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  1. I am not going to validate any ideas of suicide being good. Challenge yourself to accept the possibility you could be wrong. It could be the best decision you've ever made.
  2. @puporing What happens is that bullies get me outside this house. @Roy That is not a pro of suicide. I think that things cannot change and go in a better direction.
  3. You can get out of the family. If you're thinking of suicide you might as well put all your effort in getting out and see what happens.
  4. I did 2gs Phenibut everyday for 6 months and when I quit, the next month was torturous. The withdrawal killed my imagination completely, gave me extreme anxiety, I didn’t sleep at all for 5 days straight, made me constantly think about every single regret I have and every mistake I’ve made,I couldn’t stop thinking about suicide and it seemed inevitable that I would do it. I lost 15 pounds in a month (and I was already small!) because I couldn’t eat and would vomit everything I ate because I had such extreme anxiety. After the withdrawal I felt fucking reborn and new appreciation for my life because that constant anxiety wasn’t there anymore. DO NOT TAKE PHENIBUT DAILY! Even taking it for once a week I don’t sleep for 5 days straight afterwards. It feels fucking amazing but taking it everyday will fuck you HARD!!!
  5. The more I cry, the more I breakdown, nothing is ever going to actually work. I will end up feeling wasted, drained and another week of depression will set in. I've been preyed on horribly to the point that I don't trust humanity anymore. I'm wary of the online world. I trusted people and they betrayed me in the most unthinkable ways. I was on the verge of suicide and I was extremely lonely. Angry, sad and depressed. Those were my emotions. I felt like a whore who was prostituting herself day after day so that a Pimp would allow me to live. I sometimes just don't want this existence. Whatever emotional support I ever got, it always came at a huge price. It's unbelievable what I was put through
  6. Death is the ultimate fear that humans have. Death is no joke . I contemplated my Death before in a failed suicide attempt. I simply couldn't do it . The unknown will fuck you in the ass.
  7. I don't what to do right now with myself. I keep having problems with people and I'm going nowhere with trying to pick myself up mentally and emotionally and start taking control of my life and to simply even move out. I feel like such a failure. I'm around such toxic and such a toxic and environment which makes me feel so out of place with people because I don't interact well with anyone where I live (I live in San Francisco). I keep getting into arguments with people whenever I speak my mind. It can be about touchy subjects at times but whenever I try to act like myself, I can't do so without getting into problems with people everyday. I can't act like myself so I have to put on this mask because whatever I feel I need and want to say and act just doesn't fly with people here and just makes me even more of an outcast that people here don't want to deal with which leads me to having literally no social circle now. I don't know if it's something that's wrong with me or not now. Like, I don't see most people around me having this problem but I also don't see myself as being similar to the people around me and I can't literally see the mask they put on when they're going about their day and I just don't want to be like that. I'm 22 and I'm still living at home with my dad and little brother (who is going to be a junior in high school in less than a month and at this rate is probably going to move out before me). I'm trying to do personal development but I don't know what it is but I just feel something is so deeply wrong with me because I'm not getting any fucking results not matter how sick of my life I am and want things to get better and how I want to get better and turn things around and not be a victim anymore. I keep listening to @Leo Gura's videos because his voice is the only voice and what he has to say is the only thing I hear everyday that aligns with similar things that go on inside my mind and how I wish I could act every day and communicate. I work at some stupid pizza job where my managers will just decide to not even schedule for a whole week. I keep applying to even those low end fucking retail jobs and I keep getting rejected and I don't know why nor what I'm doing wrong. I just feel like such a failure and don't know if my mind alone will get me to get myself out of this hole I'm in that feels like is getting deeper and deeper. I just feel so deeply that I just don't want to be here anymore.
  8. The daughter of a famous TV host, Art Linkletter, died in the 1960s. She actually committed suicide but Linkletter blamed it on LSD. She jumped off a balcony. Linkletter was very influencial in vilifying and spreading false information about LSD. Linkletter (October 31%2C 1948,at the age of 20.
  9. In hope this post will reach more people, I am gonna tag some active and helpful members of the forum that may have some insight on this: @Leo Gura @Loreena @Martin123 @Shin @Joseph Maynor @Emerald @Visitor @ajasatya At this particular time, seeking advice is the only thing I can do until tomorrow. It's 3:00 A.M in the morning where I am right now and I think I just might have prevented a suicide attempt, even though I'm not sure about it. My father just fell asleep. Today my father was acting normally up until I noticed him drunk at about 10 P.M. That was odd, because he was not drinking with anyone. he was drinking alone (I think he finished a bottle of vodka by himself). At about 12 P.M. I heard a bang in the kitchen and the sound of a plate shattering. My dad fell on the floor and broke a plate. He was so drunk that he was not able to get up on his own. I got to terrified when I saw him on the floor. I was trying to help him and he was saying things like "Why don't you just let me die?" or "I can't take this anymore!". I instantly assessed the situation and switched to a positive mood to help him get out of that state. I tried to be loving, affirming and showing him that I am there for him. I helped him get up even though he did not want my help and he sat down on the chair. He was continuing with the grim train of thought, saying "Things are not as they should be", ambiguously saying "Dan, I just want to wish you success." or "If someone could just put a gun to my head." Keep in mind the fact that he was just fine a few hours ago and for the past few days. I started asking him what is the problem and he said there is no problem, that there are only idiots that need to kiss his ass etc. He was hardly able to put his dental prosthesis back into his mouth and even then he eventually pulled it out and put it on the table. It was a pretty disturbing scene to me. I tried to comfort him both physically and mentally and eventually he got up, went to the bathroom (sat there for almost an hour) and then crashed into the bed (in which he fell asleep almost instantaneously). After he fell asleep I could also see a bruise on his back from the fall. Why would he be depressed and suicidal? I have a few thoughts. He is unconscious to his self talk. His thoughts are driving him nuts. What thoughts? A recent conflict with his brother which I think destroyed their relationship. I'm not gonna go into details. The fact that he needs to go back to a foreign country in which he works in order to sustain his family. He has been there all alone in a big house for 6 years, except the 2 years in which he payed for all his brother's expenses to stay there with him (he admitted to me later that he did not want to be alone and that that was one of the reasons he did that, the other being to try to help his brother find a job). Other thoughts include life not being the way it "should" in his mind, not being good enough, not being there for us enough, not being too present in my childhood etc. Like I was saying, I think his mind and particularly his thoughts are driving him nuts and I can not seem to be able to help stop them. He is using alcohol to numb the pain but alcohol is also a depressant. He is a totally different person when he is drunk. All of his suffering surfaces in that state. My mother is in Spain at my sister's for vacation right now. She left yesterday. My father has to go back into the country in which he works in about a week from now. I am alone with my father until he leaves on the 28th, that is if he isn't actually suicidal (which I lightly doubt) and has any attempts of suicide in his mind. What do I do tomorrow after he wakes up? Do I call my mom and tell her about the incident? Where do I seek help? Do I seek help or do I just talk to him and find out what I can do to help? Does anyone have any experience with these types of cases? I was totally blindsided by this event. My father was acting normally just earlier today. I am really worried and I now feel like I need to act like a hawk around him and maybe look after him 24/7.
  10. Hey there, sorry for the late response, it was getting close to my bedtime and I decided to hit the hay. I noticed you had another comment and I was going to reply to it, but I see I did not get back in time. I don't do psychedelics very much, when I was younger I did - my advice is if you are actively going through something tough that they can be hit or miss. If you're getting uncomfortable trips, I would lay off of them until you're in a better space. Some people feel differently, they think it helps with trauma, but my opinion is that they're best used when in a stable environment. Or if not that, then with a person who is experienced that can guide you through your trip. Oh man, I know how that goes. Therapy is very costly, it's one of the reasons I have not gone in yet for my own treatment. I'd love to give you more helpful advice, but I don't know a whole lot about therapy so I can't really delve into that too much. I've heard great things about it, and not so great things. I think it will all come down to how you're feeling about the process. Give it some time and evaluate if it is helping you and if not, try something else, if so, stick with it. Do you do any journaling? "Shadow work" and things of this nature? One thing that helped me get through some of my issues - I still have more to work through, but this helped me spiritually and gave me insight into the nature of death - was to journal. I started offsite for quite a while and then moved to this website. What I like to do is delve into everything that might feel like a block. My self image, my ego, my delusions, just everything - and to do so from a place of no judgement. Just looking at it like you might inspect something surgically. And I write that down. I will then look at different viewpoints and write those down. Over time, this creates a chain of insight that will eventually lead me to the main "problem", which is usually, for me, fear of death/pain/suffering. If I am in the right headspace, I will go through those emotions fully on the spot and try to see what I can bring up from it. It will either be an awakening, insight, a paranormal experience or a resolution into something that was bothering me. Another thing that can help your depression/suicide is to collect images/poetry/artwork/music of things that you can "feel" God in. Even if you don't see God right away, your intuition knows - look at these things every day and offer gratitude for them. Meet God in the middle with love and gratitude and see what happens. I wish I could give you more to go off of, but these two things are my main staples and they have done me well. I hope you find some sense of peace. Please don't harm yourself. But also know that I KNOW for a fact that God is caring and loving and that these talks about there being this punishment for an already suffering soul is nonsense. Why would a loving, caring God harm someone's soul who is already hurting? They're innocent. Just in pain. That is victim blaming, that is a human trait put into the nature of God. There might be more to the anatomy of the death/birth process, but okay... let's put it this way - say a woman was raped as a child and it happened a lot. Then she gets pregnant. She lives in a country where rape is considered a sin no matter how it happens, and so is premarital sex. She has to marry this man. She gets married, has the child and he abuses her anyways. She finally kills herself. Why would God then harm this innocent soul, who was already in so much pain, just to teach it a "lesson"? No way. That soul would be showered in love and kindness and a healing energy and put back together again so that the person feels whole and safe and has the ability to express themselves completely. That is what a loving God would do. And every experience I have of God has always been this way. God heals, it doesn't harm things. When you find it, when you reach out, it's very illumination is a salve for the broken heart. That has not been my experience. I don't discredit your experiences, but I think you went to the top and didn't get to fully map out the entire anatomy of this thing. In my experience, which was going through sickness and death, I was given the miracle of some sense of understanding - and it was the most truthful thing I ever felt. No ego, nothing. There was the whole thing - which is God, but there were souls, also composed of God. It was still a singular thing, but each given the miracle of life from which to explore itself. The experience of souls was single handedly one of the most true things that I have ever encountered in this world, to such a degree I that I Know it on a very deep level, and have even experienced my own bubble. How the anatomy of this works, I don't know, I would need more experiences like this that are so true that they blow any doubt out of the water but for me these are rare and don't happen very often. Also, some really advanced material talks about the soul - like the Seth material and Sri Aurobindo's works. I had an awakening to the nature of the soul from reading Seth Speaks. I would keep your mind open that maybe you've just experienced the top portion to such a degree that the other aspects of the anatomy of reality have not made themselves visible to you. Just my 2c take or leave. Hi there! Sure, I must preface that my awakening is very incomplete, so I write from the truest place I am at, but there are a lot of holes in my understanding so I'll do my best to answer but it comes from the place of still, quite a neophyte on the matter. My understanding comes from facing it in my own way - and having it explained to me from the other side that this is just the nature of things. I don't quite understand why it has to be so hard for people. I don't agree with it, I wish it were easier for everyone. I see people suffering and relate to it on such a visceral level. I'll tell you what I was told, but I still have questions that I am seeking from this myself. I was told that this contrast is what allows us to know what we want. We are creators, that are limited while we are here. We often can't see the extent that we create things, it becomes more apparent when you are dying, during certain forms of psychological breaks, or on psychedelics and sometimes in dreams. We are obligated to face it, but this fear is often wrapped up in a package that looks scarier than it actually is. There's often a distortion in how a person is looking at things that gives it a monstrous façade. It can take some time and personal work to uncover why the fear looks a certain way. It can come in the form of something very frightening, only to end up being something very loving underneath all of that. What I was told, from my challenges is that - if you believe in souls - that certain souls are given a life path that opens them up to be elevated in some form. Sometimes this is a very easy process, and these people go only so deep into it, and into themselves. But there is a deeper process where life breaks you open, not only to show you what you want, what you crave, in order to bring this to you in some form, either in life or death, but also so that you know how wonderous it really is. When you are very low, very down, and then something or some moment comes in to elevate you - there's this sense of going full circle. You've gone down into the underworld, down into the pit of human psychology, and you get to take with you all the bits from the bottom to the top - instead of just being in the middle and going to the top. There is a very interconnected energy/nature within human suffering that binds us all together. All humans have suffered. It is a key into empathy, compassion and love for your fellow man, to see their experience and pain and to know how that feels. This almost breaking-point can broaden your scope of understanding to a very significant degree. I hope that makes some sense. As for the masculine and feminine qualities, I don't perceive it as more important, it just happens to be what comes up when I face my own death/destruction of the body. I don't really have any feeling on it as being above any other duality in any way. It feels like - that within myself, which is feminine, that just beyond that layer, there is the masculine that holds it. Like Shiva and Kali - Shiva is inert and lays on the ground, while Kali dances on top of him. They are ultimately one. When I let go of my ego, and just look into the void, my void, this mythology springs to live, and I can see this living phenomenon within it. It is like both a dark and illuminating quality to it. It seems to be just on the very outskirts of the layers of thought, culture, even mythology, of anything - just an intention, or an influence that flows in a certain way. Will, you could call it. And it just tells me things intuitively that I write down and follow, I don't really hold a strong attachment to it, it's all very loose. Like, if I wanted to, I could let it go, and just focus on the void, but then there it would be. It moves in the creation, maintenance, destruction pattern, and for the one that I work with, this is a destructive force, that ultimately creates new soil for different things to develop and grow. It is activated or mitigated by the collective actions that humanity takes. A natural force. But masculine. At the end of the day, I don't know why these polarities are more fundamental, or if they even are. I'm still poking holes in all of it to try to make some sense of it. There very well could be something even more fundamental that I am not aware of. It feels very much like how the energy is described, though, within Indian tradition. That you seek it from within, not from without, that it is the building block to consciousness, and that the feminine is what plays or moves on this. It feels like they are both one, but that one, or perhaps both, don't realize this until one becomes aware of it from within themself. It is almost like, the universe within you. There is the human consciousness, and then this other thing that is more primal and archaic and wise - and both sort of "mold" and play with each other from the other side. When it comes to nonbinary or trans, I don't know how this works. I think that because we carry both of these energies within us, that it isn't an issue of gender. You could be the feminine energy and be male, or the masculine and be female, it's just how the very basic layer manifests within you. Hope that helps somewhat. I am kind of limited in how to explain this, because I am so new to understanding it. It might take a few years for me to be able to understand and develop a better answer. If you are feeling a strong sense of suffering and fear, my advice is to take up the practice of memento mori. Look into the void, with as much clarity and space allowed for it to speak to you as you can, and see what comes up for you personally. It seems like much of this stuff is so personal to each individual that everyone kind of gets a different picture to work with to put together. But many times, the partition between life and death is so flimsy, that the reality of this is actually just right there, looking everyone in the eye but we don't always see it. Within this void, this death, is actually a universal life, an awareness. It's like a full-circle thing, where you see immortality within your own destruction, in some sense. Try going through it when you feel most afraid and seeing what comes up in your awareness. Everything and anything. Get really comfortable with your inner darkness, your inner light, and feel for what you really want, what you would fight for if you were at the end of the world. What would remain, if everything else sluffed off. These things are the puzzle pieces, and those are what to inspect - these things that we either run from or so desire deeply within ourselves are little breadcrumbs, keys, into our own divinity.
  11. There is no shortcut to heaven. The point of life isn't to discover that all you needed to do was to kill yourself. That's violent. The point of life is to play the game of life well. Play it wisely and lovingly. Life is about wise action, and suicide is not a wise action. There is an eternity of existence.
  12. All religions have an incentive to tell you that something horrible will happen if you kill yourself. Otherwise everyone would just commit suicide whenever things get tough, if they thought they could just take a shortcut to heaven. Until you're 100% certain though, I would operate on the assumption that this is the only 1 life you have, so it's probably worth living even if it sucks. You have infinity to not exist afterward. This sounds like a panic attack
  13. Idk why I said idk what that was all about. It was clear what that was all about: I needed to wake the hell up from my suicidal impulses. The other characters in the dream were shaking me violently and I woke up from that nap feeling on my actual skin as if I’d really been slapped (which *really* happened for anyone who understands that there’s no difference between right now and a nightly dream) Suicide is just one of my destinies. I know I can choose out of it even though sometimes it feels like a gravitational pull and I’m even overtaken by curiosity about experiencing first hand what happens (but like I said, the finality of the decision is really terrifying; and it does feel wrong and dirty to have so much anger towards my own self. Suicide is just wrong, period. It’s mechanical and driven by anger. It’s just very twisty)
  14. Don't ever consider committing suicide. For suicide is not the easy way out. The consequences of such an action will be severe; it will cause a karmic mess, which you will need to resolve. Therefore, you cannot avoid life. Life is like one of those movies where the characters have to play a game, and the only way to stop the game is to play it until the end; you have to complete the game of life. When you kill yourself, you get another womb. And then life will tell you: "Choose again." It's better to make the right choice in this lifetime. In this lifetime, you have a tremendous advantage; it's a great opportunity.
  15. It’s a good question you raise… if everything is gods will, then people who commit suicide are too. Suicide feels wrong to me that’s why “I” wouldn’t do it but I’m curious as to what will happen if there was no longer a feeling of being in a body. It’s said that it’ll be this and that after death but I haven’t had the consciousness to be certain of it yet. Way too many concepts
  16. No... if you listen closely, especially if you are suicidal, the Gods will do everything in their power to come to you to help you in your time of need. They love their creations very much and do not want anything to harm them. There is no hell, other than the experiences that we have here on earth that offer a sense of contrast. We need this contrast to grow and to feel. What comes after death is unification with love, with the divine, in some form. When I had my awakening experiences, I felt everyone connected to the Source energy. Absolutely everyone who ever was or will be, all singing in unison. Animal, plant, human. Good, evil. All with purpose and reason. The universe takes into account suicide in its plan. Absolutely. If you take your life, it was already planned. There are some circumstances where the soul might do something unexpected, but this is very, very rare. And this is what fuels the evolution of consciousness forward. When I experienced the universe, it was very much like the visuals of this song - all things in their proper place. The web of life, the feedback loops that govern us. I have a strong faith that those who have harmed themselves move on to a place for healing. Not harm. God does not do this to its creations. It does beg the question into why these mythologies are so prevalent. I don't know why that is. I can only speak from my own experience, and this tells me that all things will return to two forms - masculine and feminine - and then once these two collide, they will be One - and then the process will start over again in some manner. What that is, I don't know that either. Here is the song God spoke to me through:
  17. Yes. Ibuprofen kills your stomach lining and paracetamol poisons the liver and gives your child adhd if you take it during pregnancy. I'm not an expert on this but I do remember this anecdote from a friend who sees a lot of suicidal patients: When a patient is brought into the ER with an overdose of pills (from a suicide attempt, under the influence or not), the question is always: Did they take a bunch of psychiatric medications, like sleeping pills or antidepressants? If that's all they took, they can pump the stomach, give IV fluids and have good hopes of the patient waking up. Or did they swallow a pack of OTC cough medicine, or pain relievers that have paracetamol in them? Well, fuck, then they're dead.
  18. I really liked last of us 1, angry joe's and the critical drinkers review really put into words well what I agree what's wrong with the game if you wanna check those videos out. There's a lot to say about it, but basically, I just found it very very boring, slow, and pointless, wishy washy, and the ending was unsatisfying and depressing and left me without caring or hoping for anything more from the next story or game. like it took ellie murdering hundreds of people, who had nothing to do with the problem, to get revenge on the 1 person, she set out on 2 basically suicide missions to hunt her down and find her, and in the end when she finally has her, she lets her go, and thats somehow supposed to be beautiful and symbolic how she finally leanred her lesson the getting revenge is bad? Yet she brutally murdered everyone in her way of this one person who didnt deserve to die, yeah i just dont see the beauty in it, at least the execution, the ideas were interesting, the perspective flip and all that, kinda cool, but i think the execution coulda been better, the writing, less convenient encounters that push the plot along in a way that seems too lucky and convenient, less of that and I would have probably liked it more, but hard to say
  19. Have a look at the linked video. What this tells me is that Chester's inability to accept the present moment drove him to willingly take his life. I assume that nobody really mentioned high consciousness practice to him and most shrinks prescribed him mind numbing meds instead . What are your thoughts guys?
  20. I've begun to notice a pretty strong fear of sucide in my life. I wouldn't even consider myself sucidal; I never contemplate suicide or anything. Recently I've been suffering from minor depression for the first time in my life, and, while I continue my spiritual path, it's almost like I fear letting go so much that it will eventually lead me to path which ends in my suicide. I also noice I project this fear onto others quite often, imagining that they're hanging on by a thread and I need to watch my behavior around them so I don't push them over the edge. Any thoughts/tips? Anyone experience this before? Thanks for the feedback! I've been meditating for about a year.
  21. The torture and execution methods of the past are a good reason not to commit suicide. You might get reborn and experience the brazen bull. Enjoy the 21st century, folks.
  22. I want to share this article with you. Partly just as food for thought partly to make you aware of the fact, that (from a dualistic pov) meditation and non duality work can have potentially dangerous side effects: Leo did talk about some meditation side effects in his Dark Side of Meditation Video but I think, that there is a general lack of information about this topic. Feel free to share your own stories.
  23. I don't want to be here. I don't want to deal with any of this. I'm tired of existing. I don't want to feel any more pain. Gunshot to the head seems like a easy fix. Sucks to feel this way. But I don't see any other choice. I don't want to go though the stuggle of rebuilding my shitty life. I'm just done. I want to not be "me". I want to simply have peace... And I don't want to wait 10 years or whatever meditating to try to get there. Fuck
  24. @Hello from Russia ha ha Except the only my way out is to become extremely valuable or suicide.
  25. The day I discover that I'm all alone ..I will definitely quit the forum. Quit society. Either go live by myself in a cave blessing out on nothing. Or I'm gonna suicide myself. There is no point talking to "others " if you truly believe there are no others.