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  1. Not Infinity of Gods? You should just read SES so you actually know it, but it's around 600 pages long and 800 including the notes section. Like Blue and Red, with the lower and higher extremes of each being bluer or redder purple, as I say. But for specificity, Yellow becomes obsolete when the frailty of the system is seen through in addition to going beyond faults of over-reliance on understanding the system itself and ignorance of the realms where focusing on the Nothingness and Everythingness is the soul both above and within the system, so after these transcendences, one has to attain realms totally outside the system. Moving away from even the system itself, at least temporarily to explore the new realms before integrating both into a greater essence, is then a priority. (Leo is) Ken's average Turquoise. But bordering on Yellow. Yet still some Indigo with Violet intuitions, as perverted by stability in a regular Turquoise base and with a strong foundation in Yellow systems ideas. Most people's developments are asymmetrical to a good degree, although centers of gravity still exist, his being a solid Turquoise/Yellow. Transpersonal: beyond personal, Nothingness, Everythingness, divinity, mystical states. Prepersonal: before personal, animals, plants, rocks, etc. Personal: standard human based in an ego and other objective traits of personhood, has evolved out of the prepersonal structurally but has not gone outside of the system into what is beyond the limits of the human mind/body. So no, not just Fe. Nope, not Orange with Blue shadow or overly amplified Blue. I was too Green and anti-capitalistic at one point for me to be Orange now. You just happen to be Green and see anything your critiquing without the limits of Green as inherently beneath you, which is logically a failure. No, the lower people interpret them literally. The higher people interpret them how they actually exist. What should we rely on to comprehend the belief systems of primitive peoples, if not those peoples? The "original being" of the tribe? How do we contact this original being? And the materially advanced civilizations suffer from the same belief issues as the primitives, if we abstain from identifying them with primitives entirely. The accuracy/completeness of the primitive models is unacceptable. Being inspired by mystical prose to test spiritual virility in medieval combat is still nested in a society developmentally inferior to ours, however romantically profound and stimulating it might suggest itself as. Is that so? You hate modernity, and that's why you uphold pre-modernity, simultaneously despite and because of your postmodernity. Of course. Also, Keyholde/Loba called me "blue boy" and revealed her whole criticism of my character was centered around teenage girl sociology. ?‍??‍??‍??‍?
  2. Because it's not a thing like you think it is........ I don't like the usual Advaita thing, their proof awareness is there in comas or deep sleep is that you come out like "oh man I slept really well!" That's BS... That's just sensations of your body feeling refreshed lol. I have ceased to be a few times on DMT (blackout). And I did regain awareness with a sense of ecstasy that I don't usually get. But I wouldn't count on that as proof I must have experienced that blankness. I think the Buddhist view makes more sense, has more explanatory power, etc. I wrote out my first hand trip experience where I found that I was nothing... People don't enjoy thinking about nothingness because it doesn't make sense unless you experience this. The semantical reasons for no-thing etc, or "is-ness". Confusing for Westerners. Because it's both something and nothing you have to call it no-thing? Not worth it. Just say nothing. Easy to explain.
  3. I'm not being poetic. I'm saying that I notice when there's silence. Don't you? Saying that consciousness in nothingness is like saying that space is the absence of matter. You're saying: "if you remove every matter from space then nothing remains, therefore space is nothing". Don't you see the flaw in this logic?
  4. When you close your eyes you see black, this is not nothingness. Black is another limited appearance, as people born blind will tell you (they see what you see through your elbows). Remove the black. Don't be poetic just keep imagining removing things, and see what is left when you remove the very final thing. Which yes includes blackness.
  5. Consciousness is left. When I close my eyes, I'm aware that I can't see anything. When there is silence, I'm aware of the silence. And so on. When everything disappears, I'm aware of the nothingness. Are you saying that you only hear the noise and you don't even notice the silence? Noticing is consciousness.
  6. Wait though, what do you mean by "this consciousness", because you've been talking about your character. Your character will go where thoughts go once you stop thinking of them. Otherwise if you mostly understand, you need to find that "consciousness" = nothing. We aren't talking the verb, we're getting down to substance. We just know it as "consciousness", it is literally nothing. You get that nothingness would be impossible to create or destroy?
  7. I agree. And furthermore..when you consider the alternative to existence, which is nothingness. Although we can abstractly conceive of nothingness, it is impossible to have a nothing, it is impossible to create a nothing, and there is no such thing as pure emptiness or nothingness. Nothing does not exist, and it cannot exist, because if it existed then it would not be a nothing anymore it would be a something. In other words, reality exists because the alternative, nothingness, is impossible. The notion that reality was somehow created out of nothing is an inherently human idea. The fact that reality exists indicates that it has always existed and it must always exist in one form or another, stretching or collapsing infinitely through time in all directions. If something exists, that something must have always existed, because it is impossible to turn a something into a nothing; where would you put your something when you created your nothing?
  8. Nothing = without limit. Pure creation itself. No limitation makes nothingness unstable... Because there is no limit or finitude to it, there is no boundary that traps it as being nothing and not something. Things are the opposite, things have limit and borders. Even infinite sets are sets of one type of thing and not another. When a limit ends, it ceases to exist, it becomes nothing, which is everything.
  9. Well the thing is, I know that I am nothingness. This isn't a theory or speculation or delusion. That is what I fundamentally am. I'm a skeptic type of person, I do not believe in magick and bullshit, but this I know...... And there seems to be implications of that. How could nothingness end? Even begin? Ever be created or destroyed? It seems untouchable. I would need further logical proof confirming that, but it really does seem to me that thingness = finity, nothingness = non-finity, eternity, and so on.
  10. That's the thing. You cannot not be. You have to Imagine that Nothingness or Not-Being, to be it. I have to be okay with it. Because that is already what "I" am, and that includes you. We are already Nothing, Something and Everything. We just define ourselves in a specific way and think we are separate from our Truest Nature. Which is all of them at the same "time".
  11. Every single moment we die and come to life. Literally our physical body dies and regenerates itself. Where does that regeneration force come from? Where is that essence located at? And if small separate selves make a larger whole, then surely what we experience has something greater behind it, in the background of our being. When a cell in our body dies, do we die? Same thing with our body, and the larger whole. When our body dies, we become conscious that we are something bigger. Just like if we were to be identified with a cell in our body, and when that cell would die, we would realize that we still exist. If there is a choice to still experience and enjoy things as a cell (body) it regenerates. Just like my heart stopped and "I" came back. Is a bigger equivalent of a cell dying and a new being reborn. The sense of identity is what causes the illusion and the experience. You and me can sit and become so conscious together, that I become you and you become me. Does that mean that both of us died? No, it's just that we realized we are already one and we switched POV. Or we adopted each other's identity. And as they say: As above, so below. Our truest nature is Nothingness, Something-ness and Everything-ness, at the same time. Or shall we say at the same Now. At the same Point. That Still-Point where Nothingness, Something-ness and Everythingness meets, is what God is. The three faces/phases of God. Emptiness Dancing.
  12. Yes. But something else we have to include here is. Why did I come back after my heart stopped? Nothingness and Unconsciousness happens within Consciousness. And Consciousness happens within Nothingness. For me to Imagine that "I" was gone, I have to be Conscious that "I" was gone. For there to be a thing called "gone", I have to be. So with this, we can come to the conclusion that Life and Death are both Imaginary. At the edge of the Infinity DMT trip where I was being strangulated: Imagination and Reality were both merging in to one thing. What was real became Imaginary and what was Imaginary became Real. I became conscious that whoever is talking about awakening had no freaking clue what they were talking about. True Awakening begins when we wake up for the strong Illusion of Life and Death. You/we "die" and then we choose another point of view or a new view of what Is/was and will be. Which is all in the Now. Death happens to the character and what God imagines what the character is going through. But there are points and stages where you become so Dissociated/Disillusioned from life as we know it, that you stop imagining life as a human/animal and become something greater. You become Everything that Is.
  13. I did many high dose psychedelic combinations. But this time I took perhaps one hit of DMT while I had been doing a little exercise. I had in-ear noise cancelling earphones in, with meditative flute music. Stereotypical zen stuff. And while sober I tried to "locate" the area in space where the sound was happening... I found that I was able to shift its location around by imagining the source to be in different areas. E.g. I could make it seem the sound was playing in front of my head, on top of my head, or at the back of my neck. I could shift it around like that, but never find the actual location of it. As I did this sober, I took only a small hit of DMT with my eyes still closed. The music was still playing. Some of the typical patterns emerged, a jester fellow pointed at me and this is when it started. When it pointed into the foreground at "me", it forced me to stop focusing on what is out there such as the jester, and feel myself here. The space in which the music was happening became sizeless. There was no location where it was happening. It was just happening... Various images and thoughts unfolded, but all of them unfolded before me. Like the jester which pointed into the foreground and made me recognize myself here, that anchor remained. It was like being on a park bench watching things happen in front of me. There was nothing at me or behind me. Every appearance was unfolding to me. And I WAS nothingness. The thingness was the objects and thoughts and sound and everything else. If it was a thing, it was observed by me. I was just purely nothing. I had no quality or dimension. Qualities and dimensions were all appearances before me. I remained rooted firmly and completely in the foreground. The me the jester had pointed to. It subsided at some point. But that is when I found myself and found that what I am is nothing. Void. Perhaps someone with good visualisation skills could recreate this sober, you just need a character to point into the foreground of your mind at you......
  14. God doesn't exist. There is nothingness, which is as you would expect, without limit, beginning, end, etc. It can't be created and it can't be destroyed, because it is nothing... Within it, there is limit, a consequence of its very own unlimited nature (meaning infinite potential, etc, as it naturally follows for several reasons), and this limit appears in the shape of forms. Your hand is one of those. So am I. So is Leo. So are you. So is your emotion. So is your thought. So is the wall. So is your phone. ANY THING is a limited finite appearance taking place within it. Some "things" (important to note) are not perceived and hence never appear as form. As an example, I don't think anything perceives subatomic particles in a qualitative way. These are still things, manifestations of nothing. This is important because many people think nonduality means that when you can't perceive something it doesn't exist, which is false. Like if you put a kettle on boil and leave the room it would never boil. These are misconceptions. It's about what things ARE in substance. The apparent thing ("consciousness") with which you observe everything is not a thing, but actual nothingness. Literal, pure, sheer, nothing. If you remove all objects of "your" awareness (for ease of understanding I phrase it that way), you the character cease to be. Your hand is not God. Your hand is a form out of nothingness. It is made of nothing (substances do not exist). Pure nothingness = creation itself. It can't help but create within itself because it is without limit. It has no choice: Wanting to create or not is itself an appearance (thought, desire) made of nothing and hence already a manifestation of it.
  15. Also... Characters don't have experience, awareness has experience. You are not a character experiencing awareness and the world around you. You are awareness experiencing a limited character... This character is finite... The question of why you are limited to this body and not another, is a character-level question. The character is asking this question, not the sheer nothingness which you know yourself to be when you say you are conscious. That is why I said, for the limitation to vanish, the finite character would cease to exist. All form is by necessity LIMITED and FINITE. And then when you cease to exist you "become" all of infinity, even though you ALREADY ARE like the screen behind a movie... But from character-level this explanation is I think the best... Watch the current thought in your head (one of the finite elements which make up your "character") disappear. The thought became nothingness, it became infinity. You are nothingness. Awareness is nothingness. The thought was finite and yet it appeared in the nothingness which is whole and complete. When the thought lost its limitation (the limit which allowed it to appear as a particular thought to begin with), it became nothing again. Which is what is observing your finite character. That is what happens when limitation vanishes. The thought or character does too. They return to the sheer awareness (= nothingness, that without finitude) that you are.
  16. It happens to me with 5meo that sometimes liberation is natural, easy, spontaneous, wonderful, and other times it is impossible. when it's impossible, be careful. experience would define it as the entire reality is transformed into a negation. there is a steel door that is: NO. if this happens, your whole being, your body, your mind, contracts. I get up and start walking and I want this horror to stop, but it doesn't stop, my hands and feet hurt hard, as if something wanted to get out and couldn't. My fingers get stiff, and it gives me the feeling that my heart can stop. this shit happened to me recently with malt but it has also happened with dmt. I have a way to know if this is going to happen or not: by vaping 3 mg. I notice perfectly if my being says yes or no. if yes i can vape after more and it explodes. glory. if careful. I leave the matter for another day. the problem is if you sniff or plug. you can't test, and it endures much more. with malt it was snorted and when my mind was about to break, something held me back. a relationship that he should cut immediately and that i didn't. I had to end that relationship right now. there was nothing else. ufff spend two hours of nightmare. my whole being contracted into a point. 5 meo's explosion turned into a black hole, luckily the dose wasn't high, or I don't know what would have happened. the next day I did it again, because of losing my fear, but vaping dmt, and nothingness, infinity, me. my arms and legs vibrated as if with electric current releasing the energy from the previous day, and I let it go completely. summary: watch out for this. this substance turns on and off the faucet of Kundalini type energies which are a very serious matter. Do this in moments of opening, do not drink alcohol the days before, do not have sex, do not do it if you are in the middle of a conflict, start with low doses
  17. God, consciousness, existence. Synonym: Nothingness. Why and how would nothingness be lonely? Lonely is a sensation or thought, which is limited, which is why it isn't nothing (anything without limit is nothing). God isn't real. It's nothingness. You are nothingness. Everything is. Lol.
  18. Since no one picked up on this I’ll share my thoughts. In context, earlier in this book Nietzsche has called into question the very possibility of simply caring about the truth for the truth’s sake. Nietzsche is thus forced to consider the “objective man” because he could be used as an example of this pure pursuit of truth (when in fact he is exactly the opposite). There is a funny way in which modern science represents a sort of inverted ascesis. Plato and Pythagoras, for example, showed how mathematics could be used as a discipline to overcome attachment to the animal body and the ego. Today, however, it is not an ascesis towards transcendence but towards nothingness, mere abstraction and “depersonalisation”. You do also notice how often miserable people say they are just “facing the cold hard facts” of reality. Yes, he is a passive creature fit only to serve those with real vision. Of course, society needs such people, but today we have a mass infestation of them (and they have eaten their way up the walls!) Here and for most of the rest of the passage you have quoted, Nietzsche just seems to be poking fun at the aridity and mediocrity of modern academic types. I agree with him but so what? They are just doing what they can. I doubt Leo would want to waste his time wading through this rather contrived and occasionally petty passage. I’m not sure what this has to do with the conflict between awakening and being a philosopher. After all, philosophy is the “love of wisdom” and God is ultimate wisdom. There is only a conflict because modern philosophy is rootless and profane. The duality that has been set up today between the “objectivity” fit for cosmopolitan insects that Nietzsche describes above and the new cult of subjective identity (and individual self-expression) is a completely false one which you will of course have to transcend if you want to awaken.
  19. Hypnotherapy doesn't work on me, meditating does literally nothing at all. I have bad genes for being in touch with anything like this... However I definitely broke through enough times thanks to DMT (of course) to have a rather large amount of insight. I know that I am nothingness. I know that nothingness is exactly what all people essentially are. I know this, I experienced this many times. I of course had the out of body experience (which is not the NDE type, but rather the illusion of awareness having form and location disappearing). I know other people are nothing but images. I know when I look in a mirror, my body just like that, is also nothing but an image. I completely grasp this, understand that... Of course nothingness can't be created or destroyed. Of course my entire life is an appearance happening in that, and that is what has the apparent beginning and end. When I am walking with a friend, or perhaps family, I know that if something peers through their eyes it has to be nothingness doing so. I do not understand quite why I do not then have a sort of "PS1 game" split screen type view where their sights are available to me if you see what I mean? As nothingness is also what I am, and nothingness cannot itself be finite. In fact it is the only possinle infinite thing. I only need very small pointers towards how this "others" thing works, as I already fully grasp much of it due to drugs (yay). But there is not any consistent pointers or teachings on this one single matter. It's very inconsistent. Has someone had genuine insight into this matter for real? Not just books or videos, or weird visions of Jesus proclaiming it to be a certain way, but something with the same self evident certainty as emptiness etc? I'm not doing drugs again, my genes are shit for achieving these states, I just need some tiny pointer........
  20. Sounds like you have invited Nothingness in to your life. Welcome her in and let her wash it all away. ????
  21. For those who are not familiar with the Dall-e 2 project, it's an AI system that creates Art based on a description in natural language , Just for an example "a bowl of soup that is a portal to another dimension as digital art" will generate you this picture: link: I wasn't able to get the full version of the Dall-e 2 (don't think its available for the public) however, there is a demo called DALL·E mini : It isn't as impressive as the main version, but it can still be interesting to do some experiments on it: I tried to use words such as nonduality, consciousness, love, truth, nothingness, oneness, reality, unity, no self, nihilism, illusion, strange loop, paradox etc. (If you try to write "God" it will show you pictures of Jesus lol) and I got some very beautiful results: You can also share your results here if you want
  22. Why exactly is the past and the future Imaginary? I just had a deep sense and realization of the fact that that what I experienced in the past is Imaginary. Because I imagined it first, and then got to experience/live it in the Now. I have been putting off listening to Leo's Deconstructing Myth Of Science videos for a while now. And while watching part 3, I came to the realization that I Imagined watching that video before. And now I'm getting to live/experience/listen to it "live". But I of course realized that all that is happening in one Instant, in the Now. There was no "past" me Imagining it, there is no future me deciding to watch it: It's all happening in the NOW. But my mind has (past tense) been so focused on linear progression and been programmed with a certain way of looking at Reality. Even the Imagining of the mind being focused (past tense) on linear progression and programmed (past tense) is looking at the situation in a linear fashion that is heavily time oriented. That itself is the fabric of its limitations and expansions/liberation happening in the Now. But as the finite separate pieces of itself. it can choose to look at the situation in one way or the other. And its experience will be exactly mirrored on to itself, by its way of looking at it. And once it has looked from both angles, it can choose to look at it as a whole single happening. Then, what is Now is what Is, has been, will ever be, and at the same time wouldn't have ever happened. It's just a perfect loop of Nothingness appearing as Something-ness and then looping back in on itself. Your/our reality is just a construction and deconstruction that is happening at the same time. But we separate the happenings in to linear moments and separated objects that we watch the entirety of the play from. And that play itself Is just what God is. The ability to create yourself, experience yourself, and to destroy yourself. Like an artist which uses one hand to draw something beautiful, and use the other hand to erase what it is creating. At the same time, but then the animation is live, because it is constantly moving, changing, evolving and morphing. Everything I ever experienced and will experience, is pages of a flip book animation. And of course, even beyond that, being the creator of the flip book, is then watched by another me, watching me, drawing the flip book animation of me watching a flip book animation. I'm sure you are getting where this is going. Or shall I say: I'm (you the reader) sure I'm getting where this is going.
  23. I've been considering this a lot. I'm now relatively far removed from the direct experiences, with rare flashbacks or insights. But I consider this... You can't possibly have infinity plus other. Now, ALL forms, all experiences, are finite. Proveable, easy. These finite things cannot be outside of infinity (as said: infinity AND x is impossible). So I think it is evident that infinity divides within itself. This is how things can even appear. If it didn't do this, things would never appear. Every single experience is finite. You can definitively find that you are nothingness. We feel that is infinite of course, because we can certainly find that what we are is not limited in any time or space. But it can't be the entirety of infinity within this experience, because there are finite appearances happening. SO, it might be more that these appearances are a division, and when the forms and experiences vanish, the illusion of separation is gone. But then of course there is not you there anymore... Rupert Spira said similar about a house that was built. The air inside the house and outside, it's the same air. But the construction of the house makes an appearance of there being an inside air and outside air. When the house is demolished, the apparent limitation is gone....... I think that is right.
  24. This ultimate nonduality is the untarnishable unity of the world as Brahman and Brahman as transcendent to the world, but you're claim of a Brahman (completely)/abstractedly transcendent to the world where there is no world due to the world as creation being anterior is not something we can ever access, because we in our current and future states are tied to "the world" of form. Since the world cannot be prior or anterior to anything, since any time necessitates the world, the world is eternally itself without having been created except through self-existence. That means all we have access to are mystical states of God unrealized becoming realized, the Infinity, the Nothingness, the Everything, that rests within every objective or subjective aspect of reality. It is a truth that we are progressing. Your "criticism" of that truth misunderstands it. The model does not worship matter or vitality; it recognizes them as lower holons. "They are more fundamental but less significant." Ultimately, everything is nondual as per the law of Spirit, but the logic, the procession, of reality follows a holarchical pattern of raw, dead, inconscient matter forming into more complex vitality, primitive life that is built into more complex life, until finally there is the yet more complex noospheric mind. This is matter to life to mind to soul to nondual realization of Spirit. Or, in terms of Vernadsky or Teilhard de Chardin, the physiospheric components making up the biosphere, which arises the noosphere, which itself is transcended and included in the greater and more complex patterns that are emerging. This is a truth that is ineluctable. No appeal to the authority of Eastern mystics falsely prophesizing about a cyclical decay can stop this; there are no cycles, and history does not truly repeat itself because everything is novel. It is obvious that once life arose, there was no going back. The same applies to the mind, and to what comes after. And the idea this is not leading to something specifically more complex and truer is preposterousness and an idiocy that stains the mind. There were Western mystics like Plotinus which could just as easily serve as an authority like the Eastern "seers" of back in history, but authority says nothing on this except that which can be proven by self-revealing truth. There is no decay; that simply is not the pattern here. Any "chaos" you see is temporary, or even something so complex it does not appear to be order. Nietzsche's strength was tearing down Christianity and placing the concept of an Overhuman in its place, but this is not good enough; it does not realize a truth or the Truth. It is untenable because it lacks basis in reality. As "ideals" of progress, North America is Spiral Dynamics "Orange" whereas India, as beautiful and mystically exploring as it is/was, was "Purple". We have more access to further progressed patterns and may observe them; they could not. The same way our systems can only intimate or warn about or dream about what's to come beyond us through thought and feeling and intelligence. That's because by the Wilberian terminology, people that worship matter are Descenders, whereas ascetics than only worship disincarnated Spirit are Ascenders. Those that integrate both are superior, in truth.
  25. I am aware that many traditions teach the ultimate non-duality of God and the world. I never denied this. I agree with everything you have said so far (except that Brahman also isn't the world, and Nirguna Brahman is totally beyond all manifestation. Like Buddha said, "Gone, gone beyond, gone beyond beyond, Hallelujah!" You know, maybe Ken Wilber could add something to that. ). This is where I find these models to be extremely blasphemous (and I do not mean against any specific religion but against God). What is this based on? Teilhard de Chardin? A Jesuit Darwinian vitalist? You yourself say that "worship of matter is for the lower holons". Darwinian vitalism is surely that. This is what I mean. All these modern Western "thinkers" are just arrogant goofs. That's why I like Nietzsche, at least he thought his arrogance through to madness! It has nothing to do with "ignorance" and blind faith toward ancient culture. I have already attempted to make clear that faith and devotion were already signs of decadence. I do not cling to any tradition: as the Muslim tradition tells us, "everything will perish save his Face". As the Buddhist tradition tells us, "everything is burning". And like a Buddhist said: "When you meet Ken Wilber on the road, kill him"! I never said it wasn't leading anywhere. No religion ever said that it wasn't leading anywhere. It is leading towards the total unfoldment of God which is an eternal process, and it is leading everything that is created back to God. Ancient culture tells us that this enfoldment takes place over an infinite number of cycles of time, each of which arises out of God (where else could it arise from?) and eventually perishes into nothingness. It is not that God is totally abstract from creation. It includes all of creation but is simultaneously beyond it, in the same way that the category "man" includes all men but is beyond all of them. I don't understand why you believe that it could not be returned to except by an infinite evolution. In that case, no one could ever have achieved total union with God. I understand that to the modern mind it is untenable. This is because the modern mind has been moulded by the ideologies that have motivated the revolutionary upheavals of recent centuries. Some countries, like modern America, didn’t even exist before these upheavals. Like the playwright Israel Zangwill wrote: “Ah, Vera, what is the glory of Rome and Jerusalem where all nations and races come to worship and look back, compared with the glory of America, where all races and nations come to labour and look forward!” America is a utopian project in its very foundation: this, it seems to me, is why Americans are particularly attached to the idea of progress; an idea which seems to have no real justification other than a bubbly optimistic euphoria. Of course it is not just America, similar things could be said for the political apparatus of other modern European nations and anywhere else that has subscribed to the new gospel of the Future, Humanism, Democracy and Progress. Six face palms, I must have hit a nerve! Well that’s sort of my point, do you deny that people worship matter today? Have you never spoken to a modern scientist?