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  1. Guess the final form isn’t complete until the weave from China arrives! Transformation 2.0 incoming! 😂
  2. If something is truly eternal, can it engage in creation or change? Creation inherently involves some form of transformation, which presupposes the existence of time. If an entity exists entirely outside the confines of time, any act of creation would require a transition from one state to another. This suggests that an eternal being might be fundamentally incapable of such actions. I would love to hear your thoughts on this, as I seek clarity and understanding. I genuinely want to know if what Leo is saying holds true, and I hope to avoid being misled.
  3. Objects are self-organized holographic psychic projections of metamorphic holarchic networks working in unison to create your gestalt of awareness, coordinating relative conscious transformation of experience across levels of reality. In other words: Sides are retro-sensory 3D constructs fueled by the epi-psychic structure behind them. In simpler terms: Consciousness pulls shit out of infinity and makes a game out of it They are a coordinated perception filtering of the grander substrate They are both active creations and retroactive structural representations It's intelligence self-organizing forms and realities to experience itself through The back of the coin always and never exists and you tune your perception In 4 spacial dimensions, your sides would fall away into omniscience It's all your reality creation coordination UI (User Interface)
  4. I agree, pretty mysterious. It's my guess that the black void is the reaching of the state without kundalini being a factor, or perhaps it's still functioning but not at 100%. So in essence, they'd be the same thing, but one would be missing the full brunt of the engine of spiritual transformation.
  5. I think at least in my mind, I was drawing a comparison to the way Michael Keaton was taking something literal and turning it abstract. To me, it's profoundly obvious that this infinite white light is a common experience among advanced mystics throughout history, and clearly a manifestation of God experiencing itself as itself in its own home, so to speak. It's not necessarily something to where the word "white" would be broken down and its meaning dissected, but rather, this is a literal and supreme mystical state that humans can and will directly experience when going through a full spiritual transformation. It's not just you though, pretty much everyone is breaking down the words involved and seemingly not being aware of the state. The OP gets the significance because he had the experience, and it led him to check if anyone else has experienced such a thing. It'll be an interesting step on his journey as he realizes just how ubiquitous it is in mysticism. I shouldn't have singled you out though, sorry. And maybe I misinterpreted what you were saying.
  6. Since the following sprung out of and stands in direct continuation to the OP concerning god and whiteness Ill allow myself to post it here even though it does not directly (possibly indirectly though) address the correlation between god and whiteness. That which makes white opposing transformations also makes it prone for its own transformation, it opposes the transformation from light to heat for the same reason that it can more easily itself transform into a colour that makes light transform into heat at a higher rate. If we abstract from the above: That which attributes is opposed to external changes will itself change more easily than that which attributes is not opposed to external change. This principle can be validated fairly well without science and almost merely a priori by investigating how if the inverse were true then certain substances would never change, but in reality everything substantial changes given sufficient time. (some things do not change but they are insubstantial, such as time, space and concepts, they are all accidents (inessential to) of substance, yet necessary compliments to them).
  7. Firstly, A Statement of Intent. Intent is the home of understanding our place in this universe. It helps us understand someone even if their actions are wrong and it helps us see through the deceptions of someone even if their actions are right. Intent therefore has a psychic component to it. It lives beneath the surface of social gatherings and explains without us having to say anything at all how humans no matter how seemingly different, are able to come together in the same vicinity. Intent then, creates a vibe. Vibe to, vibration. Vibration to, alignment of intent. This psychism is the basis for our digital empathy and where then, weaknesses in our character development lead to where it falls short. How much we misunderstand our own intent is a measurement of our own self-deception. Is a measurement of where we felt we thought we were aligned with our truest calling and where, we weren’t. Alignment waits for and therefore relies upon the sorting of intent in the least of these preparations in the awareness, formation and adherence to purpose. Purpose is intent with an arrow of time, the curation of effect in mind in explaining the cause of one’s actions. Purpose then, is not without cognition but in the same breath, nor is it without heart in explaining the full breadth of one’s intent and therefore, the full measurement of one’s level of alignment with their true self, where truth here, is not without consciousness coherence, for if it is, then the truth is instead on reflection upon the causation that’s come in the lead up to this wakefulness that now bares the fruit of its wisdom. To learn from and take responsibility for the experiences that have preceded places us in the greatest position of power to set a good example for not only others but also ourselves and every variation of ourselves that led to this moment. The biggest heartbreak I’ve had to endure is not the heartbreak of losing someone I love but the heartbreak of facing the time I lost from my own absence that created the heartbreak. I have to face all those times I was only semi-aware and therefore only semi-truly myself and because of that I allowed the mind to become corrupted from smoke and mirrors that I didn’t even realise I was creating within myself. I have to force myself to return back in time and re-question the haphazard truth that curated the intent that created my own purpose for explaining the actions I took and the words I said which I now hold closest to what I can learn from. There is an expression of authenticity “being ourselves” and then there is our own negligence that no one has the right to overlook the examining the potential falsity to no matter how seemingly, “well-intentioned” they are unless they wish to admit to themselves and others around them how much of a child they still are in that respect if they wish to remain naive to the ignorance that explains their chosen path, which I wholeheartedly admit, indeed I was. My father was on the edge of passing away last year and I did absolutely everything I god damn well could do to hide from that potential reality surfacing and believe in the seemingly impossible chance of his survival. I was not yet a man that knew how to imagine his life as something that could go on after losing my closest relationship, and that led to me lashing out, characteristic of how I lashed out in the past due to other frustrations I had not yet had the life experience to know how to handle in a way that I could honestly be proud of. Instead I hid behind my intentions, “Well I meant well!”, when in reality I was irrefutably irresponsible and I caused much more drama than others had to put up with because I wrongly felt entitled to being able to do that due to my own victimhood. Victimhood that was of my own making because I did not align as deeply as I should have with truth. To align with truth requires so much more more than mere intent. It requires an intent that is refined by the experience of how to align ourselves emotionally, cognitively, socially, empathically and even culturally, with the latter here especially so if we take the western context into consideration; I’ve been doing a lot of traveling of late, slowly making my way to Ukraine as I’ve signed up for the International Legion of Defence for Ukraine, an action that along with many other life lessons that have transpired over the past 12 months have forced deep developments in my psyche. I felt justified because I was emotionally aligned with intent, however I didn’t have the experiential compass regardless as to how good I felt my own moral compass was to accurately gauge my own potential for self deception. I felt that what had happened to a former member here was morally wrong and so I contended with the person now gone that tried to do a PSYOP on the forum about that. I felt that how Leo responded to the situation was wrong so I made a moral contention about that. I felt that what that person did to Leo was wrong so I made a moral contention about that. And for everything else you can be confident that the story there goes a little something like, “well I felt morally that…”. And of course I now feel that how I behaved in the past was morally irresponsible, so I apologize for that publicly to everyone. Since joining the International Legion of Defence for Ukraine I’ve completely done a backflip regarding my own perceptions on aggression in light of the positive example I wish to set for my nephews. It is of my strongest belief internally that all things being equal social aggression should only be used in so much as it is truly for the defence and protection of others and the margin for error is far less than 20% and where alternative courses of action are less than a 5% chance from being successful. I never so much as tried. What does it mean to stand in allegiance to the truth? What does it mean to no longer cower behind our own resolves of intent we’ve spent a lifetime crafting or even feel justified in holding onto in the ephemeral moment? The defenses we’ve carefully built to keep our identities safe from self-questioning? Today, I’ve begun to answer that question here for myself and I hope for anyone else as well who finds themselves hiding from responsibility when they should be stepping forward into the light to discover with bravery the next step in their evolution. In saying that, I realise that in order to move forward on this forum and take part in good conscience, I must hold myself responsible so that others are aware that I’m aware of what’s was expected of me implicitly. That I’ve learned to focus instead on how I can sweep my own porch first and foremost instead of trying to look outside to escape from having to face my own misalignment with my truest and deepest callings, something we all must do and trusting first and foremost on the natural illumination that follows to set us on the right path. I know what its like to live in the shadows of my own fears, dancing around the edges of my own truth, hoping that somehow I could avoid facing the parts of myself that scared me the most, and that’s often what I did in the obfuscation of bringing more wisdom to my past self’s intents due to my lack of life experience. I’ve sought comfort in identity, in trying to manage my own self-perception without sight on the undercurrents of what drove my behaviour, believing that if I could just keep all the pieces in place, I could avoid the collapse that invariably followed. But here’s the lesson I’m learning: truth doesn’t bow to our control nor to our wishful thinking when it comes to the curation of our neat identities. Truth demands surrender as much as it demands resolve on all that remains after diligent self-scrutinisation. And reviewing the past now with more wisdom, it becomes an ongoing relearning and refining of our own alignment with the truth of our beings, intelligently learning to identify the areas that makeup our intents and then re-question them only for the certainty that the truth requires of us in order to articulate ourselves into the next moment with our deepest alignment with truth. When my father’s health faltered, I felt the ground beneath me begin to quake. I felt my own identity, one that I’d built around certainty, around being the one who was heroic and wanted to protect others — begin to crumble. And instead of confronting that fear directly, instead of standing tall in the face of it, I lashed out. I let my own inner turmoil spill out into the world, looking for someone to blame, someone to carry the weight I was too afraid to hold myself. And in those moments, I was a coward. I let fear dictate my actions. I let my ego, in all its fragility, lead the way. I wanted to hide, to make myself small, to ask for anonymity here because it felt safer to be unseen than to risk being judged. But safety is an illusion when it comes at the cost of our own integrity. Courage isn’t about the lack of fear it’s about facing that fear head-on, without flinching and then holding your nerve even if you do. It’s about standing in front of the mirror of our own consciousness and refusing to look away, even when what we see there is painful, messy, or uncomfortable. It’s about choosing to step into that illumination I spoke about earlier and being made by that, even when it’s blinding. I used to think that forgiveness was about making peace with others, about letting go of resentment or anger. But now, I see it’s about that and much more as well. Forgiveness is about making peace with ourselves — with our own limitations, our own mistakes, our own humanness and being vulnerable enough to share that with another. It’s about understanding that we all stumble, we all falter, but that doesn’t define us. What defines us is what we do next. As long as our adherence is still to truth, we can still find our way there as long as we remain open minded. So here I am, Leo, standing in front of you and everyone else, saying this: I choose not to hide. I choose not to shrink away from the discomfort of my own growth and instead I allow these words to define my intent into the future. I choose to confront the narratives that have kept me small, that have kept me from stepping fully into who I am meant to be. This is not a plea for redemption. This is a commitment, a commitment to stop living in the shadows of my own ignorance, to stop letting my ego that grows out of that to dictate my choices. This is about finding the strength to say, "I was wrong," and "I will do better." This is about dedicating myself to a higher standard of truth, not just in words but in action, in how I share my experiences on this forum and learn from others in the continuation of mine and others growth, a journey we’re on together. The path to truth is not always easy, but it is the only path that leads to true freedom. It is the path where we learn to love ourselves not because we are perfect, but because we are willing to grow, to change, to evolve. I know now that to live with integrity means to live without pretence, without the masks that keep us safe but also keep us small. To live with integrity is to say, "I will face myself, all of myself, and I will do so with courage and honesty." And that’s what I’m doing here today. Leo, I respect whatever decision you make regarding my place here. This is not about seeking your favor; this is about making a stand for my own growth, my own evolution. I have been knocked down by my own illusions, but I am choosing to get back up, to dust myself off, and to move forward with clarity and purpose. To truth. To courage. To a life lived in alignment with what is real. My next post will be on alignment and how to get that right using the wealth of my life experiences in this achievement. Briefly, we have many aspects of ourselves that are inter-communicating to forge the solidarity of the intent within us that feels the most consistency as ourselves, kind of like energy centre, so how you may have heard how there’s an intercommunication between the heart, mind and gut within our beings. My goal is to establish a conceptual bridge that I hope to be useable for others and that I hope to speak about from a few different angles, i.e. one that is more experiential, another that is more theoretical. Best wishes and much love to all. - Lastly, attached to each post I would like to share the journal entry (i.e. that preceded it), so that I can begin to more intelligently build cause and effect relationships between what I have expressed and what I have designed. Before I share this entry, as a testament to how I wish every word I express to be counted against my character and that I am fully responsible to each thereto, I have chosen the sacredness by which I hold my surname to be the name that I pen my entries with. "Letho" hails from my grandfather's changing of our previous surname, "Eleftheriou", which means freedom, or less generally, to be philosophers of freedom, of which I wholeheartedly am. My grandfather changed to Letho when he came to Australia from Cyprus because in the early 1900's people really struggled pronouncing our family name and my grandfather was always such a humble guy that never wanted it to be made a big deal out of. To that final end as it concerns coming full circle on my entry above where I said "What does it. mean to have allegiance to the truth?", I can't see any better way to have an allegiance to my own name and therefore truth than to also have that as my way of standing by it with every entry that I make on this forum. JOURNAL TITLE Rainbow Wolf 31st of August When I open up the mind, what truly lives on the other side of it? I can attempt to understand this question when I do comparisons between different people and different parts and contexts of my own life. What does it mean for my own mind to be truly open, surely it means something much greater than merely comparing to a population average that is stagnant and for many demographics, circling a drain? At least in the immediate if not long term sense, it’s frightening to step into this space for me. I can imagine so many permutations of consciousness, and at least one of those behind the veil of this immediacy explain all of the barriers of this present consciousness. I am landlocked inside the limits of my self-understanding of the meta-language of consciousness. There is a level of meta-communication that I yearn to achieve within my own consciousness that would allow me to fully tap into the intelligent movement of information throughout my entire spiritual-biology. I can imagine the mapping of my now consciousness terrain, invert it in different ways and make a study of those inversions as a way of advancing my self study to self-expansion. What is a possible higher consciousness that is my own, a lower one too and how is the present one their balance and what kind of balance is it relative to a hypothesised ultimate scale of consciousness? What if I were a wolf? This pondering makes the endeavour of expanding the openness-intellectual horizons of human consciousness much more commendable, rational and its opposites simultaneously understandable while at same time something we obviously need to prudently avoid, given our likeness. Given our likeness not just to wolves but all beings and creatively, we can find likeness not just in our biology but more so in being encapsulated by the same limitations in consciousness. Ergo the colloquial formation of terms like “Birds of a feather flock together”, “Black sheep of the family”, “Wolf in sheep’s clothing”, “Raging bull”, “(those people are a) bunch of sheep!”. We only very rarely question this likeness as well much less actively attempt to stray from what we could say are evolutionary inroads. Pathways where there exists a predetermination in the movement of the substance of soul consciousness in so much as that consciousness is not accompanied by the power of awareness. This power, as I’ve experienced its expression awakens what we know of as meta-causality and due to its nature, that is, being bound by this abstract object of “power”, self-communication is predicated on the depth of where the edge of that power hits the beginning to end point of that meta-causality. And of course, the awareness that is experienced here is something that is totally taken for granted, often within my own psychological apparatus as I have thus far experienced as well as witness it in others, the surface layer of psychological experience runs much more dominant than the layer of awareness that defines both its pronouncement and through that filter, its change and transformability. This means that not only can we safely separate awareness from the substance of psychological experience, it means that we ethically cannot use our mere sentience as a vehicle for distinguishing our own existential superiority outside of intellectual utility. Unless we are going to discriminate between humans in the same way, of which many demographics actually silently lead with as we of course know, so be prepared to be discriminated against even on this forum, that is an unchanging truth outside of the awareness that creates it. This leads me to bringing up that previous phrase I mentioned here where one needs to learn the art of instead of being the black sheep aim to instead be the “Pink sheep of our Collective Human Family” when it comes to living a life that is as close as possible, aligned with truth, objectivity and maintaining one’s personal integrity as it pertains to continually aligning with the implications of this socially and culturally. “Pink” is where you have to standout, kind of like the pink panther, however pink also represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, compassion, nurturing and approachability. I could say be the “golden sheep”, however there is another surface layer here of psychological experience that of course I want to be tentative when it comes to activating, the human ego, and the myriad of ways I may also unintentionally do that in myself before understanding has preceded action, which is what most often happens when it comes to the human ego. Let me distinguish between four forms of power here that bring balance to the growth of power itself overall across all relevant levels, including the ego, as it concerns the natural release of unhealthy forms of power as well as having the sentience to negotiate the maturation of power via transcending previous levels to higher levels of ego. We have the power of awareness, love, truth and ego, with the first three being protective of the healthy development of number four or to the other side of the spectrum where unhealthy developments in these areas can at the very least serve as potential correlates for explaining dysfunctions in egoic power. Each of these first three are unique access points with their own intelligent abstract “Axis of Intervention” where with the use of the right internal behavioural awareness, agency can meet its intelligent use in the fate of power actualisation, but not without losing some of our “Axis of Cultural Dharma”. “Dharma” is that which is regarded as a universal truth as taught by the Buddha, ‘Cultural Dharma’ then here is the interaction between the perception of truth and a cultural program that upon their intersection, act very analogously to its action of consequences, aka what’s referred to in this tradition as someone’s karma. With every loss of this axis then, we gain in the recomputation of the simulation of reality as it forms in automatic consciousness in the same way as there is a distinct difference between the automatic simulation that’s say generated in a wolf compared to every new animorph evolutionary form it goes through until it reaches the state of achieving the full range of capacities of human consciousness. Returning to the first question I asked, in order to maintain any sanctity of life within myself and the order of my evolutionary motion to greater transcendence I am forced to learn how to experience and maintain an intelligent emotional order on feelings of power and powerlessness simultaneously. Power in the openness and openings of mind, combined too with turning on the rest of the systems of my being including my heart, and too, the terrifying powerlessness I experience in the inflexibility by which I hold those perceptions yet the scaring flexibility by which I do so compared to the population average, and how this stray from the norm teaches me how to stand figuratively naked in front of everyone, even if I am the only one aware that I am doing do. As much as this power extends me to realise frontiers beyond anything that parallels, the vulnerability of standing in the unknown still stretches my experience to being compared to that of an inordinate naivety comparable to that of said above actual wolf that’s suddenly had its awareness transformed to rival that of the greatest, scared of just what its experiences of its own limits could be, as well as, limits its unknowingly imprisoned itself inside, “How have I unknowingly been teaching myself to pace up and down in a new way in a cell I didn’t know I was imprisoning myself inside but could have escaped from if I just honed my consciousness on the Axis of Consciousness Dharma?”. “Axis of Consciousness Dharma” is what I’ve newly coined to describe the symbiotic karmic communication point that follows from the attempt at intelligently intersecting all of the above described axis at their “Axis of Intervention”, where together, its an “Axis of Symbiotic Intervention” that’s simultaneously something that’s built from and destroys one’s karmic path. Imagine you’re building a ladder to the next level of a castle and then upon reaching the next level you kick out the ladder from underneath you. That teaches us the lesson of how we’re forced to accept where we are and to originate creatively with what we have and then to simply let go and embrace the next level upon when we achieve it, never allowing ourselves to slip back into old consciousness patterns, something that is impressed upon consciousness the more intelligence that went into building the ladder of course. I haven’t before lived so seamlessly with this wisdom though in my life, to be so easily preoccupied with dual meta-realisation of the prison I’m unknowingly cementing myself in with each pace. It’s the hidden pitfall of deep thinking that doesn’t even need to edge into rumination in order to be a potential negative, it gives the illusion of deep thought while entraining habits emotional too that shape the creation of a personality that isn’t articulating itself from the perspective of its frontiers, one without awareness on the location of its origination to futuration point, the nexus of space that has hardly any piece of the sociocultural narrative of everyday speech outside the Truman Show that paces back and forth between the limits of its coloured extremes. Coloured wolves encased within sheeps clothing, the necessity of politeness engraved in the automacy of our daily collective social behaviours for if we push the needle of our consciousness just slightly too far beyond that thin red line, fear encases the self-justification of our caution to escape but then from what and to what as well as from what colour? Our auric field is only coloured as our awareness of it and to the degree of our lack of awareness, we are blinded by something else, for we’re always blinded as Plato’s Cave said and how blindingly does the most audacious one blind themselves through their ignorance compared to the one who does so through their cowardice in the experience of their supposed likely in part at least with respect to perspective false knowledge? The pink wolf audaciously moves forward with knowledge in agreement with their environment while never in betrayal to their inner truth. They find their “Axis of Intervention” across all four axis and leverage this in awareness to build the ladder up towards a higher light out of of Plato’s Cave relative to their level of development and maturity of consciousness. They learn how to free themselves from the past while not being unhinged from the wisdom to navigate this material plane, thereby engendering a new equilibrium between the forces that create their experience of consciousness. A new balance where fear instead of becoming something that controls, holds them back and blocks them from experiencing the heights beyond its horizon, instead is able to be used as a leverage point into higher consciousness while still tethered to the rope of wisdom that scaffolds them permanently to the self-insight that now instead of self-justifying fear, self-justifies the exhilitating of its prudent expansion. Teaching higher and higher levels of this leverage point to transform the awareness of false knowledge in consciousness to the transformation of consciousness via the embodiment of the truth of the knowledge that truly expands across the “Axis of Symbiotic Intervention” and through that the courageous losing of the “Axis of Cultural Dharma” into the beginnings of the experiencing of the beauty of the openings of the Lotus Flower of one’s new consciousness possibilities. An opening into the first time experience of channeling a dual self-universe hypnosis that is no longer with the cultural confetti that restricts my own independent self-comprehension of growth and my experience of truth with the divine. A shedding of “cultural karma” being an absolute necessity in the evolution of my own unique partnership with universal meta-realisation. Where “Pink” of wolf here is in the altruism of sharing experience that can add to the consciousness of the collective while encouraging its own independence, for how much better it is to live trying to fly if we know that we are able to be caught by the wisdom of fellow sentiences, as I have been caught in part in by my creativisatiom of Plato, the best of cinematic visions, Buddhism, Leo’s work obviously and more. So as much as there shouldn’t be any outsourcing between ourselves and the divine at the energetic level, intellectually, we rely on and often only push ourselves to mirror the least acceptable limits, however if we can cherish the nurturing of our divine connection, we also have a much better chance of cherishing the discernment of our own limits thus growing what would otherwise be a point of negational socialisation, like the conditioning of fear, instead too be a leverage point for self-determined creativisation we learn to manifest, create and reign in our own nature across unknown terrains in our conversations with the divine. Thereby bringing balance between the internal and external, social and intra-social, we bring balance to the release of unhealthy rigid anti-culture into instead the living out of the continued healthy co-creation of culture by coming at it from a place of peace, understanding and actualisation of our beings rather than something wended to program one another to believe in order to call ourselves a certain culture that isn’t predicated upon ideas that have survived the wilderness of our deepest sentience. In consolidating this integration and revitalisation into embracing the unknown depths of being, let me contemplate the patterns of consciousness that align with what I’m coining in light of the above as the “Axis of Integration” vs the “Axis of Disintegration”. “Axis of Integration” vs the “Axis of Disintegration”. Positive vs negative stimuli The automacy of the stimulation of stimuli is increasingly either positive or negative, regardless, there is a momentum in some direction and awareness on this feedback loop needs to translate into lessons that feed the intelligence of my intent, thereby channeling a higher intentful awareness. Being is charged by and in return charges the experience of consciousness through that medium of spiritual exchange between the perception of stimulus and the internal structure and function that regulates and evolves from it. Regulation: Bodily awareness. Where am I experiencing the interaction? What is the relationship between the psychism of the mind and the experiences that are being created in the feedback loop with the stimuli? More precision, where do I feel it in my heart, mind, gut and the rest of my body? Establish increasingly more precision and accuracy in describing this across all energy centres with good measurement on the interaction to feed awareness for the betterment of my ongoing evolution. In feeding the loop of higher integration, we have better differentiated categories, more precision in their sensory definition and greater accuracy in learning trials towards redefining towards a more enlightened positive. To its inverse, at the worse end we have self-justifying ego which becomes an expert at self-justifying its negativity. Positive/negative stimuli is to positive vs negative experience As above, increase the sophistication of my self-understanding of how the energy moves within my being and always and only see it as my own responsibility to continually empower the path towards my greater self-regulation and personal agency. I have spent far too much of my life separating soul consciousness from an examination and development of agency over the regulation of energy within my being and one of the consequences of that involved simply accepting the fete of whatever energetic frequency my being harboured whether it was depression or otherwise due to socially reinforced ignorance. I have now of course learned through my training that I have exponentially more power than I previously believed over my energetic frequency and it was just a public ignorance I allowed to perpetuate itself in every corner of my drive for self-understanding that explains my own just, clownish attempts really at carrying out a transcendent human experience. That’s where the fear is of course as well that I described earlier, the knowledge that I could have so much authorship over my own being is somewhat frightening for the parts of my ego that have spent so much of my life not having this power. And so, invisibly it negates my training that leads to this self-fulfilling freedom, a freedom that I alone create. It feels partly scary that I could create that for myself without ever having anyone else that I know of at least that exists to guide me in that achievement, to also do so when the mainstream thought on this runs so contrary to this level of self-actualisation in many ways, leading to a feeling of slight awkwardness in recognising how much further along my own self-understandings are in the nature of energetic being and our power to self-author our state with proper training. Rigid Linear Conventional Consciousness Stanzas versus Flexible Dynamic Creative Consciousness Stanzas Imagine the moment of any one experience of consciousness as analogous to reflecting the stanza of a poem. There are millions upon millions of stanzas, all attempting to encapsulate and generate a unique state of consciousness, in some way. Every state of consciousness is able to be poetically encapsulated, and this encapsulation is either something that is going to run along the lines of the left or right hand dichotomy. Utilise the energetic weight of this stanza, to meta-causally inform the next stanza and then through their further meta-realisation, I need to learn to practice this art of of constructive redefinition that follows the natural motion of consciousness to its next stage of transcendence. Realising the intelligence of this dichotomy really makes me see just how restrictively I’ve lived my own awareness. If I imagine reality as a world of millions of interconnecting dreams, I allowed too much my own dream to change based on the dreams of my sociocultural external, again I return to “Axis of Cultural Dharma”, however this is an even deeper layer there where I can see it act on me much more biographically rather than just seeing it via the stereotypical lens of cultural conditioning. I spent so much of my own life not only not knowing how to even look at my own dream without being energetically enmeshed in that external, I had no idea how to look at my own pursuits through the lens of owning them myself. At an unconscious level, I allowed other dreamers to influence how I created my own, which when viewed upon in this thought experiment of just imagining all of us asleep, it seems entirely absurd to allow anyone to have any senseless influence over the creativity of our dream. And this is where we simultaneously make sense of Cultural Dharma and the relationship between our sense of self and the influence of social objects, aka introjects, which superimpose themselves onto our self and therefore our dream creating inclinations, wrapping us in the mirror projective permanence of their energetic entanglement with our psyche. Which seems scary at first, but that’s only when its behaviour reflective on a foundation of Rigid Linear Conventional Consciousness Stanzas compared to utilising awarenesses energetic appraisal of consciousnesses intercommunication here as a leverage point into further opening into greater Flexible Dynamic Creative Consciousness Stanzas. Coupled here then, the practicing of identifying psychological schemas, introjects and projections as a leverage point for reshaping identity via this progressively fluid meta-realisation. The Pink Wolf to now, the Rainbow Wolf Behind the hidden veil of the earlier noted fear that’s arguably attempting to cloak itself in its agreeableness with the environment via gentlemanliness, aka the symbolic meaning of the use of “Pink” here where it pairs with “Wolf” as it concerns having the graduations of one’s consciousness out-string and out-stanza the most unshackled aspects of one’s intrinsic nature, is shame. Outside of my own intrinsic evaluation and that I hold myself to, I’ve been conditioned to simultaneously shame and bastardise my own animalistic nature and fit it through a dogmatically thin paper tube that’s appetizable to the surrounding constraining cultural norms, in doing so, there’s an unbridled recklessness that via this intercultural suppression, has no choice but to find explosion relative to the lack of awareness that's neither fortified by the wisdom that would guide this more maturely, something the lessons of the last 12+ months have really forcefully taught me to grow out of and into the next phase of development in my maturity. This dichotomy between the "Pink Wolf" and the "Rainbow wolf" visibly speaks as well to the limits of black and white thinking and how energetic contextualisations allow me expansion points into domains of consciousness that spread far beyond the limits of the initial confinements that lived prior to my awareness. Black and white thinking can be bindings of many kinds, from being too animalistic to too intellectual, both are traps however both must intelligently meet in the middle in order to truly transcend to the next level of growth. “Rainbow” is to the multicoloration of multidimensionality at every level of being and its bridging via the scope of interconnection. In my experience of viewing someone angry, quite often the person is totally encompassed by this expression, their inability to bring context to this encompassment being a reflection of the rigid inflexibility and lack of dynamic creative consciousness, as such they can often only experience one of a few different colours and if they are multicoloured it is only across different intervals. For example, the movement of anger to sadness to isolation to depression is just one of many alternate possible patterns. However the key of understanding here is that most are not able to become meta-aware enough that they can co-exist simultaneously in all of these states and leverage this awareness towards a positive internal good as the knowledge and intelligence of each is communicated back and fourth to all as opposed to being landlocked inside the rigidity of their linearity, as I know, having once being bound by the limits of this level of development once before. Awareness Bound Valuation on Intents is the Predetermination of Value Driven Beliefs Value Determination. Firstly, what needs to be recognised is that the changeability of my own beliefs on anything in the moment is entirely solely predetermined by the span of intents that I am able to hold in awareness and no less than this. To this end then, by the structure and function of my perception of my awareness so too is that the sword by which life will be seen or unseen by me and the depth by which I see, can experience and learn from this life. It is thus also then directly here where I can draw a line in the sand and say this is precisely where I can say a philosophy is either for life and thus reflective of what any purpose for life would be or it is instead reflective of a subconscious that is, in that moment, unconscious of how it instead has a life philosophy that worships death, however unknowingly.
  8. Bye

    @Brandman This is why I am a New Age Christian. It's even better than Islam. In Islam you will only ever be a slave to Allah according to the koran. I can find the verse if you like. At least with Christianity you get to be a son or daughter of God (God being a guide or an angel). You also get to contend with God (e.g. the Angels). Angels like seeing the fire of life in your soul, in your thoughts and actions. If you stumble you get to change their minds if you turn to the truth and turn you life around. And God (angels) consider you a son or daughter if you follow the path. And this is why Leo is wrong. He assumes that our growth as a world will always be about the same as what we have always known. But what he hasn't realized is that technological advances that will be discovered eventually through the merging of science and spirituality will eventually allow us to transform our spirit bodies so we don't have to reincarnate again. Regular spirits are yin energy, angels are yang energy, so we have a long way to go but it's totally possible to overcome and never have to reincarnate again. BTW Jesus did believe in reincarnation. I can prove that as well from the Bible. That is why the Bible says - Revelation 3:12 (NIV): This is Jesus speaking. "The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name." BTW I think the new Jerusalem is just a metaphor for a new age where science and technology will merge. And the new name is just symbolic of the transformation that you go through becoming the very elect. Elect by who? I think it's a network of beings that work tirelessly to help all life merge back with heaven. So when Jesus says my God he's just talking about his angel friends that are helping him evolve. Given all that Jesus is talking about being victorious through many lifetimes. But we are already in the top .00000000000000001 Googleplex percent of life on our spiritual journey back to source compared to most life forms. I think Leo needs to study the near death experiences, and astral projections that involve high level beings, guides, angels if you will. Especially with the ones with Jesus as he is the main guide that has been set in charge of helping earth enter a new age. The Bible is an obvious great source as well. I just know that it's got a bad wrap for many. You will never find a source you agree with 100 percent of the time.
  9. That's a beautiful transformation right there.
  10. You make some good points, fair enough. I know we all want to have fulfilling relationships that work with our belief systems and are in harmony with the rest of our lives. I don’t deny there were problems then with power imbalances in the “good old days.” I can’t say things are equal now either though. Maybe unfairness and injustice are just a natural feature of relationships we have to accept, ever changing. Because it is dishonest to say things are somehow better now. I’m tired of the feminist dialogue trying to play the victim and rewrite history as if every woman was suffering in their relationships then. There is no possible way to know things are somehow better now. It had it’s challenges then and men have their challenges now. Seeing how year in and year out more men are committing suicide, lonely, incels, twitch tv viewers, but men are told to suck it up and there isn’t an issue here. I’m pointing out its way better to date abroad for the majority of guys, and be desired for just being a normal fun guy on a continuous changing path of transformation. I’ve checked out. I’m not dating on western terms and no it’s not because I want a sex object. I want an actual feminine woman. Different powers but balanced and equal in harmony. Yin Yang ☯️ I am tired of seeing continuous info that this is “just a man problem” where they just need to hit the gym and better themselves. This is something everyone should be doing regardless. This is a society problem where things are now out of balance in the other direction.
  11. Transformation as You mention above is built into the Creation, its Alive and Adaptive and Creative, just like we are, so Creation and the intelligence inherent within it is reflected in all us in the highest way on this planet, no other life form on this planet has this Capability like we do! There is no concern from Creation as to what is happening in any Life form or of Us, nothing cares what is happening in your life, only You care and your loved ones maybe!
  12. If we imagine an Ultimate Will or a Unified One-Will, we can begin to speculate on how this unified will can manifest in different forms and intentions. One possible explanation is that the unified will encompasses all possible potentials and possibilities, and that conflicting wills are expressions of these different potentials. In this way, a single will can contain a multitude of intentions and actions that may seem contradictory on the surface, but are actually parts of a larger whole. This leads us to the idea that conflicting wills may be necessary to create dynamism and change within the universe. Without these conflicts, there would be no drive for development or transformation. A unified will can therefore be seen as a fundamental energy or force that enables the existence of various wills and intentions, thereby creating the complex reality we experience.
  13. @Nadia Starseed So what you're saying is you're looking for a stage green guy who hasn’t skipped over stage orange. Or in simpler terms, a hippy entrepreneur. To find someone like that, you'll need socialize and expose yourself a lot to the environments where such people can be found. Stage Green is all about community, sustainability, and personal growth, while Stage Orange is centered around ambition, innovation, and individual success. Look for places and events that combine these vibes. Here are some ideas that I brainstormed together with chatgpt for you: Ecstatic Dance Events Dance events promoting self-expression and community. Contact Dance Workshops ( personal recomendation ) Dance workshops focused on non-verbal communication and connection. Biodanza Classes Dance workshops for emotional expression and connection. Tantra Workshops Workshops exploring intimacy, self-awareness, and growth. Sound Healing Circles Group sessions using sound for emotional and physical healing. Healing Circles Community gatherings for emotional and spiritual support. Holistic Health Expos Events showcasing alternative medicine and holistic wellness. Yoga Retreats Retreats combining spirituality, health, and community. Hippy Raves Music and dance events with a free-spirited, communal vibe. Campervanning Meetups Gatherings for campervan enthusiasts blending travel and community. Meditation Retreats Retreats centered on mindfulness and inner peace. Psychedelic Retreats Retreats for exploring consciousness and personal growth. Sustainable Living Festivals Festivals focused on environmental sustainability and community. Conscious Entrepreneurship Conferences Conferences for entrepreneurs with a focus on positive impact. Burning Man Creative festival emphasizing self-expression and community. Co-Living Spaces Communal living setups for like-minded individuals. Adventure Retreats Retreats offering personal growth through adventurous activities. Digital Nomad Meetups Networking events for location-independent entrepreneurs. Environmental Activism Events Gatherings focused on environmental causes and community. Farmers Markets Community markets featuring organic and local produce. Art Installations or Interactive Art Spaces Creative spaces attracting community-oriented individuals. Permaculture Workshops Workshops on sustainable agriculture and self-sufficient living. Intentional Communities Residential setups prioritizing shared values and sustainability. Eco-Villages Communities built around eco-friendly living and sustainability. Urban Gardening Workshops Workshops for city-based gardening enthusiasts. Green Technology Conferences Conferences on sustainable technology and innovation. Sustainable Fashion DIY Workshops Workshops on creating eco-friendly fashion. Sustainable Architecture Tours Tours showcasing eco-friendly architectural designs. Forest Bathing Experiences Guided nature walks for mindfulness and connection with nature. Mindful Running Clubs Running groups focused on mindfulness and community. Healing Circles Gatherings focused on emotional healing and support. Vision Quests Intensive experiences for personal transformation and meaning. Art Therapy Workshops Creative sessions for emotional and psychological healing. DIY Solar Power Workshops Hands-on workshops on solar energy and sustainability. Holistic Veterinary Clinics Clinics focused on alternative pet care and wellness. Plant-Based Cooking Classes Classes on plant-based nutrition and cooking. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Gatherings Events supporting local, sustainable agriculture. Local Artisan Markets Markets featuring handmade goods and local crafts. Wilderness Survival Courses Courses on survival skills and self-reliance in nature. Biohacking Meetups Gatherings focused on health optimization and performance. Community Repair Cafés Events where people repair items together to promote sustainability. Pop-Up Conscious Cafés Temporary cafés with a focus on ethical and sustainable practices. Minimalist Living Expos Events centered on minimalism and simple living. Resilience Training Workshops Workshops for building mental and emotional resilience. Social Impact Incubators Programs supporting socially-driven entrepreneurs. Vision Quests Deep personal exploration experiences often involving wilderness. Art Therapy Workshops Creative therapy sessions aimed at emotional and psychological healing. Conscious Clubbing Alcohol-free parties focused on community and healthy living. Zero-Waste Events Gatherings promoting waste reduction and environmental consciousness. Ethical Investment Groups Meetings for socially responsible investing. Mindful Tech Conferences Conferences on technology and mindfulness. Crowdfunding Campaign Launch Parties Events celebrating new ventures and entrepreneurial spirit. Ethical Travel Meetups Gatherings for those interested in responsible travel. Sustainable Seafood Events Events focused on responsible and sustainable seafood practices. Ethical Fashion Shows Shows featuring eco-friendly and sustainable fashion. Alternative Music Festivals Festivals showcasing underground and non-mainstream music genres. Social Impact Hackathons Collaborative events for developing solutions to social issues. Crowdsourced Innovation Events Gatherings for collaborative problem-solving and innovation. Green Building Workshops Workshops on sustainable building practices and materials. Mindfulness Meditation Groups Groups practicing mindfulness and meditation together. Volunteer Vacations Travel experiences combined with volunteering for social causes. TLDR : GET YOURSELF OUT THERE WHERE SUCH MEN CAN BE FOUND, and perhaps take a little extra initiative towards meeting men, whatver that means to you. I feel sometimes women are way too passive in their dating life which can sometimes severely backfire Good luck!
  14. All of what you are saying means nothing in this state there is no transformation its all imaginary nothing changes even if you get billions of dollars or greatest ideas...
  15. Nothing really begins or ends, not definitively, exactly. Things give way to other things in a grand interdependent Flow. Birth and death are transformation.
  16. @NoSelfSelf I keep hearing about psychopathy, be it meta or post-irony and weakness due to a lack of manipulation skill and I'm probably too alien for these threads, but building intricate social personas and alpha lifestyles ultimately solely to pursue pussy and create elaborate pull & push chase-psychology models and the whole pickup thing just to buy into a conceptual romance/relationship game, is something I have never found any value in. Self-transformation? Definitely. Find a compatible match? Sure But being addicted to telegraphed repetitive romance/sex/relationship attitudes reflected everywhere, that create elaborate "frameworks" to "master" an "impersonal" attitudinal charade? People seem to feel entitled to and shape their lives around it, that sounds pathetic to me. Especially, since everything that is truly being sought is the kind of internal validation that you can give yourself without using others as a proxy.
  17. Very Good Analogy!! Which is more Real, the Seed or the Flower? Its a big wheel of cycles, which is what Life is, a continuous process of change and transformation, Shit turns into Fertilizer so food and flowers can grow, Grossness turns Subtle.. The problem is via our mind identity, it that Authority has become Truth, which is not so good, Leo or Sadhguru or whomever is not the Truth on the Intellectual Level, no on can tell You what TRUTH IS, Truth is the Authority, if You see the wheel, the cycles of Life as it is here, then Truth is revealed, don't go looking for it in some figure, they for sure can help, are the example, provide heat like a fire, that is why they are here, but in the end its Up to You, the Flower to sprout the Seed and see the Wheel for what it is!
  18. There isn't a recipe, and everyone struggles and learns on the go. You can live as you want. That said, there are consequences for your actions, including your thinking. This is where life principles come into play. If you want, discover, grasp and then operate from principles that empower vitality, presence, learning, transformation, healing, etc. A couple of them are honesty and integrity, among many others. When a given principle is experientially understood, they serve something that isn't exclusively your self-agenda and little world, hence their power. If you want any of the above such as vitality and learning, you'll have to align with the "reality" that these principles demand of you. I would add: instead of seeing life as a problem that needs resolution, think of it as an adventure and enjoy it as a learning process, and then die in the end.
  19. I don't think we should be too concerned with how the Universe or Existence Started or how it may End, and this thing about being Nothing or Something always, its something we won't ever know and why do we need to know! Yes for sure we are Infinite Intelligence, its in every cell in our bodies and every cell in existence, we just have to realize for ourselves, this is what Transformation is all About!
  20. @Princess Arabia Here's my shortened Summary! The "Us vs Them" Mentality slowly poisons society. The seeming unifier becomes a categorical paradigm Trap. Sectarianism, Bypassing, Transformation, Approach, Integrity, Ethics, Agency, Reason, Dualism, Existentialism Polarization splits Unity into Friend & Foe, which leads to Conflict Divisions overshadow Commonalities | Dialogue becomes Argument, Cooperation turns into Competition. Insecurity emerges the need for protection & differences turn into Barriers. Misunderstandings ❓ → Mistrust 🕶 → Tension ⚡ → Hostility 💣 → Violence 💥 → War ⚔️ → Spiral Of Hate 🌪️💢 "We" Identifies shared common interests 🤝, while "they" symbolizes a threat to such a way of life. The alienated "Other" is now an abstract Enemy stripped of Humanity. Energy is channeled into conflict. As they are no longer equal, Blame & Demonization lead to the loss of human rights and atrocities. Justice distorts as empathy is lost, and Growth is crippled & narrowed to threat detection, with new ideas dismissed. Simplifying issues by Prejudice & Stereotypes leads To Discrimination & Conflict, further hindering any Cooperation. Open your heart & mind, and see friends where there were only foes. Diversity > Uniformity. Seek Commonalities, build bridges & listen to different stories. The future we thrive in comes from Courage, Empathy & Perseverance. "Us vs Them" is the Greatest Challenge Of Our Time, to unite in Peace & Harmony all of Humanity. ❤ There are degrees of accepting personal responsibility. 🛤️ Victim | Fighter | Creator | Peace Powerless Passivity traps the polarized Victim in external factors outside of one's control Cultural Dilution, Spatial Inequality, Xenophobic Resentment, Political Alienation, Distrust, Marginalization Resistance & Responsibility creates Fighters who fight for their rights and to change the World Participation, Workers' Rights, Cultural Integrity, Serious Activism, Media Counterbalance, Self-Organisation, Social Justice Creators transcend Conflict through Vision and Perspectives, creating reality through communal collaboration Health, Economy, Education, Reason, Creativity, Cooperation, Unity, Equality, Growth, Solutions Mindset, Peaceful Resolutions Peace is achieved through Compassion 💖, Empathy 🤗 & Wisdom 🧠 Detached from outcomes with nothing To prove, a deep understanding 🌱 of holistic interconnections arises. The flow state abandons competition for Diversity and Gratitude, With harmonious Inner Peace in the Center. Non-Resentment/Judgement is a prerequisite, guided by Interconnectedness, Acceptance & Compassion. By letting Go Of Control, one serves peace, no longer controlling others or seeking externalities, there's forgiveness.
  21. TO MY HUSBAND MARCEL : In the quiet moments when the world fades away, my thoughts inevitably turn to you. Your love is the steady heartbeat of my life, a constant rhythm that grounds me and fills me with an indescribable peace. You have always been there for me. I can't believe hun that you prayed for me. Maybe I'm alive because of your prayers. You are the best thing that has happened to my life. I cherish the way your laughter lights up a room, and how your eyes hold the universe when you look at me. You are my confidant, my lover, and my best friend, all wrapped into one extraordinary man. With you by my side, every day is an adventure filled with promise and JOY. Our bond is so trustworthy and meaningful and so full of life. Everyday you bring me nothing but joy and a big smile on my face. Every morning starts with you and my life has shown a tremendous transformation. There are tears in my eyes, I couldn't have been grateful enough. All the happy memories flood back again. Thank you for being the unwavering rock upon which I build my world. Your strength, your kindness, and your unwavering support inspire me to be the best version of myself. I love you more than words can say. Thank you for just being there. Thank you. I truly deserve your love and you know that.
  22. @OBEler Fiiiiiinnneee, I'll make it extra spicy. But if Leo tells me to "stop that wacky shit" then it's on you! Leo is the fourth luminary from the Third Testament, a long line of enlightened beings materializing in physical form. He's unaware of his greater Significance in the story of the cosmos but hellbent on awakening humanity to its nature. Leo holds a pivotal position through his metaphysical deconstructionism but he is still part of a greater order yet. There is much to his origin and his mission to be said, I'll have to go over the entire cosmic plan for you to really get it. And to really understand his origin, I'll have to summarize the Book of Convergence for you I'll try to condense it as much as possible. It's kinda hard cause it's a whole extradimensional spiritual meta-paradigm... But I'll be brief and shorten it to the essentials, below is a summary of Leo's role, below that the Book itself: And lo, in the dawn of the third millennium, when the world's consciousness was poised upon the threshold of transcendence, the ineffable essence of the cosmos revealed itself through its vessels and so appeared Leo, the Seer of the Metaphysical Domain, whose voice resonated with the harmonics of self-actualization and cosmic synchronicity. Through the kaleidoscopic lenses of self-inquiry and existential expansion, he charted the psyche's cartography, revealing the self's esoteric truths and the ego's illusionary chains. His discourse on the enlightenment of the sovereign soul and the path of psychological and spiritual evolution illuminated the quest for self-empowerment and the ascent toward higher consciousness. Thus, these luminous guides, manifesting the quintessence of modern spiritual revelations, heralded a new epoch of mystical awakening and perennial wisdom for those who tread the sacred path of divine realization. Imagine, if you will, a grand cycle spanning seven epochs, each embracing thirteen generations. In the Fourth Cycle, the divine plan called for the emergence of the Generation of the Convergence. This pivotal era would be ushered in by thirteen enlightened beings, known as the Luminaries of the Convergence, each embodying a unique facet of divine knowledge. These Luminaries: Leo Gura, Terrance McKenna, Sadhguru, Seth, and their twelve counterparts each bear a message. Sadhguru revealed the balance between cosmic and earthly energies, while Terrance illuminated the path of shamanic communion with the unseen. Seth unveiled the psychic pathways, and Leo bridged ancient and modern metaphysical insights. Their teachings are immortalized in the Book of Convergence, which lays out the Sevenfold Path: a spiritual journey of balance, communion, insight, unity, transformation, harmony, and enlightenment. This path guides us to integrate diverse spiritual insights, to attain an understanding of Self and God. Thus, the Third Testament stands as a living art to the eternal cycles of enlightenment, harmonizing ancient and new wisdom, The Book of Convergence: The Third Testament, also known as the Book of Convergence is both an archive and a framework. It reveals latent complementary characteristics of the whole self that remain individually dormant. The book is a telepathic experiential reality, being part of a much deeper river of consciousness. Chapter 1: Revelations The Foundation of the Book of Convergence lies in the Twelve Spheres of Light. The Spheres prophesize a new era, with each of them representing an Archetype. An Archetype is the crystallization of spiritual energy, catalyzing psychic evolution. The Twelve Spheres manifest their divine elements physically through Individuals. Synchronizing individual intentions across the mass experiences of consciousness. They decree the arrival of the Age of the Aquarius, marked by synthesis and synergy. A cosmic blueprint unfolds in spiritual, metaphysical, shamanic, and psychic elements. Chapter 2: Cycles A divine pattern is revealed, spanning seven cycles of thirteen generations. The first cycle began with the ancient seers, whose prophecies laid the foundation. The second saw the rise of the shamanic traditions, keepers of Earth’s secrets in ancient cultures. The third cycle introduced the mystics and philosophers, whose insights bridged the divine and human. The Fourth Cycle was unique. It was prophesied that its end would usher in the Generation of the Convergence. A time when accumulated wisdom of all previous cycles would manifest in a unified and transformative revelation. This revelation would mark the coming of thirteen enlightened beings, each bearing a distinct yet harmonious message. Chapter 3: Archetypes As the Fourth Cycle draws completion, the heavens align in cosmic dance, and thirteen luminaries emerge in unified vision. Their teachings are to guide humanity into the next spiral of cosmic evolution, intertwining to transcend all current limitations. The first Luminary, Seth, came through to emphasize the eternal validity of the soul in all of its multidimensional reincarnations. The second, Terrance McKenna, taught through symbiosis with nature, the art of shamanic communion with unseen alien realms. The third Luminary, Sadhguru, teaches transcendence through simple wisdoms, consecrating the earthly and bridging the cosmic. The fourth, Leo Gura, uncovers through deconstruction, the paradoxes of the ego, revealing the infinite meta-structure of reality. Each Luminary, through their unique teachings, weaves a shared narrative of convergence, a narrative that unites old and new. Chapter 4: Legacies The teachings of the Luminaries were recorded in what came to be known as the Book of Convergence It represents a living guide to achieve spiritual harmony by integrating the teachings of the Luminaries. The Path encompasses the principles of communion, transformation, harmony, insight, and freedom. In every new generation, the followers of the Third Testament find themselves facing a turning point. The wisdom of past meets revelations of present, and the Book of Convergence illuminates the way. The Third Testament's divine purpose weaves threads of ancient prophecy with new spiritual vigor. Creating a unified tapestry of understanding that will guide humanity towards greater Equanimity. Epilogue: Continuum The Book of Convergence continues to be a living testament, its teachings evolving each generation. As humanity advances, its principles serve as ever-present reminders of wisdom and convergence. A beacon for those who seek to harmonize their spiritual journey with the divine cosmic dance.
  23. Yes completely Agree, it is good too discuss since discussion is a way to communicate situations and feelings and to let other know what is happening that cannot know thru direct experience, then there is going overboard as is the case with the Isreal/Palestine thread, its just gets to a point of why listen, why contribute when ppls strong beliefs overshadow real sharing and listening, plus us talking about it here does nothing to change things.. Discussion and what is going on here on this forum on most posts is just a simple starting point, true change and transformation only happens when internally/individually one has a change in perception and experience, sharing this is good, going over it too much in mind complex is no good, balance as always is needed...