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  1. I’d be very content with simply neutrality. Maybe you could call that a type of bliss, but I still make a distinction between that neutrality and a more intense state of feeling something (happiness, ecstasy, bliss)
  2. What is it that will know it's enlightened. What is it that will know it's in bliss, Stop being deluded like the rest of minds. It's the mind that wants to become enlightened and be in a state of bliss. What's aware of all this is already enlightened and blissful if you want to use those terms for it. Nothing wrong with that. It is still being known. Knowledge is separation. One cannot know themselves one can only be themselves. (which reminds me, I should change my signature). On the other side of that knowing is something that knows. In that knowing there are no words or images. Words and images are known. They come and go. You are aware of those coming and going. You cannot escape yourself. The person that you think you are, is known. If you become in a state of bliss, that will be known. Known by what/who, YOU. Awareness. Sounds goo goo ga ga, right. Let me know when you hear someone on this forum says they're enlightened. Let me know when someone on the forum says they're in a state of permanent bliss and I'll show you someone who thinks they're enlightened and blissful, someone who has witnessed a person become enlightened and blissful. Who or what is prior to witnessing that. Let me know too.
  3. If you want Neutrality, then that's your idea of bliss. Bliss is simply feeling the best you can feel and exaxtly how you want to feel. Who wouldn't want that? That's litterly why we do everything we do.
  4. People want only what is lacking in their life, poor ppl want more money, weathly ppl want more power, stupid ppl want more knowing... Bliss is the grease that makes it all flow that much easier, Bliss is a by product of Enlightenment I would say. And Bliss is higher up on the scale of Intensity of Experiences, lets say compared to Peace, Peace is 0 on a scale of 10, anything below Peace is not really living the Human Potential in any way, Happiness is 4, Joy is 7, Bliss is 9 and Ecstasy is 10 on a scale of how Intense an Experience is (empowering Experiences)... Just be Peaceful first as a natural Experience, then for sure it will flow upwards!
  5. It has. You are resisting and fighting and putting up barriers and borders The all loving all holy God could not contaminate itself with any such madness Yet in its delight towards its magnificent offspring, it gives you free will to do so. Death suffering separation are illusion. You made all this here yourself rather than living in bliss as you were designed Seems like a long dream here but it is the blink of an eye while you take a nap and engage in escapism from heaven's joy
  6. Remember there is no Absolute Meaning in any action or creation, everything is Relative in a sense, Your Meaning, what means something to You, means nothing to someone else and so forth, just like there is no absolute right or wrong, good or bad, it all depends on relativity and perception and such... Absolute is the way it is because it holds all Potentials and Possibilities.. The things You mention, they happen in all life forms, but only we Humans have choice, we don't have to kill unnecessarily, we have to kill to eat and survive, but we don't have to kill for the sake of killing, same with destruction and all the other dis empowering actions we take all the time, we have choice we just haven't decided yet to do more Empowering actions than Dis Empowering ones.. This is all reliant on how Conscious we are as a Species overall, its obvious we are not overall very conscious, once we raise the level of Consciousness in most ppl, then things will Transform.. To Be Conscious means Your intouch with Truth and Reality, which means Your Experience of Life is All Inclusive, You feel a great sense of Oneness, Connection and Bliss, and You see Reality for what it is, not what You want it too be or what You heard it should be like...
  7. Try it before shunning it! 1. To start, this technique was developed by me. I was ........... It has made doing yoga even more enjoyable while also allowing me to control involuntary functions of the body. 2. If you have trouble getting an erection whenever it is difficult, then this technique will help you to do so. This technique also allows you to reach orgasm in basic everyday yoga poses(which should happen, but most people do them incorrectly). The advanced practitioner can send this sensation up to the skull and experience a new state of consciousness, which is described as a sense of extreme bliss. This procedure defies our everyday understanding of sexual energy and functioning. We will not be stroking, humping, or rubbing anything. The best poses to use this technique in are the Locust pose, Serpent Pose, low cobra pose, upward facing dog pose, Bow Pose, seal pose, sphinx pose, side-plank pose, and Shavasana/corpse on the back pose. You can also do this procedure sitting in a chair and using the wrist or forearm to add pressure to a region slightly above the genital organs(Men: penis' root| Women: The mons pubis). 3. Whenever we yawn and stretch our legs away from the body, a sensation occurs in the genital region as well as within the leg muscles themselves. This sensation is a shiver or a tingling feeling similar to having an orgasm. 4. When we add pressure(when you get good you won't have to add any pressure)to this region and extend our legs away from the body we place pressure on the perineum and that leads to an orgasm(for men with or without an erection) in less than 10 seconds(when you get good). 5. Preliminary exercise: lay on the floor, on your stomach, and extend the legs and feet away from your body as much as possible and beyond what feels comfortable. Turn your thighs and feet towards each other, keeping the legs close together(similar to the Locust pose). Now, push the pubic bone(where pubic hair grows) into the floor like you are doing a reverse kegel, and still keep everything extended/flexed and rotated inwards until a sensation arises in the genital region. You may add mula bandha uddiyana bandha and Chant Lam(Lawwng) at the perineum when you hold this locked position of the legs and feet(ankles). Sometimes, doing a yawn while you do the stretching of the leg procedure will aid in having the sensation arise in the genital region. 6. It may take a few attempts to do the cycle until a sensation arises. Using erotic audio or visuals will help it occur 10 times faster. The more times you do the cycle, the more and more present the sensation becomes. The better you get at it, the less intensity is required to generate the sensation. I typically do what is known as edging by first causing the sensation to arise after repeated attempts(usually 1-3) and then I simply press the pubic bone into the floor until the orgasmic sensation becomes very present, and then I relax and slightly come out of the pose I am in. I repeat this while looking at erotic imagery. If one does happen to reach orgasm it is similar to a prostate orgasm in the sense that it occurs for a longer duration with high intensity. 7. *Seated* - Do the same procedure of the legs and add uddiyana bandha and mula bandha(breath is paused and stomach is drawn inward towards the spine). Use the side of your wrist(bone) or an object to add pressure to the genital area described above. 8. *Standing* - Stand on your tippy toes and do the procedure of the legs. Press the pubic bone into a counter or a table to generate the pressure required for the sensation to arise. If you don't have a table or a chair, you can use the pad of your thumb to add pressure to this area. 9. *Kneeling/Without extending the legs* - This is done by first doing the leg extension cycle a few times until the sensation becomes more and more present in the genital(svadisthana) area. Then you just add pressure with either the side of the wrist, or the pad of your thumb, to that area where the sensation arises(in the genital region) and a feeling like "semen is rising"(for men), or the "shivering sensation is rising upwards", or "the tingling shiver sensation is becoming more and more present". 10. *To just get an erection(for men, especially when it is cold)*. Repeat the extension procedure multiple times with added pressure to the penis root area until the shaft enlarges. 11. To the onlooker, it just looks like you are stretching your legs or yawning or just doing a yoga pose. But, with practice, you will be able to make the area so sensitive that even the slightest touch/pressure will send you into states of orgasmic bliss. 12. ●kegel-pedal-rotate-uddiyana-mula-curl-Shiver/Tingle | This is a sequence I repeat mentally while I'm doing the procedure. It helps to get the sensation to occur immediately. It's kind of like doing navi kriya in the sense that you are doing an action while mentally saying something. 13. I hope this technique I've created(nowhere else on the internet will you find anything about this) works for you, and you can start to enjoy doing normal Hatha yoga poses. During my studies, when I was developing this technique, the closest thing I found to it was a term known as "coregasm/yogasm." 14. Thank you all for reading, and hopefully, this becomes your new and more spiritual way of pleasing yourself and reaching higher levels of consciousness. This is a higher conscious way of doing something most people perform unconsciously. 15. Stay tuned, and I will post a way to achieve lucid dreams and soul travel at will. I currently write all my songs while asleep. The process I have created will allow any beginner to have a lucid dream or soul travel. 16. #GodSpeed. . . . #5 in detail >>> You really have to extend the feet/ankles and the knee caps to full extension. I'd love to make a video and show how many seconds it takes for me to even reach orgasm. Just extending the legs does nothing. You must first extend the knee caps, ankles(feet) away from the body. Then, while holding that extension, you press the pelvis(pubic bone) into the floor. If you are a man, I recommend you do this preliminary exercise to get the sensation I'm speaking about: 0. 【Remeber to do uddiyana bandha(bringing in the lower abs or 3 inches Below the belly button towards the spine) and mula bandha(contracting the perineum and PAUSE THE BREATH).】 1. Get an erection 2. Lay on the stomach and have the erect genital organ facing upwards(fowards) in the center of the body. 3. Place your left or right hand under the erect genital organ, palm facing upwards on the underside of the penis. Now, wrap your hand around the shaft of the penis still with the palm facing upwards. 4. Pull the skin of the shaft all the way down to the scrotum, press the pubic bone into the hand holding the shaft of the penis, now add the extension of the legs(the knee caps and the ankles extend away from the body). 5. Hold this for a few seconds, relax and repeat. I recommend using a erotic visual to help you. Idk why, but it helps to create the sensation. Once you feel you are about to reach orgasm stop and do the same thing without the use of the hand. 6. I added this hand method as a way to "bring the floor" up to you a bit more so you can see what's really going on. When you get good you won't need any pressure on the genital organs and can even lie on your back, with hands at your sides, and still create the shiver/tingling or lightning-like sensation or a sensation like you are about to pee. __________________________________________ Definitely don't over complicate it: ●Just extending the ankles and feet away from the body and having the kneecaps lock in full extension while on your stomach won't cause any sensation to occur. I just tried this, and nothing happened. >1.)Do a reverse kegel first by pressing the pubic bone into the floor, placing pressure on the genital region. >2.)Extend BOTH feet away from the body(LIKE PRESSING A CAR PEDAL) so tension, like flexing a muscle, occurs in BOTH ankles. >3.)Try to keep the feet touching the floor, but the kneecaps raised off of the floor. >4.)Try to rotate the left knee to the right knee and the right knee toward the left knee, so pressure is further added upon the perineum. >5.)Draw the stomach inwards and pause the breath, contract the perineum(uddiyana and mula bandha) and CURL THE PELVIS FOWARDS(LIKE DOING A HUMP OR IN YOGIC TERMS THIS WOULD BE THE "COW" PORTION OF THE "CAT AND COW" HATHA POSES. RESEARCH THESE POSES). >6.)Hold this "locked" position for a few seconds trying to feel a sensation of water like substance rising in the genital region(like peeing, or also called the "shivering sensation" or "tingling sensation" >7.) Exhale and relax, then repeat a few times until orgasm occurs. ...Be mature in the comments section.
  8. There does appear to be people that simply abide in that infinite bliss. Like Ram Dass. But it is the absolutely rarest thing on this planet. Most people are in a perpetual state of medium-to-low grade flight or flight state.
  9. Do You know everybody in the world, or is this just an idea or concept You have?? Most ppl's happiness comes from Outside Situations, nice house, lots of money or success, or fame, but its transitory, it comes then goes, that is not real Happiness or Joy.. Ask Yourself, if ppl can be constantly in a state of Depression, I've experienced it and have seen others like this, why can't they constantly be Blissed out? Then ask Yourself which is more Empowering for You, Depression or Bliss, the answer is obvious!
  10. Exactly, Sufferinig is a Choice, Pain is helpful up to a point, self inflicting pain is no good, although it brings intense Experience to one's life, it disempowers You overall, where as Joy and Bliss enhance Your Life tremendously!
  11. Well all of us are full of Potential, by choosing to be Happy naturally, I am choosing a certain Potential that may lead to other Potentials. In my Experience, suffering emotions like anger, sadness, anxiousness/depression (have experienced them all) are not empowering for Me, they lead me to less Potential being exposed in my Experience, but others are able to choose what Potentials are experienced, if they want the suffering ones so be it! For Me I want Joyful Experiences, as I said to Princess Arabia on another thread, with Bliss/Joy as Your Natural Experience the Road to higher Potentials is smoother, with Suffering the road is bumpier, I prefer smoother roads:) Plus Suffering Emotions are unhealthy for the Body and Mind, causes more problems to arise that have to be dealt with, I know no one that wants to consciously feel sad, angry, depressed or anxious...
  12. Happiness or Bliss is not Enlightenment but via Happiness/Bliss Enlightenment is that much closer as an Everyday Experience.. For sure You will not Experience Enlightenment via Suffering, how can One be Suffering and Experiencing Truth? Just look at Nature (anything non Human), its mostly perfect, its a Physical Reflection of Truth, if all Humans were too disappear, the planet would flourish, but if Bees, Insects, Plants, Trees, Soil, etc were to disappear, we would all die... So that tells You. So via Happiness/Bliss, the path to Enlightenment is easier and more available to You, it will come naturally as You are no longer a slave to outside situations and have an inner sense of Reality as it is, Clarity!
  13. Overwhelmed as in "oweee poor mee's, I dunno what to dooo, who am I in this chaos, what is going on..."? Basically, yes. Overwhelmed as in "I have such a strong desire to fulfill this goal, I'm overwhelmed by drive and purpose, I'm drowning in ecstatic bliss, rapture and the wonder of life"? No. You can have those things when enlightened, but if they're not virtually constant, they will be very streamlined and fleeting. Rarely will you approach a problem and feel stuck. Neuroscientifically speaking, enlightenment puts you in a constant doing-mode. There is very little room for hesitation, at least moment to moment. You can "hesitate" or withhold making a decision; you can be wise and wait things out; but indecision due to personal calamities and generally unstable behavior is rather out of the picture definitionally. You could imagine someone regressing in their state due to severe environmental stress or illness, but other than that, no, they're pretty much beyond that. If you look at sincerely enlightened people; the way they act, the way they move, speak, emote; it's like a flowing stream. They have let go of something big, partially the desire to control, partially the desire to be something, to have something, to let something be other than it is. And of course the paradox is that on the outside, it looks almost nothing like it. They are doing so many things, they are making so many apparent decisions, have such strong desires and values. To discern enlightenment, requires dealing with subtle clues.
  14. I'm sure Leo has a blog post quote of himself saying: Ignorance is Bliss. Which seems to be true right? Zoning out, forgetting about the pain of others, forgetting about ones responsibilities ect. can correlate to a sense of bliss. Isn't it like that? And then we have this quote here from the man Sadhguru himself. And this quote also resonates with a lot of truth to me. So who is right? Has one of either uttered the real truth here? To this I feel like, Leo holds some truth here in regards of his view on humankind. Which is a lot more pessimistic and ignorant (blissful for him?) to see the good in people. Whereas Sadhguru seems to intuit that a human has the capability of realising the suffering in the world and integrating it in his fundamental blissful state. PS: Sorry @Leo GuraI just hate how you hate on people all the time. Isn't this wonderfully paradoxical
  15. @EdgeGod900 The “follow your bliss” people have large red and blue shadows. In life you have to do a lot of miserable shit that will make you stronger and more disciplined. Forget the hippe slogans for now and drill down on your strengths and weaknesses, so you can set yourself up. Then you can choose to bask in the sun and meditate without any distractions.
  16. Sorry what is 'Follow your bliss' and 'Zone of genius'? Are those books?
  17. Last week, I experienced the most profound reactivation episode to date, and it occurred while dreaming. Although I've had other reactivations, none were as intense as this one. It's been over two years since I last used any psychedelics, following a period in which I did more than 200 trips involving mushrooms, 5-MeO-DMT, and 5-MeO-MALT. In the dream, I found myself held captive by two individuals who demanded a ransom for my release. Once they got the ransom, they let me go, but before doing it they poisoned me and set the building where I was being imprisoned on fire. I knew how to get the antidote, but I had only minutes before the poison would begin to kill me. I escaped the building which was about to explode only to find out that my captors had framed me as the perpetrator. The police now believed I was the kidnapper. While I was being held on the ground by police officers, I was trying to explain the whole situation to a female detective, which wasn’t buying it. All of a sudden the poison started killing me, my thumb finger was swelling at growing speed. I was sure I was about to die. But then my swollen thumb finger divided itself in the middle and right at the centre of my thumb appeared the Mind of God, infinity. At this point, I was starting to realize my true identity. In all of the chaos that ensued, I felt the need to ask the female detective, "Who am I?" She was hypnotized by the appearance of infinity in the middle of my thumb and wasn't really listening to me. So I kept asking, again and again, each time more vehemently. She finally answered, "You are God." Then our gazes met, and I could read in her eyes that we were having the same simultaneous realization: "Oh fuck, oh fuck, I'm God! I'm God!" The dream universe was melting down while we were realizing we were the same entity. Just after I died and woke up in the dream to myself as God, I found myself in "real" reality, and the enlightenment experience picked up from where it left off in the dream. At this point, I was fully aware of myself as God, experiencing unity and metaphysical love with my room/consciousness, just as in the peak of a 5-MEO-MALT trip. Waves of bliss flowed from my spine up to my brain, like a kundalini awakening. I decided to breathe, relax, and let the experience cool down. If I had wanted, I could have followed the waves of bliss and kept the experience going, but I chose to let it go. Has anyone else experienced a "dream awakening" such as the one I've shared? What kind of reactivation experiences do you have? Mine tend to be kundalini-related; I often wake up in the middle of the night with waves of bliss flowing through my spine. P.S. I think those nasty kidnappers gave me some "imaginary DMT", not poison.
  18. You don't understand what I mean. What supreme bliss or benediction? That's religion . The only bliss is open your eyes and see the beauty. You are what exist. Everything is here, now. The substance of this moment is the existence. There is nothing more better or sacred of anything, it's always the same: the existence. Forget the perspective of future, heaven, other dimensions, god, all that are just ideas. The real thing is here, now. It's the totality.everythig else is just the same. Just remove the psyche and feel the real thing, the unlimited.
  19. All too dark for me I'll choose the supreme bliss and benediction every time Rather than dabbling in these nightmares thanks I am going home You continue as you are though
  20. I can agree, the Body and Mind are full of Karma or Conditioning, Tendencies or one can say "Predetermination" but that is the level of Survival and Intentions and taking actions, the body is very Survival Orientated, the Mind is very Cultural and Societal orientated, its very conditioned, what You think, Your ideologies of Life, likes and dislikes are very conditioned into You as well as influenced by genes and such (all of this are forms of memory which relates to Karma), but we are not the Body and Mind (as You said earlier), we can rise about the Body and Mind level of Awareness, and be Undetermined in only "How we Experience Life", which has nothing to do with Actions, or thinking, or intentions, its before all of that, and via the Experience of Oneness, Completeness, Bliss, Consciousness, Absolute, then we function here with a Body and Mind, perform actions that in someways seem predetermined, but our experience is not, and that is where life is... The higher up Your Intensity is of Awareness, Perception, Consciousness, Bliss (Sat Chit Ananda, Truth/Consciousness/Bliss) then the more Free Will You have access too, this is only in the realm of our Personal Experience, which is either of a separate detached Individual entity from everything else, or that of Oneness, Connected, Inclusive with Everything else...Not of what the Body does, what the Mind does, its thinking process, its survival mechanism process and the desires it wants to fulfill!!
  21. The body is not yourself. The mind is not yourself. They're only temporary conditionings. They're there for a while then they're gone. Like bubbles on the ocean. Bubbles come bubbles go every second. Yet the ocean always remains the same. And so it is with life on this planet. People come people go. things come..things go everything changes.. changes..changes but you are the ocean of bliss. You have absolutely nothing to do with these changes whatsoever. This is the key realisation to freedom or liberation.
  22. @manuel bon then we agree to disagree No worries. If i need to use a proper word I will use a limitation as you said .that's what I actually mean . The constant need to take care of the body. To eat..shit..and piss and shower etc.. isn't that such a curse ? Why do you think all enlightened masters are trying to detach from the body ? Is carrying a body a burden or a bliss? You are identified with an imaginary temporary physical avatar.. For a while. Not for long time but for a while. The more I recognize my true nature and then compare it to the body.. The more I see the body as a burden. A burden that I have to carry on for my whole life. Babysitting this body. Task after task. Feed me. Please Me. Rest me. Move me. Clean me. Over and over again. A chore after a chore. Until I fall dead after reaching the limit of exhaustion. A house of diseases. A house of desires. The never-ending desire that doesn't amount to anything other than the multiplication of itself and the expansion of disappointment. A house of needs. A house of lacking and constant aiming. The mind can be at ease. The soul can just be content in the now. The body has to perform effort and chase after it's "needs". There seems to be a conflict between the body and the soul. The nature of limitation VS unlimitedness. What is your relationship with your body?
  23. Yes well put, this is a game field, it can be suffering like a Hell scape or Bliss like a Heavenly realm, that is the choice, we are most choosing the Hell scape unconsciously, but it can be another way.. Again this is not "Negativity" its just the reality, we are here to live out a certain Potential, we can choose how to be, the question is only a matter of HOW!
  24. This mostly applies to the Human World, no other Life form suffers as much or intensely as Humans do and can, so its a Human problem, and I partly agree with what You said, there are way more ppl suffering today than are Peaceful or at Bliss, and the #'s are higher than ever, but we have all the comforts and conveniences one would want to have, so its a paradox, its forcing us to look inside ourselves and take charge, because all the suffering happens within ourselves, no where else, so its a individual as well as group thing, each individual has to take responsibility for being how they want to BE, and not look for it outside themselves, that alone will changes things... It is depressing to say the least to see how this world is, I see it everyday, its hard at times to have hope and want to stick around to see how it all turns out at times...
  25. So, I’ve done most of what can be done to get enlightened. Long retreats, shaktipat, various techniques, and so on. I’ve reached various attainments like cessation that some call enlightenment, but it’s just breadcrumbs compared to the cake of enlightenment you can reach with psychedelics. The hypothesis: You can get enlightened to the highest level via divine substances, but you have to be there for long periods of time, I’m talking months, to callibrate, to soak it up, to make it your home, to learn how to live this new life, and then you can stay there. The “clinical trial”: I will injest medium to high dose of shrooms/lsd/other every or every other weekend and I will follow their guidance how to live to maintain that state. From my experience, it’s a life of ultimate, original creativity mixed with the deepest stillness and bliss. My mind and body are healed there. It’s heaven. It’s also a natural life - alot of nature, pure, light foods, and so on. But it’s all intuitive. I noticed that if I follow what I am guided to do, I can stay awake for many nights without any negative effects, with continuous bliss and a clear mind, coupled with a non-dual or close to a non-dual, beautific state. I think you can’t penetrate into higher levels using meditation or any other technique, as you’re trying to solve an issue from the same level. You need help from above. It’s also not recommended to anyone who hasn’t trained their mind to a high level, because the mind grows more powerful the higher the state, so you MUST control it near perfectly or bad things can happen. You have to know how to maintain a positive, conscious inner state. You have to be savvy in the realm of higher states, which comes from training your mind and from dozens of trips. You also havo to understand the power of the mind. You can trick yourself completly and utterly there. If you believe demons will get ya - they will! Literally! You have to control your mind perfectly and only perfection will manifest. Otherwise, it’s the story of the Son who stole his Father’s heavenly horses and destroyed the earth. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone tbh, only to myself as I know my level of training and I’ve done many many trips. Preparation; I know that I will feel miserable in a higher state if I enter it without preparing my body. To do so, I’m doing a 3-week fruit detox to purify my system. Daily time in nature and alot of yoga as well. Retaining my, ammm, let’s just say no sexual thoughts and similar stuff. Also doing a mental detox: using the internet only for enlightenment stuff and work. Staying conscious throughout the day. Maintaining a positive attitude. Not judging anyone or anything. Closing thoughts: The last time I did lsd I stayed in an enlightened or an almost enlightened state for 3-4 days. No sleep, little food, only beauty, love, perfection. No side effects after. I did have to live a life where I follow what my intuition says I need to do to stay there. Spent nights in nature. Was amazing and beautiful. It’s such a huge shift from a mid life to a perfect life that it’s uncomfortable. Disorienting. But after alot of visits I feel less and less confused. I hope to stay there and live that new, higher level life. We’ll see how it goes. If I see that it’s working I might create videos as it’s so fun to share original, conscious, positive, fresh thoughts that arise from a higher level of consciousness. If it works I will be maximally happy, as then, it turns out that I don’t need to work towards enlightenment for many thousands of hours via meditation as I though, but it can be given just like so. 🙏🙏 What’s better than getting Heaven with no effort? 😁