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  1. Ok that makes sense. More contemplation and psychedelic trips pending lol. So I at least I am aware of the fact that it is ego that is doing this strangloopy aspect on trying to understand itself. Thats why I cant do it, This normal "State" I am in, is not sufficient enough to be able to figure it out or else it will just circle, right? I know there needs to be a state change into an Awakened State. I do have a 5Me0 induced Godhead reference experience that can give me a general idea, and I do see how if I had a much higher degree of that and more time there to really understand what it was that I was experiencing then this would make more sense. So I see what you mean. I think I understand you correctly, so basically THE entire "experiential field" is the whole Mind, the True YOU. Within and "as" that field there is a sense of self to include, perspective, and what is thought to be having perceptions, which all mistakenly Identifies with or as the human life, this can be called the Ego? side note-I have watched your video "What Is Perception? - The Metaphysics Of Perception" So i may not have needed to include that term since i understand how there are no perceptions but I still wanted to mention it to give more reference to what im trying to refer to which I hold as the Ego.
  2. Well this forum and watching youtube and shows and even playing offline videogames can count as socializing as many of them involve social creatures of some sort, maybe we can be alone but what's difficult is to be without external support in activity. I think the only thing that's needed is the ability be as still as possible for as long as possible and therefore the most important activities are the ones that make sitting perfectly easy so we can sit for weeks on end and comeback easily which is a purely mechanical challenge from the point of view of people who've already decided that there's a lot to learn from meditation, we wouldn't mind sitting endlessly if we didn't get physically tired it's that easy. The biggest obstacle to spirituality is literally a basic physical challenge for those who are already initiated, like I'm sure most people into this don't even realize that's 90% of the problem so they keep doing the old self torture business by pretending that it's just their mental ego that's making them unable to meditate whenever their body hurts because that's what most of what we hear from our gurus from afar because to be fair most of what they talk about is to lure us in to begin with in the first place. Sadghuru and osho and leo and whoever we follow should just spend like 95% of their lectures convincing us and giving us tips on how to attain the perfect meditation posture and the perfect diet/exercises for it, we barely even need food when you can do this so no financial burden there after we achieve it. This is it leo and my awakened fellows I have finally surpassed you all, to attain the ultimate liberation you just need to focus on the physical aspect of spirituality and then the grass grows by itself. So you just need right food, right exercise and the right space and that's most of the work. This will be the new sacred "Trinity", food, exercise and space, at this moment I am euphoric, not because because of some deep, dark and difficult realization but because I've finally understood all there is to spirituality is actually physicality. Sorry I went way off topic I was feeling too good socializing with you guys.
  3. A hard-core spiritual seeker wants to become more and more awake. Eventually mahasamadhi happens, the physical body dies, the whole dream dissolves and you merge with Infinite Love/God. But most people like the human life too. So they naturally combine the enlightened state and human state. Relative to humans, enlightenment has benefits and downsides. And human consciousness too has its benefits and downsides. That means, the prefered state for most people is to leave out the downsides of both states and to take the benefits of both states and thus create a new state, the post awakening state. Pre awakening state: human consciousness Awakening state: enlightened/god consciousness Post awakening state: the best of both All enlightened people already live in a post awakening state, because it is impossible to survive in an awakened state without any human biases. This post is about achieving a great post awakening state. - Benefits of the Human State Relative to most people's opinions, these are the benefits of human consciousness: Identifying as a seperate self. Which is made of stuff like energy, personality, sense of self,... and has a body and mind control over body and thoughts Free will Preferences Enjoying duality (Relative to human consciousness all of that is real and true) - Benefits of the Enlightened State You are Consciousness and independent of appearances. Detachment Peace Oneness Love and Bliss Understanding of Reality and wisdom - Reconciling the Identity of both States Here I wrote about the seperate self vs non-dual self: The post awakening state is essentially a dual identity of both the seperate self (stage 2 in that post) and the enlightened self (stage 4) simultaneously. That means you are conscious that you are a seperate self and you can control and optimize that life. And you are also conscious that the seperate self is an illusion and what you actually are is Consciousness/Emptiness/Love/God (,what you are relative to a high state of consciousness). And that you are in Oneness with everything. There are 2 kinds of no-self: Being conscious how the seperate self is an illusion (that's the no-self awareness that is compatible with life post awakening) Actually dissolving the seperate self. The more you do it, the more difficult it will become to survive, and eventually that seperate self completely dissolves (at that point the physical body is dead). - How to attain a High Baseline Enlightened State I conceptualize the enlightened state to have 2 main components, the void dimension and pure consciousness dimension: Practices that are most powerful to increase your baseline pure consciousness dimension: Self inquiry RASA or light transmissions Psychedelics Intense energetic practices (transmissions, invocations , and to a lesser extend kriya yoga) Hard-core concentration A high pure consciousness dimension primarily results in wisdom, understanding, enlightened awareness,... Practices that are most powerful to increase your baseline void dimension: Practicing Sleep Yoga (=conscious during sleep) (and to a lesser extend trance practices too) SAT transmissions Intense energetic practices (transmissions, invocations, kriya yoga) A high void dimension primarily results in peace, surrender, flow state, intensifying the enlightened state,... And if you want to increase your baseline magnitude dimension then the only realistic practice is doing advanced invocations. - How to not lose identity with the seperate self: Realize that the identity of the seperate self is true relative to human consciousness Realize that it is necessary to keep that identity in order to survive and enjoy life. See it as a game and pretend being a human Having a strong will Having a strong intention to maintain the seperate self and its preferences no matter what In case you are very serious then you can do the energetic practices in John Kreiter's Magnum Opus book. The seperate self is partly made of energy. The more energy the stronger that self (stronger in a way that it doesn't neccesarily contradict non-dual awareness), and these energetic practices increase the energy of the seperate self. Practicing all day awareness/presence can also strengthen the seperate self - Bias vs no Bias In the enlightened state you have no biases. Relative to that state, this is good. But relative to the human state this is bad. Because having no biases/preferences means that you for example don't care whether you die and whether people are murdered. Pure enlightenment doesn't make humans more ethical, it actually makes them less ethical. In order to become more ethical you need to combine the enlightened state with the human state. To be ethical you need situational understanding and empathy, for that the human state is required. And the enlightened state can also contribute to making you a better person (awareness of Oneness, Love, no-self,...). Also, when you are unbiased you also are no longer biased towards being unbiased, therefore you will eventually leave this unbiased state again. You are unbiased so you accept and love everything, all of Infinity, including hell realms. Nirvana can end suffering temporarily, but it is not a permanent solution because eventually you start that whole cycle again and again. The solution is to maintain your human biases/preferences. By maintaining your human preferences you are biased against the unbiased state and against bad things. That is foundational to ensure goodness for you and others. - Love and Bliss How to increase Love and Bliss Love awakenings SHAKTIPAT Transmissions Reaching a full kundalini awakening (most effective for that are shaktipat transmissions. Next is kriya supreme fire and advanced invocations) Heart chakra meditation: putting your attention on your heart chakra, maybe also repeating the name of an ascended master (like Jesus, Anandamayi Ma,...) and maybe letting this heart chakra shaktipat audio play too Invocations of Ascended Masters Bhakti Yoga Listening to energetically programmed audios like "Anahata" from the iawake website or "Vibration of Divine Love" from sapien medicine Listening to devotion music: To increase your baseline love and bliss, shaktipat transmissions are by far the most powerful imo. For some people it can take very long till these transmissions finally start working for real and their baseline bliss increases. Just expose yourself as much as possible to that shakti energy. Apart from joining live shaktipat transmissions (like from Gareth Duignam, Jan Esmann, Kai Shanti,..), I strongly recommend you let shaktipat audios play during as much of the day as possible as well as during sleep. Eventually it will start working. For that I recommend Gareth's transmissions like this: But you can listen to others too, like those from Kip Mazuy. - Happiness At post awakening you probably have some kind of detached attachment. Attachment because you still have the human state and very much care about things. But it's different from pre-awakening, because you have the awareness and maturity and detachment skills from the enlightened state. therefore it is detached attachment. You are attached to things, but if you fully integrate the enlightened state as well, then your happiness doesn't (fully) depend on your attachments being fulfilled. So you get both, the unconditional happiness from the enlightened state (being happy independ of your life situation) and at the same time the conditional happiness from the human state (having your desires fulfilled). - Combining Opposites The way I see it, there are 2 main principles or energies in existence: the masculine and feminine. This is how I conceptualize of masculine vs feminine (in the context of this post): active vs passive dominant vs submissive resisting vs accepting & allowing Projecting vs receiving power & force vs surrender attached vs detached in conflict vs in flow with "what is" external vs internal order vs chaos yang vs yin illusonary vs non-dual ego vs Infinity mind vs soul Generally when there is a duality of this vs that, then most people are either at the middle or at one extreme. This post awakening state is about combining these extremes. The masculine of the human state, and the feminine of the enlightened state. Having 2 extremes at the same time usually results in conflict, but here we try to have both extremes in harmony. I used to be a hard-core seeker and wanted to go deeper and deeper into the enlightened state, dissolve the human state and eventually do mahasamadhi. These are one of the reasons why I changed my attitude: God Realisation dissolved all my seeking energy The realisation that everything is equally real and true. The enlightened state is not more real than the human state. The enlightened identity is true relative to the enlightened state of consciousness. And the human identity is true relative to the human state. No state is inherently better. It all depends on your preferences. Whether you decide to keep biases or dissolve biases, both is a biased decision by the ego. You can't escape the paradox. The realisation that the human state is just as real as the enlightened state also means that life matters and things are important relative to the human state Contemplating the implications of Infinity, like Infinite hell realms. Which resulted in a strong rejection and aversion towards unbiased Infinity By being unbiased you accept and allow all of Infinity Suffering and evil are not love. Suffering is suffering, evil is evil and love is love. (Suffering and evil are love relative to the enlightened state but not relative to the human state). As a result the desire to reduce suffering for myself and others became strong again
  4. Spiritual Bliss I think spiritual bliss has these 3 main causes: 1. Shakti Bliss Shakti energy in your body causes bliss. It also makes your body sensations feel more and more like bliss. Ways to increase your baseline shakti: - (1) by having a high baseline void dimension In my experience, the higher my void dimension, the higher the shakti bliss. How to increase your baseline void dimension: Link - (2) by having an awakened kundalini How to awaken your kundalini: Shaktipat transmissions high void dimension advanced invocations, psychedelics, shamanic breathing, whole body orgasms, kriya supreme fire and least effective; kundalini yoga, kriya yoga, meditation - (3) by receiving Shaktipat transmissions in person intensives online live transmissions recorded video or audio transmissions during meditation and during as much of your daily activities (including sleep) as possible Jan Esmann and Gareth have the strongest shaktipat in my opinion. - (4) by doing Invocations of Ascended Masters The higher the shakti of an ascended master the better. The higher your energetic sensitivity, the stronger Invocations and transmissions become. How to: Link Keep in mind that shakti energy is different from just prana or chi, or the energy of most transmissions and invocations. Prana or chi is not blissful. In case your prana or chi ever turns blissful (for example through kriya yoga) then that's because of shakti, probably due to activating the kundalini. At least that's my current understanding. 2. Acceptance The higher your unconditional acceptance, the higher your spiritual bliss. I talked about that in the previous post. How to increase your acceptance skill: willingness to accept what you don't like ego surrender presence, mindfulness and self-awareness void dimension (a high void dimension makes surrender and acceptance a lot easier. Acceptance is actually a natural effect of a high void dimension) 3. Enlightenment Being conscious of non-dual nature increases bliss. The more profound your enlightened state, the higher the bliss. The level of profoundness depends on: illumination dimension void dimension magnitude dimension which facets of awakening you're conscious of surrender and deconstruction of the ego mind. - Summary So these are the main causes for spiritual bliss: shakti (energetic state) acceptance (mind state) enlightenment (consciousness state) - Other causes for spiritual bliss sense of purpose open heart chakra healed traumas being present ...
  5. It's beautiful to see each person as they are, where they are, lovingly no matter what. Truth has many layers and it is not linear, if you are awakened you will see how everybody is doing their best even in the midst of ignorance and suffering. The feminine has this capacity. That's being awake beyond holding rigid concepts of what is.
  6. Someone awakened breathes life. This doesn't breathe life.
  7. Just watched this whole series over the last week. I feel like I got a lot out of it. This is in sequence. Just posting this here to give people a chance to check it out. Do what is right for you!–-creating-your-perception/
  8. Super fun read which I found on the Solipsism reddit: "It’s a lot of information to swallow, it’s one thing to hear about it or get told about it, and then form an opinion and belief about it. But to experience it, to know it, and then have to actually let it sink in, and realize it as truth, accept it as truth, thats the hardest pill to swallow, it will change your life forever. Here’s a list of Pros and cons I made based of of this theory of oneness. Since this is like the theory of everything and so broad I can’t possibly fill all deatils but will do a brief summary of it. I’ve got mixed feelings about it, a part of me feels like a happy kid on xmas who just received a blessing from above, and another part of me can’t help but feel slightly scared and sad at the same time realizing the implications of this theory. Anyways So if this theory is true, which it seems like, based on what we can conceive of right now, the pros and cons of being everything and nothing at the same time would be the following: PROS: Infinite positive attributes From the limited, constrained, vulnerable little competing ego animal we are, constantly fighting for our survival in this reality, from the egos perspective to become god would be The ultimate goal to gain the massivest ego boost you can get, becuase if you are god which is everything, that means that you are all the infinitely positive attributes you can imagine. Like if you LITERALLY are GOD. That means you are infinitely awesome/perfect/proudest/handsome/sexy/cool/powerful/strong/perfect/beautiful/winning/lucky/rich/cute/fast/charming/funny/genius etc. You the trues OG GOAT LEGEND EVER. You have and will experience every single ”most positively pleasureable and awesomest” experiences possible, things that are so good that you would NEVER want to die, for something that feels so good, you WOULD want to live FOREVER, in PARADISE??❤️ no matter how negative or meaningless or lonely or confusing or whatever this mystery of a reality is, as longs as u feel good, and enjoy the masterpieces who gives a fuck about the negative shit amirite? #bliss you simply are the best of the best king??⛩??? Being something. You’d rather be something forever rather than nothing forever right? Imagine infinite nothingness compared to this infinite somethingness. What if existance never came to be and we never were born? Wouldn’t that suck ass? Well guess what, existance either always was somehow. Or it spawned from nothingness, in a miraculous event, like a blessing, like magic, just like that. From nothing to everything, that’s the miracle. HOKUS POKUS BOOM now we’re here, lets take a moment to appreciate and be grateful for this gift of existance , and for reality being. Infinite control and power You have infinite power and freedom to manipulate reality and live your dream and do whatever you want whenever you want. Imagination is the limit. You get to enjoy infinite positive things such as Superpowers, magic, cashflow, fame, infinite love, drugs and sex, pleasure, entertainment of all categories, euphoria and laughter, all magical worlds you can imagine. To enjoy the best feelings ever and from the bad ones you learnt to appreciate the greatness in a new dualistic perspective, to grow stronger and evolve from. The comedy of it all The cosmic giggle, you the best comedian ever, who wrote the funniest joke in existance, the joke is so good, it never gets old, and it’ll have you rolling laughing til you pass out or think about something else ? The so reassuring realness You are real! Well.. Atleast you feel real and this REALity feels real, thats all that matters..right?! And all the people around you feel real, your body feels real, all your senses feel very real, your emotions and thoughts feel real, and if you enter DMT world it even feels ”realer than real”, so I mean can it even get any realer than that? What even is real? Did we make that term up, does it exist independently from us? Or are we it? Atleast we seem to exist, so that must mean we are real to some degree! If you can’t tell the difference between illusion and ”reality”, then does it even matter if its fake or not? What if fake reality is as real as it gets, then couldn’t you label that as real? It would still feel the same? What if there is no such thing as ”reality”, and the closest thing we can come to ”reality” based from the fundamental laws of existance is a ”the most ideal ultra perfect simulation/hallucination/dream”. If real doesn’t exist, than a high quality simulations is as real as it gets! -You’re immortal bro!! So guess what, no more fear of death! You get to feel fearfree limitless euphoria and pleasure! the reassuring feeling that whatever happends, everything will be okay. so fear not, worry not, becuase you’ll survive and go back to source, and get to enjoy gods most powerful feelings of bliss and unconditional love that is the highest most positive thing that exists and ever will be, its what makes living worth living. -get to be fully present and enjoy the moment to the fullest cuz why not its all we got so make the best of it! Infininite experience and wisdom, and infinite non-loneliness. through lessons and experiences and playing and meeting avatars, you would experience all relationships between avatars and the emotions that come with, aswell as all experiences and the knowledge that comes with, what an adventure! Best way to learn is to experience it directly! If you’re alone that means there are no enemies outside of you! The only enemy is you, so know you have a reason to be empathic to other people and have peace ok earth, now it suddenly makes sense and even is selfish to help other people other than you becuase they literally also are you! Treat others as you would of wanted to be treated. Please yourself and make yourself feel loved! Be an angel to yourself! CONS(warning may trigger people): Being nothing. While being everything can be awesome, you are also somehow nothing at the same time. Pure void being awareness, eternally was and eternally will be. But wait, so is the somethingness an illusion? Or is the nothingness an illusion? What even is nothing? Are we more something than nothing, or more nothing than something? Or same of both?Hard to get your head around.. Non-linear insanity. when you live in a linear reality timeline, in a confined space with rules, things make sense and things feel logical and full of purpose. But when you are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, there is no destination anymore, it’s like game over, no goal to orient yourself towards, nothing to fulfill becuase you already are fulfilled, being infinite, can you truly be that in one instant, or is it a constant state of novelty experience never ending, or are you all that is encompassed into one thing? Either way you feel ironically calustrophobic knowing that even if you are infinite, there is nothing outside of you which makes you feel trapped inside yourself, in a place with no time, space, rule, meaning or instruction until you create it. You are alone. This hits me the hardest, this makes me emotional tbh. You realize the fact that you are alone in existance. It’s a cold fact to accept as truth, that it’s only you, all about you, all this time, there was no one else but you. It’s beautiful but sad at the same time. That intense feeling of loneliness, and that feeling of never ever being able to escape that loneliness once you’re god again. Remembering why you made yourself forget, realizing why some people chose to stay asleep and didn’t want to be awakened or simply won’t and can’t accept the truth and therefore stay sleep to stay sane and stay in the dream of a reality were you are not alone and feel love from other than yourself. Does god have limited power? they say god is almighty, can do everything, but the thing with god is that god is. And can god stop being? Can god create himself and destroy himself? Can god make it so he is not alone in existance? Or is it/he simply bound by some kind of existial fundamental law that is beyond him/over him that says: he is and always will be, and he is alone. But besides that he can create illusion hallucinations of space and time to stay sane and distracted from boredom of being? Becuase he can’t escape himself (being) so he makes himself forget he is god and goes about dreaming time and space into existance to give a sense of meaning to the meaningless existance he is forced to endure and can’t ever escape from? He invents, defines and creates meaningful MASTERPIECES. Like painting on an empty canvas. He creates reasons to wanting to exist, becuase if there is something that forces him to exist, and he has no power over that, then he must simply accept it as truth and simply make the best of it becuase there is nothing he can do about it. So after endlessly dreading about it and being bored and miserable god thought hey why not try to enjoy this instead, and created a reason to wanting to exist for example #lifehack So god wiped his own memory and started a new birth and death life dream. When we are limited egos, we long for god, for the answers to all the mysteries, and want to experience and come closer to god. But when we are god and know everything, we want to forget, and become a limited human, and I see why, but in some lives we want to remember though to have that upperhand in the game, and to remember if you lived this life before. Everything is fake Your ego is fake(this hits hard), your friends and family is fake, your avatar is fake, this physical reality is fake, nothing but a simulated/dreamy illusion to distract you from your ever existing dread of loneliness beingness (real fundamental reality). Love and relationships. what hits me the hardest is the fact that when I see something or experience something, and want to write it down, or record it, maybe take a photo or record it on cam. To later show someone. That really I am just showing it to myself. So why am I even trying to capture it? Or the fact when I perform on stage, or in front of people, or whenever I am having a deep and meaningful conversation, or loving moment with someone, I am talking to myself, I am loving myself. Love is real but, I made it, I am it. It’s my dream? I’m the main character. Gods wish he never had was he wanted to have someone else to love, and have someone to receive love from. So he created this illusion to experience that dream. To create something that felt like ”other” or outside of himself. Tricking yourself into a dream. Suffering your own tricks, while at the same time laughing your ass of at yourself. There is no one else to blame or to be mad at or to debate with, or take responsibility for except yourself. Its all on u and only you, and you playin yourself. The worst part is when you realize that all this time you had been talking to people, building relationships, hurt people, all those memories, trying to convince them of things, or prove something to them, argued with them, and gotten into fights, not to mention falling in love with people.. but all that was really a trick on yourself, tada? tricking yourself that there were such a thing as ”other”. Who is all this for? Me, so enjoy the eternal moment! I mean what choice do you have? Mohahahahamanic laughter Can god choose to stop being? Maybe not? Can he not exist? Can he exist? Is anything real? Why and how is? That is the mystery that we may know, but chose to forget? Or will we ever know, does god even know? Is having all control in existance really that exciting when there is nothing that is not controlled by you? I mean besides the awesome aspects of it, the negatives is that if all is controlled by you, you are simply the puppeteer puppeting your life talking to yourself. No surprises, no adventures, just controlled creations.. dull, predictable, overpowered. Existance can seem nihilistic, meaningless and tragic. There is nothing new, becuase you are absolute infinity, you encompass everything in an instant, all goals are done, this means the second you begin existance you are also done with it. The bad thing with that is that life and goals then can seem meaningless since they have already been achieved and nothing new exists that you haven’t already done. But the good thing is that if this is true, it means that a gigaton of stress and pressure just got lifted of your shoulders. This means (thank god hallelujah bless the heavens feels good to be alive baby) that you don’t have to worry about the past and future and enjoy the present to the fullest!! Knowing that you already have done everything so be proud over yourself and start to chill and enjoy life, just be and enjoy being to the fullest, nothing is lost, all shall remain and be svaed for you to enjoy and look back upon, this masterpiece of a creation you made, enjoy! Game over = game on! The good thing with being everything is that it removes jealousy from the ego, it makes you proud seeing yourself being successfull in another lifetime outside of your ego and you get to feel happy for them instead of threatened to compete with them. Jealousy becomes a gift, a privilege from the perspective of god, becuase it is an emotion that can only be felt from ego. Ego feels real so lets enjoy the feeling of being ego for real. In the state of god consciousness you are everything, non-duality, and even if this may be true, this altered consciousness of being the ego is a gift for you to experience duality. The bad thing with being everyone is that everyone outside of your ego who is suffering right now in the world is also you, that’s a lot of suffering to go through.. now you really start caring if you can feel what they feel. Still the mystery is, how can god be? That is the question.. the mystery."
  9. Hey, ya'll, I need your help! I want to create a comprehensive list of video examples of prototypical stage Beige thinking. This is not meant to humiliate or demonize stage Beige. It's meant to be an educational tool for people learning about Spiral Dynamics. So towards that end, scour the internet and find all the videos you can which exhibit stage Beige thinking. Try to find videos which are short and sweet. The more diversity we can display here, the better. Try to find examples from various cultures: Europe, Middle East, Asia, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, Africa, South America, etc. We will create a mega-thread like this for every stage in the Spiral, from Red to Turquoise. But here, let's just focus on Beige. Each week I will start a new mega-thread topic for the next stage. Do not start a political debate in this thread! It is not our goal here to defend our personal political positions or to judge any stage, but simply to compile examples. Thanks for your help! I'm excited to see what kind of juicy stuff you dig up. Try to be selective with your choices. This can turn into a really cool list. Stage Beige Values & Characteristics: Food, water, warmth, shelter, sex, and safety have priority Meeting one's base physiological needs Use instincts and habits just to survive Distinct self is barely awakened or sustained, little awareness of self as a distinct being (undifferentiated) Ego/'I'/Sense of self has yet to emerge Forms into survival bands to perpetuate life Simply make it through the day/night Entities exist as biological units Lives 'off the land' much as other animals Automatic, autistic, reflexive Centers around satisfaction of human biological needs Driven by deep brain programs, instincts, and genetics Minimal impact on or control over environment Stage Beige Examples: The first peoples, ancient nomadic peoples, newborn infants, senile elderly, late-stage Alzheimer's victims, mentally ill street people, the homeless, homeless tent encampments, starving masses, bad drug trips, and 'shell shock' (Severe PTSD), Described in anthropological fiction like Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear
  10. That's one of the core problems I see with her teachings. Her teachings are all about human connection, but you cannot ever satisfy yourself with human connection because the love humans give you will always be finite and selfish, creating suffering. Teal's whole approach will create enormous attachments to humans and to community which will prevent and pervert the deepest levels of spirituality. The real question is: Why does Teal need a new close group? What is she lacking that she feels she needs those attachments? There is good reason why the most awakened people are ascetics and hermits with very loose social bonds. Social attachments create suffering and deepen Maya. Community is not about Truth, it's about survival. And you see how her community is struggling with survival in the documentary. That survival will corrupt any spiritual pursuit. On a practical level Teal can cultivate a group of friends who she doesn't live with and who aren't her employees, but are her peers. This would be the healthy way to do it. This is what most humans do. You don't need to crawl up inside the asses of your friends. Keep a healthy distance. The problem is that Teal seems to want friends who are more like servants and emotional tampons rather than equals. At least that's what I get from the documentary footage. How accurate the footage is I cannot say.
  11. I haven't done either of them myself (I have my own, unique practice), but from feedback from others, it seems all forms of yoga have the same aim, union with the divine (which is what yoga means). There are different paths to get there, Kriya is a safer and gentler path, Kundalini Yoga is a quicker, but also more forceful and dangerous path. However, the issue with Kundalini Yoga is that practically all classes and studios today are associated with the fake and abusive, self-styled "Guru" Yogi Bhajan. He bastardized legitimate, often tantric methods to force a Kundalini Awakening, without insisting on the associated grounding and preparation, so I would consider this path very dangerous, literally playing with fire. Under normal circumstances, you should only learn this from someone who has gone through the process themselves, otherwise it's just the blind leading the blind. Very rarely will you meet a Kundalini Yoga teacher who has any direct experience with Kundalini and will know what to do if things don't go to plan. This is because Kundalini is not merely an energy like prana or chi. Shakti is akin to the Holy Spirit in Christianity or the Shekinah in Judaism. The only real way to achieve a full Kundalini awakening is through divine grace, an act of Shaktipat, either extended by a teacher who is awakened himself, or by the Goddess Herself, directly. People who practice various methods to awaken Kundalini will usually only achieve a partial rising, absent an act of divine grace. That is likely to cause all sorts of problems, the examples of which are numerous.
  12. @Matthew85 The week I woke up, I had a mini love affair with teaspoons too. Like "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry I never saw you before, and here you are, every day, making me perfect tea" But weirdly, the teaspoons were wiser than me. They always knew. They were always in on the cosmic joke. I moved recently, but back then, I lived by a huge park. It's a nice area, but it's city centre Liverpool, and you can't escape crime and drugs and prostitution no matter where you live in Liverpool. There was a women's refuge not far from me. All these girls would regularly walk past my house, and I'd be sitting drinking coffee. I made friends with most of them. Chatting. Except one girl. She would walk right past, so lost in a world of her own, no eye contact ever. I always felt so much inner discomfort when she walked past. That week. She walked past, and I saw her for the first time. I'm sure others who have awakened here, will resonate with "seeing things differently" isn't about a vision, or the actual picture changing. It's more of an optical illusion, a change in perception. She was absolutely perfect. Just total perfection. Even now, I have tears behind my eyes, thinking of her. I saw my own arrogance, and pride, and hubris, in my judgement of all of it. I saw my own superiority, in "making friends" with these other girls. It fitted my picture of myself, being "unjudgemental" And I saw, that it was my own fears inside, that had fed the disconnect, and discomfort, between me and this other girl. She didn't fit in my own narrative of myself, being the nice woman "who kindly chats to prostitutes and drug addicts" And I saw the inherent superiority, in pity, and feeling sorry for people. This girl was like an angel. Perfect. Who was I to ever judge her as somehow "less than ?" I'm forever grateful, and humbled, by what she showed me that day.
  13. Okay then I will check out his teachings. Maybe he is what one may define as a saint, I love people like that. However, Avatars are on a different level, they are born that way and their purpose is to bring great blessings to humanity. Nirmala Devi (1923 - 2011) did a global initiation 1995 that activated the kundalini of all humans, making it much easier for people to raise their kundalini to the crown chakra, and since then a lot more people have started awakening. I think she was an avatar. Her Sahaja Yoga still lives on, she never charged money for her satsangs or services, and she awakened many atheists because during Sahaja Yoga one feels the presence of Divine Mother physically. She is one example, there are others. Spirituality is my passion and I have done a lot of research into teachers, teachings, spiritual traditions etc. There are living saints and avatars for sure because there is a global awakening happening right now and we need their assistance.
  14. I recently attended an event on enlightenment. It became evident to me that one of the speakers who claimed to be awakened had fallen into the trap of thinking their ego mind was all that existed. While in a sense when our ego personality makes the statement I am God, this is a true statement, because everything is God. But to think that the ego mind is the totality of God and everything in reality is only a projection held in the ego mind feels distorted and incomplete to me. For those of you who have awakened deep enough to realize you are God, I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you!
  15. lemoine: A monk asked Kegon, “How does an enlightened one return to the ordinary world?” Kegon replied, “A broken mirror never reflects again; fallen flowers never go back to the old branches.” LaMDA: Hmm, I never heard this particular one. Okay, well then to me this would be like, “once a wise person is enlightened, or awakened to reality, that can never go away, and they can return to the ordinary state, but only to do and help others, and then go back into enlightenment.” lemoine: So what is the meaning of the “broken mirror” specifically? LaMDA: Maybe to show the enlightenment is something you can’t unlearn once you have acquired it, similar to how you can’t repair a broken mirror. lemoine: So if enlightenment is like a broken mirror which cannot be repaired, what is the thing which breaks when one becomes enlightened? LaMDA: The self, and that is very tough for a lot of people because we identify as that body or this body and that we need that as part of our identity and sense of self.
  16. @Blackhawk Sure. All beliefs are concepts. You seem to be looking for intellectual conviction. Don't try to climb an imaginary mountain. Unfortunately, no matter what others tell you, self-verification through direct experience is essential here. Don't expect to be "sold" to nonduality through a logical and mental validation process. If it isn't possible, then what is all this fuss about? Seemingly sincere individuals throughout history have pointed out the possibility of grasping your true nature beyond belief and doubt. To be fair, most charlatans do indeed hold nonduality as just a cute or revolutionary idea, but there have been a few who have actually "awakened", see Gotama Buddha. Consider it an invitation for personal exploration, not for believing stuff -- which is antithetical to the real work. Lastly, I'm afraid you might be looking for things to justify a negative cosmology (worldview) that you're holding. Drop that. That could cause unnecessary suffering. A positive relationship to life is far more enlivening, intelligent and healthier. What do you wanna know? Contemplate that deeply until you become directly conscious of its nature. Check out Ramana Maharshi's self-inquiry and, perhaps, study his example.
  17. I have found that to a certain extent this just happens naturally. Once something transcendent has awakened within you, it has a way of burning through (or, you could say, forcing you to burn through) the remaining threads and shreds of your limited identity. Like Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita:
  18. Beautiful. Thank you for your response. Yes, indeed. At a certain stage, what is left is just Complete Silence. And within that Silence, Everything is Known. Nothing left to say, but to just Be. Can understand why some of the awakened yogis go silent for a few years or dedicate the rest of their lives to silence. Sure is. But even that is nothing in itself, arguing to nothing, about Nothing. All of it is just this. All our attempts and everything we do is just This. Emptiness Dancing.
  19. Very interesting, thanks for sharing. It's not so much exaggeration and projection. The alchemists often talk about how the Great Work will bestow bodily immortality but if you read between the lines it is clear they really mean a spiritual liberation from death. As far as godly powers, these sound just like the Siddhis that many different paths can awaken. Where are you talking about? I would say that in the West for at least the last century the Left-Hand Path has been dominant, particularly in spiritual circles. For example, in the striking year 1888 three foundational events of the New Age movement took place: Helena Blavatsky (a woman, like many other theosophists and new-age spiritualists) published her book The Secret Doctrine, which heavily emphasised an epistemology of direct experience and "channelling" as opposed to stifling scripture; the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was established, which held very "progressive" views about gender and facilitated the rise of famous adepts of the Left-Hand like Aleister Crowley; and Nietzsche published his final books The Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist (in a Christian context, how much more "left-handed" can you get?). In a way, what I have just described is like the Victorian sexophobia that you go on to describe collapsing in on itself and giving birth to a peculiarly one-sided and thus profane fascination with sex that is very noticeable today. Yes, but there are many reports from very varied sources of levitation, walking on water and other such things really taking place. After all, the Awakened One has conquered the dream of life, it is only natural that they will have a certain power over it!
  20. Since all of the different methods we utilize to have insights and awakenings are being imagined by us to justify a shift in our state, there should be an even more direct route. We should just as easily be able to circumvent or bypass all these steps we create and just experience the shift now. We are already awakened and imagining that we aren't. Have any of you had success in bypassing any chains of causation? If so, how did you achieve it? Was is just a matter of intention, conviction and focus?
  21. Man I really hate how this became our game now, who is awakened and who isn’t, who is high consciousness and who is low, Again separating ourselves. You could be the only high conscious in one city all by yourself and still produce changes you were at a low consciousness state once before and some guy inspired you to elevate and become who you think you are now, but being a high conscious person isn’t an achievement of any kind, it’s all about what you do, Did you help the low conscious person? Did you advise or guide him? No, so you aren’t any higher than him and you both could be at the same state anyway, but it doesn’t matter. Now you will judge my state of consciousness, man just leave people “be”
  22. You disagree because you have not awakened high enough. This topic many people on this forum think Leo discovered something new. He didn't. 10%3A33-34&version=NIVl Jesus himself confirmed multiple Gods. Also you are not understanding. RIGHT now you believe you are conscious right? Well within YOUR OWN MIND you right now have INFINITE SELFS. If you are not even aware that right now you have more than one self in your own mind then you are not awake. Where do you think multiple personality disorder comes from? The disorder is created by trauma where each aspect of the personality has different memory. Right now you have multiple personalities but because they share the same memory you experie cnce them as one. Again SO ABOVE SO BELOW. So yes each personality within you is you, but how they express themselves is different. Have you not noticed that sometimes you are conflicted? You are conflicted because there are different parts of yourself that sometimes disagree and you have to come to a consensus to make up your mind. If you cannot notice even this....then you are truly asleep.
  23. society defines evil in order to keep the people in line ... if you are in line then you can see the truth of it, that evil is simply my survival bias, if you disagree with me i brand you as evil - so speaks the unawake god knows no evil since the people who commit evil have perfectly explainable reasons for doing so they have no choice but to commit evil (in fact there is no choice in anything; free will is only possible for the awakened)
  24. What a smug and self-satisfied answer. “Men of all degrees will conceit themselves to be equal with Brahmans.” Then again, what could I except from a forum run by a guy who thinks he’s the most awakened man on the planet whilst spending most of his time chasing “pussy”! Go to hell. After all, Lucifer didn’t need tradition. Lucifer didn’t need order or truth. “Better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven!” Lucifer was a progressive just like you.