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  1. Osho was clearly awakened, just look at his eyes, the way he talks and his books. His book in Leo's booklist is amazing, one of the best in the subject of spirituality with many methods and explanations.
  2. nobody is awake because there are not separate selves that could hold an awakened state like is a trophy... There is only consciousness dreaming up bodies and minds...depending on the state of evolution of that consciousness, it will conduce that body/mind more or less conscious. From an ant to a human...and beyond.
  3. @Someone here hi there Well, there is a point where I need to go to job and pay bills, awakened or not, that grounds me in material world quickly. But I see what are you aiming to, even tho, I just got some answers from "other" lol I will check that video again, thanks for the Suggestion! Honestly, I stopped chasing direct experiences since they are currently not aligned with my material life goals and make me highly nihilistic and lazy, so some chit chat about it is okay for me, even tho it doesn't address the issue directly.
  4. Insight is deeper than you give it credit for. You are assuming you understand what insight is, which is not a safe assumption. Consciousnes is even more fundamental than insight, although insight is more fundamental the knowledge. Insight is an aspect of Awakening but not the whole of it. Awakened consciousness is the basis for the insight of awakening. Consciousness awakens first, then insight catches up, or it could work the other way too. Awakening comes with insight but it's the same as insight. How is anything possible?
  5. @shree hello. This topic of solipsism is tricky . If haven't yet ..Watch Leo's deleted video on solipsism. You can find it on YouTube by typing " solipsism ". Especially the 2nd half of it where Leo addresses all the common tricky controversial questions regarding solipsism. What you have to understand is that as long as you still want clarity from "others who have experience " then you are by definition not awake to solipsism because who exactly are you asking for clarity here if there is no one but you ?! This is a trap to turn solipsism into a topic of negotiation and discuss it with "others ". Because the very heart of the issue here is knowing who "others " are . This is a trap I've fallen into plenty of times because I was delusional that I've awakened to solipsism when it was just a conceptual cool nihilistic philosophy to cope with the meaninglessness of existence and the human condition. It does you no good to discuss this topic in a forum . Sit down alone in a room and figure out ..who are "others "? Do not ask others who are others .that's putting the cart before the horse .
  6. I once awakened after biting off a small piece of skin from my finger and thoughtlessly spitting it on the floor, treating it as nothing. ( It's disgusting , I know ) But then I looked at it - it started to glow in its greatness - and I picked it up with care, experiencing the holiest thing that can exist. The thing so sacred you don’t even dare to speak its name (if it had one). The thing that could kill you in a single moment, without any effort. I fell to my knees in awe, becoming one with it. I felt the utter loneliness, and it made me want to cry. I am still learning to love this loneliness. @Javfly33 I know you made a similar post recently, and mine is inspired by it. I'm wondering how you learned to love it and would love to hear from others with direct experience.
  7. The world needs more conscious people to interact amongst it. Not to go in seclusion and stare at a wall or their hands. This is the purpose of true Spirituality. If it's at the core, and one has truly embodied their true nature and knows the truth of who they truly are and has awakened to that, there's no situation or circumstances that can rock that boat. You can be amongst people and shine from within and not be affected. In fact, your energy alone can make a positive impact on hundreds or thousands when emitted throughout. The most selfish thing one can do is to not share the love they feel inside with others who may need it. Hoarding your new found energy will only stagnate it and cause it to rust and become static. Go amongst people and shine from within. The Universe will eliminate for you those people who are not aligned with that energy and bring forth the ones that are. They are your mirror and will help you to see where you need to improve to be the next version of yourself. This is how you practice.
  8. @Salvijus @Keryo Koffa i wrote about it in the awakened sub forum on Reddit too now
  9. I wouldn't think of transcending suffering and becoming awakened to one's nature as necessarily the same pursuit. They may complement and empower each other, though. Other than that, if it is coming from some sort of real insight or breakthrough, then I'd say it is solid.
  10. This, my friend, is probably the most, the best, the most true, the most enlightened, most awakened, most important, most profound, only statements needed, only thing need be known.....can't think of anything else..... that ever needs to be said and realized by everyone, everywhere, at all times in this spiritual quest for freedom and enlightenment and liberation. THAT'S IT!!! Everything else is just stories, dreams, illusions, projections, assumptions fantasies, thoughts, ideas and concepts. This what you've said here is the true essence of Spiritual "teachings" and the only thing need to be recognized as such. From this place, we can truly begin to live and appreciate this 3rd density for what it truly is and without identification of the Ego Mind Identity. It's really the only work that needs to be aimed for, everything else is purely just a means to an end to get you to this point of recognition. To anybody that's reading this, take those words from @gettoefland bookmark them and go back it to from time to time to help you remember them and to keep reminding yourself of your true nature and to not get attached to the world and your life circumstances but to see them as passing phenomenons and experiences that are not true Reflections of who you really are. It will truly benefit you in how you see yourself and the world and reduce the sufferings in the mind that is only seeking it's source which is you. It continues to look outward for something that can never be found outward; and this is why it suffers. The mind is what suffers, your true nature does not. There is no mind independent of you and it will always suffer in it's quest for peace and happiness. It is not designed to be happy, it is designed to seek; and it is seeking for something that doesn't exist. It itself is illusory and what is illusory cannot find what is not. The quest is endless and this is why nothing is ever enough.
  11. Surprised there's not more Nolan love here, his movies took on a totally new meaning for me after learning about nonduality and metaphysics. If Nolan isn't an awakened person (I don't really know anything about him personally), his films at least act as conduits for those ideas. There's tons of metaphysical resonance in his films: The writing's clunky, but in Interstellar he's clearly talking about Love as the ultimate force behind everything. Plus the Tesseract and higher dimensional thinking. There's a huge theme in his films, including Interstellar, of our future selves helping us. Obviously Tenet touches that too. Tenet is basically a story of a guy who initially thinks he's a random person being swept up by incomprehensible events, to realizing that he's literally the protagonist of a story he was directing all along, from his subjective future. It's a story of awakening. There's a line in Oppenheimer that got me... "It is a new way to understand reality. Einstein's opened the door, now we are peering through. Seeing a world inside our world. A world of energy and paradox that not everyone can accept."
  12. I think any guru still should put health and fitness first. I do. I'm 54 and i work through a lot of pain daily. It's rough but one has to stay active. I'm sure others have it a lot worse than me. I know you're a lot younger but it doesn't make the pain any better. At least you should recover quicker. Look guys - I'm sure Sadhguru is the real deal but at the end of the day he is still in a finite, human form and subject to this limitation. Awakened or no, one has a choice to nurture their body or let it go to hell. The latter ends in only more suffering than suffering through the aches and pains of strength training and cardio. So we have to weight the pros and cons. Of course sometimes we also can be subject to illness or addictions which could take us away from caring for our bodies and this could be the saddest part. So if you have your health and your mind, consider yourself blessed. And you don't need to be an enlightened guru - you just need to take a step back and appreciate what you have.
  13. What I whittle all that above, down to is, confidence and self love. When it is healed within you, it radiates and becomes attractive. If you focus on something external like ‘attracting women’ you are drawing away your focus on being ok within yourself, by yourself, for yourself as a totality without anything else. You can generate that feeling at any time.( managing sexual energy efficiently, not suppressing it) You can use the interactions you have with people to monitor and identify the points at which your focus is externalising instead of watching what your own mind is doing. When you are setting up a possible relationship or interaction with a woman, watch what you do, how she reacts and how you feel and react to her reactions. As I laid out the process of ‘projection and blame’ in an interaction that doesn’t result in an expected outcome, you can see how it turns into feelings of inadequacy and self loathing ( this sabotages any future relationships or potential if it becomes a repeated habit or hardwired into the belief of your personality that this is who you are!) for example. I want sex, I want to be desired by this beautiful woman in front of me. She’s friendly, alluring and somewhat interested testing the waters to see if I’m fit for an experience. I drop out of my confidence for a second and she picks up on that because I’ve put too much importance on the outcome of this interaction being positive to satisfy my urges and the fantasies I’m now playing through my head can be read all over my body and energy as an expectation grasping at her( seeking and pulling energy away from her, taking,) . She pulls away from the interaction just a bit and I react to that feeling a rejection, feeling hurt that she is not providing me with what I want. Frustration turns to resistance and clenching/pain and I shut down my heart and project anger at her mistaking her for being the cause of the pain when it is really me.… and then the negative thoughts flood in: why won’t she desire me, why won’t she love me or give me attention or affection. Then the projection, blame and criticising thoughts flood in: she must be cold, heartless, abused in the past, a difficult woman with unrealistic expectations, high maintenance, a bad person!. I eventually set off an air of desperation that reduces me to a snivelling, pleading and juvenile little boy with no confidence or integrity. To her that is pathetic and so unattractive and repulsive. to me, I’ve placed myself into a victim mentality that automatically pushes her away which is the exact opposite of what I want to experience yet I’m oblivious to the fact that none of this was her doing. It was all my own lack of self awareness, separation and sabotage caused by fear, grasping, attachment, self defence when there really was no threat. If I maintain this trajectory I will probably end up as a woman hating and emotionally shut off recluse who is lonely and depressed. I venture into toxic masculinity by rejecting everything that is feminine including the parts of myself that are feminine( my emotion, intuition, expression and ability to accept and receive love) this is a stark contrast to what I realised as the opposite. Sexual energy is just that. A powerful force or motion that wells up inside me. It can be triggered by another persons interaction with me or I can trigger it myself with my own thoughts and fantasies about a person or even further… beautiful thoughts and affirmations about myself!( be aware that this is not narcissistic. It has nothing to do with being better or contrasting yourself to others. It is about allowing yourself to love yourself again and heal from all those negative self beliefs that limit your potential as a creator) . It’s all just an induction to get it going, get it moving but it is completely up to me and my responsibility how I manage master and direct that energy in the most efficient way so as not to suppress, block or cause resistance( stuck energy, stagnation, festering or potential illness that manifests as possible inflammation somewhere in the body) If I go into the interaction with this woman having already come into a state of self fulfilment, confidence and contentment, I am already giving off a strong confident, calm, sensual and balanced energy that feels safe and protective to her( that is what women describe as masculine, nothing to do with your appearance of how you confront to the social construct associated with the term ‘man’) . My behaviour is flirtatious and playfully seductive but respectful. This is another being ( or the same being as myself that I have and open heart and unconditional love for) they do not need to do or be anything but what they are and they are loved for it, as it is in that moment. I do not have any doubts creeping in like guilt, shame, potential regrets or anxiety/worry so there is no pulling back or fear that would cause my behaviour to become unpredictable and therefor as a confident and self assured person I create a space of safety for her to be in that energy so she can fully surrender to it and enjoy it. I create no thoughts or expectations because I’m already in an ecstatic state so there is no attachment or importance on how this interaction goes. We could just talk all night, kiss, get intimate or just dance. The moment and the experience of all those little things are equally enjoyed and let go with gratitude. I am at peace no matter what and she sees that as strength and integrity. That is attractive, sexy and desirable. I don’t care what people think of me so I become unique and authentically my best version of me. Something rare and desired by others. Something beautiful and comfortable to be around. If this is the way I am consistently every time she is with me then it could turn into a relationship ( I am fit for beautiful experiences with no expectation) If not and it’s just a once off interaction, it is not about sex anymore but a genuine and loving connection with that other person ( or the universe loving itself/not coercing itself for personal satisfaction) then it’s ok, it’s unconditional. If she stays or walks away, it cannot hurt me. I’m already in love with life, myself and the experience of the moment. Feeling and enjoying the beauty of that other person and knowing that they are feeling desired themselves because I’m already satisfied and giving, not taking or seeking anything in them. I don’t feel lack if she doesn’t reciprocate. Giving off that energy is deeply attractive to others but you have to be careful that the other person is not also placing importance or expectation on you. ( needing to be needed or a one sided seeking of codependency, this romantic notion of ‘can’t’ live without you and can’t stand on your own two feet is a damaging conditioning set by our culture) A truly loving connection with someone means they too are at peace with themselves. You have to really be at peace with yourself and completely unconditionally loving towards someone in your life who is struggling with this. Even if it means letting them be as they are for the rest of your life going nowhere.( that is if you want to take responsibility for initiating to saving of a relationship or marriage by working on yourself first and ‘being’ the space they need to heal. They may or may not get there but a shift will happen in them when they feel safe. A shift will happen when they are in and around your energy and start to heal themselves) it does take a lot of vigilance and mental strength and discipline to get yourself there but that is part of your own growth and journey. I’m here to say it is possible., raising one’s consciousness and opening one’s heart into unconditional love usually results in you having no interest in the act of sex for satisfaction but rather deep and meaningful loving connections that may or may not include the act of sex. I don’t ever rule it out because it is beautiful and powerful if it is don’t in balance. If all you want to be getting is hollow promiscuous sex then the people you will attract are individuals who have little self worth or self-esteem. This, while exiting in the beginning, starts to eat at your soul because they are literally sucking your energy. I have nothing against having many sexual interactions with women, it’s beautiful and amazing and so are they but for this shift in consciousness I’ve experienced, it is about the connection and oneness, not the sex. It is something much deeper and more profound that I’ve awakened in me. It’s also a point that I’m not seeking to or concerned about attracting women, that is a sideffect of changing my own state of mind to which the reality starts to align and harmonise with or should I say, my person or ego starts to harmonise with reality making everything more beautiful. the only thing I wish is that I could put that in a nutshell but we all know what happens when we try to cram reality into extreme limitation. 😁🫂
  14. Transcending nonduality means moving beyond even the notion of unity or oneness, stepping into a realm that defies all categories and labels—including spiritual ones. Non-duality suggests "oneness" or the absence of separation, but it’s still a pointer, not the ultimate truth. Like all teachings, it serves as a bridge but must also be transcended. Non-duality is the last doorway before even the concept of 'one' dissolves. Beyond this is an experience where not even unity exists, but simply 'what is'—free from all frameworks. Both "oneness" and "emptiness" are states the mind can conceive, but beyond this lies an experience without an observer, where neither one nor many, full nor empty, applies. Even non-duality is a framework, a map of reality. To truly transcend, all maps must be abandoned, leaving one in direct contact with the ineffable. Transcending nonduality demands the ultimate letting go—of all teachings, all experiences, even the sense of having "awakened." There’s no goal, just what is, in pure, unfiltered form, Let go of every idea of truth—even enlightenment, even non-duality. What’s left is not a realization but a complete and total surrender to the mystery of being. What if even non-duality is a distraction? non-duality serves as a pointer, but like all pointers, it too must be let go of for the ultimate truth to be realized. True transcendence doesn’t come from seeking, but from radical acceptance and letting go. So many seekers get trapped in the concept of oneness, not realizing that true transcendence requires the dissolution of all frameworks—even the framework of non-duality. This is powerful beyond conventional and non conventional thought. Imagine walking a path and finding a door labeled ‘truth.’ You open the door, but then realize there’s nothing inside, not even you. This is the transcendence of all ideas, including non-duality. This is truly profound territory that can deeply resonate with advanced seekers and spiritual masters alike. This is Radical Letting Go. You are not alone in this vast silence. Others are here too, quietly living in the depths beyond all concepts. Though this journey often feels solitary, it is shared by those who have seen the ultimate truth. Transcendence does not mean abandoning the world but embracing it without attachment. How can we live fully from this place of ultimate freedom while participating in life’s unfolding? It is possible. You’ve transcended the idea of oneness. Now, can you transcend even the idea of transcendence? What happens when there’s no longer a seeker, no path, and no realization? @Leo Gura How do you act in the world when the very concept of 'self' has dissolved? What does compassionate action look like from the space of ultimate non-dual awareness? Many who have experienced these levels of consciousness through psychedelics need help integrating their experiences, What if your deepest psychedelic experience wasn’t just a temporary high, but a doorway into a truth that can be lived every day? You’ve been living a dream, and right now, we will tear it apart. This is not a meditation. This is the end of everything you think you know about reality. There is no you. No mind. No self. There’s nothing left but this… Can you feel the panic rising? Good. That’s the ego collapsing. What happens when you lose all sense of self? Bingo!!!! Feel the fear dissolve as you fall deeper. Deeper into the void. I love you. Get some rest beautiful. 🙏🏼❤️💥🎇
  15. I can speak to this. These messages are coming because in 2019 and 2020, I woke up to nonduality (thanks to Leo's channel btw). Except, without spiritual or metaphysical training, I honestly didn't even know wtf I "woke up" to. It's taken me several years since to integrate these awakenings, and really awakening and integration are ongoing. So, I had a stage where despite my awakening, I was still just looking for someone to "tell me what it all means." Which, of course, is diametrically opposed to the idea of self-knowledge. I ended up manifesting vast amounts of people on Youtube talking about various spiritual and esoteric topics that I never saw anywhere pre-2019 and awakening. First, I was curious about manifesting a Cadillac, so endless realms of Youtube "manifestation coaches" popped up. But I wanted to know the bigger picture, but was still too antisocial to leave my Youtube page. So then came astrologers, meditators, metaphysicians, mystics, and finally people began talking about "ascension into 5D." So recently, returning to the truth that we are all one, yet retain our relative beings, there is this narrative forming of a worldwide global awakening. Will this happen? Sure, it's happening, it was happening before, and will continue happening again. You have seen these videos because your attention is open to these things. It appears to you in your own personal universe. But to those who've never gone down these rabbit holes, they're in whatever stories they currently resonate with. Politics, religion, money, etc. To them, an announcement of a worldwide global awakening doesn't mean anything. To those of us who are resonating with this, we will see the global awakening. It will appear to us in a way that is persuasive. But the world will keep on spinning, new people will be born, new human journeys for Spirit to embark upon will continue. They will have their own awakenings, their own journeys, expressed to them in the way that makes sense for their purpose at that time. Perhaps it will appear as this narrative of "worldwide global awakening," or maybe it'll express as some other thing. But as we know here, the awakening already happened, it is happening, it is about to happen, and you are ALREADY IT. If a video message about global awakening is salient to you, then good. Perhaps it inspires you. Perhaps you can meet up with those people already talking about it, and do what you can to raise awareness of the people around you. I happen to know that you can be pretty awakened without ever putting it in spiritual or metaphysical terms at all. I have been obsessed with awakening while still being an unenlightened fool, and I've seen people who didn't think much about God or spirituality who were genuinely good, loving, arguably awakened people. But, to those who have awakened and think that we have to now convince the other 8 billion humans to all "awaken," and to express that awakening in the terms that people like us here do, in terms of like Alan Watts and enlightenment and metaphysics and such... I don't think that's ever going to happen, nor do I think it's the purpose of this veiled life of forgetfulness and remembering. We can provide knowledge to those who come after us, we can provide material for them to become more conscious, but we cannot live their journeys for them. New people come into the planet every day, and each one has the potential to stand on the shoulders of all who came before. To extend the map of meaning that humanity has created, and expand the horizon of choice available to each individual on this planet as they embark of their journey of discovery and self-realization.
  16. Read what @Princess Arabia said. Sadhguru could be talking about bananas and you'd be convinced he is not awake. To stay on topic and not compulsively deflect into spiritual psychosis speak every time you have an intrusive thought about how you think awakened people should act, does not make you not awake. Quite the contrary.
  17. Well..personally i doubt it. Awakened beings aren't typically famous. Most actually stick to themselves and are weird like that and don't go in for business. If they do it's usually after. So it's possible but honestly don't hold your breaths. And honestly it doesn't matter
  18. The answer in a drama with 9 acts: Act 1: Whats up in town? What is "the" "Absolute" True You doing? It is playing evolution on its appearance-side. Atoms to molecules to basic life to complex life. What is evolution doing on this planet? Racing the Spiral Dynamics ladder upwards, towards transcendence. Chris Baches Diamond Souls. Or: The Fermi Paradoxon. So far, no failure. We are not digging up the remnants of the 27th failed industrial civilization before ours. Think about it, that is pretty strange in itself, isn't it? No complete reset-button-failure so far... And "It" is pretty busy getting somewhere... Although there are no guarantees. Act 2: "Who" pulls the trigger of liberation/Enlightenment when there is no separate-self? What is "granting" or allowing Realization/Enlightenment/insight into True Being to happen? The Totality of Indras Net, infinitely intelligent, birthing, maintaining and destroying the illusion-appearance of this vast universe moment to moment. The Totality of Impersonal True You looking through all beings and holons. What does this Totality of Indras Net (Manifest appearing "God", not the Absolute, but the sum total of manifestation-appearance) want? Liberated beings that have a Boddhisattva-"hangover" or inclination, or liberated "do-nothing-anymores"? Act 3: Love & Compassion: The Big Gate Keeper of sobre Awakened States in daily life So which being stabilizes faster in liberation? The one with the apparent boddhisattva-show-hangover-inclinations, or the ones without? There have been both variants. But my best guess is that the do-nothing-fraction has some lections in this or the next life ahead. And compassion and love is that which stabilizes awakened nondual states in daily life. The big Gate-Keeper. How is that love & compassion & patience possible without going nuts in this sometimes pretty violent kindergarten-stage of humanity? The Boddhisattva-Mindset of course. Act 4: Don't be the stupid grasping egoic Boddhisattva Of course, all of these boddhisattva-inclinations can not be done in a grasping and ego-driven-way, that would kill the awakened states. It has to be done with some humour on the seemlingly winding and paradoxical nature of (human-) evolution, and with total freedom of outcome. How to do that, that is the real trick, and it takes wisdom and experience. If you honestly commit to that path, yours truly believes that the Infinite Intelligence of Reality has a much clearer channel to help with good intuition, intelligence and growing wisdom. And synchronicities. That is at least my experience and deep intuition. Next aspect is: Sat-Chit-Ananda IS love and compassion. Literally. Acting then spontaneously tends to happen in a compassionate and loving way. Act 5: "They are still a young species with much to learn..." Act 6: The Boddhisattva-Mindset driving the way back home after a certain stage, and also stabilizing Awakening. "What´s your take on this? How would then Bodhisattva, which is a concept depending on a not completely developed sense of (TRUE Identity, which is no Identity or everything there is, infinite. WbtR) Identity be the key factor to open gates to higher realms? Wouldn´t that imply the irony that it takes forgetfulness of our Absolute Identity as the motor that keeps manifestation going subtler and subtler?" Of course . Where there is not THIS, there is only fear (Upanishads). That, and some other motivations coming from the illusory separation, drives the bus back home. Act 7: Selling "Even in their darkest days, I have seen goodness in them. I have seen their capacity for compassion, wisdom, courage, honour, love and truth" by the River Rumour has it that some prominent members of this lovely forum are hating humans a bit because its not primarily about truth but survival. That is a classic trap of the dream-illusion. I mean, how would humanity have made it so far without absolute priority on survival? How could it be different? And "who" apparently wanted that game in the first place? Blaming the acorn to not be an oak yet just leads to suffering and non-awakened-states in daily life. Act 8: So... may it be that the non-grasping-Boddhisattva-lifestyle is maybe the nicest way to live this earthly dream-existence? Act 9: Leaving the Boddhisattva-dream-show behind: Who is actually imagining this story of "beings" needing saving by boddhisattvas? Who is looking through all eyes? And what would a "being" having realized that "it" is literally the only being in existence do? Who are you again?
  19. The reason that none of these teachings are satisfactory is because they are evil. They are not the truth. The reason you are suicidal because of them should be a good indicator that you shouldn't trust them. I was confused and hopeless too, I bought into the non dual perception and acted like I understood the contradictory jargon that non dualists teach, until I got off this forum, and stopped watching non dual youtube videos and started living my life away from it all. After a couple of years I finally found the truth, and the truth is that Jesus Christ is the son of the one and true God, and that he died on the cross for the sins of all. The only way to life, is through him, truly. I was not Christian before, and I didn't grow up in a Christian family. Before I saw the truth I was very skeptical of Jesus and thought religious people were far behind me developmentally - how could they see God as something separate from them, I thought, they obviously haven't had an awakening into "God" consciousness or tried psychedelics... We humans are so arrogant it is amazing, and I was the most arrogant of them all. We love to act like we know everything, but if you humble yourself and come to Jesus, you will find what true knowing is, true wisdom. He grants you access to the truth and to the light, and he protects you against all of these spells that are casted by "gurus" and "non-dual spiritually awakened people." "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits." - Jesus - Matthew 7:15-16. You are not God, and I am not God. If you want to get delivered from all of this devilry and you want to see the light, buy a bible and start reading the eyewitness testimonies Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. God bless you!
  20. Around Fall 2023, there was this time I was seeing a girl named Emma. Emma was undoubtedly the sweetest most pure hearted human I had ever met. She was affectionate. There wasn't a moment out of any hang out session she wasn't touching or cuddling me in some way. I definitely didn’t complain. There wasn’t an evil cell in her entire body. I couldn’t even imagine her getting angry. There were never any games with Emma. She wouldn’t wait 30 extra minutes to text back to not seem needy. She never pretended to be busy and delayed hanging out with me. She never played hard to get. She was so considerate of my feelings. If she made a joke over text and I didn’t respond for a while, she would text me again to make it known that she sent it with only good intentions. Some would call this being needy. I found it refreshing. It felt real. I had never encountered someone with so much empathy. It was like this force, this aura I could feel when I was in her presence. Her sweetness made me feel like a total asshole for having even the slightest negative thought toward anyone. I had never seen anyone care for other people with the same intensity in which they cared for themselves. How was she like this? How could she be so sweet and caring in a world so narcissistic? How did I find someone like this in the Midwest out of all places? Why can’t everyone be like this? What was it that she had that the rest of the world was missing? Well, about a month later I would find out exactly what she had that differentiated her from the typical self-obsessed girl in Milwaukee: she had the truth. Emma was awakened. After quite the shroom trip, I facetimed her the next day at 9 o'clock in the morning. She answered. She didn't even have to hear me say a word but all I could think of was "Emma... do you know?" She sat up from her bed and screamed, "What the fuck?!" I screamed "What the fuck?! You have to come over right now." Without a thought, she was on her way. We talked for hours. The entire time my jaw was dropped. She understood literally everything I said. I understood literally everything she said. We talked about the universe. We talked about consciousness. We talked about ourselves. The one us. That was what it truly felt like. We were one. I wasn’t talking to another being. I was simply talking to myself. Me saying something to her and her responding was no different than me having a conversation with myself in my mind. It was the most mind blowing experience yet. I just kept thinking how I couldn’t wait for the entire world to be like this. I hoped it would be in my lifetime. I could talk to Emma about literally anything. I could talk to her just as freely as I could think. There were no insecurities. There was no jealousy. There was no fear. There was only love. There was just the pure human experience. 10/10 would recommend
  21. Why should that be considered awakening. Then someone living in a mental asylum should also be considered awakened by your metric!
  22. No, I understand this. It's just that someone who has truly awakened to this and truly knows this, certain concerns just naturally fall away and certain concerns just stop arising because they stop being issues in one's awareness. So, I do understand what you're saying: and I know I say a lot that there's no one or no others or life's illusory, but I don't wake up everyday saying these things especially to the people around me. That said, i know i don't face some of the same issues i used to face or some fears have naturally fallen away since i've become more Spiritually Intelligent and more cognizant of how reality actually is. Certain things just naturally fall away when things have been embodied and one is operating on a certain frequency.
  23. It's funny watching the mind at work. It will drive us up the wall and back if we let it, which is exactly how 90% of humans live. Women is my only distraction from enlightenment. I need to get this out of my system. I've tried prostitutes but they don't scratch the itch for me and there's no connection to them. What kind of connection do you want with a prostitute. Now, I'm not at a particular level and my stupid ego has to come on board with this and realize that it has to accept that I have dualities (which, BTW are illusions) to take care of. Using an illusion (the ego) to take care of another illusion (duality). If this isn't neurosis like we all have been succumbed to, then I don't know what is. All in the mind. All delusion, all erractic thinking, all identification, all attachment and all within the scope of appearances in the world of change and where nothing is real. All thought after thought after thought and the egoic mind is trying to do something about it's own delusion. Next week it'll be I have awakened to so and so or I'm giving up this or that or I seek no more or whatever. It's infinite; infinitely everything and anything can appear including this. I seem to appear as fallen into victimhood too, so it's not just you; I'm seeing my own delusions playing out by seeing myself through you because it's all the same thing and there's no separation.
  24. Oh yeah, lets see you go to work knowing you're God. Let's see you get jealous, angry frustrated, make money to eat etcetc. Why do you think some lose the motivation to go on after they've awakened to their true nature.
  25. We are all vulnerable. By the very fact you can die means you are vulnerable and have needs. If I had no needs at all I’d either be a fucking sociopath or would have completely awakened. Neither are the case. It’s like girl I like you. I don’t know why but you make me feel like jelly And just to clarify, by showing your needs and desires I do not mean fucking grovelling It’s just being honest in the end because the other choice is you suppress it out of sight which will ironically make you more unsure of yourself and awkward. Better to own it and if someone can’t appreciate that sensitivity then it’s often down to maturity @NoSelfSelf If having emotions means you’re weak then that’s a pretty screwed up perspective. This is exactly the kind of advice people do not need