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  1. There's a saying that says "You already are Enlightened, You just don't Realize it Yet!", so I am more on this side of the coin. I believe we are full of Potential, the highest Potential for a Human Being is Enlightenment, which is Full Awareness of the Reality and its Nature and You being basically It! Meditation is too general of a term, but Sadhana is more appropriate, it basically means Spiritual Practice, and there are many available to fit the various personality and Karma types out there, nothing has to be invented or reworked for the "modern person", its just a matter of finding which one works for You the best, that is one of the jobs the Guru performs, they tailor the Sadhana to the Individual... Its purpose is too not make You Enlightened, but to allow Enlightenment to be Realized, there are many things going on within You right now that is preventing this Realization from Happening, Sadhana takes care of all of that, when that is done then Your There.. It can take 10min or 10yrs or 10 lifetimes, that is up to You, if You do it on your own it will probably take 10 lifetimes, with a proper Guru maybe within this lifetime.. Once You start on some serious Sadhana your Karma will ramp up very quickly, what that means in simple terms, what You normally experience in 10yrs, you may experience in a month or two, what You normally experience in a Lifetime You may experience in a year, so it depends on how the Guru sets things up and lays the foundation, some do it via what I call the Bliss route, they make You Blissful first, then that smooths the road, others do it differently...
  2. Hmm for me, it was truamatizing for me, in the beginning, but be aware I was coming out of the hell realms. I see this white light experiences as incredibly signifcant as they illuminate the totality of your mind, and show you , your whole subconcious. Unless youve been deeply sinning recently I wouldnt stress about it. Im sure in the final hour when your close or in union with the light its pure bliss
  3. I'm interested in it as well. It sounds like an energetic-bodywork practitioner's dream, with a strong inclination towards ecstatic bliss states. I've heard the precursors were banned in China though, so it's supposedly not easy to find anymore. Would be a shame if that's true.
  4. In a sense perhaps. In my case, it poked holes in my ego that allow intermittent flashes and revelations of being and oneness to shine through, even when I've been sober for multiple months straight. It may be that the purification it causes from numerous intense uses is permanent. As far as it being disturbing and scary to the ego in the midst of a strong 5meo trip, I can't deny the mind-bending experience of awakening to the realization that you're the only thing in existence as you approach higher doses. It activates as like a background state of intuitive knowing, so it's not the kind of thing you can just block out or ignore. When you're in the middle of a breakthrough, you're being held by bliss and jubilation, so there's no room for fear, or really anything else at all except sat-chit-ananda. It's during the time right before you enter the door and the time when you return that things can get hairy. Though once the trip wears off, you'll likely be in a much better place mentally to deal with what you experienced. Despite its profundity, you'd probably just go about your day with no lasting ill effects. I think I've mentioned it in a few other threads, but I believe the best remedy for the shocking nature of 5meo trips is a consistent sober meditation/mindfulness practice. Doing so in earnest will point you in the right direction when it comes time to transcend on an extreme level. The part of you that would normally resist the trip will be diminished.
  5. Would your next goal be to get political yourself then? Otherwise, you'd be like the gurus that bliss out in caves thinking they're beyond earthly problems like you talked about. It's time to take back our world.
  6. If Trump wins the elections, there will be so much bliss, we won't even need Bitcoin anymore. No wars, no poverty, no crime. It will be heaven on earth!
  7. I think the most beautiful thing is peace. In the stillness of true peace lies the most beautiful bliss.
  8. Awareness itself is already content and complete in itself. I am 'aware.' I am the awareness itself. Therefore, I do not need women's approval or hours of socializing. The bliss of awareness is more rewarding and satisfying than any woman. With that being said, I have to talk to women. I have to put up with them. They're a pain in the ass. I will play the game for the sake of the game — not for the woman or myself. For I know — as a fact — that I'm not my personality. I am not a name. I am not the body. Just spewing out words doesn't do it for me. They come without meaning; words are meaningless sounds now.
  9. You can feel bliss and be very aware of everything at the same time, if someone believes the only way to feel bliss is by ignoring everything else they are closing off on all other ways to feel bliss
  10. I'm sure Leo has a blog post quote of himself saying: Ignorance is Bliss. Which seems to be true right? Zoning out, forgetting about the pain of others, forgetting about ones responsibilities ect. can correlate to a sense of bliss. Isn't it like that? And then we have this quote here from the man Sadhguru himself. And this quote also resonates with a lot of truth to me. So who is right? Has one of either uttered the real truth here? To this I feel like, Leo holds some truth here in regards of his view on humankind. Which is a lot more pessimistic and ignorant (blissful for him?) to see the good in people. Whereas Sadhguru seems to intuit that a human has the capability of realising the suffering in the world and integrating it in his fundamental blissful state. PS: Sorry @Leo GuraI just hate how you hate on people all the time. Isn't this wonderfully paradoxical
  11. Because is your true nature or the natural way of reality. Bliss vibration but is not mental bliss, is the core of Reality. So it can not be explained, but in a way, what you feeling right now is also Bliss but is veiled by certain things. Your body is already everything but because of certain attachment you seem to be a limited body.
  12. By the way, AI chat bots are something I will be using for the rest of my life, but I like this one the most, because it's free and it's geared towards Hinduism and spirituality. Say what you want about Nithyananda, but this stuff is awesome. I had so many weird questions about reality and the answers are quite what I didn't expect. Today I asked it Can you be unhealthy and still be happy Ask Nithyananda Nithyanandam! Let me share with you a profound truth about happiness and health. Happiness is not dependent on external conditions, including your physical health. While good health can certainly contribute to your overall well-being, it is not a prerequisite for happiness. The mind plays a crucial role in our experience of happiness. Many people cling to unhappiness even when they are healthy, while others find joy despite physical challenges. The key is in how you perceive and respond to your circumstances. Remember, happiness is your natural state. It's not something to be achieved, but rather uncovered by removing the obstacles we create in our minds. Even in illness, one can cultivate inner peace and contentment through spiritual practices and a shift in perspective. However, I must emphasize that taking care of your health is important. Our body is a temple for the Divine, and we should treat it with respect and care. But do not let physical conditions dictate your state of happiness. True bliss comes from within, from realizing your oneness with the Divine. If you wish to explore these teachings further and learn practices to cultivate lasting happiness regardless of external circumstances, I invite you to visit our YouTube Channel or Website for more guidance. The other time I asked it: Ask Nithyananda You What is a successful dating strategy Ask Nithyananda Nithyanandam! A successful dating strategy is about authenticity and connection. Be true to yourself, express your values, and seek someone who resonates with your essence. Focus on building a genuine relationship based on trust, communication, and shared interests. Remember, the more you are yourself, the more you attract the right partner. You What does kama sutra describe Ask Nithyananda Nithyanandam. The Kama Sutra is an ancient Sanskrit text that describes various aspects of human life and relationships. While it is often misunderstood as solely about sexual techniques, it actually covers a much broader range of topics related to human behavior, love, and dharma (righteous living). The Kama Sutra discusses: The philosophy and ethics of pleasure (kama) Various types of partnerships and relationships Courtship and marriage customs The role of partners in a relationship Ways to enhance intimacy and connection Some sexual positions and techniques, but as part of a holistic view of relationships It's important to understand that this text was written as a guide for living a fulfilling life, with physical intimacy being just one aspect of that. The goal was to integrate kama (pleasure) with dharma (duty) and artha (prosperity) for a balanced life. Remember, true fulfillment comes from spiritual growth and self-realization. If you're interested in exploring deeper spiritual teachings, I encourage you to visit our YouTube Channel or Website for more insights.
  13. Higher prana levels equate to high joy and bliss levels as per Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. I had created a thread on prana by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar earlier...
  14. I'm not looking for that sort of Truth first off, I'm looking to establish my Bliss first, I can only go by what feels right...Leo's approach is knowing based which is false, we cannot know reality completely so its a lost path, I can know Bliss, from there I will naturally find Truth, no need to go elsewhere...
  15. This is the problem with Leo's approach, all one has to do is look at Leo himself and see if it works? It doesn't seem to be working for him, he seems miserable, unhealthy and angry or very emotional, so that is the result for the most part generally if people follow his ways... I follow mostly Sadhguru's ways, I do research others, they have similar programs but his seems to speak to me in a way, and his methods and techniques work and are very effective.. I would say generally for the masses, is basic programs (Isha Kriya, and Inner Engineering programs) are Bliss based programs, you start from where you are at, not this Absolutists, solipsism approach which I think is very disempowering and will lead you to what You are going thru...With Sadhguru, he teaches you on many levels, but in essence and imo you learn how to not activate the Stress Response Fight or Flight response in your system, you become naturally Peaceful and Happy, and even Blissful for no reason, then from this baseline point you begin to explore more Potential in Life and go from there... Try it first with Isha Kriya, its free and easy 12 min practice...
  16. Those who go deep in spirituality start realising this and feel eternal love and bliss for everyone and everything. Forgiveness manifests itself in such people and they live free. The feeling of hatred evaporates and love fills up their life.
  17. @MarioGabrielJ I prefer the use of the Term Brahman myself, God has to many implications associated with it for Use in a Spiritual Context I think, Brahman is better as it doesn't refer to a "Personified" God, it refers to as what You said above, Everything and Anything.. We can't understand Brahman, but we can Experience it. How does the Absolute or Brahman experience itself? I think it creates Us, so that a game of sorts begins, so that all sorts of Situations and Experience arises out of this Game. The Game is Serious and Fun, Blissful and Suffering, and the coolest part of it all, Brahman gave Us Free Will, the Ability to be Conscious/Aware enough of Brahman (this does not mean Intellectual Understanding) that we can determine in each of our Individual Expression/Experience how to go thru this Game, is it a Blissful Game or Suffering Game, both have to exist, one cannot exist without the other, but we can choose!! When we don't choose, then we live by accident and cannot really Experience Brahman totally, so that is why Bliss is a Great Foundational Context on the Spiritual Path, it allows us to be Free From Individuality and Karma in a way, it brings us beyond the inherent need to Survive and Live on that level of Living.. When You stop looking outside for Fulfilment, You stop Extracting from "Other", and You start Sharing, Giving much more, You want to Share this Bliss with everything around You, that is where Sat Chit Ananda comes into it, Reality/Brahman is Truth, Consciousness/Awareness, Bliss, these three words basically describe Reality and its all we need to know of it I think, any further inquiry will then get Us too Intellectually stimulated and we will Lose Awareness of it totally! All of this is Experiential, without Experience then how is Brahman/God to know itself?
  19. The comedowns of LSD are pure bliss.
  20. Here Sadhguru Describes the 5 Koshas, or Layers/Shealths that make Up a Human Being,.. What keeps it all together is the Karmic Substance, its like a Glue of sorts, Your Karma is stored in the First 3 Layers I believe, if You lose Your Body, its still in the Mind Layer, and the Energy Layer...Energy is the most subtle aspect of Physicality, Body is the most Gross aspect, once You Master the Energy aspect of Your Existence, then Your Destiny is 100% in Your hands, Karma cannot touch You know! 1) Food/Earth Body 2) Mental Body 3) Energy Body 4) Transitionary Body, phasing into Non Physical Aspect.. 5) Bliss Body, Bliss refers to the Experience of the person touching this aspect of what they are, pure Non Physical Aspect!
  21. @Leo Gura have you considered that when you can adjust to certain states over years as your nervous system adjust? Also, states can soften and integrate into deeper peace instead of crazy ecstasy and overwhelming light that makes you unable to walk and talk. I know a few yogis who had a phase of being unable to function and then later integrated in that way. Last but not least, the reason why they don't experiance an effect from psychedelics anymore might NOT be because they are in the 'highest state' but because of the following reason: I learned that the highs and lows are like an oscillation or amplitude of consciousness and enlightenment is the collapse of that. So each high or low is a pushing against the baseline/straight line, it's a pushing below it or pushing above it, the distance from the base line in the middle reflects the increasing amount of resistance which is in between the two lines and makes it more obvious the bigger it gets, which is exactly what happens as we progress on the spiritual path, the highs and lows get bigger until we see the resistance that creates them clearly and surrender all resistance. With that the oscillation of highs and lows end and the amplitude collapses. This goes hand in hand with what Frank says that tripping and bliss is just a byproduct of clearing out conditioning. Because once conditioning is cleared, there is no more resistance. Meaning, when you are enlightened you are not in a peak state like on psychedelics as that is one extreme of the polarity and actually a form of resistance to what is. So then the collapse of polarity & duality puts you in the most sober state because you are fully in touch with your reality without resisting the mundane which is actually extraordinary in comparison to the normal/average ego state. Bottom line, yes psychedelics might make you more conscious in an isolated way but it's a refusal to accept your position in the grand scheme of things. There's a reason why we were born human and not SUPER CONSCIOUS ALIEN 👽 and enlightenment is a complete surrender and alignment with what our reality is, right now, not as our identity wants it to be. Right now, if you want it or not, a part of you is a limited human. What do you do with that? Deny it, reject it? Try to get away from it? Well, if so, good luck with hitting your head against the wall of limitation because the only way out is through. Also, simply stay true to your path and experience the consequences. That's the best we can do and life will course correct us with pain and/or death in due time. So fully enjoy your creation and savour it for it is you and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Let me know if that possibility and perspective resonates or makes sense at all. Not asserting it as absolute truth, just as relative wisdom.
  22. @ShakazuluI don't find Steven's kriya very powerful. It's all about bliss. If it's blissful then it's powerful. I prefer SantataGamana's method. If you want to accelerate then SantataGamana's Kriya Supreme Fire is the best.
  23. Yes Totally, Ignorance rules... Sadhguru actually says we should stay ignorant in a way, as knowledge is limited, but Ignorance is unlimited, but to do this we have to Experience Life as a game or Leela, and to play it Joyfully no matter what is happening around Us, that means establishing our Bliss/Being first then going out and performing action and having this or that come as a result!
  24. Yes, and the way he explains it, explains Truth, at least for Me there is no other like him, its simple yet complex but very understandable, and he is diverse in the methods he shares, its on an intellectual level (live Now, aceept Now, respond to Now and your there) and its energetic and more, but ppl will say that he is unique.. He says he is only sharing about 2% of what he knows, we don't have to know all of it, we just have to get the Bliss part of it settled then we are on our way naturally, its so simple and easy!!!
  25. I'd say it's an ever rising sine wave, ups and downs, gradual increases, as you learn how to reconcile bliss with daily life or change your daily life accommodate bliss but either way look to bridge ever greater awareness of the absolute with your relative