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  1. (D'oh, some of the links didn't work . I can't edit the original post, so I'm reposting the list. Good times !!!) Blog Videos Society & Politics [] Inside The Mind Of Trump [] Why Bernie Sanders Lost [] My Political Awakening [] The Big Picture Of Global Politics [] Why The Media Is Corrupt [] Rethinking Human History [] Conscious Capitalism BS [] Deconstructing Property Rights [] Life Lessons From "Life Below Zero" Epistemology [] Why Are My Videos So Long? [] Metaphysics vs Epistemology [] Understanding Better Than Academics [] Changing Perspectives Destroys Reality [] Why Debates Don't Work [] All Understanding Is Metaphoric [] All Understanding Is Metaphoric - Part 2 [] Skepticism & Nonduality [] How To Test For Self-Bias [] Learning From Partially False Perspectives [] My Critique Of Zizek's Critique Of Buddhism [] Sherlock Holmes' Brain [] Sense Organs Are Imaginary Enlightenment [] Absolute Infinity Demo [] Explaining God For Dummies [] Total Omniscience Awakening [] Infinite Love Awakening [] Ego-Collapse Awakening [] Tapping Into Collective Consciousness [] Miracle Awakening [] DPT: The Other God Molecule [] What It's Like To Smoke Salvia Divinorum Life Purpose [] Why Get Rich Quick Schemes Don't Work [] How I Started My First Business [] Requisite Variety & Creative Laziness [] Guerilla Business Advice Health [] Don't Half-Ass Yoga [] Sitting Posture For Yoga & Meditation Leo’s Health & Life [] Do I Doubt Myself? [] My Health Situation [] Back From 2 Month Break, Updates [] 14 Day Water Fast [] Water Fast Ends, Carnivore Diet Begins [] Things I’ve Been Wrong About [] Fat Leo (I had to add this because it’s adorable) Retreats [] Solo Retreat Videos & Insights [] Hawaii Retreat Intro [] Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos [] Hawaii Late Night Insights [] Mindfucked In Hawaii [] May 2018 Solo Retreat - Part 1 [] May 2018 Solo Retreat - Part 2 [] May 2018 Solo Retreat - Part 3
  2. @Gianna You are doing good, but you're still very far away from a holistic, omniscient God-realization. I will soon have a video explaining the difference between nonduality/awareness vs God-realization. Connecting the dots is precisely what's missing.
  3. @4201 Want nonduality instead. Tame the ox. Sessions aren’t necessary, but to compare, just like anything else, you have to have the direct expereince to be able to compare the direct experience.
  4. I think it's good because it can spread valuable information in the mainstream and can make him more approachable. I think what Leo talks about is more important than the fact that he's talking. Talking about how we are all one, we are god, and how we should use psychedelics to realize that imo isn't a good move from an optics point because the vast majority of people aren't aware of nonduality being a thing much less have a basic understanding of it. Unless you got exposed to those topics through philosophy, religious studies or something, it isn't unlikely that people will jump to the conclusion of "great another guy on drugs claiming he's god, what's new." Like if you leave enlightenment, psychedelics, and talking about god off the table, I think Leo becoming more mainstream can be beneficial.
  5. @NahmPeople who find you probably have a certain background? Inquired a lot into nonduality?
  6. Sure But don't forget, murder can also be a stepping stone to Infinite Love. Everything is a stepping stone in its own way. It's not about comparing me to anyone. It's about guiding you to the deepest consciousness possible. You will not reach the deepest consciousness using their weak sauce. I'm very serious about this. I don't give a rats ass about being better than those people. What I care about is you getting stuck at some nothingness or no-self state. Nonduality is not full God-realization. All paths do not lead to the same place. There exists a place of Infinite Consciousness. If you dare, I will meet you there.
  7. There is a pinned thread called "Nonduality wars not allowed here" and then Leo himself constantly bashing other Non-dual teachers whos style is different from his or maybe Ken Wilbers who is also kind of a spiritual elitist in many ways. Just because someone has high IQ and talks about complex models does not mean they are any more awake than a teacher who does not do so.
  8. @machiavelli It doesn't ultimately matter to God, since God is murder, love, rape, community service, aid, strife, peace, and everything else. Ultimately nothing matters. How could it? Who, outside of all there is, could it possibly matter to? This of course means that even "things mattering" doesn't matter / is not denied. There is just ultimate liberation. Nonduality cares not, but also judges not.
  9. I'm a girl who has a youtube channel about non-duality, I've dealt with trolls. It is always about something I'm insecure about, particularly, being a girl with a youtube channel about nonduality. Occasionally, I don't feel 100% worthy of speaking about what I'm speaking about, so sometimes people remind me of that, and then I have a fire lit under my butt to love myself and speak about what I love without concern. Which is what I want and the whole reason for doing it anyway. It's not at the cost OF self esteem, my self esteem is MY self esteem, not anyone elses.
  10. I became totally omniscient. I became completely conscious of how I create reality. This is not anything the human mind can comprehend or reason about. And it is beyond anything possible to achieve with meditation, Buddhism, self-inquiry, or anything like that. Even nonduality is not omniscience. It is way less.
  11. Because in the long run; being a shameless dick leads to segregation. Destruction. War, even. And correct me if I'm wrong; but all this 'work' is about becoming united and coexist in peace. Nonduality, Love 'n' shit.
  12. Conversations with God vol 1-3 are great bridge books into the world of nonduality.
  13. The Power of Now was a turning point for me, but nonduality is nowhere more clearly defined than in the Bhagavad Gita. Go figure, nonduality equates with equanimity: They live in freedom who have gone beyond the dualities of life. Competing with no one, they are alike in success and failure and content with whatever comes to them. Those who have attained perfect renunciation are free from any sense of duality; they are unaffected by likes and dislikes, Arjuna, and are free from the bondage of self-will. The immature think that knowledge and action are different, but the wise see them as the same. The person who is established in one path will attain the rewards of both. People claim to have directly realized nonduality, but how many of us are equally content with success and failure, and consistently coherent with our knowledge and our actions? Nonduality is not just a realization, it is the purest state of being.
  14. Good point. But how about turning that around? What if more love, kindness and general compassion could heal the gut issues - or anything else for that matter? I'm not trying to pick on Leo directly. I am nowhere near in that position. I have mad respect for him. But I do disagree with some of his ways. In my eyes; this thread is about how young, ignorant seekers who misunderstood a few teachings justify and perpetuate low consciousness behaviour in the name of Nonduality. In the name of God. And that pisses me off, hard. I ain't afraid to admit it. I care about how people think of and view all this. It matters to me that all of this goes in the right direction. The only true direction. Love, respect and compassion. I'm not yet in a position to influence or guide larger masses. But I sure as hell will stand for Truth to the best of my abilities. Even if it's in a form of bitching and moaning on the internet.
  15. I didn´t understand. Is there some nonduality outside of a character? I mean, nonduality doesn´t exist without perceprtion. And perception doesn´t exist without a character.. Or not? I am not sure what is better - a happy end, as illusionary and temporary as the beginning or - the abolishment of the beginning itself, beutiful and overwhelming beginning I listened yesterday evening a song about 13 horses drowning in the ocean and I didn´t know what to think about it. Last night I dreamt, that I was in the big field. The horses were galloping in a circuit arount this field. When they saw me, they changed their route, they left the road around the field, and headed directly towards me through the field. Two brown horses, another two were approaching from behind, so I didn´t know where to escape and stood still. I saw them very close in front of me, two brown horses, the collision was inevitable, but then they were behind. Did they run through me? I don´t know wht to write. There is nobody there. About whom and for whom? I mean, when I was writing, I was always trying to reach out for the nerve, otherwise it´s boring The nerve is gone ?
  16. @Hulia @Hulia I definitely am not the best example to follow... What comes out in art is a pure expression, whereas I live daily life with still a heavy atattchment to self character of @seeking_brilliance. I'm on a path of authenticity, that's all. For me, dropping charades extends beyond the charades of the character, but also all the nonduality speak. It's all charades to me. Honestly sometimes it gets really annoying and feels better to not think think about it, like you said ?
  17. Its so simple its almost stupid, forget what nonduality, god, consciousness means, thats not what she is talking about. She basically saying, I don't know what anything is, but "something" is going on and what ever it is, is going on, like duh. Then if you get the stupid simplicity of that, and are not longer trying to figure out what exactly that may be, simply ask and maybe recognize, could what ever the mystery of whats going on, not be going during the infinitely different "states of consciousness".. and if no, then whats going on now..... the mystery of what is? Pretty stupidly simple and may seem unimportant, almost like saying salty tastes salty right,...... right.....AMAZING.
  18. Go on Naval Ravikants podcast. He is a yellow + systemsthinker and is into nonduality and meditation. He has been on Joe Rogan - check him out.
  19. "If you cannot find peace and happiness unless you drug yourself with handful of nootropics, something seems quite not right." Who said this? You did. There is an implicit assumption that attaining peace and happiness is only "right" if it requires no substances. You can use multiple sophisms to deny it, but it won't fly here. "This is actually your mind that is creating your own requirements to allow yourself to be at peace, but you are the one who doesn't get it." Oh really? I was saying that there is no requirement that is set in stone. It all depends on one's situation. This was further clarified in my next post. But, you now backpedaled saying that I made a Nootropic requirement when in reality I never made such a requirement. I just said that deficiencies need to be corrected and that a holistic approach is necessary for reaching the truth. "There isn't anything wrong with improving your health, yet if you cannot accept living without these, then what is 'not quite right' is the fact that you become dependent on it, and as with everything you depend on, it can be taken away any moment, including your health, and then you enter suffering." Where did I say I can't accept living without them? I can accept it but reaching the highest states of consciousness becomes super unlikely. What you are saying sounds like it's deep, but it isn't. Think of Nootropics as consciousness-raising tools. Now go to a bunch of spiritual seekers in India, China, Japan, USA, Russia, whatever. Then, tell them, "You know what guys? If you need meditation, self-inquiry, contemplation, yoga, fasting, vision quests, proper diet, nootropics, or psychedelics, or any of these esoteric methods to be at peace and realize God, then something about that seems quite not right since you can't depend on them because happiness is already here" What would people say? They would just laugh... You can argue that no one can withdraw meditation or yoga or fasting like they withdraw health or nootropics. I can easily counter it with: You can have people withdraw meditation from you if you are in a prison where there are people constantly screaming and you cannot sit in quiet or peace. Let's say you are a sage who can meditate even when people are being tortured in a prison cell across the hall, then we can say that there will be guards that prevent you from meditating by hitting you with a stick once you sit to meditate. You can have Yoga withdrawn from you easily. All you need is one big injury to your spine or your leg, and it's over. You can have fasting withdrawn from you. All you need is to have serious deficiencies and health problems where fasting daily for even 15 hours can lead to you dying in a week tops. As such, you can't fast. Again, another person here not seeing the paradoxical nature of this whole journey. The paradox being that happiness is already here and you shouldn't depend on things to see it, BUT in fact, you actually should depend on meditation, yoga, diet, supplements, exercise, psychedelics, etc to get there. However, your toolbox of strategies for awakening will vary depending on who you are. Some will use Yoga, Meditation, Psychedelics, and Fasting. They never needed nootropics, a perfect diet, or anything like that. Others will use Yoga, Nootropics, Fasting, and Contemplation. They never needed meditation in the traditional sense or a perfect diet. And so on and so forth. But, someone like you will come and make this rule that, "you guys shouldn't depend on x or y because Peace and Happiness are already here since x and y can be withdrawn and as such, needing x or y seems quite not right." That's nonsense. This is a pure assumption, but I bet you probably wouldn't have flinched to say that we are "dependent" on meditation or Yoga for enlightenment because, in your Egoic paradigm, they are less "icky" since they don't involve substance use. This whole "it is already here" is again a bastardization of the teachings of nonduality. Yes, it is "here," but you do need tools to get there and one of them is Nootropics. Yes, health can be lost, and when that happens, if one isn't already awakened, suffering will ensue. But before that happens, one MUST UTILIZE health to get to this awakened state such that when it is withdrawn by some accident, they are okay. "And if you will, keep your passive-aggressive tone and your fairytales towards me for someone else." Ummm, no. If you will say patronizing things like "drug oneself" and then moralize us with what is "quite not right," then WE WILL CALL YOU OUT with or without a passive-aggressive tone. If you don't like being called out, then Forums aren't for you.
  20. @BipolarGrowth I said I was not going to respond because it was in the context of this turning into foul bickering back and forth (which goes against the guidelines). But since your response was polite, I will address this. These teachings of nonduality are very sophisticated and can easily be co-opted by the Ego for bad reasons. The nuance is almost infinite. These people are literally suffering. They struggle with: Suicidal thoughts Constantly terrible mood Anxiety Pain Lack of purpose And their self-esteem keeps dropping down with every passing day as they struggle to understand things in their studies, all of which can be easily understood by them with nootropics. My view of their situation is that this suffering is a "problem." However, what do you suggest I do? Should I see them suffer and not view it as a "problem" that requires a "solution" as the other end of this duality? And then when doing so, should I cling to lofty non-dual thinking and just say "oh this is beautiful" and not even care to help them since "it isn't a problem" so why help? Here you might say, "No no, you will help but not view it as a problem." If I am helping, then I am intervening. If I am intervening, it's because I see that something is not "ideal." If it is not "ideal," then it is a problem. So I want you to see that the teachings of non-duality were bastardized here. Me "viewing the situation in the dualistic way I was describing" is critical for me to help them or even CARE to help them. If this was not the case, then the sages would never lend a hand in need for anyone suffering since, "it is all beautiful." Yes it is beautiful and perfect in the grand scheme of things, but that does not mean we must look at the small slivers in reality as beautiful at all times. This is the inherently paradoxical nature of these teachings. Jesus/Shankara/Gautama had to use a "dualistic lens," as you describe it, to help people even though they were fully conscious of the non-dual, perfect, Sat-Chit-Ananda nature of the entire thing. This is why I made the assetion that the words "nasty" and "destructive" triggered this whole thing. Your ego interepreted it as being a problematic word choice. Then it said, "the words are problematic, thus the whole view of this as "a problem" is problematic, thus let's jump to the conclusion that this guy is making up problems as badly as them." So when Jesus went to heal people and he was feeling deep empathy and sees how bad it is, imagine someone, who did a few LSD trips, comes and says, "Yo Jesus, your view of them as suffering is bad and dualistic. This ain't a problem. We all gucci....but you still should help them...." Helping means you saw there was an issue, a lack of "ideal" scenario, and thus a problem. Please, to anyone reading this, reflect on the stuff that Leo is saying and read more and more. Without contemplation, this stuff is not only useless, it is pernicious.
  21. This idea of 'enlightenment' reminds me of a dream character. During a dream, I might be a person named 'Paul'. If I awake from the dream, Paul goes *poof* and ceases to exist. Paul cannot have this type of awakening. Within the dream, he can go to meditation retreats, yoga, psychedelics, nonduality teachers, etc. Yet as long as he is Paul, he is still immersed within that dream. Yet I would say that there is also another type of 'awakening'. Transcendent awareness can arise that "I" am dreaming. Yet, here "I" don't wake up and think "Omigosh, I overslept! I'm late for work!". Rather, the dream continues with transcendent awareness of the dream. This would be lucid dreaming. This type of 'enlightenment' is also possible during 'waking' life. Essentially, lucid dreaming while awake. Here, the dream continues with the dream character, yet there is still a form of 'death' since there is awareness that what was perceived as real is also imaginary.
  22. Yes God is everything, so crazy, wacky, psychedelic-y visuals are not excluded and in no way interfere or contradict becoming God. God is that. God is there with visuals or without. God is never not present. Every visual is it, but it is not limited to any visual. Don't poo-poo the visuals. The visuals can be a very profound and effective mode of communication and comprehension. Although never strictly necessary. It's icing on the nondual cake. Do not make the mistake of thinking that nonduality or awakening requires no visuals. A TV is a TV regardless of what it displays, or even whether it displays anything at all. But you are making the simple mistake of thinking that you cannot be conscious of the TV while it is displaying a movie. Of course you can. In fact, that's the point: to be conscious that the movie is the TV while it is playing. Otherwise you're lost in the illusion. So rather than rejecting visuals, embrace them and see right through them without getting hypnotized by them.
  23. Godspeed, my friend! Just be careful with it. I had a few rough days of trying to integrate this trip. It was hard to see others as something more than an empty projection of myself through other forms. The nonduality of Being is beyond all conceptualization... your ego may struggle to pick up the pieces. As Leo suggested, go in with full surrender and peace. I did not, and the ego was not pleased
  24. I think we are running in circles here, but solipsism says "only I know I exist." Therefore, it casts doubt on others as being conscious. A true solipsist sees others as being nothing more than puppets of their own mind. Nonduality says that all beings are equally shared in the experience of Being and consciousness. There is an easy way to know if solipsism is the right word. Go up to any enlightened teacher and tell them you are a solipsist. They will either laugh you out the door or kick you in the chest to show how "real" other beings' minds are