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  1. It's infinite and unknowable in the sense that it's not even real. The conditioned mind simply cannot be used to understand infinity or nothingness or be used as positive confirmation that "I am that". The very so-called observer that declares "I am that" is an illusion! ❤
  2. I'm more on board with the "nobody" so I don't know how to respond, but I would say... If you look totally inwards, you will find nothing. If you look totally outwards you find something. And if you find both, there is "Brahman" etc. Whatever term. The nothingness at the back. I mean it's awareness. It exists I would say? But the ego is a pure lie, certainly, people are nothing more than the present moment, and patterns (predictable behaviors). So "nobody" does sort of resonate with how I view things.
  3. Would it be fair to say that changes are only appearances which don’t hold any ground and couched within nothingness? Kinda like a coin on the sun. You saw its sparkle, you know it was there to later recognize that it was just an illusion of the reflected light. nothing ever happened but appeared as it did ?.
  4. Of course you're terrified of dying, you're 18. There's a reason many older people die without shrieking with fear, your mind actually changes. It also changes if you are dying (see drowning survivor reports). Also your understanding of what you are etc is unexplored. You still believe yourself to be an entirely separate entity from the rest of existence and are wondering what will happen to that little separate slice of existence... Existence is singular, anything that is, "is", there aren't multiple existences. It's the common factor between you and a boulder. If you "look" at your awareness (you can't, but you can recognize you are it) you will find a total nothingness. That nothingness is consciousness. If you look around with your senses you will find somethingness. The commonality is that consciousness exists and the objects exist. We are existence itself, nobody and no thing has a separate piece of existence, there is just existence. Think waves rising and crashing back down into the ocean. When a wave forms it doesn't suddenly gain a sepatate piece of ocean, it is just a movement in the ocean. Like Hotel California, "you can never leave"... Experientially I'm not sure what it will be like. But when a wave crashes back down into the ocean, the same water continues to exist.
  5. @Someone here I guess we're close enough and your perspective is interesting, but I just told my own take of what I've experienced and what I live 24/7. As I said the more you focus on one aspect of reality the less it makes sense if you'd erase all assumtions from it. It's like no choice of word can describe the perception, sensation or the nothingness so it'd feel like the real thing anyway close. That's what perspective, way of looking the thing, is. Verbalizing what you experience is very hard if all in the communication don't have good self-expression skills and idea of how the another one communicates.
  6. Maybe, but the Te activates one to ant to mould the environment, in a way. You might be the intellect, yet there's possibility of being whatever's found to be transcendent in one's life, or way above one's life entirely in the realm mystically where God lies within Nothingness-Everythingness.
  7. Super fun read which I found on the Solipsism reddit: "It’s a lot of information to swallow, it’s one thing to hear about it or get told about it, and then form an opinion and belief about it. But to experience it, to know it, and then have to actually let it sink in, and realize it as truth, accept it as truth, thats the hardest pill to swallow, it will change your life forever. Here’s a list of Pros and cons I made based of of this theory of oneness. Since this is like the theory of everything and so broad I can’t possibly fill all deatils but will do a brief summary of it. I’ve got mixed feelings about it, a part of me feels like a happy kid on xmas who just received a blessing from above, and another part of me can’t help but feel slightly scared and sad at the same time realizing the implications of this theory. Anyways So if this theory is true, which it seems like, based on what we can conceive of right now, the pros and cons of being everything and nothing at the same time would be the following: PROS: Infinite positive attributes From the limited, constrained, vulnerable little competing ego animal we are, constantly fighting for our survival in this reality, from the egos perspective to become god would be The ultimate goal to gain the massivest ego boost you can get, becuase if you are god which is everything, that means that you are all the infinitely positive attributes you can imagine. Like if you LITERALLY are GOD. That means you are infinitely awesome/perfect/proudest/handsome/sexy/cool/powerful/strong/perfect/beautiful/winning/lucky/rich/cute/fast/charming/funny/genius etc. You the trues OG GOAT LEGEND EVER. You have and will experience every single ”most positively pleasureable and awesomest” experiences possible, things that are so good that you would NEVER want to die, for something that feels so good, you WOULD want to live FOREVER, in PARADISE??❤️ no matter how negative or meaningless or lonely or confusing or whatever this mystery of a reality is, as longs as u feel good, and enjoy the masterpieces who gives a fuck about the negative shit amirite? #bliss you simply are the best of the best king??⛩??? Being something. You’d rather be something forever rather than nothing forever right? Imagine infinite nothingness compared to this infinite somethingness. What if existance never came to be and we never were born? Wouldn’t that suck ass? Well guess what, existance either always was somehow. Or it spawned from nothingness, in a miraculous event, like a blessing, like magic, just like that. From nothing to everything, that’s the miracle. HOKUS POKUS BOOM now we’re here, lets take a moment to appreciate and be grateful for this gift of existance , and for reality being. Infinite control and power You have infinite power and freedom to manipulate reality and live your dream and do whatever you want whenever you want. Imagination is the limit. You get to enjoy infinite positive things such as Superpowers, magic, cashflow, fame, infinite love, drugs and sex, pleasure, entertainment of all categories, euphoria and laughter, all magical worlds you can imagine. To enjoy the best feelings ever and from the bad ones you learnt to appreciate the greatness in a new dualistic perspective, to grow stronger and evolve from. The comedy of it all The cosmic giggle, you the best comedian ever, who wrote the funniest joke in existance, the joke is so good, it never gets old, and it’ll have you rolling laughing til you pass out or think about something else ? The so reassuring realness You are real! Well.. Atleast you feel real and this REALity feels real, thats all that matters..right?! And all the people around you feel real, your body feels real, all your senses feel very real, your emotions and thoughts feel real, and if you enter DMT world it even feels ”realer than real”, so I mean can it even get any realer than that? What even is real? Did we make that term up, does it exist independently from us? Or are we it? Atleast we seem to exist, so that must mean we are real to some degree! If you can’t tell the difference between illusion and ”reality”, then does it even matter if its fake or not? What if fake reality is as real as it gets, then couldn’t you label that as real? It would still feel the same? What if there is no such thing as ”reality”, and the closest thing we can come to ”reality” based from the fundamental laws of existance is a ”the most ideal ultra perfect simulation/hallucination/dream”. If real doesn’t exist, than a high quality simulations is as real as it gets! -You’re immortal bro!! So guess what, no more fear of death! You get to feel fearfree limitless euphoria and pleasure! the reassuring feeling that whatever happends, everything will be okay. so fear not, worry not, becuase you’ll survive and go back to source, and get to enjoy gods most powerful feelings of bliss and unconditional love that is the highest most positive thing that exists and ever will be, its what makes living worth living. -get to be fully present and enjoy the moment to the fullest cuz why not its all we got so make the best of it! Infininite experience and wisdom, and infinite non-loneliness. through lessons and experiences and playing and meeting avatars, you would experience all relationships between avatars and the emotions that come with, aswell as all experiences and the knowledge that comes with, what an adventure! Best way to learn is to experience it directly! If you’re alone that means there are no enemies outside of you! The only enemy is you, so know you have a reason to be empathic to other people and have peace ok earth, now it suddenly makes sense and even is selfish to help other people other than you becuase they literally also are you! Treat others as you would of wanted to be treated. Please yourself and make yourself feel loved! Be an angel to yourself! CONS(warning may trigger people): Being nothing. While being everything can be awesome, you are also somehow nothing at the same time. Pure void being awareness, eternally was and eternally will be. But wait, so is the somethingness an illusion? Or is the nothingness an illusion? What even is nothing? Are we more something than nothing, or more nothing than something? Or same of both?Hard to get your head around.. Non-linear insanity. when you live in a linear reality timeline, in a confined space with rules, things make sense and things feel logical and full of purpose. But when you are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, there is no destination anymore, it’s like game over, no goal to orient yourself towards, nothing to fulfill becuase you already are fulfilled, being infinite, can you truly be that in one instant, or is it a constant state of novelty experience never ending, or are you all that is encompassed into one thing? Either way you feel ironically calustrophobic knowing that even if you are infinite, there is nothing outside of you which makes you feel trapped inside yourself, in a place with no time, space, rule, meaning or instruction until you create it. You are alone. This hits me the hardest, this makes me emotional tbh. You realize the fact that you are alone in existance. It’s a cold fact to accept as truth, that it’s only you, all about you, all this time, there was no one else but you. It’s beautiful but sad at the same time. That intense feeling of loneliness, and that feeling of never ever being able to escape that loneliness once you’re god again. Remembering why you made yourself forget, realizing why some people chose to stay asleep and didn’t want to be awakened or simply won’t and can’t accept the truth and therefore stay sleep to stay sane and stay in the dream of a reality were you are not alone and feel love from other than yourself. Does god have limited power? they say god is almighty, can do everything, but the thing with god is that god is. And can god stop being? Can god create himself and destroy himself? Can god make it so he is not alone in existance? Or is it/he simply bound by some kind of existial fundamental law that is beyond him/over him that says: he is and always will be, and he is alone. But besides that he can create illusion hallucinations of space and time to stay sane and distracted from boredom of being? Becuase he can’t escape himself (being) so he makes himself forget he is god and goes about dreaming time and space into existance to give a sense of meaning to the meaningless existance he is forced to endure and can’t ever escape from? He invents, defines and creates meaningful MASTERPIECES. Like painting on an empty canvas. He creates reasons to wanting to exist, becuase if there is something that forces him to exist, and he has no power over that, then he must simply accept it as truth and simply make the best of it becuase there is nothing he can do about it. So after endlessly dreading about it and being bored and miserable god thought hey why not try to enjoy this instead, and created a reason to wanting to exist for example #lifehack So god wiped his own memory and started a new birth and death life dream. When we are limited egos, we long for god, for the answers to all the mysteries, and want to experience and come closer to god. But when we are god and know everything, we want to forget, and become a limited human, and I see why, but in some lives we want to remember though to have that upperhand in the game, and to remember if you lived this life before. Everything is fake Your ego is fake(this hits hard), your friends and family is fake, your avatar is fake, this physical reality is fake, nothing but a simulated/dreamy illusion to distract you from your ever existing dread of loneliness beingness (real fundamental reality). Love and relationships. what hits me the hardest is the fact that when I see something or experience something, and want to write it down, or record it, maybe take a photo or record it on cam. To later show someone. That really I am just showing it to myself. So why am I even trying to capture it? Or the fact when I perform on stage, or in front of people, or whenever I am having a deep and meaningful conversation, or loving moment with someone, I am talking to myself, I am loving myself. Love is real but, I made it, I am it. It’s my dream? I’m the main character. Gods wish he never had was he wanted to have someone else to love, and have someone to receive love from. So he created this illusion to experience that dream. To create something that felt like ”other” or outside of himself. Tricking yourself into a dream. Suffering your own tricks, while at the same time laughing your ass of at yourself. There is no one else to blame or to be mad at or to debate with, or take responsibility for except yourself. Its all on u and only you, and you playin yourself. The worst part is when you realize that all this time you had been talking to people, building relationships, hurt people, all those memories, trying to convince them of things, or prove something to them, argued with them, and gotten into fights, not to mention falling in love with people.. but all that was really a trick on yourself, tada? tricking yourself that there were such a thing as ”other”. Who is all this for? Me, so enjoy the eternal moment! I mean what choice do you have? Mohahahahamanic laughter Can god choose to stop being? Maybe not? Can he not exist? Can he exist? Is anything real? Why and how is? That is the mystery that we may know, but chose to forget? Or will we ever know, does god even know? Is having all control in existance really that exciting when there is nothing that is not controlled by you? I mean besides the awesome aspects of it, the negatives is that if all is controlled by you, you are simply the puppeteer puppeting your life talking to yourself. No surprises, no adventures, just controlled creations.. dull, predictable, overpowered. Existance can seem nihilistic, meaningless and tragic. There is nothing new, becuase you are absolute infinity, you encompass everything in an instant, all goals are done, this means the second you begin existance you are also done with it. The bad thing with that is that life and goals then can seem meaningless since they have already been achieved and nothing new exists that you haven’t already done. But the good thing is that if this is true, it means that a gigaton of stress and pressure just got lifted of your shoulders. This means (thank god hallelujah bless the heavens feels good to be alive baby) that you don’t have to worry about the past and future and enjoy the present to the fullest!! Knowing that you already have done everything so be proud over yourself and start to chill and enjoy life, just be and enjoy being to the fullest, nothing is lost, all shall remain and be svaed for you to enjoy and look back upon, this masterpiece of a creation you made, enjoy! Game over = game on! The good thing with being everything is that it removes jealousy from the ego, it makes you proud seeing yourself being successfull in another lifetime outside of your ego and you get to feel happy for them instead of threatened to compete with them. Jealousy becomes a gift, a privilege from the perspective of god, becuase it is an emotion that can only be felt from ego. Ego feels real so lets enjoy the feeling of being ego for real. In the state of god consciousness you are everything, non-duality, and even if this may be true, this altered consciousness of being the ego is a gift for you to experience duality. The bad thing with being everyone is that everyone outside of your ego who is suffering right now in the world is also you, that’s a lot of suffering to go through.. now you really start caring if you can feel what they feel. Still the mystery is, how can god be? That is the question.. the mystery."
  8. The act followed the word, and the master of the house said to me, "Have you stretched your neck up and have you seen what is done?" And I said that I had, and he said to me, "This man of copper whom you have seen is the sacrificial priest and the sacrifice and he who vomited out his own flesh, to him was given authority over the water and over those men in mortification." And when I had seen these visions, I woke again and said to myself, "What is the cause of this vision, is this not the white and yellow water boiling, sulfurous, divine?" And I found that I understood well, and I said that it was good to speak and good to hear and good to give and good to receive, and good to be poor and good to be rich, and how does the nature learn to give and to receive? The copper man gives, and the water-stone receives, the thunder gives the fire that flashed from it, for all things are woven together and all things are taken apart, and all things are mingled, and all things combined, and all thing mix, and all things separated, and all things are moistened, and all things are dried, and all things bud, and all things blossom, in the outer shape, like a bowl. For each, by method and by weight of the four elements, the interlacing and separation of the whole is accomplished. For no bond can be made without method. The method is natural. Breathing in and breathing out - keeping the orders of the method, increasing and decreasing, and all things by division and union come together in a harmony. The method, not being neglected, the nature is transformed. For the nature, turning on itself is changed, and the nature is both the nature of the virtue, and the bond of the world, and so that I need not write to you of many things, build the temple of one stone. Like serous, like alabaster, like marble of pyrokinesis in appearance. Having neither beginning nor end in its building, let it have within a pure stream of water glittering like sunlight. Notice, on what side the entry to the temple is, and take your sword in hand and seek the entry, for thin mouth, is the place where the opening is, and a serpent lies by it, guarding the temple. First, seize him in your hands and make a sacrifice to him, and having skinned him, cut his flesh from his bones, divide him, member from member and having brought together again the members and the bones, make them a stepping-stone at the entry to the temple, and mount upon them and go in, and there you will find what you seek. For the priest whom you see seated in the stream gathering his colour is not a man of copper, he has changed the colour of his nature and become a man of silver whom if you wish after a little time, you will have as a man of gold. Then again wishing to ascent the seven steps and to behold the seven mortifications, and as it happened, one day did I ascend away. Retracing my steps, I there upon ascended the way many times, and on returning, I could not find the way, and becoming discouraged, not seeing how to get out, I fell asleep. I saw in my sleep a certain little man, a barber, wearing a red robe and royal garments, and he stood outside of the place of the mortifications and said, "What are you doing, man?" I said to him, "I stand here because I have missed every road and am lost." He said, "Follow me." And going out, I followed him, and being near to the place of the mortifications, I saw the little barber man leading me and he cast into the place of the mortifications, and his whole body was consumed by fire. Seeing this I fled and trembled from the fear, and I woke and I said to myself, "What is this, that I have seen?" And again I took thought and determined that this barber man is the man of copper. It is necessary for the first step to throw him into the place of the mortifications. My soul again desired to ascend, the third step also. And again, alone, I went along the way and as I drew near the place of the mortifications, again I got lost, losing sight of the path and stood out of my mind. And again, I saw an old man of hair so white my eyes were blinded by the whiteness. His name was Agatho Daemon and again the white old man, turning, looked on me for a whole hour, and I asked him, "Show me the right way." He did not turn toward me but hastened to go on the right way. And going and coming of this manner, he quickly affected the alter. As I went up to the altar, I saw the white old man. He was cast into the mortifications. Oh, creator Gods of celestial natures, straight away the flames took him up entire, which is a terrible story, my brother, for from the great energy of the mortifications, him eyes became full of blood, and I questioned him saying, "Why do you lie there?" And he opened his mouth and said, "I am the man of lead, and I am withstanding and intolerable force." And then I awoke out of fear and sought in myself the cause of this fact, and again I reflected, and said to myself, "I understand well that thus must one cast out the lead." Truly the vision as concerning the combination of liquids and again I knew the theophany and again the sacred altar and I saw a certain priest clothed in white, celebrating those same terrible mysteries. And I said, "Who is this?" And he answering, he said to me, "This is the priest of the adytum. He wishes to put blood into the bodies, that make the eyes clear, and to raise up the dead." And again I fell asleep for a while. And while I was mounting the fourth step, I saw one with a sword in his hand coming out of the East and I saw another behind him holding a disc, white and shining and beautiful to behold and it was called the meridian of the sun. And I approached the place of the mortifications and the one who held the sword to me cut off his head and sacrifice his meat and muscles, part by part so that the first, the flesh, maybe boiled according to the method and that he might then suffer the mortifications. And waking I said, "I understand well that these matters concern the liquids of the art of the metals." And the one who held the sword said, "You have fulfilled the seven steps beneath. And the other said of the same time as the casting out of the lead by all the liquids." The work is completed. Roman Empire is what you are Roman Empire is who you are You're an empire Darkest of empires The Roman Empire You're building cities on the backs of all the people Working hard to build a home with memories This moral ground you think you own is frankly dangerous When you're ripping kids away from what they need In The Self Overcoming of Nihilism, Nishitani begins by tracing back the historical understanding of nihilism and philosophers such as Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Max Stirner, Heidegger and Sartre. Nishitani gives his own answer to Nihilism as is explicit in the title, of nihilism overcoming itself rather than us overcoming. The nature of nihilism can be conceived in two ways, as universal and existential and as particular and historical, this duality is something that should be grasped in one single vison in order to understand how nihilism operates in actual reality. Nihilism is a sign of the collapse of the social order externally, and of spiritual decay internally, and as such, signifies a time of great upheaval where as before, human existence had a clear and eternal meaning, a way in which to live with one may or may not want to follow, how existence is deprived of such meaning. It stands before nothingness as having been stripped naked, becoming a question mark for itself, and this in turn transforms the world itself into a question. The world in which we live reveals itself as an abyss, and profound anxiety shakes the foundation of human being. Nishitani writes, "In short, nihilism refuses treatment as merely an external problem for one's self, where even contemplation is a problem internal to each individual self. This is the essence of nihilism. It demands that each individual carry out an experiment within the self. There is a lot of philosophy that focuses on only conceptual analysis while one loses touch with the human condition, nihilism is first and foremost a problem of the self as it underlies being itself. New paths towards nihilism, where things no longer stand firm on the basis human, the path towards Christ, the Godman, or the Uber Mench - the Mangod, while they by no means solved everything, there's no doubt that through their struggle, they turned the European spirit in the direction of what is its profoundest dimension? However, the attempt to preserve the self from nothingness at all costs, means that the process of meaninglessness is not allowed into the self, it is cocooned from it, avoiding reality, we become self-enclosed and all our experiences relate back to the self. Thus when we encounter nihility, we see it as eroding the very meaning of our life. And we try to resist it with ourself, only to sink further into it, like quicksand. One of Nishitani's deepest insights is that we haven't been able to take nihilism deep enough, so that it overcomes itself. Nishitani wants to achieve a radicalization of nihility whereby nihilism overcomes itself. The awakening of the great doubt is the conversion to Sunyata or emptiness which is the deepest layer of being. Nihility is as part of the fabric of reality as Being is. On this new field of emptiness, you have the paradoxical coexistence of things, when nihility constitutes the realness of being, this interdependent co-arising is a key notion on Buddhism. Until one accepts nihility as part of the self, there is a lack of relationship with one's self and a complete lack of contact. Nishitani traverses nihilism in a much more existential mode, where it is not always relating back to the self as an external event, but is actually part of the self. Things can then, being encountered on their own homeground, as Nishitani puts it. One does know something by representing it, willing it, or expressing it, but by becoming it. Roman Empire is what you are Roman Empire is who you are You're an empire Darkest of empires The Roman Empire Roman Empire is what you are Roman Empire is who you are You're an Empire Darkest of Empires The Roman Empire In religion and nothingness, he begins by asking, "what is religion?' that is in fact the original title of the work. What exactly is the purpose of religion for us? Why do we need it? Nishitani's creating a dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity, and he often appears to be more concerned with Christian conceptions than with Buddhist ones, however the notion of Sunyata is central. Religion is not something that claims to be based on some sort of creed, it is the absolute negation of the experience of the absolute nothingness, and the various efforts to achieve it. Nishitani also talks about the dangers of scientism to overlook not only religion, but philosophy as well. This occurs when science seems to regard its own scientific standpoint as a position of unquestionable truth from which it can assert itself in all directions so that things like religion, philosophy and the arts appear as no more than subjective opinion. In this way, our existential problems in the human condition is completely ignored. For Nishitani, religion has to do with life itself, whether the live we're living will end up in extinction or in the attainment of eternal life is a matter of the utmost important for life itself. Religion, like culture, is at all times the individual affair of each person, accordingly we cannot understand what religion is from the outside. The religious quest alone is the key to understanding it, there is no other way. Nishitani says that it is a mistake to ask, what is the purpose of religion for us as it tries to detach us from the religious quest by obscuring the way to its own answer from the very start. It blocks our becoming a question to ourselves, instead religion poses as a starting point the question: "For what purpose do I exist?" He writes, "Why do we exist at all? Is not our very existence and human life ultimately meaningless? Or if there is a meaning or significance to it all, where do we find it? When we doubt the meaning of our existence in this way, when we have become a question to ourselves the religious quest awakens within us. It is the conversion from a self centered mode of being, which always asks what use things have for us to an attitude that asks for what purpose we ourselves exist? Only when we stand at this turning point does the question what is religion really become our own. Nishitani understands the essence of religion as the real self realization of reality. Religion is to see things as they are on their own homeground and this real self-realization of reality is possible only by understanding nihility as part of our existence. The realization of Sunyata is not our salvational fate, but rather our vocation. A thought becomes Non dualistic so that we become the world and the world becomes us, this is the Buddhist idea of the non-self. The self-awareness in which the self-awakens to its true nature, the non-self is paradoxically the true self, the rejection of the ego gives way to the codependence of everything to what is known as Indra's net. All things in the world are linked together in one way or the other. Not a single thing comes into being without some relationship to every other thing. We become the masters of ourselves and a servant in relation to others. This approach is used in Japanese psychotherapy to treat neurotic patients suffering from anxiety and depression. The acceptance of things as they are instead of fleeing into imaginary scenarios or focusing monomaniacally on the ego's petty concerns, is believed to be crucial for the individual's wellbeing and also for the healthy functioning of society as a whole. In order to become united with reality in a nondual awareness, it is necessary to learn to empty the self and see things as they truly are, without our subjective distortions and our reflective interpretations. Rising above the subject/object division gives way to pure experience. This does not make much sense to the conceptual mind, we tend to reify nihility because we cannot wrap our heads against it, in fact Nishitani states that one must have contemplative practice to understand the essence of religion and nothingness. Religion and nothingness are not just the book, but rather a deeply transformative experience. Nishitani's existential concern is far from the speculative and abstract philosophy. We must not only know about things, propositional knowledge, but also how to do things, procedural knowledge, how to perceive the world, perspectival knowledge and how to participate in it by knowing our place in the world and how we relate to the world as agents. Philosophy is a transformative experience. Influenced by zen master, Dogen, Nishitani practiced zazen or sitting meditation for more than two decades, a physical practice that grounded his thinking in lived experience. The harsh reality of zen life is to sit and not try to do anything, particularly in the West, a sense of ennui arises, of utter lack of occupation and excitement. Because we're being taught that we must be productive, and not waste time, we become deeply alienated from ourselves, from other people, and from nature. It is difficult to experience time as time, and nothing else. We have the tendency to kill time, or to say, "today I have wasted all of my time." We begin to see time as something to fight against, as the constant striving for more and more progress, the truth is that the present moment is the only reality. Zen is just being with existence, there's no other point, not thinking about what to do next, but doing one's duty each day, if you do your duty, you'll be satisfied, if you've been avoiding what you're supposed to do the whole day, you'll be miserable. Having received a human life, do not waste the passing moments, human life is like a flash of lightning, transient and illusory, gone in a moment. (You're an Empire) (You're an Empire) What if God's not real? And everything we are Is just a moment here Where we're only growing older? What if God is real And everything I've done Pushed me down this path And it's only growing colder? Nishitani understand human existence as consisting in three fields: 1 - consciousness - is where we live most of our waking lives, this is our life perspective. We claim to know other people, and things, but in fact what we know are merely our subjective concepts and representations of them. We see things on the standpoint of the self, and in fact many of us can get all the way to the grave without ever becoming aware of the deeper layers of our existence. Invoking Plato's allegory of the cave, Nishitani states that we sit like spectators in the cave of the self, watching the shadows pass two and fro across such walls and calling those shadows reality. 2 - nihility - below we have the field of nihility, this is by contrast a death perspective, when we encounter the terror of nothingness, and meaninglessness. However, death is not something that awaits us in some distant future, but something that we bring into the world with us at the moment we are born, our live stand poised at the brink of the abyss of nihility, to which it may return at any moment. Nihility set in opposition of being. It stands over against existence. It is situated alone, by itself, outside of existence, that is, it is still taken as something called nihility. Nishitani calls it a standpoint of relative nothingness, which he believes one doesn't overcome nihilism through a summoning of the will to power, are a part of the heroic ego, but rather by accepting it as part of being. While he came close to overcoming nihilism, he did not stare into the abyss for long enough. The fundamental difference is that he does not allow the full zen standpoint of nonself to appear, it remains a standpoint of the will. 3 - emptiness - We must step back from nihility to the field of emptiness to shed light on what is underfoot. Nishitani writes - in contrast to the fields of nihility, on which the desolate and bottomless abyss distances even the most intimate of persons, or things from one another, on the field of emptiness, that absolute breach points directly to a most intimate encounter with everything that exists, whereas nihility's relative nothingness, emptiness is absolute nothingness, the negation which encompasses everything else and from which particular being form and emerge. The absolute negation as the negation of negations becomes the great affirmation. In the openness of Sunyata, realized by nihility overcoming itself, one completely oversteps the confines of self consciousness and comes to be free of egocentrism, anthropocentrism, and even theocentric. Thus allowing ultimate reality to manifest itself in all its fullness. In reaching the final field, we feel at home. One breathes pure mountain air. It offers us the most enlightened life, a death-life perspective in which we experience the most profound joy. It is the hero's journey. The psychological death and rebirth of one's self. Giving birth to a new self. The nonself, and gaining new insights as wisdom, to tackle life's hardships. In zen this becomes the great death, the moment in which the great doubt finishes its work, which only a few will have experienced, though all will experience the small death, if you die before you die, then when you die you don't die. These fields are always co-present, and each deeper field is more extensive, and encompassing than the one above it. For Nishitani, Western philosophy has mostly been conducted on the field of consciousness, where we have no access to things themselves, but only to our subjective representations of them. Getting past the ego is getting past the suffering, ecstasy is used to transcend oneself without ceasing to be one's self. By not making contact with the deepest layers of ourselves, we remain alienated and live without truly knowing who we are, we become like the fly bumping against a windowpane, but unable to get through. One ignores the reality of life, and the abyss that lies beneath oneself and which will manifest itself whether one is aware of it or not, by contrast - on the field of emptiness, we can break through how things appear to human subjects and encounter things as they are in themselves. Roman Empire is what you are Roman Empire is who you are You're an empire Darkest of empires The Roman Empire Roman Empire is what you are Roman Empire is who you are You're an empire Darkest of empires The Roman Empire Not only is one transformed into a new self, but the world also changes form in our eyes. We gain a new vision, a change of heart, a deepening of our perspective, we reveal what was hitherto concealed as a result of the self's realization, concerning its deepened interconnectedness with the world, the self stops seeing the world as something external to it. The new self is transformed because it does not prioritize itself over other selves any longer, by practicing this view from above, what moves to a third perspective and steps back from once narrower view of things. Instead of seeing oneself as insignificant in the cosmos at large, the individual brings cosmic significance to his or her life. The cosmos as the individual interpenetrates, one becomes a cosmic individual, similar to night of faith, buy moving from finitude to the cosmos, and back again to finitude, one delights in everything finite, seeing reality as it is. One's outer appearance looks just like any ordinary person, there's no special aura or superiority that marks the distinctness of the cosmic individual, but at the same time, every step is filled with the invisible force of cosmic significance. If you forget yourself, you become the universe. (You're an Empire) (You're an Empire) What if God's not real And everything we are Is just a moment here Where we're only growing older? What if God is real And everything I've done Pushed me down this path And it's only growing colder?
  9. Thoughts actually don't just "arise" out of nothingness. They are activated and flavored by shifts in the contrast between our inter-connections that occur as things move/change inside us and outside us. We have a narrative system that is hooked into or superimposed onto our level of flow that automates the pace of internal chitter-chatter and maintains a given degree of immersion plus a given degree of populated conscious activity. When people meditate and try to hold "nothingness" or an empty mind or whatever, they are in essence trying to slow/calm that flow and create a short-lived vacuum or pocket of thoughtlessness (among other things, there are many different kinds of meditation, which is really just practice of some flavor of applied focus). And of course when that vacuum releases, the thoughts come back, whether the vacuum was released willfully, or a shift in our body caused the automatic release. The release of the vacuum is a shift event in and of itself which is an emotionally competent stimulus that will trigger thought narratives and influence how they "appear" to manifest. We can't get caught up in that single shift and tunnel-vision to the point, where that is the only reference from which we draw conclusions. There is way more there to explore and way more we have to develop to even have proper access to those avenues of exploration. So people make the mistake of jumping to the conclusion that thoughts arise from this vacuum because they haven't sensitized themselves to the bodily shifts, nor have they developed the tensile resiliency or traction to deal with how those shifts effect our cognitive recollection of the actual experience. They don't account for or properly attribute how the vacuum state influenced the mixture, which flavored the trigger of thought as it preceded, much like people fail to attribute or account for the weight or influence of observation having an effect on the collapse of a wave function when conducting science expirements. In that fraction of a second where things shift, there is a shit load of things going on that are fast as hell, and more subtle then a whisper on the wind. Not to be melodramatic or anything, but internal transitions are hard as hell to gain a clear picture on, because every move you make in response to a transition influences the transition, which influences you on every level from cognition to immersion to emotion and everything else. We're trying to bring some kind of clarity to an ever-changing mixture that we are a part of and are influenced by at all times, which takes a lot of time and a lot of development to be able to create requisite levels of a kind of meta superposition to be even able to accomplish. And instead of doing all that, or even knowing to do all that, people just stick with the idea, that thoughts arise out of nothingness, because that's all their feel for things can tell them at the time and so they miss out on the potential for more. We have to be more humble than that and buy less into this false certainty "that this is all there is". This is where the uncertainty principle comes in handy as a protection against false certainty. In essence, beware a conclusion that leaves you no access to further potentialities, because a conclusion that absolute is a false and flawed one. Our view of life and ourselves does not have to be that primitive, nor so extreme and divorced from the nuances of reality. Generally speaking, I wish people would remind themselves that they don't have to approach the question of free will in a binary way. We are a dynamic mixture of automation and free will superimposed on top of each other and the dance of that mixture plays out, in more than a single step. We automatically activate, then consciously calibrate, then automatically activate in response to that conscious calibration, which we then consciously calibrate again as we make choices. It is a dance with overlapping or slightly superimposed steps of automated activation and conscious balancing/calibration via choice with mutual avenues for inter-influence that compounds over time in a hopefully constructive way. The degree of depth, and the determination of which is the dominant or secondary force, driving the dance changes depending on the person and their unique context in a given moment. Distinct, but seamless and the degree of difference in what people might create from such a dance staggering.
  10. @RMQualtrough God=limitless, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, presence itself, consciousness, Love, Infinity, Nothingness, Truth. That's what I mean by that word.
  11. Cognition is the biggest obstacle to Enlightenment. Atman is not a realization, it cannot be achieved, it’s always present, however, it is hidden! The reason you cannot become IT because your thoughts are superimposed on the Being (Amness/Atman) which in terms creates the illusion of ego, false knowledge of your true nature. “I am…” is the thought, root of all suffering and all the falsehood is dancing around this cognition, and enforced by it, by I AM something. Guys, I want to share with you step by step practice that helped to recognize impersonal awareness. Disclaimer: there is no doer in this process, there is no “I”, “me”, blah blah blah. Using these nouns to help others, no more, no less. Step one: Observer and observation: notice the thoughts and notice something/someone who observes them. This is your mind creating the split between the observation and the observer. Step two: Observer and the Void! State of mind where it masquerades itself under the guise of void. No thoughts state is still your mind’s games. One is creating the state of silence, another is watching that silence (both of them are your mind) . Still two! Notice it. Background. Space. The absence of any thoughts is still…..a subtle game. Still separation because one is noticing and the other is thinking, even this void, no thoughts is still a separation, meditative space in your mind is still a separation, because there is a cognition that meditations occur to someone, void occurs to someone, in this case minds pretends its void, it can even pretend to be quiet and non-talkative, but notice mind is still there, so funny. Still two. You and another you which still thinks there is no mind, aka some progress hahahah. I was stuck in this phase years and years. Step three: total collapse of the cognition, final surrender. In this state of Being, you won’t be able to recognize any void, any space, any observer with the observable. You become literally Reality itself. There won’t be any inner/outer separation. You look at the chair, you become a chair and observation of it, nut now you are aware and one. Observer is not there any longer. If there is still a notion/cognition or any separation, you haven’t got it. If any thoughts that follow/above/beyond this cognition is still a mind. If you are fully present, in the state of Being, if you become what you see, literally, you won’t be able to register “I” on top of the experience. There won’t be any room for the observer and the observation. It is nothingness! Awareness which is not aware of Itself! You won’t be able to register or observe any experience. You won’t have any cognition. But you will exist as an experience. How cool is that? The only way you will be able to register it, understand, cognize is a post factum, in the retrospection. But not when you are it! Because pure consciousness can only become either one, no two! It will be either the non-cognitive experience, or the thought ( I am the observer of the experience). Two different states of Being. You real face is in the absence of any image, experience, cognition. Just a pure non-dual awareness!
  12. I keep hearing all these words and I get confused. Could somebody define all these for me? And link them all up together and how they relate to each other, growth, the world, life, and everything else? Is consciousness the same as awareness? Is consciousness actually nothingness? The Truth is you are nothing and everything they say. Some teachers say you are empty awareness, some say you are nothing, are they the same? They call it God and absolute infinity and all kinds of shit. Can somebody just explain all these words and the concepts and ideas behind them? I would like a big picture understanding of how these all link up together. Thanks
  13. Reasons for 1) spending 40 millionish (even more possibly) @ 21+, no 1825, causing famdom suffering to go to uk to try to find a club *g? would you give this advice to adnaan,olas or rune Th? No.because the probabilty of it maximizing pleasure even for 8 gates is low. do you really think you won’t xp guilt for fandom suffering? And will be 25+ soon( *g kitten time). also this was never something 8 gates wanted to see.8 gates wanted to see high school. Not kittens etc. in the long run it will cause more displeasure -imagine 30- 40 at max pleasure will be 2 years (23-25) and even then probably not -imagine kasun.p,janidu at a uk club surrounded by narckohumes,thrustons,hamzas etc ** the only reason 8 gates wants to do it is to escape mental discomfort. However we know for a fact through DIRECT EXPERIENCE that doing all this is unnecasary to escape discomfort proof- mal.d impulses. endorphins during w.0 -what about missing out on clubbing (even as hamzas black friend?) what about missing out on genuine connections because chose the selfish path which cannot connect to do clubs?can you really love ,when you bury /ignore famdom pain and kittens suffering? can you really club 25+? 2 years more max. By 21 majority in the club is probably younger than you and clubbing is only during the night time on saturdays/fridays/sundays what are you going to do during the 10+ waking hours? During disfars etc? tates videos ( are 300,20 min videos( total won’t even be 2 years of his life and he probably only shows the best bits) and even they aren’t all with multiple *g.majority is traveling alone with trist ,gs who are the sl premas daughter can’t speak English) -imagine doing the criminal actigity during the daytime (8 hours)to sustain the 3 night club life.does that sound pleasurable? Constantly looking over shoulder at the possibility of going to jail/raped? dont you think all of that will pain will outweigh the pleasure of the 2 years at club(of their even is any pleasure there) If khalid,jinyoo,ovin,MARLON,SHAQIR,LENNOXwent to a club with narcohumes I don’t see them having that much pleasure in the 2 year time. -but gentle path has s10mins right? Isn’t the possibility of club pleasure better than nothingness of s10Mins? not in the long term. It’s like putting down SHOELESS LIMPER/aLimping dog. Angelo Barnes/khalid dealing with narcohumes etc in the long term s10mins(nuetralitu will be better logically) - also gentle path will give 8 gates times to see if 8 gates is OLYPHANT or TOBY by initiating greeting -if 8 gates is olyphant , then 8 gates will naturally attract cabins in the wood and post poning after fandom stability will be loving/justifiable. if toby then s10mins will be loving to oneself and others as a genuinen connection is impossible and tickling with prosts/ dionas /will eventually lead to hating oneself L.T displeasure Verdict- s10 kind gentle path has a high chance of maximizing pleasure, is loving/moral s100 is tight path
  14. I am sure some of you may have had a experience of being nothingness, right? That highly alive, solid emptyness. That stretches out to infinity? Right? That is the true nature of consciousness, of being. if you're sincere & commit to truth, you will probably have this nothingness show itself at some point. After a while of going in and out of this nothingness, the belief of the self will dissolve more & more as each awakening convinces that there is nothing here. And nothing to come back to. Nothingness/being is what you specifically are! And everyone else is insane and living in the dream of being human, and all the stuff that goes with that. Truth is now to be embodied, this is what Masters all do of course. They became walking manifestation of truth and being. Ask your self what do you want? Do you want a enlightenment experience or are you willing to throw yourself in the fire of the absolute?
  15. Oh yay, finally, something I can answer. Right now, you assume your brain is creating the images etc, and your thoughts. So assume for now that is true, ait?... But what you actually believe is the most fundamental element of what you are, is not the images and thoughts but the element that observes those images and thoughts. So you don't think you are a thought, because you don't think you will stop existing when your current thought ends. You don't think you are eyesight because you don't believe you'd stop existing if you went blind. And so on and so on... The sights, thoughts, sounds, and things you think your brain is generating, are the CONTENT of awareness. These things can morph around, while you will always remain as the backdrop... What is the backdrop? The backdrop is "empty", it is inherently itself nothing... See: Imagine losing every sense one by one. Eventually you may imagine yourself in a black void devoid of thoughts or feelings. But black is visual. It is a color. Your table doesn't see black, nor do people born blind. So remove the black. What's left? Nothing. That is what you are right now, get it? NOT the content that you think your brain generates (I won't refute that rn, it's not necessary), but the literal nothing that all of that content appears within. Uhmmmm... I feel like I'm missing something... But I was going to angle at the fact that it does not make logical sense that nothingness could be created or destroyed.
  16. The words and language and meaning are nothingness, and all the mental and physical mechanisms and structures are nothingness. The only thing that exists is the nonphysical awareness, the nonphysical consciousness, that is able to appear as infinite forms and realities. There only is the here and now that is nothingness that forms and constructs itself as the socalled physical reality. That's the point where we are talking about the consciousness becoming, and simultaneously being, infinite realities that are all here and now as infinite possibilities that becomes realized depending on the state of consciousness, and that is what the experience of continuity even is. It is becoming spacetime realities and guides itself through its... All existence is the absolute meaninglessness. It is not any different than the experience of you taking some psychedelics and then, for instance, experience a parallel universe as a parallel version of you in that universe for some decades, while all of that has happened within only a few minutes in this... All the history, and the world, and languages, and meanings, and so forth, are being created by consciousness in the moment with the idea of the experience of space and time etc built in within itself for the experience, otherwise there would be no experience of a continuity. Otherwise there would be no world, no people, no minds, no experiences, no languages, no knowledges, no selves, no individualities. There would just be the deep sleep, the void, without any content or meaning or meaning of meaning or meaning of meaning of meaning, ad infinitum, and there would just be nonduality, both conceptually, and physically.
  17. my-personality-understanding-the-kind-of-person-i-am -the-subject-of-evil nothingness my-psyche-sensitive-content-trigger-warning my-bpd-symptoms-part-1 interdimensional-beings english-tutorial-journal in-love state-of-consciousness
  18. I do apologize for my language, I feel it is a bit deceitful to my reader. Awareness cannot become Itself, it is already Self. I meant to say: While you are holding on to the context of a certain story, Awareness can not see Itself. But again, please do not be too hard on this statement. I am trying to point that in order to see your true nature, you need to remove all the concepts and notions. Remove your thinking capacity. Very often, you can notice it after your awakening in the morning; you need this split of a second to remember yourself. Have you ever noticed it? Tomorrow when you wake up, try to be aware of this process, Matt won't be there immediately, you will need a bit of volition to remember who and where you are. So that blank state is what you are prior to remembering: "Oh, I am me, I am in my bed, in my house!" Notice this. Also, you can notice it on the border line of sleep, just right before loosing consciousness and falling asleep. Usually, you become this screen that registers reality, and thoughts are like running сredits after the movie is over. That space is what it is, you can notice it. It is not an understanding. Consciousness contains all possible qualities, but God itself is not any of them. Okay imagine this: an empty space. Then imagine something in that space. Dot! So, Consciousness is that space that allows a dot to be. If Consciousness would have any quality, it could not contain what it holds. It would become automatically an object/quality. But what is it that allows everything to be? It is like an air. But again, even space and air is a bad analogy. I am just using it to explain Nothingness. User friendly example. How have I arrived to this understanding? I do not remember. In all honestly, I do not remember when I became aware of awareness, of this "space" which is not me. It was a very gradual process for me. Eventually, you will notice it, do not be too hard on yourself, just keep up with the work and it will unfold naturally. The best practice is to put your attention on attention itself. Attention on everything: thought, feeling and perception. After a while, you will notice that space I am talking about it.
  19. Sorry I did not mean to devalue your experience. I was trying to explain you what lies behind the I AMness. You asked me what I called this True Self...but it does not have any qualities. This I AM is a psychically objectified living system, we can not deny it. It recognizes itself through I am. However, in this I AMness, there is always a need to define itself as “I am someone”. Immediately creating the history about Itself. This is very important to recognize. This Amness is our true being and it does not hold any qualities, therefore I said it is nothingness, because "something" is a quality. As soon as we define it, our mind is being hooked. This is a form of a mind game: categorization. While you are holding on to the context of a certain story, awareness is not capable to become itself. It is truly nothingness that allows everything! That is what I meant. Again, I am sorry if it sounded nihilistic. Good quote came into my mind: "When you are left alone with yourself, look at both"
  20. It’s funny that you mentioned that. Because during my second LSD trip (and a few after that) Something similar was revealed to me. At the peak of these trips/realizations, I went above this Infinite Mind, and saw that it was Everything. But what made it more confusing, was that I was shown that there was something beyond this Infinite Mind. I looked up and It was pitch black. But I saw an opening of a tunnel in the far distant. As soon as I was approaching it, the peak subsided and I went back in to the mind, where this life was contained in. But that begs the question: If it is an Infinite Mind: Why was I able to go beyond it and observe it from above? That would mean that there is something outside of this Infinite Mind or Maze of Everything. Also wouldn’t be Infinite if it was seen from above, that would make it finite. Unless it has different layers of more Mind, inside of each other. Extending forever… Bubbles within Bubbles. I have been able to break out of this Mind, a few times. Where I observed pure Infinite Void. Before hitting that Infinite Void, I passed Mind and entered that tunnel. But was only able to observe Formlessness and Nothingness, while being “there”. But it’s so complex in that “space” that whatever words I choose to describe it, would just lead to confusion and do no justice to what it really Is. This was and is so f*cking profound that I have gone to great lengths and been trying to go around this fact with all the other awakenings and have tried to understand those initial awakenings/trips. Maybe will gain some clarity on this in the upcoming trips. Will keep deconstructing. Cheers ✨
  21. Hang in there, my readers. I’m writing about splicing the "no self concept" with the manifestation power. I don't know yet how to explain the reader about the nothingness and no time concept. I feel it, I just need to put this into words. I am marrying them together now. I have discovered my way to manifest dreams.
  22. Haha love the NFS analogy. Good one. And of course it is so. In the beginning it’s you, in the middle it’s you, and in the end it’s you. And they are all one happening/one being. Yeah, no kidding. It’s like being blasted with all the beliefs, self structure programmings, and every single thing you ever took for granted and accepted with blind naive faith, everything you misunderstood, or saw only from a relative and finite perspective. All that merging in to one single jolt of awakening and it being thrown in your face. Of course in a loving way. Rightfully so, to help yourself to wake up. But it’s not always easy to see it as Love. Because, sometimes we are so attached to the things being reflected on to us, or shown to us in the light (conscious). When we have had so many guesses and ideas of what they are and what they could be, when they were in the dark (unconscious) Key for me has been to just let it flow through me. Accept whatever is being shown. And since reality is just a giant mirror, even the reflection of whatever you are, or thinking that you are: Has to be reflected back to you, and if you don’t see, hear, accept it for what it is and what it is not. True and Untrue, your perception, assumptions and reactions to the reflections, will itself reflect back to you, the way you see, perceive and label those reflections. If you judge it and deny it, it will feel as you are being denied. If you accept it and show affection, love and understanding towards it, it will feel like you are being showered with Love and all the healing you have ever wanted/needed. I love getting to a state of this pure reflection point on LSD, where I just lay on the bed with some meditation music on, and just stare in to Nothingness, so much so, that she becomes my mirror. And so I send all that I am, and all the realizations that I have had through this life, all the understandings and all the things I have ever felt and experienced: with my eyes and all my being (giving, masculine), with all the love in my heart. That gets sucked in and integrated in to the Nothingness, and then my connection to Nothingness within me: feels that, realizes what it Actually is. Gains insights and awakenings, and then exudes and radiates that back. And then I connect myself to my receiving aspects (receptive, feminine), and get absolutely blasted with all the Love and understanding of what Nothingness feels for me. So it goes out of me, reforms, reshapes, amplifies more of what it is, and goes right back in to me. But all of it is happening for one being. It is seen as one, after such a long time of separation and duality. It is like masculine and feminine becoming united. Love and Consciousness becoming one. Form and formlessness becoming one. And you are just right smack in the middle of it. Writhing in Ecstasy. Having an entire body, mind, spirit and soul orgasm. It all becomes one, and you become It. Cold tears are running down your warm chin, as you are being Transformed and touched by God/Reality/Yourself.
  23. Nice one, I was blasted by the insight after my run in the forest. Funny how It all just came now. Interesting! So the noncommunicable is "communicated" through the void of "other" which is just a reflection of what is apparent on the surface of the mirror, and what is being reflected. This is so profound when you take psychedelics with someone else and you sit there and eye-gaze together. Communication gets through the nothingness/void in each other's eyes. Even without psychedelics, but that would require a deep trust and sense of comfort with the "other". Last year when I started having my awakenings, I would go to the bathroom mirror and stand there and gaze in to my own eyes for hours. Everything I have ever searched for, was within me. Or shall I say, beyond me. Beyond the self-structure.
  24. That’s funny you’ve mentioned this. I am doing the conscious workshop right now and our guide mentioned the mirror analogy as well. He said something like when one mirror is looking at the other it creates the effect of void/pure nothingness.
  25. Yes they see everyone as an extension of themselves which is why they have no boundaries. How do you not understand that? You see it is all how you look at it. You see everyone as an extension of yourself, but you also simultaneously see the person as separate and sovereign. A Narcissist sees NO SEPERATION. They literally BELIEVE YOU ARE REQUIRED TO SERVE THEM. Because you ARE THEM. If you listen to reports of narcissist psychological reports they have feelings of an infinite void of nothingness. Sound familiar? They feel those they connect with are them, they don't feel like they have an identity, they feel an infinite void of nothingness. Notice all those things I just said. What do they sound like?