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  1. @thisintegrated Yes, this is a very real phenomena I have experienced in different ways. One of the most profound examples was attending David Hawkins workshops. My theory is when we place our attention on someone or something you are aligning with that energy and state. A type of co resonance begins to occur. This can certainly occur with watching video recordings. Even reading writings from highly awakened individuals can have this affect. This is also the theory behind shaktipat.
  2. He has denounced God to me directly on a one and one phone call. Which means he has not awakened to no self. He read a book or watched a video and bought into it. When you realize no self, you realize God. What does it mean for something to exist? The answer: To be conscious of it. Existence is Consciousnsess and Consciousness is Existence. This is God - and this is You. If he fails to become conscious of this, then he is still assleep. If he is still assleep, he is still Truth. But he is Truth unawakened.
  3. @RendHeaven You have a little misinterpretation at the beginning of the cascade. In the previous thread I linked, I claimed Emptiness was "larger" and more ontologically expansive than form. "I'm conscious that form and formlessness are the same, but I have the sense that formlessness is 'larger' because space can't confine it. The Emptiness is in my field of experience, yet there's also Emptiness outside the border of vision. If Emptiness has the entire realm of space and time and conception and thoughts plus more, it seems more profound than form (and this was not logically deduced; it's something I actually have access to; my senses/experience are like an island in an ocean of Emptiness or a Void). I can't imagine a Self without Emptiness holding all of reality, including form, together." Leo replied and said that Emptiness could not be beyond form since both were completely identical. And then here Leo became inconsistent when he said Consciousness goes beyond space and time (obviously because this contradicts his claim Emptiness can't transcend form). With the Platonic analogy of gold and shapes, we have to drop the qualities of color. It is simply a fact that Consciousness is Emptiness, is completely transparent. This is the permanent Nothingness that escapes transience but which permeates it. The main part you're attacking in your response is where I took some of the truth of the principle Leo established to upend its supposed denial of space and time. He or you might say that Consciousness unifying with space and time destroys their reality because reality is singular and cannot allow for multiples, but I could equally say as a demonstrable and irrefutable theorem that Consciousness = Reality and Consciousness = its manifestations, therefore its manifestations = Reality = Real. The individual forms are real even though they are the same ontological entity or eventually go by a single name. The issue this all points to is that Leo's primary frustration/difficulty here is that a microscopic fraction of the people here have awakened, to match his standards. And he sees them speaking about things with which they have no direct experience, so he attempts to sidestep this by saying, "No, that doesn't exist!" Rather than engaging in actual philosophy. The concern is that all of these statements, like those of space denialism or time denialism, will get believed (which is concerning since they aren't true, or are at least partial truths) or used to misinterpret the whole system and drag people off into a trap in the darkness instead of pulling them along the correct path. I've said previously that people finding this project hundreds of years after Leo's death will need some definite work to hold on to or a masterpiece (magnus opus for the summum bonum) to read and understand every truth, every position, every piece. That's why the systematizing is important.
  4. I dont think you would have a problem with it if you actually awakened to solipsism, instead of watching videos and conceptualizing about it. When you understand that none of it is real, everything can indeed feel 'fake'. I mean if there is nobody else having their own experiences, then it is true that everything you hear that wasnt directly experienced are just stories that did not happen. It took me some time to actually start enjoying this kind of perspective, but it is possible to do. You can still connect with others even though it is imaginary.
  5. I just don't see why you guys have it in your mind, that an awakened being would talk about awakening and nothing else. I don't see myself ever teaching this stuff. You can not judge a person's awakening by what he spends his life doing. EDIT: The guy in the video is really admirable but this is exactly the problem of this whole thing. If everybody just sat in samadhi all day, civilization would quickly collapse; hence Game B and all this utopian talk, so we can actually live like that, without having to worry that the world is gonna burn to ashes any moment.
  6. Quite probably the most exasperating thing about awakened (or previously awakened) people is the possibility that they literally deny the existence of space and time, even though they are physically made out of space and time (moving colors as the form of the body and moving sounds the voice physically based "out there" and mental objects too that have spatial and temporal traits like thoughts, LIKE A THOUGHT COULD BE IN EXISTENCE, COULD EXIST IN BEING).
  7. I'm confused by your definition of awake. If people like Wilber and Schmachtenberger are not awake, then nobody is. They obviously have had awakening/enlightenment experiences, but choose not to live from that place 24/7 and follow their dharma instead. I don't see how you could claim being awake (it seems like you implicitly do), if you don't allow for any dualistic activity in someone awake. EDIT: It seems to me you are advocating against narrative, and I definitely see how that could lead you to a more pure awakened state but I see it more as a preference. I myself enjoy the story and want to be fully engaged with it and that's just not possible from a state of pure solipsism.
  8. Acquired conscience vs. Awakened conscience I'm full of bullshit sometimes and I'm okay with that. Because it doesn't matter, If I wasn't okay with my periodic bullshit ways. I would be divided against myself. I try not to dismiss or justify my errors but sometimes I probably do. When I err and it causes someone else offence or hardship I try to sit with it and cook. Remorse of conscience informs me and does so properly. The self sustained stain of guilt is a perpetual vicious circle. It's a worthless burden put on mankind by dogmatic religions. It's my experience that guilt blocks the awakening of conscience. So self forgiveness is a necessity and also to see what you don't like in others is also within oneself most often. When it's noticed. Everything is cancelled out. To borrow a line from Rob Brezney. "My morality is always on the verge of collapsing". My automaton or animal is an absolute slut. Guilt is often mixed with acquired conscience. Acquired conscience changes over time and is different between different cultures. This is our conditioning and super ego. Our internalized critic that doesn't come from our inner self but rather an auto-pilot critic from childhood conditioning. We should show kindness towards our elders because even though they had a hand in our conditioning; they've carried this burden longer than us younger folk. Awakened conscience is different and is the same in all awakened people. The 'language of the smile' is a cousin to awakened conscience. Awakened conscience is the intelligence of the Cosmos. It's the golden rule. Do unto others as you would want to be treated. We're all fools and a variety of them as well. A ship of fools is my so called "I". Make yourself vulnerable and Insecure people will mock you sometimes. This can grow you. Forgive yourself as needed. If anyone does you wrong and makes you angry. Forgive them so you won't hate yourself. Over and out. See you later alligator,,,
  9. That’s not how the successful teacher student relationship works. As you yourself mentioned, there is no other. So the teacher is merely lighting the latent possibility within yourself, reflecting back what is possible as both you and as no one at all. The teacher is a pure emptiness embodied, which is why they are trust worthy enough to teach. When there is no one behind the eyes of the guru, there is literally no one to give your authority over to, which is precisely why you can trust them! Finding the right teacher is difficult, often only appearing until the student is actually ready to wake up. You are not trustworthy unless you have complete integrity in the relative domain. Don’t confuse absolute trust with relative trust. Relative trust is the metric you can use to measure whether you’ve actually realized absolute trust. To truly trust, you must be completely fearless. To be completely fearless, you’d need to know what you are. To know what you are would mean you are awakened. Are you awake? Are you actually trustworthy, or are you just bullshitting yourself by conflating absolute and relative truths?
  10. One of the greatest delusions: "I'm not good enough". This delusion is itself the illusion of the spiritual journey, which is wanting to ascend due to perceived suffering of not being happy or good enough, awakened enough, attractive enough, or what have you. You are good enough, now, here in the present moment (ah the present moment, remember that old teaching?) No level of anything is better than anything else. Its all love. It's all beautiful.
  11. Exactly. Everywhere we look there is only self. We attack what we don't like inside outside. This isn't some spirituality thing this is literally known in psychology. Jordan Peterson knows this, its a fundamental psychological theme and one of the many components Jordan has awakened the world to in many of his speeches. He once talked about how when he was working under his Professor in Grad School he was in a prison. He pondered if he would be capable of some of the violent acts the prisoners there had committed and he realized that if the circumstances were aligned just right he could do the same thing they did. This is why I say he is too intelligent and brilliant to have the current issue he is having. The same level of introspection a young Jordan Peterson was capable of he surely is capable of right now. I think one day he will realize his folly....probably on his death bed.
  12. Shinzen is overflowing with joy, not sure what you guys are talking about. Shinzen is definitely comparable to Sadhguru. Not only that, but the precision from which he speaks is radically more advanced than anything Sadhguru has to offer, and it’s all free and on YouTube or in manuals. Shinzen’s UM system is a path to God for those who understand what he’s pointing to. Shinzen is intentionally meek, doesn’t seek to accumulate endless followers, or wealth. He intentionally limits how much he “transmits” and to the masses, this will be mistaken as “not as enlightened,” or “Zen kills the heart.” Which is particularly funny given that the Zen Master’s ultimate goal is to walk the path of the Bodhisattva, which is the most intense, heart wrenchingly compassionate heart centered path any being can walk. You’re literally vowing to continue being reincarnated until all beings are Awakened which is an impossible goal, yet they strive, endlessly and eternally. Should be noted though Shinzen isn’t a Zen teacher. At the end of the day, Shinzen wont resonate with everyone, but from my own biased experience, I would put Shinzen as being well beyond Sadhguru in level of Awakening. But Ive heard stories about and had one on one conversations with Shinzen that give me that impression. Dude is actually insanely woke, way more than you’d ever expect watching his YouTube videos.
  13. Just because you are God and the most awakened person you know does not mean you cannot have blindspots which those who are less conscious than you cannot point out to you. Teal is wrong on that point. Tiger Woods is the world's best golfer, but he still has coaches who point out his blindspots and his coaches are not better golfers than him. But they do have extra perspective which he cannot supply himself. Even if the documentary was deceptively edited, some of the clips of what Teals says and does are problematic beyond anything they could have edited. Like her claim that she cannot learn from people who are less awake than her. Her world's greatest runner analogy is just wrong. The world's greatest runners have coaches. The notion that Teal is so awake that others cannot point out her bullshit is laughably naive. She ain't nearly as awake as she thinks. And her emotional neediness is not some deepfake. It's there to see. I am more awake than most you guys here, but you can still point out my blindspots.
  14. I just wrote this in response to no thing, and was like damn, that is some good shit I wrote haha jk. In all seriousness. I think the following advice can make the post awakening process smoother fo those who have recently had an awakening. "Not sure if you have recently had an awakening or not. I will just share a story with you. Once adyashanti was speaking at his sangha. One of his audience members who hd an awakening walked up on stage. Grabbed tge mic from audio and started babbling truths. like he knows everything and adya does not get it like him. Upon awakening one does feel like that. Most also become very opinionated on the path. Enlightenment and etc. I personally did shit like this for a long while, but the more you process the realization one has upon awakening. The humbler you become, and the more you understand that although you are truth. You do not understand it and the infinite ways it can express itself. My point? Chill bro. You are at the begglinning of something great. Dont let ego hijack your vehicle and drive you off course though. Gl"
  15. I witnessed an amazing satsang today, which for me had a much greater effect than ever watching them online, because you see the living example in front of you, which is giving you more trust and willingness to follow the instructions diligently. Summarized: -You are NOT suppose to be okay with your suffering, it's natural to not want it, it's real intelligence to see your life is not working, don't judge it, use your frustration. - So seek as hard as you can (he said this in the context of showing you you cannot be found in your objects of perception, because what ever you focus on or feel, the feeling is not feeling itself, YOU are feeling it, YOU are feeling your body parts/sensations through your shining your attention on them). - Spirituality and advaita are often a big trap for the ego (this was eye opening and new for me, despite having seen a lot of satsangs): People often use the knowledge of the absolute (I am not the body, nor my thoughts, emotions etc.) and hang out in the 'blissful consciousness' to escape! And meanwhile not reach liberation. 'My buttons are getting pushed? Nah, that's not me, let me distance myself from it, I am the observer.' 'let me become just the observer of it', big trap! That's solidifying the split mind, putting you farther away and creating a subtle spiritual ego. No, see it and feel it all! (Probably bit by bit, practice this, you can see it will simply open up and that contrary to the feeling it's not scary at all to allow it! These are your gifts). You will get better at this and situations that normally bother you because you are triggered will now become more easeful opportunities, allowing you to live more freely already. Also observe how with the feeling there often is a belief attached to feeling: 'I am not suppose to be angry' 'I am not suppose to cry', stay attentive to these beliefs when feeling your feelings and don't look through them anymore. Becoming awake is about with becoming true to yourself, become very very intimate with yourself, and when you can be really open to yourself, that way life can actually open up to you. - Ego and even identification with it are not bad, they are great gifts! Just partial identification, of not knowing who you also and really are, is creating the nightmare. You solve it by going a step further than it, not by suppressing them. - You can't awaken yourself. It will happen by it's own accord, you just do your best opening up, becoming as honest and open as you can, and when you are ready, the ego will seen through once and for all and you will be in a different world. Awoken, free, no more 'losing it'. I like how he kept using the word gift, humorously at the end he mentioned someone saying to him: 'I didn't chose this life..' No. It's a gift. It's a dutch teacher, he had been searching seriously from when he was 14, he's like 64 now, Ad Oostendorp is his name, but yeah, Dutch. Great guy though.
  16. @Leo Gura So are these events for the sub minds of consciousness that make up humanity to awaken, or only for me to awaken? In some of your videos you talk about the collective consciousness of humanity, but in more recent awakenings you are saying it's only you or me. All others are only projections of my mind. If it's only me, then that would mean I imagined the war in the Ukraine to awaken myself. I'm not sure that would be a good catalyst for me. I'm much more likely to awaken from encountering a teacher like yourself than another war. Based on your insights that it's only me and all others are only projections of my mind, if I awakened I should theoretically be able to elevate all of humanity with my awakening. I would love for that to be true Leo, but it feels incredibly egoistical to think I have that much power and influence. I don't want to delude myself by thinking I could transform the entire world with only my awakening.
  17. In this dream, your direct experience is clouded by your perspective. Your perspective is based on the many beliefs/impressions you have taken which will shape your reality. You have no idea how ridiculous this is until you ACTUALLY take the effort to deconstruct your reality. But here are some secrets. 1. Majority of what you believe are lies, and you take these lies on as truth, because of this your reality will continually reflect your beliefs. How strong reality is able to reflect these beliefs is based on the strength of the emotions attached to those beliefs. If you have some doubt, reality will show you things to reinforce that doubt. 2. Now why is it like this. Very easy. God is Ultimate Truth. To be ultimate truth means you are the source of truth. So if you are the source of truth, then whatever truth you hold is true. So Reality is your servant, and it shapes your experience based on your beliefs. So your ability to experience infinite possibility is only limited by your beliefs. 3. What does this mean? If you want to learn more, you need to drop all beliefs. Reality is not allowed to show you what you don't believe. Reality is your servant, Because you are God. All awakening is, is learning that you are God and finding out what is actually going on. You have placed yourself in an elaborate puzzle and have made it very challenging for you to realize what is going on. So here are some more hints. 4. The source of all experience is from you. You like to react to experience because you think it just happened, NO YOU made it happen. There is not a single experience you have not made based on your thoughts and emotions. The source of your power is your emotions, and which belief you focus them on, your thoughts then direct that power towards whatever those thoughts point too. This is why it is said Love is the most powerful thing there is, because it is the sole power that runs everything. When you awaken further you will understand. 5. Everything in existence serves the awakening process. Because Infinity wants to go to sleep to experience itself anew, it eventually wants to awaken. What you know as just awakening. Everything that is, is continually in the process of awakening because the eventual result will be the collapsing of infinity into complete nondistinction and the end of the dream. Then it will begin anew to have infinitely more experiences to learn of itself all over again. 6. The uniqueness of this is your life is the most unique life. There will be similarities sure, but your perspective, your life, is the only one of its specific type that will ever be lived. Which means your configuration of beliefs which shape your reality is the only life of its specific makeup that will ever live. Be proud of your uniqueness. 7. Now here is the ultimate secret of why most on this forum do not understand the infinity of Gods and how it works. I'll use the map of your reality as a human to make it make sense. When Spirituality talks about awareness/awakening they are talking about the same thing. When God wakes up, God recognizes itself. How can God recognize itself? Because God is able to establish a connection. The reason why it is hard for you to grasp Oneness is because it is not part of your direct experience. Right now if all of humanity awakened to themselves as God fully...we all would have access to the opinions, memories, and feelings of everyone on the planet. God is able to create separate Gods, by putting them asleep. Since everything is God, if it is self-aware, it can exercise its sovereignty. But if its identity is small and it cannot feel the connections that are there it will treat it as an OTHER. 8. This is a brilliant design. Because it wouldn't matter how many times I tell you that someone else is you, if you cannot FEEL that in your direct experience you won't believe it. The irony is, without these pointers I wonder if God would ever wake up? If you raise your awareness and FEEL the connection then you will TRULY awaken. 9. None of us have truly reached that level yet, because remember that part where Jesus said you could tell a mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea? He meant that. When you truly awaken, you can speak to all that is because you are all that is. You are just asleep, and are too blocked with fear and judgment to establish a connection. Psychedelics give us a glimpse to what it would be like to be in an awakened state and the various levels of awakening there are.
  18. Those are some deep words, the crowd continues to scream i love you but no one is really listening.. do you see the wisdom behind his speech? the purity of his soul was one of a kind, a true angel, he always talked this way and we never saw it until he passed away. His soul was among the most highly evolved, if he had a different more spiritual path maybe he would of become an enlightened master? He was always so child-like, innocent, kind, loving and pure, in the present and free-spirited but due to his tough schedule and rough life he never really had time to connect to himself. At least now his back with source and free to be and express completely. How did we miss this? What we need to learn from children isn't childish. Being with them connects us to the deeper wisdom of life... which is ever-present and only asks to be lived. They know the way to solutions that lie.. waiting to be recognized within our own hearts.
  19. Push yourself into that awakened state when you are in those low-confidence situations. You won't be anywhere near perfect, but it should help. Keep doing it over and over again until you grow more spine.
  20. So, I just went through the dark night of the soul, which made everything meaningless, in a depressing manner. I had a ton of spiritual awakening symptoms, some are gone by now, but something wanders my mind. I had this one dream a few days ago where my mother told me to stop running from an entity that was chasing me and I just fell in a total blackness in my bathroom, while everything was disappearing, including my mom, which I was being afraid of initially, but felt like a total bliss once I "died" there(I found out that there were people who got enlightened while dreaming, like Jiddu Krishnamurti) . After that, I woke up with loud sounds in my ears(which I had up until that point, but now have disappeared) and a wild energy rush through my spine. Ever since then, I'm living in the Present Moment all the time, as if I'm constantly meditating. I permanently have the feeling you get after a meditation session, being extremely calm and peaceful. Matt Kahn also helped me a lot, with his love teachings and acceptance techniques. The "problem" now is that my ego tries to grasp this new realization that there's nothing to realize, do, fear and it's kinda confused and apathic. Adyashanti said this is a normal thing after awakening. I also see through my roles everytime I'm in different groups of people, or when trying to impress or manipulate people, and I see through all my schemes and victimizations. My intuition is skyrocketing, basically. I want to know your experiences on the matter and what do you think. I know that I'm not fooling myself, but man, I'm drunk on emptiness, as they call it. Death seems like a concept. Kinda shocking, I gotta say. I also totally relate to what Adyashanti says in this video
  21. It is only a fitting analogy to say that life is a dream. The analogy breaks down when you start to compare the lucid dreamer with the Awakened One. A dream occurs within the consciousness of the individual soul whereas the dream of this world occurs in what the Ancient Greeks called the Soul of the World. Thus, a lucid dreamer can attain to relative omnipotence within the dream because he is its only conscious witness. However, the Awakened One understands that, whilst consciousness is an indivisible unity, they share this consciousness with everybody and even everything else in the dream. Only God is omnipotent: the Awakened One is one who has annihilated all sense of otherness and so exists in total alignment with God’s will.
  22. @Benton You still run into paradoxes that are very challenging for our human mind to grasp. Leo has awakened to realize he is the only conscious being in existence, but then I am also the only conscious being in existence. So is Leo imagining me or am I imagining Leo, or are we both imagining versions of each other? Lets say I went to Las Vegas and Leo and I took 5-Meo together. Would Leo eventually collapse into me as a projection of my mind or would I collapse into Leo's mind or paradoxically would we both collapse into each others minds? This would be a fascinating experiment to conduct.
  23. @Average Investor I'm going to bed between 11pm and midnight. In terms of meal size it depends. Lately I'm having a big lunch in the afternoon and a lighter dinner, but it's not consistent. And now that I think about it I'm always full at the end of the meal, I don't leave much space. Probably not the best habit, especially for dinner. But at the same time I feel like I need to eat substantially to fuel myself properly. I'll try out the water fast soon and see how I feel. @Razard86 Yes I'm on a healing journey, which of course is a long-term process. Anger has always been there but "awakened" by a relationship and by other yogic methods of transmutation and sublimation. Right now I'm at a point where I'm getting familiar with it, but still struggle to play with it in a way that releases it. @Realms of Wonder Interesting, there might be some traffic in the whole digestive system haha, which makes sense, since it's all linked. I heard juices protocols can also help, but I'm not psychologically ready to only drink juice for 5 days straight. Currently things are still flowing through, although less freely than before. Might have to do with the fact that I stopped drinking coffee, which is laxative, and now I'm confronted with the reality that it's not as harmonious as I thought it was.
  24. Yeah great video from Leo . Though technically what I'm pointing out in this post is that we can't be certain of the ontological standards of our experience (dream ,awake ,simulation, brain in a vat etc). We can only be certain that we are conscious right now. and conscioconsciousness is the only real certain thing. I mean your first person subjective experience of the world . Right reading my answer on a forum to the question , “How is it possible to be certain that I am not dreaming right now?”, you are a mortal human; as such, you are experiencing the Dream of Mortal Life. You can ascertain right now that your mortal life is merely a dream by committing suicide. Unfortunately, even if you kill yourself, you will awaken in a second dream . You will at that point again believe that you really are a human; but that will also be a dream. You would then need to kill your human self to be awakened from your human state. At that point, you would know that you are an eternal human, who was having the Dream of Mortal Life.
  25. There is definitely a tragic element underlying the whole thing; ironically, it is like the tragic pathos which underlies the Christian message. To me the jester leaping over the tightrope-walker is a dream-like metaphor for the fundamental problem with Nietzsche’s life and philosophy: he (as the tightrope-walker) had awakened a transcendent force within himself (which he perceived as a jester, because transcendence makes a mockery of all partial and limited identifications) which insistently drove him on towards the destruction of all limitations (“philosophising with a hammer”). However, without the appropriate context and training he was not able to master this transcendent force and so it overcame him, driving him down into the abyss. That being said, I find passages in The Antichrist particularly and the fourth part of Zarathustra to be raucously funny! Well, he specifically says that Jesus still had the overwrought passion of early life and so his teaching was contaminated by a one-sided escapism and a contempt for mundane things, almost like a rebellious teenager. I would say that Zarathustra suffers from the opposite problem, in that he esteems the earth and the body over spirituality. There is a very weak passage in which Zarathustra basically denies all metaphysics: However, towards the end of Zarathustra, particularly with the motif of the Eternal Return, he increasingly transcends this one-sided emphasis on impermanence: ‘That everything recurs is the closest approximation of a world of Becoming to one of Being’; ‘Every moment begins existence, around every “Here” rolls the ball “There”; The middle is everywhere’. The final song, The Seven Seals (or: the Yea- and Amen- Song) is very beautiful and a true spiritual revival! It is very striking how Nietzsche seems to have rediscovered the teaching of the subtle body. His description of the Seven Seals maps perfectly onto the system of Chakras of Tantra, and consider the opening to his description of the Last Man: “What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star? Thus ask the Last Men and they blink. For the earth has now become small, and upon it hops the Last Man who makes everything small.” Love is the Heart Chakra; Creation is the Throat Chakra; Longing is the Third Eye; and a Star is The Thousand Petalled Lotus of pure transcendence; thus, the Last Man only has access to the lower, material and animal centres of the body. I see Thus Spoke Zarathustra as Nietzsche breaking away from all of the rotten assumptions of a profane and atheistic world and so making a profound rediscovery of transcendent wisdom. The greatest mistake I see in people who discuss it is that they take specific teachings of Zarathustra (particularly the prologue and the Superman) without regard for their context within the book as a whole. It has to be understood more like a symphony, an unfolding narrative who’s culminating crescendo is the Great Midday in which all oppositions are reconciled and everything is once more harmonious. Hahaha, it is probably so! I haven’t read much Aurobindo. Would you recommend a particular book of his? If you are interested, the works of René Guénon have been very valuable to me, particularly his books Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta, The Multiple States of the Being and The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times.