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  1. @WonderSeeker A new job that I'm not crazy about, frustration with personal issues, lack of great socialization and a general fed up attitude towards self improvement in general. Spiral dynamic theory - integrate and transcend, lack of definite career path. And nah, I've just been doing concentration based (20x2 per day) with some guided releases from transformation mastery sprinkled in.
  2. A rogue student's paraphrasing of a primary Ridhwan School method. Developing the capacity for being able to sit with different states or flavors of 'deficient emptiness' as Almaas refers to it. Easier said than done. There are a spectrum of these that can be encountered whenever our emotional pendulum swings into the negative side. We all have a pendulum to a degree. Even beyond emotional purification there are biorhythms which affect our states of consciousness. Normally we try to dissociate from these uncomfortable states through all kinds of activities. To not do that is more difficult than I thought when first encountering this method of what I would almost refer to as Contemplative psychoanalysis. That makes sound more complicated than it really is, though. In going about this, I'm just doing in a sense what Echart Tolle suggests. Also, what Cynthia Bourgeault instructs people to do when doing the Welcoming Practice. Below, I'll paste a YouTube about the welcoming Practice. Whatever is felt in this present moment,,,, bring it on,,. Let's feel and experience it completely. Taste it and start eating on it until your full or the plate is empty. It may take days or you might find transformation in 20 minutes. Dessert in this case will come with it a felt sense of letting go or having seen it through. That is, whatever the reason or state that the felt sense of deficient emptiness is all about. This dessert in this case, you're felt sense of the present moment, will be connected to an aspect of essence which is fulfilling. If you investigate further you may find that it connects with a very alive Red energy or a sense of felt solidness of Will that's grounded in the hara (third chakra) or the back of the neck (fifth chakra energy). Maybe it's empathy for all beings or loving kindness which emanates from the chest or peaceful quietness which is accompanied by a slight pulse from the prefrontal lobe area. Another practice I learned about 3 years ago. It's good when in stressful situations especially. Just sense the physical sensations in the feet. Lots of nerve endings there,,, pressures moreso when standing up or walking. The feet are furthest from your head and at times, nonstop neurotic noise if your like me. Simply get out your head by putting attention on the sensations in the feet. Maybe good for staying present if you have to speak in front of a crowd,,,
  3. This course is for people who know they have the potential to live an extraordinary life but just can't seem to break free from old patterns like procrastination, addiction, negative thinking, and self-doubt. For the past 5 months, I've been working on a video course that's designed to help people transform and heal. This is my first major project after taking the Life Purpose Course, and I put over 300 hours of planning and writing into it. I put a lot of critical thought into understanding human beings and what it actually takes to transform in a sustainable and dare I say, effortless way. I really tried to dig down deep to understand the fundamental forces of our psychology in order to provide surgical solutions that will have a profound ripple effect in our lives. I've been watching for six years and a ton of inspiration for this project came from Leo's work, but the course is also full of original insights as well as lessons I pulled from other high-quality resources. I also developed an original healing technique that has helped me tremendously and has been the only technique, in my experience, to facilitate healing experiences comparable to psychedelics. This technique will be included in the course. If you've been doing personal development for a long time and are still struggling to get tangible results with basic things like distraction, addiction, health, and living in alignment with your purpose, this course is perfect for you. I am living and breathing every word in this course and although I'm still young and dumb, I am seeing a radical transformation happen before my eyes. I used to dream about living my purpose while distracting myself with YouTube, vaping, junk food, and weed. I felt disappointed, frustrated, anxious, and overwhelmed. Now, after a few months of applying the techniques in my course, I work on my purpose for hours every single day, I quit vaping, I am free from weed and YouTube addictions, I eat my ideal diet, and the negative emotional patterns have subsided dramatically. I am healing to my core and I want to share that gift with all of you beautiful people. The course will be totally free but I'm just looking for beta testers to try it out early and provide honest feedback so that I can improve it before the final release. I should have it ready for testing within the next week or two. So if you're interested in the course and want to find out more, leave a reply or DM me and I'll be in touch! If you're not sure if this course is for you, you can always just watch the intro video, where I break down more of what to expect and make a decision from there. Much love my friends, and thank you!
  4. I still haven't got to the bottom of why some days I'm focussed and productive and others I just cannot concentrate on anything. It's like my mind flat out refuses to think in that strict logical step by step way needed for me to do my programming work. Instead I find my mind just drifting in a kind of right brain dreamy reverie - like reality could just consume me and I wouldn't notice or care - and it might actually be a blessed relief just to diffuse into nothingness. So to more magick. If magick works, then for me it is less left brain analytical and more right brain creative/artistic/intuitive. However, to get a handle on it I still need to do the analytical groundwork. It's like the division between science and engineering. I could just engineer my magick and be done with it. So very much a pragmatic trial and error approach - if it works, keep doing it. But trial and error is slow and inneficient - timewise. This is where science comes in, it makes models which refine your approach and point you in the right direction; it's analytical and initially also time consuming, but it pays off by synergising with engineering. One discipline feeds off the other in a virtuous circle. I need both. So to start off with, more science than engineering. Boundaries Magick is really about directed transformation. But not just any old transformation but specifically targeted transformation, mostly done in a non-conventional way. By non-conventional I mean not using the body, but perhaps other methods such as using the mind, or psychadelics, or something else. What could be that something else? There is a strong three way connection between awareness, existence and boundaries. They are really three words for the same thing. Any one of these three things implies the others. Changing boundaries means shifting awareness means morphing existence. Hopefully, you can see where I'm going. By somehow affecting any one of these facets purposefully, then magick can happen. The other thing to take note of is change - ironically the only constant in existence. What change refers to is the constantly changing boundaries of awareness. Perhaps what I didn't really outlign about my metaphysics in my last post, was that I don't consider there to be an observer. This isn't needed as awareness is aware of itself. What is being observed is awareness itself. Awareness "takes on the shape" of reality in all its glory and gore. It's like a painting that sees itself; it's made up of brushtrokes and colours (the boundaries). How then does the "directed" part of "directed transformation" itself arise? Of course like everything else: through awareness. See the circular way in which things happen? "I" am interested in magick and becoming a magician, but, that interest arose from awareness itself. It isn't me that wants to perform magick, but awareness itself. Does awareness know in advance what the outcome of that magical interest will be? Awareness transforms itself, as it always has done: change is constant. So the starting point in learning magick is to let awareness do the heavy lifting. Awareness will direct itself in any case. The seed has been sown. How do I perform magick using boundaries? One way would be by conceptual shifting. A large part of how we see the world is precisely through our map of it. We see cars and people and clouds and poverty and the thousand other things that make up society. To transform our perception of the world is magick in itself. There are any number of ways to change our conceptual understanding. One is simply to gather more information about a concept. If we learn how a car engine works, we will have magically shifted the way we see a car. This is happening constantly by itself, this is what maturity means. Systems thinking is another way to revise conceptual understanding. We learn to join together disparate concepts and see how they influence each other, and how changing something here can affect the whole system. Efficient magick is then knowing exactly where to peturb the thing we want to transform (viewed as a system). Systems will often reach equilibrium, either steady state or cyclical. Knowing where and when to pertub a system, can establish a new steady state or cycle. Does any of the above help? Only in a very meta way. Take away for today: change concepts and understand systems to perform magick.
  5. You can't fight yourself. You can only turn it into something else. And research Kabbalah and ceremonial magic. The best way to do shadow work is integrate the positive elements and let go of or cast out the negative elements. By transfiguration and transformation.
  6. @PurpleTree Coolness is simply expressed aesthetic consciousness on the defined limits of coolness created by consciousness. No body has limits on that but ones consciousness themselves, anyone that believes they do, is projecting. A positive indicator I've found is that one of the subsidiary goals of consciousness in stated coolness is on breaking the threshold of consciousness that deals with said projections. Projections are said to be intermediary vehicles of unaugmented contents that consciousness is meant to sort through, transform and re-dream to complexify into simplicity that acts with elegant complexity [ i.e. a useful invention, in this case, projections can be the birthplace of inventions that transform not just individual consciousness, but as a shared interaction the transformation of ones culture ]. That outcome is the coolness, especially when the original condition of consciousness is chaos, there's always this relationship between chaos and the ability to not just handle chaos but invent from that place which leads to expressions that are cooler than others. Elegant complexity is complexity made simple, but not so simply that you miss the nuance, of which is easy to do. So you can aim for higher complexity and in doing so run the risk of two things, become more cool in the eyes of consciousness or become less cool in your inability to meet the struggle. Though if you keep on getting up to raise your consciousness to the desired complexity, meaning you don't give up, my prediction is that your consciousness is probably going to find that pretty cool. Autobiography gives us relative artefacts that allow us to determine the patterns that consciousness has gone through overtime, when I was a baby for example, all that I needed for coolness was to not have my dummy fall out, then it progressed to my ability to walk, then to discover the physical boundaries of being by exploring how fast I could run, the myriad of ways in which I could get hurt and so on, followed by all the ways in which I shared an emotional relationship with the people around me. Coolness was abound in the discovery and extension of consciousness relative to the level that I was on at the time then, this is the pattern that we can discover in our observations of consciousness overtime. Consciousness and complexity have a nuanced relationship that we often underestimate when we don't understand their relationship in time and therefore what they could be in the future and what role from the perspective of actualisation we could play in furthering said complexity, and in doing so, our expressed coolness. There's always higher and higher levels, and it's up to you to discover what those levels are. It took me years to understand my relationship with other objects in existence, years more to understand objects relationship to me, further, and I'm only now beginning to properly augment the relationship between my consciousness of both of these across both time and space geographically, environmentally, culturally and more plus somehow in the midst of that effectively symbolising a target that my consciousness can hit in its potentialisation of being. So I stated that coolness is elegant complexity, coupled with this then is the experiential component of the flow that one feels while on the razor edge of complexifying consciousness. At least that's how it is for me, so they're the signs that I provide.
  7. This goes against every interpretation of the model I've heard of and robs it of any real value imo. What makes SD useful is that it guides you and informs you of what you should be aiming for. It would also be a blatant mistake to think someone at Red has elements of Turquoise or is capable of understanding the motivations of Green. The stages aren't 'personalities' or 'parts we all have some amount of' like you seem to believe. Don't mistake them for a rainbow or something just because they're named after colors, those are just made up names. Each stage is complete in itself and capable of containing every personality type. A society could, in theory, be made up of 100% Red (though much more likely Purple & Red). A thousand years ago, Turquoise, essentially, didn't exist. Neither did Yellow. Blue was the peak for a very long time. The stages are levels of awareness. Their common traits are just that. It's like when a kid learn the word "why" and starts constantly asking their parents "why" for a period of type. Is it because "everyone has a bit of 'the why phase' in them" and the kid actually always had it and always will? Or is it because they've gained awareness of the existence of the concept of "why" and is now just going through a phase? Gaining awareness = something's changed = behavioral changes = [insert description of SD stage here] You seem to be unaware of the fundamental awareness component and believe the SD stages are nothing more than their common behavioral manifestations. Perhaps this is why they say SD is a Yellow+ model (all models really). "Placing a center of gravity for oneself in this model" is the very core idea of the model and is the only thing that "holds up to scrutiny". Have you not seen Leo's videos on this? This isn't really something being debated. You have a centre somewhere, and it can be blurry where, but it's definitely somewhere. Green is the "anti-hierarchy" stage, so of course, you're gonna be predisposed to such Green ideas, as you've demonstrated.. Can you see now how everyone's a specific stage? Within 3–10 seconds of reading what someone's written I can identify what stage they are. If everyone had every stage, this would be impossible. Everyone always falls into one. It is because of this fact that I can predict people's behavior to ..a scarily accurate degree. By this I mean I creep myself out by predicting what I didn't think I should be able to "surely, people can't be that simple; that algorithmic.." and then it plays out like I guessed. So far, every single person who's challenged me in any way on this forum has been extremely consistent for the stage I determined them to be—not a single exception. Greens act Green; Oranges act Orange; Blues act Blue.. I guess that's about it.. lol. Not enough data on T2. Like I said, each stage is complete in itself. You're not seriously suggesting that everyone you know has some Red, Yellow and Turquoise in them are you? Ever heard of "transcend and include"? Even if you think the stages are just "personalities", each stage transcends the prior one and includes it. But since the stages are not personalities and are, instead, levels of awareness, your stance makes even less sense. s-sure.. you totally didn't realize it could be interpreted as aggressive.. err.. Maybe you hadn't notice, but I'm an INTP : ) ..Not INTJ. I don't judge. (^▽^) If it looks like I'm judging, it's in the way you'd judge people who like pineapple on pizza. I """judge""" people *intellectually* or in *personality* or *how their taste relates to my own* I might call out the lower stages on their BS, but it's not that I judge them, it's just that I'm one of the few that has the capability to notice their problems. And, sure, since SD is a hierarchy, disclosing my stage could, potentially, elevate me in some way. But that's not much different to someone saying "I'm an American!". Being part of the world's only superpower could elevate someone in some social situations. But that's fine. Not my problem (in fact, can't be my problem) if someone gets upset at me stating the facts. Umm, maybe read what I said to the other guy.. (◠﹏◠;) Of course! : ) You must've been in Green for a while now ..this is almost the kind of thing I would say.. ヽ( •_)ᕗ There's a bit more to it that that (..though it's beyond stage Green.. [lol, there's no way to say that without sounding arrogant..] I know Green and there are things not worth bothering with.) Hmm, sounds like I should say "what I said to the other guy". Yeah, that's an important thing to learn. Usually comes around the end of Green and can last up until early Turquoise ime. This is where Green can slowly start becoming Yellow. The downsides of collectivism start becoming apparent, subconsciously. The Green stops talking about rainbows and happy hippy ideas of consciousness; stops judging hierarchies; and stops judging those who don't judge hierarchies. I'd say it's an awareness barrier when talking about SD. It's not that people could just get a reference book and understand you after a day/week/year/decade/century of study. Blues who are in their 40s now have almost no chance of ever becoming Orange. It's not just a lack of knowledge. You can't upgrade a computer by adding more stuff to its HDD. That stuff may be useful in some practical way, but the computer won't be any better. Though, acid can defrag the HDD, and that can be pretty healthy for someone who's never defragged and isn't too ancient. Ah. The classic "Orange→Green" transformation. *pats you on the back twice* .. No. Haven't you been listening? Hmm, you mean like.. creating stage-specific sections for the forum in which users could give questions to the people at each color section? And where people of the same color could talk amongst themselves knowing the conversation will not stray away from that stage? Like what I was saying earlier in this thread? lol. Well, I agree with your agreeing with me.. I, too, am in favor of segregating people of color. At least we can agree on that : )
  8. Oh! Could it be that water is the substance on earth that first will be transformed? A highly speculative idea, but I came to think about how water already has amazing properties and the Bible talks about being reborn out of Spirit and water. In that case, water is the first substance to transcend the Lego brick simple state of ordinary matter. And the reason for that is as Mark Passio said, that material reality is where the rubber meets the road. So one cannot cheat and jump ahead into pixie dust. There has to be an actual and practical transformation that transcends and includes the ordinary state of physical matter.
  9. There's nothing wrong with wanting to escape suffering, or pursue happiness. The desire alone doesn't guarantee enlightenment, but it can spur you along the path. Maybe Leo is warning people not to confuse the desire for the path itself. The biggest obstacle to enlightenment is the ego, and the best way to dissolve the ego is by learning the lessons of suffering. People can realize mind-blowing truths about their identity, and their relationship with reality. But the realization by itself isn't enough. We still have to surrender the ego in order to be a vessel for Consciousness. Enlightenment is transformation. It is realized through learning, through loving, through meditating, through humbling yourself, and through devoting yourself to the truth at all costs. Ultimately, it is a sacrificial act. The self is sacrificed on the altar of the Self. The experience, when it happens, is holy.
  10. @SonataAllegro Ask yourself why do you want to buy this book? The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite', meaning that yoga is a practice to unite with the Source, Your Higher Self, The One, God or whatever you'd like to call it. There are many paths of yoga, for example. 1. RAJA YOGA Raja yoga focuses on meditation and contemplation in order to fully realize the self. Known as the royal (Raja) or king path of yoga, it is based on the eight-limbed path toward self-realization outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, and tends to attract the more spiritually devoted practitioners. 2. BHAKTI YOGA Bhakti yoga is the path of devotion, emphasizing devotional love for and surrender to God, the Source or the One Creator. By seeing the Divine in everyone and everywhere, Bhakti yoga cultivates acceptance, tolerance, forgiveness and unconditional love for all beings. Bhakti yoga also involves a lot of chanting and kirtan (call and response) that evokes feelings of love, connection, and bliss. 3. JNANA YOGA Jnana yoga is the path of wisdom and knowledge (Jnana), involving a disciplined study of scriptures and constant inquiry into the nature of the self. Any form of study into the nature of the self or the truth of our existence will aid in reaching deeper states of you. Often called the yoga of the mind, Jnana yoga is well suited for the more intellectually inclined. 4. KARMA YOGA Karma yoga is the path of selfless action, the yoga of doing. Selfless service is the heart of karma yoga. Remaining completely detached from the outcome of their actions, Karma yogis are in continual service to the betterment of all beings with no intention of physical gain. Karma is fundamentally about learning lessons. One learns through positive action that as you help others, so are you helped. It’s a rewarding teaching mechanism in that sense. And one learns through negative action that as one hurts others, so are you hurt, in order to understand the consequences of your actions. Negative karma can be resolved by discharging the soul imprint through forgiveness and understanding. Karmic experiences can be prevented by understanding their core lessons before they are attracted. 5. MANTRA YOGA Mantra yoga is the yoga of sound. Considered sacred utterances, mantras are syllables, words, or phrases representing a particular attribute of the Divine. There are certain seed mantras that resonate with each of the unique energy centers or chakras. One of the most common mantras is ‘OHM’, which resonates with the foundational vibration of our existence. Mantra yoga is the practice of becoming centered through the repetition of mantras. 6. HATHA YOGA Hatha yoga, which most people think yoga to be these days, is the practice of yoga postures, or asanas, using the conscious combination of the breath and body movements to rise to higher states of clarity, groundedness and peace of mind. It sees the body as the primary vehicle for self-actualization and transformation. You also have your unique path. Know that your journey in life is absolutely unique to you and will most likely involve many of the aspects mentioned above. For example, you can simply imagine combining certain daily postures, with a mediation and/or contemplation practice, studying certain philosophies you resonate with, while also being compassionately proactive about helping or serving others. Hope this helps
  11. Love this topic, and I totally agree with the power of sad songs. But I feel that there is one really important aspect of this that is not mentioned here, which is that music is deeply personal. Music that somehow links us to our past, the depths of our subconscious mind and the forgotten memories of our inner child is extremely powerful because they already hold certain energetic patterns and traumas in our body desperately waiting to be felt, re-experienced and released. Apart from finding new music, trying to find and rediscovering those songs that made you cry as a child, is a great source and potential for healing and transformation. If you're interested about the relationship between spirituality, personal transformation and Music you can read about it in this article, called 'Soul Resonance and Music'.
  12. @Pernani I would lump Kriya yoga as a practice focusing on energy, one-pointedness concentration, and rapture (peak states). You can get into some wild territory if you have a true intention and do it with passion so-to-speak (detached passion ofc). Those states of high energy seep into daily life and it seemed to be working for you, but if you want the transformation that I think you are looking for then you could complement kriya with an investigative, self-inquiry, or the sort technique. Vipassana/mindfulness/self-inquiry. The simplest way is to just rest in that high energy state for as long as you can after the practice (for me it's like doing self-inquiry 24/7, or awareness-on-awareness). Essentially, both TMI, and Hardcore Buddha Book propose exactly this sequence of focus - at first get your concentration right (one-pointedness, which Kriya can do super effectively) - and then investigate. Then again I don't know, for me I did 5meo and my practice got supercharged after I got in touch with my 'Inner guru' (intuition) so-to-speak. Peak states have seeped into daily life and a sudden ability to effortlessly rest on awareness itself. Awareness-on-awareness. Lots of purging and up-downing - getting used to flipping from a passionate feel-good-about-life state to darknighting to equanimous super-accepting-of-reality-and-myself do-nothing states (less common peak states). The highest peak was ego-death at the cinema, lol it was beatuiful and comical to see myself in the cinema (self-inquiry and mindfulness turn into one). I truly don't know what will work for you, but if I'd give any advice it is to brute-force it - everything at once - psychedelics, classic meditation, kriya, 24/7 baseline focus. If kriya then I def recommend SantataGamanas books (Kriya Exposed and Secret Power of Kriya) and for psychedelics ramp your tolerance for self-acceptance and openmindedness up smartly (start with mushrooms or acid, and weh nyou feel ready, or have reached a plateau, then 5meo). And remember that you are an individual and general guidelines might not work for you exactly - experiment with what works for you. You seem to be resonating a lot with classic meditation, which is cool. I don't thing with kriya and meditation its and this-or-that thing but more about how to do both, more of a complementary relationship, lots of potential for integrating them together. So manny books recommended to you lol. I hope you find the time to go through them
  13. @PurpleTree that's too far back in history. We really don't know if people were really happy back then or not. Also you have to remember that back in those days people had no power in transformation of societies because it wasn't like modern day voting, most regimes were violent tyrannical and oppressive. Under such kings and queens, any chance of progressive change would have been impossible because people were at the mercy of the decisions taken by Royal rulers. But in the past 100 years starting from the 1920s, you can easily see the chart of growth is towards progressive values. In the 1960s Civil rights and other progressive movements and regulations were pretty strong post world War 2. The trend continued into the 80s and 90s but lately there has been a challenge to left wing values with the coining of the term SJW and constant infiltration by right wing media. However I do see hope. The right wing crybaby uproar will not last long and progressive movements will once again catch up speed. Society has to be progressive in the end. Because you can't have one section of society rich and prosperous and celebrating and the other suffering and decaying. Because suffering also creates misery pits and black holes that eventually suck the whole social system. So in order for society to function smoothly all sections of the society have to reach an egalitarian plane. Only when everyone grows together, the society improves.
  14. Finished the sedona method book today. What a great shift this has made in my life. I have made a lot of progress from this emotionally and my connection to reality it seems like. This has really made a big transformation for me. I am going to keep doing the practices and I intend to read the book more. I am going to focus more on really getting the information and embodying the information Vs how many books I read. I do like reading a lot though and I have missed a good read for a bit due to putting the time just into this. Sold a pair of speakers today for almost $800. I paid $10 for them, so this should be one of my best flips. I am starting to move quite a bit of the higher end items in my store. It is great that my sales are picking up. I still am going to keep working at getting as much items as I can up. It will be an up hill battle going for my listing goal. I have notice lately I actually feel just really good working on my reselling business. Not nearly as much resistance and I am just enjoying learning stuff and listening to music while working on it. I really have it pretty easy it seems like. I am putting in 4 hours of focused work and some bits here and there. I feel amazing everyday and my income is growing more and more. I want to put in some more work in other areas of it sooner or later. Right now it is just listing time pretty much to get the most out of this 4th quarter. I do think that I will need to work on getting some more back up inventory if we go into another lock down though. I have a lot of posters, but that is only going to last so long. I am still going to aim to get enough money together to try to buy businesses out or something. I could even try to order the pallets online or something too. I suppose still a good bit of options. I could try storage unit auctions too if they have them still. For now though I just need to list really. I mean if I got all of the posters up and most were selling I would not really be that worried about money I imagine. I feel so good going through my day it seems like. I love going to the park so much. It makes me wish I would have went there earlier lol. I can spend hours there it seems like. It will suck though once the rain starts coming in. Although, I could maybe just find some cover and hang out there still. Just right now the sun comes out and it has been like 55-60 degrees and it is amazing. Usually, it will just be raining all the time once it hits this time of year. I allow myself to effortlessly reach my listing goal of $50,000. Today I am thankful for: Big speaker sale! Good sales Great peaceful state
  15. Claudio Naranjo -- Chilean psychiatrist His most recent book (2010), Healing Civilization: Bringing Personal Transformation into the Societal Realm through Education and the Integration of the Intra-Psychic Family, is both a continuation of and a turning point in Naranjo's lifelong work. For in this book, which has a foreword by Jean Houston, Naranjo explored what he saw as the root cause of the destruction of human civilization (as evidenced in the 2000s (decade) as war, violence, oppression of women, child abuse, environmental endangerment, etc.)—patriarchy—and brought both the problem and the solution home to an intra-psychic level. Patriarchy, he said, has taken root over millennia in the workings of our own conditioned minds.[citation needed] He also offered a remedy, which derives from the work of Tótila Albert regarding the "triune" being of our nature: the "Inner Father" (corresponding to the head), the "Inner Mother" (corresponding to the heart), and the "Inner Child" (corresponding to the instincts). As people learn to integrate these three "brains", Naranjo believed, they may bring about a functional, even divine, family within. And this, he believed, in addition to transforming education oriented to personal and collective evolution, could bring about the healing of civilization.[citation needed] In the Watkins' Mind Body Spirit Magazine he was listed as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People of 2012.[7] From :
  16. Transformation in appearance is sometimes a big change in life because many people do not like their own appearance, let's be honest. I also didn't like my face a couple of years ago and that's why I went to which are practiced just in this case. I was very impressed with what I saw in the mirror after the operation. it seems to me that it is very important to find good specialists with considerable experience in this business because this is your face and you will have to live with it all your life
  17. Hmm, I feel like I integrate any insights that I download immediately. I am not always aware of ways to express those insights however. For example let's say I was taught by the cosmos that people are unique and relationship are not a number's game and it's about finding the right partner that together your relationship results in a harmonious frequency. It's not about marriage or fighting for your marriage or compromising or any of that garbage. Ok great - so I figured this out and ceased a relationship with a partner that wasn't harmonious for me and was pulling my frequency to lower levels (SD: from yellow to blue) - insight applied. Now what? How do we find the right partner? I already figured out it's not a number's game so that means it's not about brute force either - aka I shouldn't be seeking randomly on the off-chance that it happens somewhere - there should be some sort of guiding intuition that aids you and navigates you in life so that you don't have to waste your time with meaningless experiments? Where is this intuition? Where is this guide? Man I've been stuck in this rut for many years now, all I dream about is transformation and change. I am not sure if there's anything at all that I want to keep from my current life. The only thing I like from my life are the brief moments of cosmic insights that I get on very rare occasion.
  18. First of all it sounds like you're missing out on play and relationships, but it also sounds like you're in some sort of existential crisis or spiritual transformation. Shit like this is very difficult to diagnose because there are human factors as well as spiritual factors that aren't well understood. You need to get real clear on what it is that you want, and what it is that you need. But you're also going to need to temper those expectations with reality. Life is devoid of meaning and inherently unsatisfactory so no matter what you do or where you go you will feel like something is missing. But, you do need a reason to get out of bed in the morning so don't think you can go live in a cave and be mentally healthy. As things become clearer to you you will understand the necessity of balancing responsibility and acceptance.
  19. I am against using psychedelics for personal growth because the whole notion is backwards to me. Enlightenment is found within you, not found in a drug or acid trip. Love is fully accepting this present moment as it is. I love this Now so much right now, and I have no desire to change my experience of this moment. To me, this is Enlightenment. It is when you are fully aware of your connection to all of life and you are high on life itself! There is no short cut to enlightenment. I believe psychedelics can create mystical experiences, but don’t confuse it with enlightenment because that is Truth-Realization. If you cannot realize the truth right now, without taking any drugs, then how can you ever desire this experience right now? Why do you want to change this experience? Instead, meditate and fully accept this experience because our whole lives are based on the notion of changing experience. Being with our selves is very hard and many people cannot BE with themselves purely. Instead, people escape being with themselves by using substances. I think Sadhguru makes a very good point in this regard because life is purely magical! You don’t need to change your experience to see the Magic of life. Also, if somehow psychedelics DO create Enlightenment (which I already said “don’t confuse enlightenment with mystical experience), then to me, this would rob the specialness of enlightenment. Change your state of Consciousness from WITHIN is the key to life. If you think you need a substance to get their “quicker,” I think you may be missing out on the journey. Because like Life, enlightenment should be treated like a hero’s journey. There is no rush to be enlightened. Enjoy this life, contemplate, meditate, and BE and realize that you are the magic of life. If you think you have to change your experience with external things, you got it wrong because Nirvana and the divinity of life comes from within. My personal opinion is that if I use drugs to get into a mystical experience, that is fine, that is fine, but don’t confuse it with enlightenment. In fact, if it is the mystical experience that you are seeking, you don’t need drugs to do it. I see drugs as “cheating” because the goal for me is not how fast it takes for me to be enlightened, but being Truth-realized in every waking moment of my life. The goal of my life is to Love this moment purely as it is. Maybe psychedelics may help you have more love, but the goal is to go through the battles and suffering it takes to Love life. Escaping your current suffering doesn’t grow you. Love is about embracing your own suffering because if you only Love the things that serve you, it isn’t really love. Rather true love to me is loving the battle and journey of personal transformation and this is what meditation offers. Because meditation is all about LOVING the NOW as it is with no desire to change it. BE with yourself. If you want to use substances, make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. Ask yourself: Do I currently Accept the Now as it is? Why do I want to change myself externally? Will changing myself externally help me change myself internally? Maybe. I think psychedelics May help people love this moment more, but what does this teach you? What using substances means to me is that “This moment and myself are not enough right now.” The right reason for using psychedelics is if “you feel Love and acceptance that this moment is enough.” If you feel that this moment is enough, then psychedelics can be used as another facet of exploring and sharing your love for this moment. The key is to not use them as an escape, but to rather use them as a way to explore the current love for reality that you already have. anyways, that’s what I think. Personally for me, I prefer to be high on Life, not on drugs and this is what I told my friends who tried to peer pressure me into drugs. If you think you need a substance to change your experience, then consider that your experience is already low to begin with. Sadhguru here explains what I am talking about:
  20. If transformation didn't happen what did you get from it?
  21. I thought a little more about my intention for starting this thread and I realize now why this topic is so important to me. Two years ago I was in the middle of a very painful and confusing existential crisis. What I didn't realize is that I was transitioning out of Orange and into Green. I simply had no knowledge of spiral dynamics. As soon as I saw the spiral dynamics video on green, I recognized what was happening to me, and was finally able to chart a clear path forward. The thread referenced above marks the day I began my transition into green. Two years has since passed and I am reporting a profound transformation. I am at home in green and feel a very mature embodiment of green values. What I want to point out is that the contents of this current thread include many of the insights and lessons I have learned over the last two years, and highlights some of the mistakes I had made prior to that. I personally don't think that you can make much progress towards enlightenment if your values are predominantly orange. I also believe that progress will be limited until you can develop and maintain healthy relationships with others and resolve issues such as chronic loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Ups and downs are inevitable, but consciousness isn't vivid until your mood is bright and stable. Mental health is imperative to stabilizes in green, let alone transition to yellow. What I'm trying to say is that if you suspect you are on the cusp of green, or have reached a stage where you have had it with loneliness and the endless pursuit of accomplishment, then you might want to pay attention to what I have to say here. To be green be solid in green is pure joy.
  22. A bunch of empty talk. Try the 30 day 5-MeO-DMT test. I dare ya Transformation was not my claim. Those are HIS standards and biases. My claim was pure consciousness, and my claim stands.
  23. It seems to me that Jesus is saying (John 3) that "born again" means an actual transformation of the body of flesh into a body made of akasha. And that the akasha is awakened in the water in our bodies. Sadhguru mentioned how rudimentary life can emerge in distilled (complete vacuum state he called it) water. And this Nobel Prize winner has shown in 2009 how DNA can emerge in pure water:
  24. "One of the greatest misconceptions in the healing of the self or the transformation of the whole is imagining something insidious needs to stop in order for something greater to begin. When you are against something, you are empowering it with the very energy you require in order to set greater justices into motion. These are just a few examples, but whether through intention, prayer, the creation of more supportive legislation, the organizing of greater community outreach, or any legal ramifications toward the actions that affect the liberties, rights, and freedoms of others, we co-create a world of equality and justice through inspired actions in support of the values we affirm." - Matt Kahn Love getting emails from this guy as an occasional reminder going through bills, work emails, etc. Anyone have any other teachers who send out such nice emails?
  25. What do I want? This weekend I went to a personal growth workshop and it utterly shook me. I finally realized why I keep changing ideas on what I want to do and even on my life purpose (recently I had rephrased it as "to live a simple life and heal myself through consciousness"; quite far from "the Beyoncé of Medicine", aka "having an extraordinary life and healing others through consciousness"..) : how can you have a vision if you don't even know who you are? So I'm now on a journey to discovering who I am as a soul and who I am in the world, this is what I want. Here are some golden nuggets I took from there: Be divine! We live in a friendly Universe that wants nothing more than to support us. When you feel resistant to do something it's because you need to do it. Peaceful, powerful and joyful in the now. Speak power to the world or keep silent. When you change, everyone who knows you starts to change. You create your life through the choices you make. Be busy with yourself, it's not selfish, it's wise. Clarity is prosperity --> If you don't have the prosperity you want it's because you don't have clarity. Confusion does not create prosperity. To become a winner you need to love winning and to be unapologetic about it. Live each day like a sacred day. Every day needs to be a symphony and I am the director and the orchestra!! You can only love others to the depth that you love yourself. Life is relationships, first with yourself and then with others. Either your mind is controlling you or you are controlling it. You get more of what you focus on!! Breakthrough happen when limiting beliefs and behaviors are challenged. It's easy to love others when you love yourself. It's easy to be compassionate with others when you are compassionate with yourself. When you make a decision you want to be clear and grounded. You need to make the decision first and then the how will show itself. It's not easy but it's worth it. Where there are humans there is going to be ego. On the other side of your excuses is your best life. You are a magician!! Set an intention at the beginning of every day. Inner peace is the result of self love. Inner peace formula: Who am I?; Unconditional love; Keep quiet. Inner peace is independent from outside circumstances but I can choose my outside circumstances. From "why is this happening" to "what can I do about it", "how long do I want to stay in this feeling", "what do I want to feel?" Questions to ask when giving and/or helping: 1. Does it come from a healthy place? 2. Am I giving from my overflow? Carefrontate: have honest, respectful and cleaning conversations. I am a superstar. I am a warrior, unstoppable. Awareness is the first step of transformation so I need to own my s**t. For example: owning the fact that I've put myself in compromised situations because of a lack of self-love. I deserve the very best that life has to offer. I have the right to live my life full out, unapologetically!! Emotions are physical. Now it's time for Blissipline and radical action --> proactive, not reactive. I decided to focus on my money situation right now. This is the song with which the workshop started and ended. Thank you Mahima Mindset for this experience and thank you Universe for bringing it in my life. It won't be easy, especially the "giving from the overflow part" but it's necessary.