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  1. @wesyasz Okaay! Im excited for sharing! Tomorrow I will create a YT channel where I will spontaneously share my insights on the journey, and also interact with community! ? I will also have another channel that is called "ArtOnSpiral", where we are going to combine Art and Spiral Dynamics Integral so we could attain maximal human potential, and more! heheheh (here I em in a role of a crazy artist) AlchemyNow "In this Eternal Alchemical Process, Eddie combine's Spirituality, Philosophy and Psychology so he could open people's minds for the Ultimate Vision - Selfactualization"! or whatever... Im still working on it (In this channel, I em a student and a teacher of life at the same time xd) See you tommorow my friend, I will link the video around here probably... Here it is my friend! I will share more clear episodes in the future about my routines and process of transformation. Right now Im very glad that I just started sharing. Also, I will get down to earth with the whole enlightenment/god thing. I have much more to learn... and what you are going to see anyway, is what you want to see.So here is an idea. Eddie is an Artist! Creator! Wise Fool! Eddie is a Student of LIFE! <3 See you soon with more Entertainment
  2. Mdma is not really sustainable. You can't do it a lot. Some good techniques are: Reference point therapy (or rapid personal transformation), regressive hypnosis, shamanic soul retrieval.
  3. Hello friends, I am Shanmugam, a very old member of this forum. There was a time when I was active everyday and some of you may know me. I remember @Nahm and @Natasha very well. Some members that I used to interact with do not seem to be active anymore. Hope you are all doing good and safe. I am writing this thread to inspire the seekers here, to let them know what is possible by the meditations you have been doing. Before 2014, there was a Shanmugam who doesn't exist anymore. I am from Tamil Nadu, southern part of India. In school days I was very curious about life and why we are here; I read Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, texts about Yoga and many Hindu scriptures including Bhagavad Gita. When I was about 18, I started to feel a lot of meaninglessness. It is when I was introduced to more clear and practical guidance towards spirituality through the books of Osho. I had my first epiphany and taste of non-duality during 2002. It was the result of witnessing meditation, which I talk about a lot in my books, blogs and videos. I was very excited and the effects of that experience actually lasted for 6 months.. It was as if I had discovered a totally new way to make myself happy. I became a very dedicated seeker after that. Over the next 12 years, I was introduced to the books and videos of many teachers including Eckhart Tolle, J.Krishnamurti, Papaji, Ramana Maharshi and hundreds of western teachers. I was going deeper and deeper, and it has all been an insightful exploration; the exploration seemed to be endless. I was looking forward to a next epiphany or spiritual experience, another dimension of consciousness, another pleasant and mind blowing session of meditation. Many times I did have many mind blowing experiences and insights and there were many times when I felt nothing. Getting into the states of flow was very easy for me; whenever I was focused on some work, I use to enter long hours of no thoughts about me, my past or future. But this exploration seemed to be endless. Sometimes I thought that this is how it was going to be for the rest of my life. And I feel that most of the seekers are actually stuck in this stage. Anyway, it was during 2014. By this time, my life was very simple. I had lot of time to go deep in witnessing meditation. I had already been living with a changed dimension of consciousness for the previous 12 years. But as I continued my meditation, I was suddenly in a totally timeless realm. On July 12th, when I was lying on my bed, there was a clear recognition that my search was over, that I reached what I have to reach as a human being. It was like this. You are in a train on a journey towards a destination. When you are focused on a totally different work, you suddenly realize that the train has already stopped and the destination has been reached. In fact, you didn't even notice exactly when the train arrived there; it may be before 2 minutes, 5 minutes or 1 minutes. I can't really write about what happened after that the same way I wrote about what happened until that day. It is absolutely impossible. The next two years simply went on, very similar to how the first two years of my life went; like a child who doesn't worry about anything, who eats when he is hungry and sleeps when he is sleepy. It was simple and absolutely blissful. Only in 2016, I had an interest to write about what happened to me in my blog, which is I knew my life was not like others; it wasn't a journey in time towards a future anymore. If I don't write about it I will eventually forget it. Eventually I ended up writing a book (The Truth About Spiritual Enlightenment: Bridging Science, Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta), starting an Youtube channel and growing my audience. I am able to articulate things much better now and I am also adapted much to my transformation. And this is truly a gift, the kingdom of God, with absolutely no comparison. Your questions are welcome. I have been doing more videos than ever these days. If you want to subscribe to my Youtube channel, click here:
  4. @allislove gave a beautifully put answer, however I would like to share from a different angle to see if that helps I would like to agree that it is more of a spiritual purification that most I see go through when starting this path. usually this is a sign for real true growth and transformation in ones very center of self. your actions now are more important then any time. stick with what you know is beneficial for you and know that no matter what happens it’s alright bud. Just continue on everything is gunna be alright. No matter the consciousness levels, no matter the suffering you experience. If you stay true to what is beneficial and self growing it’ll be alright. watch your feelings too, don’t judge yourself for feeling bad or even try to escape as that can create more resistance. Instead allow those emotions and experiences to arise. It can be tuff or easy. That said, I would recommend always meditating, eating better etc. just because I say don’t try to escape doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to change. focus on what feels good, check out spiritual teachers like Abraham Hicks. She’s always good with re framing something that may not feel good to the present you. you are always free as every second is new. Every choice is your choice. Make the most out of your life. Your free bud. Lol you got this!
  5. The trap is that true morality looks like what happens after awakening. But since most people aren't awakened, the best a spiritual teacher can do is give a sort of list of things you'd do after awakening. Golden Rule and all that. But Jesus didn't come to the Golden Rule through some other spiritual teacher, he derived it for himself by awakening. In that sense, preaching morality is like giving the answers in the back of a math book to students. The transformation and wisdom comes from having going through a process where you discover true morality for yourself. Not because someone just told you to. That would lead to devilry, because you wouldn't actually understand it and would abuse all the teachings. Which is of course if often what happens, thus religion becomes corrupted.
  6. @neovox I just finished Being Ram Dass. He talks about the transformation after a severe stroke, and how as he got older, it was the ultimate spiritual practice to simply love, despite his limitations. If you haven't read it, highly recommended. All the best on your health issues ?
  7. @Someone here I’m in agreement with@BlackMaze about how life changing The Power of Now and A New Earth can be. Tolle recommends in the Power of Now at times to just pick up and read just a little and let it digest. I’ve done that but at times I was compelled to keep reading on an on. I’m sure I’ve read The Power of Now over 20 times starting when it was first printed. A New Earth I’ve reread at least 4-5 times. They’re great books and tools for transformation.
  8. @datamonster if you really think that by creating AI generated pedo porn, pedophiles sexual drives would decrease, you'd be in for a rude awakening. In fact, they would probably increase. You see it everywhere with other sexual fetishes, they don't just dissapear once they find an outlet. That's not how it works. Unless we discover technology needed to perform structural transformation inside the brain, the only sensible solution for now is to put them in jail, for the good of rest of society.
  9. Different teachers say mean different things with ''enlightenment''. Teachers agree that it is knowing one's own true nature whatever that means. Some say that happiness is there. Yous seem to have a similar perspective as Peter Ralston -- enlightenment doesn't change anything including self-survival tendencies but it can help transformation. That slightly different to what Rupert Spira has said where peace and love is found, having a completeness within oneself but life goes on as one wishes to do so. He admits occasionally he acts unenlightened sometimes but peace is the norm. He famously has said to tell your partners ''I love you, but I do not need (and you cannot give me the happiness I seek)'' Ramana Maharshi differs even more as he said habitual tendencies (vassanas) must be surrendered. Having talked to devotees, they have alluded to that desires are given up, supposedly because they serve a false entity. So when ego is seen through, these desires as well certain behaviours are dropped. A deep surrender occurs. Why is the absolute view worth even mentioning? It means nothing. It is an easy way to fool oneself. Unless that translates into the relative -- a knowing that love is always here. That means contentment of where you are. Of course this means you are free to enter relationships. Yes this is true you are free to do so. But why bother at that point? This is my point. But you are saying there is not translation here. It isn't out of the question to imagine a person who does not have any social needs and it happy (but to imagine someone who never eat is difficult even though people might be able to do this). In fact many people will be forced to find happiness with way as God has not given them people to love them for whatever reason. People have such varied experiences. Go talk to people a wide variety of people from different areas of the world. A Christian who couldn't find love, people who go to Mooji's meeting, a women who lives in a conservative part of the Middle East, an impoverished person who will never see beyond where they live, a women who has such low self-esteem and feels ugly -- I can go on giving examples I have come across. If they are to be happy, there is no choice for most of these people to free themselves from a lot of their need for intimacy in another. In a non-duality meeting, a man said to the teacher that he was fearful of never getting married. The teacher said forwardly ''You won't care about that kind of stuff once you understand this''. It's quite interesting how you concrete you portray social needs like physiological needs. But to test what you say, the best thing I can do is for me to see if I can be free of social needs. The pandemic has shown me I definitely don't need other people as much as I believed, though I am not totally free.
  10. I get on my own nerves sometimes. It feels like an in between state of identification once it gets observed. I believe it’s that side of me that stays in the blind spot. It’s the annoying part of me that other people have to endure. Awareness is curative applies here as well. Very much so. As two natured beings we stand between two realities. Some applicable Maurice Nicoll quotes- TWO REALITIES “We stand between two realities, one given by the senses and the other given by our relationship to Higher Centres. One is external and the other is internal and, I would add, eternal. It has often been said that this Work is to prepare the lower centres for the reception of Higher Centres.” V. 4, p. 1322 CLEANING THE MACHINE “The first stages of the Work are sometimes called ‘cleaning the machine.’ . . . The Work tells you more about what not to do than about what to do. Now people often ask: ‘What am I to do?’ On that side the Work says only two definite things: ‘Remember yourself’ and ‘Observe or notice yourself.’ That is what you must try to do. But on the other side the Work says many things about what not to do. It says, for example, that you must try to struggle against being identi- fied, try to struggle with mechanicalness, with mechanical and wrong talking, with every kind of internal considering, with every kind of self-justifying, with all the different pictures of yourself, with your special forms of imagination, with mechanical disliking, with all va- rieties of your self-pity and self-esteem, with your jealousy, with your hatreds, with your vanity, your inner falseness, with your lying, with your self-conceit, with your attitudes, prejudices, and so on.” V. 1, pp. 160-1 INNER STABILITY “Other feelings of oneself are possible that are not derived from life and personality, and these feelings give a man a sense of stability that nothing outside him can take away. And it is from these feelings that a man begins to feel himself free, because they depend on nothing outside him...Personality, roughly speaking, lives by comparison with others...Real ‘I’ does not exist through comparison.” V. 1, pp. 274-5 INNER STABILITY II “We have to make something very strong in ourselves by the help of the Work little by little so that we can withstand the shifting scene, moments of happiness followed by moments of depression, moments of hope followed by moments of despair, in order that we may have a centre of gravity within ourselves . . . a certain point of consciousness that is invulnerable. This is the beginning of the birth of Real I in you which is not influenced by outer circumstances. One then works the other way round—that is, the machine formerly driven by outer events is now worked from within—from what is higher than life.” V. 4, p. 1343 WEAKENING THE HOLD OF PERSONALITY “Now the realization of one’s mechanicalness and the realization of one’s ignorance—for all knowledge leads into mystery—are necessary for any transformation of oneself to take place. Why? Because they weaken the hold of the acquired Personality.” V. 3, p. 1051 ADDING VERSUS TAKING AWAY “The first step in the Work is to begin to free oneself from oneself. This Work is not adding something to oneself but taking away from oneself and it is only what is useless to one’s development that the Work seeks to take away.” V. 2, p. 425 THE POSSIBILITY OF ESCAPE “It is a marvelous thing to find you can move in new directions inter- nally and escape from this spurious invention of yourself. Just say to yourself: ‘Why am I always like this? Why do I always feel this? Why, in short, am I always the same fixed person?’ ” V. 3, p. 983 THE TRAJECTORY OF WORK “The increasing feeling of the Work as stronger than life and all its ups and downs and swinging to and fro between the opposites brings about a state of Self-Remembering that is not due to chance nor is merely a fleeting experience. But for a very long time we mix the Work with our associations, with the machine of personality, which is driven by life and reacts to it mechanically. And this is inevitable because only a gradual separation is possible. A person cannot be torn away suddenly from personality. It would destroy him. So even though we try to work, we identify with the reactions of personality.” V. 1, p. 332 THE TRAJECTORY OF WORK II “You may be sure that once your evaluation of the Work is strong enough and you hear it enough and reflect upon it enough, you will see gradually unfolding the mystery of your own development. This mystery is different in each person. That is why it is so important not to compare yourself with other people. A great deal of negative emotion arises from comparison. Remember always that the Work is equally difficult for everyone and that it does not become easier. It is always difficult. And yet it is not too difficult if one will remember enough and maintain a certain inner strength of will in regard to it.” V. 3, p. 959
  11. Transferences The need to be seen,,,, The personhood or ego self can’t help but have narcissistic tendencies. Interesting excerpts from AH Almaas glossary A Way of Exposing the Emptiness of One's Sense of Self The narcissistic transferences are present for everyone all the time, but are usually in the background. In our work they come into the foreground, and become the focus of the work when the emptiness of the normal self-identity becomes increasingly obvious. Working with the narcissistic transferences is the primary psychodynamic work on the narcissistic sector of the self. Working with these transferences is a way of exposing the emptiness of one’s sense of self, especially for students with significant narcissistic personality components. Awareness of narcissistic transference as transference again will bring out the sense of meaninglessness. Three factors elicit narcissistic emptiness and meaninglessness: first, the normal process of maturation in which one outgrows defensive aspects of the identity; second, the pressure of doing spiritual work and experiencing essential presence, which tends to expose the relative unreality of the level of personality identifications; and third, working with the narcissistic transferences, that is, bringing to consciousness the object relations that have been supporting the more superficial sense of self and helping one to avoid the sense of emptiness. These narcissistic transferences are very powerful; they are not easy to work through. However, it is necessary to work through them in order to expose the support for the superficial identity, as well as to deal with the defenses against emptiness, helplessness, and aloneness. These defenses prevent our openness to the realization of our true essential nature. The Point of Existence, pg. 229 Transforming the Self-Identity Structure This process of self-realization naturally applies pressure on the conventional sense of identity. Issues arise which affect the central narcissistic structure, that of self-identity. The transformation of narcissism consists largely of the transformation of this structure, leading to the realization of the Essential Identity. The increasing pressure on the structure of self-identity exposes its underlying vulnerability and shakiness. The student attempts to find ways to shore up his sense of identity, but can no longer turn so easily to idealization; he has seen through it. So he turns to mirroring self-objects to help him preserve the integrity and cohesion of his capacity for self-recognition. This manifests as the need for mirroring, particularly in the mirror transference onto the teacher. Investigating this narcissistic transference in depth leads us to a thorough understanding of the sense of identity and its underlying structure. We become increasingly aware of the properties of the self-identity, which we have up to now taken for granted to be part of who we really are. This awareness begins to transform the self-identity, making it more flexible and realistic. So this structure becomes less and less opaque, until it is transparent enough to reveal the essential identity. This is the central process of the transformation of narcissism, which begins by observing and understanding the need to be seen and mirrored. The Point of Existence, pg. 277 When One's Relationship With Others Becomes More Markedly Narcissistic As the emptiness of the shell approaches conscious awareness, one's relationships to others become more markedly narcissistic. Kohut called the narcissistic object relations narcissistic transferences (he later named them self-object transferences), referring especially to those seen in the clinical situation with the analyst. The narcissistic transferences generally function to shore up the sense of identity, to make that sense of identity feel supported. In our work these transferences arise in the student's relationship to her teacher. The Point of Existence, pg. 229 These last 2 quote adds to my theory that the majority of Actualizers at some point go through a Zen devil phase. It kind of has that smell. I’ve pondered on this over time,,,,Anyone have thoughts on this notion?
  12. I've been on this inner spiritual journey, inner transformation, I've completely changed as a person and I'm not living the same life as I was. I faced my addiction with Porn/Masturbation and let it go. I've came so far. But I think deep down I'm still holding on, because I re attach with my ego sometimes, I "tap out" of myself, start feeling fearful etc. and then backslide on the path. (Feels like I am going stray from the path within) perhaps this is part of the journey or I'm running from something that I'm not yet ready to suffer through/face (at my current level of transcendence/development) Its just like a dark night of the soul really, it's like my old self/old ego mindset is coming back up to haunt me. Like I lost that peace within and the connection to the source. It is quite uncomfortable and unsettling
  13. I’m still a work in progress. Purification of the emotional center certainly doesn’t happen overnight. Have you ever caught yourself in the midst of a negative emotion and expression but we’re somehow by an inner recognition bring it to a stop and reversal. Not easy for sure. It’s a big accomplishment. I’ve noticed on the rare occurrences I’m able to manifest this experience soon follows an inner quiet and what seems like a subtle bump of energy. If I don’t manage this and continue to complain and piss and moan, my energy spirals down rather quickly as a rule. Have you ever busted yourself enjoying some form of negativity such as juicy gossip about a friend or family member?Perhaps even feeling that inner dirtiness that’s comes with it? More Maurice Nicoll- TRANSFORMATION OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS “The observation of our negative states and the separation from them is one of the most important sides of practical work. The transforma- tion of negative emotions belongs to the Second Conscious Shock and here the whole Work comes in and the whole evaluation of it. You may be negative but you must feel that it is not you that is negative but It. This is the beginning of inner separation, of not identifying with negative states, of not identifying with oneself.” V. 2, p. 530 OBSERVING NEGATIVE ‘I’S “In the Work, the enjoyment of negative states must be observed sincerely, especially the secret enjoyment of them. The reason is that if a man enjoys being negative, in whatever forms, and they are legion, he can never separate from them. You cannot separate yourself from what you have a secret affection for.” V. 1, p. 214 WATCHING REACTIONS “Once you have realized that this reaction of yours is quite typical, and you have always had complaints in exactly the same way, it will give you a shock. It will startle you. You will see that it is this complaining itself that you have to notice in yourself and not what you imagine causes it. Next time that these complaining ‘I’s begin to resume their customary activity, the shock that you had may just be able to give you the emotional force to observe them before they start using your mouth, in your name. You will have the shock of remem- bering yourself.” V. 2, p. 449
  14. Great work! Positive psychology is better feeling than negative psychology, but no mind is reality as it is. I've been on this inner spiritual journey, inner transformation, I've completely changed as a person and I'm not living the same life as I was. I faced my addiction with Porn/Masturbation and let it go. I've came so far. That’s a story about a you. But I think deep down I'm still holding on, because I re attach with my ego sometimes, I "tap out" of myself, start feeling fearful etc. and then backslide on the path. (Feels like I am going stray from the path within) perhaps this is part of the journey or I'm running from something that I'm not yet ready to suffer through/face (at my current level of transcendence/development) That’s also a story about a you. Use the emotional scale for that ‘fearful’. Experience the emotion, understand it, and transmute it. After some practice / understanding, the body mind will do it automatically. You’ll literally forget ‘fear’. Its just like a dark night of the soul really, it's like my old self/old ego mindset is coming back up to haunt me. Like I lost that peace within and the connection to the source. It is quite uncomfortable and unsettling Understanding, expressing, and releasing emotions will change that entire paradigm.
  15. I agree with your point. Abundance of opportunities allows this strategy to work day to day. This shouldn't stop guys integrating those opportunities that come up in their daily lives though. Jon from TNL: "I do not encourage you to have a search and destroy attitude. See yourself as a social octopus, reaching out and offering energy to people." What I like about The Natural Lifestyles is they're genuinely talking about self actualization and personal transformation with dating as just a part of it, no different than what this forum is doing. Of course they teach tips, techniques and attitudes to seduce women, but if you listen to their podcast, it's mostly about inner transformation and being a well rounded spiritual self actualized modern man and using man's desire for women as a leverage into this. Of all the resources available on dating, they're the most high conciousness, well rounded and real out there in my opinion.
  16. Some observations... I realized that there are less and less difficult people in my life. Transformation has lasted for years but lately there are pretty much none. I’m trying to understand what these very clear brief moments mean when I seem to exit the automatic mode and become very present, very aware. I need to teach myself to extend them. Seems to be easiest in nature, in the shower. Is it being aware of awareness? A hand is an interesting thing to look at. Im feeling connected with some people I don’t really know. Two in this forum, one at work(with him no language to communicate with, but still). During last weeks members of the forum ask my questions. Before I can formulate them. My life is almost too good. I used to get euphoric on a motorcycle, now a home , a bed , a meal can make me cry, it’s just so awesome. At the same time I’m aware that if those things are taken away from me I would snap out of this. Let’s not kid ourselves. That guy who sat himself in fire and just sat there. No ego, no survival mode. How does it feel?
  17. Round 13: Done Chelator: DMSA Dose: 25 MG Date: 26 FEB - 1 MAR 2021 Supporting supplements: I did initially shy away from supplementing with omega 3 as it is often contaminated with mercury. After some reflection, I realised that my fat profile was the only thing that I did not address well enough. I did decrease sources of omega 6 and handled that, but didn't quite address my omega 3 deficiency. I found possibly one of the best brands in terms of purity and quality so I'm integrating that into my supplementation regimen. It is called nordic naturals. A bit expensive. Probably will look for an alternative in the future but for now it will do. It has 1075 Omega 3's per capsule (562 EPA + 438 DHA + 75 Other omega 3's) and the cost is around 90 USD for a bottle of 120 caps. Also combining this with Flaxseeds. notes: Started to get canker sores again in my mouth. For the rest, cognitively, I feel a bit sharper overal in comparison to 3 months ago. Still, focus and motivation are not good. I've been taking ritalin and trying to find a way to establish some routine where I can use medication to focus and still have off days so I don't become dependant. Going to incorporate modafinil into this routine as well and maybe going to try microdosing psychedelics. For the rest I started doing kriya yoga and going to see if this helps my ADHD. I did meditation daily in the past for a year and had a lot more peace of mind then. Became lazy and quit though. Your mind really needs to be taimed and trained in order to have more equinamity. Presence is not some standard or free gift to some lucky souls. I realised awakening can help you realise everything for what it is, but it does not garuantee instant transformation. Transformation is what happens when one integrates these realisations, trains one's mind to be present, and purifies all aspects of yourself where you and reality touch. This is where real liberation happens. Not all human problems dissapear when realising the truth of your existance. The mind needs to be purified as well as the body and it takes time. The more you purify yourself, the more attuned you become to this, the higher frequency you can embody and it all starts by embracing your human existance and not denying it.
  18. I recently spent three months at this healing and transformation community called PachaMama in Costa Rica. It's as Stage Green as it gets. Would highly recommend it for anyone looking to dive deep into mediation, trauma healing, breathwork, dance, celebration, "plant medicine" ceremonies, body cleanses, amazing vegan food and music, and a community of likeminded Green (as well as Orange moving into Green) individuals from all over the world. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about it. It's heaven on earth especially during COVID when so much of the world is locked down.
  19. Spent three months at this healing and transformation community called PachaMama in Costa Rica. It's as Stage Green as it gets. Would highly recommend it for anyone looking to dive deep into mediation, trauma healing, dance, celebration, plant medicine ceremonies, body cleanses, amazing vegan food and music, and a community of likeminded Green individuals from all over the world. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about it. It's heaven on earth especially during COVID when so much of the world is locked down.
  20. @bonsai He also has videos with silent transmissions, check them out! @At awe A picture or statue brings the energy of that person into the room. And it makes it easier to connect with that being or person. Just because you know that the other person is you, doesn't mean that any imaginary interaction is now completely pointless. Dreams are usually considered to consist of your subconscious, yet there is still value in communicating with yourself. There is much to be gained: Insights, transformation,... From the absolute perspective there is no point in doing this. And no point in eating.
  21. Once again, your answers prove that you have never tried salvia. Not high doses. You do not even understand how the salvia experience really works. "Ego death is a" complete loss of subjective self-identity ". The term is used in various intertwined contexts, with related meanings. In Jungian psychology, the synonymous term mental death is used, which refers to a fundamental transformation of the psyche." You do not identify with "objects" when you are on Salvia. You die and then you become an object. This death is more intense than anything you can ever imagine. You do not think or see. You're just that. And becoming an object is only 0.001% of the whole experience. It really is an endless experience. Very sacred. The identification takes place after one has returned to the human form. Just like when you take 5 MeO.
  22. I so appreciate your comment/question, Awayfarer. Only because I never knew chasing the experiential event (of the sudden) was a thing that people could/would/should deliberately pursue. I never had any ideas at all about sudden enlightenment. It just never entered my mind to conceive ambitions to "accomplish" such a thing. For me, it never was a thing, period. Neither Chan buddhism nor the classic and Quanzhen taoism I unwittingly entered into over an initial period of eight years and the subsequent practice that that particular range of study garnered espouse any kind of vehemence concerning personally experiencing one's nature in mystical abstraction other than to say that it happens~ and also to say that spending decades on the zazen cushion without "dropping off" the skin-bag is evidence of dubious practice. To me, that much said more about the small vehicle of "formal meditation regimens" than it did about the importance of seeing your "original face." I did take drugs; good drugs. But not for any reason as pointed as "deconstructing the psychological apparatus." I knew that don Juan had Carlos Castañeda take various organic concoctions for that very purpose, and I ate psychedelics and psychotropics as well— but I never ventured to employ the kind of spiritual materialism that combines specific dosages of specific drugs to achieve a specific result in terms of deliberately interrupting consciousness. I only took these drugs socially around the time during and after I graduated from high school in the context of southern Californian and Mexican "surfing safaris." My drug-use only lasted a few years. International travel, academic study in Asian culture and western Dance burgeoned two concurrent careers in alpinism and international commercial photography— hardly fields of endeavor I'd construe into "deconstructing my personality." Nevertheless, that's exactly what the universe conspired to accomplish for me "naturally", without drugs by the end of the 80s. After consuming and internalizing the first four of Carlos Castañeda's books over a period of ten years, I was eventually introduced to the situationally analytical workings of the I Ching, and the psychologically analytical basis of the Art of War. Good thing too. The energy required to parlay successes in relationships and freelance commercial photography in Hollywood into a cinematography career was devastating to say the least. But such is the stuff of transformation, and I used the world to refine myself right out of existence~ poofsez!! Buddhism says to use the disease as the medicine; taoism says to start with the incipience of the situation. These signposts of deep psychological practice are gems of wisdom for those with the will to enlightenment. So what I know is that conceiving of the fruit of enlightenment and ripping it off the tree of life as soon as possible isn't necessarily the way to go. I'm not here (on this planet or this forum) to make friends or convince anyone of anything. What was attributable to my realization is the important thing— not the event itself. Simply interrupting consciousness without the proper psychological and NONPSYCHOLOGICAL development is a mistake. It's not the end of the world, but to do so is simply the working definition of malpractice. I do not recommend it. Why? Under the best of circumstances, "gathering" the potential through straight up enlightening activity then "incubating" the foregone accomplishment is a critical affair, fraught with risk. I had the luxury of a perfectly natural (financially, socially, psychologically and emotionally devastating) spiritual evolution resulting in sudden illumination without even ever wanting or imagining such a thing, and I had the security of NO POSSIBILITY of leaking its potential unawares simply because I had no one to ask or tell for fifteen years before or fifteen years after the event. So the thirty year process of refining myself into the acknowledgement of personal psychological cessation and subsequently following the process of maturing and advancing enlightening practice was a done deal (relatively speaking) long before I ever ventured to open my big mouth about it. Writing on this forum is not for the purpose of social intercourse for me. The only reason I deliberately chose to write about my subject matter is because NO ONE ELSE DOES. So all I talk about is what specifically constitutes self-refinement, which is none other than one's nonpsychologically (that means selfless) activated enlightening activity taking over creation and stealing its potential in the context of everyday ordinary situations BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT I KNOW. That is specifically what resulted in the spontaneous interruption of consciousness in my personal experience and that is what all the treatises of authentic teaching point to. I would not dare fool anyone. ed note: typo 8th paragraph
  23. I think the whole leeching thing is a very unhealthy way to look at it. It is just a way for people to connect initially, both parties will then have to make time for a date. It's mutual investment. How is an average guy wanting to meet average women leeching? You just can't expect every guy to go through a huge self transformation journey and become a super social millionaire to get his basic needs met and call him a leech if he can't do it. That's just not how you structure a healthy society. This stuff needs heavy regulation on the grounds alone that it is their business model to make people doubt themselves and contributing to mental health problems across society. It is the equivalent to putting poison into food to make a profit, but instead the poison is put into the minds of people.
  24. I appreciate @Shunyata ‘s comment on the notion of psychological projection. Also to be truth loving to the extent that he was willing to out himself on a personal experience he had regarding some negative projection. That willingness to admit it and see it fully when shortly after it happened, it’s obvious his frame of awareness expanded as a result of his willingness to observe his own actions objectively. We all project. Every single one of us here. Both negative and positive in nature. I didn’t really comprehend the extensive ness of projection among all of us until my early Forties but more disturbing, the number and the reality of my own projections. I still catch myself projecting something onto others quite regular. I’m not far enough yet the this path of transformation that I’m on that I’m absent of this phenomena. So I have to stay practiced up on this thing of seeing things about myself that are less than flattering and maybe eating crow. On of the payoffs in putting efforts towards objective self observation is a reduction of negative emotions. Even though I’ve been at this awhile and have received a few of these payoffs, on occasion I’m still capable of acting like a prick. It hurts to see these things but I thank God and the Universe that I do see them a times. Science of Idiotism is very helpful in this not so easy work. By returning to Ordinary Idiot and starting again in beginners mind, it suddenly gets a little easier again and the weight is lifted somewhat. I’m happy to be an Idiot. Glossary of Spiritual Wisdom Excerpts about Projection Believing Your Projections To the ego, freedom means being able to do whatever you want whenever you want to do it. Because this isn’t often possible, you come to see the universe as constraining you and limiting your freedom. But from the perspective of Holy Freedom, freedom is wanting whatever the universe wants. When you are aligned with the universe, what you want and what is happening are the same thing. This is true freedom. This is why the Idea of Holy Freedom is fundamental to the methodology of the Diamond Approach, in which a basic part of the practice is to be present with whatever happens to be your state. If you react to it, interfere with it, or try to change it, then you can’t see it objectively but only through the screen of your projections. If you don’t see your condition or the situation in its natural state, you will continue believing your projections about it and won’t be able to penetrate its true nature. If you don’t see its true nature, it won’t unfold and expose itself as the Holy Truth that everything is. Fundamental to our understanding is that while you might have projections upon whatever you are experiencing initially, if you don’t interfere with it, the tendency of the universe is to reveal its own nature through your experience. This, of course, requires basic trust. Facets of Unity, pg. 136 Our Projections Determine Many of Our Actions Our projections, of course, determine many of our actions, our feelings, and even our life plans. Paranoia is one of the most well known forms of projection but projection is very prevalent in other forms. Sometimes you project your fear or your jealousy, so that you won’t have to experience them and admit that you yourself are feeling these things… Projection is actually one of the first defensive mechanisms developed in infantile life. Its basis is what is called the “merged state.” The child is in what is called the symbiotic stage, between the ages of three and nine months, when he does not experience himself as separate from his environment. He feels that he and his mother are one thing… However, that early merged state, that state of being the same as the other, remains as the basis of projection. So if you feel angry, you may feel someone else is feeling angry. The child is feeling angry and he doesn’t know his mother is different from him, so he thinks she is feeling angry, or vice versa. So we see how this is the deepest source of projection. Diamond Heart Book One, pg. 118 Positive Projection Happens When You Become More Aware of Your True Nature Positive projection happens when you start becoming more and more aware of your true nature, your Essence. Before this happens, what you know best is your personality, and that’s what you project. After a while, when you start to experience your value, your love, your essential self, your compassion, you begin to project these qualities. All kinds of issues will arise from the unconscious then, barriers against experiencing Essence, which will make you want to project it outside. It’s the same process as falling in love, except that now the expansion is coming from the intentional work. Diamond Heart Book One, pg. 122 Projection of the Superego The negative experiences with the mother gradually coalesce; become one big thing, which is isolated from the positive part of experience. This forms the basis for the superego, for the negative judgments of the superego. You project your superego outside because in the beginning there was no difference then. So now when you experience the negatively merged state, you cannot separate what is real inside from what is real outside, and your preference is to believe it's outside. So you can see that in order to work through your superego you must get all the way down to that pre-verbal, chaotic, hellish, negatively merged state. As you experience this fully, without defending against it, certain essential states will arise to move you through the negativity and the hell. Diamond Heart Book One, pg. 119 Projections of the Positive and Negative Merged States Just as the negative merged state is the basis for the projection of negative aspects of ourselves, the positive merged state forms a basis for our projection of the positive aspects of ourselves. And what is that that but our Essence? The negative merged state is the basis of our personality. It is our personality. The positive merged state is our Essence. However, because of the developmental state of symbiosis, the “dual unity” that happens in childhood, we associate our Essence – along with all the positive qualities of love, value, fulfillment, satisfaction – with the merged state, the positive merging with another. There starts the big search: the search for the perfect merged state with the good mother who will give you love, value, approval, pleasure, satisfaction. Diamond Heart Book One, pg. 120 Three Varieties of Projection Projection, displacing something somewhere else, seeing something that doesn’t exist, is obviously for the purpose of defense. There are generally three levels, or three varieties of projection in relation to the merged state, depending on the depth at which you’re operating, or at which the unconscious is functioning. The first level is the level of the actual merged state itself, when you can’t tell whether it’s you or somebody else, when you experience one big unity, which is all wonderful. That’s when the actual merged state itself is activated. The other person might be participating with you, or might not be. In the merged state, it doesn’t matter… The second aspect, which comes a little bit later with more differentiation and separation, is called projective identification. Instead of being completely merged, what you do in this case is project an aspect of yourself, such as value, onto somebody else. You see that value in someone else and then you want to merge with it. You project it and then you identify with it… The third level is just projection: you don’t identify with the projection, you just project something… you do this whether what is projected is something you want or don’t want. Diamond Heart Book One, pg. 123 We Plaster Our Projections Over All Manifest Forms Recognizing the nonbeingness of Being does not lead to the disappearance of the individual soul; it leads to understanding that the individual soul doesn’t exist the way we usually think it does. Then we discover that emptiness of Being is true not just about the individual self, but also about the perceptions of the individual self. In other words, all that we perceive can be liberated from the ordinary conception of existence as a solid something that is really there. We plaster our beliefs and our projections over all manifest forms, all the world, all the universe that we see. And when the world is free from our ideas about it, we see it in its beingness, we see that everything is a manifestation of beingness in its purity and presence and luminosity. The thoroughgoing understanding of emptiness reveals not only that the world and the individual soul are manifestations of Being, but also that the manifestation of Being doesn’t have the kind of existence we attribute to it. Being, in all its forms, is in complete eternal, inseparable embrace with its eternal partner, nonbeing. When we recognize the intrinsic emptiness of everything, then the beingness recognizes not only that the world is a manifestation of Being, but also that the world is a manifestation of emptiness. We recognize that Being is the radiance of emptiness, and that this radiance has variegated colors and multifaceted forms that we experience as the world and as all the content of our experience. Diamond Heart Book Five, pg. 366 We Tend to See What is Best in Us Outside We see here that we not only project our superego outside, we also project our Essence. We tend to see what is best in us outside. That doesn’t happen all the time, of course, but it usually happens when you are in love… People fall in love because if they begin to expand, they start to get close to their Essence; then the unconscious, the personality, gets in the way. It is threatened by getting close to Essence. So you project your Essence outside onto someone else and fall in love with it. What this means is that you still cannot tolerate your own expansion. If you recall back to when you fell in love, it was at the height of some time of feeling good, of expansion. Suddenly, the right person shows up, and you’re in love. Diamond Heart Book One, pg. 121
  25. My interpretation of the material from the Ridhwan School is that the gift of full integration finds one able to fully be at home with oneself and ones understanding. Egoic identifications and attachments are let go of and metabolised with one's natural essential aspects,,, Probably excessive pasting of quotes and tmi ,,,, please excuse me Being a Human Being and Still Being the Absolute The development of consciousness has to do with living in this life from the perspective of the Absolute. The Personal Essence, the Pearl Beyond Price, has to do with being a human being and still being the Absolute. If you’re just the Absolute, you are not a human being. But you live in this world, you have a physical body and a mind, you have work and relationships. You need the Personal Essence in order to be able to live personally as a human being and still be the Absolute. So the development of the personal aspect has to do with integrating all of these things that are important for our life into the various levels of consciousness, and then into the Absolute. This is an actual process that has to do with the metabolism of the Absolute into the Personal Essence. Although it is rarely mentioned in spiritual literature, the integration of the person into the Absolute is vital because we live in the world and not in a monastery or cave. Integrating the person into the Absolute is more difficult than experiencing the Absolute. Integration requires that you deal with and metabolize your unconscious and your personal history. You have to really let all of the unconscious come out, to face all of your specific issues and areas of conflict and ignorance. Many traditions don’t care about integration but strive only to reach the Absolute. They don’t care about the personal life. The point for them is to know the Absolute and leave. In other traditions, and in our work, the point is to know the Absolute and live in the world as an expression of it. So how can you live a human life from the perspective of absence? That is the realm of development, change, and transformation within consciousness. Diamond Heart Book Five, pg. 145 is Possible to Experience Egoless Beingness Thus it is possible to experience egoless beingness, to be, as a substantial presence that is not a mental construct, and still live a human, personal life, in which love, work, knowledge, creativity and accomplishment make sense, a human sense. This true existence, this presence, this being beyond time that makes sense of human and personal life, is the Personal Essence. It is the reality of which ego is only a reflection. It is the truly integrated and developed human being. This is the beautiful presence that the traditional literature of work schools calls the “pearl beyond price.” The experience of universal impersonality of ultimate reality occurs when the separate individuality is transcended, when the separate individuality is seen not to be our true self. But this is the result of transcending the personality in its totality. Something different happens when we investigate the personality’s manifestations in more detail, exploring the hidden essential truth within it. The ego is a reflection of this true element of Being, the Personal Essence, and exploring the characteristics of the reflection can lead us to the reality being reflected. By isolating and understanding the elements of the false, we can begin to approach the elements of the real. Pearl Beyond Price, pg. 32 The Essential Structure that the Soul Develops as She Metabolizes and Transcends her Ego Structure The pearl can also be seen as the essential structure that the soul develops as she metabolizes and transcends her ego structure. Ego structure gives the ego-self the sense of being an autonomous and unique individual. But this structure is constructed through fixed mental impressions in the soul; hence it both dissociates her from her essential ground and limits her development because of its rigidity and fixation. The essential pearl provides the soul with a sense of individuality and personhood that does not depend on fixed impressions, but on spontaneously arising forms of essential presence that structure her experience of herself and give her the capacity to function as a person. The soul matures and transforms into a person of essence. However, the qualities and actions of this person are quite fluid and flexible and are objective responses resonant to the needs and inputs of the environment. The Inner Journey Home, pg. 223 The Pearl is the Actualized Individuation of Your Soul When you are who you are, when you are just precisely yourself, you are your “point.” Just that. This has nothing to do with any qualities, functions, capacities, and skills you may have. It has nothing to do with your status in the world, and nothing to do with living this life in a body or not in a body. It is your nature. The Pearl Beyond Price is the connection between this genuine center and all the capacities, skills, and understanding that are a part of your growth as a human being. It allows your capacities, functions and accomplishments to develop in a genuine way as an outgrowth of your spontaneous unfoldment. It is the result of living in the moment, living in a way that is true to who you are. This is your genuine personal life, your own development, your own growth. The pearl is the actualized individuation of your Soul. So the personal essence is connected with your unique function, your unique work in this life. To actualize your particular unique work in this life means to be your personal essence. It is the essence of all that you have developed and integrated in your soul as you live a real life. Everyone is born with the true self, with the point. Although we feel that the point is unique in each of us, the quality of the point is universal. Then how do people become so different in their personal lives? This is due to the particular development of their personal essence. From-