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  1. My thoughts would be to try more visual forms of meditation like this, especially after cultivating a lot of stability in attention through another form of meditation or even just use the visual meditation the whole time. Fire kasina could be a good one to try as the flame as well as the point and images after closing your eyes will fluctuate similar to how the white dot does. It seems like you might have a greater ability to focus on visual objects in meditation if you’ve noticed this experience was above the rest or near the top of your list. That hyper-focused state can induce a lot of interesting and enjoyable stuff. Your description lines up quite a bit with what I’ve heard of the second jhana. Intense pīti (joy/bliss) is the defining characteristic of the second jhana. The time altering effects seem to be coming from the intense focus and stabilized attention which allows your mind, ego, body, etc. to melt away into the background of your experience or even disappear entirely. This would be my guess of what’s at work here although I haven’t experienced an exact copy of what you describe. It also is going to probably be easier to recreate this while in more fluid and relaxed states similar to the come down of a trip. If you find yourself in a strong mystical state, trying out a visual form of meditation at that point in time might give you a good chance at revisiting this or at least a version of it. The important thing is to find a way to get back to that single pointedness in mind/attention/focus. This is basically the essence of samadhi and strong “concentration”.
  2. Happiness is either intrinsic or it isn't happiness but relief, survival, success, winning. Whenever things go your way, you say that you're happy. When they don't, you say that you're not happy. Both of these are self-survival, not happiness. Consider that perhaps you're constantly experiencing bliss and that it is an aspect of your nature, you're just ignorant of it.
  3. God forgets itself on purpose to create an Ego. Each Ego is a specific type of frequency/vibration of consciousness Through this God spends time awakening to the Ego's frequency and what is the best method to completely dissolve it so the Ego realizes it is actually STILLNESS. Once this happens then God figures out how to fuck the shit out of the EGO and give it infinite bliss all according to its personal preference. The Journey of Life is God figuring out through you how to give it the ULTIMATE BLISS!!! This is why a LOVE AWAKENING IS A REQUIREMENT OTHERWISE YOU WILL MISS OUT ON THE CONSTANT BLISS IN EVERY EXPERIENCE!!
  4. It wasn't activated in real life, but just in my dream. In the dream at some point I spontaneously started to focus on that solar plexus area above the navel (for no apparent reason). Then I suddenly felt a huge physiological shift. A sensation of bliss and joy started to spread from that area throughout the entire body and into the brain and it felt so good that within my dream I had to make some noises with my voice like "aaaaahhhhh" (kind of similar to when you have an orgasm). Then I woke up. I still felt a little bit of that good sensation but then it quickly vanished. Now I'm wondering why I would have such a dream? It seems a bit too specific to just be some random dream incident, even though I often dream of the most random and illogical things. I haven't done a single "chakra meditation" in many months, so it's totally not like chakras have been at the forefront of my mind at all. What do you think of this?
  5. Yeahh.. I guess. As soon as I read your answer I felt like I got a moment of clarity where I was ok with this fact. I sense that when you fully accept reality as it is you become free and you enter a state of pure bliss.. I guess I just have to work my way up to complete acceptance and understanding. Thanks bro.
  6. The brute fact of your direct experience is that certain phenomena follow exactly the Schrodinger equation. Surely it is irrelevant to understanding what Consciousness IS. But it is relevant to understanding what it DOES, and how and why it manifests certain phenomena such that they always follow this equation. But you are avoiding this question because you have no answer. In other words, you know what Consciousness is, but has no clue why and how it is dreaming what it is dreaming, silly. And why could not Consciousness be perfectly alive and dreaming its dreams without any suffering? So, it's helpless and clueless because it's endless. Poor Consciousness ... So, Consciousness is forever alone with nothing "outside" of it, it is forever helpless to change its dreaming or stop it, forever unable to understand why it is dreaming what it is dreaming with all of the experience of suffering in it. I don't see any "Bliss" and "Love" in it, it's actually quite a miserable way of existence. May be that is why it hides from itself always trying to pretend to be someone else?
  7. I've made a similar post like this before (deleted though) on the topic of using dreams as a tool for awakening. Now it's been more than a year and I've gotten further in my process. Anyways. Although I've dabbled with psychedelics and 'enlightenment-work' for years now, I've never really had the breakthroughs I've been looking for - except for when I'm sleeping. This might sound weird but just keep an open mind. I've always been naturally 'gifted' when it comes to lucid dreaming, astral projection and such, it's never really been a big thing for me, but lately my dreams and my sleep has spiraled out of control. Much to a point where I'm even scared to sleep at times. For example yesterday night, I fell asleep, waking up in another room in my apartment. Knowing I was dreaming. Suddenly this bear comes to me and starts cuddling with me. I can actually like feel the bear 100% as if it's real. No difference between the normal Awake-feeling and lucid dreaming at this point. Only difference is I'm aware that I am asleep. So I use this opportunity to start "experimenting" within the dream. I try to keep control of the dream but suddenly the bear starts attacking me, and I can feel his claws ripping through my skin and it hurts like hell. Eventually he eats my entire head and I feel the worst pain I've ever experienced along with death-anxiety. Suddenly I wake up on a farm, still knowing that I'm dreaming but at this point I'm so confused whether or not I'm dead or just asleep that I'm starting to doubt the difference between being awake and sleeping. So on this farm, everything is so bright, like a beautiful summer day, and the colors are so f*cking vibrant and beautiful that I start crying out of pure bliss and Love. It becomes so beautiful that my entire being melts into the scenery and by then "I" realize that I am this beautiful dream and that I am God. This lasts for a few seconds. Absolute f*cking infinity. And boom, I wake up somewhere else, in an apocalyptic scenario where I am another character/ego. I see comets flying around, I am getting tossed around, experiencing panic and pain, and trying to escape and find a safe spot. By this time I go into normal dream-mode where it's like a movie being played with a bunch of symbolisms from my daily life. I can actually pin-point certain details within the dream and see how they connect to my everyday life, my problems, my goals, relationship with people etc. Another crazy thing here is that I'm sometimes able to predict the future. Here is where it gets really f*cking strange. I don't believe I have psychic abilities or anything, but yesterday I dreamt that I got a message from the company that owns the building/apartmentI live in. They have never contacted me before, and when they did in the dream I got anxiety for some reason. And just a couple of hours ago they actually called and asked me to book a time for an inspection. Stuff like this happens to me sometimes so I wasn't THAT surprised, but still it's so mindf*cking and strange that it makes me question a lot. So anyways, after this normal-dream-scenario ends I wake up again, somewhere else, experiencing the same apocalyptic scenario but as a different ego, until I eventually die/something big happens in the dream and I wake up again as someone else. This goes on for like 5 times and for every "character" it just gets more and more intense and real. Eventually it gets so real that I start to "wake up within the dream world" and I become fully conscious that I am dreaming, I am this dream, and I enter God-mode once again. And then I actually woke up for real, from my sleep, I was in my bed and for a few seconds I was still in this God-state. It slowly faded away though, and I fell back into sleep, this time in a lucid dream world where I can create everything I want. So I was between being awake and sleeping, and I could basically just close my eyes whenever I wanted and think of something, and I ended up there (almost exactly the same), with the people I wanted and so on. It wasn't "perfectly matched" but it was quite close. You can imagine what I created within the dream, since I'm a guy and hey, why not take the chance to have sex with your dream-woman right? So I do. She's there. I can actually feel her physically as if it was totally real. Awesome, a little sex woweee, and then another woman, same thing touchy touchy, exciting exciting. And then I actually wake up from my sleep and I'm done. So I know this might sound surreal, and it is. I don't know if this has a lot to do with God-realization but I actually feel that the insights I gain from these dreams have an incredible impact on my "awakening-process". I've had cool insights and experiences on psychedelic but nothing as intense as during my dreams. I don't know why this happens, maybe because my mind is more free, and it becomes so obvious when I'm actually dreaming since I am not connected to my body as much, that I am consciousness itself, just basically everything that is going on. But at the same time I don't feel like it's Really there yet, since it's still a bit "mindy" in the way where I can almost feel my Mind being God and doing all the work, so it's still like I am a bit inside my head. Difficult to explain. Sorry for a long-ass post, but I just had to share this and see if anyone else have had similar experiences
  8. Enlightenment is the recognition of who one actually is. The absolute freedom to express yourself and do what you choose to do without any constraints. It is the recognition that the egoical structure or the 'I' never even existed. You still exist as the consciousness and love that you are but all fear is removed. It is all pure love. There isn't even a need to tell people that you are enlightened because that is quite possibly a way that the egoical structure will perpetuate itself and could become a so called 'spirital ego'. It is a regonition that we all do share the same one consciousness which is in the background of all experience that happens. There is no need to go anywhere and do anything because you are already here. Forever and eternally here. In this very present moment, simply experiencing one thought at a time. Always creating new experiences within the present moment. A recognition of being absolutely infinite and can create anything because thoughts are creative. It is the same internal state, whatever you may call it. Unconditional love/happiness/oneness/God's being. Nothing in the external reality can affect that internal place of just being love. It is beyond the conceptualizations of the thinking mind but at the same time it is a drawing back into the experience that is currently being experienced and putting that eternal presencce on the nature of thoughts and recognizing them for what they are. You control your thoughts and instead of your thoughts controlling you. It is a disendtification from form into formless.. without any constaints. Simply experiencing pure love. No longer identified with the body-mind. There is an awareness beyond the place of thought identification. No thought attachment. Just pure love and bliss. It's almost like you took off in a rocket ship and landed in outer space where as on the ground there is a huge gravitational pull within an egoic state of consciousness of always needing something to feel happy. Always resisting the moment of pure awareness. The game that is being played is that everyone thinks others are judging them when in fact we are the only ones judging ourselves. There is nothing to worry about. Everything is perfect as it is
  9. Hey, I had interesting experience yesterday on cannabis. I feel my anxiety and cannabis is connected. I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone here by talking about the experience and anxiety. I will have few questions, because I seek outside perspective, but feel free to add your own insights. Any help is appreciated. Background I smoked weed on occasion like 4-3 years ago. It always made me introspective, and made me a little anxious from the beginning of each experience. It felt a bit psychedelic, I wouldn't call it chill drug. When I used weed my thoughts naturally went to more existential and self development topics. In that time I was in a stressful but relatively good mental state it felt steady. Being aware of existence felt good. Until I got to college, stress was building up, anxiety too. In that time I had bad edible experience I had a panic attack. We have to keep in mind that I had panic attacks before and I dealt with it few years back. Going to college my anxiety worsened and started having panic attacks, at that time I quit weed entirely. My view on existence turned from bliss to "I don't even want to look at it". I got to the point where I was so anxious that I sometimes felt like for example car headlights had eyes, and other weird manifestations. But I was conscious that it's not true and it's mind weirdness in the experience itself. Like with cannabis sometimes I felt like I don't know where I am but I do know where I am. So I tried few times to come back to weed. Started form CBD. I had anxiety even before using CBD and during. Until I get used to it and I feel relatively fine, I still do feel some anxiety. Let me explain why I fear it so much. I feel like I don't want to be present, or introspective because it brings existential dread mentioned above. I don't like to be trapped in bad experience I don't want, learnt from my panic attacks and anxiety. And I had grandfather who had delusion disorder, so I'm worried that weed or psychedelics can induce psychosis or schizophrenia. My experience with car eyes that I told didn't help. Present I feel much better now, I don't have panic attacks and excessive anxiety because I'm currently not stressed. I still dealing with it. Experience Yesterday I used just a little amount. I don't know if I was even high. I was so anxious to do it, but did it anyway. I feel like I approached my anxiety differently then I did, I let it in, did not fight it, just watched with minimal judgment. Insight came that that's not weed that makes me anxious, that's me. I felt anxious but in a better way, like overcoming fear. Then I felt like I am not what I am. I felt like I was identifying myself to a feeling, like that existential dread is apart of me. And I started to feel more like when I was a kid. It felt good but also scary, because I was l losing myself by losing that dreaded feeling that I identified with. After effects Few hours later, in the evening I noticed that my mind is clearer than ever, more intuitive, faster, structured. It was like I had more RAM and better processor. I remembered that I had this mind, but it got lost somewhen. I started taking some supplements for my mental performance a week ago, but I noticed that after my weed experience. So I don't know if it was supplements or my experience somehow affected it. I would assume experience but I don't know fully. My questions Q1: What really happened when I seen eyes on cars? Should I be worried? Is this could mean I have predisposition to psychosis or other mental disease? Q2: Why I started changing my view on existence in such limiting way and started identifying with it? Anyone dealt with that? Q3: Why my anxiety felt not that bad when I used weed? Because I welcomed it? If then why it's so much harder to welcome in other situations or on other things? Q4: Do feeling like not myself is normal? Is that some kind of growth/healing I did?(it did feel like so) After thoughts It feels weird to talk about it. I'm still trying to put pieces together, that's why I'm asking perspectives from the outside. Thank you!
  10. For the past 3 years, I have had depression, low willpower, unable to wake up in the morning, compulsive eating of junk food, addiction to porn and masturbation, and video games addiction... But it seems it all went to an end the day before yesterday when I put a copper snake ring on my left ring finger. I just started to have stronger willpower, stopped watching useless youtube videos, toxic self-talk halted - now I'm perfect ME. It costs only 4$ in the Ukrainian Isha Life online store, but how much value does it brings me! I would save thousands of dollars by eventually becoming stable. Because if I would have continued to go this way of compulsion, I would just simply destroyed my health and ultimately life. I didn't think it would be so powerful, this ring. Sadhguru consecrates these rings in Dhyanalinga - consecrated dome temple located at Isha Yoga center Tamil Nadu, India. I've recently watched a documentary about the consecration of Dhyanalinga and from what I've understood it is the most powerful temple (or even place) that ever existed. If you simply sit there you would experience bliss and a profound level of meditation. The consecration took him 3 years of intense work. He predicted he would pass away after the consecration - it was so intense labor. Indeed, doctors were diagnosing one incurable disease after another, but somehow Sadhguru had recovered. Here is the documentary about the consecration: How this ring affects you: For me Sadhguru now became the most powerful alive spiritual master in the world Here is the product for UK/EU: It seems that this site is US based: I also bought a Rudraksha Panchamukhi Mala, but haven't tried it yet. I first need to soak it in ghee and milk. I'll report how it worked for me. What's cool is that in the Ukrainian Isha Life store everything is 2 to 3 times cheaper. I also inspired to explore all these accessories water consecration and also the copper bracelet. Very grateful to you Sadhguruji
  11. Two

    The Day of the Dragon If I had to classify a moment as the most challenging I ever experienced, it would be the morning The Dragon appeared in The Forbidden City. The evening before, I had completed the last in a series of three initiations that were conducted by my master. I practiced meditation throughout the night. By the time the first rays of sunshine crept up the eastern horizon, my master came to the main training field. Master: How are you feeling? Initiate: I’m scared, master. Master: I’d consider you a fool if you weren’t. If you had answered any differently I would have kicked you out of the initiation and had you deported from China. Initiate: Will he come? The master pondered this. Meanwhile, I felt my heartbeat stabilizing and my breathing regulated. Master: One never knows. Stillness. Initiate: Today? Master: Yes. Initiate: 10 O’clock? Master: Yes. Initiate: Am? Master: 10:03. Initiate: Thank you, master. Master: How good is your Kung Fu? The Initiate remains silent. Master: Ah! He who speaks, does not know. He who knows, does not speak. I’m sure you’re masterful. The Dragon won’t manifest himself unless one is ready for him. Initiate: Am I ready? Master: Not yet. If you were, he’d be here with us right now. Initiate: It’s the fourth initiation, isn’t it? The master smiled. Master: Yes. Initiate: You never told me there were more than three. Master: True. Initiate: Why not? Master: I didn’t know there were more. Initiate: How can you not know? You’re the master. Master: Right, I’m a master. Not a prophet. Initiate: Are there prophets? Master: Oh, but of course! The initiate's Chi flows through his meridians. Initiate: Where are they? Master: They’re amongst us. Undercover. Initiate: Why undercover? Master: The spiritual level of most humans on earth is not sufficient for them to understand the truth. Not yet, anyway. Initiate: The Dragon… is he one of them? Master: No. He is something else. Initiate: What is he, master? Master: He’s not a WHAT, Chang. He’s a WHO. Initiate: Who is he, then? Master: An Over Soul. Initiate: What is that mean? Master: He is one of 72 Over Souls. A divine spirit that enters the universe and envelops all human souls. Initiate: Enters from WHERE? Master: The Realm of the Absolute. Initiate: He’s immortal, isn’t he? Master: He’ll live as long as he desires. Initiate: Have YOU ever met him, master? Master: Yes. A long time ago. I wonder. Initiate: You told me there IS no time. Master: I did. Initiate: And now you say “Long time AGO”. Since there is no PAST, you just contradicted yourself. Master: Contradiction is impossible. Initiate: Explain. Master: Let's leave the specifics of your doubts aside for a moment and look rather at what is going on behind the scenes. Do you know the future? Initiate: No. Master: Do you have any idea at ALL about what will happen in the future? Initiate: No idea at all. Master: Do you feel like you have ANY control over the future? Initiate: No control whatsoever. Master: Uncertainty is bliss. It stimulates The Chi. You just felt it, didn’t you? Their eyes met. The Initiate smiled. Initiate: Yes! Master: You just completed the fourth Initiation. Initiate: So what do we do now? Master: We don’t DO anything. We BE. Initiate: Right. Stillness. Initiate: How many initiations are there? Master: An infinite number. Chi. Initiate: It’s never ENDS? Master: Never. Initiate: So does this mean then that you are, still, an initiate yourself? Master: Correct. Shi Zen. Initiate: How many initiations have YOU completed? Master: Sixteen. Initiate: After which one you were ordained with the title “Master”? Master: After my eighth. Initiate: So I have four more to go. Master: That is a fair observation. Initiate: But not perfect? Master: Every master who ever lived became a master at different stages in their training. Let’s revisit. Come with me. The initiate exited his mediation and followed his master. Kung Fu Initiation One: Basic Movements and Body Alignments Beginning students study until they are competent in the basic movements and body alignments. The overwhelming majority of China’s active Kung Fu instructors belong in this category. Kung Fu Initiation Two: Intensive Study Junior students study regularly for at least five years with a master and actively practice for at least ten years. Their advancement to the next initiation depends on natural talent, hard work and other factors. Kung Fu Initiation Three: Study Directly with a Master Senior students take classes with a master several days a week—if not daily—for at least a decade. You, my friend, completed that one yesterday. Kung Fu Initiation Four: Disciples of the Sacred Oath Masters are the formal disciples of The Lineage Holders. They receive the deepest and most secretive levels of specialized knowledge available in Kung Fu. Masters can be truly exceptional at some but not necessarily at all aspects of Kung Fu. Kung Fu Initiation Five: Lineage Holder Lineage Holders are Masters who over time are chosen and profoundly trained in the entire tradition by the previous Lineage Holder. To hold all - not only selected parts - of the tradition. Although some masters are issuing teaching credentials to students who passed instructor trainings, the vast majority of Kung Fu teachers lack such credentials, much less the authority to contrive them. Initiate: Are you a lineage holder? Master: Yes. I have been a lineage holder for 25 years. Initiate: How old are you, master? Master: Ninety-three. Initiate: Am I to understand that I will be a future Lineage Holder myself? Master: First, You have to, in some way, overcome The Dragon. Initiate: Am I going to fight him? Master: I cannot answer that for the simple reason that I honestly don't know. When my time came, I fought him. But any master who ever lived tells his own tale of The Day of the Dragon. What will be required of you? Well, I am not a prophet, remember? My master smiles I smiled myself and looked at the grey asphalt under my feet. Two black ants passed through one of the cracke fissures on the ground. One ant carried a grain.Wheat, by the looks of it. The pair of ants moved fast (as fast as ants can go) and I was sure they will stop, at least for the first ant to pass the wheat-grain to the second. But that is not what happened. The empty handed ant – if you can say that – came close to the first one, but changed route very quickly and passed the first ant, who haven't even noticed there was another ant in the vicinity. I deduced this from the way the first ant held up the grain. It had blocked her line of sight. The line, in which, the second ant was. So, there's a sequence of events here: The grainless ant, which I understood to be The Ant Queen of the hill I saw every morning when I entered my master's training field, went about her business - identified her friend carrying a very large wheat grain. Immediately and with no hesitation, she accelerated her pace and turned toward her fellow ant to help her. When their time to meet was upon them, I, Chang, looked down on the grey asphalt. The ant with the grain hadn't seen me because that large grain blocked me, as well, from her line of site. The queen, however, saw exactly what - according to her personal past experience with humans - was going to happen. The queen was sure her time in the mortal world is going to come to an end. Seconds to live, which in turn, lead to a single moment. In that moment – her life would be over. The Queen had made a decision. To leave her fellow ant and run for her life. At this point, I lifted my gaze from the ants and looked in the eyes of my master. After about three seconds I blinked without looking away. My master blinked, as well. A this moment I did something I have never dared to do before - willingly disconnect the eye contact of my master, the lineage holder. My master looked at the sky and pondered the weather silently. It is going to rain soon, he thought. I took a few steps away from the ants, which met and passed the wheat grain between them. After looking away, probably, the queen understood the threat upon her life have disappeared – not unlike the threat upon MY life. That which I felt before sunrise and moment before my master entered the main training field. I began to practice the earliest exersice I have ever learned back in Beijing when I was seven. The 99 Tai Chi Basic Movements. At a certain point my master joined me and synchronized with my movements. Ho Tai Cha. It began to rain. Initiate: You knew it was going to rain, I saw you. Master: I thought it might. Initiate: Isn't that make you a prophet? Master: In a way. Initiate: Then we have the potential to become prophets, each of us, and even more. My master looked at me. a graceful look. Master: The ants? Initiate: Yes. Master Lee smiled. Master Lee: Welcome! Initiate: Thank you, master. I smiled. Master Lee: You have come a long way. To teach you, has been my honor. Initiate: You won't teach me anymore? Master Lee: As of today, you will have a new teacher, Master Chang. I will remain at my current post and initiate a new student. You are always welcome to seek counsel at my humble abode. Master Chang: It is 10 AM. Master Lee: Indeed. Master Chang: In what form will he appear? Master Lee: You'll find out in three minutes. Master Chang: You're not staying with me. Master Lee: If I stay, The Dragon won't show up. Master Chang: Of course. Master Lee bowed down and exited the field. I sat in my usual meditation position and closed my eyes. My consciousness transforms. My thoughts are standing still. Time Stops. I am alive. My heart sings with joy. The Song of Crystal Angels. Temple of Compassion, A.D. 2505. Galethea: Chang I open my eyes. If front of me stands a western man in his fifties. Bald, with a black yarmulke on the top of his head, what a jewish individual puts on during a prayer. I am not sure how I know this but I know that it is true. I am still in my master's main training field, same place I sat down in my meditation pose, an eternity ago. The Dragon: It is 10:03. The morning of September 4th, 2015. Peace be unto you, Master Chang. His Mandarin Chinese was perfect. The Dragon: Get up. I start to exit my meditation but to my surprise I discover there is no ground underneath me. Master Chang: I am already up. The Dragon: Sit down. Lotus. Master Chang: I am levitating. The ground is one meter underneath me. The Dragon: Indeed, it is so. Master Chang: How did you do that? The Dragon: I did nothing. It is all you. Master Chang: How is it possible for me to do something of which I have no knowledge about? The Dragon: I have knowledge about it. Master Chang: You are me. The Dragon remains silent. Master Chang: We are both expressions of The One. The Dragon smiled. I discover that I am sitting on the ground again. I exit my meditation and get up to face the dragon. Master Chang: We are ONE entity split into an infinite number of pieces. The Dragon smiled again. The Dragon: Tell me something I don't know. Master Chang: The Lyran Civilization resides in the 13th Dimension of Existence. The Dragon considered this. Without looking away, he walked towards me. When I was close enough to see his eyes, he stopped. His height was the same as mine. The Dragon: What do you know about Dimensional Densities? I considered this. Master Chang: I know there are 7 densities, they are The Multiversal Experience. The Dragon smiled for the third time. The Dragon: My name is Matan Greenberg. I am 56 years of age and I live in Israel. Master Chang: I am Chang Fu, 49 years old from Beijing, China. We shake hands. I wonder. Chang: My master told me a curious thing. He said he met you a long time ago. Matan: I met your master 62 years ago. In 1953. I considered the math. Chang: How is that possible? Matan: You tell me. Chang: At a certain point in the future we'll discover how to move through Time & Space at super luminal speed. A technology which will allow us to travel through time as well as space.You are The Cosmic Explorer. You are the rightful owner of The Compass. Matan: I am The 4th Keeper of the Compass. Chang: Tell me about The Prophets. Matan: Ten of them are on earth right now. Chang: Is one – or more – are in China? Matan: You're the first. I smile. Chang: What is my path? Matan: To walk the earth and teach those who are willing to learn. Chang: I never went beyond the borders of my country and I do not know another language. Matan: That's how we all start. Chang: With full humility and utmost gratitude, I accept this great honor. I pledge myself to The Sacred Oath. Stillness. Chang: What is my first destination? Matan: Consult with Master Lee. Chang: Thank you, Matan. Matan bows down. Chang: We won't meet again for many decades. Matan: Indeed. I bow down. Matan is gone. Master Lee enters the training field. Master Lee: Where do you need to go? Master Chang: I haven't decided yet. Master Lee: India. Chi. Master Lee: You must cut your hair. I did not had a haircut in nine years. One of our laws is not to cut our hair until we have completed the initiation. Chang: Why? Lee: Kundalini. Chi. Chang: What is that? Lee: The energy flow between The Chakras. Chi. Chang: What are Chakras? Lee: Gateways from The Realm of the Absolute to The Physical Universe. Specifically, your body. Shi Zen. Chang: Understood. I will cut my hair. Stillness. Chang: Where do I go once I'm in India? Lee: The Himalayas. Meet with The Yogis. Study their tradition, give input when needed and above all – respect their culture. You'll be fine. Chang: Maybe it's time for lunch? I haven't eaten anything close to 24 hours. Lee: And how are you feeling? I took a deep breath and let it out. Chang: I am no longer afraid,
  12. Substance like 5meo rockets you into infinite love, safety and bliss. God… infinite forgiveness and truth. between
  13. Being alone is the best. I have gotten into a relationship only to realize that I like being alone more. I know its not the kind of alone you are talking about but its a beginning. I can see how it hurts not accepting the nature of god and seeing him as a cruel masochist since there is no way to escape him as you yourself stated. The way it is in my view is that god explores himself to the extreme having no boundaries and no one to tell him 'no'. So yes it involves pain, and sometimes lots of it. I even wrote on a wall somewhere (in hebrew): God is a son of a *&^% Ill end on a happy note: The hindu tradition believes that Brahman (God) is going through cycles of exploring himself. This being the third and last one. In this cycle - so they say - the pain and the horrible are 'winning' and its the darkest. But after this one ends there will be an ocean of bliss and basking in his own beauty and magnificence.
  14. be alone until the bliss radiates off you every time you leave the house, then see what happens
  15. Two

    Infinite love is my sustenance. The deepest bliss is my every experience.
  16. @MihaiXx Oh shit that was painful to read. Too close to the similar experience I had and that I'm trying to forget Ignorant is truly bliss
  17. Taken from a journal entry I am working on - I felt it could shed some Light on how to use religion properly. Masters wrote these teachings, they are meant to Be lived through and not just followed without a discerning eye. In some sense, you do have to Be called to it. Like with anything, some things are for you and some things are not. But for whose who are touched by the Word, you let it in. It moves you. You then begin to walk in accordance to those teachings, albeit not perfectly, but even within that you find the humility to let another energy show you a better way in how you can create your world and lived experience - and also to step aside and allow that prophecy to build upon itself and simply show you where it shines, in the greatest and smallest of things. These currents are meant to show you how you can create with the maximum benefit for you and everyone else. A not so well known secret: Until you read The Bible, until you personally bring the Word into fruition, it does not exist - you Will not See it working it's magick in the outer World. It is you who personally bring the Word of God into each and every thing within your daily lives and actions. This is what many people do not understand about The Bible and about the power of the Word. It's like the Never-ending Story, as you read it, you bring God's Word down into the world and it Will begin to arrange your Heart and Soul. It's a relationship. A dance of give and take. Ebb and flow. You read the Word, but you find the magick in between the lines - within the unfolding allegory of your own Life. Quantum Physics Observers are powerful players in the quantum world. According to the theory, particles can be in several places or states at once—this is called a superposition. But oddly, this is only the case when they aren't observed. The second you observe a quantum system, it picks a specific location or state—breaking the superposition. The fact that nature behaves this way has been proven multiple times in the lab—for example, in the famous double slit experiment. In 1961, physicist Eugene Wigner proposed a provocative thought experiment. He questioned what would happen when applying quantum mechanics to an observer that is themselves being observed. Imagine that a friend of Wigner tosses a quantum coin—which is in a superposition of both heads and tails—inside a closed laboratory. Every time the friend tosses the coin, they observe a definite outcome. We can say that Wigner's friend establishes a fact: the result of the coin toss is definitely head or tail. Wigner doesn't have access to this fact from the outside, and according to quantum mechanics, must describe the friend and the coin to be in a superposition of all possible outcomes of the experiment. That's because they are "entangled"—spookily connected so that if you manipulate one you also manipulate the other. Wigner can now in principle verify this superposition using a so-called "interference experiment"—a type of quantum measurement that allows you to unravel the superposition of an entire system, confirming that two objects are entangled. This presents a conundrum. The reality perceived by the friend cannot be reconciled with the reality on the outside. Wigner originally didn't consider this much of a paradox, he argued it would be absurd to describe a conscious observer as a quantum object. However, he later departed from this view, and according to formal textbooks on quantum mechanics, the description is perfectly valid. This experiment therefore shows that, at least for local models of quantum mechanics, we need to rethink our notion of objectivity. The facts we experience in our macroscopic world appear to remain safe, but a major question arises over how existing interpretations of quantum mechanics can accommodate subjective facts. "Let there Be Light." Break me in don’t break me down Swimming in these empty towns I wonder if it’s all some master plan Diving into sweeter bliss Fallin’ before we miss Taste the taste before it’s gone and you’re too late Won’t change what I am To find who you are Can’t stay in these lines When I’m bursting at the seams My body might collapse If I carry one more dream I could be anything Dipping out beyond the night Reeling in the quieter times Saving all the flavors of my mind Reflecting on the lessons learned The broken bonds and bridges burned Take the taste of hate and throw it away
  18. Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing A true history of the Universe: Once upon a time there was nothing. The end. "Everything is nothing, with a twist." ~Kurt Vonnegut When contemplating reality it's important to get traction with the question. How is it possible that anything exists at all? Why do I have hands and not claws? Feel that sense of wonder and mystery. Stay open minded and bask in not-knowing. Mind quickly wants to supply backstory with hearsay (i.e. evolution, big bang, god, etc.) Start from scratch and work with present direct experience. Wouldn't it just be simpler to have nothing? Why is there all this somethingness going on? But how do you know how to distinguish between something and nothing? What if the difference between something and nothing was actually something you're projecting onto reality? What if reality itself didn't know the difference between something and nothing? And what if "somethingness" is actually more energy efficient than absolute blank nothing? What would keep absolute nothing from spontaneously spawning into something? There is nothing holding Reality back from being any particular way. Nothing is precisely what exists. This is nothing! Your entire life and the entire physical universe never even happened. It's nothing, it's no when, and it's no how. Ta-da! A perfect symmetry. Any "particular way" would be an asymmetry and a bias. It's all ways possible superimposed into each other into an Infinite Singularity = Infinity = Nothing Zero = Infinity The universe is nothing. Has always been nothing. And will always be nothing. Then distinction is made in our minds. Who told you what nothing is and what something is? Undo the assumption and freshly look at this present moment until it becomes clear that it's all nothing. The mistake is trying to look elsewhere for nothingness. Your hands are nothing. Notice how the mind has tricked you into believing something isn't nothing. Actual Nothing: Has colors, Talks and hears, Is a bird chirping, Is pain in your leg, Is a toothache, Is your partner rejecting you, Is your parents abusing you when you were a child Is what you see on TV Is every book Become directly conscious of this and notice the shift. Consciousness = Nothing Unlimited Consciousness can't just be purely formless, that'd be a negation of form, an asymmetry. The Universe is a Singularity of formlessness and form all superimposed into each other at once. (which includes this present moment) It seems like it's something, like it came from somewhere, happening somewhen during sometime some place in space somehow through some method. All of this is an illusion. This present moment and the entire universe and all of reality is nothing, nowhen, nowhere, and nohow. Reality can only exist precisely because it's perfectly symmetrical such that it cancels itself out, thereby tying up every loose end. It's Singular, it's One, it can have no boundary. A perfect Unity, a perfect symmetry. This is the most energy efficient state and the only way that anything could exist at all, if it's part of this unified supersymmetry where everything perfectly cancels itself out. = none of it even exists. Absolute Fulness includes and encompassess the emptiness within it. Because how can something be truly Full if it excludes the empty? This now is completely empty. A full glass has an empty glass within it. Cut out doors and windows for the house. The holes make it useful. Therefore, the value comes from what is there, But the use comes from what is not there. ~ Tao Te Ching, 11 Human mind is very biased towards survival, towards form, to the exclusion of formlessness. All material benefit is of the formed variety: money, sex, power, pleasure = forms What good is formlessness to you? What can you do with it? Why should we care about formlessness? Now you're stuck in the domain of form and only understand half of reality. And really, formlessness is hiding right underneath the form. The empty glass is in the full glass. This explains everything about the nature of reality. These questions are not purely philosophical impractical unanswerable questions. Verify everything in direct experience. What about Consciousness, God, Love, Truth? Nothing = Consciousness = Truth = Love = God = You It usually takes multiple awakenings to equate all those terms together. Then all of reality feels like a hologram, with this hollow quality to it. Upon awakening to everything as being nothing, every "material thing" gets recontextualized into Spirit or Mind, hence the word spirituality. This present moment is happening inside my own Mind. (walls, roof, house, floor, earth) But since Mind is Infinite, there's no alternative from Mind, imagination = reality. It's often assumed that these are all useless questions, beware, because it's absolutely possible and essential to finding happiness and peace in life. It's a big relief to realize that Life and reality are Nothing. It comes with surrender and acceptance paving the way to Love and a great life. This isn't a nihilistic thing, it's Joy and bliss. Surrendering chasing pleasures of the material realm goes full circle upon discovering the higher/divine/sublime pleasures of the spiritual realm, which are purely Nothing = bliss. Make this a living reality by realizing it. This takes work.
  19. @ZenSwift those are exciting! Already pre-ordered the book years ago. in my mind lol I'd like to see more on: Distinctions, learning, creativity and emotions: fear, pain, boredom, inspiration, etc Bliss, freedom Serious philosophy. More profound/existential topics, even if just on the blog Entrepreneurship, leadership, business
  20. Begin a yoga and/ Qigong practice. Ive been having such deep states of bliss doing my Qigong and acupressure… I have a good friend who also practices rather intensely. He daily’s he feels like he gets divine downloads after practicing.
  21. I agree with @Mu_. After awakening, I went through quite a long period of pure bliss. My life changed to such a degree that I naively believed it would last forever. Then God (I) shoved Itself (me) off the plateau of infant spirituality, and I plummeted into the depths. It was all the more horrible for having been in the light for so long. But now I see the love in it, and am grateful for the growth I allowed myself, within the dream. Don't sell yourself short, there may be more adventures up ahead Meanwhile, enjoy the beauty of basking in peace. After his awakening, Tolle spent two years sitting on park benches and observing nature and people through new eyes. Eventually, Consciousness kicked him in the ass and he began teaching others and writing "The Power of Now". Although it's true there is nothing ultimately to be taught, only discovered within, Consciousness still uses its lucid dreaming beings to point the way for realizing itself in others.
  22. I'm trying to grasp "I Exist". I've already sort of grasped Presence and feel deep bliss from Presence when I meditate. I'm assuming that "I Exist" is when you 'turn around' and look at your ego or lack therefore of when in a meditative state of presence and notice that you exist, notice your "I AM-ness". I feel a distinct sense of beingness when I 'turn around'. It is the true Self, I think. Presence is the extension of the true Self. Honestly I would just be content with the bliss of Presence without grasping "I Exist" for the rest of my life. Excerpt from Bentinho Massaro's Trinfinity Academy about the difference between "I Exist" and "Presence".
  23. Largely correct, but you're projecting an expectation onto Leo of being the usual spiritual teacher (and maybe that is largely on him for not making that clear, which most of my critiques of him are about). The psychonaut doesn't have to care much about gradually unwinding the ego. It's mostly tangential to their mission. Also, the point about friction creating the reaction to the experience is partially true, but the state itself does have an inherent quality to it. That is why you hear spiritual teachers talk about your absolute nature being happiness, peace or bliss, and why spiritual teachers act differently at all from normal people. The friction can indeed make it overwhelmingly blissful, but that is partially because it reflects the quality of the state. If you instead experience a supremely hellish state of consciousness, that will not feel like bliss.
  24. In a mystical experience, I had the realization that an angel or an enlightened being has both the realization of "I Exist" (Life) and "Presence" (Love). They are the same, but yet there is a distinction. You can tell the difference between someone who has had the proper realization of "I Exist" and not the realization of "Presence". Basically, you are floating in a sea of bliss (Presence - that includes the body) as a bubble of Bliss (I Exist). They are identical but there is a distinction when you bring it down to earth. Maybe I just need to burn through the karma of this, 'defrag'. "I Exist" will give off an energy of 'Godhood', Greatness, Splendour, Beauty, and larger-than-life energy that demands respect and admiration. They will inexplicably radiate warmth but will lack the warmth of "Presence". "Presence" is love, breath, and life-giving energy. You need both realizations. Masculine tends to have "I Exist", and Feminine tends to have "Presence".
  25. They are the same. Basically, you are floating in a sea of bliss (Presence - that includes the body) as a bubble of Bliss (I Exist). But this is where I challenge my teacher based on previous mystical experiences I'm trying to discern. They are identical but there is a distinction when you bring it down to earth. Maybe I just need to burn through the karma of this, 'defrag'. "You have to bring the teaching down to earth. Walk your talk. Identifying the self as God and the other as God shows up differently in reality. 'God and love." (excuse the gibberish - it's hard to translate during mystical experiences) The beings I saw had splendor and sublime gaze. I saw Splendor and sublime gaze in myself. Some had mostly only Splendor and they looked very different. I remember recognizing Splendor. Its also closely associated with the body, but it is not the body according to Bentinho, it is a bubble (I Exist, I AM) (I can affirm this is true in experience).