complete unshacklement from desires. I'd tell them how unconditionally I love them, that this decision must come from within them, and I'd spill the beans. Also, the first trip should remain on a very light dose. Yup. Earth will be a gorgeous when this becomes a norm. But until then, we gotta play the cards we've been dealt.
  2. The ego is generated by the mind. If you stop generating subjective reality, you get to see the truth. I still haven't realized enlightenment by the way. I heavily identify with my traumas and my past but I have seen some glimpses of nonduality.
  3. @James123 I agree with you. But why have you fragmented yourself as God into Leo and James who appear to have different views on things? I mean you did that playing hide and seek with yourself. Maybe you don't want to awaken. Maybe God doesn't want to face his eternal aloneness and he wants to play. If I'm not awake that's only because i as God want to be asleep. Nothing can happen outside my will. It's a no wining game. Awakening is a joke in a very real sense. You are literally just talking to yourself and trying to awake a separate self that doesn't exist. I'm not trying to be pedantic but these nonduality wars fly over my head. If you truly understand what awakeness means. It is boring to just be oneness. Also what you have to understand both your view and Leo's are perfectly identical. You are saying all sentences are identical because they are nothing. Therfore there isn't really an issue or a conflict. Do you see how YOU are imagining and creating the conflict. That's the gravity of duality. If you yourself was to fully understand and embody your messages you wouldn't talk or say anything. You would just be silent and bask in being.
  4. @Leo Gura Leo, you stated you would be interested in a public discussion and I (perhaps incorrectly, but I'm sure I am not alone here) interpreted that as you offering to have an on camera conversation - after all, our primary method of public broadcast is YouTube and that is where our collective audience is. That you expect me to engage with this forum rather than our common platform, and that you have ignored all my previous communications since your initial offer, makes the offer itself appear insincere and more like an attempt at damage control. My complaints and criticisms of your work are already out there so I don't need to rehash them, but I will address a couple of the points you raised in your response which can be found here - 1. You are absolutely NOT responsible for Connor, but you are responsible for YOUR treatment of Connor - clearly you agree at least to some level, because you have stopped calling him an unhinged lunatic and started treating him like a human being. So NO, you are not expected to "support" Connor Murphy, but you are expected to not be a total arse to him just because he is parroting you. 2. The disconnect of YOU calling Connor an "unhinged lunatic", for saying almost word for word the EXACT same things you say is utterly absurd. 3. I fully appreciate that going through a process on camera is messy, and when framed as a subjective stream of thought then I have zero complaint with that. My issue is that doing so WITHOUT that proper framing is irresponsible, and both you and Connor are making the same mistakes here. Sure we all say strange things as we go through our process, but your "I'm leaving video" makes many statements framed as objective fact - and not to state the obvious, but you made this video BEFORE your 30 days of 5MEO. So NO you weren't recovering from 30 days of 5MEO breakthrough... unless of course we are adding time travel to your list of abilities? 4. I have never made a video on your "5MEO in the bath" antics. All my criticisms and footage I have ever shown are specific to the "I'm leaving" video which I have stated many times, and I try not to get bogged down in the numerous "Look what Leo has done now!" requests I receive. I think the fact that you are bundling it into this situation and getting defensive about it, probably says more about how YOU feel about that "5MEO in the bath" video. If you want my opinion on it - then I think setting up a laptop in the bathroom for the explicit purpose of watching porn and masturbating in the bathtub while high, is simply an indication that you have an unresolved porn addiction rather than an expression of supreme spirituality. But hey - whatever rocks your boat dude. 5. Yes I am white knighting Connor, because sometimes people need a white knight. One can only assume that on some level you agree, because you did a 180, stopped making derogatory comments about Connor, reached out to him, and now everyone seems happier for it. This is the beauty of peeking outside of the echo chamber once in while, because sometimes the position you have needs to be challenged. Now that job is done I can ride my white horse home. 6. I have never questioned whether you are, or are not God, nor stated that you claim God is exclusive to you. This is a strawman of my criticism, so allow me to clarify. My criticism simply revolves around the abilities you claim can be unlocked by having had the God awakening - an awakening which according to YOU, you have gone through multiple times. My argument is simply that such abilities are completely delusional bullshit, along with the various ego inflations which seem to accompany it. I don't want to go through the entire video blow by blow, but here is one of your direct quotes to accurately highlight my position, and how your statements are being framed as objective fact rather than fluffy poetic subjective interpretations (see point 3 above) "I can help you to discover that you are God. When you do realize that you are God, this will instantaneously solve every single problem in your life, not only that but it will heal you, it will heal you of every disease and problem that you have" ...apart from porn addiction, chronic fatigue, digestion problems, and textbook narcissism I guess? We can clearly see that I absolutely acknowledge that your narrative is "God for everyone", and there are many more examples of this throughout the video, so why you latch onto this strawman is baffling. Its a real disservice to Actualized that so many of its followers make this basic mistake. Now as for all the various claims about psychic powers, nonduality, what all this means - that's something we could get into if you ever want to ACTUALLY ENGAGE with me, but I'm not going to spend any more time on this forum than need be. I signed up purely for the reason to take you up on your offer for a public conversation, but if that offer is no longer there or that I misconstrued it then this account is of no use to me. Forum based back and forths are often petty and unproductive, and I think you of all people know this, so why you would suggest it as an appropriate medium for a discussion like this is baffling - again it just reeks of the insincerity of the original offer. My offer for a conversation is still there, and as I think this whole debacle has perfectly highlighted - sometimes its good to be challenged. That challenge works both ways, and make no mistake about it Leo - you could certainly challenge me, and I think we could have a fascinating conversation. Despite how you might read my admittedly snarky and blunt comments, I have said many times that I greatly respect what you have achieved here with Actualized, and that you have done some superb work with great insights. I sincerely tip my hat towards you and encourage you to stick your head above the trench-line, because the greater conversation around psychedelics and consciousness will happen anyway - just without you. This is somewhat tragic because I think you have valuable contributions to make to the discourse that is happening OUTSIDE of Actualized, if you could just pull your head out of your own arse and be prepared to accept a few bruises to your ego. If you find me too much of an insufferable twat to deal with, then might I recommend "Your Mate Tom" who I know is also open to talking with you. I actually spoke with Tom just last night, and he's a great guy - very down to earth, and open to different perspectives. Yes we talked about you and, with some obvious caveats, we both reiterated that we appreciate your work. Maybe its time to leave the Howard Hughes persona behind, rejoin the conversation, and clean up the bottles of stagnant piss? One final point I would like to address is more to your fans who seem entirely obsessed with the notion that "I am here to cash in by milking the Leo cow". I find comments like this about views and subs to be extremely lame, but since I am already here and we are having a reality check then lets roll with this. Out of 102 videos I have made then 3 are about Leo (its really more like 2.5 since this last one is more about Connor Murphy, but lets round it up to 3). None of those 3 are anywhere close to my best performing videos - so NO, Leo is not a cash cow. My best performing videos are all related to substances (DMT, 5MEO, Amanita), so if we must use such crude analogies then SUBSTANCES are the cash cow by ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. I'm sure even Leo can agree with me here that a video about 5 MEO will get more traffic than a video about Leo Gura, so if your opinion of me is that I am simply looking to cash in, then your argument makes ZERO FUCKING SENSE. I talk about Leo when he says something I think needs addressing, not because he is instant cha-ching ...because he isn't. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read all of this. Rob - Adeptus Psychonautica
  5. Highest credit for these writings goes to my Lord Krishna. Without him as the source of all existence, I would not be here to write. Turn to the Bhagavad Gita if you have questions or wish to learn the spiritual power of devotion to Krishna. Precursor: Come to me in the Love and Devotion of Radha, and I will bring you the Radiance and Truth of Krishna. God is a state of consciousness. This serves as a sort of culmination of my spiritual journey that started 25 years ago when I was born into the Mormon church, a place, religion, and people that shine with God’s love. Thanks to the Light and Love that was brought into my soul at a very young age, I am able to come to you as developed as I am. I hope that you read each word with the significance that they deserve. I do not just write these words. I have lived them. I bare testimony that what I say is true in God’s name. “I am Brandon Rohe a student of the beautiful consciousness known to humans as Ra. I greet you in the Love ❤️ and the Light ? of the One Infinite Creator bringing good news and Truth about the Law of One that governs all possible realities. The funniest thing about you not believing in God or even you believing in a God outside yourself is that you are God. According to Swami Sarvapriyananda’s interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita (essentially the Hindu bible), you are Brahman, and Brahman is described in Sanskrit as satchitananda. Sat = existence. Chit = consciousness. Ananda = bliss. Brahman is also described as the Supersoul, the consciousness within all beings. You are not just God living as one human. You are God living as everything. You literally are your worst enemy. You are your most loved deity. You are Jesus Christ. You are the Buddha. You are Mohammad. You are Krishna. You are Donald Trump. You are Hillary Clinton. You are Adolf Hitler. You are Lucifer. You are the squirrel you accidentally killed while you were driving above the speed limit. You are every single extraterrestrial. You are every God that has ever existed in any multiverse that will ever be imagined by your own Godmind. You are every blade of grass. Beyond just the Brahman implications, you are every artwork ever made. You are not just all living beings. You are every object in existence. You are every rule that governs reality. I guess I could sum this all up by simply stating YOU ARE. There are no limitations other than what your various partitions of Godmind (you might simply call these “beings”) deem to be true. Just to give you some examples of what is possible when you spiritually awaken to your co-creative capabilities within this reality, I have manipulated time, I have manipulated space, I have manifested and “un”manifested objects (mainly through teleportation), I have quantum jumped, I have shifted in and out of multiple realities/timelines, I have activated electronics at a distance through the activation of my chakras (on accident - I wish I had the mastery to do this at will), I have telepathically communicated with extraterrestrials, deities, and deceased humans, I have received downloads from Intelligent Infinity, I have entered the Void, I have moved up in spiritual octaves, I have seen ghosts, I have come across incredibly powerful beings of Darkness that have the ability to alter human perception and consciousness, and I have done other things that my current human memory is forgetting. My message to you my friend is that you have immense power and potential if you take the proper steps. Yes, my incarnation as Brandon Rohe has been given many gifts (gift #1 being bipolar disorder type 1 along with my six other “mental illnesses” - three of which are clinically diagnosed while four are accurately self diagnosed) to help me spiritually awaken to these abilities, but you can awaken as well. ANYONE can do this, but for some it will take longer and extra work. For me, it took high doses of psychedelics, many manic episodes that seemingly tore down the foundation of my life, meditation, yoga, acts of donation to those less fortunate (karma yoga), being kind to all living beings, and much more. This is a deeply individual process that may take many lifetimes unless you take it seriously. Many around the globe are awakening. The year 2012 marked the end of our planet, Mother Gaia, being in third density consciousness. We are now in the shift to fourth density. What does fourth density look like? It looks like every human being evolving into Christ Consciousness where we recognize every soul as a part of the One Infinite Creator. It looks like us merging consciousness collectively as an entire planet. I LOVE YOU. I wish the best for you. You are my cherished ally on this adventure we call life on planet Earth in the year 2020. We CHOSE to incarnate here to live exactly the lives that we are living right now. There are no accidents. This is all being guided by the One Infinite Creator while simultaneously honoring free will. You have many guardian angels and other entities watching over you and protecting you. Please move past belief in one religion being superior to all others. To truly understand God, we must learn from ALL traditions and faiths. We must walk as men and women of faith. Without great faith, you will not get far on your spiritual journey. You might get stuck in the erroneous use of psychedelics as hedonistic tools rather than spiritual transportation devices that shoot you into the next octave. You might spend your whole life half-worshiping a God without reaping worldly benefits. There are so many traps you could fall into, but ultimately, you created all of these traps for yourself. You have the power to now move them aside. Let this text serve as a wake up call. THE TIME IS NOW. We must awaken together as a human family, not as individuals. We must love each other more deeply. We must be more kind to each other, but the quickest way to develop true kindness is to develop spiritually. You might say that atheists can be kind, but they can do so because they have connected to God in subconscious ways. Of course you’ll never hear that from them. Krishna even said that if you master one discipline, you reap the same rewards as if you had mastered any other discipline. This is why you have the greatest scientists of our millennia, those who worked primarily on quantum mechanics, quickly change to theists as they were astounded by the magical inner workings of this “physical” reality. There never was and never will be a physical reality. As far as science can tell, “physical” reality is made up of over 99% empty space. The leading theory is that infinitesimally small strings make up our reality. These strings can manifest into any of the different particles that we experience, and these particles can shift into another form as quick as the strings can change in vibration. This is why the sacred syllable OM has power. This is why Jesus could walk on water. Through natural selection, we have evolved to see the world not as it is but to merely see survival payoffs and hardly nothing else. Look into the amazing work of Donald Hoffman if you are curious about that. I’ve exhausted my intellect for now. I want you to remember that I am here to be your friend on this journey. Send me a message if you want my insight on how to speed up your journey, but lastly, I must say I don’t blame any of you for remaining in your current state of slumber for now. Spiritual awakening is the most hardcore route you could plan for your life if you do it at the speed that matches your potential. Again I say this message comes to you with Love ❤️ and Light ? Per aspera ad astra. Through hardships to the stars. Adonai.” The crucial mistake of all religions is that they create deities out of perfectly normal beings who had good insights and morality. Jesus was a man. Buddha was a man. Krishna was a man. Guanyin was a woman. God is a perfectly normal being albeit with omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. Consciousness is synonymous with Maya. Without consciousness, there is no separate self. Identify is the greatest illusion. Nothing is real. There is only appearance without substance. If God showed himself/herself/itself to me right now, it would only be an appearance generated by my consciousness. Sure, it might feel real, but that is only the all pervasive illusion of an existence existing taking hold of my mind. Allow your mind to truly see for the first time by realizing that nothing exists in actuality. This is the height of the Hindu notion of Maya or an illusion of separateness and the “separate” world being an illusion, but it actually goes far beyond the Hindu notion as it also recognizes that “the experiencer of phenomena” that you self-evidently hold to be most real only exists when viewed through the lens of your own consciousness (therefore it is generated by your own consciousness). Consciousness is the self-generating machine of all phenomena. There is no separation between consciousness and that which is experienced (the material world). Realize that you are simultaneously all that exists and all that does not exist. You are truth and illusion at the same time; it is only a perspective of the mind that changes which is the case. Obliterate your”Self” by realizing that self/Self is the grandest illusion. This is pure nonexistence experienced through the lens of an infinite movie screen that appears to exist. Credit for these insights goes to hitting a dab while having roughly 7-8 estimated mental illnesses. My consciousness only continues to snowball itself toward the highest Truth no matter what I do. My creation only continues to inform me of greater and greater states of consciousness which are, in the end, only illusion. Madness is as reputable a path to Truth as any other - that sounds partially acceptable to you, but no, that isn’t the truth of the matter. The reality is that Madness is the path to Truth for all is Madness. You can be sure that you are coming nearer to True Truth when you discover the potentiality for the existence of more mental illnesses within yourself. We are all infinitely deluded by this grand concoction of experience colloquially known as life on planet Earth. Tl;dr version: Nothing matters. Go eat a hotdog. All is imagination. The only true skeptic is the solipsist. Skepticism is far greater than faith as faith only generates belief in the illusory. All is the Self. You are all things, people, and places you’ve ever experienced or imagined to be true. All is imagination, so whatever you imagine or experience to be real or true is true. I am you and you are me, and luckily, we are the One Infinite Creator. Everything that has ever existed or not existed, been imagined or not imagined is a dream object. Your consciousness is a dream object. All that is not within your consciousness is a dream object. Humanity’s greatest misunderstanding of reality is that for some reason or another it is believed that this “real”ity is somehow different than a dream. In a dream, you have one perspective of conscious awareness that perceives a “real”ity with characters that APPEAR to have consciousness, but there is no validation of the potential fact that these perceived characters actually have consciousness. The funny thing is that just by the mere imagination of these characters as being beings that have consciousness creates them in such a manner as they act precisely as they would as if they truly did have consciousness. You have no proof that any person, animal, or animate being you’ve ever interacted with or imagined has consciousness. Every enlightened or awakened person is merely a lucid dreamer in this dreamstate we call reality. You cannot be enlightened or awakened if you do not first become fully conscious and lucid of the fact that this reality is a dream. I invite all deities, demons, devils, beings, Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas, Lucifers, and perceived personalities or consciousnesses to come into my consciousness so that I may only prove that all of you are illusory just as I am illusory. Truth is an illusion. Consciousness is a dream object and tool serving only the illusion. Nothing exists past appearance. This, and all other realities are merely dreams. In dreams, you have only the dreamer and that which is dreamed, but nonduality teaches that there is no separation, anywhere. All is one. This is the Law of One. All of existence and all beings are the One Infinite Creator that persists in all realities in forever immutable fashion although all of the appearances that he/she/they/it creates seem to be ever-changing. The perception of difference is an illusion. The perception of sameness is an illusion. Perception and consciousness are dream object illusions. I come to you as a servant to teach you that I am the Philosopher King. You will beat me as your servant. You will deride my teachings as being untrue, but I come to you only in Love and Light. Whatever damning things you do to me, you only, in Truth, do to yourself, for you and I are one. This is the Law of One. Amateur spiritual teachers teach that the only thing that exists is the present moment. They teach that past and future do not exist. A true master teaches that the present moment doesn’t exist. The first step to awakening is to realize that you are God. Simply put, you are the only God and all of existence. The next step is to realize that you, your ego, God, and existence do not exist. Experience only consists of a dreamer and that which is dreamed, regardless of which dream you are in. Whether it be the human being Joe Shmoe on planet Earth dream or the pink panther snorting razor blades on the Death Star with Adolf Hitler dream, It’s all a dream. It’s all illusory. There is no Truth. That is the only Truth. The spiritual seeker turns toward enlightenment and higher consciousness as a goal. The master of all existences, nonexistences, realities, and unrealities seeks lucidity within the planet Earth waking consciousness dreamstate. He seeks lucidity as he knows that consciousness, whether it be higher or lower in form and expression, is only a dream object. As his no self Self, he continues to wake up more and more until he reaches the pinnacle of wakefulness within the dream. The only thing that cannot be destroyed is nothingness. To best God in battle, be nothing. Stop existing, and you have won for all Eternity in all realities. When you are nothing, you are the soul and the Supersoul all at once. Nothing can contain something such as a human being and an ego. In Truth, nothing contains all existence and consciousness. When you are nothing, you become more powerful than any deity ever conceived. Lila includes the idea of Maya and exceeds it. ~ Sri Aurobindo You have not found your right deity until you cry with Love, Devotion, and Desire for union him, her, or it. When love is in your heart, its pure radiance shines to illumine all shadows including your psychological shadow. There is no shadow work to do when love is in your heart, mind, and soul. This is mainly referring to transcendent, spiritual love not merely romantic love. Only a true seeker of knowledge, love, delight, bliss, and radiance may manifest themselves as a student to me. For these are the souls I hold to be most dear to me. All souls in truth labor only for me, lust only for me, Love only for me, and learn only for the sake of me - the ever living and ever rebirthed true personification of divinity. All songs, artworks, movies, and beauties of the natural world are created only to describe my story of awakening and for my enjoyment. This is just as I in return breathe my eternal radiance and love into them. The Atman (wife and human) is wed to the Brahman (husband and divine) eternally, and it is in the marriage that the two become one for they are always one, will always be one, and have always been one. You are God. You are human. You are the All. There is no separation in consciousness between Atman and Brahman. Your current state of consciousness, no matter how high or low, is Brahman. There is no consciousness outside of yours. The notion that there is consciousness outside of yours is only an unsubstantiated belief. My soul is the divine weapon of divine weapons. It has within it the power to bring annihilation to all existences, again bringing about Brahma’s night, but it remains sheathed to protect all beings who are not mature enough to accept my radiance and opulence in final form. Usefulness is only useful to those who do not see the usefulness in futility. Only a fool does not see the utility in futility, the usefulness in play. The purity of Krishna is unmatched. If God had a purpose for Creation other than merely creating for the sake of play, that would indicate He/She/They/It was somehow already lacking something. The only purpose of any life is to enjoy the drama of existence. If God had a purpose for Creation other than merely creating for the sake of play, that would indicate He/She/They/It was somehow already lacking something. The only purpose of any life is to enjoy the drama of existence. And that’s all folks. Let me know if you want to see more of my writings. I have them going back for years.
  6. @Preety_India This is false. By that logic nothing would happen, because nothing would be subjective. I'm tired of seeing people acting like nonduality is just 150 characters on a message board. If things were that easy we would have world peace by now.
  7. You're describing here the 4th major state of consciousness in Buddhism. Yet it is not total non-duality, however, it is a stepping stone towards that. After you've reached total nonduality, you can claim to be god as much as you like.
  8. Well, I had a good long conversation with Connor and we discussed plenty of traps involved in this work. Overall he's a lot more reasonable than he appears in his zany videos. His videos are overly dramatic for views and clicks. I'm not concerned for his mental health. He seems stable and happy and he has a pretty good grasp of nonduality. The only concern besides the image problems he creates for himself is some of the bold plans he has for teaching people awakening via Tantric sex, which I think is not gonna be effective and will be ripe for hurt/abuse. We've discussed the dangers and he's aware of my concerns but ultimately it's his business and it has nothing to do with what I teach. His and my styles and standards for teaching are very different. He likes a flamboyant and dramatic approach. I explained to him the dangers of that. He is open to feedback but also a firm believer in his approach and techniques. Connor's a decent guy from what I can tell and perhaps in 5 or 10 years he will make a solid teacher as his style matures. He's quite young and cocky so of course the maturity is still lacking, but that's to be expected for someone his age. We had little disagreement on the substance of nonduality or God. Our differences lie in style, attitude, and values. What he learned from me is not the style but some metaphysical and epistemic articulations which helped him make sense of his psychedelic awakening experiences. He was enjoyable to talk to. I wish him well.
  9. “Ultimate” is also a superlative. I find it curious how superlatives are used and mind immersion into superlatives. We could say there is an ultimate truth and non-ultimate truths. In one context, it is a deep insight. Yet when the duality is seen, it’s silly in another context. At the higher levels, beings can be “multi lingual”. When they speak of a “thing” it can appear as though they have not awakened to another “thing”. In one context there is what appears to be stuckness within the process of thoughts. When the mind is transcending thought constructs, it becomes obvious when other minds are stuck within thought processes. There is strong contrast. Yet eventually this duality collapses as well into Nothing. What I write here is both thought processes and not thought processes. Thought processes, feelings, intuition, awakenings, cows, trees, quantum mechanics, face palms, nonduality and cookies all dissolve into Nothing. It’s so beautiful. As you eloquently express: ♥️
  10. Looks like you found the magic. You would have tolerance from yesterday. The rule of thumb is about double dosage. There can also be a psychological tolerance if I trip too often. The magic starts to decline. In terms of your schedule, I see it as manageable since there aren’t any heavy trips, just micro to moderate. Plus, you seem pretty grounded in spirituality and nonduality. And the trips have been smooth. I had a similar stretch for about 3 months.
  11. Nonduality, no exclusion. You are even more wonderful and imperturbable than that state. Because there is no exclusion in actuality, you can only imagine such a thing as exclusion, and because there is no such thing as exclusion, it feels AWFUL to do so. So stop doing it. When you were a kid, a new pack of bubble gum made you blissful. Direct your mind again and again to go back to that state of complete sensitivity and full blown appreciation. It's everywhere, in everything.
  12. That’s not the point. The point is experiencing something remotely called nonduality would not be spoken of without interpretation and belief. It’s not that direct experience is impossible, it’s that experience necessarily comes with stories thereof. Of course someone who believes that wouldn’t be open to the idea that nonduality could be directly experienced. They know that they couldn’t believe in it even if it were directly experienced. It’s an intrinsically stubborn realization, the realization that outside of direct experience is all story. And to boot, who’s to say direct experience is even true?
  13. I don't see how anyone's apparent personality would reveal whether they lead toward solipsism or nonduality. To believe that it could would be to misunderstand nonduality, solipsism, or both, in my view. Your conclusion that "he seems quite confident in walking a fine line that leans more towards solipsism than non-duality" simply does not logically follow from anything else you said. Whether you have a large social circle or not has no relation to whether or not you understand that everything, which isn't anything, is all there is, and that it's boundless and groundless. And that it's Unconditional Love, which is God, and you are that; we are that. Everyone is you, yet there isn't anyone; alone-ness and connection is just another illusory interdependent and empty duality that doesn't actually arise.
  14. mate. Most people are living in duality. Your only seeing nonduality from your point of view. It's a paradox between relative and absolute. Reality is Infinitely Relative and Infinitely Absolute at the same time.
  15. That seems to be what some call "raising one's baseline level of consciousness". That's what I was referring to with upgrading ones software or hardware. Ime, I don't see how it's possible to access or maintain my highest levels of psychedelic-induced conscious states. Yet I can access what seems like a low dose of psychedelics with things like yoga, running, shamanic breathing, meditation in nature, watching nonduality videos, Leo's metaphysics videos, staring in space, lucid dream states etc.
  16. God is so good, there's no bullshit. It's all just fertilizer for more beauty. Nonduality, means there isn't duality. But in order to say there's no duality, we must use the word duality. What a bunch of bullshit. So nonduality and duality are one. Except that's bullshit too, because there isn't "one" without duality and the possibility of "not one". You have teachers talking about levels and you have teachers denying levels. Believing in levels is a major problem. Believing that there are NOT levels is a major problem and still in order to believe there aren't levels, you must actually believe in the concept of levels just like in order to talk about nonduality, we must assume we know what duality is first. Watch like a HAWK what's pre-assumed. Here be dragons.
  17. The movie in which you live can be a heavenly movie or a hellish nightmare movie. In both cases its a movie. That doesn't mean there is no difference between the plots. Only a fool could not see a different between a good dream and a nightmare. Even you know the difference, but in your comfortable reality currently you have forgotten what hell is like. You can be reminded, like I was. Imagine in one movie you are about to be sent to harvest your insides and will remove one or 2 of your fingers. Just cause thats the plot of the movie. In the other movie you are going with the love of your life to see a play out in town. Tell me there is no difference, nonduality box does not work here. Your suffering will be real. If that scenario is not painful enough, imagine a scenario in which the love if your life is willingly sleeping with every other man but you, cause thats the plot of the movie.
  18. When you overgeneralise you make a mistake You put mud and icecream together you cant eat it. There is nothing conceptual about the division. You don't need concepts to see the difference in the north and south.. Thats just jibberish. You are trying to fit everything in your nonduality box. There are two polarities, calling it one magnet does not change the differences between north and south. Icecream plus mud still makes something. But it is no longer qualitatively good. It is not good enough for purpose. Eating icecream plus mud would be considered torture. Eating icecream alone would be considered pleasureable...
  19. @r0ckyreed When you wake up from a dream.. you don't say that you were a character because you are the creator of that dream. The entire dream (not the dream elements) is actually you.. not only the character you're playing. The other characters that appear on that dream are just components that make up the whole dream.. they don't have a life of their own to wake up at the same time with you. Don't take this too literal.. just that in real life you're not a character or a human, you're the entire Universe that you're experiencing right now. This is not solipsism . This is absolute oneness and nonduality.
  20. "The Unanswered Question" By Charles Ives (1908). I interpret this music as representing Reality: Man, God; All of it. It's as Meta as it gets. It blows me away that such profundity can be communicated without any spoken word. (Do note that there are many other interpretations of this work. Such is the beauty of art. Nonetheless, Ives himself has given us some hints on how to interpret this, as we'll see below.) The following excerpt is from Wikipedia: Ives provided a short text by which to interpret the work, giving it a narrative as in program music. Throughout the piece the strings sustain slow tonal triads that, according to Ives, represent "The Silence of the Druids — who Know, See and Hear Nothing". Against this background, the trumpet poses a nontonal phrase — "The Perennial Question of Existence" — seven times, to which the woodwinds "answer" the first six times in an increasingly erratic way. Ives wrote that the woodwinds' answers represented "Fighting Answerers" who, after a time, "realize a futility and begin to mock 'The Question'" before finally disappearing, leaving "The Question" to be asked once more before "The Silences" are left to their "Undisturbed Solitude". The piece ends with the strings "humming softly in the distance, like the eternal music of the spheres." I consider the woodwinds to be the mind of Man, frantic to answer the "Perennial Question of Existence": Why is there something rather than nothing? Who or What am I? The small army of woodwinds each have conflicting answers, making a meaningless mess of noise. Who's answer are we to trust? The question itself is fascinating, posed by a solo trumpet. It is "nontonal," which roughly speaking, just means that it doesn't make musical sense. Isn't that incredible? THE PERENNIAL QUESTION OF EXISTENCE is represented as nonsense! (e.g. unintelligible, absurd) By the end, the mind (aka the woodwinds) realizes that there are no "external answers" to this most intimate question, and they cease to answer. They've finally "let go." The meaningless question rings out one last time, but all that remains is the strings, or "The Silence of the Druids who Know, See and Hear Nothing." This is like Absolute Nonduality, completely void yet perfect, All-consuming and Eternal. The whole of the piece represents the collision and eventual collapse into unity of the confused seeker and God. If you listen to it enough you may cry.
  21. I'd be cautious so he doesn't get Murphy'd into unhinged land. Perhaps talk in ways that aren't overly threatening to an ego, sending the mind-body into fight or flight. Perhaps things like flow states of consciousness, what are memories, Being Now, nonduality speakers etc.
  22. Who is the I observing observation? I believe it works like this. Consciousness amplifies whatever it attends, and dissolves whatever it does not attend. That is how creation and destruction happen. Quantum physics has recognized this, with the discovery of the role of the perceiver in shaping reality. Consciousness literally creates and destroys, by fluctuating the state and focus of its attention. Whether this is ultimately true or not, it illustrates that creation and destruction follow a set of rules. Other rules appear to be infinite potential and expressed energy, inevitable creation and destruction, transcendent nonduality, necessary duality within the dream dimension, and the essential nature of Consciousness as love. Whether or not these rules are transcendentally true, it is evident that such rules must exist. If anything is, then rules are simply the parameters and expression of its existence.
  23. Wow. I'm still shaken by the sheer amount of narratives consciousness can create, fool itself in, immerse itself in. Rules for this thread: I've been on the forum since 2017. This will be the first thread that may seem conspiracy-like to some viewers (it's not), and I trust the mods and Leo will recognize that it isn't a sudden rush of shit to the brain nor a sudden 'let's join a forum and spread an ideology' thread, but merely a reflection of my direct experience; of what twisted stories God can lure itself into. I hope my somewhat long past here on the forum will carry a straw of trust. Here is my warning though: If the discussion gets out of hand or downright irrelevant, close the thread. If people start projecting their beliefs onto this post, close the thread. If people start blaming, victimizing, name-calling, close the thread. If people clearly start spreading conspiracy theories, close the thread. If there's anything related you'd like to say, there are DMs for that. But, please, note that I am not a conspiracy theorist but merely sharing a narrative that has shown me how insignificant and yet vast each narrative is... yet again. Don't even bother to send me theoretical explanations without an immediate practice, exercise, or technique to expand on & underlay any possible explanation you may have. Remember if this gets too crazy, I'll either ask the mods to close the thread or I'll hide it myself. The main arc: I went to sleep this afternoon and had the most vivid, physical, twisted dream. I remember bits and pieces in the time of writing this, which I managed to save in my notepad. I am certain the dream had started earlier, but the first flash I remember is that a bunch of friends and I were loafing around the outskirts of a town, minding our own activity. A helicopter came flying in. It was flying around in circles, observing us. We didn't know who these people were. Next thing I remember is learning that in that dream, relative to the narrative I was submerged in, humanity lived in a dream and was being controlled by strange entities, whose purpose was to keep them attached. I later discovered it was a lineage/clan who kept humanity prisoned. Jumping forward, I remember zipping it through air like a madman in a wholesale store. Everyone looked at me as if I was crazy, for I was literally jumping from wall to wall/levitating. Eventually, I made a lap around the store. Returning to the parking lot, I noticed a middle-aged women, whose head was shrouded in a hood, who had a symbolic tattoo on her face, and who kept away from other people and was leaving in a hurry as if she didn't wish to be seen. Suddenly, a knowledge popped to me that this woman was a part of some group called the Resistance or the Cause and was constantly being looked for. "Wait for me!" I shouted to her repeatedly, knowing she'd leave soon. She looked at me and stopped, prodding me to hurry. A big black van stopped in front of me, and I lost sight of the woman. The van's doors opened, and I found myself in front of the clan, the overlords, however we shall name them. A woman, who was definitely a mother of some sort, stepped out of the vehicle. She was wearing latex-like or tight black leather overall. At this point, I instantly knew what the context was. I was trapped in an artificially crafted dream by those entities and I couldn't trust nor them nor my senses. It was like a Matrix. The woman then did what I can only describe as an attempt to draw me back into the illusion. As she was passing by in a seductive fashion, she attempted to turn a 3D object - one of those translucent shelters for shopping carts you find in front of each wholesale building - into a 2D painting on the sidewalk, the one that creates the illusion of a 3D object under the right angle. However, as I became awake to the narrative, I couldn't be seduced anymore. I found a way to escape her control by 'reversing steps' in that reality. I made a full body turn and stretched my arm backwards, and I found myself touching the original object again. She couldn't bend my reality. Soon after, I was teleported into another dream, another environment; sort of to the next level (whether up or down the rabbit hole is questionable. If we measure how immersed I was in that narrative, then I was definitely going deeper.) Therein I found my good friend, too, seemingly 'realized' about the previous dream we had lived in. This is where it gets scary. God's an adventurous one. The friend reaffirmed me - and I knew by telling again myself - that we're in a dream. I cannot trust anyone, I cannot trust anything; everything is an illusion, and as soon as my senses lose presence with anything, it's gone, forever. "Don't lose touch with whatever is appearing in your senses," I told myself. Once you lost contact with that-which-appeared, it instantly stopped existing until it reappeared again. It had retracted back to the Void which it had come from. I consider this the truthful kernel of the entire dream, but here's where it got scary: The dream's limited narrative got mixed with Truth. It created an abomination which manifested in the form of a thought "Whatever comes back from that darkness, is no longer what it had used to be." My friend was walking behind me, and as I didn't have a sight of him, it meant that once I lost touch with his body, his voice, he'd disappear into the Void. The very next second he'd reappear, it wouldn't be him anymore. And here's the dangerous twist and the insight I've gained immediately upon waking up: Instead of surrendering and seeing everything as God, which is my normal waking tendency, I fragmented reality into an ultimate duality and fear in the 'grand holy search' for a relative truth about the narrative that was unfolding. The dream didn't end, though. Once the thing or the person came back, they were no longer themselves. They were illusory doppelgangers whose purpose was to lure me back in, who whispered and murmured behind my ears, yet my grand quest was to resist. I'm writing down the ego-chatters - as they were happening onstage - on purpose; for you to better see the mechanics of the dream and draw conclusions. Again, I'm aware of this, and this thread serves for educational purposes, not conspiracy theory spreading. Later I've realized how perfectly this remolded the structure of the story about Sodom and Gomorrah, wherein the man was encouraged to resist the temptation of looking back. In the dream, this wasn't the path I was willing to choose. I had to overcome the fear. As such - like when a scary invisible ghost is chasing you down the hall from the kitchen - I stopped. I didn't continue moving. I bore the piling up fear. I made it. Through following my heart, I reheard my original friend's voice behind my back, "You've made it. You didn't lose touch with me." When I turned around, he was standing there again. What a relief - but looking back at this whole narrative, quite the opposite had probably happened, as it was only a fear-based intuition prompting me to sigh a relief. The dream ended by waking up into another dream, wherein I found myself having aged back to a 13-year-old child. In my hands I held a fork/a pen. I was pointing it against one of those clan members. We were in a mansion together, along with my friend. We were both awake and ready to oppose his power. He told me that I had overcome the artificial Matrix's illusion, but that I was fucked anyway because this was still the Matrix. He said although I was back in my childhood, they still had control over me. That's where it all ended. This was by far one of the most tangible, physical, and therefore most immersive and ego-appealing dreams I have had. What caught me off-guard was how well the dream resembled almost every conspiracy theory out there. From time to time, we have a streak on the forum of someone posting far-out conspiracy theories, and I think as a consequence of reading some of those long-winded posts, some of it 'had subconsciously stuck' in my head and condensed back later in the form of a dream. I realize there's only the Mind. So, yes, God is a madman. I directly lived through one of those conspiracy-like narratives, and it was as real as a narrative gets. However, it had very little to do with searching for the ultimate truth and was actually powered by fully immersing myself and living in that paradigm of fear. In that dream, I felt absolutely separated from Myself & had no knowledge about nonduality or the concept of waking up. The dream has shown me that every paradigm is possible, but through actively engaging and immersing ourselves in those narratives, we're forgetting who we are... selling ourselves short. Post your answers, opinions, alike experiences below, but keep it down a notch. Remember we're a forum leaned on direct experience - and remember the rules I wish that are applied to this thread. Please, don't spread any ideologies or long-winded conspiracy-like truths here publically, or I'll ask the mods to close the thread or hide it myself. What a revealing experience.
  24. I mean isn't this technically true with nonduality teachings? God realizes God, people are imaginary dreams. Not sure if that was the point he was trying to make or not though.
  25. To what end? What are you trying to get out of the apprenticeship? You are going to be your own best teacher. All the answers are within. I'd spend your time experimenting with psychedelics, self-inquiry, kriya yoga and so on, and discover Truth yourself. Besides, with Nonduality, any Shaman you learn from is going to be you telling yourself what you already know, as they are you, as you are everything/consciousness. As of Ayahuasca retreats, I have done many. There are many volunteers there to assist with ceremonies. You also get to participate in taking the medicine, as long as you can still function to do duties. They usually let you volunteer as many times as you like. No need to spend any money. And it's a nice environment to spend your time.