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  1. Who wants enlightenment? The mysterious ego. What you truly are -- Soul, God, Pure Eternal Consciousness, Love -- is already Enlightened. Of course. So what is 'spirituality' about? It's about 'unifying' your mind, heart, body with YOU (Ecstasy/Spirit/Soul/Love). Yoga. Self-exploration. Self-discovery. Meditation. Self-contemplation. Getting in touch with Ecstasy through various practices... -- Breathwork, meditation, sex, tantra, love, community, silence aka 'observing being instead of doing', life-purpose, dancing, music, embodiment exercises, drugs, cathartic art, nature, travelling, casting yourself into the unknown, challenging your comfort zones, psychedelics. ?⌛☯️??? There are infinite ways. What works for you? What haven't you tried? What are you afraid of? The unknown. The unknown is a symbol for death. ☠️?️??️?☠️?? The only truth, we humans can all agree on around the entire globe, is that we shall all die. Death. Our physical bodies and accompanying memories (ego) shall die. Sooner or later. The past & the future are composed of 'nows'. Do you realize the implications of this? You are already dead. Don't you see? There is only NOW. Time is an illusion. A social construction at best. Time is the ego's mode of functioning. Only the ego 'regrets & worries'. Only the ego is stuck in melancholic/fearful fantasies about the past/future. Only the ego is 'in a hurry'. It's all thoughts. Where do thoughts appear? Now. Now, now, now, now. Where do thoughts disappear? Now. You are Now. Thoughts appear 'in you'. As long as you are believing you are controlling your thoughts, as long will your thoughts (ego) control you. Only when 'the need-for-control' is fully 'let go of', shall you see that thoughts are insanely mystical and appearing out-of-nowhere IN YOU (= Pure Consciousness) without any of 'your doing'. And only then will you be free: You are NOW directly in touch with Divine Imagination: thinking without thinking, feeling without feeling, acting without acting. By letting go of & completely surrendering '(ego)control', you 'remember'/'get back': *true, divine control*. Liberation. The past is the future. The future is the past. You see how they imply each other? You can't talk about 'the future' without 'the past' to contrast it with. But... You are, in actuality, always *right in the middle* - always *NOW* - and the past only happens/appears-to-you as 'thoughts / stories / interpretations' *NOW*, and the future only happens/appears-to-you as 'worrying / expectations / planning / fantasy / predictions' ... NOW! It is always, always, always ... *now* ... - don't you see ? ? ? And thus you are already both alive AND dead, simultaneously! You just 'are'.... Being'ness. But by inwardly, intuitively knowing that you will eventually die, while outwardly, acting like you are eternal, there is a deep dissonance IN YOU. Disconnection. Disharmony. Suffering. *Ignorance leading to fear of death leading to ignorance leading to fear.* A strong, deeply programmed survival-loop-of-ego. How do you get out of it? By realizing you truly already ARE out of it, and haver never *really* been caught;... only 'in-mind' (imagination). To ever believe that you are caught is exactly that: a belief. Imagination. Stories. The ego LOVES stories, haha. How do you realize you are already God? By letting go of beliefs, by letting go of clinging... to thoughts & old ways of behaving. By being open-minded enough to follow your divine intuition instead of 'always doing what you know & what feels safe'. 'Psyche-delic practices' means 'soul-manifesting practices.' You can do Soul-manifesting practices sober by just having a really deep vulnerable talk with your best friend or a stranger. What works for you? It doesn't 'have' to be psychedelic substances; that's actually only for the really curious or really fucked-up (imaginary) ego-brain-minds ;-). It's about being open-minded, curious & courageous enough to surrender to faith, instead of clinging to old conditioned ways of being. It's about going through 'enough' suffering/devilry/selfishness to understand that you don't want to live in ego (disconnection, ignorance, slave-to-fear) anymore. Enough of all that endless self-inflicted mental pain (=suffering), ignorance (=slumber) and selfishness(=devilry). Enough of that. It's then about being humble, brave & curious enough to take a leap-of-faith and cast yourself head-on into 'the truth/unknown, whatever 'truth' might turn out to be. The truth is death itself. And that is the unknown. You see? ... You don't know what dead is. Zero fucking clue; 'no one' does. Only those "who have already died without physically dying" are, perhaps, lucidly aware of 'what's going on'. They have become 'no one' (once again). See, that's the fucking trick: to die (ego death) before dying, and realize that there is no death. That what 'death' is, is simply equal to what 'the background' is in relation to 'the foreground' in a painting. They imply each other. Arise together codependently, reciprocally, simultaneously, 'go-together' ... just like heads/tails, physical/mental, up/down, selling/buying, bad/good GO-*TOGETHER* !! And be open to the possibility that perhaps life itself is actually 'the background' to a much more blissful larger 'foreground' (death). (Death as in 'letting go' -- not physical death per se) Life IS death. Death IS life. All opposites are seen as UNITY. Oneness. One. You are One. Right in the middle of all imaginary opposites. And here, with Me, right in-the-middle, the golden mean, there is infinite nuances, infinite balance ⚖️ ☯️ ? . Here, the world is too full to talk about, just: silence, feeling, looking, eyes, accepting, forgiving, listening, loving. Here, there is no right or wrong, just being. Here, there is no self, just is'ness. Here, there is no bad or good, just wonder. Here there is no selfishness or selflessness, just Eternal Infinite Unconditional Love ('Neutrality'). No judgments, just openness. Here, everything is nothing, nothing, everything. Here, everything is mystery, incomprehensible for the mind/the thoughts to understand or know or speak about. 'Mind' expresses itself through thoughts. The social conditioned survivalistic ego 'hides in the mind' and controls the thoughts, as long as it is untranscended. In other words: you feel 'caught' in the meaningless chaos of life; like a 'conscious poor-little-me', seemingly 'stuck inside a human brain' on 'probation' in a seemingly: physical, robotic, random, nihilistic, chaotic, outside world. Right? But be happy, cos if you're a good well-behaved conforming rabbit that blindly chases the carrots of life (authority, religion, science, looks, success, career, money, power, sex, alcohol, new iPhones and cars, achievements of all kinds, then, well, then you're supposed to be HAPPY! ? Death is simply liveliness. Destruction, annihilation, letting go of the old, dying ... IS: ... transformation, change, growth, novelty, LIFE. ????? Life (mind, thoughts, fear, ego, physical body, survival, safety, sex; judging, dividing the world into good'n'bad; chasing the next dopamine kick) is not your true self. It's a character (body) and a play (world). Death (letting go of all of the above) is not your true self either! It's a new character, a new play. Novelty! ? Eternity! ⏳ Impermanence! ?️ Infinity! ? ☯️♾️???????⚖️☠️❤️?️? So ... Why did you get disconnected from yourself in the first place? Survival: childhood trauma, of course (which you should work on in some form or the other). We must learn to love ourselves, before we can really love others. We cannot fix anyone -- only ourselves. When we have 'healed ourselves' through our 'inner teacher' (soul, intuition), we can 'help others' with finding their own inner teacher, so they, too, can become 'whole' ... again. .… Actual Enlightenment is basically when you integrate all polar opposites into your soul, cos you 'lucidly see' they are complementary (ONE). Many people seeking enlightenment on this forum are believing that if they became enlightened they could sit in a cave in the Himalayas and meditate for eternity in bliss; like that is the point of enlightenment; like you need to do 5-MeO-DMT 100 times or do 1000x 1 month silence retreats to 'achieve, attain' enlightenment…. BUT. GUYS. Let me be the first to tell you that while psychedelics, silence retreats and meditation/contemplation can be absolutely fantastic for some, if not for many, on the path, it is still just 'external, imaginary solutions' to an 'inner, imaginary problem'. The inner problem is let go of when you see that there (truly) is NO problem (only imagination). When you fully let go and see that death is life, life is death. This can happen during regular life, it can happen in a cave in the mountains, it can happen during meditation, it can happen on DMT, it can happen whenever. You have nothing to say in this matter. It is absolutely mystical and beyond your control, if, and when you awaken during this lifetime. God decides. The Universe decides. Not you, your cute little ego. You are just a small, perhaps big, wave skating on top of a bottomless, infinite, eternal ocean. The ocean is doing you, not the other way around;) If you can let go of identification with being a finite wave, you will start feeling and sensing the magic of the whole ocean more, which is liberation, which is enlightenment, which is awakening. After all, your true nature IS the ocean (Infinity, God, Consciousness, Love, Nothingness, w/e u wanna call that which can't be explained through language… *THIS* !). .… To live 'in the world' (the marketplace), or to live 'outside the world' (the mountains); now, that is the question! The hedonist or the ascetic? What to choose? I will say one should choose to land 'in the middle'. But before one can attain/remember the golden mean, one naturally need to have tried out 'the extremes' first. In the middle is where you simultaneously live life in the world (buy and sell at the market place, participate in society, enjoy the small pleasures) while also being lucid enough to see that it is all 'just': an inexplicable, incomprehensible, mystical, mind-boggling magical, infinite, eternal dance, where the best thing to do is to just 'keep dancing' -- always innovating, developing, transforming the dance, so that it never dies, but stays alive, in motion -- rather than to stop or hesitate and cling to one or two dance steps becoming scared, angry, annoyed or ashamed towards other, new or deceased or silly dance steps. Let the dance happen by itself as it unfolds rather than tripping yourself up all tight, alright? To 'strain, hold on, control' is a 'limiting contraction of Infinity' to ego. To 'relax, let go and let happen' is to become 'whole again with the Universe' - to melt back into the 'Now of Infinity'. Dance. Dance. Dance. Lifedance. Follow the Divine Intuition inside & outside 'your ego'. (It is all inside God's mind, anyway). Your ego is that inside you which is afraid, ashamed, angry, envious, etc. Act despite fear. That is being brave, that is following the intuition. Actually embody the sentence 'follow your intuition' by actually doing the things you are afraid of! Like ACTUALLY *DOING them*, I mean WITH YOUR BODY .. *not in your mind!* . (The classic trap on this forum: Replacing direct experience with concepts, trying to eat the menu, mistaken the finger for the moon, mistaken the map for the terrority, ENOUGH OF THAT! <3 <3) .… “Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.” “Dance is the hidden language of the soul”. "And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon.” “We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.” “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.” “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” “To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” "You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth.” “Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane.” “Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.” "Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.” “You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.” “Sleep my little baby-oh Sleep until you waken When you wake you'll see the world If I'm not mistaken... Kiss a lover Dance a measure, Find your name And buried treasure... Face your life Its pain, Its pleasure, Leave no path untaken.” "Do a loony-goony dance 'Cross the kitchen floor, Put something silly in the world That ain't been there before.” "Nobody cares if you can't dance well." “The job of feets is walking, but their hobby is dancing.” “Who're you going with, then?" said Ron. "Angelina," said Fred promptly, without a trace of embarrassment. "What?" said Ron, taken aback. "You've already asked her?" "Good point," said Fred. He turned his head and called across the common room, "Oi! Angelina!" Angelina, who had been chatting with Alicia Spinnet near the fire, looked over at him. "What?" She called back. "Want to come to the ball with me?" Angelina gave Fred a sort of appraising look. "All right, then," she said, and she turned back to Alicia and carried on chatting with a bit of a grin on her face. "There you go," said Fred to Harry and Ron, "piece of cake.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  2. @Depersonilized I dont know the details of the medication. @kinesin You are correct that I live in the Netherlands, probably the only country where they administer it for psychiatric suffering. Its highly fucked up and twisted but you are still misrepresenting the situation. Its not that they are booked to be killed, the patient has to really want it themselves and say this in therapy etc. This is of course still super twisted because the condition my cousin is suffering is the depression and wish of death itself, instead of some underlying physical cause which causes the wish of death. I didn't fucking know this was even possible in my country till i heard about my cousin. Again its not like euthanasia is an option they just move on to, but the fact that it was even mentioned as an option shocked me so much. I have no idea how to talk to my cousin and my aunt and uncle about this. @Leo Gura Yes it's highly fucked up. Growing up I always thought my country the Netherlands was the best, but the older I get the less i become sure of its greatness. Thanks a lot for the tip about psychedelic therapy, already saw your blog post but didn't even connect it to this situation. I've done some research and found out there is only one serious psychedelic psychiatrist in my country, doing sessions with mdma and ketamine. But he might do the trick if I persuade my cousin to take it. Do you think a psychedelic can still work for transformation even for highly scientific stubborn materialistic people?
  3. What i noticed lately for a while is that i am behind the senses. I see and feel stuff but these things happen after being. Also one time that i relaxed deeply after yoga the me wasn't in my body. Those 2 things weren't dramatic spiritual experiences. They were just casual noticing that this is the case. Also when i take a cold shower it's very uncomfortable for the body. My practice is to not move at all accept the discomfort and observe. I am not the discomfort. The discomfort is something strong that i observe. When i relax it's not hard anymore. I feel my body wanting to jump around but i am not the body. I feel outside of the body. When i do this i feel an energy flowing mostly in my neck. This too is something i observe in the body. Still most of the time i don't observe anything. The body does its thing and my attention is stuck at random thoughts and emotions. I feel that i am just behind my body when i try to notice. When i look at other people i mostly feel them through their eyes and facial expressions. Most people including many times are open books. It shows where the observer they are is stuck. I had a friend in high school. I used to read a lot and meditate often. I had mini spiritual experiences from meditation at that point. This friend became a hardcore Christian and was going to a cult like church. He said to me that he used to be a sociopath. The change in his character was obvious it was a transformation for the better except the part that he believed everything in the bible literaly and was full of religion dogma. Even if this was the case it was obvious that he had a deep spiritual experience despite his religion bs. One time i looked at him and his eyes were clear. Mine were also at this moment. It was the only time that i looked at someone and we were not 2 people looking at each other. We were souls that recognized the soul. Everyone can take whatever form he wants but behind the form there is a soul hidden. Facial expressions give away the state someone is in. Recognizing this soul in others even if they trigger a strong reaction in you and seeing that you too are the same and you can forgive because you know where they are stuck is what love is. Seeing others as yourself. Of course this could expand to include other things until everything is included. Then you are no longer just a body. However the same physical laws apply to your body. If someone stabs your body your body will bleed. Survival doesn't care as what you are identified with. If you don't take survival seriously your body might die. If you lose an arm in an accident you no longer have an arm to move. You are not your arm but your avatar is disabled and can't use an arm anymore.
  4. Emotions are E + Motion. Energy in motion. A flow of consciousness. When training the quality of your consciousness you gain a certain degree of control over your emotions and can use the tool of experience to match feeling with external events and circumstances. When just beginning the path, it can seem like it is just reactions but in reality ALL is choice. It's a matter of inner connectedness to the spiritual transformation. The resultant is To Go Meta on reactive response and automatically choose the emotion which leads you to awakening in a more serene way.
  5. Max represents something very significant in your life, it may seem obvious but on a deep level, it’s your divine will, your essence, to be who you truly are, and to be appreciated for exactly that can a dog be a catalyst for spiritual transformation, why not? There will not always be closure in the way you think, choose gratitude I met a dog yesterday named Merlin and he’d been rescued from a prison, suffered from abuse and neglect, he’s triggered by most strangers especially those with more chaotic energy. The owner is on a journey (road tripping to Alaska apparently) with a dog teaching her how to create a new healthy sense of self with boundaries, pure expression/self worth. Coming face to face with bypassed fear/insecurity and trauma. No longer can she seek externally for what has been and felt lost from within, a beautiful transformation awaits, the journey ever deeper HOME The dog Merlin is a good representation of how I’ve been feeling for a while now, trapped, unappreciated, untrusting and undervalued by those who I thought loved me the most. Desperately my mind tried to fix and mend things externally, to help others and give give give, while struggling to fight and work with the energies that continued to suppress me, to keep ME hidden. A calling for big change, an acceptance to forgive and let go of people, situations and beliefs no longer in alignment, and allow new energies that will support and feed my soul growth and expression. It’s scary as fuck and requires radical faith in the unseen, to embody more truth, love and greater potential/opportunity/willingness to share myself with the world even if it doesn’t seem societally acceptable. I don’t have to share everything with everyone, I respect others (their journey and uniqueness) but will not play a role or watered down version of myself to please their world view. I am a limitless being
  6. @IAmReallyImportant I am also "really important," but I don't need to be successful in the eyes of others to prove it. I am moderately successful, but I see that as progress towards becoming really successful. I see myself as a CIO or CEO one day, not because I want to impress you, but because I think my skill set would be best utilized there. At the same time, I'm @Nobody_Here because, ultimately, I am no one in both the local and existential sense. You can have success. I would define it on your own terms, though. I would not focus on being a famous YouTuber or whatever. I would focus on a Life Purpose and then Dream Big. If you define success in terms of followers, you will probably feel empty even if you get that many followers. Why? Because "number of followers" is a superficial goal. Aiming for "something gigantic and big" is too vague. You want to make a big impact. That's cool. I do, too. I want to be CEO or CIO of a quantum internet company. I want to be an author of a series of books for victims of sexual abuse and sexual assault. See how much more specific those goals are? Granted, they can change and probably will. But note that the things I said have nothing to do with my social media followers or impressing someone with some big goal. I am leading digital transformation where I work and editing a friend's book about relationships right now. That's a far shot from where I want to be, but I don't see that as a failure. I see that as progress. So, the takeaways are: 1) Make your goals S.M.A.R.T. and within your control. 2) Base your goals on what internally drives you. Don't worry about social media. Social media will come later. 3) Moderate success is a stepping stone to big success. Even Elon Musk started with a smaller company (what turned into PayPal) before he got into SpaceX.
  7. She is not even referring in a 'spiritual' sense but even in a scientifically materially measurable way: "Humanity is becoming more conscious. It is. This is not a popular thing to say in the more cynical and pessimistic corners of the internet, but it’s true. I’m not referring to anything “out there” or “spiritual” when I make this assertion. I’m talking about a mundane reality that is easily verifiable by casual observation if you just look past all the headlines and narrative chatter to see the big picture as a whole. Humans are becoming more and more aware of what’s going on, both in our world and in ourselves, as our ability to network and share information with each other becomes greater and greater. Because of the ubiquitousness of smartphones and social media, things like police brutality and the abuse of Palestinians are no longer regarded as mere verbal assertions made by their victims but as concrete realities which must be addressed. The most viral posts of the day on apps like Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok are routinely just people making relatable observations about their feelings and psychological tendencies and what it’s like to be human." She concludes about the significance and power of becoming more and raising consciousness about the world and reality itself: "These things matter. Seeing into each other and around our world, all the time like this, in a way we never could before the internet, can’t help but change things. It’s a consistent rule throughout history that every positive change in human behavior has been preceded by an expansion of consciousness, whether it’s becoming collectively conscious of the injustices of racial discrimination or individually conscious of the motives and consequences of our self-destructive behavior. Increasing consciousness is always a movement toward health." Observations of the advancements in consciousness made by the youngest generations of today as a whole in comparison to the older generations of the past prior to the expansion and widespread use of the internet: ''And a movement toward health absolutely is what’s been happening. The young today are the kindest, most sensitive, and most awake generation that has ever lived, no matter what the bitter old farts say about them. My kids are having conversations with their friends that are vastly deeper and more tuned-in than I was having with my own friends at their age. The independent content that people are creating without the authorization of the cultural filters in New York and Hollywood can take your breath away every single day if you know where to look, while the movies from the eighties which once enthralled us are today virtually unwatchable because of how shallow and artless they are compared to what we’re now used to seeing.'' On the inability of the systems and centers of power to do anything to stop to prevent this advancement that is occurring and being carried out by using their own technologies, apparatuses, and systems of communication and information: "It’s happening in a weird, sloppy, awkward way, as an infant learning to walk, but it is clearly happening. It’s happening through an internet whose origins are rooted firmly in the US war machine, it’s happening through billionaire-owned social media platforms with extensive ties to powerful governments, it’s happening through technologies that are the fruits of all the most exploitative tendencies of global capitalism, but it’s happening." "It’s happening in spite of all the best efforts of the corporate powers who control the mass media and the government agencies which collaborate with them in doing so. It’s happening in spite of all the mountains of government secrecy which the powerful use to keep the public from becoming conscious of what they’re up to. It’s happening in spite of an entire globe-spanning empire having a vested interest in the public not becoming conscious of the realities of their world and doing everything they can to keep things distorted and unseen. It’s happening against all odds, but it’s happening anyway." Key insight and a beautiful allegory about cyber systems becoming incredible mediums of amplification and expansion of the 'light of consciousness' into all the pores of mainstream society and culture: "This is very odd, and this is where it does start to look a little “out there”. We know that there are forces in our world that have a vested interest in keeping things hidden and unconscious, yet the light of consciousness keeps expanding. These powerful forces should be able to prevent this, but they aren’t. Even their own infrastructure is used to expand public awareness of their ugly behaviors. The light of consciousness is creeping faster and faster toward them, along wires, they themselves laid out. This means this movement is happening in a way they don’t understand, and that it is much, much bigger than they are." Johnstone's observations about what has the globalization of the internet had had as a result for humanity and for future generations: ''Because of the internet, humanity has probably changed more in the last 25 years than it did in the previous 2500. Practically overnight, we transformed into a completely new species. A species whose brains are networked in real-time around the world to a steadily increasing number of other brains in a steadily increasing number of ways with a steadily increasing amount of intimacy. Outwardly an individual human looks very much like an individual human looked prior to the internet, but as a collective, we’re mentally a completely different kind of animal than we used to be.'' About the strategies and tactics of power to keep the status quo intact: The powerful people who’ve been poisoning our world with ecocide, oppression, exploitation, and war clearly believe they’ll be able to ride this radical transformation and remain in power with the status quo perfectly intact; if they didn’t believe this the internet would’ve been shut down before it even got off the ground. But I don’t see how they can stay in control of this headlong plunge into rapidly expanding consciousness we’re experiencing; harnessing the forces that are at play here would be like trying to surf on a tsunami, like trying to hang glide through a tornado. and why they will fail eventually under that paradigm they themselves envisioned as the only reasonably possible one, stable and unchanging (a glimpse into the transition from mainstream Orange to Green stage level of consciousness in developed nations and around the world): ''There are aspects of humanity which the CIA doesn’t understand, which the plutocrats can’t control, which the manipulators can’t anticipate. Something is brewing here, and we’re almost at the boiling point. I don’t know if it will be enough to save us from all the existential hurdles our species faces in the near future; I just know that we are rapidly becoming a conscious species, and consciousness and dysfunction cannot coexist. We won’t need to wait long to find out which one wins out.'' Keep in mind that Caitlin Johnstone is an investigative and international journalist and an anti-war and progressive activist first and foremost and yet she had this incredible insight into the nature of consciousness and the advancement of consciousness in a systemic and rationally explainable way across the world and detected and intuited the underlying causes and possible consequences of the underlying phenomena.
  8. @The0Self If you feel infinite Love, it is such a transformation that you know nothing and no one can threaten the existence of that state of mind. Love is ever eternal and non-destructable. Only in the ego's delusional mind, it seems as if Love is weak and feeble. But love is the fabric of the universe and cannot be destroyed.
  9. @Shiva99 Good work! Being radically honest with yourself is a great start for transformation. I'd suggest to get with someone who specializes in repressed desire. Someone understanding the subconscious mind and identity and how to work on that.
  10. Claudio Naranjo heralded the end of Patriarchy in a way. He published three books on the Enneagram of Personality, as well as The End of Patriarchy, which is his interpretation of social problems as the expression of a devaluation of the nurturance and human instinct and their solution in the harmonious development of our "three brained" potential.,,,,, ,,,,,His most recent book (2010), Healing Civilization: Bringing Personal Transformation into the Societal Realm through Education and the Integration of the Intra-Psychic Family, is both a continuation of and a turning point in Naranjo's lifelong work. For in this book, which has a foreword by Jean Houston, Naranjo explored what he saw as the root cause of the destruction of human civilization (as evidenced in the 2000s (decade) as war, violence, oppression of women, child abuse, environmental endangerment, etc.)—patriarchy—and brought both the problem and the solution home to an intra-psychic level. Patriarchy, he said, has taken root over millennia in the workings of our own conditioned minds.[citation needed] He also offered a remedy, which derives from the work of Tótila Albertregarding the "triune" being of our nature: the "Inner Father" (corresponding to the head), the "Inner Mother" (corresponding to the heart), and the "Inner Child" (corresponding to the instincts). As people learn to integrate these three "brains", Naranjo believed, they may bring about a functional, even divine, family within. And this, he believed, in addition to transforming education oriented to personal and collective evolution, could bring about the healing of civilization.[citation needed] In the Watkins' Mind Body Spirit Magazine he was listed as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People of 2012.[7] From My own two cents is that a part of the deal is the need for women to take the initiative in ending the notion of romantic love relationship. Expressed in A Course In Miracles as ‘the special relationship. I put the burden of this on women because they perpetuate this cultural ideal more than men. Perhaps my thinking is skewed here. A bit from ACIM- VII. The Needless Sacrifice 1. Beyond the poor attraction of the special love relationship, and always obscured by it, is the powerful attraction of the Father for His Son. ²There is no other love that can satisfy you, because there is no other love. ³This is the only love that is fully given and fully returned. ⁴Being complete, it asks nothing. ⁵Being wholly pure, everyone joined in it has everything.⁶This is not the basis for any relationship in which the ego enters. ⁷For every relationship on which the ego embarks isspecial. 2. The ego establishes relationships only to get something. ²And it would keep the giver bound to itself through guilt. ³It is impossible for the ego to enter into any relationship without anger, for the ego believes that anger makes friends. ⁴This is not its statement, but it is its purpose. ⁵For the ego really believes that it can get and keep by making guilty. ⁶This is its one attraction; an attraction so weak that it would have no hold at all, except that no one recognizes it. ⁷For the ego always seems to attract through love, and has no attraction at all to anyone who perceives that it attracts through guilt. 3. The sick attraction of guilt must be recognized for what it is. ²For having been made real to you, it is essential to look at it clearly, and by withdrawing your investment in it, to learn to let it go. ³No one would choose to let go what he believes has value. ⁴Yet the attraction of guilt has value to you only because you have not looked at what it is, and have judged it completely in the dark. ⁵As we bring it to light, your only question will be why it was you ever wanted it. ⁶You have nothing to lose by looking open-eyed, for ugliness such as this belongs not in your holy mind. ⁷This host of God can have no real investment here. 4. We said before that the ego attempts to maintain and increase guilt, but in such a way that you do not recognize what it would do to you. ²For it is the ego’s fundamental doctrine that what you do to others you have escaped. ³The ego wishes no one well. ⁴Yet its survival depends on your belief that you are exempt from its evil intentions. ⁵It counsels, therefore, that if you are host to it, it will enable you to direct its anger outward, thus protecting you. ⁶And thus it embarks on an endless, unrewarding chain of special relationships, forged out of anger and dedicated to but one insane belief; that the more anger you invest outside yourself, the safer you become. (ACIM, T-15.VII.1:1–4:6) From You can do a search on this site and get more regarding the ‘special relationship. For me the question is what would our culture and our lives look like with no notions of romantic love. It sounds far out but I’ve been wanting to express this for a while. In my mind it’s up to women to lead the way out of patriarchy and then the world will be their oyster. What do you think?
  11. @Leo Gura Yeah but then I feel that stage 2 should care about stage 1 like an adult cares for teenagers. I should understand them, empathize with them, give them a break because they are at a lower school class sort of speak... But then I don't and I feel guilty that I don't. And like you (that's why I asked you personally too) I also feel that my life purpose is to teach this stuff. So I can not just ignore them and mind my life purpose because my life purpose IS literally them and their transformation to higher degrees of consciousness and reality understanding. @RendHeaven I do admittedly come out as strongly opinionated and I can't help that, because my opinion has very solid roots in fundamental concept analysis, epistemology and logic (logic as logics, as the science of doing logic and creating true statements, not as we usually use this word airy fairy like the opposite of feelings or whatever) and has a sound core structure that is not based on some stage green group thinking deeply ideological propaganda that has its roots in the internal need of belonging somewhere and has zero conceptual understanding because it usually has zero contemplation work done.
  12. Don't do death penalties. Don't put them in prison so they won't have a social life. Make them do hard labor. Their punishment will be to do immense service to society, (forcibly) Death penalties and prison time only destroys them. Their hard labor will create a new them. Simply put jail guards with guns around them to ensure they don't do anything bad. Labor is one of the best forms of transformation. Not therapy. Not personal development. Not spiritual enlightenment. For these criminals, LABOR is the best medicine. Not only does it help them, but it will help our society Invest money on having them to hard labor effectively. Just putting them in jail and stew in their filth not only is a waste of money, but they won't learn anything about love and goodness through that. Their labor will save us money. We just need to invest in some money in the beginning that's all. The results will come Just like the Nazis made the Jewish do hard labor. Learn how the Nazis did it and emulate it. (Not a knock on Jewish people, but we can all learn from out enemies)
  13. Young Leo before he got into self-improvement. But in all seriousness, the transformation from fat Leo to current Leo is like the inverse of what happened with young Vaush to current Vaush.
  14. The masculine approach: taking a stand against what no longer serves the feminine approach: creating an environment friendly and ideal for healing/transformation to take place the question is: who’s actually seeking to evolve their patterns/truth? It’s futile to change another’s beliefs, however, to plant seeds is a step in the right direction Speculation is a form of ignorance, an imbalance in ones receptivity to challenging beliefs and or forms of truth
  15. @mandyjw at least it would be natural... likewise it took me time to understand why people would get it, once i opened up to that potential truth, it showed itself. Basically it can help/assist in the transformation of light/cell expression (dna structure), even though it may evoke fear or discordant energies to arise to the surface. These have the potential to overpower the individual, keeping them bound to separation/division till death. We are one with all, on a journey into the light of pure serenity It's still deemed unnecessary in my less is more mentality toward health/vitality
  16. Thinking about this in terms of static quantities prevents you from seeing the obvious truth that tigers don't compete with plants for soil minerals. Competition arises out of lack of differentiation not out of supposedly limited resources. Relative reality isn't static, it's dynamic, so competing for resources is grounded in not understanding transformation. Instead of trying to be a plant because you saw a plant, be yourself and use what you need to give your gift.
  17. (I’ve added notes from the book in this summary. There are videos on George Leonard’s book “Mastery” on youtube. Here’s two worth checking out: Animated Book Summary (6 min), Summary and Review (8 min)) 9. Summary: “Mastery” -It’s hard to be fulfilled and successful when you don’t have Mastery over anything. Mastery is a mindset and process of becoming excellent at whatever you choose to do. (Read “Mastery” by George Leonard) -Mastery can be achieved by everyone, not just the “naturally talented.” Mastery says there's a methodical, scientific way to achieve excellence. -Mastery is paramount to personal development because it applies to everything you want to get good at in life. (Health, Success, Relationships, Life Purpose, Love, Sex, Business, Cooking, Sports, Hobbies, etc) It’s one of the most important topics. -Mastering meta skills that improve everything will compound all your efforts (superlearning, health, discipline, emotional intelligence, epistemology, relationships, etc). A tide that lifts all boats. These core skills you master will be part of you forever. They will pay huge dividends over your lifetime. It’s what makes people seem magical. -The biggest obstacle to Mastery is naive, unrealistic expectations. Having realistic expectations means you won’t be blindsided when reality hits. -There’s the Imaginary Mastery curve and the Real Mastery curve. -The Imaginary Mastery curve falsely says progress is easy, constant, linear and predictable. This mindset sets you up for failure. It’s also what most people believe. -The Real Mastery curve is like a staircase with deep steps, small rises with long plateaus. True progress challenges your comfort zone. -A plateau is a period where you're putting in effort but not seeing any improvement. You may even regress a little bit. This throws most people off, but it’s normal. Don’t get disheartened! -No one can avoid plateaus, not even the “naturally talented.” No one experiences smooth, steady upward growth. You need to get comfortable working while being on a plateau to become truly masterful at anything. -You deal with the plateaus by expecting them and bracing yourself. When you commit and work at it you'll get some progress, but it’ll be erratic. If you're putting in deliberate practice, working everyday, improving what needs to be improved, trust you're moving along the Mastery curve. -Mastery takes time. It takes time to practice and condition the Mastery mindset. It’s easy to forget that and get demoralized, especially during long projects. -When you see a top performing athlete, actor, entrepreneur, it's because they've developed Mastery through this gradual process of improving bit by bit. They didn’t find one overnight quick-fix scheme. ◦ In Japan, top sushi chefs start by learning to properly prepare rice for two years. ◦ Mozart put in 10 years of practice before writing his first world class concerto. (Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Outliers”) ◦ Chris Evans did 13 years of theatre, tv and movies before booking his first superhero movie which bombed with critics (Fantastic Four). He then spent another five years acting before booking Captain America in 2010 for which he got $300,000. His payday in 2019 was $43.5 million. (such a poor ugly overnight success ) -Consumerist culture promotes shortcuts, novelty and distractions. It’s anti-Mastery. It’s focused on “get rich quick” schemes. Marketing is a huge contributor to this. “Give me what I want now, without any effort on my part.” -What’s wrong with shortcuts or luck? Luck runs out if it’s not based on skill and work ethic. Shortcuts are unsustainable because they worry about results instead of learning skills or finding joy in the process. -Ironically, the “get rich quick” mindset gets promoted by the culture, but it's not actually rewarded by the culture. Mastery, however, is devalued by the culture but highly rewarded. Three Common Anti-Mastery Attitudes that Lead to Failure: —The Dabbler: Always seeks novelty, chases the highs. Gives up when it gets hard and makes excuses. Bounces from one thing to the next, never building anything substantial. —The Obsessive: Unsustainably gung-ho. Thinks he can avoid plateaus by overextending himself. Hitting the first plateau is a surprise which leads to frustration, then crashing and burning. Chaotic and unstable, high highs and low lows. —The Hacker: Learns just enough to get by. Not willing to go past his comfort zone. Gets stuck on a plateau. Progress is halted for fear of hard work. Can do okay work, but doesn’t accomplish anything great. Boring, doesn’t grow. Mastery is a Mindset -The Master does not worry because he has grounded success in himself. The non-Master lives in fear that they’ve stumbled their way into success. They know their success could be taken away. -When you’re masterful you can create results on demand, consistently, not based on luck. This gives you confidence. Even if you lost everything you would be able to replicate that success again. -There’s emotional richness in doing what you really love and working hard at it. This is one of the best things about being on the path of Mastery and staying on it. Visualize your success to stay motivated. You are amassing this power within yourself through self-development, through Mastery. That feels amazing. -Mastery is Process Oriented, Not Results Oriented Process oriented means you’re focused primarily on doing the process well and enjoying it. Not just getting a result. -Masters Create an Upward Spiral. Masters focus on joy and learning because they love the practice. Because they love it, they do more of it, and the more they do the better they get. The better they get the more they enjoy it. -No One Can Sustain 10 Years of Grind. (Maybe a year or so) If it takes 10 years to become great at something, you won’t sustain that on a short spiky burst of emotion. You’ll become resentful, and you still won’t be great. Mastery is consistent, even keeled, the tortoise not the hare. Don’t worry about your results. Track them, but don't chase them like a thirsty blood-hungry dog. -A sustainable pace is one you could do for the rest of your life and it won't cause you energy problems or money problems. Think long term. (episode: Develop Patience) -Consistent, good, imperfect practice is better than short, unsustainable practice. 10 years of sustainable productivity is better than 1 year of fast unsustainable growth. -Love the minutia of what you're doing. Be fully present and detail oriented about your craft. Minutia isn’t boring. The essence of boredom is found in the obsessive search for novelty. Satisfaction lies in mindful repetition, the discovery of endless richness as subtle variations on familiar themes. It's a pleasure, not a grind. Learning slowly forces you to look deeply at the process and discover the incremental steps that you might otherwise gloss over if progress came easily. The master develops subtle distinctions (episode:Learning = Making Distinctions) ◦ Kobe Bryant describing the process of Mastery. Challenges to Staying on the Path of Mastery -Homeostasis: Our body, brain and behaviour have a built in tendency to stay within very narrow limits. Psychological homeostasis is your mind's tendency to go back to how things have always been, whether or not that’s healthy. Your mind is like a thermostat that has been set by past experiences. Learning a new skill will require shifting this thermostat, and your body will naturally resist this. Your mind will refuse to do new stuff unless you push it out of its comfort zone. -Discomfort or fear from trying something new is actually a sign of growth. It’s not to be avoided. If the learning doesn’t challenge your comfort zone you’re probably not growing much. Negotiate with your resistance to change. Plan for two steps forward, one step back. (Understanding Resistance) A non-Master would go gung-ho, not expecting resistance, like those people in the gym on Jan 1st who quit after a week. Resistance is proportionate to the size and speed of the change, not to whether the change is favourable or unfavourable. Too much change too quickly creates a backlash, reeling you back to your comfort zone. Focus on one thing, one new habit, at a time. Don’t wear yourself out. Acknowledge the negative and accentuate the positive. Denial inhibits energy while realistic acknowledgement of the truth releases it. -If you refuse to adopt the Mastery mindset you’ll waste years of your life frustrated, bouncing from one thing to another, not making any progress, never getting what you want. You might get disenchanted with the whole process of growth and you’ll settle for mediocrity. That’s not the life you want to live. “To practice regularly, even when you seem to be getting nowhere, might at first seem onerous. But the day eventually comes when practicing becomes a treasured part of your life. You settle into it as if into you favourite easy chair, unaware of time and the turbulence of the world. It will still be there for you tomorrow. It will never go away.”—George Leonard Five Guidelines on the Path of Mastery 1. Be aware of homeostasis. Expect resistance and backlash. Don't give up at the first sign of trouble. 2. Negotiate with your resistance, by using pain as a guide to performance. Play discontent, the inevitable escort of transformation. Keep pushing, but not without awareness to the warnings. Pushing your way through despite the warning signals increases the possibility of backsliding. 3. Develop a support system of other people who share the joys of the change you're making. 4. Regular practice - the path of mastery for its own sake. A stable base during the instability of change. 5. Dedicate to lifelong learning. The lifelong learner learned to deal with homeostasis, because he is doing it all the time.
  18. By early 2013 I found myself quite deeply disappointed that we had not experienced The Singularity Event which I had been expecting on December 21st, 2012. I began the following conversation with my Ego, to seek some answers. As so often happens, I received a great deal more than I had hoped for. My Ego used the opportunity to share, in some depth, who he really is and what his role in this reality has been. To me personally this was a revelation! Greg: Anybody home? Ego: I am here. Greg: I am a little puzzled by something. Quite confused, in fact. Ego: Ah. Have you noticed how some of our very best conversations, featuring some of the richest realizations begin when you take that position? When you are willing to admit to your internal dissonance, describe it carefully and then open yourself to a new transcendent understanding you do a special kind of magic. An alchemical transformation. Lead into Gold. Fear and discomfort into love and delight. And of course we are going to do the same thing right now. And it all begins when you describe your difficulty. Greg: The experience called The Singularity Event. A wonderful, exciting, blissful moment when we will all FEEL and KNOW that we are one with the Oneness. And then after that everything will be different. Ego: I am familiar with the subject. Tell me your problem. Greg: Well, 2012 has come and gone (it’s January 2013 as I write this) and I thought this was going to happen in 2012. I mean, it wasn’t exactly PROMISED that it would happen, but with all the hype around December 2012 I had hoped just a little bit would happen then. So I suppose I am wondering if this is still going to happen. And if so, when? Ego: There are many different answers to your question because the answer depends entirely on who you are creating yourself to be. Your perspective is everything. You held a particular perspective on the day in question. What perspective are you now willing to take? Who are you, right now, willing to create yourself to be? Greg: Okay, I’ll play. Here is who I am creating myself to be right now: I am a spark of eternal, divine light who has chosen to express itself in physical form. One who is currently, momentarily, experiencing incarnation as a human being on Planet Earth with the name of Greg Margolis. How’s that? Ego: I like that. Now tell me, is Greg Margolis a powerful creator being or a victim to his experiences? Greg: A creator being, of course. I am becoming more and more aware, as I wake up and discover who I really am, that I actually do create my experiences with my deepest beliefs and choices. Ego: So do you wait for someone else to give to you the things you seek, or do you create them? Greg: The latter. I guess that is what being a creator being means: you create, right? Ego: Right. And so, you need to take a moment and see that you created a small paradox for yourself on December 21st, 2012. The Singularity Event, which is an experience of that which is most real and true. An experience of The Oneness cannot be given to you from outside of yourself. It can not come, like a Santa Clause in the night and leave presents for you depending upon whether you have been naughty or nice. Because something as inherently TRUE as a direct experience of The Oneness of All cannot begin with you being a child like victim awaiting gifts from some outside agency. I remain silent. Ego: You are silenced by what I have said. Somewhat shocked and some deep disappointment is beginning to well up. But before your mind begins to run circles, before you leap to any conclusions at all - let me remind you of something that, by now, you know well: If you can’t see the perfection, you are standing too close to the picture. So what I am saying is that this too is perfect. And you will, over the course of this discussion, come to see how that might be so. Greg: But why could I not get this new “perfect” version of the story back on December 21st? Ego: Think back. Think back carefully on who you were then. Who you were able to create yourself to be. Think of your inner struggles then. Think of your fears about your own inadequacy, your victim mindset, your self limiting beliefs. There is still SO MUCH you fail to understand. Firstly, I said The Singularity Event cannot be given to you from outside of yourself. Greg: So it can still happen? I can create it by MYSELF? Ego: If you are willing, then absolutely, yes, it can happen. Indeed, that is the only way it CAN happen. And if you enact your creator nature then it WILL happen.
  19. Is your last letter of your myers briggs type 'P' by any chance? That sort of behavior is called Prospecting and it's quite usual for xNTP/xNFPs. Remember your purpose isn't some field or some set of tools. Biology, math, chemistry, these were just sets of tools created by some people in order to help them achieve their vision. Biology in itself isn't the purpose, engineering human life is. Fields come and go, there was trapanation, now there's neuroscience, none of these are the actual purposes, your purpose is basically answering the question "what would you like to create" then you just pick up the necessary tools to achieve it. I would say that you aren't dabbling, but prospecting because you are looking for a deeper understanding of life rather than some field to study. And since these fields are almost always bound by the same paradigms you tend to lose interest fast when you see it isn't going anywhere. However at the same time you are also picking what's good from each one and making your own theories and tools on the way up. Fields are just a bunch of biases nothing more. It's very likely that your purpose will be a vision for a certain kind of transformation in society which you think is critical for making the world a better place. Transformational/Transmutational mindset is the new paradigm of society that's coming to replace the old static shit that doesn't work (e.g. medicating people as if they are a static sculpture not a living system) so it's very likely that you are starting to wake up to this truth and you want to participate in the distribution of this new paradigm in society in some way shape or form. Maybe you feel that non-actualized people are why society is so fucked up and ape-like and you will want to become an actualization coach. Maybe you feel that the old medicinal paradigm is why so many people are sick so you want to become a holistic functional medicine practitioner and guide them towards the new paradigm that restores health rather than suppresses symptoms. The key to your answer lies in understanding Maslow's hierarchy of needs and how the current society relates to it as well as in contemplating transformation/transmutation rather than trying to pick some field as if the field can tell you want you want to create.
  20. Well, lazy people are dangerous for a dude who wants to be active and active people are danger for lazy people's laziness. Both get challenged. Don't bother, do your thing. Let that pain lead to transformation and Self-acceptence. Over time you will develop more and more self-trust, when you act and see your models working.
  21. More likely to "heal" them by avoiding the trap of forcing transformation on someone out of their natural predatory self; most of these things occur because it has alignment with reality so it's better to have an outlet for rape destruction and evil through virtual reality/roleplay or use drug therapies because rape/destruction/evil/torture is good when both the perpetrator and the victim are benefited/feel pleasure from the acts which isn't the case in our immediate reality; loving someone with the exclusive intent to transform their behaviors is not full love or rather in a way it lacks the constructive hate of the love/hate duality this constructive hate means that you should feel "hate" for the universe and it's fundamental mechanics themselves because then at least the observer, the perpetrator and the victim are in some level of agreement; people are too obsessed with sentience/social ego they forget the entire universe and it's mechanics are involved. One example, the observer can have his guru power trip/victim mentality healing fantasy fulfilled through whatever means(including me as a 4th observer); the perpetrator can have his rape and get away with it with zero karma(just one example in the space of possibilities) and the victim can have pleasure or fulfillment from being acted on again with zero karma or even positive karma; you can then maintain the complexity of the play and all the general regular actions of a universe where suffering exists but with no suffering like "revenge" and "recovering from trauma" by the victim; the "healing" from the observer through preventive measures and therapeutic assistance; "trying to get away with your assault" from the perpetrator or/and "getting reformed through therapy". Just a super metaphysical gamified version of reality where you can maintain everything but also change anything and it still makes perfect sense and the spookiest thing is even though I personally experience suffering I cannot say this gamified reality is not already the case; extremely clumsily explained and simplified here but you guys are pretty smart. My view of true love where hate/evil can exist without suffering being involved and also allowing evolution as if hate still hurts just as much.
  22. I would say the reason for this is just the rapid transformation of lifestyle from a hard-working labour worker to incredibly sedentary (often lazy), fat and eating garbage. Here in UK, 8/10 people in streets are obese or overweight, asthmatic, eat junk, have chronic stress and at least 5 major addictions. These are the main reasons for all the cancers and diabetes. I assume the situation among poor suburban areas in US is even worse. These people make a majority of statistics for cancers and mental disease. Of course there will be some small dose chronic level of toxins but compared to the huge shitload of other lifestyle factors I just can't imagine it being that much of a concern if all the above are fixed. That's not to say you should go and sniff a glue or use the shitties pan but I think the type of coating on the pan is peanuts compared to the other factors that most people haven't even looked at.
  23. I was wondering whether anyone else had experienced Kundalini as a Goddess. During the initial stages of my awakening, during 2011-2012, I experienced Kundalini as a serpentine energy, as descibed by most people and classical works on the subject. During the latter stages, the sensation became physical and whenever Kundalini was active inside me, I experienced a black serpent wriggling around in my body, along the spine, gradually rising ever further upwards and bumping its head against energetic blocks in my body in a rhythmic fashion. When the serpent got stuck, just above the heart chakra and couldn’t push its head through the knot found there, I experienced intense chronic chest pain, heart palpitations, neurological symptoms, such as memory loss and slowness of movement. I then prayed for divine intervention and the Goddess appeared to me in person, performed shaktipat on me, then united with me energetically and allowed me to experience enlightenment, a breakthrough at the final knot at the top back part of the head (I believe this is called Brahmarendra, the cavity of God), which broke with an audible cracking noise. Then, liquid light came roaring in, I expanded in all directions in an ecstatic bliss and became boundless and all-knowing, at least for a short while. In that state, I felt universal and understood everything about reality, universe, life, or whatever else you can think of. When i eventually returned to my body, I only retained a tiny portion of the knowledge I had access to in the universal state. I also felt constrained and suffocated by my own body, but I gradually returned to normal consciousness. The Goddess aspect of Kundalini is rarely emphasised, or if so, usually only in abstract terms, but I wonder how many people have been visited by her as a living Goddess and how common this is? I found a reference in the book of essays, Kundalini Rising, by Lawrence Edwards, whose experience closely mirrors my own. I’m not sure how much I can quote from his work, before triggering the copyright bots, so I’ll try to quote only the most succinct sections, that are most relevant to this point. Chapter: Kundalini Her Symbols of Transformation and Freedom LAWRENCE EDWARDS, PHD THE GIFTS OF MAHA KALI “ Once a renowned author who had written about Kundalini came to meet my guru, Swami Muktananda. Baba, as my guru was known, was revered for his exalted visions of the Kun- dalini and his rare ability to give shaktipat. The author, too, had visions of Kundalini, but to him she appeared quite unimpressive, looking like an ordinary woman, not like a God- dess at all. As he waited outside the room where Baba was receiving visitors, he was astonished to have a vision of the Goddess Kundalini herself entering the room where Baba was—only this time she appeared in her most regal and resplendent form, magnif- icent and awe inspiring … Baba, he asked why it was that she appeared so ordinary to him, while for Baba she came as the Goddess of the Universe. Baba replied simply, “Because I worship her.” … The intense practices I began doing culminated in a series of meditation experiences in Baba’s ashram meditation hall during a weekend retreat in 1982. Various forms of the Goddess began appearing fully and spontaneously in meditation, as real as any person standing in front of me. I worshipped each in turn, trembling and awestruck as I did and only able to do so because of the strength the Shakti gave me in the moment to withstand Her Divine presence. Goddess after Goddess appeared until finally Maha Kali was present there before me. I prayed with all my heart to be able to stay conscious. Her skin was blacker than black, like deep black velvet in a darkened room. Yet in some miraculous way Her form was radiant, revealing Her own richly magnificent blackness. A thought ap- peared in my mind: “My God, this is Kali! She’s the Great Mother, Goddess of the Uni- verse, creator and destroyer of all that is!” But She was in the most exquisite, beautiful, loving form, not the fearsome presence She is usually depicted as having. This was Her hidden form. I did the only thing I knew to do: I did puja to Her, an ancient Indian form of worship, while shaking with a mixture of fear, awe, and overwhelming love. Tears flowed down my cheeks. Then the Goddess came forward and embraced me, wrapping Herself around me. Everything slowed down. I could feel myself gradually merging into Her, and I could hear Her laughing the wildest, most ecstatic laugh! We disappeared from the ordinary world. My awareness shifted, and I could see the whole solar system with all its planets, and then stars and galaxies being withdrawn into Her. The entire universe was merging into Her, and all the while it was merging, the infinitude of the cosmos rever- berated with Her ecstatic laughter. Finally, I disappeared into Her as I dissolved into infi- nite Light and Love, and then into a nothingness beyond even that, beyond the mind, be- yond any duality of experience. There simply was no “me” left; I was gone, gone, gone be- yond. … The experience ended; feeling profoundly grateful, I bowed to my inner guru, my Goddess Kundalini. This had all unfolded as a re- sult of shaktipat from my Siddha master, Muktananda Baba, years earlier, and my prayer to know the highest form of worship of Kundalini. Complete worship merges you with the one you worship. Through worship and prayer, the Goddess reveals the mysteries of Her creation to Her creature: the seeker—you! … No words can describe how overwhelmed and truly awestruck I was by the appearance of the Goddesses classically depicted in the chakras, followed by Maha Kali Herself. These were the Goddesses that Kundalini manifests, as well as Her primal form as Maha Shakti, the great power, that takes the form of Maha Kali, the Black Goddess. It is this highest power that dissolves the universe as She merges into the sahasrara, creating it once again as She descends from that transcendent realm. … Just as the aspects of Divine Consciousness were being presented to my awareness sym- bolically in the forms of the Goddesses, in the same way the union with those Divine forms was symbolized by sexual union. Readers familiar with the experiences of mystics of many spiritual traditions will recognize that this is a common way for union with the Di- vine to express itself. Very often the Tantric traditions, both yogic and Buddhist, that deal with the Divine Feminine depict union in this way. Carnal symbolism and the experience of that form of symbolic merger in meditation are often confusing for people, especially Westerners, who take it literally. From: Kundalini Rising: Exploring the Energy of Awakening. Sounds True Inc. Short Excerpts from pages 294-298 “ So, this is really interesting to me, as it is so close to my own experience of Union with the Goddess and her many visits to me. Maybe it is a bit esoteric (on in other words, Tantric), but I would really like to hear from others who may have experienced this.
  24. @justfortoday You are much more advanced than I am but I see a clear blind spot. It is called the full circle. This is was very common in ancient Egypt and it was the last secret revealed. When one arrived to a super conciousness state by mastering all paths (wisdom, devotion, Mind, non-dual...) one arrived to a see through the ilusion and understand the core of all existance, which then formed everything else. Therefore, the master asked to reconstruct from this core existance layer by layer again his ego reality, for it is also real in the sense that an ilusion is real and also must be understood. Understanding how from the God-Head of his being all the transformation and alchimical processes happened till one finds himself in this existance where, even though it's pretty clear it's nothing, it's also pretty clear there is more. This is at least the main blind spot I see in all masters, where the are enlightened about enlightenment but not about non-enlightenment (Unless they are God-Realized where then this is all non-sense). For the one that is truly interested in Truth, it is not only enough by going to the source and understanding it but by also how the whole game of existance is played. Because this is not just random nothingness, this is armonious beyond our understanding. For it is deconstructed to know the most juicy insights, then it must be constructed to engage in the divine game of existance. For this is a great cosmic play. Knowing that the dream is a dream is also a dream, that insight must be had, that insight must also be left, as well as all those that have been stated here. If u wanna Truly be liberated.
  25. Cool! I’ll add a little more with some links. Facets of Unity is just about my favorite book on the enneagram. By the way, I’m a counterphobic 6. Mapping Certain Levels of Reality We use the Enneagram as a tool and a map at specific junctures in our work of spiritual unfoldment. Initially, we use it as a psychological map that aids self-observation and study. Students also work with our theory of holes (see Essence, Almaas, 1986), which describes the loss of Essence and the consequent development of the personality. Then the work of uncovering the essential aspects proceeds. The theories of depth psychology on object relations, narcissism, and the like, constitute a major portion of the tools used to access the various essential dimensions. The Enneagram is then used at particular points as a map of certain levels of reality, in order to facilitate spiritual transformation. For example, work on the Passions and Virtues helps students in the process of purification of the soul. The Enneagram of Holy Ideas is most useful at the juncture between personal and cosmic realization of Being, as previously mentioned. As with other concepts from various schools, our approach utilizes the Enneagram for the purpose of direct, experiential understanding. It is not used only for psychological observations and typology, nor only for guiding various spiritual practices, but specifically for guiding and supporting open inquiry into one’s experience. Facets of Unity, pg. 16 This is the forth of nine excerpts. Link just below O