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  1. @Inliytened1 What? Ofc not. I am nothing, Literally. I do not get phenomenon how from this nothingness arises everything. Awakening is a process when you can find that "space" a "silent observer", yes. I found it many years ago. Is it enlightenment, ofc not.
  2. I would say that time and space is a mental construct, yes, quality of consciousness to reflect upon itself. Who are you calling "we"? Isn't nothingness serves as a "ground" for everything?
  3. @Galyna We think that it created us because we can impose our pure empty awareness into memories of our past, this is the reason we identify with who we were in our representation of the past in memory. The idea that we were created prior to our presence (now) is not made merely out of the parts which comprises this idea at presence, if that composition of elements were enough then we could push ourself back to some initial condition out of which we were created, to return at will at any moment. That these elements are not enough to create us does not mean they were not essential for us to be created, we are retrospectively analyzing the idea of our house, our family, our friends, (the empirical condition for these things, touch, smell, sight) our sensibility of shape, space etc. In doing this we see subsistent and essential elements of our existence, without these we would not be at this place we are now with these extremely peculiar characteristics, it feels like we are precisely were we are supposed to be because its disjunction or alternative to being where we are is synthetic or additive by means of it. This creation does not imply time, instead time is essential to the idea of the creation, the implication goes the other way around. Time is necessarily implicated in consciousness, as is space. I am not saying that we are in any way seeing how we were created, but we are analyzing its ingredients. We are capable of saying what our creation must necessarily have, without saying how it is done. I do not think it makes sense to conclude regarding how we are created for the same reason we do not know what it is like (or what it means) to be independent of us, such as materialists considers a stone to be independent of us or theists considers god to be independent of us. I do not think there has been an absolute creation if you were asking that, for I consider nothingness to be impossible (this I actually know) and emptiness to be a mutual contingency to whatever fills it.
  4. A meta-contrast theory of reality Once you die, you'll be in a state of non-existence where there is no time, and neither is there the experience of a black screen. Since being a black-screen is still a conscious experience. In the total absence of experience "what would happen next?". I would suppose that in that total stasis, the only contrast to that nothingness would be experience again, maybe as another fleeting blip or as another type of existence . When in non-existence, we could say there are two possibilities. Either non-existence just "remains", or a contrast from non-existence will happen. If we suppose that there exists a situation where the contrast "doesn't happen" (I.e. death is final), that's not a situation at all or experience at all. Therefore the only thing that can happen is a contrast, and something will happen. Which would imply that after your death, you would end up dreaming something else as a contrast. We can reduce the question of what happens "after" your death to the question of whether a contrast will happen or not. But since the situation of non-contrast isn't a situation at all, I'm suggesting that the only thing which can happen is contrast. -- "The Big Bang" can similarly be thought of as a contrast to nothingness that happened (as "contrast" is the only possible situation) We could make a meta-contrast theory of reality. By this theory, there exist an arbitrarily infinite number of (contrasts to nothingness)/universes. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: No distinction or postulation is made about the nature of the contrasts, that they are following some law or sense, or that they are contained in any way. In a sense, this is absolute infinity. The most mathematically unconstrained infinity you can think of is represented by "arbitrariness". Arbitrariness is the key feature here. Whether the "The Big Bang", as a physical event that physicists are postulating as the start of our universe, is true or not, is besides the point. The Big Bang is merely a cosmological story of creation we have, and this theory of contrasts includes that. Another thing to note is that the question of "how is there something rather than nothing" is answered by an argument which is saying "it's the only thing which is possible". By saying a contrast is the only thing which can happen, since non-contrast isn't a thing which can happen, etc etc -- Despite the argument given, I still have no reason to think non-existence or nothingness isn't possible. Even if there is a something going on here right now, it is completely valid to say there is a nothing going on in the background here. If you say there isn't a nothing going on the background here, you'd have to posit some quality about nothingness which isn't present. But nothingness is the exact thing and term for a thing which has no quality which can be negated
  5. Notice, it has been the case all your life, you have not noticed this, what has changed, really? You came to a realization. That is a hard core, some people said they needed to learn again how to walk after non-dual experience. Yep, I do realize this quite often too. When I feel this way, next realization is : "no worries, there is no "I" either. You are no more real as he is. Pure imagination of the mind.. Yup, been there too, but if you remove "I", can void/nothingness be really alone this is the bitter pill to swallow for me too, ego hates it because it has been dreaming about soul mate and here we go: there is no other.... Love does! Mind talks....who has to die, nothingness? How? It seems like you still believe in the control if you resist to what is in the moment. But yeah, good will soak in eventually. Just keep watching the movie on the screen, the flow will take your body where it should be. You are not a hero, as you have discovered, keep watching....
  6. You somehow realize that beliefs are always though in various ways empty, that they are a minimal effort of survival. That pretty much nothing is the way it seems, and ultimately in no particular way at all, therefore. That equations are equivocations, and that substance/attribute theory is the closest you get to a consistent meta-model of mind, that instead of adding things together you subtract things from necessary unity, such that instead of saying 0.5+0.5=1 you end up only saying that without a whole there are no halves, and that everything of consciousness (say a duck) is thereby a fraction of it, and that without the duck there would non the less be something whole. To say that the duck is an accident of what it inheres in, or to which it is subsistent. You also realize that thoughts subsist, even though they are synthetic and pure imagination. Synthetic subsistence implies consciousness as an absolute, and so to what you are asking I answer that the ultimate goal of mind is to find the essential subsistent attributes of the substance consciousness, if you can. Time, Space, Causality, Empirical intuition, Will and Pure analytic mathematics/logic seems all to be THE essence of consciousness, none of which are mere representations of it but actually it. The best theory on how these essential ingredients are combined will also be the best way trough which to think, though it must always be understood that we retrospectively combine them imperfectly, and are therefore building a philosophical architecture instead of speaking absolute truth. This combination is a representation of something mystical, this architecture is a representation of something beyond ourself, I think. I also think that this rationalism is a cosmological and absolute necessity, an essence of existence itself. This which is beyond ourself are typically recognized by various people and doctrines from Purple to Turquoise as God, Synthetic A Priori, Subconscious, Nothingness, Oblivion, Death, Unconscious, Materiality, Truth, Heaven, The thing in itself, "contents" of intuition, Noumena, absolute will or "something from nothing". Edit: And by the skeptics in general this which is beyond ourself are recognized as a manifold of imagined material possibility, how they go about projecting themselves into the world they are supposedly skeptical of as a foundation for its possibilities is the biggest hoax and I would argue the most extreme case of mental gymnastics recorded in history. Don't be a skeptic, though learn everything you can from them.
  7. Given that something takes the form it needs to since nothing more than necessary takes form. And that every form takes a certain direction and that direction is defined by the form. How then can necessary forms be accidents to the ultimate direction, if not by a will that is dual to them both? And so without no will neither comes intention, to which then we would be a necessary accident, so then we are an extreme kind of absolute being. So then our lives are an end in itself and this actually all there will be to us. So then there is an emptiness lacking in the cosmological scale we are every day ruining by at all being, and so my existential question then is regarding this to which we are an opposite and seemingly emergent of: what is it in itself and what is the absolute variation of things that can become its opposite, and so regarding these how alone are we in our universe? It really should not be possible that we are at all, given this I take it that there will always be something and that what seems like nothingness is actually a positive notion, a negation on top of a thing. Well then the will is emergent and imposed in its power by that which it is emergent of so to be by some plain love radically reduced in its power to do harm, and so then of what else than perfection are we? Extreme diversity, minimal effort.
  8. I had an profound experience on these seeds yesterday. They can be a great legal alternative to LSD or mushrooms. I’ll briefly describe my experience after this safety warning Warning: At high doses, these seeds can cause vasoconstriction and may not be suitable for people with certain medical conditions That being said, I took 7 seeds and the vasoconstriction was only mildly uncomfortable. I took the seeds orally, but they can also be taken sublingually or a few different extraction methods can be used to reduce physical side effects. I took a 10 mg THC sativa edible to potentiate. It’s a strong synergy, so for someone like me with zero marijuana tolerance, I’d recommend only 5 mg, as I could feel the edible overpowering the LSA at times, which was a bit distracting. It was definitely an intense experience as the LSA was strongly sedating, almost putting me to sleep at some points, but then the sativa would hype me up again, the two seemed to be competing in that sense I would describe the headspace as being similar to LSD with a sedative body high similar to mushrooms. The visuals are much more subtle, I saw a grid of pulsing dots when I closed my eyes. I imagine in the dark the visuals would be stronger though. The best part about this substance is that it supercharges contemplation! My thoughts felt so clear and meaningful. I would highly recommend going in with a list of questions and recording your answers to listen back to the next day. You’re basically guaranteed to produce some great new insights! I also experienced some ego-dissolution and probably could’ve had an ego death if I wasn’t resisting it. It seemed like my thoughts were deconstructing themselves and trying to reveal the eternal nothingness from which everything comes. At times, there was a sense of complete perfection. Not in the sense of some kind a peak experience, as this substance is more subtle than that, but a sense of wholeness and completion. I understood that we truly exist to spread love, because love and truth are identical I also experienced some pretty strong time dilation, like time was passing 2-4 times slower at some points. A 20 minute walk back home felt like it took almost an hour. Towards the end of the walk it got a little scary, as it seemed like I was taking considerably more steps than the actual distance I was covering. Like I was mostly staying still and the distance was stretching in front of me. It was starting to get colder and I was worried I would never make it back home. It would’ve been helpful to have someone there to tell me I was moving at normal speed In conclusion I would highly recommend this substance! It can be legally purchased online and I can tell that it has great potential for spiritual growth. In my view, 8 seeds should be considered the maximum oral dose. There are reports of people having great experiences on 12+ seeds, but you definitely pay a physical price for that My next trip report will be on 8 seeds without marijuana, so I can know what the effects are of LSA by itself. And then after that I’ll try it with 5 mg of sativa
  9. Yeah of course, every days. the thing is why of the fear. the ego perceives that the absence of limits is death and it is impossible for him to let it go, he will always want to maintain a minimum of definition, of form, since the non-form is nothing, death. but precisely nothingness is your nature, or god, whatever, and this is what is impossible to grasp with the mind. the ego must surrender completely, this you can do with 5meo for a few moments, but sober it is very difficult. to be awake is to live with that openness to the unlimited. I have an opening normally, but far from complete. there is attachment to form. the work is to detach from the form
  10. "What is happening right now, like what is this exact fucking moment? it is LITERALLY there. RIGHT NOW! THIS!?" This question from your original post assumes that universal existence can be equated with something in essential and particular in it, it is a from of absurd essententialism. "Why isn't nothing possible ? Why would there be stuff ..?Why do you think the existence of something is necessary?" I do not think that something must necessarily exist, I know. If something can be at all that means it can not be taken away, for if it could be taken away then it could also never have been. Your problem is that you think that everything beyond presence is nothingness, and that nothingness is potentially something, that existence can negate itself every time a second goes by. Instead, again, you invent the idea of negation after first having been imposed by something, this imposition and your essential nature of emptiness are equal to the other. You can consider them to be mutually generative. This emptiness does not negate the things that occurs by means of it and with it, obviously. That we are wondering how it is all possible can be satisfied (even though your formulation of the question makes little sense), but that does not change the proclivity for wonder itself, and so now I ask why everything is the way it is and not merely why it is at all. It is here that one encounter self reference problems, any honesty here implies a teleological theory. You end up asking not only "why am I the way I am" but rather "why is what I am precisely the way it had to be". At this point you may discover determinism, which is a perfect theory when you are limited by one linearity and are only thinking retrospectively. But you will also discover that the future is always mystical in its direction, that everything is both similar and different, and that only will is of the nature that could imply altercation. Here you see that the will is only a consistent theory in a given time frame if it is ANTICIPATED for the future, and never reduced into a theory of what were already existent or of the memories of the past, and that the only way one could have both determinism and will is in an infinite manifold of universes of which oneself is merely singular. The synthesis says that one goes trough this infinite manifold every day, and that everything which preceded therefore were totally determined. What were once a contradiction becomes the very glue itself. All this is implied and almost self argued by taking the idea of the will seriously.
  11. God is amazing. But there is a void of nothingness where no other word comes close to discribe it except Shi-va. And it's indescribable. Literally. All logic and sense making and symbolic meaning goes out the window. So stay open i would say.
  12. @Someone here Only in assuming that existence is a possibility that is actualized by some cause can you consider that question (of why there is something rather than nothing) meaningful. What I say is that this assumption is itself absurd, which is affirmed when you realize that the present moment in being at all, negates nothingness. Which means there had to be something, the answer to your question is of necessity, there necessarily were something.
  13. Osho once said that all the three main religions born out of India Buddhism Jainism Hinduism are intended to create an inner zero..... nothingness as Buddha called it apparently! I just watched that Osho video which is why I mentioned it ❤
  14. Nice, Here I would describe identification like an unexplored assumption or misunderstanding, a real & unreal experience.... J krishnamurti & Osho had a lot of great discussions in this area! It seems difficult to point out because it's not a particular thing, it's a bunch of smaller things that seem to make up this big unreal identity construct. And it's more of an internal recognition as opposed to an external behavioral change. For example: An apparent someone who recognizes their personalized identification as unreal, will still remember how to sell real estate, save money or operate a crane, still prefer white rice over brown or coffee over tea. What I'm saying is there will still seem to be a character with a personal identification or preferences. In other words it wouldn't be able to be pointed out! As far as identification taking the form as nothing, well that just wouldn't be nothingness. But it could be a concept of it. ❤
  15. @Vincent S It's not like I haven't encountered Nothingness or Emptiness. If I take enough 5-MeO-DMT that's where it takes me. To total formlessness. So I don't see a need for ketamine for that.
  16. Nothingness=Everything Everything is Love. You are Awareness.
  17. Thanks, I agree Notice please that nothingness is not real "thing", and is only a concept, polarity that minds create to oppose to something.
  18. @Galyna Yes, the perception of visual field is nothingness in actuality. But if you think a form which exist independent of mind's imagination. This is not possible. Consciousness is nothingness. And consciousness is prior to form. No form exist without imagination by infinite mind or infinite consciousness. All forms, colors, sensations etc are imagined by nothingness. Nothingness is prior. FORM IS SECONDARY PHENOMENON. You can say form is nothingness but it is still imagined and held in infinite mind which technically is nothing. No color, No shape, Nothing.
  19. Once you collapse the duality between relative and absolute, the subtle notion of the infinite and finite disappears. The relative is as real as the absolute. The ego is as real as infinity. Red is as red as nothingness. Free will is as real as determinism. "You" are both real and a illusion. Reality is permanently co-creating itself, through itself, with itself.
  20. @Galyna Still appearances of color, shapes etc are still imagination of nothingness. Infinite consciousness is nothing in technical sense. This infinite consciousness dreams up forms. There is nothing in reality. All forms and colors are imaginery.
  21. Why do you think that nothingness is just a void, or a pure black space with nothing in there? This is how a human being imagines “nothing”. This is not the case. Notice, it’s still something. You are not a human being; this is how it your “understanding” starts. I will use the language here just to explain the concept. However, you cannot fathom it by the means of language. When the observer takes a back seat in consciousness, and just observes the reality, the self of sense drowns in void, disappears. Try not to put labels and describe what you see. Language is not needed. What you will discover soon is that the stencil, or what you call individualized personality, will cease to exist. When there is no self, there is no one to register the reality. That’s a key moment. There is no cognition and description of what you see, smell, or hear. You do not need to close your eyes to think yourself out of reality, you actually do not even need to meditate for this. All you need to do is to stop naming the objects and phenomena you see, stop creating the meaning of the experience. When this happens, experience is still there without the description, but at the same time it is not there either. So, we cannot call it “experience”. However, when there is no observer, you cannot register the reality. Drop the observer that your mind creates to lurk you into so-called Enlightenment! This is a trick it plays with itself to never let "you" go. This is how the illusion (maya) of the solid world has been creating “you” for a long time. It’s been creating “you” through the stencil of the perceiver and the perception. By returning back into the seat of consciousness, when you drop all the notions, language, descriptions, you are disappearing. You do not need to close your eyes for this to happen, because even with the eyes closed, you mind still separates and divides between inner and outer, thoughts and void, cognition, feelings, and emotions. “You” are still there! Don’t stop your thought process, no need even for that, let it be there. You do not know yet the true meaning behind the objects that you see. You really do not know who you are, everything that you know comes from language (reasoning, prior knowledge, and beliefs). What if you do not have language, are you still your body or the holistic experience? Are you still separating and dividing between “mine” and “not mine”? No, when you drop the language and knowledge, all you’ll get left with is a holistic experience, One, picture that contains everything, and your body is just another object on that canvas. You are not in your body. By slowly putting your attention back on awareness, by dropping even that!!! you begin to experience nothingness. Who said that nothing is empty? Actually, nothingness can contain all the elements of perceptions: sound and color, tactile senses. This is how illusion has been created, illusion that there is something there, when in fact there is not. You are walking on the bridge between dualities without realizing that wholeness is couched within nothingness, and nothingness contains and gives birth to everything. How? By giving experience some description. It is very simple, by reasoning… It does not mean that everything appears into Being from void, it’s already there: nothing and everything, non-dual infinite potential. What it means that by changing the perception, you can realize, but only post factum, that everything is nothing. It only appears as is colors, sounds, senses, but everything is nothing in its core, and vice versa. When you drop the stencil of the perceiver and start having the experience of Being/Totality, without any cognition and linguistic recognitions. Who is there to acknowledge the factuality? Nobody right, nobody could say there is a tree, because “you” as the perceiver is NOT there. What is there then? It cannot be communicated, that is the trick… Does it mean that the light was off, and everything zoomed in into the black dot? No. We do not need to switch the light off for existence to become nothing. All you need to do is to “think your way out” of existence as a human being. When there is no you, there is no world. Because “world” is just the linguistic description of your mind. There is no such thing as world, it is all mental construct for you to see the plausible reality. Once you break the meaning of everything, and drop all the notions, reality as know you, will cease to exist because you will take your illusory self out of the equation. Death is not real; this is literally how you die. Time only exists as a descriptive mechanism to make sense of the continuum from moment to moment, or a motion. Again, when you do not describe the motion, you do not have time. Contraction and dilation of time only happens in your mind. Hope the reader will understand my point. Thanks for your time and attention.
  22. Ok, why are games made to be efficient? Because the alternative is inefficiency. Efficiency is always gonna be better. Games aren't unique. Everything in reality is efficient. Our reality is no different. Let's say we're here for some purpose, and that purpose involves us interacting with things, making decisions, and experiencing consequences from our decisions. Well what goes into creating all that? What components do you need to enable all this? You need your 5 senses. That's it. You don't need a physical reality, you don't need organs, or anything else. If you have just those 5 senses, you're able to achieve whatever purpose you're here for. Now what's the most efficient way of creating the experience of these 5 senses? That's the only problem you have to solve. You need those 5 senses. No other assumptions. You're starting from literal nothingness. Nothing exists, but you need 5 senses, how do you do it? How do you do it in dreams? Well you just do it! You don't create the organs or anything, you don't need to. Even in dreams you'll find organs if you cut someone up, but does that mean the organs in your dreams are real? Of course not.
  23. It is not a part of everything. Everything is limited to objective form. It is not. Because they're not fundamentally identical and don't serve the exact same purpose, unless they both serve the purpose of Existence itself. In which case, the question is like asking why a rock and an apple are different if they are both in the same Existence. The spatial difference between two objects, the temporal difference between two eras, and the perceptive difference between two disparate fields of perception are all achieved by the same generator: Nothingness.
  24. It was a long post to go through covering different aspects to sex, absolutely deep and profound, kudos @Galyna Sex is not just bodies at play, it’s also an exploration for the mind to the direction of extreme pleasure when mind seeks asylum in the polar opposite in its duality, the physical sensations and emotions are the first thing that meets the eye of an ordinary lusty mind. For the advanced, sex is the whole of infinity what one calls god and other calls nothingness when Masculine hacks and penetrates the feminine essence of absolute beauty and brings her to bloom with ecstasy and shows her the absolute lucidity of truth. it is a transformation for those who understand spirituality and can source connect, the sex is about consciousness and the absolute intelligence manifesting itself to bring creation. God planting itself in the nature of duality creating absolute burst of divine potent energy and unlimited joy. Sex = Source of universe
  25. I attract situations of being laughed at. It’s the most devastating feeling to look at. There’s deep shame interwoven in this experience. We have to look at this feeling in the face and experience the entirety of it as thoroughly as we can— deeply in our body, heart, and memories. We have to open up to being laughed at entirely, existentially. It’s extremely difficult. To get there, bring up the intensity of the experience by feeling it more and more until you are experiencing a helpless-state of it— until you are OF this experience (ONE with it). In this Union, recognize Truth (the Present Moment) and bring your body (which is probably fleeing in dissociation, vibration, a flooding of the face) into the awareness of the safety of the Now. When you integrate the energy with/into the Now it will integrate with/into infinity, nothingness. You’ll most likely not attract such situations anymore because you have let them go. At the very least, you will not feel any sort of way toward them if they do happen— because you released it/purified your encompassing of it.