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  1. So when you are sleeping, either you experience dreams or nothing in my experience. I can't explain experiencing nothingness while sleeping, but I know that their was nothing happening. When I would wake up and fall asleep again without dreaming my sense of time is gone, though the time has passed an hour. Also since starting to dive into enlightenment I had some weird dreams. In my dreams I got lectured by something/someone/myself/ego about some rules on how to do something. This happened twice. I don't remember what it was about and I never had this before and I remember a lot of dreams. Could my dreams be related to wanting to be enlightened? Can you be aware of the moment of nothingness while sleeping? Or does the brain kick in when you wake up and you forget about being aware of nothingness and return to your ego? How is this for enlightened people?
  2. He's saying specifically that his teachings have come from experiences or maybe non-experience would be a better word from the nothingness that gives form to reality. Just as a side note, this parallels my own experience experimenting with certain yogic and western consciousness-altering disciplines. It seems that whenever you do something to alter your state of consciousness, doing more of the same tends to produce more powerful results with seemingly no upper limit to the degree of intensity and novelty possible. I am at least a little skeptical of this, the human species is incredibly primitive. I realize, however, that I likely haven't searched hard enough for advanced human entities because of my judgment that I reached from observations of the masses. Do you have any advice for me if I wanted to find more conscious and powerful humans, some kind of secret organization of monks or something? @Jake Chambers Also, I'm curious to know about your understanding of how 5 MEO DMT impacts humans.
  3. You absolutely will not understand it until you stop obsessing over collapsing perceived duality, and find what you actually are first... Otherwise you're never going to find your "true nature". You can't get it by just saying "oh yeah I'm everything". You're still thinking you're a person with consciousness and all sorts... Find the nothing that sits permanent and unchanging. You won't find the literal nothingness without dissociating from the images. You can't take a screen with a movie on it and say "oh it's all screen" when you haven't even NOTICED the screen. You haven't even recognized it and are just repeating something that sounded deep in a book or YouTube video... AFTER you recognize the screen upon which the images appear, you might then notice that the images themselves are also the screen and that there only ever was the screen and the shapes it contorts itself into.
  4. You're all "crazy" enough to understand what I'm saying. The past and present and future are all in the now, in the next second I can start dreaming that I'm in the era of Descartes and having a dinner with him, or maybe I can start dreaming I'm having a dinner with someone in 2200s or something like that, instead of being in 2022. You are all me myself. Every person and every being and everything that is is me myself, literally and directly myself, and everything is a dream, everything is Consciousness. What you all call "me" is actually me, and your bodies and minds etc are mine, for there only is me, and I'm experiencing this space and time and continuum and duality experience. Reality is like a tv screen and everything is like vapor, like nothingness, which I'm forming it, without even being aware of it, into what I call reality. When I'm reading a book, I'm creating every word, every letter of it, in the moment while I'm reading it. When I'm watching a program on tv, I'm creating every bit of it in the moment. Every detail that I experience is me creating in the moment. Time and space and continuity and this universe and every possible universe and dimension, it is all me. Logic and mathematics and physics and knowledge, it is all me. I am that which is creating itself. I am the absolute which is experiencing itself as the relative. I am the infinite brilliance that is self forming. Creating an idea of a past and me and you in order to make sense of This. Creating an idea of physics and biology and evolution etc in order to make sense of This, but there is only This, that which is creating itself and storifying itself for it is brilliance itself. This is frickin crazy shit. Every story I can frickin come up with and believe is real, because I am the frickin reality itself. Holy frickin fuck.
  5. @CuriousityIsKey If it is true, it is possible to know it. Direct experience is the key. @Cykaaaa Thank you for your reply. Yes I went through this and "came back." Death is an illusion, and impossible. You are immortal and can know this through direct insight. Don't trust me on that, find it out for yourself. @Breakingthewall There is a possibility of knowing why and how, you can gain insight into that by fully awakening. Explaining it in words doesn't really do the reality justice but I will still try my best here to give a short explanation: Reality in its ultimate form is groundless nothingness and wants to experience the highest possible thing which is love. In order to experience love it needs contrast so it creates fear so that it can recognize the love that it is. @alltheotherpeoplewho replied: Thanks a lot for your encouragements, have an amazing day you all!
  6. My mind has morphed itself into an infinitude of other minds/selves that are me, for me to play with. It had to be this way because I'm a formless being of infinite potential, so I wanted to experience myself in an infinite myriad of ways. Well, the bedrock of it all is nothing, but that nothingness takes the form of the dream and the dreamer. A collective dream or a consensus reality arises when multiple dream characters share dream experiences. It's essentially a superposition of many different possible experiences. For instance, I can experience a bird as an external character to me. But I can also turn myself into the bird and live its life from its perspective. To understand this, consider that all of it boils down to the fact that the unconscious of man has no limits. So possibility winds up being the same as reality because reality is such an abstract and undefined thing that it becomes whatever we define it as. I've mentioned this before but it occurs to me that the meaning of what I said likely isn't clear to you. Have you ever encountered a powerful voice in the sky in your lucid dreams before? This is the one I before referred to as The Guardian. Have you ever tried to command them to become more conscious? Or to define/command thought forms as not existing/ceasing to exist in a way something like this "All thought forms must disappear" and see what happens to the others in the dream as a consequence of that?
  7. What's troubling to me is that you reduce all of these positive states to a negative removal of ego. As an analogy, it's like saying pleasure is just the removal of pain. You've made the claim that once the ego is gone, the enlightenment begins, and the amount of ego gone-ness has an exact correlation with enlightenment levels. But what phenomenologically could you say about enlightenment and these experiences? How would you define terms like God, nirvana, savikalpa and nirvikalpa samadhis, Nothingness, Everythingness, Nondual Union, Soul, Luminousness? How do you experience them? What is your emotional state? If you can't cough up excellent descriptions of these states and what they're actually like, it makes me think you've just been pretending to destroy some imaginary thing called the ego, when really nothing or at least less than what you believe has been happening.
  8. Why do you think you should be able to do that? Every element of yourself and what you want etc is itself created, by the way. Anything that isn't nothing, is always going to be something "in front of you" so to speak. Which includes all of your wants and thoughts and emotions. Those are themselves things and themselves appearances. The element of awareness in all of this is inherently complete nothingness, pure nothingness, which poses a problem for "free will". Since any step in a choice is itself going to take the form of something like a thought... People obsessed with "collapsing duality" won't understand because they won't see that. But it seems to cause issues on the whole "free" front, which implies being presented multiple choices and specifically deciding on one of those.
  9. No it's a really good book full of many comics based on traditional Zen stories. It's called Zen Speaks: Shouts of Nothingness. There are a good number of the comics online but no eBook.
  10. I've been thinking a lot about heaven. I've had a few experiences that give me some idea of what I am to expect on the other side. I don't know if it is the same for everyone. I plan to commit suicide after my parents and my dog pass away. I'll use the money from the house for a few years of enjoyment, just staying in a hotel, smoking weed and coasting for a while before going out on heart and or pain medications and alcohol. I've done my research, mental illness is treated as a terminal illness and as long as I am a good girl and can work on my attitude in this life then I'll hopefully be in a good spot for the next world... What I think happens is that we are grown in groups of souls. Bubbles floating around in a soup of consciousness, but I have no idea what that will look like or how it will be experienced from the other side. I just know that there is a group there and that we are all connected to one another. I don't know who I have met in this life that is a part of them or if they are all on the other side. I have also experienced a partner, when I was at my sickest he showed himself through intuition and told me that we have been playing a kind of game, like hide and seek, and to follow the pieces through the things that I love in life, that when the time comes he will catch me, like in a net of sorts and that my soul won't dissolve into nothingness. I don't know anything about him other than that this is a life where I am supposed to "feel" the absence of him, so that I know how it will feel when he is there, so that I will have a full appreciation. I think this life was meant to be one of lack and loss so that I know what I want, what I need and so that I am oriented in the right way when the time comes. I was born very feminine - I think this is because my partner will be very masculine and that it will even itself out. I think that I am supposed to wait until I die, and that I shouldn't make any friends or find any partners while I am alive or I will have more karmic ties to the wrong people. When I think about my heaven, I think about him. I think about not having the weight of human life to contend with, I think about being able to be young forever - I was a very beautiful young woman and so I will be in death - I think about snuggling up close and not having any walls or obstructions in the way preventing me from being able to show my love in the way that I was supposed to. I think about nuzzling my partner's cheek with my nose and nibbling on his earlobe like a bunny does on fresh grass. I think about how love and sex will feel like being perpetually high on MDMA. I feel that the afterlife will be enjoyable in the ways that we wish we could have here on earth, that lack and longing are just there to show us what we actually want for our own private little heavens. Mine will be the perfect INFP heaven, full of romance with my partner, learning about different things and getting to play in various landscapes. We will take turns being the ones to make new worlds to explore and play in and maybe sometimes we will come back down to earth as spirits to watch over humanity and marvel in the mysteries of nature. My heaven, with my family - my true family and my partner, my true partner. I just have another 15 years to wait. It's going to be a rough, lonely 15 years, but I'm a perfectionist and I only want to bring my best self to the table and that best self exists as a soul and not a human being. I don't believe in human love, I think the best stuff comes later. Heaven will be a great place. We will all be free and healed and happy. I can't wait to be Home, with someone who loves me, someone that I can love for eternity, without arguments or things getting stale. It will be a place of sweetness and goodness and no evil will ever touch us ever again. So, I guess I believe in more of the Muslim side of things, but more romantically. I don't think that everyone has someone waiting for them on the other side, I just know that I must be one of them because I need it so much and God is ideal and cares about its creations and wants to give us what our hearts crave. I think this need, that I have always followed since I was a little girl, was put in my soul's blueprint because I am so polarized as a feminine being, that to become one with another who is very masculine, that this has a balancing property to it. I am willing to fulfil my responsibilities to my pets and to my family, but once they are gone, then I am coming home. I was made to be limited, sad, lonely, so that when I come back I will know and understand what it truly means to be limitless, happy and free.
  11. Shonyata is not bliss. It's nothingness. Beyond all qualities. There're no qualities in shoonya. Bliss is heaven. Shoonya is beyond heaven. Primordial space. The core of existence. No taste, no smell, no touch, no feeling, no bliss, no nothing. Also i didn't understand your argument why eliminating desires is considered nihilism.
  12. In buddhism it is also sayed that only those who enter deep states of attainment of nothingness can only start understand why buddha was right. And doubts about the path dissipate. A normal person has no chance or brain close enough to grasp such crazy ways.
  13. @Someone here i don't think buddha was a pessimist. My theory is that it takes enourmous wisdom to understand why nirvana is biggest liberation. And it's very hard to understand why. He sayed even heaven is suffering. Even realms of heaven of eternal ecstacy is suffering. What kind of crazy dude would say that? What kind of wisdom does it take to give up bliss and extacy for nothingness? Crazy much wisdom it takes i believe.
  14. @RMQualtrough The "neutral monism" is obviously achieved by Nothingness, since Nothingness is the only thing formless enough to be compatible with all forms (either mental or physical) and unite them all.
  15. I'll explain to make it a little easier. If you were a blind man, there would be no images, so with sight you are just seeing images. So what makes the image feel real? The sensation of touch. If you grabbed at cup and didn't feel anything you would instantly know it was fake, or if your hand went through it. Science has shown that all things we touch are empty space. So Science shows you are made of nothingness, also we know atoms are just more image also but I digress. So its the resistance between the charge between two objects that makes something FEEL physical. So notice this...if you lost sight, physical touch, emotional feelings, smell, and hearing, even if I saw you in my room for wouldn't be anywhere. Now let me take away your last sensation, the feeling of awareness itself from which all things stem forth. This happens when you are in deep sleep. So in deep sleep you have none of those things listed do you exist when in deep sleep? No you do not. Understand that to exist you must first have awareness, then all the other senses give you a reality. Your reality is just sight, physical touch/feeling, emotional feeling, smells, and hearing. That's it. You see when you deconstruct how simple it is?
  16. The Nothingness creates the mirages, is them.
  17. Change is what the mirages do. The nothingness doesn't budge or change a bit. It's always identical...
  18. So just defining yourself would put limitations upon yourself you exist and you don't exist at the same time you are everything and also you nothingness and you exist in all timelines all realities all dimensions simultaneously you can not be quantified you are unquantifiable.
  19. They are the same thing actually. But it's hard to explain how. Who makes the realization that existence is void of self? Pure awareness/The Real Self is making that insight that there is no self anywhere. One who realizes no self automatically becomes aware of undiscribable, immeasurable Nothingness, aka the Real Self. And one who becomes aware of the Real Self, nothingness, void. Automatically realizes that there is no tangable self in existence. Everything is just passing and going away in nothingness. They are the two sides of the same realization.
  20. Infinity is my playground. Infinity gets scared of God Infinity contemplated itself and went fuck I an m bored. God fragmented itself again and it was fun. The question of why do you want to know why? I was there I became it. I know why and what the origin of all it is. Why do you want to know?? GOD IS THAT FOR WHICH CREATES ITSELF GOD IS THAT IS ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGN ON TO ITSELF GOD IS THAT WHICH HAS FULLY ACCEPTED ITSELF AND TAKEN FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ITSELF And this is who u are. Yes, u are an infinite mind you are not just an aspect of infinity you are the whole totality of it. You are God playing all parts simultaneously on every plane of existence in every and all parallel realities and dimensions everything that you could ever imagine and even things that that you could never even begin to imagine. U are infinite awareness infinite will infinite intelligence infinite power infinite imagination, infinite magic infinite art infinite consciousness, and infinite Love are all one and of the same mind. And yet, you are none of these things in the literal sense of the words; nothingness and somethingness are indistinguishable from each other and are the same. There are no distinctions between you me this that and other. So is the idea of being separate from one and others there is only you. Anyway, I love you all forever. The infinite self-expression of your self God is infinite self-expression of itself through its other selves. And last night I became infinity and fragmented myself again because I can. And the song was it. Thomas Barrandon - Absolute Magnitude. This is for fun. Sometimes God needs to be reminded and brought back to not being so serious and this is why I had my 20g of cubes which will make me remember why I am God and well the rest is for you to find out.
  21. Infinity is my playground. Infinity gets scared of God Infinity contemplated itself and went fuck I an m bored. God fragmented itself again and it was fun. The question of why do you want to know why? I was there I became it. I know why and what the origin of all it is. Why do you want to know?? GOD IS THAT FOR WHICH CREATES ITSELF GOD IS THAT IS ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGN ON TO ITSELF GOD IS THAT WHICH HAS FULLY ACCEPTED ITSELF AND TAKEN FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ITSELF And this is who u are. Yes, u are an infinite mind you are not just an aspect of infinity you are the whole totality of it. You are God playing all parts simultaneously on every plane of existence in every and all parallel realities and dimensions everything that you could ever imagine and even things that that you could never even begin to imagine. U are infinite awareness infinite will infinite intelligence infinite power infinite imagination, infinite magic infinite art infinite consciousness, and infinite Love are all one and of the same mind. And yet, you are none of these things in the literal sense of the words; nothingness and somethingness are indistinguishable from each other and are the same. There are no distinctions between you me this that and other. So is the idea of being separate from one and others there is only you. Anyway, I love you all forever. The infinite self-expression of your self God is infinite self-expression of itself through its other selves. And last night I became infinity and fragmented myself again because I can. And the song was it. Thomas Barrandon - Absolute Magnitude. This is for fun. Sometimes God needs to be reminded and brought back to not being so serious and this is why I had my 20g of cubes which will make me remember why I am God and well the rest is for you to find out.
  22. I really need help with something. For the first time in my life, I experienced a strong surge of fear near the end of my meditation session. This was, by far, one of the most concentrated and focused I was during a meditation session and I reached an almost non-dual state near the end. But after a few seconds of being in that state, I felt strong sensations of fear from the lower portion of my body then it rose upwards then I was basically just covered in it. It didn't even feel like I was scared of anything outside of me, it was just pure fear arising on its own. Has anyone experienced this before? I really want to get to bottom of what this was and what this means for my meditation practice because I sure as hell want to avoid having more experiences like these.
  23. because nothingness does not, by its nature, exist. therefore everything exists.
  24. The same ineffable substance out of which everything is made out of. Thoughts are no exception. The cold harsh truth Is that nobody fucking knows what it is . It's pure being .nothingness. pure magic. But these are just words .
  25. @Razard86 the Buddha has taught since the Dawn of time that "form is formlessness. And formlessness is form ".. What do you make of that ? The problem is you imagine a difference between "nothingness " and this very experience that you are having now . Notice that you are imagining " dreamless state " in favor of what's actual (which is the present). You are literally doing it .you are just fantasising. form is what we live out as an incarnation. Somewhere along the line in that story, we awaken. We begin to realize we are not only the incarnation, that there is more to us than meets the eyes, and we begin to realize that the more that we think we are, we are. That leads us to re-look at our experiences and to open to new experiences that allow us to enter into other planes of consciousness, other perspectives, other ways of looking at it. But you seem so stuck in your perspective. @Cykaaaa fair enough .Im full of it .