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  1. I have personally been struggling with the world needing saving. I get very sad. Then I realised that I was just doing the 'life's not fair' thing. Actually, it's exactly how it is meant to be. Horribly perfect. It's just perspective; it all is. If my vibe is low it looks like chaotic shit, if it is high it looks like organised chaos. I struggle more with acknowledging that I am COMPLETELY in control of whether my reality appears as friend or foe. I create it, so if I decide it needs saving, it does, if I decide it is perfect, it is. I'm trying to see it as perfect transformation school and remove the limited perspective of time. Or just stop thinking!
  2. The deity is a tool for transformation. Use it to connect via Bhakti, but always remember that it was created by you and is you.
  3. There is lot going on in my life this week. The emotional rollercoaster hit my mind again and again. I think it will stop after I break up with my Gf.. but sadly no. There is other external stuff that need to be change because I see myself changing.. being really different person. Now Im.. More independent, can think for oneself (the die of conformity blue culture), more grounded, find inner guidance, increased intuition, I sense higher emotional intellegence too in myself, more control to my own mind (I see and own my mind in creating the matrix, when I take full responsibility and ownership in my mind I have more control naturally. The effect is HUGE btw), becoming INTP as I'm INTJ before, more openminded, reaching yellow thinking more often without psychedelic, have more courage, have more worth, finding true value, ability to sense if there is something wrong (expect to the inner error, still learn it though), healing lot of painful neurotic trauma, more detached in dating, and maybe there is more but overall is like transformation going on me. Still there is a lot of homework.. Internal work and external work. Im seriously tired. Man.. This week lot of things surface up and its really hard to deal with because I have lot of loss too.. I loss my 4 years GF... the only one that hear me with intellegence and non judging manner. The one who grounded me. The one who teach me and heal me. I think its OK before.. but times come by and I really need someone to talk deeply. I need someone to rely on my emotion. Sometimes I just need to rest with someone who understand me.. but, right now.. there is no one. Just me and my ego mind. I try to put my words on twitter but it didnt really work. I need bigger tree to rest in the shade. I know this is sound really needy as fuck. But I dont care. This is my emotion and my confused mind that say it. Its valid. I try Tinder but I just found bunch of unconscious girl that just make my head tired. In my country, spiral dynamic stage green is still very rare to find. I couldn't find a safe space for my emotional sensitivity. Most people in my area cannot listen. They judge harshly. At least at this forum I can share my thought.. and this forum is the only safe space for me right now. Im so grateful for that. Now I have decide to be happy with my ownself without rely to anyone else. This is really though way to live but. I think there is no other alternative right now. I want to become independet self.
  4. excellent, yes the journey of ascension is realizing the multidimensional nature of our beingness to embody all and resonate at the higher aspects of self, transforming reality and experience as we know it. This is where humanity and consciousness is heading, releasing the old patterns of the 3rd dimension to allow for higher levels of freedom, empowerment, love, connection, and efficiency as energy beings. This also means exploring the dynamics of health/vitality as it correlates to the multidimensional nature, nipping discordant energy in the butt before it becomes a phsyical ailment, and realizing the potential transformation of the physical being as old energy is released, dna (whatever this actually is) evolves and everything begins to run more efficiently aiding in soul growth. I've put a lot of work into myself and the journey, discovering a lot of truth relating to self healing, prana, and energy cultivation. I am starting ascension/life coaching to guide and facilitate people on their healing journeys to break free from the collective fear based frequencies as these drastically impact thought patterns and limitation, perpetuating the dichotomy many are trapped in on this forum (unable and unwilling to break down the relativity of experience)
  5. I understand everything you're saying. Another way to explain this whole apparent debacle: The human is not much different than the animal. The main difference with the human is that it appears its brain evolved faster and or differently for reasons unknown. This evolved brain of the human now has the ability to become an entity unto itself (the ME). It has essentially evolved past basic survival strategy like that of the animal.(its not good or bad) This illusion of separation creates an illusory problem. That problem being: I feel separate from existence, like something is missing and needs to be found. But this problem is founded within a misunderstanding.... or like Jim Newman says, "a psychosomatic misunderstanding". So the human spends its life running around in a misunderstanding or dream story of sorts, trying to find something that was never missing. It tries to find something to fix the unreal problem of feeling separate ie: Materialism: money; possessions; hot hubby/wiffey. Spiritual Materialism: Religion; spirituality; Adviata(non-duality). Here is an essay from Tony Parsons: The Story of Me "All there is is wholeness . . . boundless energy appearing as everything . . . the sky, trees, feelings, thoughts, whatever. It is the mystery of no thing simultaneously being everything. There is nothing apart from the boundless everything and yet, because it is free, it can appear to be separate from itself . . . it can appear to be the story of me. There is nothing right or wrong in that appearance which is wholeness apparently happening. Contracted energy seems to arise in the human being and create a sense of separation out of which arises a unique sense of identity . . . a self consciousness. The me is born and the story of me seems to begin. Me is the story and the story is me and one cannot exist without the other. They both only appear and function in a dualistic subject object reality. Everything seems to be personally experienced as a series of events in real time happening to a real me. Within that story time, journey, purpose and free will and choice seem to be real. This sense of separation is not just an idea, a thought or a belief. It is a contracted energy embodied in the whole organism which influences every experience. As a consequence the me experiences a tree, the sky, another person, a thought or a feeling through a veil of separation. It is as though me is a something and everything else is lots of other separate somethings happening to me. What arises from this once removed sense is a subtle feeling of dissatisfaction. A feeling that something is lost or hidden. For most people this sense of dissatisfaction is not that apparent, and because they believe they are individuals with free will and choice they seem motivated to try and create a successful story . . . good relationships, good health, wealth, personal power or whatever else. However, for some there is a greater sensitivity about something else that seems to be missing. This feeling generates a longing for a deeper sense of fulfilment. There can be an investigation into religion, therapy or the meaning of enlightenment. Because the me has become convinced that it has the means to influence its story, it also assumes that it can find deeper fulfilment through its own choice, determination and action. The me may, for instance, go to a priest or a therapist or a teacher of enlightenment in order to find what it thinks it needs. Often because the me feels it has lost something, there can be a sense of inadequacy and so what is pursued is a teaching that satisfies the need to do something which will bring about a personal transformation and make the me worthy of fulfilment. All of this activity is apparently happening within the story of me which is functioning in an artificially dualistic reality. So me is searching in the finite for that which is infinite. It is a something looking for another something, and what it really longs for remains unobtainable by already being everything. It is rather like trying to catch air with a butterfly net. It isn’t difficult, it is wonderfully impossible. The essential futility of that searching inevitably fuels the sense of a me who feels even more unworthy and separate. However, in the seeking activity there can be experiences along the way that encourage the me to search further and try harder. Personal therapy can bring a transient sense of personal balance in the story. Practices like meditation can bring a state of peace or silence. Self enquiry can bring an apparently progressive experience of understanding and strengthened awareness. But for awareness to function it needs something apart for it to be aware of. Awareness simply feeds separation, and a state of detachment can arise and be mistaken for enlightenment. All of these states come and go within the story of me. The basis of all teaching of becoming enlightened is the idea that a change of belief or experience can lead to a personal knowing of oneness, self realisation or of discovering your own true nature. The whole investment in a progressive path goes on feeding the story of me attaining something. Even the suggestion of personal surrender or acceptance can be initially attractive and bring a satisfying state . . . for a while. There are many so-called non-dual 'teachings' which feed the story of me becoming liberated. However, the oneness that is longed for is boundless and free. It cannot be grasped or even approached. Nor is there anything that would need to be done or changed or made better than that which is already everything. The me experience can be very convincing because “the world” it lives in seems to be dominated by lots of me’s in lots of stories. But the me construct is inconstant and has no foundation. All of the me story is only a dance of wholeness which is without significance or purpose. A deep and uncompromising exposure of the artificial construct of separation and the story of me can loosen the constraints that keep it locked in place and reveal the way in which seeking can only reinforce the dilemma. The apparent sense of separation, however, is at its essence an energetically contracted energy which no amount of conceptual clarity will ever undo. When there is an openness to the possibility of that which is beyond self-seeking, then it seems that the contracted energy can evaporate into the boundless freedom which it already is. And still this is only another story which attempts to point to and describe a total paradox . . . the apparent end of something that was never real . . . the story of me. All there is, is boundless freedom"
  6. Yes, but don't forget that flow state should not be looked at as something outside of yourself that needs to be achieved or gotten to. Flow, letting go & surrender should be integrated as parts of your being and should always be the case. It's should not be something outside of yourself now. Of course people use state-pumping to get into that state, but that is not real transformation and growth. State pumping is the same as taking MDMA. Have you ever taken MDMA in social setting? You literally feel like the king. You are the life of the party and everyone is attracted to your presence. Everyone is on the edge of their seat listening to what you have to say because you are so embodied & full of self love and acceptance. The whole dynamic changes. but then, when it wears down, you feel less 'flow' and more self absorbed again. It's all self protection again. That's not ideal. You always want to be able to do what you are inspired to do without filters. What you often see are these guys doing daygame or nightgame and say 'I really felt in flow just 10 minutes ago, but now I'm not anymore. I feel a bit anxious again'. See, they rely on external validation & statepumping to get into flow. Their internal state depends on external variables, while real transformation does not. So you saying 'I reached flow state some time ago' still comes from the duality that seperates you from full self acceptance & permanent letting go. Releasing & emotional embodiment are key to permanently integrate these attributes.
  7. I agree that on some level, on the cognitive side, JP doesn't want to deconstruct his world view, even his religiosity is materialistic, blue as you call it. On another level I sense that he longs for a breakthrough, for an existentially juicy experience. I know because I was like him before psychedelics, in a way his answer about how not to turn nihilistic (in the video I linked) is the worst he could have given, that's precisely because of those materialistic reasons that one is turning nihilistic. If he experienced his soul his shell would crack. Someone called him bitter in this forum, he's so bitter. But he's too invested in the world, he's a family man, he has his reputation, his following, liberating him is going to be so hard, psychedelics could do it if anything. Instead of seeking transformation after his benzo crisis he did everything he could to retain his psychology and he seemingly succeeded (which may have been the better move but he's still trapped).
  8. @Forestluv He has a wider lens. Yes he is a psychologist so he is very interested in what it does to the human psyche. Not only trauma, fear of death in cancer patients, changes of personality, trancedance, a sort of transformation of mortality itself. He is pointing that there is something beyond the death in psychedelics that is very significant. "I am been studying this for twenty years the psychedelic literature. Its of crucial and central significance. There seems to be no end on how deeply you can investigate it" "You have te let old concepts die, they don't like to die its panfulull, but there is a benevolent death. Its true of being itself , death has a restorative rol, enough cells need to die to stay healthy. I belief in these mystical experiences death is building into something. And want to participate in and tortured to not participate. A glimpse of that, at least shows there's is more than you think." Gets a bit emotional in tone of voice. "What sort of being is there without consciousness. You cant even describe it , only in terms of consciousness. Things arent if they are not experienced. There is some relationship between consciousness and being. It just makes matter more mysterious." He is helping you guys popularize psychedelics and pointing to breakthrough. Also I don't think he is very of narrative control but concerned that the research goes well so it can continue for a long time.
  9. Most forums will have a guide in the comment box so the guide is seen every time someone comments. Its a basic and very effective user experience hack. Here is the full guide line for the integral life forum. Condense this to a few words of wisdom and place it in the comment box. It would also be good training. Was thinking of making a chrome extension that adds words of commenting wisdom to every comment box on all sites. Would be nice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Community Road Rules Integral Life strives to provide a community space that is integral—comprehensive, open, inclusive, and transparent. The quality of this integral space depends on the quality of your participation. Therefore, like all communities we have guidelines, and ours are integral. The following guidelines are designed to help make everyone’s experience in this “we-space” a fulfilling one: Let your very next communication in this space come from your Highest Self. If you understand what “integral” means, then let the next words out of your mouth be from your own integral mind or integral awareness. If you don’t know exactly what integral means, then use “Highest or Higher Self,” “True Self that is no-self,” “Spirit Mind,” “Big Mind,” or whatever you are comfortable with that evokes the highest or deepest or brightest You. Feel the thinker. Feel your self, feel your ego, feel the self-contraction. That which feels the thinker is beyond the thinker, that which feels the self is beyond the self, that which feels the ego is beyond the ego, that which feels the self-contraction is free of the self-contraction. When you feel the thinker (or ego, etc.), you engage your Higher Self. You take the stance of the Witness, the I that is aware of I, the I-I in you that is beyond you. And the Witness, although itself empty, takes on and speaks integral at any level. Therefore, feel your ego, or feel your self-contraction, and then speak and act from the awareness that’s doing the feeling; that sees the ego as an object like any other; that impartial Mirror Mind reflecting and embracing the universe in its brightness and luminous equanimity, the higher perspective that is no special perspective but open to all. Make the subject object whenever you can, and this will help you come from your Highest Self. But don’t make a big deal out of this. Simply try to feel the thinker or feel the self-contraction every now and then, and sooner or later it will make sense and feel natural to act from a higher level that is not the ego but is aware of the ego. (Those rules help with your Higher Self, however you understand and intuit it. And now, a few rules to help with your lower self (aka, your unconscious, your shadow, the disowned self, or the self that will sabotage your every move, given a chance). Discern your “emotional buttons,” or the things to which you overreact. In many cases, whether or not your judgment is true, a hyper-emotional recoil often means that shadow elements have been triggered, or as everyday parlance has it, somebody “pushed your buttons.” Simply notice this happening; try to make the subject an object (which, as we know, is the fundamental rule of development). In other words, try to make the reactive self (the lower self) an object of awareness. Just see and feel your emotional reaction; you don’t have to do anything else. It’s that simple. Don’t worry whether something spectacular happens or not; that very act has already caused a small transformation and disidentification, and repetitions of that simple act will have a profoundly cumulative effect. Of course, you can do more work on it if you choose, but most essentially, they are ways to just further that process. You can investigate this more if you want. If someone or some comment gets on your nerves, what are you pushing against? Seek the underlying value in you that is trying to be expressed in your emotional charge. If you’re experiencing strong recoil, resistance, or rage, odds are what you are experiencing is a symptom of your own shadow. If this is so, we recommend doing a little shadow work with your response (ahhh, so that’s what the Shadow Channel is for!). Again, don’t make a big deal out of this, but work on it in whatever way you know how. If you don’t want to do shadow work, or don’t have the time for it, not to worry: as we said, simply feel the self that is recoiling and acting negatively. Simply try to make the subject an object. And then go on about enjoying the community. Don’t wait for others to make the experience you’d like; ask explicitly for what you want and take steps yourself to help create it. Before you offer your wisdom to or about others, remember that your perspective is yours, and just one of many. Can you admit that your perspective is a limited one? Can you distill out your clear observations from your interpretations and assessments? Are you still curious about other perspectives? Are there any shadow elements in any of your interactions in the community? Before pointing out the negatives in others, we try to clean our own house first. Don’t be afraid to make judgments—we want your opinions and judgments very much—just try to have the next judgment that comes out of your mouth be a discernment from your Higher Self. It is your imperative to do your best to understand and accurately represent other people’s viewpoints. It is also your imperative to clarify your own viewpoint if you are feeling misrepresented. Your participation in the Integral Life community indicates that you have read and accepted these general guidelines, and that you will do your best to live up to them. Like communities elsewhere, IL reserves the right to refuse community service to anyone for whatever reason. We relish diversity of perspective; we also value basic remembering of the I-Thou We-space. If you’re routinely causing a disturbance, or not living up the guidelines, you will very probably be asked to leave the community. If you enter this community, you are agreeing that you can be removed for any reasons whatsoever judged necessary by IL, and reasons that do not have to be argued or explained; you are entering this We-space with that understanding and agreement. This mutual understanding is a pledge we all make to each other to engage or live up to the highest, deepest, best, brightest, clearest, caring Self that we can. This is our promise to each other, because we are here not merely to share, but to grow. Other communities share; IL community helps us grow, because the guidelines actually foster transformation and help us grow, even as we share. We all want to change the world, and IL actually does it—and you are now a member of that wonderful community, and we dearly welcome you. Just remember the single most basic Road Rule: when in IL, speak from I-I. We are here to grow, but also to play, to practice, to hear, to be heard, to dance, to reflect, to contemplate, to receive and to contribute. Stir the pot. Have fun. Debate. Put it out there. Reveal Spirit. It always already Is, and It always already is HERE. Community Etiquette The community that forms Integal Life is a dynamic part of the whole that contributes in immense ways to the experience for everyone involved. With this in mind, it is the policy of Integral Life to adhere to very particular guidelines with regards to internet abuse that might diminish the experience for any one of our community members. Integral Life does not encourage, nor propagate the use of Spam or Phishing in any of its manifestations, such as E-Mail Spam, Instant Messaging and Chat Room Spam, Chat Spam, Forum Spam, Blog Spam, Video Sharing Spam, and Social Networking Spam. An Integral Life Representative will never ask a member for a password. Should there be any question or concern regarding spam or phishing, please contactMember Support with detailed information into the matter at hand. Each inquiry will be dealt with on a case to case basis. Serious infractions may result in suspension or cancellation of a member’s account. Also, Integral Life is a community that honors diversity and breadth of opinion and experience in all manifestations. Community interaction at all levels of experience is not only necessary, but also inevitable. Therefore, there might be times that arise when the dialogue between two or more members escalates in intensity. Even during these times Integral Life strives to hold a safe container that recognizes and respects the myriad views that we all hold. However intense the interactions may be, we ask that members refrain from personal attacks, defamations of character, and trolling, baiting, or flaming other members. For a great guideline to community interaction that is held here in high regard, check out the above Community Guidelines. The Integral Life Forum encourages passionate discussion, respectful disagreement, and even interpersonal “shadow work”. Members are invited to explore, engage, and challenge each other. However there comes a point when prolonged clashing is unproductive for everyone. It is healthy for individuals to let go and important for Site Moderators to cultivate an atmosphere that is attractive to many participants. Moderators will use their discretion in giving warnings which may lead to a decision to suspend one or more participants. 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  10. What really initiated (but by no means completed) this transition to viewing life from the lens of music was something Alan Watts said here: An important caveat though, I would caution you against believing Alan's idea that there's no necessity for the universe or existence and would like to instead suggest to only focus on his music analogy rather than his premature conclusions about the whole of existence. Personally I think Alan Watts didn't really understand how fundamental this insight was and kind of left it underdeveloped. He thought it was just an analogy and never considered the possibility that life isn't like music, but that music is like life and that playing the piano is to music what living is to life. To answer your questions, I would suggest to you that you actually take a look at musical theory as if you are studying physics (i.e. as something fundamental to the understanding of life itself, not something arcane or tangential to life like most musicians think of it). Pay particular attention to what harmony actually is and why it is different than non-harmony, then contemplate what harmony outside of the context of music is and how it could guide you in a profoundly honest and direct way that no teaching or "ism" ever could. Also pay attention to what octaves are and compare them with spiral dynamics theory. Pay attention to what frequencies are and contemplate wave functions. Contemplate the differences between static and dynamic. A word of caution though, if you go this route you might uncover that almost all of modern education is incorrect, you might also discover Taoism naturally on your own. Realizing certain truths may make you incompatible with the current version of the social software. This could lead to profound loneliness. Buyer beware. Any book on musical theory should provide some interesting insights even something like "Musical Theory for Dummies", if you resonate with it take it as far as you want, and then you should really consider "A course in miracles". Finally Walter Russell's "A new concept of the universe." should provide you with a fundamental understanding of the workings of the universe and may open the gates for your transformation to Homo Universalis. Good luck.
  11. Jesus’ Most Important Message (John 14:12) - Stage Turquoise Christianity The video, especially in the beginning/first half, uses Christian terms and concepts as to still be of interest to those in that belief system. I’m not arguing for anything taught in Christianity; this is merely a lens which could allow the belief system to manifest in a closer form to what Jesus appears to have intended. This is a synthesis of stage turquoise spiritual concepts and the Christian framework. It’s not a claim that this is all Absolute Truth. There are certainly limits to operating in this framework as with any other framework or belief system. The Bible verse which is the central theme for the video is John 14:12 which reads, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” This is a useful verse for bridging the gap between modern forms of Christianity and awakening. Modern Christianity is typically a source of self hatred and degradation, whether it is subtle or gross, in the context sin is commonly discussed. Modern Christianity loves to tell people that they are nothing compared to Jesus and could never be. The man himself gave a message of divine empowerment the likes of which I have seen in no other religious or spiritual text. Jesus was so radical in this regard, but it gets overlooked. The message is quite clear. Believe in me and you can do anything I have done and greater things. This is quite a different tone than Yahweh had in the Bible. That was one of intense subjugation. Jesus seems to offer himself as a catalyst to be used for one to facilitate their own divine transformation. This is a summary of the video put in terms more popular on the forum: -Being in incredibly high states of God Consciousness or Liberation seems to be a prerequisite to be a believer according to what Jesus is discussing. These are just the kindergarten lessons to be learned in the framework he is speaking of. Many have achieved those steps, but how many have been capable of the works? -No human being currently believes to the degree Jesus claims here. Could anyone alive today truly call themselves a believer? -Jesus was not seeing his human incarnation above the capability of yours. -Jesus going to Godhead may be part of why these greater works are possible for you. -Hinduism, for example, has produced many stories of people closer to the capabilities and levels of development Jesus is describing here compared to Christianity. It could be said that these people, if the stories are true, are more true believers in Jesus than a stage blue Christian.
  12. Thanks guys you opened my eyes, It's transformation. In the past we didn't know better but now it's different. There are societies that are vegans and well. Hunting animals for the kick of it doesn't sound too good. But the main problem is meat industry. Imagine being a cow forced into one of those narrow pathway were she can't turn around, knowing she's going to die, the stench of death, she panicks tries to turn around but can't so she refuses to walk so she's tazed and beaten and forced to advance to her death. If you only could realize what it means to go through such experience you would understand why I'm talking about hell on earth. It's utter madness that we created in this universe.
  13. Thanks, WonderSeeker I was very committed. She has been struggling with depression, on and off ssris, not reaching out for professional help, isolating herself completely from the world, both physically and emotionally. In the last 3 months of the relationship, although I tried what I could (including silent patience), her feelings for me got killed off. I saw her once this year for 2 hours. She is in a spiritual transformation. Basically said that I am not mature enough for her, due to the 10 years age difference (she in her 40s, me in my 30s). Obviously neither she, nor me were ready or healthy for a relationship. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t fallen in love with full power and that it doesn’t hurt like hell. I just want to use this pain for growth. ...... It’s so hard to detach from the thought/hope/wish that she would return later.
  14. Definitely some truth to this, yup. I was horny but I also rushed things. As I said; I do love sex, very much. lol. It was always a source of good feelings for me. And I wanted to feel that again. But it quickly became obvious that things have changed since the last time I was single. I've changed. My values, boundaries and priorities got stronger and more defined. So since @WaveInTheOcean brought the thread back to life (thanks btw!) here's a little update; Saying 'no' to sex was harder than I thought it would be haha. I really had a pattern. An addiction even - one could say. So I ended up 'relapsing' pretty damn fast. I got into a 'FWB' situation. And it was as good as such a situation can be - I guess. Everything went pretty smoothly and it was some pretty damn good sex. But again; no love. Pure physicality. I did smoke some weed before we'd hook up. So that contributed to me relaxing a bit and getting more into it. Weed can make me pretty horny lol. But anyways; even though the sex itself was good... I ended things pretty fast. It just didn't feel right - on a soul level. I really felt like I should focus completely on myself and go through this transformation with as little distraction as possible. So that's where I am at now. No sex ? Do I dream of pussy nearly everyday? You bet I do. But I know the work I'm doing now is much more important. And it's going to allow me to meet a much better match in the future.
  15. This year has been doing lot of stuff : 1. I realized so much more how I am as an ego. Numerology is the big guy in this realization. My attitude with reality now is really different. I aligned all my doing in my real self. Some backstory, I have lot of personality in my life. I use that to avoid lot of emotional wound. In some situation I can become really different person. 2. I walk out from my 4 years relationship. My relationship was really feels wrong for me. My intuition keeps telling me go out, go out, its enough, you forced it. But my mind is always not accept it. I always try to make it better. But eventually its all the same cycle, its all painful every single day like drop water purring my head every single second. I repressed my inner self and depressed. Now I knew I can't be mold so much in relationship. The good thing from that pain I found Leo, I found my inner deep value and have lot of healing from my girlfriend (ironically). Even my ex give lot of suffering in 4 years. I learned a lot. I heal a lot. I have thicker skin. In my eyes my ex is a hero healer of my journey. 3. I speak up to my father and mother. For all of the inequality that happened to me. How they treat me so ignorantly. Show they how they make me have my bad trauma. My mother cry at that time because I use really high tone voice. I surpressed all that feeling resentment for 22 years. The situation is really gloomy for a weeks. But now it goes lot better than I exepcted. Our relationship be much deeper. And now I feel heared than ever before! The lesson is speak own truth, be in relationship with people with your own deep truth. 4. The fall of the blue value. Now I just get enough of blue. I dont know. I just feel really bad even from people with blue smell. My country is pretty dang blue. I indoctrinated with blue value since birth. I have a hard time to understanding how world works because lot of conformity trauma. I dont have any independent thinking. In my subconscious I just need to obey because it feels really save. Obey obey obey. Be kind of lot of people even they doing stupid stuff for you. Your voice doesnt matter if it can ruin the commumal dynamic. And lot lot lot of bullshit value that I absorbed. I just get enough now. I just want to be my authentic self. I dont care if it hurts your conformity and dogma. I want to say anything that I wanted to say. I hate you blue. Fuck blue authority. 5. The rise of Anima, finding my shadow masculinity. I never aware how my masculinity is so toxic. I always assume that I never be toxic in my masculinity aspect. But all of my assumption is burned out after I watched video from The Diamond Net channel down below. (Try to watch it, can be life transforming to you!) I track all of what she said in my awareness. Then I have a healing sensation in my body. I sucessfully talk to my Anima. And wow its really beautiful! The ramification of unawareness Anima is the big obstacle in my development of consciousness. I place my anima in my shadow before and its becoming really dark devillish. Right now I still doing Anima integration. My attitude is changing from seeing that one video from the channel. Its feel more than little change, its like big transformation. People now act differently when I try talk to them. Before this, people just try avoiding conversation after we spent some time talking and I dont know why lol. I know I have some flaw but I never find it. I constantly changing my content when talking to people give hope it will help. Sure it help in some small extend. But this.. this structural change in my psyche. That video is really good I wonder why Leo didn't put Anima and Animus to the channel.
  16. ^^ Even if no sought-out deep enlightenment and transformation, developing the insight into radical, unfathomable unknowability/emptiness -- practically just extreme open-mindedness + highly-trained very still mind -- can liberate and open one up to unknowing and continuous insight that "I AM" is an assumption that has never never actually been investigated or looked at directly. The instant it is looked at directly, it wasn't ever there. Seeing x one way and later seeing x to not be that way at all... this can lead to the intuition that nothing can be real, or at least nothing is known, and what can then happen, is that things are no longer taken to be real. If the I AM isn't even a verifiably-existent entity, what then could possibly be? "The snake and the rope" truly is one of (if not the) most valuable pointers. To you, the mind is everything.
  17. I’ve shared this in the past in High Consciousness Resources. It’s a great sampler for the whole set. Listening to this complete set repeatedly to a ridiculous extent, years ago, probably grew me more than any other single work. Description of the whole set from Sounds True. Link is below. One of our greatest possibilities, teaches Wilber, is "to balance and harmonize our experiences at whatever stage of growth we are in—and to deepen our capacity for compassion, consciousness, and care." For Ken Wilber's many avid readers, and anyone who has been waiting for a highly accessible invitation to his work, here is one of the most significant thinkers of our time—spontaneous, passionate, irreverent—sharing a feast of ideas to inspire you on your evolution toward Kosmic Consciousness. Kosmic Consciousness Highlights: The "one taste" of the Kosmos Quadrants, lines, states, types, and stages—a complete introduction to the Integral Map Assessing your constellation of "multiple intelligences" The Good, the True, and the Beautiful—three realms of experience explored How meditation works, and why it is the most reliable tool for personal development Feminine and masculine drives—how our biology influences our spiritual evolution The chakra system, a paradigm for the unfolding self Integral insights for artists, businesspeople, and athletes Altered states of consciousness—how they can catalyze (or hinder) transformation Sexuality and lovemaking in the gross, subtle, and causal bodies The"pre-trans fallacy," an essential insight for evaluating spiritual tools, traditions, and teachers How fearlessness grows as your sense of self expands Four definitions of spirituality The ego—is it a vehicle or an obstacle to awakening? Lucid dreaming, astrology, brain machines, and the Enneagram—integral perspectives Mystical experiences in nature—a window into spirit How love "re-wires" the self Could your dog be an enlightened master? Basic moral intuition—a compass for our actions in the world Cultural "centers of gravity" and how they influence us Reincarnation—myth or provable phenomenon? What does an enlightened teacher "transmit"? Ascending, descending, and "nondual" spiritual paths Tantra and the "embrace of heaven and earth" More than 12 hours of insights in a rare series of meetings with Ken Wilber
  18. All of this conceptualization about your self or ego going through some kind of transformation process is essentially a distraction from the amazingness and beauty of the present moment which is enlightenment. There is no process for enlightenment, you already are it.
  19. Good luck with your transformation of rekindling magic! I've been trying to improve my spiritual life through daily habits for a year now and things have improved for me. Last year I was really lost and without a lot of vitality. Being consistent has helped me a lot. What kinds of meditations are you in to? Do you have any other spiritual practices?
  20. You may have, or are, experiencing a form of Spiritual bypassing! I try not to use other people’s words and ideas when expressing some of my own thoughts, but in this case Luna & Sol managed to sum-up and provide useful examples of Spiritual Bypassing. In no way am I promoting their web site, other than to use their examples of Spiritual Bypassing, which I have been subject to and still battle to this day. The examples given below are just food for thought, and they may or may not add some practicality to those seeking expanded awareness and consciousness. “Spiritual bypassing, by Luna & Sol” The reality is that not everything in life is ‘love and light’ as is the slogan for many spiritual seekers. Pursuing the light and living enlightened and deeply interconnected existences is also about setting yourself on fire. It is about creating an inferno of your false beliefs, illusions and separating desires, ideals, and prejudices. It is about surrendering to the destruction of every limiting thing you ever thought and felt about yourself, other people, and the world. Spirituality is not always pretty. In fact, oftentimes it is the most shattering, tumultuous, and testing experience we can go through in life. The truth is that there are many types of spiritual bypassing that we sometimes don’t recognize (or refuse to recognize) in life. I have listed ten of the most common types below: I) The Optimistic Bypass We’ve all come across people in life who love to laugh and smile, yet seem to be forcefully optimistic. “Focus on the positive!” “See the glass as half full!” “Don’t let a frown get you down!” are some of the catchcries of these people who tend to use optimism as a way of avoiding the more somber and troublesome realities of life. The optimistic bypass is often a side product of anger-phobia, or the inability to deal with negative emotions. II) The Aggrandizement Bypass This is a type of self-delusion that some spiritual seekers use as a way of masking their perceived deficiencies and insecurities. The aggrandizement bypass is adopted by those who seek to feel enlightened, superior or having reached higher planes of existence. It is sometimes used by self-proclaimed masters, leaders, spiritually awakened souls, and gurus. III) The Victim Bypass When one becomes a victim of their gifts, or of other people, this takes away the pressure of responsibility for shaping a satisfying life and taking responsibility for one’s happiness – such is the case with the Victim Bypass. This type of spiritual bypass is often used by spiritual seekers who believe they have extrasensory gifts of some kind, but due to their gifts they are unable to feel happy or healthy. Identifying as an Empath is sometimes a good example of this type of bypassing, as it can be interpreted as the fault of other people and their emotions for behaving in self-destructive and volatile ways. Other labels, like being a clairvoyant, indigo child, starseed, gifted healer, and so on, can often fall into the Victim Bypass trap. IV) The Psychonaut Bypass Many spiritual seekers explore the frontiers of the mind, the soul, and reality through the use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD, DMT, psilocybin mushrooms, mescaline, and other entheogens that expand the mind and perception of existence. While this is a fascinating way of exploring reality, entheogens, like any other drug, can sometimes be used as a way of escaping reality and avoiding committing to personal development and soulful refinement. V) The Horoscope Bypass When we frequently look outside of ourselves for help and guidance, as is with the case with Horoscopes and Psychics, we are failing to tap into our inner wellsprings of wisdom and strength and are allowing external predictions to control the outcome of our lives. The Horoscope Bypass is derived from fear and mistrust of ourselves, our inability to make decisions, and our inability to deal with anything tough that comes our way. VI) The Saint Bypass As children, we were conditioned to believe that a “spiritual person” is always kind, compassionate, and saintly. In adulthood, we continue to repeat this story to ourselves, and sadly, it can cause us tremendous suffering. The Saint Bypass is a reflection of extreme “black or white” thinking, promoting the underlying belief that spiritual people can’t have dark sides because that would make them “unspiritual.” This type of bypass is essentially avoidance of one’s Shadow Self (dark side) by overcompensating with the guise of a sweet, heavenly, exterior. Self-sacrifice is a major symptom of this type of bypassing. VII) The Spirit Guide Bypass In some spiritual traditions, it is a God who protects, in others an angel, an animal or an ascended being. No matter who the Spirit Guide is, the belief that they are there to “protect” us is pleasing to the mind but ultimately constricting to the soul. When we place our faith in another being’s power to ward off danger and keep us safe, we are committing a classic spiritual bypass: avoiding responsibility for ourselves and our lives and sidestepping the tough development of courage and resilience. We are not children, but when we think of ourselves as being so we mold our lives in such a way that we fail to develop strength of spiritual character. Spirit guides serve to teach us rather than to babysit us. VIII) The Prayer Bypass Similar to the Spirit Guide Bypass, the Prayer Bypass circumvents personal responsibility by putting faith in a higher being to solve all of our problems and issues. While praying can be a healthy practice, it can easily become limiting and misguided. IX) The Guru Bypass Often it is beneficial to follow a guru, shaman or spiritual teacher to learn and grow. However, becoming too attached to them can rapidly turn into another form of spiritual bypassing. The temptation to begin worshiping (knowingly or unknowingly) these teachers means that we eventually forget the purpose of listening to them: to integrate the essence of their teachings. By treating the words of a guru or master as the irrefutable truth and failing to think for ourselves, we are starved of true spiritual growth and transformation on our spiritual journeys. X) The Finger-Pointing Bypass On our spiritual quests, we begin to see through the lies, delusions, and crazy behaviors committed by our fellow human beings and this can make us angry, downhearted, and frustrated. However, when we get caught up in “everything that is wrong” with the outside world and other people, dedicating our lives to the self-righteous quest of finger-pointing, this can be another form of spiritual bypassing. Finger-pointing instills us with a false sense of righteousness, taking away our responsibility of looking inside and working on ourselves. At its roots, the Finger-Pointing bypass is sourced from fear and avoidance and is a powerful form of procrastination. Food for though! Take what thoughts and ideas resonates, and store in your spiritual tool box those thoughts and ideas that don’t at this moment of now!
  21. Hello everyone, To begin, it is my wish that all of you are currently experiencing a deeply fulfilling journey on the pathless path and that you are filled with loving-kindness. I also wish those whose path is colored by suffering, a resolution to that suffering and deliverance into peace. The question: There is a noticing that, as ego develops, its met with ever more challenging realisations about its own state of being. How can the ego best cope with these increasingly damning indictments, without freaking out every time it gets lost in thought? (Assuming a stable transformation into the awakened state has not yet occurred.) Here are some examples: that the ego is not safe, that it will definitely die and probably soon, that society is thoroughly more corrupt and out of control than it previously believed, that the systems it used to construct its current physical/social circumstances are also corrupt and no longer represent its interests, that its very own meaning making process is simply a process without meaning and thus all of its output has no truth value. From the perspective of this ego, it feels trapped between two worlds - one moment, its the peaceful state of presence and allowing. The next moment, its a state of emergency, hopelessness and panic. These new beliefs have simply replaced the old ones and fuck, they are way more scary!!
  22. @BipolarGrowth It certainly takes money to make money and to be used as a catalyst to initiate change. I am confident that the transformation won't be catalyzed by someone like Bill Gates child, Elon Musk child or any other child of a billionaire, mainly because they are handicapped from the start. Their egos would not allow them to awaken to universal truths, which is why the Buddha renounced his wealth and empire to obtained enlightened. I personally work with people in all walks of life and can say there is something very different in people that come from generational wealth that makes their obstacles so severe that their extreme abundance is a hindrance. The matrix of their physical bodies and their brains are so dense its hard for them to awaken, which is why something like yoga and a vegetarian diet is often used to increase the plasticity of their bodies and minds, but even then for such people, they would have to kill themselves millions of times to have a chance in their present lifetime. I believe the base entry point to move in any direction does start off in the middle class and starts weaning off dramatically when you start getting into the centry millionaire level I believe the precursor is now and in the coming decades. The person is present, they are waiting for the world to be ready.
  23. It's a great clip. But Alan Watts indeed lays out the steps/path for self-realization: - your wish to transform yourself, and your wish to become a better person, stems from a belief that you're separate person...which is an illusion! So thinking that way - alone - will never lead to any true transformation. - but yet, he says, it's absolutely important that we as a human race become more sane, more loving, more unselfish - what can you do then? - watch, observe, awareness - you then start to see the world, including the sense of 'I', is NOT something that is being pushed around or something that someone else is doing - it is realized to be a 'happening' -- going on by itself, for itself, out of itself - and THAT is The Real You, he says, not the symbol, not the person, but the whole of existence as a happening. You don't have to think about it. Let go of thoughts and 'you are still here' - in fact shining more clearly than ever ? - when you're looking out of your eyes, he says, you are looking at you! - he ends off by saying he doesn't know what we should do after we've realized this; thus he implies something "should" probably be done - he's just saying it's critical we realize our true nature first (and see ourself as whole and undivided, ... Just like a wave is something the whole ocean is doing, YOU are something the whole Universe is doing :-))
  24. Alright, I watched the enlightened episodes. The animated porn wasn't really my thing, but I guess it was nice. Zima Blue was a really great story. The cybernetic transformation for art reminded me of Genesis P-Orridge and his wife surgically altering themselves to resemble each other and become like a single entity.
  25. it is a pleasure and privilege to join this forum. I am so pleased to announce that my inner self recently rejected the ego machinery that has kept me unconscious for the last few years. Having chosen to be nothing and create life as a game in the mid 2000s , there were incredible and miraculous experiences experienced. over the last 5 or so years , I took a step back into an unconscious life. safe to say as I approached my late 30s (I'm 43 in 6 days), slowly the space for transformation closed up and meaning, fear and significance took over. I would say there was an event that I did not powerfully deal with, which was the passing of my father in August 2016 that was a turning point. luckily it was less of a challenge as I was blessed with the birth of a child at the end of November and that event made being unconscious just fine. all was great for a couple of years until the untrained ego machinery that runs the programming started to unravel quite significantly. with no conscious self involved, the primitive and limiting ego began struggling to make things work. the consequences were a marriage that was over in everything except title. living in separate parts of the house and just raising a daughter together. the ego continued to sabotage the plans that had been set by pushing for moving jobs and then not being satisfied and quitting said jobs. part of me that was conscious very rarely could see the machinery in action but no actions were taken to put my life plans back on the rails. when the lockdowns began in the UK, i was out of work for around 3 months. I found a new vice which was an online game that I began dedicating every waking moment to. to then make matters worse ( or exactly what was needed), through this online game, I managed to meet "the love of my life"in mid October. the human chemicals and machinery ran wild and we were addicted to each other like heroine addicts. she had a daughter and we discussed a life together. the only trouble was how to exit my current life. all my wealth, assets and fear of losing access to my daughter made the push for a quick divorce stall. by the end of January , my mistress, if I can call her that , was convinced that I would never leave my wife and I think decided to move on. from us permanently being joined at the hip on telegram and being in eachothers arms as often as we could, she lived 150 miles away, all contact was broken. in the realisation of that moment, something amazing happened. my self created identity completely unravelled and before I knew it, I was lost in a story of "intense grief". like a true drug addict, the withdrawal symptoms left my life void of any pleasure. I couldn't relate to my environment including my daughter. I went through fits of trying to contact her and initially she was receptive as she dealt with things on her side but eventually she had had enough of the intense neediness which is really the worst quality a partner can possess. a little light inside told me this was an opportunity to take control of my life. choose whether it was right to be in a marriage like this anymore. to get my career back on track and to awaken from this destructive slumber. within me was a sense of complete dissatisfaction around this ego based existence and this false construct of identity that had unravelled. initially on 26th January, I chose not to confront the inauthentic story regarding my relationship with Roo, while from a physical and mental perspective, she seemed the most compatible woman on every level I had ever met , I held onto the story that she had wronged me and abandoned me for someone else. that context around which I had set my belief system had me firmly trapped in the most intense grief and heartbreak I have ever experienced. from fits of despair and constant tears throughout the day , I chose to use exercise as therapy. that was all fine except there was not enough body to handle the level of exercise required to distract me from the despair. in the meantime I tried to push for a divorce too in case this would change Roo's mind. it didn't. the walls were closing in and all that existed was darkness. I was asleep. completely asleep. meditation and self hypnosis was the next fix, however, within the context of "the love of my life has abandoned me", the results were non consequential. it was only through confronting the lie, the lie that I had made up about my life and this situation and in fact my whole existence that finally created the space for something else to be possible. as a Buddhist may argue that any attachment outside ones self will lead to suffering and the conventional form of love, isnt true love. true love is unconditional. that is something I simply could not experience around Roo. I was completely addicted and was trapped in the human machinery. the ego led existence was in turmoil and disarray. something else is always possible... if you choose to see that your life is a construct and an interpretation of life which is not life. the big lie is the duality of having self being separate from the world. through this journey , I have discovered some amazing tools that I hope to share with anyone interested and this journal is mainly to chart my progress into acknowledging the wholeness and completeness of life , and also the wealth of resources out there. I am truly thankful and blessed to have met Roo, for not only is she true beauty wrapped in human form, but without her , I would not have opened this door into being awakened. I am at a stage where I can pray for her health, happiness and fulfillment and especially that she finds love in her life, someone that can be there for her and support her and love her and her beautiful child. I love you Roo, you saved me. you are my miracle and I acknowledge your immense strength, character and your delicious inner kindness and sensuality which I never knew could exist. I fell asleep at the wheel and you were the catalyst that led to my reawakening. I now am where I always dreamed to be... nowhere. I am who I always wanted to one. my life has all the meaning I could hope for... it means absolutely nothing.