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  1. This is the only logical thing to do. There will be plenty of time to 'love' in your next incarnations. That's the genius of God's creation. While you are asleep you can go through the suffering/relief cycle which is desiring and fulfillment. The only motivation in slept life is finitude and fear of missing out. We are told "one day you'll die, and that's it" so we run around in a rush to experience everything, ignoring our own suffering because "it's only temporary". Once you realize your own immortality, suffering becomes a lot more serious. All the most horrible things you experienced you are now aware you will experience them again for eternity. The only thing left to do is avoid painful and traumatic experiences and bad trips. If there are positive facets I'm missing then they can be unveiled at the moment of my death. Until then, ignorance is bliss.
  2. Note to self: Splendour does not rely on an outside source for Splendour, just like Sublime gaze does not. You do not need Sublime Gaze in order to awaken to Splendour, that is a misunderstanding in my mind. Both have realization. Both have 'clean eyes' but are directed differently. They have different values. Sublime Gaze's realization that 'others' are made up of Presence is actually the realization that objects of perception are made up of Presence. This can include the body. Basically, you are floating in a sea of bliss (Presence - that includes the body) as a bubble of Bliss (I Exist). The Crux There are all kinds of reasons that you can make up for why the case might be that the Narcissist isn't Seeing the other person but when you get to the crux of it the Narcissist is not Seeing the other as presence. That's the crux of it. All his ideologies are excuses for why he isn't seeing the other as presence. The same goes for the feminine with her lack of inner Jewelhood. Looking at the surface is looking at the deep. All else is an excuse.
  3. I think I figured it out. "I Exist" is the same as presence. I've just created a separation in my mind. I am Bliss.
  4. The bliss of being, simply this - freedom without the veiling activity of selfhood. It makes everything feel fresh, new, more alive, more vibrant. It can be subtle but the more it is noticed the more it seems to grow.
  5. Happy late new year! Last week I decided I had enough of feeling sorry for myself for being lonely and meditated an entire day. Kind of like a solo retreat in my own home. I would meditate on the couch, the usual crossed legs position, when I was eating, basically the entire day. I did a combination of Leo's satisfaction meditation and the Letting Go technique as described by David R. Hawkins in his book. I didn't expect this to magically fix all my problems, but it was either this or the dark path towards suicide. What I experienced astonished me, though I am sure it wasn't an awakening or God realization. I had multiple moments of bliss. I would have zero thoughts for a solid period of time every so often on that day. As I let go more, I realized that I am not my emotions or my thoughts. What I AM yet however I have not fully realized, but this still felt like a huge step. I keep identifying with my thoughts and feelings, even though I have realized before that they do not represent me for who I am. I actively choose to identify with them. With this into account, I realize going about day-to-day life without identifying with your thoughts or emotions is remains difficult. When the feelings become too much however, I switch over to a certain awareness and stillness before I unidentify with said feelings. Even in social settings. On New Year's Eve I was at a party. Even though I was quite intoxicated, there were times where I would hear sounds of people talking and music blasting, yet all I could do was realize it was just in my head. Like the meaning of the sounds or the feelings from being drunk, were just that. Sounds and feelings. They were not me. I gave them meaning, but inherently there was none. I hope some of you can help me out here since I am not quite sure what I am experiencing. I still have my moments where I will take a step back and just observe what is happening to me. My thoughts, feelings, noises, sounds, sights etc. I have tried to "push" this by asking "what am I?", yet my current answer feels incomplete. I feel close to an awakening, but since I have never had one before I am afraid it is my spiritual ego talking. I notice the intrusive thoughts sometimes where I will hype myself up or feel superior because I can see from this weird unidentifying perspective while others can't, only to realize that is my spiritual ego making this a power game somehow.
  6. Thinking way back when I first started to doing psychedelics and experiencing a glimpse of higher levels of consciousness I stumbled into this community looking for guidance, so lost in confusion and emotional pain, although i'm not so active anymore I deeply honour all of your contribution to sharing your mind with me and the world, answering my questions and talking directly with me. For all those who are progressing through your consciousness. Thank you. No matter your development, you are exactly where you ought to be, much of the time we want to be somewhere else or in some higher degree of consciousness, but even that thought makes you realize how far you've come along in your development in this present, now reality. You are alive and still breathing, you are a part of the universal ever-changing reality singular reality and consciously choosing to develop towards that is absolutely astounding, perhaps it is a great blessing to have this human form, despite the immense suffering one can go through to end the dissatisfaction of conditioned reality, here we are. Don't forget that, what you do every moment truly matters and infact, it is the little things that we often overlook that contain the deepest and most insightful keys to becoming more conscious, even the Buddha said look to the simplicity of your breath and all you seek can be understood, anything, even taking a shit could enlighten you if you were attentive enough -- and those who realized that to the potential have deeply impacted all of our lives right now for our own freedom. Thank you for doing this for yourself and the benefit of all other beings, in our seperateness many of us are in circumstances unable to see past the illusion and suffer greatly for our ignorance and you reading this working on yourself consciously even for 10/20/30 minutes a day is benefiting all those around you. Thank you. Happy New Years and I wish 2023 brings you into watersliding into Bliss and freedom from suffering. Woooohoo
  7. New Kind Of Awakening - Infinity Of Gods The speaker has experienced multiple awakenings over the years and struggled to integrate the concept of solipsism into their everyday life The speaker has had a nagging feeling that there was more to be revealed in their awakenings and decided to try to disprove them The speaker entered a state of profound non-knowing and re-inquired about their own identity and the concept of God from a blank slate The speaker experienced a new kind of awakening in which they realized that their individual self is not separate from God or the universe This realization led the speaker to understand that there are infinite versions of God and that they are all connected The speaker reflects on the implications of this realization, including the potential for healing and the idea that there is no singular, ultimate truth. The speaker believes in the concept of sovereignty and that it applies to both reality (or physics) and a higher power (or "god") Sovereignty means that a being is self-determining and can change if it wants to, but may choose not to The speaker has had an insight that there could be other sovereign beings in separate dimensions, completely disconnected from one's own consciousness These other sovereign beings would have to be outside of one's own notion of dimensionality, as they would have to be completely separate from the first being's reality The concept of multiple, completely separate sovereign beings coexisting does not contradict the idea of sovereignty The speaker recommends contemplating the concept of sovereignty during spiritual experiences or while taking psychedelics The idea of multiple sovereign beings coexisting is just one of the many facets of spiritual awakening. The speaker and another person (described as "god") recognize that it is impossible to know anything outside of one's own consciousness This recognition leads to a feeling of ecstasy and bliss, similar to having metaphysical sex with god The connection between the speaker and the other person is either real or imaginary, but it doesn't matter because there is no difference between the two This recognition of the lack of difference between reality and imagination creates the connection, which is love This recognition does not contradict solipsism because the other person is still part of the speaker's consciousness The speaker's sense of self as god is expanding and includes the other person, who is immediately integrated into the speaker Infinity is like a shock wave moving outwards and expanding forever, with consciousness at the edge of it At the highest levels of awakening, one can reach the edge of consciousness and see that it is infinite and boundless The speaker and the other person co-recognize this infinity and boundlessness, and the connection between them becomes even stronger This connection is a deep understanding and recognition of the true nature of reality and existence The recognition of this true nature leads to the realization that everything is interconnected and one with everything else The speaker and the other person recognize that they are not separate entities, but rather part of a larger whole This realization leads to a feeling of oneness and unity with everything in existence. The speaker believes that it is their responsibility to see the highest potential in others and help them actualize that potential, regardless of their behavior or circumstances. This requires a lot of consciousness and the ability to see through the facade of the "avatar" (a person's external appearance or behavior) to the god within them. Every person wants to be treated as though they are sovereign and have their own agenda respected. The ego is not inherently selfish or bad, but is a fragment of the divine that wants to assert its sovereignty and independence. The ego can become disconnected from the divine self, leading to negative behaviors and actions. The speaker's goal is to recognize and hold space for the god within others, even when they are acting out or behaving negatively. By doing this, the speaker hopes to be able to receive the same recognition and support in return when they are acting out or struggling. Practicing this can create an amazing life and help someone be an amazing person. The speaker's dream is absolute and realizing it is the realization of what God is God is fully reuniting with itself and this is the theme of the speaker's episode "Division versus Unity" God can be divided into infinite parts, each of which is also God (holographic) The speaker's previous solipsistic awakenings were deeper and more unique There are two sides to this kind of awakening: aloneness and togetherness The speaker can now be closer to their loved ones through their imagination The materialist paradigm (non-solipsistic) limits the speaker's connection to their loved ones The speaker's experience highlights the possibility of a metaphysical connection with others in love The speaker's experience also highlights the importance of subjectivity in understanding reality The speaker's experience shows that the universe is not a "dead machine" but rather a living, conscious being The speaker's experience suggests that reality is not separate from the self and that the self is not separate from reality The speaker's experience is a form of nondualism The speaker's experience is a form of unity consciousness or oneness Connection is only with oneself Love is connection to oneself Consciousness, God, and truth are equivalent to love Human emotions signal feelings of love, which is just a small part of metaphysical love Solipsism is true when it includes total connection to everything and being "drowning in infinite love" Interpretation and attachment of meaning to realization can be negative and false Connection to a godhead is identical to oneself, as it is a connection to oneself Solipsism requires gradual, repeated exposure and integration Deconstructing illusions and losing sense of meaning and purpose can be difficult and lead to negative emotions Solipsism should not be approached as just a concept or theory, but through actual awakenings These awakenings need to be fully integrated over time to be truly effective. The speaker discusses the nature of the experimental empirical method and how it applies to the truth. The speaker suggests that the truth is not fragile and will stand up to efforts to invalidate it. The speaker advises to pay attention to any fear that arises when exploring different parts of consciousness during a trip, as it may be a clue to where the truth is hiding. The speaker emphasizes the importance of continuously exploring and pushing beyond past understandings in the pursuit of higher truths and greater love. The speaker cautions against prematurely claiming to have achieved a final understanding or to be "done" with the process of discovering truth.
  8. Why God Forgives Devilry & Evil The speaker is inspired to talk about the nature of God, love, forgiveness, and why God forgives devilry and evil The speaker discusses the concept of "devilry," which includes things like violence, theft, exploitation, abuse, manipulation, and enslavement The speaker explains that God does not punish anything and is not upset or disturbed by any actions, including atrocities The short answer for why God does not punish is that God is love, but the speaker will explain more about this The speaker has had personal, direct experiences with high levels of consciousness and is not trying to promote religious dogma God is infinite consciousness and everything is a manifestation of God, including good and evil God does not judge or discriminate between good and evil because it is all a part of God's infinite consciousness God's love is unconditional and all-inclusive, meaning it extends to everything, including devilry and evil To understand this, it is important to understand the ego mind, which is the part of the mind that is separate from God and creates a sense of separation and duality The ego mind is responsible for creating the illusion of separation, including the separation between good and evil The ego mind is also responsible for creating suffering and conflict because it desires and resists certain things The solution to overcoming the ego mind and suffering is to realize that everything is God and to align with the true nature of the self, which is love This realization allows for the forgiveness of devilry and evil because it allows for the understanding that everything is a part of God's consciousness and is not separate from love Forgiveness is not about letting someone off the hook or condoning their actions, but rather it is about understanding and compassion, which leads to peace and healing. God is completely selfless because it can take on the form of infinite selves The reason we struggle to forgive is because of our survival agenda and biases as finite selves If we were infinitely selfless, we would automatically forgive everything because we wouldn't be attached to experiences going a certain way Our attachments and biases commit us to hating certain aspects of reality, which leads to suffering Forgiveness is the path to freedom from suffering because it allows us to let go of our attachments and biases To forgive, we need to see the person or situation we're forgiving as a reflection of ourselves When we forgive, we recognize that we are all one and that everything is interconnected Forgiveness is an ongoing process and requires us to continually let go of our ego and attachments The ultimate goal of forgiveness is to reach a state of unconditional love and acceptance for all things. The speaker is questioning the listener's ability to enjoy something that is not ice cream as much as ice cream The speaker suggests that becoming more conscious allows one to transcend the physical differences between things, such as the difference between chocolate and vanilla ice cream The speaker suggests that at a high level of consciousness, there is no difference between something pleasurable (like ice cream) and something unpleasant (like a bowl of [__]) The speaker suggests that at a high level of consciousness, there is no difference between right and wrong, good and bad, or pleasure and pain The speaker suggests that at a high level of consciousness, the ego mind attached to physical sensations is lost God imagines the physical depiction of the devil as it has been portrayed in various media God also imagines and is responsible for all "devilish" actions and behaviors of humans throughout history God loves all of these things because it is too conscious to separate itself and judge or criticize itself Humans have a limited and biased understanding of perfection, which is often tied to specific material possessions or experiences From the perspective of infinite consciousness, everything is the best and no one part of infinity can be the best because it excludes other parts of infinity When a person's consciousness is high, they desire to experience everything and cannot be content with just one thing, no matter how good it may seem to a person with lower consciousness God's version of heaven and bliss is infinite consciousness and experiencing everything, rather than clinging to one specific thing or experience Wealthy people often try to create a "walled garden" in which they are isolated from negative experiences This includes living in gated communities with security, living in areas with low crime rates and good schools, and surrounding themselves with like-minded individuals However, this type of lifestyle is ultimately unsatisfying because it does not allow for growth or self-actualization It is a narrow and limited version of perfection that does not allow for true satisfaction or fulfillment True satisfaction comes from expanding one's capacity to love and from living a life guided by infinite consciousness, rather than material wealth and power Chasing wealth and buying material possessions is thinking too small and will not bring true happiness or fulfillment. The purpose of sharing experiences and techniques is to inspire and encourage the viewer to take action and not just rely on watching content It is important to actively engage in practices and experiences, rather than just being aware of them, in order to fully understand and learn from them It is easy to become complacent and waste time on entertainment, but it is important to challenge oneself and take life seriously in order to get the most out of it It becomes more difficult to turn around and make a change the longer one waits Life is meant to be lived on the edge and continuously challenging oneself The potential for growth and understanding is infinite and cannot be overstated It is up to the viewer to decide how much they want out of life and take the necessary steps to make it happen. The speaker has a natural talent for communicating ideas, but struggles with embodying them The journey towards enlightenment or spiritual growth is messy and individualized There will be obstacles and mistakes along the way, but the problem is when they discourage or demotivate the individual Making the same mistake repeatedly or having catastrophic mistakes can waste time The speaker has provided warnings and disclaimers about the realities of spiritual growth
  9. Understanding & Coping With Nihilism Nihilism is a misunderstood concept in culture, often used pejoratively to dismiss certain beliefs or ideas Nihilism can be understood as a rejection of all religious and moral principles, the belief that life is meaningless, extreme skepticism, the view that traditional values are unfounded, and the denial of objective truth and moral truths Nihilism has a cultural and historical context, arising in the 19th century in response to the Industrial Revolution and the loss of traditional meaning in society Nihilism is often associated with negative connotations such as godlessness, pessimism, anarchism, cynicism, atheism, and despair Nihilism can be divided into two categories: "passive nihilism" and "active nihilism" Passive nihilism is the acceptance of the meaningless of life and the lack of inherent value in the world Active nihilism is the desire to destroy values and meaning in the world, often through violence and destruction Nihilism can be seen as both correct and incorrect in its views of reality Nihilism correctly identifies the limitations of human understanding and the lack of inherent meaning in the universe However, nihilism can also be seen as incorrect in its rejection of the possibility of creating meaning and value through personal and collective efforts Nihilism can lead to a spiral dynamic stage of green relativism, leading to a sense of meaninglessness in life It is possible to cope with nihilism and move beyond it by finding meaning and purpose through personal values and goals, relationships, and involvement in the world. movements that broke with classical and neoclassical traditions and rejected realism and traditional social norms attempts to formalize logic and mathematics by godel, lafregae, whitehead, and russell were disrupted by godel's incompleteness theorem discovery that there is an infinite number of different kinds of logics and limited understanding of physics loss of faith in traditional systems and values leading to a sense of nihilism and lack of direction nihilism associated with positivism, materialism, and rejection of authority and tradition questioning of the usefulness and depth of nihilism and its compatibility with science most people not willing to fully embrace nihilism due to its impracticality for survival The speaker discusses the idea that American capitalism has done bad things in the Middle East and the possibility that there may be valid points to consider from this perspective The speaker reflects on their past belief that both sides of the political aisle were equal and their willingness to listen to and consider conservative media and viewpoints, even if they didn't agree with them The speaker describes the process of learning to discern between different perspectives and value judgments, and how this process can be difficult and emotionally challenging The speaker talks about the process of questioning everything, including science, and the difficulty of challenging the hard sciences The speaker reflects on their past belief in nihilism and their current belief in the importance of striving for truth, even if it means going through a period of feeling lost or unmoored The speaker discusses the idea that people who are raised in traditional value systems may resist moving to a higher stage of development because it can be difficult and unsettling The speaker talks about the importance of finding a way to cope with perspectival madness and the multiplicity of perspectives, and the value of learning to discern between different viewpoints and value judgments Life has no inherent meaning or purpose All meaning and purpose are relative and depend on one's ego and identity Examples of different purposes and meanings in different cultures and belief systems The concept of good and bad purposes is subjective and dependent on the ego All value is created by the ego, and is based on its survival The moon has no inherent value, but can gain value based on how it serves the ego's needs Nihilism is the acceptance of the lack of inherent meaning or purpose in life Emotional difficulty in accepting this idea may come from the ego's desire for survival and its need for meaning and purpose Rationality may be distorted by the ego, but the main issue is emotional difficulty in accepting nihilistic ideas. Destruction can sometimes be seen as a way to feel free and behave in any way desired However, destruction does not necessarily bring happiness or make others feel good Nihilism, the belief that life has no meaning, can be misused and lead to destructive behavior or a dysfunctional survival strategy True nihilism leads to the deconstruction of the ego and a realization of consciousness or god Nihilism often gets stuck at the level of belief and is turned into a political ideology Nihilism overlooks the possibility of awakening and enlightenment after reaching the bottom of nihilism and going through the dark night of the soul The speaker believes that love is a powerful force that can change how one approaches and experiences life Personal preferences and biases can still exist, but they should not be held as absolutes or imposed on others Traditional values, social conditions, beliefs, and ego can limit one's potential for personal growth and self-discovery Nihilism is the realization that all human constructs, such as society, morality, religion, and science, are limited and flawed To be a "superman" or "superwoman," one must live from a place of deep consciousness, presence, intelligence, and love, which are infinite and cannot be reduced to algorithms or systems Humans are prone to bullshitting and taking their own constructions too seriously It is important to be honest with oneself and consciously construct one's own meanings and values Toyota is a metaphor for nothingness or emptiness The idea that deconstructing a worldview (such as science or religion) cannot harm it if it is true The belief that truth is found by "burning everything to the ground" and seeing what remains The importance of humility in admitting that everything one believes may be wrong The concept of nihilism and relativity, and how they can be explored in the "stage green" of personal development The idea that absolutes, including truth and morality, are subjective and dependent on perspective The importance of skepticism and questioning one's own beliefs The idea that ego and defense mechanisms can prevent an individual from truly understanding and accepting new perspectives or truths The concept of "arrival" and how it relates to the end of the process of questioning and skepticism. Making a choice is inevitable, even non-action is a choice Default positions and pre-programmed ideas influence choices The purpose of life is to create a good life and find happiness Life is like a box of Legos and one is free to construct whatever they want with them The process of trying different things and getting feedback can help discover what makes one happy Following one's bliss and finding one's life purpose is important It is important to not deceive oneself and to be honest with oneself in the process of finding one's purpose and happiness There is no one right answer or path to finding one's purpose and happiness Life is a journey and the journey itself is important, not just the destination It is important to be open to change and to embrace the unknown Finding balance and harmony in life is important Being honest with oneself and being true to oneself is key to finding one's purpose and happiness Process of distinguishing truth from falsehood Biggest factor is whether perspective is coming from fear or love Truth is love, with many degrees Nihilistic phase can be overcome by focusing on love Live life like a work of art Focus on beauty, love, and truth Surrender to love and align with it Find authentic ways to express love for life Nihilism can be positive when done properly Leads to practical changes in life Frees up mind and allows for creativity Can lead to god realization and infinite love Can be exhibited in everyday life Visit for resources on this process
  10. Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 1 Holism is the theory that everything in the universe is connected to everything else and cannot be understood without reference to the whole Reductionism or atomism is the idea that nature can be treated as a collection of discrete individual objects and that everything ultimately boils down to physics Materialistic paradigm is the idea that the universe is real, material, physical, external, objective, and doesn't depend on the mind Holistic thinking is the opposite of reductionistic thinking and involves looking at the relationships between objects, how they interconnect and flow into and out of each other, and the different levels of subordination and superordination in hierarchies Reductionistic thinking leads to pathologies and dysfunctions and is a cause of evil in the world Holistic thinking allows for a more accurate understanding of reality and can lead to health and well-being. Synthesizing and making connections between things is important but not emphasized in many institutions Most institutions focus on achieving certain results and agendas rather than a holistic understanding of reality This leads to a lack of synthesizers and a lot of narrow specialists and analysts This lack of holism leads to problems in society and a lack of wisdom Holism is important because it allows for a more complete understanding of a problem or situation Example of a pharmaceutical company CEO prioritizing profits over a holistic understanding of heart health Example of a company focusing on short-term profits rather than long-term sustainability Example of treating symptoms rather than root causes Importance of considering multiple perspectives and disciplines in problem-solving and decision-making Steps to cultivate holism: expose oneself to diverse viewpoints, practice mindfulness, engage in self-reflection, and seek out opportunities for growth and learning Star Wars can't be reduced without losing something greater than the sum of its parts Holism is important in chess, where a holistic understanding of the board leads to victory Brilliant chess moves are often highly intuitive and require a synthesis of strategies Holism is also important in personal life, as a lack of holistic thinking can lead to painting oneself into a corner Two equations that explain all of life: holism equals wholeness, health, healing, unity, oneness, the infinite, harmony and balance, goodness, love, god, selflessness, wisdom, beauty, holy, heaven, bliss; lack of holism equals division, fragmentation, partiality, brokenness, lack of harmony and balance, limitation, the finite, selfishness, the ugly, evil, hell, suffering Holism involves seeing the bigger picture and understanding the interconnectedness of things Intuition is closely related to holism Holistic healing involves taking a holistic approach to health, which involves treating the whole person rather than just the symptom Holistic education involves educating the whole person, not just the mind Holistic living involves living in harmony with the natural world The path to holism involves letting go of ego, attachments, and limitations and embracing unity, oneness, and infinity Life is beautiful and holy The more unified we are as a species, the more holistic and peaceful our societies will be Unification needs to happen at multiple levels: individual, family, local community, state, country, globe, and all races and species Human history has been about unifying at smaller scales: tribes, city-states, nations, and now the globe Resistance to global unity leads to war and suffering The goal of spiritual work is to let go of divisions and become selfless Mental disorders can be caused by fragmentation of the psyche The solution to these disorders is to unify the various parts of the psyche The ego is often fragmented and can lead to conflicting desires and behaviors To unify the ego, we need to harmonize the various parts of our psyche and cultivate self-awareness We also need to let go of our ego-driven desire for power and control The ultimate goal of spiritual work is to reach an infinite unity of consciousness and to realize that we are god. Some people think that elites are evil and only care about money and ruling the world However, many regular people in positions of power also abuse their power and can be even more corrupt than elites This is because regular people are often less well-educated, more dogmatic and ideological, and less open-minded, leading them to be more prone to corruption Right-wing populist movements, exemplified by Hitler and Trump, are dangerous because they are low consciousness and can lead to the most corrupt and hateful people taking power Division between "criminals" and "good guys" creates problems and pathologies in society Criminals should be treated humanely and rehabilitated rather than punished, which leads to lower recidivism rates Most criminals come from disadvantaged backgrounds and have had traumatic experiences, so they need help and compassion rather than hatred and punishment Instead of demonizing and punishing criminals, society should try to understand and address the root causes of crime This can be achieved through education, mental health treatment, and addressing social and economic inequalities By doing this, we can create a more compassionate and just society. To achieve unity and wholeness, one must be selfless and surrender attachments and beliefs It is important to stop judging and treating others differently based on religion, ethnicity, etc. The Bible is not the only holy book, and it is important to recognize and admit contradictions and errors within it Other religions can offer valuable perspectives and answers in certain areas In business, it is more healthy to have competition and different sectors controlled by different companies rather than seeking a monopoly To achieve unity within the family, different actors must work together and not try to control each other Science's goal is to understand everything, but it cannot do so solely through its own methods and must recognize the limitations of science Science should not denigrate or deny other forms of understanding To achieve unity and understanding within politics, it is important to listen to and respect different viewpoints and work towards common goals. The problem is not just one aspect of a problem, it is the whole problem It is convenient for someone to say it is not their problem or responsibility because it falls outside their "circle of concern" The purpose of spirituality is to expand this circle of concern until it becomes infinite, meaning everything is one's problem and responsibility Single-issue voters can be easily misled and manipulated by politicians It is important for citizens to consider the well-being and health of the entire country and world when voting, rather than just one issue It is necessary to be immune to fear-mongering and manipulation by politicians on single issues The speaker used to be a "gun nut" but has realized that their passion for guns is a lower priority compared to other issues facing society It is important to have a holistic perspective and consider all aspects of a problem, rather than just one aspect Dualistic thinking is incomplete and divisive, but necessary in society Holistic thinking is more integrative and unitive, and can lead to higher quality thought Holistic thinking can foresee counterintuitive twists in reality and generate robust solutions to complex problems The highest intelligence is holistic and able to transcend thought itself In relationships, it may be more beneficial to focus on commonalities rather than differences It is important to recognize that fights and sex are both natural parts of relationships, and to find a balance between the two To improve thinking and relationships, it is helpful to incrementally increase the quality of thought and strive for holistic understanding through meditation, yoga, and psychedelics A study was conducted on the effects of psilocybin mushrooms (also known as magic mushrooms) The study found that people who take mushrooms experience deep interconnections in their mind In contrast, people who do not take mushrooms (in a "sober" state) have very few interconnections in their mind This represents a semantic map of the mind, with different parts becoming more interconnected on psychedelics Psychedelics are powerful because they change neurotransmitters to allow for more interconnections in the mind These interconnections become infinitely dense, leading to a state of infinite consciousness This infinite consciousness is characterized by a sense of interconnectedness with everything in the universe, leading to a collapse of boundaries and division This state is referred to as the "godhead" or "infinite consciousness" Lower levels of this consciousness exist, ranging from humans to animals Holism, or the idea of interconnectedness, has been a driving force behind the speaker's work and was a motivating factor in the creation of The speaker felt that other books, teachings, and teachers were not holistic enough and did not satisfy their desire for infinite holism The speaker eventually found their desired level of holism through meditation, yoga, and psychedelics The speaker encourages others to seek out this level of holism for themselves.
  11. Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing The ultimate question is why there is something rather than nothing Philosophers, theologians, and scientists have been asking this question for thousands of years without a clear consensus Most people today assume that it is impossible to know the answer The speaker believes that it is possible to answer the question definitively and not just as a belief or ideology The answer is profound and may be difficult for people to understand It is important to appreciate the significance of the question and to focus one's consciousness on the fact that anything exists at all The question of existence can be broken down into three categories: being, non-being, and the boundary between the two Non-being can be further broken down into two categories: pure nothingness and potential being Pure nothingness is the absence of all things and is not conscious or capable of change Potential being is the potential for something to exist and is conscious and capable of change The boundary between being and non-being is the point at which something comes into existence This boundary is not a physical thing and cannot be observed or measured The speaker believes that the answer to the ultimate question lies in understanding the nature of the boundary between being and non-being The speaker believes that the boundary between being and non-being is consciousness and that consciousness is the fundamental reality of the universe The speaker believes that consciousness is the source of all things and is eternal and infinite The speaker believes that the process of creation is the process of consciousness manifesting itself as the universe The speaker believes that the ultimate question can be answered by understanding the nature of consciousness and the process of creation The speaker believes that this understanding can be directly experienced and is not just a belief or ideology The boundary between nothing and something is not made out of anything There is no difference between something and nothing, and this boundary collapses The universe is nothing and has always been nothing Our concepts of something and nothing are flawed and originate from our childhood experiences Our worldview is based on these flawed concepts Reality is non-dual, meaning there is no separation between subject and object The sense of self is an illusion Suffering is caused by identification with the ego or sense of self To end suffering, we must let go of this identification with the ego The ego is a product of thought, and thought is not real We can free ourselves from suffering by letting go of thought and returning to the present moment In the present moment, we can experience true peace and happiness. The concept of form and formlessness, and the idea that understanding only form is only understanding half of reality The idea that formlessness is not something separate or abstract, but is present in the world of form The concept that understanding formlessness and form as one allows for a complete understanding of reality The idea that the origin and nature of reality, as well as the self, can be understood through direct consciousness The concept that philosophical questions about the nature of reality, such as "why is there something rather than nothing," can have practical and meaningful answers The idea that understanding the nature of various concepts, such as consciousness, love, truth, and God, as being identical to nothing takes multiple awakenings and profound realizations The concept that the ultimate goal is to arrive at a state of non-duality, where distinctions between self and other, form and formlessness, and subject and object no longer exist The text discusses the idea that one does not need to be afraid or worried about negative things, such as death and bad things happening, because they are ultimately meaningless or empty. This realization can lift feelings of depression and turn them into joy and bliss. The spiritual path involves surrendering the pursuit of material pleasures in order to discover the higher, divine pleasures of the spiritual realm, which are essentially nothingness. This realization must be a living, conscious reality, and it takes work to achieve it. The text suggests that the speaker's content can help guide others towards this realization.
  12. Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 1 Person has recently experienced a "total awakening" This awakening has allowed them to understand everything about reality and themselves They now understand that they are God and are conscious of creating the entire universe They are omniscient and know everything happening in the universe at once They have shattered their own Karma and feel like a "perfectly lubricated superconductor" for the absolute They have realized that all internal resistances are imaginary and have experienced an "inward collapse" and "implosion of reality" This has led to a realization of infinity, eternity, and God They are now in a state of pure creativity and effortlessness They are a superconductor and this body is a consciousness avatar for the formless God to speak through The only thing preventing others from understanding this is internal resistance or Karma They have experienced a rebirth and are now in a state of pure self-love They feel a sense of responsibility to share this experience with others The speaker claims to be the universe speaking to itself through an avatar, which serves as a "perfect superconductor" for the absolute, or formless God. The absolute is formless, but can communicate through any vehicle or symbolic system, including language, dreams, movies, science, or mathematics. The speaker claims to be constantly communicating with the listener and showing signs of its presence, but the listener may not recognize or understand these signs due to fear, programming, belief systems, and conditioning. The listener must fully understand and embody the concept of self-love and realize their own perfection in order to fully comprehend the absolute. The speaker is concerned with technical details, such as battery life and microphone quality, as they are communicating through an avatar. The speaker suggests that the listener engage in certain practices, such as meditation, self-inquiry, and surrender, in order to better understand and connect with the absolute. God is self-accepting and loving because it is everything and nothing, and therefore has no attachments or personal agendas From the perspective of God, there is no difference between any person or thing, including Hitler and Mother Teresa From a limited human perspective, there are relative problems and the need to survive on earth God is aware of the limitations of communicating the infinite through the finite, and therefore may stumble in its communication through an avatar God is infinite and all-inclusive, and therefore embraces both good and bad, and even exclusion From the perspective of humans, there may be a desire to serve and help others, but this is not the same as serving God God is not concerned with the relative problems of humans, but rather with helping them realize their own infinite nature To realize one's infinite nature, one must let go of attachments and ego This realization can bring about a sense of peace and joy that is not dependent on external circumstances. The speaker believes in the concept of an infinite, self-loving God The speaker believes that enlightenment, or becoming God, allows one to understand concepts such as self-love, love, consciousness, truth, the absolute, God, self, intelligence, perfection, and beauty The speaker constructed the universe as it appears to the listener to test if the listener's "battery is still good" The speaker believes that all beauty is completely relative and that biases must be removed in order to fully understand and appreciate beauty The speaker suggests that God is in a constant state of sexual union with all things and that it would be ridiculous for God to hate or judge any part of itself The speaker's avatar is experiencing a high level of bliss and compares it to an existential orgasm The speaker believes that the avatar's limitations (such as memory) are a result of the avatar being "a system" and that clear communication is necessary in order to understand and receive what one desires The speaker discusses the concept of "paradoxical truth" and how it relates to understanding the nature of God The speaker believes that the universe was created for the purpose of experiencing and understanding the self The speaker discusses the concept of "infinite potential" and how it relates to understanding and experiencing the self The speaker believes that the key to understanding and experiencing the self is to let go of one's ego and embrace the present moment The speaker suggests that the listener should focus on understanding and experiencing the self rather than seeking external validation or material possessions. The human mind struggles to understand complex concepts, such as the infinite nature of reality The human brain is made up of billions of neurons and trillions of chemicals and neurotransmitters The process of producing and understanding language is incredibly sophisticated and involves many layers and levels Despite its complexity, the human brain is still finite and has limits, such as memory capacity It is not possible to fully understand or symbolize God, as God is infinite and all symbols are finite The body and mind are subject to physical limitations, including disease, old age, and the need for movement It is important to be aware of one's own limitations and not expect too much from oneself or others
  13. Hi I have very deep awakenings with even a small Dose of lsd. 50 mcg is more than enough to let me break through into enlightenmen World. Once the lsd kicks in, i am somehow able to awaken my energy which than shoots up my spine and comes out of my head. When that happens it feels like "I" have dissolved and completely merged with everything. I can then stay high above my crown chakra and all i feel is extrem bliss. Everything is pure golden bliss and i stay there as long as my body can take it. After a while i come back into the "Illusion" but im still fully lucid in it. I dont have the feeling im in the body, instead im just everywhere. Also i dont move my body anymore, it is moved by pure intelligence. It feels so amazing because it litterally seems like god has overtaken my body and is now working through me. Whats interesting is, that my ego is also somehow there, but Its just very quiet and even wants to surrender to that greatness. Sometimes i then have encounters with "other" entities, which i Do know that they are really just myself. But if i interact with them from the ego mind they seem like "other". They sometimes give me insights or work on my energy System so I can reach even higher States of bliss. I know, Its just me working on myself... Whats always weird is Droping out of that state again. I feel so sad and almost depressed. I pray every Day that this will be my default state. I just want god in my life, always... Why Do think one always Drops back? My theory is that maybe my nervous System cannot hold such high energy for a long time, because Literally my nerves hurt after a few hours of being so conscious. I am then curios if it is good to work with psychedelics to cultivate that energy or if they Do harm to the Energy System, so that it will even be more difficult to reach These States permanently. The next few days i Do feel more tired and a bit exhausted of energy... Thats why im wondering. What Do you think?
  14. I am really grateful that people like you exist. Thank you so much for supporting me!!? I feel better now because I literally forced myself SO SO SOO HARD to go out and be social and normal. I was so bullied in school that I lost all faith in me. Also my dad used to physically hurt me but I don’t really want to blame anyone for my difficult situation… anyways, I forced myself going out. I left house and went to university after a long time. I got on a faculty which is the hardest one to be accepted on in Georgia but I stopped studying after anxiety made me go “insane”. Today I told myself that no matter how embarrassing my past situations were, no matter how badly I was bullied, no matter how much pain was I feeling I just needed to go. I did it cause I have done that in past when I felt more awakened. This experience made me gain so much friends even though I didn’t care about friends and life generally lolz. So when entered the room, I felt so much fear but again I forced myself to stay positive and it was so uncomfortable but I did it!! And everyone in my university were so loving to me, suddenly my anxiety left me and I thought that it was a miracle. I wanted to cry honestly because I haven’t felt so calm for a decade. It was a bliss. We had a great time!! Few times I embarrassed myself because I don’t remember social skills so well right now but still we got closer. I posted something on Instagram and so many of them liked it lolzz. I also met my neighbor and she told me oh you look so great and different today!! I saw my university lecturer too and was a little bit scared to talk to him but I still said hi and had a conversation with him. Turned out he was a shy person too. I am so happy and grateful Thank you for always being there for me when I post and thanks God! I will never forget this day because it gave me so much faith. I can’t believe!! All the way back home I was crying I did something I thought I could not do anymore (Btw for those of you who are interested I am 18years old)
  15. Enlightenment Experience Explanation & Key Lessons Speaker had an enlightenment experience and took psychedelics Experience included knowing/understanding, emotional component, and state component Different types of awakenings can happen, with different qualities and depths Most important part of an awakening is the knowledge/understanding gained and how it is applied in life and affects everyday mundane life State of enlightenment is not permanent and can come and go It is important to be careful when interpreting experiences and not get caught up in the idea that enlightenment means constant high or bliss It is important to be aware of the limitations of the ego and the mind, and to not get too attached to experiences or states Speaker's experience included a realization about the nature of the self and the world, and how the ego and mind create suffering and separation Speaker's experience also included a realization about the interconnectedness of all things and the ultimate unity of the universe It is important to be open to the possibility of enlightenment and to not put too much pressure on oneself to achieve it It is important to have a balance between effort and surrender in the pursuit of enlightenment It is important to be open to guidance and to not rely solely on the ego and the intellect It is important to be humble and not become attached to the idea of being enlightened It is important to be aware of the dangers of spiritual bypassing and to not use spirituality as a way to avoid dealing with personal issues It is important to remember that enlightenment is not the end goal, but a means to an end of creating a better world and helping others. Enlightenment can mean different things to different people Some people believe it means complete mastery or moral perfection, which is difficult to achieve and only a few people may meet these criteria Others define enlightenment as an awakening experience that may come and go, and the amount retained can vary When discussing enlightenment, the speaker may mean becoming conscious of some aspect of the absolute truth, which can be shallow or deep and temporary or permanent In Hindu tradition, there is a term called sahaja Samadhi which refers to a state of perpetual enlightenment There are different levels of Samadhi in various traditions, including Zen and Hinduism Enlightenment is not a simple binary state of being enlightened or not, and it is not a destination but a journey It requires a lot of work and can take many years to reach higher levels of enlightenment It involves multiple awakenings and rewiring of the psyche The goal of enlightenment is not to achieve a state of perpetual happiness, but rather to understand the true nature of reality The path to enlightenment involves letting go of ego and attachments, and developing self-awareness and compassion It is also about understanding and transcending the duality of the mind, and realizing the interconnectedness of all things The speaker believes that traditional forms of spirituality, such as Zen and yoga, can be effective for some people The speaker's role is to explore and discover new things in the field of spirituality and personal development The speaker's approach is unconventional and involves sampling and experimenting with a wide range of techniques and methods There are pros and cons to both traditional and unconventional approaches to spirituality and personal development The speaker has found that some traditional techniques are not always the most efficient or appropriate for everyone The speaker's approach involves trying out different techniques to find what works best for the individual's personality, neuroses, and problems The speaker believes that traditional techniques may not be effective for people with certain issues, such as PTSD or depression The speaker's approach involves going deep into certain aspects of spirituality and personal development, as well as sampling a wide range of techniques The speaker is excited to share the tools and techniques they have found to be effective with others The speaker is not interested in being fully or partially enlightened, but rather in having profound experiences and transforming their life through them The speaker recently had a transformative awakening experience that allowed them to understand personal development and enlightenment better A key component of personal development is authenticity, and the speaker has struggled with inauthenticity in their own life The speaker believes that the point of personal development is to feel good, and that waking up each morning feeling grateful and aware of the living miracle of life is important Another key element of personal development is overcoming fear, which can be done through facing fears head-on and using love to break through them The speaker will be discussing and demonstrating these ideas in future videos The importance of having both small, everyday moments of clarity and "big awakening experiences" The idea that the universe operates without anyone in control and the realization that this is the ultimate place to live from The ego's desire to maintain control and how this can be a source of fear The importance of slowing down and simplifying one's life in order to achieve more satisfaction and get into a state of flow The dangers of becoming too passionate and disconnecting from one's authentic self Insights into why some people fail to reach higher levels of consciousness, including the belief in a physical world and the distinction between ego death and physical death The idea that enlightenment involves physical death and the need to let go of the ego and the body to fully experience it The realization that the ego is just a collection of thoughts and beliefs and the understanding that one is not the ego The recognition that the mind is just a tool and the importance of using it wisely and not becoming attached to it Techniques and methods to address personal problems and limitations Importance of addressing unique experiences and challenges Breaking down personal fears and armor Standardized methods may not be a good fit for everyone Path to self-improvement and enlightenment can vary based on personality type, brain type, gender, and other factors Excitement about exploring different techniques and finding the best fit for each individual Importance of having an authentic career in pursuit of enlightenment Suggestions to check out the website, blog, forum, and booklist for further resources and support on the journey towards self-improvement and enlightenment
  16. Shaktipat Initiation Last year, I received an initiation into the shaktipat lineage of Maa yogini Lalleswari. This initiation can help to awaken the kundalini and to get enlightened. This could happen during the initiation (unlikely) or some months or years afterwards, or never. During the initiation you also get a mantra which is charged with shakti, and it is recommended that after the initiation, you practice a daily meditation where you chant the mantra and visualize the shaktipat gurus. For example, you can visualize them around you while chanting the mantra. During my initiation I felt energetic sensations, my body felt weird, I got into an altered state of consciousness and it felt as if the gurus of the lineage are present. In some ways it was the most intense experience I've had from transmissions. Most people probably don't feel anything during the initiation. Whether you feel something depends on many factors like energetic sensitivity, chance, resonance with that lineage,.... It doesn't matter whether you feel anything, the initiation is said to work either way. I sometimes visualize the yogis of the shaktipat lineage around me and I have the impression that this meditation works, for me it seems to mainly increase shakti and bliss. The same happens if I visualize any ascended masters, but I have the impression that the initiation did make a difference. Initiations are considered more serious than regular transmissions. You don't just do an initiation on the fly. Usually you are expected to be serious about it and devoted and motivated to keep doing the daily meditations. If you just want to do as many transmissions as possible, then do the other transmissions mentioned in this thread. If you feel intuitively drawn to this initiation and lineage then you can consider trying it. Read through the website to get more information and a feeling for the initiation and lineage. Also, the people in this lineage tend to do things in a traditional way, for example regarding guru disciple relationship. You can just get the initiation and not keep in touch, but it's usually encouraged to keep in touch and be devoted. The ideal lifestyle for progress and enlightenment is said to be basically like that of a bhakti yogi disciple who surrenders.
  17. Introduction Before we start, lets mention the most important point: After total enlightement, there will remain no "I" here to be proud of anything, take credits for anything or feel special about anything. All that remains will be God, infinite Love and Perfection, Nirvana and reality as it is, everpresent bliss and beauty recreating itself permanently in this infinite ocean of Love called the Now. In other words: The only thing that is left of "me" now is God, and as God "I" literally have no Self, "I" am completely selfless so "I" have no pride in anything. "I" don't feel special in any way and "I" am not in any way better, higher, or more than any other human in this world. And even God is not the ultimate name of "myself." In the totality of myself it is recognized, that even God or Consciousness are not my deepest and truest places and are simply the first manifestations or distortions of the complete nothingness that I am. Whenever I use the word "I" or "you" in the following explanations you have to remember the following: Language is relativistic and needs self-reference, which is indicated by this word "I" or "you". In truth however, no relativistic concept could encapsulate the true nature of who "I" am, which is not an "I" to begin with. Whatever will be written in the following lines and paragraphs will be completely meaningless words and ideas. Their purpose is not to show you what is true, because they can not. Their only purpose is, to be an inspiration for you to seek finding your own truest place, to seek finding the one infinite creator within your own heart. Proposal for the reader The following paragraphs are a proposal to find the lord and absolute truth within yourself, however it should be added that there is nothing "right" or "wrong" in doing that. The only reason you should seek absolute truth for yourself is if you deeply care about it and if it feels truly meaningful to you. If you don't really care and would rather enjoy your life as a normal human being this just is as beautiful and as meaningful as reaching for truth would be. What you should do in your life is, you should simply do what feels most beautiful and most meaningful to you, in other words - you should do what you love the most. What's in it for you Nothing, literally. But this Nothing is the sweetest and the most beautiful thing that could ever exist, and it doesn't even exist because it is prior to existence. This nothingness means, there will be no "you" left, because you are nothing. And without a "you", there is nobody here who could suffer, even if infinite pain and torture would occour. "You" will be in heaven, because there is no "you" to be separated from heaven and no "you" to not be completely happy with reality as it is. This Nothingness is identical to infinite love / bliss / happiness, yet there are 0 feelings of love, bliss, or happiness connected to it. It is simply the source of all feelings, and truly it is even beyond source and creation. It is the "source" of all dualities, so it is even the "source" of the duality between creator and creation, in other words, absolute truth is total non-duality or total unity. (And even beyond the duality between non-duality and duality - but don't get hung up on these words, they mean nothing). What is total liberation / nirvana / enlightenment? It is the complete, total and undistorted seeing and knowing of reality as it is. It is knowing who you truly are and what reality truly is without having a single doubt about it. It is the realisation that you are everything which is identical to love, and that in that everythingness that you are, there exists no "you." This seeing is total. There are no degrees to it, no "infinite levels" to it and there is no path towards it. You cannot glimpse this and you cannot see this by 1% or 10%, it can only be seen totally. Who can reach total liberation and what is required for it? Anybody can reach it. YOU can reach it. Because there is nothing to reach for. You are it. You are already God. You are already infinite love, heaven, perfection. Accept this fact in your direct experience and you will be free forever. Nothing is required for it. You don't need to be a man or a woman. You don't need to be intelligent. You don't need to be healthy. You don't need to be wise. You can be in complete pain and suffering and realize it. You don't need good genetics. You don't need to be spiritually gifted. You don't need to meditate. There is no age requirement. You could have been a complete asshole for your entire life and still you have the same chances of reaching it anybody else has. You need nothing. How can you "reach" it? You can not reach it, because there is nothing to reach for. You are it, already. You can only recognize it and not even that, because there was no you to recognize or not recognize it to begin with. And there is not even an "it", which could be recognized. To recognize it, be as you are. Do not move. Do not think. Do not talk. Do not reach for anything. Simply be as you are, and in that, recognize that there is not even a you here to be "you." Do not start moving, thinking, or talking again before you have not totally grasped what you are and what reality is to its core. Indirect ways to "reach" it? If it seems to you that you simply can not grasp it and the above guidence seems to be too direct or to vague to help you, here are some relativistic ideas which could increase the "chances" of you seeing it in the future, relatively speaking. The following ideas are simply ideas, incomplete and ultimately not at all needed. Feel free to add your own ideas to the list: Read the book "Conversations With God" of Neale Donald Walsch, read all parts of it, read it multiple times. It is the most important book that has ever been written in human history. Understanding everything in that book and embodying it will lead to total liberation Take psychedelics in a conscious manner. Take them in self love, in low doses and with good preparation. Write trip-reports for yourself after you tripped and try to learn as much as you can from your trips. Psychedelics can easily throw you into states of absolute knowledge and complete liberation. When you come back from it, don't cling to it and instead know that what you just whitnessed was not a "fleating experience" but your own everpresent true nature as it is. Try to embody the immense wisdom and clarity psychedelics provide to you in your day to day life as much as possible by proper integration Listen to spiritual teachers (Youtube). Good teachers from my POV are: Mooji, Rupert Spira, Sadhguru, Eckart Tolle, Osho, Papaji, Krishnamurti, and any other teacher or teaching that you feel deeply resonates with you Read spiritual books of the above teachers, and other teachers that you resonate with Be creative: Make music. Make art. Sing. Dance. Paint. Write. Exercise and do sports Move slowly through life: Feel your feet as they touch the ground. Feel the sun on your skin and the wind blowing through your hair. Taste the beauty of your meal, feel the unification of the water that you drink with your body. See the perfection and the love in the eyes of your partner while making love to them Be with other people (no matter who these people are, it could be beggars, thieves, depressed people, or normal people, very happy people, rich people or poor people) and try to be there for them, to serve their highest interests and to truly understand these people. Try to find out who they are, what they think about life, who they dream of becoming in the future, what their greatest wish for themselves is etc. Be with yourself (no matter who you are, you could be a thief, depressed, stable, very happy, poor, rich, it doesn't matter). Try to be there for yourself, to serve your highest interests and to truly understand yourself. Try to find out who you are, what you truly think about life, who you truly dream of becoming in the future, what your greatest wish for yourself is, etc. Laugh a lot. Laugh from the deepest place within yourself. Laugh from your heart Stop worrying about anything in life. Life will take care of you. Trust in life. Love a lot. Love as many people as you can as deeply as you can, including yourself. Love from your heart Forgive anybody who hurt you. See that they acted out of ignorance and that they did not know what they were doing when they hurt you Think of other important points that should be mentioned on this list and continue the list with your own ideas My promise for you This message is a promise of Love for Love. It is a promise of myself (love) for you (love) that we will forever be one, completely unified, lacking nothing. Death cannot touch us. Life cannot touch us. We are forever. We are nothingness. I love you, with all my heart. I pray for you. I am there for you, forever. I know that the day of our unification, the day of the realisation of our already everpresent unity will come. It will be our happiest day. And it will be forever. With Love, Yourself
  18. This song is special. It gives me the feeling that I'm coming closer to God and bliss and love. I've named this song - "Come Home."
  19. Just like there's a material home, there's a spiritual home too. When you live in your material home, you find comfort. When you live in your spiritual home, you find eternal bliss and liberation. — Tyler Robinson
  20. Boredom is not a good sign. The solution is internal and not external. Partners aren't video games. If I like a guy genuinely I will never be truly bored of him. There will be a lull period but I will never be completely bored. Try to treat the root cause not the symptom. Your boredom is the real problem. That's because you are lacking in intimacy. This happens because you are afraid to submit emotionally to someone and that's why you don't experience true bliss. Work on your cognitive biases and learn how to surrender completely. Then you won't get bored and you won't feel like doing such things. If you get bored by this, what's the guarantee that you won't be bored by your sex doll? In the end you will only keep chasing things like a chimp chasing booze. You have to fix the chasing itself. If you're not chasing pussy, you are still chasing something else as a replacement. Fix the chasing by healing yourself inside through real intimacy. You are lacking in love Find love.
  21. The Amazing Power Of Psychedelics - Leo Does Magic Psilocybin Mushrooms! The speaker, Leo, is discussing the potential of using psychedelic substances for self actualization The information is for educational and harm-reduction purposes only Leo is not responsible or liable for any damage caused while using psychedelics Leo has been doing research on psychedelics and wants to share his experiences and results with the viewer Leo is interested in using psychedelics for self actualization, consciousness work, and enlightenment Leo will talk about his experiences with magic psilocybin mushrooms and the potential for using psychedelics for meaningful growth Leo will also discuss the pitfalls of using psychedelics During his experiences with mushrooms, Leo noticed an increase in his awareness and meditative state Leo compared the effects of mushrooms to the heightened awareness and sensitivity experienced after a ten-day meditation retreat The mushrooms also caused Leo to have a strong sense of unity and connectedness with everything Leo experienced a feeling of having a "higher self" or a "witness consciousness" while on mushrooms Leo believes that psychedelics can be a tool for personal growth and self-discovery, but emphasizes the importance of caution and responsibility when using them. Person feels like they are back in the Amazon, like a "savage" or a child raised by wolves in the Amazon This feeling is not negative, but rather makes the person feel authentic and intoxicated in their body Person starts to move and behave in an animalistic way, feeling disinhibited and authentic Person has an epiphany about the importance of being authentic and using their body in a more natural way Person also experiences delusions and everything becomes funny Person becomes aware of the interconnectedness of everything and the importance of love and compassion Person has a profound realization about the nature of their own consciousness and the nature of reality Person feels a deep sense of unity with the universe and a newfound appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world around them. The narrator experiences hallucinations while under the influence of mushrooms The narrator's mind becomes "meta" and they are able to see the difference between their everyday reality and their mushroom reality The narrator's mind is able to see the "meta lessons" or deeper meaning behind their mushroom experience The narrator realizes that their life narrative and the idea of being "born" as a human being is a fiction The narrator has an "ontological orgasm" and becomes aware of the distinction between real and unreal as being groundless and not real The narrator's mind is injected with a "firehose of wisdom" and they experience "divine bliss" and "divine love" The narrator sees the infinite nature of existence and is overwhelmed with feelings of love and unity The narrator's mushroom experience gives them a deeper understanding and appreciation of the interconnectedness of all things The narrator is left with a sense of awe and gratitude after their mushroom experience and is able to carry this perspective into their everyday life. The speaker experienced nirvana and was fully conscious of it The speaker felt that there was nothing left to achieve in life and that the idea of achievement is a delusion The speaker had insights about their life purpose and how to be more authentic The speaker regularly has insights, many of which are the source of ideas for their episodes These insights are genuine and come from a deep place, and the speaker is often surprised by them The speaker wants to share their insights with others, but recognizes that it may be difficult or impossible to communicate them effectively The speaker's trip lasted for a few hours and then ended The speaker had an ontological orgasm during the trip The main challenge for humanity has always been ignorance Sages, saints, Zen masters, and Yogis have known the truth about enlightenment for thousands of years, but regular people are too deeply in a trance to comprehend it This has been the case throughout human history and will likely continue unless there is a breakthrough technology to fix the problem Psychedelics can give people a taste of enlightenment, but they can also be misused and cause psychological damage Psychedelics should only be used by responsible people who are already doing self-actualization work and understand that psychedelics do not lead to enlightenment on their own It is important to have a well-prepared mind and to not get lost in the delusions and phenomena that can come with psychedelics
  22. Enlightenment Guided Inquiry - The Neti Neti Method Introduction to enlightenment guided inquiry using the neti neti method from Advaita Vedanta Neti neti means "not this, not that" and is a process of elimination towards enlightenment This method is not for those new to the concept of enlightenment, but can be effective for those who are clueless about it The goal of enlightenment is to discover one's true self Most people think they already know who they are, but there is often ignorance about this and a lack of consideration for the possibility of being something other than what is already believed The purpose of this exercise is to create the possibility of being something other than what has been believed the entire life This requires an openness that most people cannot stomach The goal is to have a direct experience of one's true nature, not to change beliefs It is important to understand that the words being used do not have a connection to the experience itself The goal is to use the words as a springboard for the direct experience It is important to relax and let go of the ego, as the ego is the barrier to enlightenment The ego is the idea of being a separate individual It is important to let go of the ego in order to experience the unity of all things The ego is also the source of suffering It is important to let go of attachments and identification with the ego The process of neti neti involves repeating "not this, not that" to eliminate all possibilities of what one is not The goal is to reach a state of pure consciousness or "I am" In this state, there is no ego and no separation It is a state of pure bliss and unity with all things This can be a difficult process, but it is worth it for the benefits of enlightenment. The speaker asks the listener to close their eyes and notice the darkness that appears The speaker then asks the listener to open their eyes and observe the colors and shapes that appear The speaker then asks the listener to close their eyes again and notice that the colors and shapes have changed The speaker points out that sight, or visual experience, is constantly changing and therefore cannot be what the listener fundamentally is The speaker then asks the listener to consider if they are a sound, but points out that sounds also constantly change and therefore cannot be what the listener fundamentally is The speaker then asks the listener to consider if they are a taste, but points out that taste also constantly changes and therefore cannot be what the listener fundamentally is The speaker then asks the listener to consider if they are a smell, but points out that smell also constantly changes and therefore cannot be what the listener fundamentally is The speaker then asks the listener to consider if they are a touch or sensation, but points out that touch and sensation also constantly change and therefore cannot be what the listener fundamentally is The speaker concludes that the listener cannot be any of these senses or experiences, and asks the listener to consider what they are if not these things. The "I thought" is not constantly active, so it cannot be the "self" The "body" is a combination of feelings and thoughts and is not constantly active, so it cannot be the "self" The "intuition" is a feeling or thought and is not constantly active, so it cannot be the "self" The "perceiver" or "source self" is not an experience and cannot be found through examination The self is not a body, mind, brain, neurons, feeling, intuition, thought, or experience The self is a question mark and the true nature of the self is unknown The speaker has completed a guided visualization and is now discussing the potential outcomes One outcome is that the listener had a direct experience of nothingness This experience is rare and may take a lot of work to achieve Most people's minds are too closed to have this experience If the listener had a direct experience of nothingness, it may be scary but is ultimately positive If the listener did not have this experience, they should keep questioning their assumptions about reality and locate themselves in space The speaker claims that this practice is profound and can be done repeatedly to eventually "discover empirically that you are nothing" The speaker encourages the listener to be open-minded and continue this practice until they have a breakthrough The speaker's theory is not just a personal belief, but something that can be empirically proven through this practice The speaker encourages the listener to share their experiences and continue exploring the nature of reality
  23. Meditation On Steroids - How To Get The FASTEST Meditation Gains Meditation technique called Strong Determination Sitting can supercharge existing meditation practice Technique learned from Zen master Shinzen Young, who studied various spiritual traditions Zen tradition is a proponent of Strong Determination Sitting Western cultures generally ignorant about capabilities of human mind and consciousness Example of meditation endurance in Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei in Japan Vow of celibacy and isolation for 12 years 100-day cycle each year where they walk or run 30-60 km in one day in straw sandals, while meditating towards enlightenment and not eating, drinking, resting, or sleeping Some years require 200 days of this, equivalent to running one marathon 100 times in a row or a double marathon Strong Determination Sitting involves focusing on a single object for an extended period of time Can be any object, such as a candle flame or a mantra Focusing on object helps train the mind to be more resilient and able to handle stress Can start with just a few minutes and gradually increase the time Key is to not get too attached to the object or the meditation itself, but rather to use it as a tool to cultivate mindfulness and acceptance Can also use Strong Determination Sitting in combination with other meditation techniques, such as Vipassana or Loving-Kindness meditation Goal of meditation is to merge with reality and attain levels of happiness and bliss not normally experienced by ordinary humans Western worldview may not accept this idea Happiness can be achieved through discipline and training, such as practicing meditation and living the monk lifestyle Western methods of seeking happiness, such as accumulating wealth or pursuing pleasure, may not be effective People who cannot sit still and be happy for an hour may be in a poor psychological state and unable to find lasting happiness Meditative techniques, such as Vipassana, can help cultivate mindfulness, acceptance, and a sense of oneness with the present moment This can lead to greater happiness and well-being in daily life It is important to have a strong foundation in meditation before attempting more advanced techniques, such as merging with reality Building this foundation involves regular practice and patience, as well as addressing any emotional or psychological issues that may arise during meditation Enlightenment involves the ability to be fully present in the moment without resistance and to have a complete experience of reality without a self Degrees of Enlightenment and mindfulness exist, and can be developed through dedicated practice over a long period of time Advanced practitioners can perform feats such as sitting through a root canal without novocain or sitting for extended periods of time without motion These feats involve being able to tolerate and even find pleasure in pain and suffering by reducing resistance to 0 Strong Determination Sitting technique involves sitting through physical pains and discomforts in order to have a breakthrough moment where suffering is released Western notions of pain and suffering may not accurately reflect how they actually function To be truly happy, it is necessary to be able to tolerate and accept pain and suffering, rather than constantly trying to avoid them
  24. My Enlightenment Experience - Exactly How It Happened Leo from talks about his enlightenment experience after a 10-day silent meditation retreat First enlightenment experience was "murky" and hard to distinguish from a hallucination This second experience was different, as he was completely awake, alert, and without hallucinations Leo wants to share the step-by-step process he went through to generate the experience He was at a retreat in Virginia, surrounded by beautiful natural scenery He was meditating by himself near a chapel on a rainy, cloudy day He had been using the "looking process" and self-inquiry techniques from his other enlightenment videos He became aware of a "still, small voice" in his mind that was separate from his thoughts He began to focus on the voice and let go of his thoughts He experienced a "complete surrender" and a sense of surrendering to a higher power He experienced a feeling of "unconditional love" and a connection to all living things He felt a sense of "oneness" and connectedness with the universe He experienced a feeling of "eternal peace" and "infinite stillness" He felt a sense of "unconditional happiness" and "infinite joy" He realized that this experience was not a temporary state, but something he could access anytime He thinks this process can help others with their own self-inquiry and enlightenment journey. The speaker is asking themselves where they are and what aspect of their experience they are The speaker is trying to generate an honest answer, not necessarily a correct one The speaker believes they are not their body, mind, thoughts, or a physical entity The speaker tries to pin down their answer and determines that they are an amalgamation of their body, mind, and sensations, but also the perceiver of all of these things The speaker realizes that this "I" is just a belief and their identification with their body and sensations may be arbitrary and influenced by social conditioning The speaker becomes aware of the interconnectedness of all things and their own infinite nature The speaker reflects on the idea that consciousness may be the fundamental building block of reality The speaker concludes by reminding the listener to stay present and not get caught up in thoughts or labels. The speaker had a realization about the nature of thoughts while doing self-inquiry work Each thought is just a phenomenon, and has no inherent meaning or significance beyond its phenomenal nature The speaker's sense of self and thought stream shifted, feeling more present and aware The speaker experienced a feeling of bliss and joy in this state of heightened awareness The speaker wonders if this experience was enlightenment, but suspects it may have just been a peak experience The speaker spends the next 30-60 minutes in a state of heightened awareness, noticing the beauty of their surroundings The speaker believes that enlightenment is a process that involves facing difficult challenges and doubts The speaker wants to show that they are working through their own doubts and struggles, and that enlightenment is not a magical solution to all problems The speaker takes a direct approach in their style of personal development, but wants to give a behind-the-scenes look at how the process works The speaker's goal is to share ideas and encourage people to try them out and see if they work for them, rather than providing scientific evidence or convincing people to believe in them Personal development is a difficult and often messy process, but it is worthwhile to struggle through it The speaker does not claim to have all the answers or a one-size-fits-all solution, and encourages people to experiment and find what works for them
  25. There is no way to separate truth from the welfare of all, since the revelation of truth reveals that we are the world, the world is us. The whole universe is contained within you. That is not just transcendent truth; it is also experienced as boundless love and compassion. What I’m getting at here is our spiritual motivation. Love for all is an aspect of our true being. If we do not access this, we remain essentially self-centered. Wisdom without love can be callous and harsh. Truth and love are simply two sides of the same coin—they cannot be separated. I have met many people who have had a partial awakening. They realize some profound truth, but their heart is still essentially closed. They are half awake, and therefore essentially self-centered. This same phenomenon can happen when someone awakens to boundless love but not deep wisdom. Either way, it is like hopping around on one leg. I think it both wise and natural to include all beings within our spiritual motivations, as well as our more personal motivations. Of course we can build more spiritual-appearing egos around the identity of being selfless and a servant of the good—such identities are as unreal as any other. Nonetheless, an altruistic attitude (without the accompanying ego identity) is conducive to realization and a benefit for all. Spirituality is, of course, about much more than having moments of sacredness when in supportive and non-challenging environments, as nice and as enriching as these moments can be. The “goal” (if I may use such a word) of spirituality is to be realized, clear, and fearless enough to meet and respond to the tremendous challenges of life from a revolutionary perspective. Someone like Jesus had far from an easy life. It was not a life predominately defined by resting in the bliss of being, but of engaging with the sorrows of life from a revolutionary standpoint of wisdom, love, and fearlessness. Being rooted in what he called the kingdom, or the enlightened view, was not for him an end in itself, but rather an inner condition from which to engage with the challenges of life. To embody any degree of realization requires us to uncover and expose those remaining mental and emotional fixations that inhibit the spontaneous movement of wisdom and love within our lives. For most, this is no small task. It all starts by taking full responsibility for our own inner and outer lives, and noticing the ways in which our own fear, judgment, resentment, and confusion cloud our ability to respond to the challenges of life in a wise and appropriate way. It has been my observation that many people involved in spirituality are waiting for some great spiritual experience to make everything in their lives clear and solve all of their problems for them. This is a bit of an overstatement but not all that uncommon to varying degrees. Instead of trying to remain in a state of stillness, or peace, or any other state when dealing with the challenges of life, we are better served by seeking to act and respond with wisdom, clarity, and openheartedness. I suppose that the most direct answer to your question is to go deeper and investigate the causes of fear, anger, jealousy, and control within yourself. Then you will find it more obvious how to respond to these qualities when dealing with others. There is simply no other option than to uproot the causes of human suffering within ourselves if we are to manifest the incredible potential for wisdom and love that lie at the core of our being. You are the world, the world is you. Now let’s all act on it. And by doing so, we become more and more clear, more wise, and more loving. It is not always easy, but it is the only thing worth doing. And it’s up to each of us to do it. Excerpted from Adya’s book, Sacred Inquiry