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  1. well i mean what your saying is rather obvious.. Your just making the distinction between "actuality" and "concept/mentation."? Not denying your experience, but It just doesn't sound like your awakened description is any different from whats already obvious in reality to those who pay attention to it?
  2. Well what happens is the "sense of self" that believes it has to deconstruct everything to awaken dies........then there's just everything which includes sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch, thoughts, mental images. Enlightenment is the end of becoming due to the revelation that the individual attempting to become awakened, was only an illusion of identity!! ❤
  3. You don't need a head you have hands and feet, the hands and feet are there. If someone took a photo of you and the flower you gonna draw an X through that too? An awakened person can look at the photo and see the entire scene as a scene. You would look at it and have to draw a mental or physical X to understand which is not understanding at all. The X you are drawing is itself another form. You cannot make any type of division. Everything is one. You are still creating a duality.
  4. @axiom which explains the panic attacks I would occasionally experience before I awakened.... basically experiencing God full on and being terrified on reflection in my post awakened state realizing it was a full on God experience.
  5. But when one is in a real awakened state, "mystical" along with "medical" all fade away. They are both false. One is probably closer to Absolute Truth (mystical) but because they both are dualistic terms, they are both still infinitely far from the Truth itself. They are both just models. I guess what I'm also trying to do is give the "medical" model more legitimacy. To view the body as just dumb matter is as legitimate a view than to view the whole world as throbbing with life and beingness. Both are true in their falsehood.
  6. There is something happening to all of us, beyond what words can describe. It causes me to look at the world and say "that's me". It causes me to at the same time look at the world and say "it's all not-me" The visual static that overlays my entire visual field is due to the blood in my eyes. The visual static is me, at least it comes from my own eyes. In an enlightened state, my head feels light as a feather and the two eyes act entirely as one, but against my heart. My mind moves into my heart, my eyes collect, but my heart processes the world. It sees only love. This is the best I can describe my awakened states without saying too much. This all feels like just a medical phenomenon? Like enlightenment is what happens when you kill your brains hold of your body by thinking itself to death. Now this is all happening within conciousness, so I know that many would say this is a model that I am claiming and it's happening within conciousness. But at the same time, we all know that the last thing we need to throw in the trash is our own model and idea of spirituality. Spirituality is as meaningless as porn when compared to awakening. It's just a concept of something to do and think about. It's a human affair, it's part of the fucking movie. Language as a social phenomenon is an Absolute Truth. The awakened person utters or thinks to himself "it's all me". There is Absolute Truth in "that" that statement was said. It was said as part of a completely closed and unitive system of being. The saying of "that's all me" and the sayers experience are one. The Dharma to which he has awakened, and the awakening, as a medical phenomenon, are one. When I say "medical" I mean it is about us, but not of us. It is of our bodily systems and processes in a way that we are completely a slave to. In the end though, awakening is nothing at all. Conciousness, the " I am" against the world, even the medical view of the world is all there is. It's just me. That's it.
  7. I personally believe that after death I will end up in a hell realm. I can't challenge that belief. I firmly believe that reality is fundamentally evil . And that's what's screwing up my whole life . There is no escaping infinity. If reality is absolutely infinite (which is the only way reality could exist at all ). Then you must experience EVERYTHING. And if you dream up can mateilize it . About enlightenment, I think enlightenment is not an experience. It's not a state .its not "god realization ". Etc this is according to the Buddhist teaching. Sitting down under a tree, the Buddha vowed to remain there until he realized the truth. After a night of deep meditation, his Enlightenment came at dawn, and he was thereafter known as the Buddha, the "Awakened One." It was simply him recognising some fundamental truths (the truth of no self ..the truth of emptiness..and the truth of the relationship between desire and suffering). So according to Buddhism there is no such thing as God. Enlightenment is something totally different. But if you ask me I disagree with that . Buddhism is sort of atheistic nihilistic religion . I think the highest Enlightenment is recognising absolute solipsism and that you are God imagining the entire reality. And then you take full responsibility for creating your reality . And that's what I'm failing to do .and that's why I'm filled with pessimism about my own death. If you have some insight that can help me change my perspective. Then I will appreciate it .
  8. @Yali You missed the whole point. First of all you are the only experience there is and you perceive and experience what you decide so if you don't want to experience having sex then don't do it. Don't try to mix up non-dual experiences with "´reality", because the thing is that the end of the day you have to live your life regardless of how awakened you are. Right now you are just using spirituality as an excuse to be lazy not learning how to approach women. Spirituality doesn't equal laziness.
  9. @JuliusCaesar So you created the being to help awaken you. Our consciousness is so complex and layered. It's fascinating that we are creating on other levels that are out of our awareness. Just think of our nightly dreams. Every night we fall into these different immersive rich realties and somehow our mind is orchestrating all of it. Except for occasional lucid dream, we are immersed in the dream narrative as it plays out completely unaware our mind it creating everything in it. I have awakened to that knowing, but I fall back into the illusion of being a human in an objective world.
  10. @Razard86 Yah, I just mean the perception to be awakened you have to go live in India on a hill and can't participate in life
  11. Haha, not every awakened being is a perfect saint living in a diaper like Ramana There's degrees of integration, personality types, culture, habits, upbringing etc etc I think a lot of 'spiritual' people think once they attain this magical enlightenment that's it and life's done But no, you'll still shit, feel pain if someone smacks you in the face & get kicked out your house if you don't pay rent Imo, you become even more human, as you actually get in touch with feeling & embrace it instead of being comfortably numb I'm also assuming most people on here are very young in comparison to most teachers, so there's a lot of life left to live There's a good chance your favorite guru fucks, drinks / smokes or used to, has issues in their personal life & doesn't live in a mountain meditating 10 hours a day Tbh, I've never understood why a lot of seekers wanna become like blocks of wood with no emotion / feeling, life is fun, and its even more fun after awakening
  12. My take is pretty much the opposite of lizz_luna's above. My partner is an atheist and it doesn't really matter or come up. I have no desire to try and convert her to anything, and she has no desire to convert me out of what she describes as "kooky bald-man cult" . Maybe she'll make an off-hand comment about what I'm watching as she walks by, or ask me wtf when I want to experiment with wearing rudraksha or rosaries or crystals, talk me out of doing psychedelics, but that's about as far as it goes. There's only really 2 situations where I'd consider it a deal-breaker: 1. You have something akin to a Christian belief where if your partner doesn't repent or take on your beliefs, they're going to be damned to hell. 2. They try to tell you that you can't meditate, go to retreats, or whatever spiritual practice you feel like you need to do. 2b. You need them to be on board and participate in tantric sex or something as part of your practice. Otherwise it's whatever. Don't waste your time or theirs with trying to convince them. They're going to become awakened when they die anyway, right?
  13. @Devin Thank you I appreciate your input. Been pretty isolated from most of society now and only connecting loosely with most people. And you're right even if I interact with someone, it's not from the ego anymore but from a metaphysical perspective (almost always these days there's that awareness..if not "after the fact"). Acting is not as required around non-human stuff or when you're not directly talking to someone, and you're free to zoom in on any aspects of consciousness. Acting is required around most people as you lose the ego and realize God, especially if you don't just "forget" it , so the alternative is to trick yourself temporarily. Otherwise you have to pretend that there's separation (even with another awakened being out of respect of their sovereignty and creating a path for connection), and the life stories/worldviews people tell you/want you to adopt with them etc, basically how someone shows up/decide to live their life and how they interact with another is all influenced by these. There's of course degrees.. some you act less than others around, some are more comfortable with you being a "weirdo" than others. It is a loving gesture to act at least to some extent - accepting & meeting someone where they're at and allowing their own evolution to unfold the way it naturally occurs as much as you can is showing love (and at times showing the truth is love also). And in that way, the "acting" transforms into the real, because the love (through the togetherness however brief the interaction) is real and you're aligning with the love. The thing is just to limit interactions to what you can handle (as in not make you feel like living in falsehood). The challenge is with close and long-term relations, where many will try to make you like themselves, adopt their beliefs and worldviews, few can respect that there may exist people who think very differently from their own worldviews.. many will start to demonize you for not adopting their perspectives. Well...that can be a problem even without any awakening .People are usually not so good at respecting another's sovereignty...least that's been my experience. On the flip side, the ones who do I am that much more drawn towards..
  14. Of course there are levels of Consciousness bro .are you telling me that a drunk person's Consciousness is the same as a sober persons Consciousness? Consciousness is our perception of cognitive events and stimulus. Every perception in life is a different cognitive event. There are as many types of consciousness: Quark Consciousness is a bit too hectic. Proton Consciousness is so lonely. Atom Consciousness is downright dervishly dizzying. Molecule Consciousness is Hungry Hippos for electrons. Cell Consciousness is certainty of a unique intent. Body Consciousness is sufficient individuality. Body/Mind Consciousness is sentience. Body/Mind/Self Consciousness is human. Self Predominates Consciousness is enlightenment. Self Predominates Sensory Input Consciousness is God Consciousness. Self Solely Seen Consciousness is Unity Consciousness. Self Without Witness Consciousness is BRAHMAN. Standard neuroscience says there are three ordinary ones: wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep. However, by any rational standards, what’s called Stage sleep is its own state. Most people don’t even realize it’s sleep; it’s the period where you’re still dimly aware of the outside world, are fighting off sleep, and your thoughts are running off the rails into nonsense. The only reason it’s not listed with the other three is that it’s too transitory to study well. Another distinct state that isn’t listed that almost everyone experiences at least a few times is the disorientation upon being awakened from deep sleep. It’s called “sleep drunkenness” if its pathological, but I know of no name for the ordinary version. The number of aberrant states of consciousness is large. Your SOC is determined by the individual levels of four brain chemicals (histamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and serotonin) and there are many more possible combinations of levels than the ones that create the states I’ve mentioned. Back to are GOD .Full stop. You are God cosplaying as a human .you have infinite creative potential. You could literally create entire worlds in a finger snap .but you have deliberately denied that possibility from your current dream/human existence to make it more challenging and interesting. Because if you are in God mode are infinite and eternal and you have everything that could ever possibly be created .so its kinda boring .so you have disconnected yourself from God mode to experience duality
  15. I would like that too - spiral dynamics is the best map to develop consciousness maybe even make one about teel or even plum/ultraviolet I only know one person at youtube who talks about it - it would be very helpful if Leo made a video about these stages. I myself as a highly conscious person would find that very helpful - deep videos about the path in the higher stages is very small and I would really apprciate it as well as other people who had awakened.
  16. Lol, you have been convicted of not having awakened. Maybe you have experienced some reduction in suffering, but that is not It.
  17. That's your (false) interpretation of the model. It's actually about an expansion of self, including more worldviews, complexities, and capabilities under it. It has only to do with transcending and including lower selves into a higher self each transcendence. It's unrelated in the lower stages to mysticism. The fact there are people in the Yellow mega-thread that don't subscribe to mysticism and there have been Red and Blue ones that have accessed it proves that self-actualization and self-transcendence are severed. Don't try to distort the model with your own projections. The crux here, is that there is a structure to the human mind, regardless of whether or not formless infinite awakened realms and truths have been accessed. The structure will remain: having an ideal structure is self-actualization, having an unideal one is its inverse. The formless realms will be accessed: accessing them is enlightenment, not accessing them is its inverse. There is no reason to bring up "ego" or "ego dissolution" semantic foolishness here because that's unrelated to the definitions of self-actualization (ideal structure) and self-transcendence (something formless outside the structure). Obviously both the structure and trans-structure become related, at the highest stages. If you want to prove that self-actualization (ideal structure) paradoxically requires no-self, you're going to have to define "ego" and "war against the ego" and "ego death" in terms that specifically make sense in accord with ideal structure (which is something related to the mind and senses of identity, not transcendence of the mind) and transcendental realms.
  18. @JoeVolcano The structural (personal) development and mysticism (transpersonal) development have to remain distinct, to explain Red and Blue genuine spiritualities, real nondual experiences filtered through lower cognitions, or those with high cognitions and lowly developed mysticism experiences / spiritualities. We could say the two have to become merged at some point, but it isn't Turquoise. You could have somebody that is Turquoise in some areas and still with shadows in others, like Green or Blue or Red or Orange and such. And even that is not the same as awakening. And I would not say awakening is the only real line of development. You could have an awakened maliciousness.
  19. Yes. Around 3am - 5am is prime time for meditation. Even more prime during a full moon. In spite of the superstition around the moon, it's a thing :). Buddha was born on and awakened during a full moon.
  20. I'm watching Leo's solipsism video and guided exercise one, for the past few nights plus I have years of meditation experience, awakened Kundalini and I'm am superbly introvert individual. Man my sense of external world and others got a lot emptier and shallow not that I don't like it, for whatever reason I'm enjoying it ? Last night I had a little glimpse to crazy solipsistic insights of one of my insane mushroom trip which I totally forgot and the trip was very challenging to handle. Like it literally changed my state of consciousness (not in a crazy way but was promising), and I could remember some shits from my last trip which was more than a year ago which I couldn't normally remember and it feels like this is how I should do the work, deconstruct my mind untill I feel I'm about to totally lose my mind and go insane but how to handle the terror of losing your mind? I want to go as deep as possible into this work but losing your mind is unimaginably fucking hard to handle, I still remember how I desperately prayed to God, Jesus, etc and basically whoever who could hear me to save my ass from dying in 3.5 grams of penis envy lemon tek. Like literally I was crying and l was willing to do anything to be saved (you know how real this experience is if you ever got high dose of shrooms). I cannot imagine I can experience that shit again, but still I want to do this work and I'm serious about it. @Leo Gura Do you totally lose your shit and literally die in every trip to reach God really?
  21. @Salvijus But why is 3:40 a better time for meditation? That’s such a random time. And if it is true that 3:40 is a better time for meditation, why haven’t all the other meditation teachers caught on to this? I’m really trying to understand sadhguru here. I respect him as well. There’s no doubt he is an awakened master.
  22. What about an awakened millionaire?
  23. The things I have found online talking about this are usually biased towards Service to Others path. Is their any sources you can link me to or anyone who you think teaches this Polarity intentionally or unintentionally? I feel that this way it'd be easier to gain an understanding to what it truly feels like to advance on this path. I also appreciate any links to clips of shows or movies, songs, anime, manga, etc. that you think capture the negative polarity well. FYI, I don't mean just plain evil shit. It's more like someone who is awakened enough to know reality is one and nothing matters, but chooses to use that to do 'bad' stuff instead because they never go for opening their heart and instead block it off completely. Anything that is in service to their self. Anything that empowers their 'self'. Such as making someone submit to them.
  24. This makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Why dont you just drop the act and start talking like a human being? When you sit down in fron of your computer and log yourself into this forum with your username and password, you have lost your right to talk like youre some kind of awakened angel. This is just madness.
  25. @Leo Gura Which teacher is truly awakened then?