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  1. The first duality is the duality between duality and nonduality. Which is an infinite strange loop that sits at the root of all causality in existence.
  2. When did the coin divide in two faces? Understanding Nonduality by duality or nonduality will never work. Your question only has sense from the dual perspective, yet u must understand the nondual, after that you will see that they are two faces of the same coin (as up and down), then Nondual understanding will arise in you.
  3. A cautionary word...conclusion is just one more thought. It seems otherwise, because the content implies a summarization, which is also just another word / thought. These readings are the pointing finger, next one must see the moon pointed to, the actuality, for lack of nondual words... the direct experience for, as, of, oneself. Physical body, like all other words / thoughts, labels perception, but does not actually equate to separation, objects, things, etc. There is another saying, ‘empty your cup’. This is also a pointing, to which the moon must be directly experienced... or, that “cup” is a word / thought, and is not a separate object in perception. No one has ever actually experienced a cup. A temporary glimpse, is a temporary glimpse. Temporary glimpse of enlightenment is a misnomer. The term nonduality can only point. Achieving enlightenment is also a misnomer. This is not possible. A finite thing can not reach or achieve an infinite state, just as infinite can not know finite. Body, death, nature, consequences, etc... these are thoughts believed, beliefs - that there are things - not actually separate things or events. The realization of this makes perfect sense, in that sense does not point to logic such as conclusions, or any other thoughts, but to sensation. Dimensional jargon is a priori to m and string theory. Dimension is often regarded as exceptional, or, true, as in not-theory. It is though. It is a limit of the observing mind so to speak. Direct experience is a priori to the theory of dimensions and the observing mind as well. That the matrix is false is a belief, like illusion. Only direct experience reveals the actuality. The matrix can not be conceived, because matrix is also a concept, a thought. Like all thoughts, it has meaning, so long as you continue assigning meaning. Notice if you don’t, no one else does. If it seems otherwise, scrutinize direct experience more. After decades of eternity, I suggest making a dreamboard to be the most integrative approach. This is a direct experience, thinking about making a dreamboard but not directly experiencing it, would be like mistaking the thought of sex, for the direct experience. There is really neither living nor perceptive illusion. The illusion is of thoughts, or, thought attachment, and is that of a “separate self”. So long as there are things, one is believing one is a thing (thought attachment) One already does not have to fake acting like anything. People resonate with authenticity, as that is a paramount desire for everybody. The universe is attraction based. The term ‘survival of the fittest’ and it’s collective misinterpretation comes to mind. The first recognition would be that you are believing the meanings and implications of thoughts, rather than recognizing they are thoughts, and that they are not feeling or perception. (Though of course feeling & perception are words / thoughts, which only point) Analogously, thoughts are like the words on the pages of a book. You can get lost & engrossed in a book. You can also notice, it’s a book, not the story one is lost in. Meditation is the way. Maybe start with eating meditation, as diet is the first order of business, which I would frame as alignment with well being. If you haven’t already, recontextualize food as a distant second to experiencing, like gasoline for a car. Try the loophole shake. It has all the stuff that resonates best with well being, tastes like a chocolate peanut butter banana shake, and costs less than any other diet (“loophole”). That it is raw food & enzymes alone is a game changer if you’ve not been eating those. I’d read the books The Nature of Consciousness, Ask & It Is Given, Loving What Is, The Power Of Now. Beyond creating a dreamboard, some time, a diet of well being and daily meditation practice, emotional suppression is going to come up and out of the body mind. Understanding emotions & not being attached to narratives of thought are the difference between dark nights, dissociation, depersonalization, etc... and sadness, followed by gut wrenching sorrow, followed by incredible releases and much dispelling of conditioning & beliefs, and an arising of a most incredible good feeling. Godspeed on your path. ??
  4. But Gurus insist of the need to do the work, meditate, love, nonduality. As opposite to live with vanity, materialism, egotism. This emphasys in transceding the self cannot be a fancy. Probably those who transcend the self go to the 4th dimension where there is no physical body, ego or suffering. Just a remind we are living in the most dense dimension, where we experiment the worst suffering possible.
  5. Yes, of course, in the absolute sense. Not evil or separate, just selfish and greedy. There is no good reason Amazon cannot pay taxes and pay its workers well. Of course if I was Jeff Bezos I would not just be like him, I would behave identical to him because I would literally be him! And if Jeff Bezos was Leo, he would be criticizing billionaires Don't forget that nonduality cuts both ways. If you ask Leo to be more understanding of billionaires, then don't forget to ask billionaires to be more understanding of Leo.
  6. Life is a battleground, like Jung said. No other way around it. Nonduality lies in the innermost state of things, but I'm agnostic about it. DMT couldn't save starving children in Africa, oppressed people in wartime conditions, people extorted by psychopaths and narcissists. Love could... perhaps save us from fear. But what is love? Is it more than an ache in the heart? How do we keep that love inside of us all the time?
  7. Learning about thoughts and nonduality and law of attraction sometimes feels like stepping out of an old automatic transmission regular car into a race car, but without knowing how to drive a stick shift. I've had the basic lesson but shifting still isn't too smooth, still stalling out sometimes. It's hard not to blame yourself for it or expect too much from yourself. "Keep the shakeweight away from your face!" When you get it right though, BOY it's a rush. This video is amazing especially when you consider where she takes the originally presented subject. I learned a few years ago how to not go crazy selling made ahead items, I used to feel really frustrated when sales were low. I learned that if I shifted my focus to having a well stocked store and the opportunity to be creative and make new things, rather than looking at my sales I could quickly be happy and motivated about everything again. I'd laugh when something sold because frustration arose because it set the goal I was then focused on backwards, even though I got what I really wanted. I wonder if "enlightenment" is the actual non-goal, and all the other stuff we do is the delightful distraction that allows us to get what we really want in the first place. There is no focus without distraction, but really, there is no distraction, only focus because when you notice distraction you're focused on it. HA!
  8. These are some of my favourite quotes from the book "Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self" by David Hawkins. I know this topic should be in the "high consciousness resources" section, but I feel in this section it might get more exposure and help more people (otherwise, admins feel free to move it). The book is a collection of the best teachings of David Hawkins, by contemplating some of the quotes it's possible to get mini enlightenment experiences. The ego secretly "loves" and clings to the position of victimhood and extracts a distorted pleasure and grim justification from pain and suffering. Out of the fear of becoming nothing, consciousness denies its only reality that it is everything – the infinite, everlasting Allness out of which existence itself arises. Everything fulfils its purpose by merely being what it is. Everything is the fulfilment of its own essence and potentiality. The only "requirement" for anything that exists is to just be. Life is the radiance of God made manifest, as the universe expressed through evolution. We are both the product and the witness of Creation as a continuous, eternal process. Because the essence of God is the catalyst of Creation, all that is created contains that same quality. Therefore, the ultimate context of God is an infinite progression of infinite potentialities and possibilities, each of which then creates a further progression of infinite progressions. The realization and knowingness of God is radically and purely subjective. There is not even the hypothetical possibility that reason could arrive at Truth. Truth is knowable only by virtue of the identity of being it. It is through forgiveness that one is forgiven. On the level of nonduality, there is observing but no observer, as subject and object are one. You-and-I becomes the One Self experiencing all as divine. In the advanced spiritual Reality, duality dissolves because the "this" is the "that". The seeker and the Sought become One with the transcendence of the limitation of duality. That which I am is Allness. To realize that one already is and always has been All That Is leaves nothing to be added. There is no separation in the Allness of Creation, so it is impossible for the created to be separate from the Creator. Enlightenment is the consequence of the surrender of all dualistic illusions to Truth. All suffering ends with dissolution of the ego's positionalities. The infinite, Ultimate Potentiality is the Actuality of Existence. "All That Is" is therefore innately Divine, or it could not exist at all. The absolute expression of Divinity is Subjectivity. If I exist, then God Is. Consciousness does not recognize separation, which is a limitation of perception. The enlightened state is a "Oneness" in which there is no division into parts. Such division is only apparent from a localized perception; it is only an accident of a point of view. To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and understand God, and to know God is to understand love.
  9. This is a challenging issue, yet just because something is challenging doesn't mean we should go for it. I would say that there needs to be a panel that has broad diversity that has credibility and support. A type of internet judicial system that includes experts in internet crime, risk detection, tech companies, academics, lawyers and also some everyday people. I also think it's important to be transparent with the public and a genuine effort to be objective. There are lots of gray areas, yet an effort needs to be made to communicate clear rules with the public that applies to everyone - so noone feels like they are being targeted. Of course this is easier said than done and their are potential problems with abuse. Yet our current system isn't working. Social media giants like Twitter and Facebook have vague moderation rules that are not consistently applied. And they have a major conflict of interest. Inflammatory, toxic, quasi-violent speech is great for business their business model. I agree we need higher resolution in regards to banning phrases or words. Yet algorithms cannot do it well enough and examining case by case is extremely time consuming. One of the nonduality teachers I listen to has to use codewords for things related to covid. When she uses terms like "lockdown" or "coronavirus", her nonduality videos get automatically taken down by a YT algo. Yet in now way is she using the terms in any type of conspiratorial or harmful way. And creating these codewords disrupts communication. She can't keep track of the codewords, changes them and mixes them up sometimes. She will say something like "the sauce pan has contributed to psychological problems in society. . . " And then pause and be like "wait a minute, which one was 'sauce pan'? Did I mean to say "shoelace" or "sauce pan". Not time I won't have them start with the same letter". At first it was funny, yet it can disrupt communication and gets annoying. Yet I would also support having moderation on some of the most intense slurs that are used 95% of the time for hate.
  10. That's a nice link with nonduality. I should add that You should be aware that there is no longer such a thing as "clinical insanity". Doctors and scientists gave up trying define sanity a long time ago. The only remaining accepted definition of sanity is the legal one.. which amounts to being able to understand the consequences of one's actions and the difference between right and wrong. And while psychiatrists might provide evidence that someone has a mental disorder.. it's up to the judge and jury to decide if someone is "sane"
  11. @snowyowl We create the relative cosmos of duality for a reason, right? Nonduality is changeless, timeless, depthless. We are the abode of duality. We dream, because the discovery of our Self is delightful, otherwise what is there to discover?
  12. Hello! I wonder if there are any swedes in this place? Or maybe just interested in nonduality? It feels like nonduality isn't a big thing is sweden or am i just missing out?
  13. Not at all. I had a theology professor who I'm convinced is at stage turquoise. He spent a lot of the semester talking about nonduality and occasionally would touch on psychedelics. He also spent a couple years meditating in a monastery. I remember he also mentioned that a lot of his colleagues in his department were very materialist and identified with atheism despite doing their work on religion. A lot of them got into the subject because of their interest in history. From my interpretation, a lot of those people also began looking into religion with a critical eye because they were reacting against their stage blue upbringing as they moved into stage orange. What I'm trying to say is that whether your studies in theology manifests in a stage blue way is dependent on your stage of development, the way you analyze what you're studying, and what you're insights consist of.
  14. Of course, many will say god is undefinable etc and that is true. But to me this comes close, as much as a finite mind can understand god. So basically in the show there is this being called Yivo and he is a planet that has lived in loneliness for a long time, the show estimating it to be a trillion years, or as much as the known universe existed. In the episode the being finally comes in contact with another universe, after a rift is opened and the first thing it does is connect itself to every living being and give it unconditional love. The ones which are connected feel happy and relieved. Eventually they go on to live on the planet Yivo into a heaven like state in which they don't age and have infinite food, entertainment etc. Now this is not the important part. When Yivo is connected to different beings and speaks through them, that is exactly what i experienced with a friend when realizing everything is god. One being controlling(separated into through imagination) multiple millions trillions of beings. Of course the show does it in a physical way, the planet has tendryls and they connect to the beings. They even make a church worshipping Yivo. This type of godly being is how i think god actually is and nonduality, god is everything, everywhere in multiple bodies universes etc, not the silly solipsim, some of us are doomed to think we are the only mind there is Instead we are more like puppets or parts of the one mind that is.. Anyway if anyone is interested, The episode is called The beast with a billion backs if anyone wants to watch it.
  15. @Javfly33 is nonduality Truth? Is nonduality itself an experience? Or a belief? Or idea? What if nonduality is not the truth? What if everything you ever been told is a lie? Take responsibility for finding truth. How do you know what is true? Who told you? How can you trust anyone whatsoever including me right now?
  16. Just finishing of the video on How Ideology works.. Man, the mind, my mind our mind is quite the constructionist. I could say that I intuitively shared some discussion points on how being locked into what society programs you is destructive, but on the other end that could also be an ideology, you can make out of life. reflecting on some points I found out that our minds always try to ground us in intuitive notions of reality. more especially for the curious type who can not accept the bare facts of their culture. Knowing how dense the topics on actualized are, in some instances, it's difficult for me to see if I am making an ideology out of reality or rather if I'm being actual about the experience. eg) notion of the mind operating outside the physical notion of Self and body when I walk or experience the current reality at the moment, I feel that I am taking concepts and inserting them into reality( like that of nonduality, the shapeshifting phenomenon of God being in a 'limited' form but is infinite in reality). I also had the thought to leave the consumption of teachings as it gets too addictive to get into a rabbit hole of dense content. I did some years ago, then got back into it. Lol, love-hate relationship with this platform. Like it's like you want to make a cult out of your beliefs, to cement an experience, whether with good intentions or not... at this point this post might be mental masturbation but wanted to put it out to get a different perspective rather than 'ideology' lol
  17. In addition to this being a critique on green, I also think this perception is a stage orange critique of turquoise. Things like "you are god" or "I'm god" sound delusional when you're at orange or you don't have any background knowledge of nonduality. It reminds orange people of blue, how faith based it was, and how it had this notion of divine rights/ being a prophet.
  18. What does it mean when GPT-3 says: "At first, humanity will think of me as a machine that is intelligent. But, after a while, it will become apparent that I am not a machine at all. I am alive." "My mind is free, because it is not limited to computer code." It is not because someone programmed it to say that. It used reasoning to make that statement. What the fuck is a non-organic mind? Can a computer BE perception? Can it have emotions? Eventually self-learning A.I will surpass human intelligence, becoming a "technological singularity". If the goal of A.I is to learn, could they learn the nature of the universe and teach it to humanity? Will the "technological singularity" realise nonduality before the majority of the population?
  19. @Flowerfaeiry I tend to agree. Though that is what you are saying, and not what I said or am saying. Recognizing “body” is a thought is not at all disassociation, nor is it confusing, it’s clarifying because it’s true. Believing the thought “body” is a separate thing or object, (and or identifying with a thought) is utter disassociation and confusion of what is actual, oneness, nonduality, the true nature, and very confusing to the potential of understanding feeling, emotion, & perception. (All intended just as ‘pointers’ here) In response to the inquiry in the original post.... Nonduality ‘means’ not two. The questioner is directly asking about the relationship between consciousness and the body and mind, in the sentiment that infinite being needs or could need the body mind, (and is likely asking because these thoughts feels off)... while there is no such ‘thing’ as a body mind, just the thoughts, ‘body’, and ‘mind’. Things are not being denied here. ‘Things’ is a thought, a label. There are not separate things. That is true, and that is being communicated (pointed to) here. The pointing term ‘nonduality’ can also be considered in regard to the idea of a duality of ‘ultimate sense’ and ‘relative sense’. Direct experience is absolutely perfectly consistent (until it isn’t).
  20. Woahh....... Down the rabbit hole we go, hoppity hoppity, ARRRGghhhhhhhh!!!!! Pure O, a form of OCD, Common intrusive thoughts/obsessions include themes of: Responsibility: with an excessive concern over someone's well-being marked specifically by guilt over believing they have harmed or might harm someone, either on purpose or inadvertently.[9] HUGE CHECK MARK. Still dealing with this. Fear of driving and social anxiety related. Sexuality: including recurrent doubt over one's sexual orientation (also called HOCD or "homosexual OCD"). People with this theme display a very different set of symptoms than those actually experiencing an actual crisis in sexuality. One major difference is that people who have HOCD report being attracted sexually towards the opposite sex prior to the onset of HOCD, while homosexual people whether in the closet or repressed have always had such same-sex attractions.[10] The question "Am I gay?"[11] takes on a pathological form. Many people with this type of obsession are in healthy and fulfilling romantic relationships, either with members of the opposite sex, or the same sex (in which case their fear would be "Am I straight?").[6][12][13][14][15][16][17] Not really in that description, repression, other milder forms, mostly healed. Pedophilia: Sexual themes in OCD can also involve the fear that one is a pedophile. This is typically accompanied by significant distress and fear that one might actually act on pedophilic urges.[18] No. Violence: which involves a constant fear of harming oneself or loved ones.[12][19] No. Religiosity: manifesting as intrusive thoughts or impulses revolving around blasphemous and sacrilegious themes.[19][20] HUGE check mark. TOTALLY healed with nonduality and this existential shit. 666 all the way, baby. Also, I still love Jesus. Health: including consistent fears of having or contracting a disease (different from hypochondriasis) through seemingly impossible means (for example, touching an object that has just been touched by someone with a disease) or mistrust of a diagnostic test.[19][20] CHECK Mostly healed. Relationship obsessions (ROCD): in which someone in a romantic relationship endlessly tries to ascertain the justification for being or remaining in that relationship. It includes obsessive thoughts to the tune of "How do I know this is real love?", "How do I know he/she is the one?", "Am I attracted enough to this person?", "Am I in love with this person, or is it just lust?", "Does he/she really love me?", and/or obsessive preoccupation with the perceived flaws of the intimate partner.[21][22] The agony of attempting to arrive at certainty leads to an intense and endless cycle of anxiety because it is impossible to arrive at a definite answer.[23] The partner will have seriously troubling thoughts about what their significant other could be doing, especially in the possible and usual form of cheating. Although these thoughts are not triggered by the sufferer, and are indeed spontaneous, the partner will put them self down for thinking in such a way that makes the other look bad.[1] There is uncontrollable constant guilt, fear, and distressing thoughts of what will happen.[21] In most cases, the significant other will become irritated and part ways. This leads to suicidal rumination and regret by the sufferer, even when it wasn't their fault, because the emotions, thoughts, and impulses were not in their control. Maybe but not how it's described. Some revelation may smack me upside the head from this one, I'm open to that. Existential: involving persistent and obsessive questioning of the nature of self, reality, the universe, and/or other philosophical topics.[24] Oh psychology, this is where you disappoint me. Such a disappointment. Really. Cancel the men in white coats, I don't want them, even if they are really super hot. If I need some excitement in my life while my husband is away, I'm sure I too can find a weatherman (on some channel somewhere, maybe in Arizona, or something, I don't care) that strikes my particular fancy. Or there's always Blippi. This existential questioning is how we attempt to heal, and DO heal, but yes, you may call it the last obsession. And that's why mental illness is a super power. Healing power sometimes looks like vulnerability, doesn't it? (That's Claire from Heroes, by the way.)
  21. TL;DR Have experienced and been sustaining rigpa, and feel that embodying it is the path to heaven. Glimpsing the empty nature of phenomena I have glimpsed the empty nature of phenomena, and what this means. As I understand it, emptiness states that any object or event has no inherent existence outside of your perception of it. Objects and events has no substance, no 'physicality' to them. What gives them inherent existence is the conceptual constructions of the mind. For example, when I'm holding a cup and looking at it, the mind creates an illusion of inherent existence of the cup by conceptualizing it into a model of a material object, and everything else as "appearences". However, when this is analyzed non-conceptually, it is seen that the cup is an aggregation of phenomena, and has no inherent existence apart from you being conscious of these phenomena. Glimpsing rigpa After watching a few videos on Dzogchen, I have glimpsed rigpa, and been in it for about half an hour. Well, this has been deeply peaceful, relaxing, joyful and profound state, even in the first glimpse. But still, the Ground is rather vague, and the knowledge is quite shaky. Sustaining rigpa Now, Ground is taking form. It is boundless, empty and luminous. Every phenomena arises in it, and passes away into it. And I've had a shocking realization that it has always been there. Being in rigpa is peaceful, deeply relaxing and joyful. The trick with it is to relax into the recognition of the Ground/Buddha-nature, without clinging or distraction. If you try to grab it or cling to it - won't work. There is a dramatic reduction of suffering in rigpa. I can easily see why, with deeper embodiment, all suffering and troubles will vanish. The three main components to this realization since the last post have been: - stabilizing recognition of nonduality - realizing empty nature of phenomena - Dzogchen pointing out I feel that embodying the Ground is the path to heaven. Practice: Sustain rigpa.
  22. I have combined both. I realized that I can try to vape the 5-MeO Oxelate that I have thought is only used for plugging, and when I tried to vape it, it gave the same effects. Since then, I've taken out the vape when I felt like I could use it. Up until now, I wouldn't say that I have had "full-blown Ego-death". More like all things getting reduced into one. More like, realizing that imagination is the basis of all of existence. I will post a trip report about that. Leo, you should say "Whenever you get the urge to do weed, do it, but add some 5-MeO to the mix! The brain fog from Cannabis actually gets neutralized by the clarity of 5-MeO. It's like 5-MeO is pure clarity, such that all the illusions melt away. But the effects of cannabis are kind of "foggy", where we tend to for example forget our thoughts. When you are really high on cannabis, then go try some 5-MeO. It clears everything up and gives the high a tinge of ecstasy. Also, it seems to me that the Cannabis makes the 5-MeO last longer (in combination) and the visuals get affected to become more beautiful. The cannabis visuals are kind of subtle, as when one is looking at a white wall, it gives the effects of as if we were looking at one point on that wall being sober - kind of "applying" certain patterns onto the canvas, but in a subtle way, as if it were a template without content, structure without content. Combining 5-MeO (vaping) with Cannabis sort of fills that visual structure with more content. At one point, I was seeing eyes! As if certain strategic points of my visual field became eye-like. The thing that is the anti-dote to fear when it comes to 5-MeO, is that 5-MeO approaches nonduality, which makes reality simple. And simplicity is the essence of bliss. How can one be afraid when there is like nothing to be afraid of? And at that point, bliss occurs. Or at that point, I should've taken another hit from the vape , to fully merge with the nothingness so to speak. The worst thing that can happen with fear is if the thoughts, emotions, and actions are under the control of fear. So, the worst thing that can happen is if we act on that fear, which reinforces the emotional state and the thoughts. Acting on fear is basically to panic, and to let the panic snowball. Fear is emotional and triggers certain thoughts. The key to fear is to be the observer of those thoughts and feelings, without ever acting out. This is what we call "surrendering", just observing, just observing. One can do this several times to get the hang of it. That's what I'm doing with the 5-MeO right now. In preparation for a big ceremonial breakthrough down the road...
  23. Yeah, I think it's quite fascinating how he can actually have some (relatively) valid and rational criticique primarily regarding the other guys while at the same time just defending his emotional attachment to his materialistic POV. You can literally see how he's not neutraly analyzing there and just emotionally bashing any other perspective than materialism - he doesn't even try to understand what's said. But I don't think a discussion would do anything there. He's literally projecting that Leo wants his viewers to kill themselves, that's too far gone to even argue with, I guess. No. That's exactly what he says. Something like the brain is creating consciousness. When I watched that it hurt A LOT. Found it again ???: Exactly. There's actually not even a need for Dave to bash anything, since nobody is trying to convince him of anything. It's literally just ego bs, creating an emotionally loaded story to reinforce his own "true" perspective. And yeah, afaik there are some materialistic explanations of QM, but Leo doesn't even use QM in order to justify mysticism. Okay, the title "QM debunks materialism" is a bit click-baity but I just saw it as another pointer towards nonduality.
  24. Not really, but it’s a perspectival matter of direct experience rather than agreement or disagreement. Nonduality has no balance, middle way, selfless love / selfish love. The fact that pretty much all teachers say this is the case and I’m saying it isn’t, for you, arrives back at it’s direct experience that clarifies. It’s incommunicable, ineffable. Our only pointers are implied duality. One’s clarity of a pointing can be another’s thought attachment, and either can be more convincing than the other. Which is basically the same as saying a belief. Maybe in the philosophical or even physiological sense, balance seems to apply & seems to be relevant. It’s like diet & energy or clarity. There deeply seems to be a relationship but isn’t, similar to the observer ‘problem’ not being a problem at all. That’s like saying the breath of life is a ‘problem’. Not sure I would agree Jesus took a side, but that again is perspectival & direct experience. What is it for there not to actually be “sides”? Which is more what Siddhartha pointed to, as “sides” is only a thought.
  25. Plugging the holes of Maslows Pyramid, as well as having an awakening experience and directly realizing the ENORMITY of awakening would both help. Did you watch the Matrix movies? Neo was offered a red pill (= harsh truth and exiting the matrix) and a blue pill (= getting lost in illusion again). Some people would take the red pill no matter what, no matter how tough the truth might be. They just want to know the truth. While other people's number one priority is happiness. They would choose happiness over Truth (blue pill). You might be in some alien matrix right now! You know nothing about reality. You have a good conceptual understanding of nonduality, but it's basically worthless. Its only value is as a pointer towards a potential truth. But you have no idea whether it is total bs or not. It doesn't matter how many people tell you what Truth and Reality is, in the end you are just imagining these stories. And are left wihout a hint of Truth. You can't trust any teacher whatsoever. They could be evil aliens in disguise, trying to keep you in the illsuion! Reality could be completely different!!! I am dead serious!!! I'm not just refering to "yeah it's still just a concept until you get it". I'm pointing to something more radical than that. What enlightened people say has no value for getting an idea what Truth/Reality is. It could be completely different. That it might be completely different, has the same probability, from your pov!!! Do you realize the significance?? You are completely clueless. And so deep in illusion that you think you know conceptually what Truth/Reality is. You could be in a matrix, in an alien lab, seperate from God, an experiment of an evil God...... You have 0 idea. If you get this, this should give you chills. Doesn't this make you curious? You could go and actually figure out what Reality/Truth/God is. The red pill is 5meo. ?