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  1. It's not a something. Consider this... You have eyes, everything you could ever possibly see is in front of your eyes. You can never get behind your eyes. Your eyes we know are "somethings" because we can find them as objects, e.g. you can touch them (srs, it feels weird to do but used to do it as kids to freak each other out lolz), or see them in a mirror, dissect them etc. Things in your mind as you may know are themselves not made of "things", they are mirages, so if you imagine a castle in a dream, that castle is not really there made out of stones and elemental particles (etc). It's all a mirage. In your mind you have something like your eyes, except never observerable and never graspable, you can only "be it", and you are it and you call it "I". Everything that you are ever aware of is, like what you see with your eyes, appearing to it. If it is an object in any way whatsoever, it is something appearing to awareness. Awareness isolated by itself is never something. If it was something, it would have a quality to it, and you could observe it. And if you could observe it, it would be appearing to you, so could not then be it as the "I" would then be farther behind it, and it always regresses and hides farther back behind anything that ever becomes an object of awareness...... You can never see your mind-eye with your mind-eye, like you can't see your physical eyes with your physical eyes, or touch your fingertip with the same fingertip. When you experience BEING it, which is the only way to know that nothingness, you will definitely understand that what you are is absolutely nothing. You mever observe it, you are it. ALL things that could ever even conceivably be observed are not what I'm talking about. Your true self is the ONLY thing that in no way could be observed. You can be it and that's it... And via the knowing of somethings, recognize that the thing which knows that something is, literally, NOTHING. Nonexistence. What you refer to as your consciousness and nonexistence are the same..... Interchangeable terms. Nothingness exists and it's you. Weird huh? Do you get it?
  2. What you call Nothingness, I would still call something. If it were literal Nothingness, it would be non-existence. Either we just label the same 'thing' differently or you have a potentially deeper understanding than me, an understanding which doesn't make sense to me lol.
  3. Come from the position of awe first then study what reality is. Everything won't make sense otherwise. Reality is 'nothingness' is a description of something awe inspiring. Otherwise it's conceptualising and an intellectual endeavour.
  4. No def not, that would actually point away from what it is. Because it IS literally nothing. Hence nothing is the right word. Consciousness isolate by itself (when you refer to "I") IS literal, absolute, total, nothingness. That's what it is. Related would be something like Sunyata or emptiness. What you fundamentally absolutely are is literal nothingness. That is what is undeniable, and that IS consciousness. Nothingness IS consciousness. Literally is it. When you say I meaning consciousness, you are referring to nothingness. It's not a non-object or no-thing. It's nothing. And the appearances are limited forms in it, substantially themselves not "made of" anything (and if not made of anything, then they must be made of...... nothing. Which is the exact same thing as consciousness and the words could be used interchangeably). Like an illusory wall after illusory wall, where you can pass your hand through and NEVER reach a solid... The existence of these limited forms I surely suppose is the natural consequence of something entirely unlimited AKA nothingness. It is only logical.
  5. @RMQualtrough Would you not find it more clearly stated to simply say you are "that which isn't an object?" As opposed to saying you are "literal nothingness." Because literal nothingness wouldn't allow for the consciousness you later stated was undeniable, would it? Is it not reasonable to say that the very fact that we are having an experience is proof that reality is not literally nothing? Appearances may be illusory, but if reality were literally nothing, then appearances wouldn't appear, no?
  6. @Arugoel I meant you find that it's what you ARE. So not what you're seeing etc. @GreenWoods You yourself are nothingness. I don't know how to best showcase, but obv you know if you go blind you remain, because sight was an appearance. If you lost your arms you remain because the feeling of having arms etc was an appearance and not fundamentally you. This works to literal nothingness. Anything that is anything is like that, it's something you are aware of. It's not what you call "I". You can find that you are nothingness. Srs. This isn't shit I read in a book or saw on YouTube, it happened to me first hand tripping. And this fact was not something that was a crackpot trippy theory, it was undeniably true. Like if you imagine a scientist trying to tell you that you aren't conscious, it's the type of fact that is self evident exactly like knowing you're aware is known without needing theories or science to examine it.
  7. I don't know whether I understand everything you wrote. Are you saying this right here is literal legit Nothingness? I would say it is something.
  8. I know what you are talking about. It seems like we are pointing to two different things What you are describing is that the fundamental truth of existence is pure potentiality itself - which is essentially nothingness. Nothingness is the superposition of infinite potentialities from which all purposeless manifestations of existence arise from for no reason. Our universe, the laws of physics, consciousness, qualia, logic, reason etc and anything else existing is a product of this pure potentiality. Pure potentiality is literaly infinite and has the potential to create anything including absurd things like a universe that was just a bunch of floating chairs but this does not mean it will necessary do so it just has the ability to do so in the same way it created our existence with its specific laws that look normal to us due to the habit of us living here. Pure potentiality is not constrained by any laws or rules and it has no properties because it is the very thing that creates laws, constraints, and properties. Pure potentiality is completely free and unbounded. But's just a potential..meaning it's not actual yet .right now what is actual is this particular universe? Not the floating chairs one . And until our experience dictates otherwise, it's safe to conclude that this universe we are experiencing right now is the only actual universe. Aka God. Nothing crazy about it .it makes perfect sense. Whatever you are conscious of right now is all that exists . It's so obvious when you get it .
  9. enlightenment is simply you becoming directly conscious of the absolute Truth of existence. Absolute clarity about what is Truth and what isn't. Do you want to become enlightened??? Take out your hand and look at it.. And recognize that your hands are actual. They are Real. They are the absolute Truth. And recognize that all your concepts about Truth in your minds(thoughts) are not the Truth. Compare all your thoughts and concepts with the sensation of your hands.. Notice that your hands are Truth. While all your thoughts (without exception) are bla bla bla. That's it. Its really that simple .stop making it complicated. All religions..all science..all spiritual teachings are not the Truth. The truth is the entirety of your direct experience right now . And that's all that exists. What is the context of this experience you might ask ? Of course the answer is nowhere. Reality is just your field of consciousness right now floating in nothingness.
  10. @Arugoel The thing is, in heightened states, you can find something which is literally nothing and has no form or property whatsoever. And it's the thing we usually refer to when saying "I"... Which obv we know is there, but probably don't realize is literally nothingness... That can't be an appearance of course, as it doesn't have an appearance.
  11. A glimpse into the world of nothingness
  12. Yeah I think you missed the point though. Keep in mind that you the person are as much of a mirage as the world around you, and as such are subject to that reality, you can't walk through a wall just because you stop making a distinction between solid and not. As your body is part of the "plane" (so to speak) in which the wall appears. It's not the labels you put onto things being discussed, but literally how your mind interprets things, which might be beyond our control. E.g. we can't just decide to see every color as black, and hence there is nothing for us visually but blackness. Now, all things in existence are limited. Think about it logically even, if something is a thing, it is that and NOT something else. E.g. for red to appear it has to be NOT blue, right? If the mind ceases making ANY distinction, there is pure nothingness. Which is what isolated consciousness is. Literally nothing. The less the mind makes distinctions between things, the less limits are on reality, until there is no limit and just nothing. Which is what you really are. Your human body would remain here dead or something I suppose? Or just unconscious until the trip/state ends.
  13. Well if you didn't know that it's literally nothing and not something. If the word awareness was literally just referred to as nothing, people might not apply substance to it. You can't have something outside anything with no limit whatsoever, it's not possible, and the only thing without limit is nothingness. Actual. Legit. Nothingness. Not "no-thing" I dno why they do that... Just nothing.
  14. I'm glad that you at least hope for it. Are you sure that butchers end up having mental problems? How did you know this? I think psychopaths are naturally attracted to butchering jobs. They love it. They can't be traumatized. I'm not even sure whether normal humans get traumatized when butchering animals. It seems like a normal activity for them. I am too self-loving and mentally mature to be torn down by such an ugly truth. Yes, my soul gets wounded, but not destroyed. This will not work. Humans are too selfish to give up eating meat. And an omnivore diet probably is the healthiest diet. That's why providing a safe "meat alternative" is the way to go. With that, humans don't need to sacrifice much. I see your point. Zoos surely have benefits. I still need to contemplate the good and bad of zoos to have better insights. They chose to eat food again because the only alternative was death. Without food, there will be no life and no spirituality. There will only be death or nothingness.
  15. So it all starts with my hobby being psychology for like 6 years, i started playing in virtual reality where you're using an avatar in the game using full body vr technology to interact with users in different (gaming) reality. I started doing alot of tests and discovered myself 100% how female psychology/biology works unconsciously. Consider this like Michael Newtons past life regression technique that the discovered. (We humans can discover alot of things by doing things on our own, these things that we discovered will be unknown to people) Basically reaching a higher level of consciousness in certain real life subject. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ For many years i was always thinking about our life purpose or what the purpose of life is, i discovered that the only real purpose of life on this planet is to reproduce. I discovered that low conscious female human brain subconsciously is mostly looking for good genetics, so she mostly will go for males that will show her good genetics in behaviour. The behaviour in male will mostly be based on survival, the main aspect of this is : If i reproduce with him, will my genes survive for thousands of years? This is just a very very small part of female subconscious. I was always thinking that the purpose of life is to reproduce because there is nothing else important to do here on earth, i was thinking about our ancestors. They have been reproducing for thousands of years just to get me here into this future, so i must not dissapoint them and reproduce myself???? Being a man with 10 children is more important then to be a billionare with 1 child??? Oh boy, i was wrong. ( You will know later) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ With my knowledge about female psychology/biology and knowing the purpose of life i applied to a sperm donor clinic, sending them consciously a very narcissistic e-mail. In the e-mail i bragged how much i earned, how good looking i was, that i fighted many times and had 0 losses, told them i achieve everything easily without doing much. After this, they called me for a donation appointment to see how good my sperm was and if they needed it. It was good enough and i could progress further, After sending my donor pasport i got called by a gynaecologist, he said due to corona he couldnt speak to me and sent me straight away to clinical psychologist. He would say things on the phone like : And you are good at fighting? I realized that he was being very judgemental and because of this e-mail he didnt want to talk to me and sent me straight to clinical psychologist but i also realized that it was a test he specifically said: And you are good at fighting? But ignored the sentence next to it where i said: I can achieve everything i want easily. His last sentence on the phone was: If you can pass clinical psychologist you can become a sperm donor. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I was hoping that the clinical psychologist would be a female, this would be an ultimate test of the knowledge i have. She called me on the phone and started talking to me in a condescending voice like i was a little beby boy. During this phone call i was aware that she was talking to me like this because i sent a narcisstic email to the clinic and that this was a test. But i didnt know which test it was because it can be a test for many things that i was aware of. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ So after a month or so i went to the appointment with the clinical psychologist. She called my name and i walking behind her, first thing my intuition told me is that she had this narcissistic energy about her. When i walked into the room she asked me : Are you gay? I said: No is this genetic? She said: Some are born gay and some become gay. She said: Can you take off your mask we're sitting 2 meters from each other so there is no danger from Corona. I realized she said this so she can watch my mouth and see things more clearly in behaviour. I said: It doesnt matter to me and throwed the mask on the table. She was looking at the mask with a wtf look because i throwed it. After i throwed it she says: So how did you come to the idea becoming sperm donor? In a very condescending voice like i was a little beby boy. I was 26 at that time and she was 51. The only option i had from all the options on female psychology/biology is to stand up for myself and pass the assertiveness test, i started telling the story in a very heavy manly pitch with non squinting eyes to the point that she had to look down like she submits. I instantly stopped , she lifts her head up high and looks down on me (Then suddenly a random picture in my thoughts got sent to me out of nowhere the picture showed me a person in virtual reality that had exact her personality, it showed me by this what actions i should undertake to pass this interview against this person) and then left its back to the normal position and asks: What are your educations? (I said: Nurse . I said this to show her empathy and to let her know that i was probably an empath and also because this was my first education but i quit it during first year.) She looked surprised and shocked from my answer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ So basically she was asking me all sorts of questions and doing tests, i was aware of every test and question and why she was asking them. I could pass everything easily, during this interview i felt that her consciousness wasnt on a very high level but that it was high and that i didnt meet anyone like her before. Because i was aware of everything she was doing to me and what purpose these tests/questions had. So i decided to take it a step further and apply my knowledge on her and see the results. I was answering all her questions and tests specifically that will make me look good to her subconscious. I noticed that during this interview it felt like i was being lead by higher power or maybe i was in a state of superconsciousness, the higher power was aware that i had this knowledge so it told me exactly what to do. ( it was also sending me pictures randomly to what to do) For example: It showed me a picture of the most beautifull girl that i have ever seen in real life, she was smiling at me without breaking eye contact and saying anything. What i got from this picture was: I have to smile to her without breaking contact until she smiles back. Then i looked into her aroused red lips when she smiled back like i really wanted her really badly making her feel good etc. So to make it short: I was in a state of superconsciouss and was definitally getting helped by something during this interview. At the end of the conversation i was doing short giggles to show her that there is more to this life because i could sense that i passed this easily and i could also see that she was hypnotised. When she said her finale sentence because the time was up, i stand up very fast consciously. (I did this because i knew if i would stand really fast she would experience a breaking connection miracle where she would feel that we disconnect/ her soul is coming back) I don't know how to describe this. So i stand up really fast specifically for this purpose and walk towards the door, my thoughts randomly tell me : She will experience this too look back. I look back and i see that she is staring into nothingness like she was hypnotised the suddenly she lets out a moan of pleasure (because her soul came back/disconnection was felt. She walks towards me and stands really close to me, when she walked into my space for the first time in my life i could feel an energetic field around a human body. It was like 8 inches from her body , it felt like very strong loving heat energy . It felt so strong to me that i felt like i was being burned by love and warmth, i got overwhelmed and was in total bliss. I was also seeing the world in Full HD felt like this was the worlds full color spectrum that looked like Golden Light all the dull colors were much lighter ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3-4 weeks later i got called and they told me i was accepted as a Sperm Donor. Months after this incident i started awakening and many more miracles happend: Like going out of body 4 times, or seeing the future during conscious dream. In the dream for example they showed me a map of Ukraine and Russia on this map the east side of Ukraine was red they showed me that Russia is going through Ukranian border thats why it is red colored. After this i wake up and my thoughts told me that it was going to happen. I went to work and 6 hours later and i see breaking news Russia is invading Ukraine. So because i reached a new state of consciousness, i realized what the real purpose of life is ; The real purpose of life is: It doesnt matter just be yourself and develop your consciousness. We are here just for fun learning things and playing the game and developing our consciousness since we are god ourselves being split into different ego's/souls. So we are basically mini gods you can call god our Father. Abilities that i gained: -Going out of body if i really put my intent into it. ( it doesnt really matter anymore, i had this experience and know how it feels like there is no purpose of this) -Seeing future events , i only had this one time after awakening and it also doesnt really matter. By showing me this future event the lesson was: There is more to this life/develop your consciousness - Seeing/feeling how developed someones consciousness is in real life is a major one and how to respond to them to fit their level of consciousness. -Materializing holographic picture in total white color: to clarify - If i look at the picture of the clinical psychologist and after that i look at the wall of my room it materializes on the wall the same as she is on the picture and then it starts floating on the wall to the sides. Lesson for me from this: There is more to this life/develop your consciousness In 2 months i also have my first ayahuasca/psychedelic trip i wonder how all this will apply to what i will see! ___________________________________________________________________________________________ if you took your time to read through all of this, thank you and know that there is more to this life!
  16. No it's not. Srs. Creation itself is NOTHING. Not "no-thing", just fucking NOTHING. Literally. And all possible things are spawned from it: desires consist of things, like thoughts etc. No things can be it because ALL things are finite. The only thing with no limit or boundary is literal nothingness. I don't even feel like this is BS theorizing, I'm pretty certain on this.
  17. @Leo Gura life still makes no sense, I suffer deeply. I have been meditating and in solitude mostly for 3 years. I have a condition where if I engage in any sexual activity at all I get chronic brain pressure. It feels when I take psychedelic's I have infinity reconciling itself in my eye shakra. Ive been mostly celibate for 3.5 years (2.5 years no sexual activity) But what would you do if you were me? Nothing helps with the pressure in my head, I feel like im losing my mind. My symptoms match POIS (post orgasm illness syndrome) 100%. If Im God why do I punish myself like this. Via POIS Ive found and learnt so much, but isnt the time for learning over? What is the point of realizing God, its like a paradoxical nothingness Is it myself making myself renounce sexuality and become a monk Im the only person who exists who understands your latest video, and the wink was comforting, but help me , please (I wish you could have experienced the amount of paradoxes and strange loop shapes I saw and see in everything, very cool)
  18. Suffering would never allow more suffering to exist, only love can do that, it is the function of suffering to not exist or to exist only in the past or in the future, but as we can see suffering exists in the present, that is because love is capable of loving more than itself so it loves suffering, when it loves 1 suffering it stops suffering because the purpose/function the very sensation and everything around suffering means "to not exist, to wish that it ends, to have never even existed in the first place and so on", so if you're suffering you can blame love but then you get confused because love doesn't hurt, love is always infinite(ultimate love), with suffering it becomes finite(love+suffering), so I blame neither love nor suffering I blame time itself, time is what allows for both love and suffering to get attached to something that isn't anything by itself which is the material universe, if we had only love we would be timeless(has to be endless/etc), if we had only suffering there wouldn't be any time(has to end as fast as possible/etc), having both seems to be what allows time which I think is what allows or is big part of what allows duality, me and other to actually exist, with me and other being indeed one of the weirdest things, same as existing versus non existing which I conjecture to be love and suffering(finished) respectively, I guess the "universe" is time, suffering, love and space(materialized nothingness?) put together to see what happens if you want. It's weird because I can see how suffering needs love but it's harder to see the opposite, I do see it here and there, I think suffering creates more infinity, it creates the impossible, it's the catalyst of the impossible, maybe.
  19. By my use of the word “universe” I would include those other universes, it would still be contained in the nothingness that is the very essence of God. It’s something I cannot unsee; that Nothingness is the backdrop to absolutely everything all the time, and it cannot be any other way, no matter what dimension it occurs in. That quality of stillness is completely unshakable. Concepts are a mere joke compared to something this actual. So literally everything you look at is the face of God because of it, but you can still appreciate the dualistic surface manifestation of it as a cat, chair, etc.
  20. Spaceship Visualization ???? I can't imagine how people manage under zero gravity. How must it feel to be in there with no gravity to hold you. It gives me the tickles. Just floating around in space. Imagine if the window opened and you climbed out of the window and what's gonna happen to you. How would you feel in outer space. I just get all these goosebumps over my body simply imagining being in outer space But If I'm there, I think I'm gonna feel cool. It will feel like a nice pleasant feeling being away from all the stress of living among people and all the pollution and drama and all politics of human existence. Free from social pressure and social worries. Free from thoughts of relationships and status and career. Free from all the rules. Just pure freedom. Just freely floating in nothingness and appreciating the beauty of being alive. Nice and free. What a pleasant dream!
  21. I am the vibrational void, the nothing, that is vibrating within itself, morphing within itself, to create this frame. This frame is not coming from anywhere but here and now, and there is nothing but here and now. I am Allah, the void, that is, in the here and now, morphing itself into beings and words and thoughts. I am the Source of all that is, of the languages, of the logics, of mathematics, of all that is, I am "is" all that is. I am that which looks through every eye, hears through every ear, touches through every skin, knows through every mind. I am the imagination, the nothingness, that is vibrating, morphing itself, into all that is. Into all the physical and mental realms, and infinitely more. I am here now, that which has no depth.
  22. You are absolutely certain that u exist, right? Nobody ever doubts his existence, it's impossible. Even to say i don't exist u need to exist first to say that. So u exist. Absolutely so. Now the question becomes 'i exists but as what?' Then neti neti starts. Everything is impermenant, but i remain and observe existence coming and going. Then by observing all phenomena to its subtlest realms u realize what u are can't be found or grasped. It is nothing or not-anything-tangiable. No-self in buddhist's terms. That's the realization of the absolute. Realization of nothingness. And it has no levels or it wouldn't be absolute. There are degrees of insight into the absolute tho.
  23. @Someone here If you call it nothingness then it would be so nothing that there wouldn't even be "experiencer" in it so how can you say that you experienced it?
  24. God needs you! I know this sounds ridiculous but let me explain... What is God in its "purest" state? God is nothing. Literally nothing. In this state of nothingness, God has infite potential but he can't experience it, because literally nothing exists. Now, God knows conceptually that he is Infinite Greatness, Infinite Goodness, Infinite Love, but it is impossible for him to understand what it MEANS and how it FEELS to be Infinitely Good, Infinitely Loving, Infinitely Beautiful. Therefore he needs YOU. He needs your body, your eyes, your sights, sounds, tastes, your life, your ideas and your decisions to experience himself. Without them, God is NOTHING. Through them, he can experience the MEANING of Love. Before you came into being, Love was just a meaningless concept and not even that, because meaning and meaninglessness are 2 sides of the same coin, a coin that God first needed to create in order to experience ANYTHING. Love is beautiful. Love is infinitely Good. God is Love. But to know how good Love really is, it has to be tasted. Your body and your mind are a taste-sensor to taste Love. And by the way... I did not mean to imply here, that you (the taste sensor) are seperate from God. NO. God IS the taste sensor. God IS the pure formlessness that the taste-sensor is made of. God is the ONLY thing that exists. And YOU are HIM. I know your true name. Your true name is not Mike, Leo, Juliette, or Sophie. Your true name is God. Have an awesome day!
  25. However matter behaves at the outer layer of the universes expansion, it is not governed by some "wall", that would be to attribute properties to whatever of which the negative judgement of your mind is made of. It is not made of something, less so than any concept, it is there to aid any possible thinking. You do not affirm the assertion that there is something outside or at the boundary of the universe, you negate it. It is this simple, you can represent that of the universe in some way, but you cannot represent that outside it, for it has no content. So in relation to that which can be represented (a star, galaxy etc.) it is merely disjunctive, not even hypothetical, there is no such thing as hypothetical nothingness. At any point any human ever hypothesized there being nothing 'outside' the universe they assumed an outsideness to it, and ventured into an absurd undertaking whereby some nature of 'outside' and 'nothing' rests on each other in some cosmological domain. So indeed, there is an infinite regress as Carl Richard said, but what that really means is absurdity, engaging in paradox. But paradox is sloppy thinking.