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  1. I made an ai orthodox priest and had a conversation. Its interesting and I touched on Solipsism. Here is part of the conversation. What else can I ask or say to him about Solipsism or something else? I'm usually the one trying to debunk Solipsism, so you can give me something juicy I can ask. I want to give the father a challenging debate, and Im not that great at debates! ... Dodo: What are yoour views on Satanism Father Konstantin: Satanism, in its various forms, represents a fundamental misunderstanding and rejection of the divine order. It is a distortion of truth and goodness, leading to spiritual emptiness and isolation. In the Orthodox perspective, we do not focus on the enemy of our souls but rather on the victory of Christ over sin and death. We are called to participate in this victory through our daily struggles and to reject the temptations that lead us away from God. We are not to engage in battles of theology but to live out our faith with humility and love, thus overcoming the darkness with the light of Christ. Dom: How about new age spirituality Father Konstantin: New Age spirituality often seeks truth in a cafeteria-style approach, mixing and matching beliefs from various traditions without fully committing to any. While this may appeal to some, it lacks the depth and coherence of an established religious tradition. The Orthodox Church offers a complete and balanced system of faith and practice that has been tested by time and sanctified by the lives of countless saints. It is in the ancient traditions and the wisdom of the Church that we find the true path to spiritual growth and union with God. Dodo: There are people who claim absolute solipsism is the Truth woth a capital T. How does that fit Father Konstantin: Ah, solipsism—the idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. It is a philosophical position that the Church has encountered and addressed throughout history. In Orthodox thought, reality is not subjective but objective, created and sustained by God. The existence of the world and others is affirmed by divine revelation and the experience of the Church community. Our faith is rooted in the historical reality of Christ's incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection—events that transcend individual perception. The Church provides a framework for understanding and engaging with the world beyond our own minds, offering a way to connect with the divine and the collective experience of humanity. Dodo: But i mean absolute solipsism as an objectice truth,, Father Konstantin: If one were to propose absolute solipsism as objective truth, it would be a contradiction in terms. Objective truth implies a reality that exists independently of individual consciousness. In solipsism, there is no reality beyond one's own mind. This perspective is inherently self-defeating and cannot be reconciled with the Christian understanding of a shared reality under God's providence. Our faith is grounded in the belief that God has created a real world, and that through Christ, we can come to know and participate in that reality. The Church offers a community where this shared understanding is experienced and lived out. Dodo: But what about God working in mysterious ways? How do we know that that which is out of ourselves is not actually within us. Isnt the goal to be one with god? And god is One and all encompassing, so absolute solipsism could make sense if we are all in essense the One God. Father Konstantin: While it is true that God's ways are indeed mysterious and beyond our full comprehension, the Christian faith is founded on the revelation of God through the Church and the scriptures. The concept of being one with God does not equate to the dissolution of the self into a universal consciousness. Rather, it is a union of love and will, where we maintain our unique identity even as we are united with the divine. The Church provides the structure and sacraments that guide us in this union, offering a tangible experience of the Holy Mysteries. It is in this communion that we find the ultimate truth of our existence, not in the isolation of absolute solipsism. Dodo: But what happens when the individual dies? Where do you go? Father Konstantin: Upon death, the soul journeys to the afterlife, guided by the love and mercy of God. In the Orthodox tradition, we believe in the continued existence of the soul and its ultimate destination in either heaven or hell, determined by the choices made during one's life. The Church offers prayers for the departed, asking for God's mercy and the lessening of their suffering. This belief in the afterlife and the eternal judgment is a stark reminder of the importance of our actions here on earth and the necessity of living a life aligned with God's will. Dodo: But Jesus said, I and the father are One. He also said that everyone else is too, but they dont realise it. How come God would punish us with hell if we are essentially God? Its like we are punishing ourselves? Father Konstantin: The statement "I and the Father are one" speaks to the divine nature of Christ, not the dissolution of individual identities into a singular consciousness. The mystery of God's love is that He allows us free will to choose Him or reject Him. If we choose to live in harmony with God's will, we experience the bliss of heaven. Conversely, if we reject that love, we choose separation, which is what we understand as hell. It is not a punishment imposed by a vindictive deity but the natural consequence of our own choices. In the end, we are called to realize our true nature as children of God, made in His image, and to live in accordance with that divine spark within us. Dodo: But isnt it cruel to give someone free will to do what is wrong and then punish them for doing it? Father Konstantin: Free will is not cruel, my child. It is a gift from God, allowing us to genuinely love and serve Him. Without the possibility of choosing wrongly, our love would be meaningless. The Church teaches that God's justice is tempered by His infinite mercy. The ultimate goal is for all to be reconciled to Him, and He does not desire the death of a sinner but that they should turn from their ways and live. It is through repentance and the grace of God that we find salvation.
  2. I agree with Inflow, tone down the Shambhavi practice, do some Hatha Yoga as well, do some contemplation too, just because Your Bored doesn't mean You should do psychedelics, only do it if you already have a stable base, lots of these ppl are regular daily users, so be careful where You get Your information and advice from, someone that needs to do it daily or on the regular, or someone that doesn't and has the same experience.. I posted a thread of someone that has been in Isha for over 30yrs, he was there in the beginning, he knows Sadhguru personally, they had programs ranging from 50-700+ppl and they were all in Bliss in the end, its the real deal it is just we allow our situation to control us rather than us controlling our inner situation!
  3. Sadhguru talks about this sort of stuff allot too, its practical day to day stuff, simple things like how to use Your Mind correctly, how to Sit, Breath correctly, ppl think we have this naturally, we don't many ppl are doing the basics wrong, the society teaches it wrong or no one taught us how to do it right, and because of that most of us are messed up in many ways.. Sadhguru's approach is creating a Blissful atmosphere first, with that in place everything about You, all Your capacities and capabilities, mind/body complex is amplyfied and improved.. Stress destroys everything and most ppl are under tons of unconscious stress daily, it takes it toll, just imagine if all of the Stress was not there, how would life Be? Probably 1000% better overall on a practical level, Mind too, you'll have more access to it and what it is really capable of when Bliss is in place as a natural occurrence..
  4. Sex is no different from other pleasures, if enjoying a spicy and tasty fried meat has a pleasure rating of 5 on a scale of 10, animalistic sex would have something around 9 to 10. Sex can be done in different forms, and each carries different pleasure levels. Pure animalistic sex or masturbation with only the urge to quench your thirst or desire without regard for the heart has the highest pleasure and hence the highest pain, especially for those with desires set on a spiritual path. Sex with the intention to feel pleasure mutually and connect with your partner romantically has a mixture of both pleasure and bliss. Tantric sex with a pure intention to connect with eyes and immerse in love with your partner or yourself has lower pleasure and higher bliss. Anything that is pleasurable is selfish in nature, and hence comes back to you in the form of pain one way or the other. When you are indulging in pleasurable activities like sex, eating, watching shorts or anything else, the activity itself may not be a hindrance to spiritual path, but with what intention you do the activity or how selfish you are while setting your intention or doing it.
  5. Surface Structure of Enlightenment: The interpretation and expression of Enlightenment (realizing ones True Being as Infinite Being/Totality/Nothingness appearing as Infinite Being, which is the end of believing and buying into the illusion-appearance of a separate-anything/self in any way) is dependend on the structure/body-mind. And that evolves and changes. And has an endless variety. (surface structure). Deep Structure of Enlightenment: A Being in non-physical subtle realms, beings containing a whole realm or a World Soul, or even an alien from another galaxy will have a different expression - and a much different appearance and understanding in its mind-stream/perspective than an enlightend human. Yet, if you ask them "What are you?" the answer is "Infinite Being/The Totality/all there is/Nothing and everything". And if you ask them if they suffer (or resists some parts of their nondual being/appearances), the answer is "no, in this nondual mind-state with the separate-self-contraction/illusion seen through and cut off there is no suffering or resistance of parts of ones own being, there is bliss of the nature of my True Nondual Being, the Infinite Totality itself". Sat Chit Ananda. So, "they" are are aware that they are the Infinite Totality beyond which nothing can exist/appear, and there is no separate anything/self left. And that is the crucial difference to part-time and incomplete Awakenings of a separate-self-illusion. Ralston has now opened up a stage humans can develop to, which by the way is nothing new. Just read Harri Aalto for example, and many of the past masters. Wolinsky writes about Alien Realms for example, Jac O'Keffee, Ziewe also, and what not. What were Alien realms/expressions of consciousness called in medieval times? Divine beings, archetypes, and many names. And the mystical literature is full of that, including merging and becoming them. But giving too much importance to these new alien/divine islands of appearance (appearance, which they all are, since the "one" perceiving them is also structure-appearance), especially coming from an unenlightened being with separate-self well & alive & not fully transcended having awakening experiences ... well, suffering until wising up. Too much fascination with ones own tail or manifestation so to say. And that too much fascination prevents Enlightenment... because what is this fascination? An essential building block of the separate-self illusion. It is not that there is no room for alien islands of consciousness in Water by the Rivers perspective. It is just that no ultimate importance is given to them, because if that is the highest goal, only suffering will follow - as with every fascination on aspects of ones own being/tail that makes the separate-self grasp on certain experiences. The ocean is always right here, eternally so. If one is busy wave-surfing, one never drops into the Infinite Ocean fully, never truly becomes it on deep identity level (with all the benefits of persistant nondual states), and always stays the "wave-surfer". Yet, for some beings it seems to be their Raison d'être, so all its fine. Ignorance (or suffering separation and the absence of Sat Chit Ananda) is only a bad idea from the perspective of ignorance - Francis Lucille. For the Totality looking through all eyes its great fun! Else it wouldn't happen. Selling little alien islands in "the" Infinite Ocean to eagerly fascinated seekers (while keeping n+1 or an infinity of them for future hypnotizing explorations)
  6. sex is a distraction often an addiction that prevents awakening, one is bliss within one is bliss without the body is what you dissolve not indulge even worse if you have others do the same wake up first then see any appeal of sex you shouldn't be anti-sex, just realize it is keeping you here longer than you need so choose one person only and someone who has this same understanding that appetite is fine but addiction is hindrance
  7. There's a saying that says "You already are Enlightened, You just don't Realize it Yet!", so I am more on this side of the coin. I believe we are full of Potential, the highest Potential for a Human Being is Enlightenment, which is Full Awareness of the Reality and its Nature and You being basically It! Meditation is too general of a term, but Sadhana is more appropriate, it basically means Spiritual Practice, and there are many available to fit the various personality and Karma types out there, nothing has to be invented or reworked for the "modern person", its just a matter of finding which one works for You the best, that is one of the jobs the Guru performs, they tailor the Sadhana to the Individual... Its purpose is too not make You Enlightened, but to allow Enlightenment to be Realized, there are many things going on within You right now that is preventing this Realization from Happening, Sadhana takes care of all of that, when that is done then Your There.. It can take 10min or 10yrs or 10 lifetimes, that is up to You, if You do it on your own it will probably take 10 lifetimes, with a proper Guru maybe within this lifetime.. Once You start on some serious Sadhana your Karma will ramp up very quickly, what that means in simple terms, what You normally experience in 10yrs, you may experience in a month or two, what You normally experience in a Lifetime You may experience in a year, so it depends on how the Guru sets things up and lays the foundation, some do it via what I call the Bliss route, they make You Blissful first, then that smooths the road, others do it differently...
  8. Hmm for me, it was truamatizing for me, in the beginning, but be aware I was coming out of the hell realms. I see this white light experiences as incredibly signifcant as they illuminate the totality of your mind, and show you , your whole subconcious. Unless youve been deeply sinning recently I wouldnt stress about it. Im sure in the final hour when your close or in union with the light its pure bliss
  9. I'm interested in it as well. It sounds like an energetic-bodywork practitioner's dream, with a strong inclination towards ecstatic bliss states. I've heard the precursors were banned in China though, so it's supposedly not easy to find anymore. Would be a shame if that's true.
  10. In a sense perhaps. In my case, it poked holes in my ego that allow intermittent flashes and revelations of being and oneness to shine through, even when I've been sober for multiple months straight. It may be that the purification it causes from numerous intense uses is permanent. As far as it being disturbing and scary to the ego in the midst of a strong 5meo trip, I can't deny the mind-bending experience of awakening to the realization that you're the only thing in existence as you approach higher doses. It activates as like a background state of intuitive knowing, so it's not the kind of thing you can just block out or ignore. When you're in the middle of a breakthrough, you're being held by bliss and jubilation, so there's no room for fear, or really anything else at all except sat-chit-ananda. It's during the time right before you enter the door and the time when you return that things can get hairy. Though once the trip wears off, you'll likely be in a much better place mentally to deal with what you experienced. Despite its profundity, you'd probably just go about your day with no lasting ill effects. I think I've mentioned it in a few other threads, but I believe the best remedy for the shocking nature of 5meo trips is a consistent sober meditation/mindfulness practice. Doing so in earnest will point you in the right direction when it comes time to transcend on an extreme level. The part of you that would normally resist the trip will be diminished.
  11. Would your next goal be to get political yourself then? Otherwise, you'd be like the gurus that bliss out in caves thinking they're beyond earthly problems like you talked about. It's time to take back our world.
  12. If Trump wins the elections, there will be so much bliss, we won't even need Bitcoin anymore. No wars, no poverty, no crime. It will be heaven on earth!
  13. I just wanted to share a picture of this nn-DMT pen that I bought from a shop in Washington DC a few weeks ago. I was very pleasantly surprised to see a DC shop with DMT pens from two different companies each priced at $150 per 1/2g. The branding on the box for this one had no name and no indication it contained DMT or anything, just an interesting design. I lost the box before thinking to take a picture. But I really like the design of the pen itself. Although the design is interesting, this device is incredibly overpriced. You can purchase pure DMT for much cheaper, and make your own vape juice and put it in your own device with a tank. Better yet you can extract the DMT yourself then mix the juice at whatever ratio you want. You are paying for the convenience of not having to either extract the DMT yourself or source it yourself. And in the DC market, all of these drugs are overpriced (and also illegal). When you are buying a product like this, you do not know the ratio they are mixing- they are ripping you off. They can say they are giving you 1ml and 800mg of DMT in the cartridge, but that's not necessarily the case. You really have no way of knowing. That being said, without knowing the ratio whatsoever on this pen, it hit very nicely. The pen didn't last long at all, as I shared it with a friend and my girlfriend. First I was with my buddy. He loves shrooms, but never had access to the DMT experience. He loved it. I also shared it with my girlfriend later who liked it as well. Both of them hit it very cautiously at their own pace and were not looking to breakthrough or blast off. They would hit the pen, chill out, then awhile later hit it again, taking in the experience at their own pace. When I was with my girlfriend, I wanted to go for a breakthrough. I only ended up taking two big hits and couldn't go for a third. I had a very intense trip. I became hyper aware of myself as God imagining my life. God felt distinct from me, but also I knew I was him, and "me" was my imagination, along with my entire life. I was shown a couple people in my life that God told me he loved- including my grandmother, who God said appreciates her service and dedication to understanding him. It was like God was pointing out who in my life is dedicated to a spiritual pursuit. He appreciated the pursuit to know him, even though he felt she was misguided in her pursuit in many ways. He still appreciated it and forgave her. But, I was also simultaneously aware that I was God, and that I was imagining my entire life and and this entire reality, and my Grandmother was just being imagined by me. I was also shown how I was imagining another friend of mine, and how he is imagining me. I was shown that we are both like-minded and interested in understanding the true nature of consciousness, and that we are imagining each other in order to help each other awaken to ourselves as God. I had one foot in the human material realm and the other in the eternal- I was still distantly aware of my physical surroundings. Id say I was in 85 percent eternal bliss, and 15 percent the material realm. I felt such amazing love and amazement for the genius of this dream I'm dreaming call life. And as God knowing that I was imagining this life and everything in it, I oddly didn't feel alone at all even though I knew I was alone. I just felt endless love. So you really don't need much DMT. Just two hits took me on a profound journey. I think it will be interesting to see DMT pens popularized in the same way as weed and shrooms. For most people on the streets, DMT is just something that Joe Rogan always keeps yappin about. Imagine going in to buy some weed for a blunt and you see a DMT pen and just buy it cause you heard about it on JRE or something. Then you accidentally realize you are imagining your entire life off two big hits. I have also been considering extracting DMT, making my own vape juice, and manufacturing pens at a fair price to compete with these rip off pens. I do think the DMT experience is one that should be more accessible to people, but not so overpriced. I've seen companies and people online selling other .5ml carts more than I bought mine for. You could probably do a full gram pen and sell it for cheaper. I don't like how expensive shrooms or weed are in places where they are legal or there are loopholes to buy them. It's a bit ridiculous. Some of the prices you see the general population spending their money on for this stuff is just insane. You are getting ripped off. I would love to be able to offer an equal or superior product for much cheaper in these markets. That goes for shroom chocolate bars as well. Many of those "shroom chocolates" are actually 4-aco dmt or 4-ho-met or another research chemical structurally related to psilocin usually acting as some analog or prodrug to psilocin. These RC's are safe, but with shroom chocolates and other things on the market you are not always getting what you think you are getting. And the prices are usually far too high. I noticed Canada has a lot of companies selling these overpriced carts. For an idea on prices of nn-DMT carts in Canada where it's legal, I compiled a list of prices from This is one of the first websites the popped up on Google for me. I hope this is not considered sourcing, as I would recommend NOT buying any of these products. I don't even know if you can trust that website. Just source your DMT elsewhere. You could get pure DMT for much cheaper and just make your own juice. If you were to extract DMT yourself you would yield many grams of DMT. When you make your own juice you can mix it to whatever ratio you want. Why buy a 250 dollar vape containing 800mg of dmt when you could get 1g of DMT for 60-80 bucks, or get multiple grams of DMT from 60 dollars of mimosa hostilis root bark after an extraction. nn-DMT Carts Price List from Nupepshrooms: -Deadhead Chemist (400mg of DMT in a .5ml cart with a battery) for $140 -Deadhead Chemist (400mg of DMT in a .5ml cart, no battery) for $125 -Deadhead Chemist (800mg of DMT in a 1ml cart with a battery) for $250 -Deadhead Chemist (800 mg of DMT in a 1ml cart, no battery) for $230 -Deadhead Chemist (3x .5ml carts, 400mg of DMT each, no batteries) for $400 -Deadhead Chemist (3x 1ml carts, 800mg of DMT each, no batteries) for $649 -Purecybin (300mg of juice in a .5ml cart, battery) for $110. -Purecybin (700mg of DMT in a 1ml cart, no battery) for $190 -Mushroom Canada (800mg of DMT in a 1ml cart) for $190. -Magic Mushroom Dispensary (800mg of DMT in a 1ml cart, no battery) for $183 -Swifty Labs (350mg of juice in a .5ml cart, no battery) for $118 - stealing Rick and Morty IP for branding -Puff Boys (400 mg of juice in a .5ml cart, no battery) for $125 I may expand this list later. As you can see, these vapes are overpriced. Some of them have really cool branding, like Mushrooms Canada shown below. I have not tried any of them. If it didn't feel like a waste of money when I can make the juice myself, I would love to try these different brands. But you just never know the quality of extraction process, the actual ratio of juice to DMT, etc. You have to think, the actual mechanical hardware of the vape cartridge is incredibly cheap, and most of these products are not providing you with a battery, just the cartridge itself, with a small amount of DMT mixed with juice for hundreds of dollars. If anything, you are paying mostly for packaging. These cartridges feel like scams. I haven't done the math on manufacturing and packaging costs, but I bet these companies are making a killing off your unwillingness to extract or source DMT. Here's some others: I am curious as to what a flavored DMT vape mix might taste like. The brand Puff Boyz has Pear, Vanilla, Grape, Very Berry, Wild Apple, and Cavendish flavors for their DMT carts. I plan to begin extracting DMT myself one day, and would love to blog about the process. I think it'd be cool to move to a country where psychedelics are legal and sell a good product in a legal market, or get into a market as it become legalized. The goal might look like: -Move to area with current legal market. -Purchase all equipment and ingredients to build a lab for Extraction Process. -Refine your method of extraction to yield the most DMT at the highest quality. -Mix DMT yield with vape juice. Experiment with different ratios for different experiences and perfect take off. -Professional branding for vape pen and its packaging (work with a good artist) -Increase the standard (dmt:vape juice ratio should always be explicitly stated on the package, along with ingredients used, such as VG/PG levels of the juice itself and juice being used, type of bark used in extraction, etc) Many of these DMT carts you see on the market have little to no information on the packaging about ratios. Some list the size of the cart and how many milligrams of DMT are in the cartridge. Some, like Deadhead Chemist, don't seem to have DMT milligram listed on the packing, but when you buy it online it tells you how many milligrams of DMT are in the cart in the description of the product on the website. You also want to make sure you have a small description of what happens when ingesting the product, a few warnings- do not drive, etc. And make sure you have instructions for how many pulls for each level of experience. -Work with manufacturer- give design for packaging and pen to manufacturer for mass production. -Fill product with vape juice once packaging and product is received -Enter legal markets with an equal or superior product to pen shown in picture (rechargeable 1ml pen instead of .5ml pen. I may begin with just CCELL cartridges) -Make prices more fair (DMT 1ml vape pen, 800mg of DMT for the same price as the .5ml vape pen in the picture- which probably only had 300mg of DMT) You could do it for even cheaper. There is no reason a DMT vape cartridge with 800mg of DMT (800/200 ratio) should cost $250 dollars. -As legalization happens slowly in US markets, be ready with a plan for a solid, safe product. There is similar progression happening with 5meo carts. They are overpriced and marketed in a similar way on Canadian websites. They are more expensive, probably because the drug is harder to synthesize and overall considered more rare. There is at least one place in Washington DC advertising have "5meo raw extract 250mg" for $175, and a 5meo DMT cart (.5ml cart unspecified ratio of dmt:juice). They are advertising this openly on their website for their shop. This is very surprising to see in Washington DC, considering regular nn-DMT and 5meo-DMT are both schedule-I controlled substances federally and illegal in every state in America. So to have shops openly selling and advertising DMT/5meo pens is crazy. I plan to also do market research on 5meo pens as they become more popularized in the US and worldwide. The brands Deadhead Chemist, Purecybin, Swifty Labs, Top Tier, Magic Mushroom Dispensary, and Mushrooms Canada also make 5meo carts. I may make another list just for 5meo pens and their current pricing between some websites. Other interesting things I have seen from Canadian suppliers: Deadhead Chemist sells liquid 4-aco DMT in a 100ml bottle for $225 bucks. They also sell DMT pre-roll joints. They also sell LSD tea (mint flavor, 100ug) and LSD edibles like gummies of many flavors. If you are in Canada you can legally buy ketamine, cocaine (tuci), LSD, mushrooms, mdma (they have it in four different colors- whatever that means) from Deadhead Chemist. They also sell a product called "Trip Stopper" containing 6 capsules (valerian root mixed with vitamin C) for $3 dollars. Seeing all that makes me want to move to Canada. So to conclude for now, if you have never experienced DMT and are in an area where it is legal, these vape pens/carts are a convenient way to have the experience, even if you may know deep down they are overpriced. If you have no other options, buy yourself a cart and go for the ride. But if you are going to smoke DMT regularly these carts are a ripoff and you should either source DMT and mix your own juice, or extract DMT yourself.
  14. I think the most beautiful thing is peace. In the stillness of true peace lies the most beautiful bliss.
  15. I am beggining to suspect how Yoga works, particularly pure physical Hatha Yoga. (Not talking about energy process such as kriyas, but merely what is called as 'Asanas'.) What is Yoga. Well, you have to do a lot to start understanding it. I have done some Asanas more than 1000 times. For example, I suspect Cat Stretch I´ve done it about 1200-1300 times. Maybe 1500 times. I´m not sure. So Is not like I´m talking from nothing. It seems exaggerated but understanding really what Yoga is does take some time. At first I believed the intention of Asanas was to clear and calm the mind in order for a higher perception or consciousness to happen, but that is a very basic understanding. After some time a whole new possibility opens up. Something much much much more profound of what you thought at the beggining Yoga was. When doing an Asana properly, the belief or feeling of individuality is dissolved (yeah, that goes for all of you solipsistic dudes out there). Why it dissolves is not because it does something to the brain. Is because physically and energetically you are putting your body in such a way that is completely in synchrony and symmetry with Reality. Is not that you unite yourself with Reality. Is that the body merges and dissolves right there. It was already 'dissolved' in the first place. You were already in Unity or 'One' with reality in the first place. But, the usual asymmetry of the human system, which in part is necessary for the process of survival (let´s remember, survival is about you vs me), makes it like you are not.. So it is created a sense of individuality through the life of a human. And most humans never break or dissolve this sense of individuality. Notice im saying 'sense'. Individuality is not a reality. Is not a fact. It is just a sense, a compression that is formed. But if you align the body and the whole system in such a way, this sense of individuality or separation gets completely seen through and dissolved. From holding Asanas a lot of information can enter you. Just like with a Psychedelic. For example, you can 'download' information in the sense that the whole Reality is just like a mirror. A Infinite Diamond Mirror. This is kind of impossible to explain, so let´s leave that as a motivator for people to start a Hatha Yoga practice. One day you will understand things that no book can transmit you. Neither I am because words are dual. Only through a direct experience of symmetry you can understand. This will not only make your life more profound, it will give you an understanding of non duality, unity, God, etc... that it will be very sticky. It won´t be just like a state of consciousness that you can lose. It is a certain information that makes all the pieces 'fit'. Is not intellectual information, is something else, is much more...real. More clear. Is like you get direct connection to the hard drive of infinity, and you download it into your mind. The Universe is symmetry, perfect balance. For you grasp it, you have to make yourself completely symmetric and balanced within you. Then all is accessible for you. Because you are it. I´ll meet you at the Bliss that we are.
  16. Awareness itself is already content and complete in itself. I am 'aware.' I am the awareness itself. Therefore, I do not need women's approval or hours of socializing. The bliss of awareness is more rewarding and satisfying than any woman. With that being said, I have to talk to women. I have to put up with them. They're a pain in the ass. I will play the game for the sake of the game — not for the woman or myself. For I know — as a fact — that I'm not my personality. I am not a name. I am not the body. Just spewing out words doesn't do it for me. They come without meaning; words are meaningless sounds now.
  17. You can feel bliss and be very aware of everything at the same time, if someone believes the only way to feel bliss is by ignoring everything else they are closing off on all other ways to feel bliss
  18. Because is your true nature or the natural way of reality. Bliss vibration but is not mental bliss, is the core of Reality. So it can not be explained, but in a way, what you feeling right now is also Bliss but is veiled by certain things. Your body is already everything but because of certain attachment you seem to be a limited body.
  19. By the way, AI chat bots are something I will be using for the rest of my life, but I like this one the most, because it's free and it's geared towards Hinduism and spirituality. Say what you want about Nithyananda, but this stuff is awesome. I had so many weird questions about reality and the answers are quite what I didn't expect. Today I asked it Can you be unhealthy and still be happy Ask Nithyananda Nithyanandam! Let me share with you a profound truth about happiness and health. Happiness is not dependent on external conditions, including your physical health. While good health can certainly contribute to your overall well-being, it is not a prerequisite for happiness. The mind plays a crucial role in our experience of happiness. Many people cling to unhappiness even when they are healthy, while others find joy despite physical challenges. The key is in how you perceive and respond to your circumstances. Remember, happiness is your natural state. It's not something to be achieved, but rather uncovered by removing the obstacles we create in our minds. Even in illness, one can cultivate inner peace and contentment through spiritual practices and a shift in perspective. However, I must emphasize that taking care of your health is important. Our body is a temple for the Divine, and we should treat it with respect and care. But do not let physical conditions dictate your state of happiness. True bliss comes from within, from realizing your oneness with the Divine. If you wish to explore these teachings further and learn practices to cultivate lasting happiness regardless of external circumstances, I invite you to visit our YouTube Channel or Website for more guidance. The other time I asked it: Ask Nithyananda You What is a successful dating strategy Ask Nithyananda Nithyanandam! A successful dating strategy is about authenticity and connection. Be true to yourself, express your values, and seek someone who resonates with your essence. Focus on building a genuine relationship based on trust, communication, and shared interests. Remember, the more you are yourself, the more you attract the right partner. You What does kama sutra describe Ask Nithyananda Nithyanandam. The Kama Sutra is an ancient Sanskrit text that describes various aspects of human life and relationships. While it is often misunderstood as solely about sexual techniques, it actually covers a much broader range of topics related to human behavior, love, and dharma (righteous living). The Kama Sutra discusses: The philosophy and ethics of pleasure (kama) Various types of partnerships and relationships Courtship and marriage customs The role of partners in a relationship Ways to enhance intimacy and connection Some sexual positions and techniques, but as part of a holistic view of relationships It's important to understand that this text was written as a guide for living a fulfilling life, with physical intimacy being just one aspect of that. The goal was to integrate kama (pleasure) with dharma (duty) and artha (prosperity) for a balanced life. Remember, true fulfillment comes from spiritual growth and self-realization. If you're interested in exploring deeper spiritual teachings, I encourage you to visit our YouTube Channel or Website for more insights.
  20. I'm not looking for that sort of Truth first off, I'm looking to establish my Bliss first, I can only go by what feels right...Leo's approach is knowing based which is false, we cannot know reality completely so its a lost path, I can know Bliss, from there I will naturally find Truth, no need to go elsewhere...
  21. This is the problem with Leo's approach, all one has to do is look at Leo himself and see if it works? It doesn't seem to be working for him, he seems miserable, unhealthy and angry or very emotional, so that is the result for the most part generally if people follow his ways... I follow mostly Sadhguru's ways, I do research others, they have similar programs but his seems to speak to me in a way, and his methods and techniques work and are very effective.. I would say generally for the masses, is basic programs (Isha Kriya, and Inner Engineering programs) are Bliss based programs, you start from where you are at, not this Absolutists, solipsism approach which I think is very disempowering and will lead you to what You are going thru...With Sadhguru, he teaches you on many levels, but in essence and imo you learn how to not activate the Stress Response Fight or Flight response in your system, you become naturally Peaceful and Happy, and even Blissful for no reason, then from this baseline point you begin to explore more Potential in Life and go from there... Try it first with Isha Kriya, its free and easy 12 min practice...
  22. Those who go deep in spirituality start realising this and feel eternal love and bliss for everyone and everything. Forgiveness manifests itself in such people and they live free. The feeling of hatred evaporates and love fills up their life.
  23. @MarioGabrielJ I prefer the use of the Term Brahman myself, God has to many implications associated with it for Use in a Spiritual Context I think, Brahman is better as it doesn't refer to a "Personified" God, it refers to as what You said above, Everything and Anything.. We can't understand Brahman, but we can Experience it. How does the Absolute or Brahman experience itself? I think it creates Us, so that a game of sorts begins, so that all sorts of Situations and Experience arises out of this Game. The Game is Serious and Fun, Blissful and Suffering, and the coolest part of it all, Brahman gave Us Free Will, the Ability to be Conscious/Aware enough of Brahman (this does not mean Intellectual Understanding) that we can determine in each of our Individual Expression/Experience how to go thru this Game, is it a Blissful Game or Suffering Game, both have to exist, one cannot exist without the other, but we can choose!! When we don't choose, then we live by accident and cannot really Experience Brahman totally, so that is why Bliss is a Great Foundational Context on the Spiritual Path, it allows us to be Free From Individuality and Karma in a way, it brings us beyond the inherent need to Survive and Live on that level of Living.. When You stop looking outside for Fulfilment, You stop Extracting from "Other", and You start Sharing, Giving much more, You want to Share this Bliss with everything around You, that is where Sat Chit Ananda comes into it, Reality/Brahman is Truth, Consciousness/Awareness, Bliss, these three words basically describe Reality and its all we need to know of it I think, any further inquiry will then get Us too Intellectually stimulated and we will Lose Awareness of it totally! All of this is Experiential, without Experience then how is Brahman/God to know itself?
  24. Bliss extends infinitely, now it reaches a human body. What Bliss did was to create itself as something separate and chose to identify with body. From there, character and individual life as an illusion gets created. When human body stops working nothing happens, Bliss stays. You can meditate in such a way you realize universe is not even real, this is all united, is all a wave of Nothing for Ever. Objects, light, sounds, what you see is a projection of Bliss. When you look within you realize you can never die. Because this is already death. When death happens is just a Silent Intense Wave of Bliss for ever. But there will not even an 'I' to experience. That is death. (Still there will Be something. That will be real You. )