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  1. I would like that too - spiral dynamics is the best map to develop consciousness maybe even make one about teel or even plum/ultraviolet I only know one person at youtube who talks about it - it would be very helpful if Leo made a video about these stages. I myself as a highly conscious person would find that very helpful - deep videos about the path in the higher stages is very small and I would really apprciate it as well as other people who had awakened.
  2. Lol, you have been convicted of not having awakened. Maybe you have experienced some reduction in suffering, but that is not It.
  3. That's your (false) interpretation of the model. It's actually about an expansion of self, including more worldviews, complexities, and capabilities under it. It has only to do with transcending and including lower selves into a higher self each transcendence. It's unrelated in the lower stages to mysticism. The fact there are people in the Yellow mega-thread that don't subscribe to mysticism and there have been Red and Blue ones that have accessed it proves that self-actualization and self-transcendence are severed. Don't try to distort the model with your own projections. The crux here, is that there is a structure to the human mind, regardless of whether or not formless infinite awakened realms and truths have been accessed. The structure will remain: having an ideal structure is self-actualization, having an unideal one is its inverse. The formless realms will be accessed: accessing them is enlightenment, not accessing them is its inverse. There is no reason to bring up "ego" or "ego dissolution" semantic foolishness here because that's unrelated to the definitions of self-actualization (ideal structure) and self-transcendence (something formless outside the structure). Obviously both the structure and trans-structure become related, at the highest stages. If you want to prove that self-actualization (ideal structure) paradoxically requires no-self, you're going to have to define "ego" and "war against the ego" and "ego death" in terms that specifically make sense in accord with ideal structure (which is something related to the mind and senses of identity, not transcendence of the mind) and transcendental realms.
  4. @JoeVolcano The structural (personal) development and mysticism (transpersonal) development have to remain distinct, to explain Red and Blue genuine spiritualities, real nondual experiences filtered through lower cognitions, or those with high cognitions and lowly developed mysticism experiences / spiritualities. We could say the two have to become merged at some point, but it isn't Turquoise. You could have somebody that is Turquoise in some areas and still with shadows in others, like Green or Blue or Red or Orange and such. And even that is not the same as awakening. And I would not say awakening is the only real line of development. You could have an awakened maliciousness.
  5. Yes. Around 3am - 5am is prime time for meditation. Even more prime during a full moon. In spite of the superstition around the moon, it's a thing :). Buddha was born on and awakened during a full moon.
  6. I'm watching Leo's solipsism video and guided exercise one, for the past few nights plus I have years of meditation experience, awakened Kundalini and I'm am superbly introvert individual. Man my sense of external world and others got a lot emptier and shallow not that I don't like it, for whatever reason I'm enjoying it ? Last night I had a little glimpse to crazy solipsistic insights of one of my insane mushroom trip which I totally forgot and the trip was very challenging to handle. Like it literally changed my state of consciousness (not in a crazy way but was promising), and I could remember some shits from my last trip which was more than a year ago which I couldn't normally remember and it feels like this is how I should do the work, deconstruct my mind untill I feel I'm about to totally lose my mind and go insane but how to handle the terror of losing your mind? I want to go as deep as possible into this work but losing your mind is unimaginably fucking hard to handle, I still remember how I desperately prayed to God, Jesus, etc and basically whoever who could hear me to save my ass from dying in 3.5 grams of penis envy lemon tek. Like literally I was crying and l was willing to do anything to be saved (you know how real this experience is if you ever got high dose of shrooms). I cannot imagine I can experience that shit again, but still I want to do this work and I'm serious about it. @Leo Gura Do you totally lose your shit and literally die in every trip to reach God really?
  7. @Salvijus But why is 3:40 a better time for meditation? That’s such a random time. And if it is true that 3:40 is a better time for meditation, why haven’t all the other meditation teachers caught on to this? I’m really trying to understand sadhguru here. I respect him as well. There’s no doubt he is an awakened master.
  8. What about an awakened millionaire?
  9. The things I have found online talking about this are usually biased towards Service to Others path. Is their any sources you can link me to or anyone who you think teaches this Polarity intentionally or unintentionally? I feel that this way it'd be easier to gain an understanding to what it truly feels like to advance on this path. I also appreciate any links to clips of shows or movies, songs, anime, manga, etc. that you think capture the negative polarity well. FYI, I don't mean just plain evil shit. It's more like someone who is awakened enough to know reality is one and nothing matters, but chooses to use that to do 'bad' stuff instead because they never go for opening their heart and instead block it off completely. Anything that is in service to their self. Anything that empowers their 'self'. Such as making someone submit to them.
  10. This makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Why dont you just drop the act and start talking like a human being? When you sit down in fron of your computer and log yourself into this forum with your username and password, you have lost your right to talk like youre some kind of awakened angel. This is just madness.
  11. @Leo Gura Which teacher is truly awakened then?
  12. @Gesundheit2 are either awake or not . By doubting the present moment you show that you are completely lost in fantasy land .it's gonna take you years of work to achieve full awakening/liberation (if you even care about them ,I doubt it ). If you can't even get that the present moment is not a concept . The present is all that exists in our experience of time. You can not be in the future or in the past. Of course you can dream of the past, or how you imagined it you remember what happened, sort of but you usually have no vivid recollection of being there. You have literally forgotten nearly all your life so far. You can also suppose or guess the future and be even more wrong. You don't even know the hours and days you will have until you die, let alone what will happen in the world and with you in it in that long or short time. All that you have is the present moment, but it is completely real. If you can really be in the present moment and not in your dream or your imagination of it, you are one of the few humans at that moment who are really there. And you will have greater chances of becoming awakened .
  13. ......You don't get it....its fine I have realized you can't force someone to get it. There is NO I, An I is an identity, and I has a memory all of that is imagined. I'll give you the clue again....when you go into deep sleep with no dreams....that is what your true nature as God is. God awakened to itself by imagining itself into being...thus CREATING a present moment. The present moment is a creation. If that was not true...deep sleep wouldn't be possible, that would be a constraint. The key to finding out God is you have to reduce and reduce until there is nothing left. What is nothing.....nothing. Nothing is no identity. No identity means no experience, no experience means no present moment. You need to have something there TO BE PRESENT. When you go into a deep dreamless state there is NO PRESCENCE. THAT is what God is. Then what happens as a human? You awaken from DEEP SLEEP INTO present moment. THAT is what God did and that explains all of existence. This also explains why all of creation fears death....because you fear awakening to the truth that what you truly nothing, so nothing....that there isn't even a present moment. You have to imagine one. There is no more ALONE than a lack of a present moment than that.
  14. Hey guys... It's been a while since I made a thread. Before I delve into this topic I want to be as transparent as I can regarding the motive behind the making of this thread. Some of you will understand, most of you won't. Don't sweat it I am actually going through a lot right now. And I wish there was somebody I knew who is experienced and mastered what I'm currently going through who I could talk to. For those of you who have integrated chakras in your spiritual practices, the context of my issue is the following: I've awakened to the emotional dimension of my Consciousness. And this new found awareness is really kicking me in the gut and dragging me around. Anyway, to speak on the topic. So it is highly held by mass society that man is a rational creature - that is our established “baseline”. You only need to look around to notice this established social belief/ideology in order to get my point. Look at the environment of any artificial setting such as our schools, our offices, our homes, our political and commercial scenery. Everything is set in accordance to the idea that under normal circumstances a man is reason-oriented being and can be reasoned with. Do you see it? You have to really look and look closely to see it because it is so there that you might even mistake it for something so natural that it's insignificant. Look at how you'd approach other people, then look at how you'd approach.. say your pet. Look at how you would approach yourself - that is the formulation of your self-image. It really doesn't take long to notice as this is not a matter of discernment but rather of pure observation. This myth is so popular, so idealistic that it's become confused for actually rather than being seen as a fabrication. At this point, even if we were to reconsider the idea of rationality, I don't think humans would be the most rational species. An entire flank of animals would outrank us as more rational. Don't believe me? Just take a look at how animals choose their mates and how we do it. Take a look at how animals decide the right time to have sex and how we do it. Just start comparing the most random of things like when and why animals kill and why we kill. Look at why animals go to war and why we go to war. Look at their social structures, their family structures - who has which role in the family and how well everyone executes their roles. All you have to do is compare. Compare an ant colony with any human one and tell me which one is more sophisticatedly organised. Let's face it. Even if we were to reconsider this idea of rationality we humans would sure fall short to it. And some of you will excuse these flaws for complexity or some bullshit like that. Like are you kidding me? If other species' biology isn't as complex as ours than ours then I don't know what the hell is. A leaf is more complex than hand. It doesn't take much to understand why and how a hand is structured the way it's structured, it's utility can be easily figured out by a toddler. But a leaf on the other hand... Yeah, we are about as complex as anything else. So that's really no excuse. We are very good at pretending, that's for sure. No other species comes close to matching our pretentiousness, not even the slickest of camouflaging preys and predators. We flat outrank them in that criterion. But rational? I'm sorry I just don't see. Sure we are very cognitively enabled hence all the technology that we have developed. But rational??? Pattern recognition and Math is not an indicator of rationality anymore than it is a language. Your ability to count and account for things says nothing of your ability to be rational. Only your ability to be self-organised does. We are too self-destructive to even begin to view ourselves as self-organised. No. I've personally interacted with my fair share of humans, including myself, to know for certain that we are not rational. That's a myth. Which begs the question: If not rational then what are we? What exactly is involved in our decision-making process? How do we even find ourselves having to make decisions in the first place? And that, friends, is what I've woken up to. That is what I'm having trouble stomaching and has left me in the state of perpetual free-fall so to speak. That is why I wish there was somebody who understands that I could talk to about it because I'm really having trouble finding a way to integrate this in my spirituality, in my life to be less blunt. Maybe I can do nothing with it other than just remain aware. It's very uneasing but maybe I'll just get used to it. This awareness of a force that you see no chance and no point in trying to resist. So yeah.. that's been what's been on my mind and what's led me to create this thread. There's quite a lot that I've chosen to leave out, regarding spirituality, but there would be no point in mentioning it unless someone understands what I've already stated. Those of you who are too rooted in your identity won't. The gravity of your psyches won't let you as viability is your main concern at the moment - and not possibility, not really. But that's okay. Just writing this and expressing myself makes me feel more grounded, even if it's not on the illusion of rationality but just a sense of clarity I guess. For those who you who really don't understand and might need a clue to what I'm talking about. Basically, waking up to your emotional nature is waking up to the designation and employment of karmic energy by your Consciousness and for the sake of completeness. I'm telling you that you're not sometimes emotional but are, in fact, always emotional. That you have understood very little of your emotional dimension, much less than what society and your education has led you to believe. Where there is motive there is emotion - try to think of your emotional nature like that and you will begin to get it. And this is just one out of seven dimensions which all have energy centres that are, today, being carelessly referred to as chakras. ? So so much more to understand about spirituality. Yet so little intention to actually try to learn.
  15. 90% of people aren't at a higher level of consciousness and never will be. Only 10% of people in the world are spiral dynamics stage yellow, and even the majority of those aren't enlightened/awakened. 90% of people will be corrupt devils if you give them near-unlimited power. Elon Musk isn't a perfect role model, but he's a good enough role model for the era he lives in. I'm not above it. I know I'd do horrible things with that amount of money and power. The temptation is way too great. Hell, most people would do horrible things even if you just made them the admin of a large Discord server.
  16. @Razard86 Thank you for the message. I have repeatedly awakened to everything you discussed. What I wanted Leo to expand on is the concept of infinite mind having only one point of view. He seems to be saying that my field of perception is all that exists. Even my own awakenings are pointing to this. This seems like an incredibly inefficient method for an unlimited infinite mind to explore itself. Why would I limit myself to a singular field of perception when I don't need to? Also, in the past Leo has said everything is conscious, but more recently he says the only conscious thing is you. If I am everything than everything would have to be conscious, but I feel Leo is stating something different here. I would like him to clarify and expand on this.
  17. I won't opine on the possibility/impossibility of becoming awakened by reading. But as to what I think helped me as a human self comprehend it that's in the domain of books. I'd definitely have to put Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self by Robert Wagoner at the top of the list. It contains some very radical things, that anyone with an open and intelligent mind reading becomes practically forced to do spiritual work seriously in some capacity. For number two, I'd say You are the Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza would have to be it. Simply because early on in my pursuit of spirituality, this very book answered some hard pressing questions I had. And as for number three, it's not really a book, but the trip reports on Erowid of various entheogenic substances. Yes, you have a great many instances of people misusing and abusing things, and having horrible things happen to them that are nearly always totally unproductive. At the same time, there are many instances of hard-hitting experiences that make certain facts like you being God, our "physical universe" being nothing more than a dream, sober people being affected by others tripping, etc all rather obvious.
  18. @thisintegrated If you could, it would be an excellent catalyst for your own awakening. Challenging to find though. Most who have achieved that state have no interest in being known, so you won't find them on YouTube. I received some very powerful transmission's during my trips to India from beings who were in very awakened states. But once again they have no interest in being famous or having a following so it's not easy to find them.
  19. @thisintegrated Yes, this is a very real phenomena I have experienced in different ways. One of the most profound examples was attending David Hawkins workshops. My theory is when we place our attention on someone or something you are aligning with that energy and state. A type of co resonance begins to occur. This can certainly occur with watching video recordings. Even reading writings from highly awakened individuals can have this affect. This is also the theory behind shaktipat.
  20. So what books awakened or enlightened you the most? Personally, I have been compiling the most powerful and useful book titles here in a single document. Which titles are you happy to see featured and what do you believe is missing? P.S. the link is public and the pdf is downloadable.
  21. He has denounced God to me directly on a one and one phone call. Which means he has not awakened to no self. He read a book or watched a video and bought into it. When you realize no self, you realize God. What does it mean for something to exist? The answer: To be conscious of it. Existence is Consciousnsess and Consciousness is Existence. This is God - and this is You. If he fails to become conscious of this, then he is still assleep. If he is still assleep, he is still Truth. But he is Truth unawakened.
  22. @RendHeaven You have a little misinterpretation at the beginning of the cascade. In the previous thread I linked, I claimed Emptiness was "larger" and more ontologically expansive than form. "I'm conscious that form and formlessness are the same, but I have the sense that formlessness is 'larger' because space can't confine it. The Emptiness is in my field of experience, yet there's also Emptiness outside the border of vision. If Emptiness has the entire realm of space and time and conception and thoughts plus more, it seems more profound than form (and this was not logically deduced; it's something I actually have access to; my senses/experience are like an island in an ocean of Emptiness or a Void). I can't imagine a Self without Emptiness holding all of reality, including form, together." Leo replied and said that Emptiness could not be beyond form since both were completely identical. And then here Leo became inconsistent when he said Consciousness goes beyond space and time (obviously because this contradicts his claim Emptiness can't transcend form). With the Platonic analogy of gold and shapes, we have to drop the qualities of color. It is simply a fact that Consciousness is Emptiness, is completely transparent. This is the permanent Nothingness that escapes transience but which permeates it. The main part you're attacking in your response is where I took some of the truth of the principle Leo established to upend its supposed denial of space and time. He or you might say that Consciousness unifying with space and time destroys their reality because reality is singular and cannot allow for multiples, but I could equally say as a demonstrable and irrefutable theorem that Consciousness = Reality and Consciousness = its manifestations, therefore its manifestations = Reality = Real. The individual forms are real even though they are the same ontological entity or eventually go by a single name. The issue this all points to is that Leo's primary frustration/difficulty here is that a microscopic fraction of the people here have awakened, to match his standards. And he sees them speaking about things with which they have no direct experience, so he attempts to sidestep this by saying, "No, that doesn't exist!" Rather than engaging in actual philosophy. The concern is that all of these statements, like those of space denialism or time denialism, will get believed (which is concerning since they aren't true, or are at least partial truths) or used to misinterpret the whole system and drag people off into a trap in the darkness instead of pulling them along the correct path. I've said previously that people finding this project hundreds of years after Leo's death will need some definite work to hold on to or a masterpiece (magnus opus for the summum bonum) to read and understand every truth, every position, every piece. That's why the systematizing is important.
  23. I dont think you would have a problem with it if you actually awakened to solipsism, instead of watching videos and conceptualizing about it. When you understand that none of it is real, everything can indeed feel 'fake'. I mean if there is nobody else having their own experiences, then it is true that everything you hear that wasnt directly experienced are just stories that did not happen. It took me some time to actually start enjoying this kind of perspective, but it is possible to do. You can still connect with others even though it is imaginary.
  24. I just don't see why you guys have it in your mind, that an awakened being would talk about awakening and nothing else. I don't see myself ever teaching this stuff. You can not judge a person's awakening by what he spends his life doing. EDIT: The guy in the video is really admirable but this is exactly the problem of this whole thing. If everybody just sat in samadhi all day, civilization would quickly collapse; hence Game B and all this utopian talk, so we can actually live like that, without having to worry that the world is gonna burn to ashes any moment.
  25. Quite probably the most exasperating thing about awakened (or previously awakened) people is the possibility that they literally deny the existence of space and time, even though they are physically made out of space and time (moving colors as the form of the body and moving sounds the voice physically based "out there" and mental objects too that have spatial and temporal traits like thoughts, LIKE A THOUGHT COULD BE IN EXISTENCE, COULD EXIST IN BEING).