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  1. Nonduality is only surfaces, and not even. Each one is experiencing more of what each one focuses on. Comparison thinking can be a real joy (and friendships & relationships) zapper.
  2. Robert Bigelow’s Institute for Consciousness Studies is awarding almost $1 million for an essay on life after death. Application deadline is (February 28) I know you can't prove to someone else what happens after death, as it has to be experienced from direct experience, but if anyone could explain Nonduality well enough, that's about as good as anyone could do.
  3. Law of Attraction points to the experience of your "reality" being far stranger than you think. It goes beyond ideas of legit or not. It's more "true" than most things we consider true though. It deals with the truth we create for ourselves and shows us how to create it consciously. The law of attraction is about having greater awareness and focus, and recognizing that the core of every desire is the desire to feel better. This becomes your focus, over believing your thoughts blindly and continually noticing that you are now where you want to be. It is the basis for change. It is the realization that when we feel amazing, we notice amazing things, and good things and thoughts come to us. When we drop resistance and stop noticing what is thoughts we've never had can come in. An insight is a just a thought you've never had before. Law of attraction would teach you that this approach might be off, if you focus on your blockages and limiting beliefs thinking you need to get rid of them before you are free to create your life, your focus on your limitations is actually holding them in place. Making intentions or rather, allowing your desires, is what bring the blocks into light and is the power and momentum you need to blow through them. Awareness over your thoughts of control reveals your true power. "Purer" is a thought that limits and gets into judgement and good and bad and what other people thing territory. The better feeling your ideas the faster you will attract them into your experience. This is how you and only you measure the purity of them. It's beyond choice and not choice. Allowing desires is also like surrendering them. When you really, really know what you want, there's' no choice at all. For example if I offer you the choice between your favorite desert and your least favorite food, you'd say "it's no choice". It IS but you're just VERY clear about what you want. The awareness that the law of attraction "teaches" makes you very clear about you want in the same way, it's a choice but also at the same time it's not because you're so clear about it. If you're interested in learning more check out Abraham Hicks, she is AMAZING. It's also amazing to see how this all fits in with all this other consciousness work stuff, meditation and nonduality, etc. Not to mention the bliss and happiness, forgiveness, understanding and abundance of new possibility, creativity and ideas that floods in.
  4. Nonduality is “not two”. The materialist paradigm is essentially “two”, “my (1) consciousness (2)”.
  5. @Snt_lk Other people are as real as you are. There is no “concept of nonduality”. That would be two. Nonduality is not-two. (Non-dual)
  6. I know how deeply frustrating this work can be. Here you are, trying your darndest to wrap your mind around Nonduality and Liberation; and so you read countless threads, watch countless videos and spend countless hours in silent meditation... but the more you try to grasp it, the more it seems to elude you. Instead of gaining clarity, you just seem to become more and more confused. It's like the fight against Hydra: For every head that you cut off, two new heads immediately take its place. The harder you try, the harder you fail! Did you recognize yourself in that description? If so, then I have some good news for you: Your growing confusion and frustration is actually a sign of progress, believe it or not. You are slowly waking up to the fact that none of this can ever be grasped by a thing called "you". But you need to go all the way. I have said in a recent thread that you are not going to understand THIS with your mind. But of course, me telling you this is not enough. You need to realize it for yourself. So by all means, keep on trying to understand. Keep trying and trying and trying and trying and trying and trying until you're blue in the face, until the confusion and frustration becomes so intolerable that you want to scream, until you feel completely powerless to improve your situation in any way, until you are completely at your wit's end and simply don't know what to do anymore... and BAM!, that's the moment where something inside you snaps. It's the moment where you finally let go of the need to understand, and you realize what is. My friend, I wish you all the best, and I sincerely hope that this post has managed to confuse the hell out of you. Have a great day!
  7. Maybe this one
  8. I think the word is very useful for this work. I’ve used it as well. It just seemed like you were suggesting it was in some way superior to other words in the earlier posts. THIS has the advantage and disadvantage of making people pay attention only to the here and now. The problem is people probably will never experience THIS as God or infinite or any other counterintuitive things without being pointed in that direction first. Nondualists tend to forget that if all is One and that One is Truth the ego, thoughts, and imagination are also aspects of that One/Truth as much as anything else. Truth in nonduality does not have an opposite.
  9. Of course, we always need to use labels when we talk about Nonduality; such is the nature of language. And every label is useful - until it's not. I assume that 90 percent of people on this forum have already heard a great deal about Infinity, Consciousness, God etc.; I simply try to move the goalpost and use the most neutral label I can think of - THIS - in order to get said people to detach from the mental images of Infinity etc. that they might have developed, so they don't get hung up on them and keep asking again and again futile questions like "buuuuuuuuuuuuuut if Reaity is infinite, then how come A B and C?!?!?!?!?!" But you're right, in the end it is just another label. If you don't find it useful, then don't use it. Simple!
  10. After spending some time on this forum, I've found it quite comical to see arguments over the "correct" perspective of reality. It's especially comical when these arguments are coming from people who claim to be abiding in non-dual awareness. Usually this happens after a person sees beyond the materialist paradigm. Said person then gets attached to the idealist paradigm, yet fails to see their attachment to this new paradigm is the same attachment they had for the old one. Non-dual awareness is not a paradigm that you can attach yourself to. Non-dual awareness does not refer to any kind of content within a paradigm. Non-dual awareness is the Context of all paradigms. There is no "correct" perspective of reality. A "correct" perspective would be considered a ground. Reality is groundless. There is no absolute that stands alone. The absolute can only be known through the relative. The absolute is the relative. There is nothing that can stand alone. All is empty. There is nothing fundamental with inherent self nature. Even consciousness is not some foundational substrate that can stand alone. Consciousness dependently arises with objects within consciousness. With that being said: Here's a self exam designed to free you from any paradigm you're clinging to. 1. Do you ever seek to invalidate someone else's perspective? 2. Do you see certain perspectives as more "correct" than other perspectives. 3. Do you believe gaining another perspective means letting go of an old one? 4. Do you believe that to abide in non-dual awareness you must erase all dualities in your mind? 5. Do you believe that from the absolute perspective, reality is infinite? 6. Do you believe that from the absolute perspective, you are God? This is going to piss some people off, but if you answered only "Yes" to any of these questions, you're still abiding on a ground. Enlightenment is not the disposing of old perspectives and the collection of new ones. Enlightenment is the ultimate Perspective of perspectives. It's a meta perspective. It's the effortless fluidity between perspectives. No perspective is "correct." For a perspective to be "correct" would imply other perspectives are "wrong." You'll find that all perspectives dependently arise with each other. Not a single minutia of reality could exist without everything else. This is the essence of what non-duality points to. Enlightenment is seeing past the fabrication of perspective itself. Enlightenment is to see the dependence of everything on everything else. It would be unwise to say any perspective is "wrong" when your "right" perspective couldn't exist without that "wrong" perspective. That "wrong" perspective is actually part of your "right" perspective. To say a perspective is "wrong" is to say your "right" perspective is "wrong." For example, idealism couldn't exist without materialism just as up could not exist without down. Someone who claims materialism to be "wrong" and idealism to be "right" is like someone who claims up to be "wrong" and down to be "right." BUT, here's where is gets messy... The perspective that materialism is "wrong" and idealism is "right" is still a valid perspective. Issues arise when people cling to only that perspective. Also be aware that this is only an "issue" on the relative level. All issues are perfection from the absolute perspective. Just be aware that clinging to any one perspective will limit you in becoming more conscious. Two perspectives I commonly see people cling to here is the perspective that reality is infinite and the perspective that you are God. These are valid perspectives, but realize that being dogmatic about these perspectives will limit you. Understand that from certain perspectives reality is finite and you are simply a human. So many people get caught up in being God that they forget to enjoy their humanness. You are both human and God. You are not one more than you are the other. Abiding on the ground of God is like playing a video game and always having awareness on the screen. It takes away from the immersion of the video game. The bottom line is that reality is non-dual. But many people don't truly understand nonduality. Most people just turn nonduality into another ground. They create a duality by seeing the world as non-dual and opposed to dual. Non-duality cannot exist without dualities. The dualities you seek to invalidate are the essence of the non-dual paradigm you seek to validate. The key here is nonattachment. Become aware enough to realize when you become attached to any one perspective, even if that perspective seemingly comes from a higher level of consciousness. Also, recognize that I just gave you an awesome new perspective, but don't get attached to it haha.
  11. It is all nothing, it is all emptiness. You are making the mistake of still distinguishing and being biased. You think nothing is somehow different and distinct from something. Which is a duality. Because duality is a part of nonduality. There is possibility for EVERYTHING because reality is unlimited. So what would stop it? A more conventional explanation would sound like this: nothing cannot stop something from appearing, since to stop a thing requires something to exist. Hence something must come into existence because nothing prevents it. But even this explanation is not correct because it still assumes a duality between nothing and something. As if something came out of nothing. NO! Something did not come out of nothing. Something has always been nothing. The only full explanation is that something = nothing. If you don't get it, it's because you haven't awoken to the fact that everything you see and hear is nothing. And no amount of logicking this will do it. You cannot substitute for lack of awakening by thinking some more.
  12. Duality emerges from nonduality.
  13. Ya. It doesn’t matter if it’s ‘your’ thought per se, or ‘your’ thought which is from hearing what someone says, about Nonduality. Every single thought about what is not two, without exception, is a step away from, not two. The thought is ‘itself’ the step away, the veil. The ‘path’ is not conceptual, the ‘path’ is a concept. Only deconstruction, uncovering assumptions and beliefs ‘works’. ‘Removing layers’, never adding more concepts.
  14. Tom Campbell unites nonduality and simulation idea pretty well.
  15. Lovely. Thanks everyone. I'm thinking; due to our interconnectedness, it is very possible to share certain information, plant seeds - if you will - that could trigger an awakening in others. One may not be able to awaken another directly, but inspiring them to look deeper within themselves can surely be done. I am at a point where duality and nonduality interplay constantly. I cannot deny the appearance and/or experience of individualism. Nor can I deny that it's all One, infinite and eternal. The boundaries are made out of the very same substance as all else is. Consciousness. But that does not mean that these boundaries are an error or serve no purpose. Imo; an individual - call it a 'dream character' - can gain access to Source and 'channel' information into the realm of many. He acts as a vessel - in that sense. A conductor. That is why I'd argue that spreading Light - from that standpoint - is indeed possible. One is forever complete and whole. But many may not know they're One. Ultimately; the only thing that can change is experience. And I don't see why we wouldn't want to experience Heaven - Together as One.
  16. No, I am absolutely not kidding about this. This past week has been the strangest and spiritually most transformative of my life. I've had a rendezvous with the eternal timelessness of the present moment; it will be interesting to see how things unfold from here, but I feel like the gods have generously handed me a big, fat, very unexpected recompensation check that has more than rewarded me for all those (imagined) long years of self doubt, self hate, disorientation and depression which had made up such a big part of my adult life. As some of you might have noticed, I have not been active at all on this forum during the past four months; the reason being that, following a particularly profound LSD experience in early October of last year, I subsequently fell into a black hole of existential weariness that didn't quite feel like a run-of-the-mill depression but had many of the same characteristics. In retrospect I now realise that this was a sort of preparation phase for what was about to come, a time of emotional purging which paved the way for the strange rite of passage which I had no idea was awaiting me. During this time, I sometimes sat around on the beach all by myself holding my head between my hands, feeling sad and helpless like a little boy that has been deserted by all of his friends, quietly whimpering words like „Please, I don't know what to do anymore, please, I cannot go on anymore, please, I have no strenght left anymore, please, I just don't have the power to sustain myself anymore, please please please please...“ - Some time in late January, I had started to read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and the creature's description of itself as a poor and miserable wretch that knew nothing, had no skills and no friends, had no idea where it came from and never been taught how to look after itself made a big impression upon my mind; its words echoed my own woeful inner state, and I could deeply identify and empathize with this godforsaken creature. It is also worth mentioning that I kept up my meditation pratice during these months of silent desperation, but at this point much more out of habit than real conviction; calling my entire being into question, I had also begun to wonder if all this meditating that I had been doing continuously for four years now had any effect whatsoever -- after all, here I was, feeling more clueless and miserable than ever before. Wasn't I just completely wasting my time with all this sitting around on my bed and semi-successfully (at best!) trying to become present? Cut to last Saturday, one week ago from the time I am writing down these words. I had already felt a little dizzy for two days and kind of suspected that I might be getting sick; and when I went to bed in the evening, I had the feeling that I probably would be getting very little in the way of sleep... and sure enough, I didn't sleep a single second that night (I think I slept perhaps eight to ten hours during this entire week). The first 48-72 hours of my strange Covid trip have by now already blurred into a uniform cloud of cronologically unlocatable memory fragments, so I'll just describe them here in the form of a single stream of consciousness: I am lying in bed, tossing and turning. I lie on my left side, I lie on my back, I lie on my right side, fetal position, streched out, right arm tucked under my head, no posture seems to be tolerable for more than two minutes. I start to sense a pulsating pain in my neck that nearly kills me and makes my head spin everytime I lift my head from the pillow. A feverish surge begins to wash over me that somehow at the same time clouds and hightens my senses. --- Okay, try to go into meditation mode, maybe it will help you to calm down a bit and eventually fall asleep. Relax, breathe, become present, become aware of the sounds around you, feel your body. Am I ever going to become better at meditation? You're trying too hard, that's the problem. Meditation is not about trying, it's about letting go. But how? How do you let go? How how how how how? For god's sake, four years of regular meditation, and you still suck absolute balls at this! In fact, you don't know how to do anything, and you also don't know how to NOT do anything. It is truly sad. You are completely, totally, utterly worthless. A sheer waste of space. Come on, focus again, observe the breath. It is impossible, my thoughts are too loud. They're SO goddamn loud, they drown out everything else. It seems that instead of becoming quieter, my mind is on the contrary becoming louder and louder and louder with every passing week. Is this the way it's supposed to work? Oh my god, it's just always the same thought loops over and over and over again, welcome to hell. I think I will just quit meditation and spirituality altogether, just absolutely forget that I ever heard about this fucking nonsense. I'm no good at this shit. And even if I succeed, what then? Getting rid of your ego, is this really what you want? Are you crazy? Oh yeah, it sounds so goddamn nice on paper, but really think this through now. What else do you have besides your ego? Face it, it's the only thing you got in this lonely life, there's nothing else. It is literally my only friend. - Dude, are you going to meditate now or not?! The problem is that I don't know what I want. I don't know anything, I am good for nothing, I am totally useless. I am a little stupid child that is completely lost in the dark. I have no friends, I have no skills, I don't have anything at all. I have literally NOTHING to give to others! All I have is my wretched, whiny, miserable ego. It is my only friend, my only friend, my only friend! If I get rid of my ego, then I will be left with literally nothing, zero, zip. Please, don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. I don't want to be alone, no no no no, I DON'T WANT to be alone, the very thought of god's eternal loneliness horrifies the shit out of me! Oh god, this is all so terrible!! --- But wait. Wait. Wait a second. Am I not already all alone? Of course I am. I already am alone. Here I am, existing all by myself. All alone. All alone. I am the ego, and I am all alone. So the ego and God are one. Of course... God's aloneness is my aloneness . God's aloneness is my aloneness. God's aloneness is my aloneness. GOD'S ALONENESS IS MY ALONENESS! Oh Christ, why could I not see this before? That's it! I AM GOD! Of course, of course, of course, of course! I am alone because I am already God! Haaaaaahahahahaha, that's it! You hit the jackpot! You just recognized yourself as God! This is it! This is it! THIS IS IT!! THIS IS ENLIGHTENMENT!! ------- What you just read is a grossly simplified and condensed version of a very long and meandering psychological process that unfolded gradually over the course of several days; it involved me coming directly face to face with my wounded and scared inner child, and then healing that child by reuniting it with God. It also involved two glimpses into Nonduality that occurred during two different nights; both of these are imprinted in my memory as amorphous islands of timelessness somehow interrupting the linear stream of chronological time (which itself is of course nothing but a mental construction born out of the timeless here and now). I have absolutely no way of telling how long I was gone during these glimpses – maybe five seconds, maybe five hours (again, time isn't real anyhow and the past aka memory is nothing but what you make of it, so who the eff cares, right?). I also could not say if I was awake of asleep while they happened - of course, I was neither since „I“ was not there anymore -; I only remember lying awake in bed before and after in the same position. The first of those glimpses was not very unlike what I had previously experienced during N'N DMT trips, the characteristic feature being a sensation of existential dread in the face of God's absolute & eternal aloneness. The second glimpse came very close to pure Nirvana aka. the No-State of No-Self (I have yet to try 5-Meo Dmt, so I do not have any kind of reference for this); much has been written about this state, and all descriptions are true and yet utterly miss the mark, so I won't bore you with yet another futile attempt of describing the indescribable. Suffice to say that it was nothing like I had imagined it, that it is both profoundly ordinary and profoundly shocking, that it made me realise that „enlightenment“ as something to be somehow attained through effort is a total hoax and that the story of birth and death which we tell ourselves is nothing but a fiction. The day after I had this second non-dual glimpse, I could sense myself very gradually „coming back to Earth“ even though it still all felt slightly feverish and trippy. The mental chatter that was continuing just like it always had was now happening very prominently on the surface of consciousness, so to speak, and I perceived it like one would hear the obtrusive roar of a creaking 1920's jukebox that is standing somewhere in a corner, stubbornly refusing to shut up even after the guests of the dance party have long left. The next day however, things were quietening down; I had undeniably re-entered the stratosphere and was more or less my old self again when all of a sudden, in a moment of completely sober and „non-trippy“ clarity, I realised the very simple and utterly obvious fact that there exists nothing outside of the here and now, that past and future are nothing but mental constructs and that this very moment is in fact eternal. It was incredibly strange. Nothing at all had changed; I saw reality in just the same old way that I had seen it for all my life, except that I now saw that it is (and always "had been") eternal. That's all. The obvious finally becoming obvious. As I am writing this, I feel that there is still a strong remnant of egoic energy present; I can physically feel it in my throat. But I feel very calm, very light, very grounded and very present. My body energy, which seems to be slightly increased, is floating through my limbs in soft and warm waves. It is a nice sensation. My mental chatterbox is still continuing its same old monologue, its though patterns are still revolving around the same old "I" thought. But I let it ramble on; just get it off your chest, old friend, just let it all out until there is nothing left to say. - Will it stay this way? I have absolutely no idea. In fact, I feel like I don't know anything anymore, and I also really don't care. The one thing I do know is that existence is strange and wonderful, and that God truly works in mysterious ways. I guess you could say that I have died from Covid and found out that there is no death. Thank you so much for reading this. I love you. Peace.
  17. If you recontectualize reality to Nonduality, then everything is You. There's no difference from a rock, a tree, or a person. It's all consciousness, dreamstuff. In Leo's video on Self Love, he talked about self love is learning to love all of the Self, meaning all of reality equally. Then you are full of love, as you are in love with everything. If you can reach that, you will never be lonely.
  18. To talk to a physicist who knows nonduality.
  19. This discussion is just stupid. ?‍♂️ When convincing someone, if you are arguing, then you are losing. If you are trying to convince someone of nonduality, then you are not getting it.
  20. A whole lot of misunderstandings. Harris sees no difference between awareness and consciousness. He says "my consciousness" and Rupert does not address this. Sam is not conscious. Consciousness is Sammy. The fact that Rupert's lights went out during surgery and that the world continued does not disprove Rupert's claims. Ruper seemed to have been bamboozled by this rhetoric. Also, nonduality does not exclude science, which was the main point over which Sam got so defensive about!
  21. Are you defining enlightenment as the the absence of certain emotions in a mind-body? And if nonduality is “not two”, how can there be a difference between anger (1) and peaceful (2’)? That would be two separate things.
  22. To create a false equivalency between Harris and Spira. They live in two different ballparks. Spira understands Harris' position. Harris does not understand Spira's. The key is to be in a position that understands all positions. Of course debating nonduality is pointless. But an unawakened person can't help debate this stuff endlessly. Spira isn't there to debate Harris. Spira is just using Harris' audience to spread nonduality. Meanwhile Harris thinks he is out-logicking Spira. Lord of Logick
  23. When you directly realize your Self, not at the conceptual, but at the spiritual level, solipsism shows its empty hand. When your eyes open, you see the sameness, and the seamless contiguity, between all beings. That seeing dispels the lie of solipsism. Nonduality finally makes sense, not to the mind, but to the God that You are. I am only localized Consciousness, a transient wave with a beginning and an ending, but ultimately I am God, and so are you.
  24. If it’s bringing thoughtless meditation, then it’s probably going to help you realize nonduality.
  25. Anything becomes a dogma if you are dogmatic about it. The problem is not the thing itself but how your mind holds it. And a dogmatic mind will hold all things dogmatically, be it science or religion or spirituality or even nonduality or love. And even -- drum roll.... -- being nondogmatic. In a delicious irony, the dogmatic mind will turn being nondogmatic into a dogma! Dogma gonna dog