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  1. I think @Leo Gura may find empowerment in viewing human sexuality only/mostly through that survival lens. It's certainly the lens he focuses on the most. And what he says is somewhat true from that perspective. But the over-use of that lens is itself distortional and reductive. I was really obsessed with this lens too, back when I was 20. I had recognized a repression of my feminine sexual/animal core. And I became obsessed with sexuality from the paradigm. And it's very intoxicating in a way. Now, the animalistic perspective is a perspective where men have an inherent advantage over women. So, I can see why over-focusing on the animal nature can be comforting from the male perspective and a bit anxiety provoking form the female perspective. There was a lot of anxiety woven into my focus towards that perspective back then... but it was also worth it to dive so deep. It just felt like my sexuality was ouroboros eating his own tail. It seemed to self-cannibalize... and it was every bit erotic and frustrating. And it makes sense because to be female from the animal and spiritual perspective is to yield for life to be. It's a complete reversal of everything else that relates to survival and life. Female sexual arousal is like a planet in retrograde. Now much later, I developed that ability to have integration between the animalistic perspective and the higher consciousness perspective and saw how those things intermingle so intimately from the lowest most animalistic behaviors to the highest most exalted form where God makes love to reality. Now, it could be Leo's intention to get people in touch with their animal nature in order to have such a transformation. But I don't really think it comes through in a helpful way. There's a lot more to untangle once you find it. And I think there is a strong chance that I could have become attached to the pleasure and comfort of that perspective if I were a man. I think I would have dug a couple layers deep into human sexuality, found something empowering and exciting, and stayed there. I was always lamenting that that was not possible. I didn't have that chance to find something that was both empowering and exciting until digging layers and layers deep. But I can also recognize from my present state of mind, after having dug through this so much that the animalistic perspective alone will never be satisfying from the female perspective. You really need to integrate the animalistic perspective with the perspective of the heart to really make a woman feel satisfied... and ideally the heart coupled with spirituality.
  2. The pandemic made me return to my home country and move back in with my parents which was very painful and confusing but finally provide me with the opportunity to reconnect to my family and finally face BS and take my meditation to the next level. It was the most profound transformation in my life so far.
  3. Transformation, healing and change of priorities. I benefited from this happening and even though i lost some things like a comfortable job it was worth it. If not for corona my health would go downhill but now it's not. Of course it's something awful and almost everyone wishes that this whole thing never happened but i actually wished that something like this would happen to take a fucking break. There is always something good hidden in something bad.
  4. Work with a therapist, if your financial situation allows. But not just any therapist; most of them are useless and don't have any working techniques. Weirdly, techniques that work are not that popular. And stuff that's popular doesn't work. Below are some modalities that do work for releasing trauma, better than psychedelics or breathwork. RPT (reference point therapy or rapid personal transformation) Systemic / family constellations WHH (Whole hearted healing) Shamanic soul retrieval
  5. I don't discard anything, but holding on to any concept of "knowing" is a huge hindrance towards realization of that which lies beyond all concepts. Hope is also a major hindrance. Hope is trecherous. As long as you are holding on to hope, you are holding on to a false idol, because all idols are false. You first need to let go of all hope before you can gain your true self. That's why the night is always darkest before the dawn. It has to be; such is the nature of true transformation. That which is false needs to go up in flames for that which is true to emerge. Sorry to be such a downer, but it is what it is.
  6. My guess is that it's just part of the experience and it does serve a purpose. Not everyone survives this hell, but those who does will never be the same. Its like a super big purification and transformation. If you love your ego then you have to play otherwise you die and your name would be wiped out from this dream.
  7. @Nahm Thank you very much for the long comment, I am already feeling optimistic. I started reading your story but will finish by tommorow. Very interesting and I can very much relate to your transformation but I have a long way ahead of me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  8. Personally I'd encourage them to understand that they don't need to avoid suffering. That they grow stronger when they are in pain. There is an analogy of a butterfly. During the transformation of the Caterpillar to the butterfly, the butterfly struggles to push itself out of the cocoon, developing strength in doing so. If you, being the kind hearted person you are, seen the butterfly struggling, and helped it out of its cocoon, you would actually be doing incredible damage to it. See the strength that it is required to summon, in order to push itself out of the tight the strength with which it survives after it leaps into the wild. Similarly, I think we are cutting our children out of their cocoons far too much these days. I'm not saying to be heavy handed, but wisdom is as important as love. And wisdom tells me, the harder that child is trained at a young age, the more robust it will be as an adult❤️
  9. After having several peak experiences, I tried to meditate, contemplate and observe under weed. And that day I've had 5 major peak experiences (overwhelmingly intense, lasting several seconds and then closing up), several minor, and the ability to enter plateau experience (prolonged and at generally less intense connection to Being/Reality) at will. The level of consciousness outside of peak experiences was at times so high that it has brought me to tears in awe of experiencing reality, and just simply being. I'm still going through this transformation, but the main point is that I'm pretty sure that weed can act as a push that makes it easier to tune into connection with Being, provided you've already had some peak experiences. This is analogous to how having experience of 5-MeO (a peak experience) can alter your future experiences of regular psychedelics (with weed being a possibility).
  10. So last night I had sex with this girl...and it was pretty bad. Empty, boring and kinda awkward. There was no real connection. It was just flesh rubbing against flesh. Now I'm left feeling unsatisfied and kinda dirty. I'm disappointed in myself for getting involved with this girl that I didn't even like really - just for the purpose of busting a nut. (Which I didn't. Could not cum. Was struggling to remain hard, even) I've been contemplating a bit and came to a conclusion that I'm unable to just have casual sex with random girls. It might've worked in the past; but now I'm looking for something deeper. I don't want to have meaningless sex. I want to make love. I want to feel that connection. To merge with another's soul. However; finding a partner for that is a bit more challenging than just picking up random girls. I ended a pretty serious relationship not that long ago. And I had this idea that I'd be single now and fool around with girls for a while. In my mind the idea seemed cool. But when it came down to actually doing it; it didn't feel right. I don't feel ready for a new, full-blown relationship now. And I also cannot just have random sex. So I'm guessing the only right thing to do just drop it all for some time. Focus on other areas of life. It will most likely be challenging. I'd say I'm very sexual by nature. But I know it's the right thing to do. No sex until I fall in love with someone again. Curious if anyone here went through something similar? Speaking mainly to men... but maybe even some women went through a similar transformation. Do share your experience, please. Thanks!
  11. @blackchair yeah bro as if it was like a button, i'm finding authenticity every day, striving towards it i guess but it's not like anone night transformation to be 100% authentic, in fact i thibk in society it's impossible
  12. Like every breakthrough a human has is spliced into ten second clip and does this for every psychedelic breakthrough people have from movies, their phones, etc to show the power and love and transformation of these substances. I am never the same after my 4g break into the god head and final death. Complete fucking liberation and I’ve never been happier. To out smart ego, death! if you have one you’d like to send: PM me please.
  13. Yes, seeing what you really are, in all the endless ways, can be scary. You do have to wade through loneliness, grief, confusion, and immense loss. You have to see and love the parts of yourself that frighten and disgust you the most. You have to be willing to die into the fires of awakening, with no hope of recovery. You have to let go of getting a fix from that guy, or that show, or that cookie, or that meditation technique. The part of you that can get a fix will be no more, and when you try to get off on whatever it is, it won’t work. It’s scary and you lose a lot, but once you stop hitting snooze and wake up to the next transformation, none of that will matter. You will be operating from a whole new perspective. Born again, so to speak. Until you reach the next plateau and do it all again. The good news is, your relationship with this process will change as you do. It won’t always be such a big drama to awaken. You won’t hit snooze so many times, and eventually not at all.
  14. I've lived among Sunnis for most of my life, like 99.8% of my life probably. I know how Islam works, and Muhammed has set a rigors rules to sort of define the spirit of Islam. Had Muhammed been here, he would have Sufis for example executed, the same Sufis you consider them now a part of the developed Islam, they are NOT. It is just insulting that a western guy like yourself sir is trying to define what Islam is and isn't, probably you haven't even lived among Muslims before. You can't be further than the truth here. When it comes to Islam, well it qualifies that Today's Muslims do live, and exactly have same mindset as Muslims from the time of Muhammed's era. Your comparison to today's Christians is baseless in my opinion. Islam is more strong of a dogma, and its instructions as per how a Muslim should live and behave are well-kept accurately. The way a Muslim's body is supposed to move during daily 5 times prayers are for example described thoroughly, and had been documented and followed in an accurate way for the past 1000+ years or so. A similar approach is applies to each and every aspect of a Muslim's. Through thousands of Muslim scholars documenting the way a Muslim should be, and behave, I think today's Muslim lives a life that's an accurate representation of a Muslim who was living during the inception of Islam. Shiite are a diversion of that, they are not Muslims. They are more like Kafirs, or infidels according to the recorded Sunni doctrine. In fact, Sunni is not a division of Islam, Sunnah (the source of the name) means something like "the true way that Muhammed practiced ISlam, through is accurately recorded quotes and stories). Sunnis do a form of science to prove the validity of Muhammed's life stores, and try to reproduce as much accurate set of guidelines similar to how Muhammed lived his life, and Muhammed's vision of how a Muslim should lead his/her life. Again Shiite are a diversion of that, they do not accept Sunni doctrine, which is as I said, the most accurate, and"scientifically based" method of practicing Islam the way its founder intended it to be practiced. Islam is all about order, while in Christianity, the interpretation has been left open as there's a decentralization of power and authority, i mean for God's sake, they have 12 disciples ! This will greatly diminish any chance to establish an order in a Christian's life, thus you see the transformation. Don't fall in the trap of generalizing. In Islam there's one prophet, once source for a Muslim's lifestyle, and everything about Muhammed's life is recorded accurately, I won't exaggerate if I said even the way he pisses or shit has been recorded, and Muslims follow that to the point. Just have a look on this, it is a scientific research by Dr. Damanhuri !! About the stories of Muhammed's style in peeing! an exciting subject
  15. In one post Leo said something like ' spirituality requires a peaceful stable society'. When another commenter questioned the existence of such a thing, he said' you are living in one'. I would say the facts are against him on both counts. as to living in one, America is still, as Martin King said ' the greatest purveyor of violence on earth'. We live on stolen land and still refuse to honor our treaties with the indigenous people who lived here for thousands of years. Our wars and use of fossil fuels has destabilized the planet and caused massive destruction. So far chanting and kundalini experiences and prayers have not stopped the wars, or the building of nuclear weapons, or global warming, and has not housed the millions of refugees, despite many assurances that all of that would naturally happen as rich people got enlightened. As to the requirement for stable societies. I beg to differ. The teachings of Jesus emerged under the cruelty of Roman occupation, Black Elk, Chief Seattle, Handsome Lake and Wovoka spoke great wisdom and showed courage and spiritual depth after and during the destruction of their culture, The Tibetan Buddhists were murdered and tortured in large number and driven from their monasteries only to move to Nepal, continue their devotion, rebuild and reach an ever larger audience. The center is not the inner transformation of the individual. There is no center. We really are all part of the same whole. And that whole is looking for us in a million practical and wonderfully impractical ways. Loving communication within that whole is the life force that gives it a meaningful totality of being. But when an individual fills his house with carbon monoxide, and there is no escape for the gas, that individual will die. So it is with our planetary home. If we do to evolve the wherewithal to turn off the gas, and open the plant windows to let it back into mother earths carbon storage system, and if we do not do that soon, the wholeness and beauty will face feedback loop of destruction.
  16. What is the ego? First we must understand it on the level of generation. Then we must understand it on the level of integration Further we must understand it on the level of recycling. And through the interaction of these dynamics we need to understand it on the level of transformation. So that can be remembered via the following acronym, of course, GIRT. Rhymes with dirt, if you remember Joe Dirt, you'll remember Girt. I'll elaborate on these mechanisms in the future, and yes, this is simultaneously how we grow, heal and shift the ego in various ways relative to where awareness wishes to take it.
  17. Ime; It's only sneaky and it only plays dirty until you gather the courage to level with it (yourself) and acknowledge its experience. Understand why it acts the way it does. Its point of view. Yes, it's capable of doing some rather nasty stuff. It's just like a child that's begging for your attention. It will grow bigger and nastier until you finally stop running away from it, trying do deny it, ignore it, eliminate it etc. Once you start meeting 'the false self' with love - giving it the time, space, respect and attention it requires - it will let go and slowly dissolve into the Truth of who you are. It is your greatest transformation and initiation. I understand we're all wired differently and come from different backgrounds... But trying to eliminate, kill or destroy the ego simply did not work for me. I imagine I'm not the only one. While I was on that path; I only created more judgement, resentment and suffering. I was splitting myself in two. Dividing instead of uniting. One day it just clicked for me; 'holy shit! I'm trying to separate myself from myself here. That's not gonna work. Best find a common ground... A common language...' And that language was Love.
  18. Oracle Deck 7 1. Abundance. Count your blessings. 2. Acceptance. The cycle of life. 3. Awareness. Look beyond what you see. 4. Balance. Light and dark. 5. Bravery. Explore your inner wild places. 6. Bright future. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. 7. Connection. We are all connected. 8. Courage. Courage in the face of conflict. 9. Dance. Let your body move. 10. Direction. Where are you heading. 11. Dreaming. Be aware of your dreams. 12. Forgiveness. Compassion and kindness. 13. Free spirit. Be your own person. 14. Happiness. Joy of life. 15. Imagination. Let your dreams take flight. 16. In nature. Connect with nature. 17. Insight. Be open to enchantment. 18. Inspiration. Begin now. 19. Intention. Spinning faith. 20. Intuition. Inner wisdom. 21. Letting go. Emotional release. 22. Life purpose. Manifest your dream. 23. Moon lore. Ebb and flow. 24. New Beginnings. Take a fresh look at life. 25. Opportunity. Expand your horizon. 26. Passion. Burning with life's passion. 27. Patience. Through the darkness to the light. 28. Rhythm. Tune into the natural rhythm of life. 29. Self exploration. Fairy tales and myths. 30. Self love. Love yourself. 31. Serenity. Be Calm. 32. Spiritual insight. Sacredness 33. Strength. Know your strength. 34. Transformation. Be open to change. 35. Trust. All is as it should be. 36. Your path. Have courage to follow your own path.
  19. Oracle Deck 4 This 42 card deck is divided into 3 suits - Action, Meaning and Message. Action cards tell you what you need to DO about your situation. Think of them as the Universe giving you practical advice on how you should act in order to manifest the best outcome. Meaning cards explain what your situation MEANS. Think of them as your subconscious mind or intuition telling your conscious mind the hidden truth. Message cards is what the Universe wants you to KNOW. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do anything about it, it is just messages related to your situation for you to be aware of. After receiving and understanding the message, you can make up your own meaning or action inspired by it. Sun cards are action cards. Moon cards are meaning cards Star cards are message cards 1 action card 2 breathe sun card 3 create. Nurture your creative energy. Star card 4 dream. Star card 5 Energy... Star card. 6 Flow.. Star card. 7 Forgiveness set yourself free. 8 Gratitude.. Star card. 9 Hard work... Sun card. 10 Let go.. Relax and release. Sun card. 11 Listen... Sun card.. 12 Patience... Sun card. 13 Rest..... Sun card. 14 Set intentions.... 15 Speak up.. Express yourself.. 16 Trust.... Faith in the power of the universe. 17 Change. New season of life.. Moon card 18 Fire. Transformation, rebirth and renewal. Moon card 19 Freedom.... Moon card 20 Growth... Overcome limitations. Moon card. 21 Guidance. You're Divinely guided. Moon card. 22 Happy endings. End of a chapter. Moon card. 23 healing. Allow light to enter your wounds. Moon card.. 24 joy. Your inner child is here to play.. Moon card. 25. Lesson. Wisdom through mistakes. 26 Love.... Moon card. 27 Manifestation... Moon card 28.. Mystery. Secrets and hidden meanings. Moon card. 29 Nature. Moon card. 30 A new beginning. Have the courage to open a new door. 31 Peace.... Moon card.. 32 Stillness. Moon card. 33 Caution... Star card. 34 Don't stop. Miracles are around the corner. Star card. 35 Head... Evaluation... Star card. 36 Heart card... Star card. 37 The moon.. Subconscious mind.. Feminine. Intuition.. Star card. 38 Remember who you are.. Return to the roots. Star card. 39 The star.... Blessings, inspiration, time to shine .... Star card... 40 The sun....... Conscious mind, masculine life force. Star card. 41 You are safe.... The universe has your back. Star card. 42 Your wish is coming true.. Celebrate your success.. Star card.
  20. Oracle Deck 4 This 42 card deck is divided into 3 suits - Action, Meaning and Message. Action cards tell you what you need to DO about your situation. Think of them as the Universe giving you practical advice on how you should act in order to manifest the best outcome. Meaning cards explain what your situation MEANS. Think of them as your subconscious mind or intuition telling your conscious mind the hidden truth. Message cards is what the Universe wants you to KNOW. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to do anything about it, it is just messages related to your situation for you to be aware of. After receiving and understanding the message, you can make up your own meaning or action inspired by it. Sun cards are action cards. Moon cards are meaning cards Star cards are message cards 1 action card 2 breathe sun card 3 create. Nurture your creative energy. Star card 4 dream. Star card 5 Energy... Star card. 6 Flow.. Star card. 7 Forgiveness set yourself free. 8 Gratitude.. Star card. 9 Hard work... Sun card. 10 Let go.. Relax and release. Sun card. 11 Listen... Sun card.. 12 Patience... Sun card. 13 Rest..... Sun card. 14 Set intentions.... 15 Speak up.. Express yourself.. 16 Trust.... Faith in the power of the universe. 17 Change. New season of life.. Moon card 18 Fire. Transformation, rebirth and renewal. Moon card 19 Freedom.... Moon card 20 Growth... Overcome limitations. Moon card. 21 Guidance. You're Divinely guided. Moon card. 22 Happy endings. End of a chapter. Moon card. 23 healing. Allow light to enter your wounds. Moon card.. 24 joy. Your inner child is here to play.. Moon card. 25. Lesson. Wisdom through mistakes. 26 Love.... Moon card. 27 Manifestation... Moon card 28.. Mystery. Secrets and hidden meanings. Moon card. 29 Nature. Moon card. 30 A new beginning. Have the courage to open a new door. 31 Peace.... Moon card.. 32 Stillness. Moon card. 33 Caution... Star card. 34 Don't stop. Miracles are around the corner. Star card. 35 Head... Evaluation... Star card. 36 Heart card... Star card. 37 The moon.. Subconscious mind.. Feminine. Intuition.. Star card. 38 Remember who you are.. Return to the roots. Star card. 39 The star.... Blessings, inspiration, time to shine .... Star card... 40 The sun....... Conscious mind, masculine life force. Star card. 41 You are safe.... The universe has your back. Star card. 42 Your wish is coming true.. Celebrate your success.. Star card.
  21. Oracle Deck 2 1. Earth Star Chakra. Initiation 2. Root Chakra. Ground and center 3. Sacral chakra. Core of creation 4. Solar plexus chakra. Radiant illumination 5. Heart Chakra. Back to love. 6. High Heart Chakra. Ecstatic bliss 7. Throat chakra. Express your truth 8. Third Eye chakra - pineal perspective 9. Crown chakra. The unlimited self 10. Soul star chakra. Emerging with the divine. 11. Aether. The seamless unspeakable. 12. Water. The overflow 13. Air. Paradigm shift. 14. Earth. Nurture. nature. 15. Solaris sublime. 16. Loving compassion 17. Awakened Awareness 18. Alignment 19. Balanced forces 20. Beyond the mind 21. Communication co-creation 22. Crystal keys 23. Endless Opportunities 24. Evolution 25. Freedom 26. Full Spectrum 27. Furred and feathered friends. 28. Gracious Receptivity 29. Harmonic flight 30. Healing 31. Home 32. Internal Explorer 33. Journey to Wholeness 34. Life force Energy 35. Lumin Essence. 36. Manifestia. 37. Mount Shasta 38. New Blueprints. 39. Our Ancient future 40. Radical Expansion 41. Realm Bridger 42. Reclaim your energy 43. She of the lotus 44. Shine your light 45. Starseed elemental 46. Star seer 47. Stepping through 48. Surrender 49. The infinite 50. The portal keeper 51. The sound of the universe. 52. The violent flame 53. Transformation 54. Trust your innocence 55. Unique gifts 56. Vulnerability.
  22. 36 card deck 1. Abundance. Count your blessings. 2. Acceptance. The cycle of life. 3. Awareness. Look beyond what you see. 4. Balance. Light and dark. 5. Bravery. Explore your inner wild places. 6. Bright future. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. 7. Connection. We are all connected. 8. Courage. Courage in the face of conflict. 9. Dance. Let your body move. 10. Direction. Where are you heading. 11. Dreaming. Be aware of your dreams. 12. Forgiveness. Compassion and kindness. 13. Free spirit. Be your own person. 14. Happiness. Joy of life. 15. Imagination. Let your dreams take flight. 16. In nature. Connect with nature. 17. Insight. Be open to enchantment. 18. Inspiration. Begin now. 19. Intention. Spinning faith. 20. Intuition. Inner wisdom. 21. Letting go. Emotional release. 22. Life purpose. Manifest your dream. 23. Moon lore. Ebb and flow. 24. New Beginnings. Take a fresh look at life. 25. Opportunity. Expand your horizon. 26. Passion. Burning with life's passion. 27. Patience. Through the darkness to the light. 28. Rhythm. Tune into the natural rhythm of life. 29. Self exploration. Fairy tales and myths. 30. Self love. Love yourself. 31. Serenity. Be Calm. 32. Spiritual insight. Sacredness 33. Strength. Know your strength. 34. Transformation. Be open to change. 35. Trust. All is as it should be. 36. Your path. Have courage to follow your own path.
  23. Firstly, you can't do shit to change someone. So even if your conclusion is going to be "my partner should have a purpose" (as defined by you), that just means you have to break up with him. The way you describe your interactions, there is no way you can talk him into it. Could he talk you into slowing down with your self-actualization, and chilling more? If he felt like you should read less books and play more playstation with him, would you adapt to his wishes? Probably not. So it's not fair to expect him to change. When I started eating healthy, I started thinking that people around me should be eating healthy. When I started a business, I started thinking my peers are stupid for working a 9-5. When I started planning my days working towards my goals, I started judging other people for not having goals. And so on. This is a trap. It actually comes from the shadow that you create when you try to change yourself. Until I'm done with that part of my transformation, I am still fighting myself sometimes. I still have impulses to "chill" and "waste time" and I suppress and judge those impulses. As long as I have to do that, I will also do it to others. Only when I feel fully secure and trust myself to eat healthy, without having to whip myself at all, can I relent, and with that, also the harsh judgment of others will relent. So be aware of this effect. If you think it's something like that, it's only in the mind, and I would try to let it go. Because it's about you, not about him. If you are truly not meant to be together anymore, the way you know is not by a mental reasoning like this. You would feel that you are not attracted to him anymore. So let go of these thoughts, and trust your heart, to tell you whenever it might really be time to move on. Until then, indeed these thoughts are a distraction. If you continue focusing on your own development, and you show the fruits of it by transforming into a different person, with new qualities like improved understanding and empathy, there's a good chance that you may inspire him to catch up with you. You can inspire people to want to reach your level, by becoming a great person. Through your actions, not your words. If you read complicated topics and try to talk about them to him, you're just paying lipservice to self-development. It will likely make him feel like you're bullying him, and making him feel stupid, by forcing topics onto him that he doesn't care about and then judging him for it. This is just an ego game. If you on the other hand actually integrate what you learn, you won't need to talk about it: he will see the transformation in you. Continue your own work, show him who you've become, and watch what happens Maybe you'll drift apart, maybe he'll catch up!
  24. PART 3) EXPERIMENT UPDATE: Next morning Yes I can create this state whenever I want now, as soon as I wake, within moments. There is one most important rule. The acceptance of truth and through the execution of that rule what are some of its implications: - Accept literally everything within every fibre of my being and utilise that as an energy source to explode my state. This doesn't need to be before I hop out of bed. It all starts with consciousness, so you begin with consciousness and you perform this act as consciousness, and after consciousness has absorbed and transformed enough of its subsidiary and primary energetic material, getting out of bed, for me in less than 30 to 60 seconds after the absorption and transformation process, happens not just automatically, but inspirationally, powerfully, like thunder and lighting on a sunny day. Cool shit right. Done. Feeling great and I haven't even had my coffee yet.
  25. @Shunyata I think the greatest danger with shadow work is splitting yourself up into good and bad parts, things to be nurtured and eliminated. There are things that need correction and transformation for sure, but that needs to be done in a loving way. It is almost always possible to rehabilitate things that are unhealthy or have started generating bad impulses in yourself, transformation is a better way than trying to eliminate things. But you will want to stay alert with how your inner self is presenting things to you. Not everybody’s inner models will work in the same way as others.