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  1. Yeah, I agree with all of these. My main critique is just the overall vibe that Leo and many of his followers give off. For someone who preaches infinite love, he and followers don't really radiate it. Instead he has a vibe of 'everyone else is so stupid and mediocre except me'. He claims spiritual teachers aren't awake and yet they radiate a million times more love than him. I don't doubt that he's higher levels of awakenings through psychedelics but he doesn't embody the love he realized, then there's not much point to it. Instead of telling us how awakened he is, he should show us through action and not words.
  2. I thought that because God is all there is, fear can not exist (because I assume you can only fear something outside of you or in duality), so love is automatically generated. But in another post you said that nothingness is even prior to love? Is eternal hell as much part of the absolute truth as eternal heaven then? Is this nothingness responsible for its own manifestations to experience "God" as the highest expression of love , but could just as well be something ugly like eternal hell or is that part of illusion? And is this also why many awakened people refer to this as "I am" / " I am that" / or "I am that I am" instead of what I would expect to be more common " I am love"?
  3. @Derek White that was a Solid critique. I share that he has no clue how deep other people/gurus are awakened in the background. I dont understand why you see Leo as too intellectual. I see it more the opposite, he is doing the practice. Look at all his experiments, retreats and so on. And thats exploration/understanding on a very practical level By the way through his practical exploration he discovered 5 meo Malt and made it popular. There are many people now who prefer malt over classic 5 meo dmt thanks to his discovery. This alone should show you how deep his practical work goes.
  4. There's so many different mental disorders. They could share some similarities. But I consider insanity its own distinct domain. Most people with mental disorders have some specific way in which their mind works oddly. But they're not full-blown insane. When you are in a very high, awakened state of consciousness you could ask your mind to take you into insanity. Not that I recommend you do this. It could get really ugly. If you contemplate What is insanity? long enough, eventually you're break through into the insane domain. Which is not a place you want to be. It's quite dangerous.
  5. Anandamayi ma had no spiritual master & she was not educated enough & not doing any kind of sadhana. Still she was highly awakened.
  6. The ego traverses the the gamut of forms. For example, blade-of-grass consciousness > tree consciousness > fish consciousness > reptile consciousness > human consciousness > superhuman consciousness > trans-human consciousness > God-consciousness. The ego thinks the answer to its own immortality lies in the direction of increasingly complex and convoluted distractions from the truth, which is that it isn't real, and never was. It will keep up this charade until it is entirely dissolved. Right now, you are identifying with your human body. Or perhaps, if you consider yourself "awakened to God consciousness", you are identifying with a different form. All such identification is an egoic effort to survive and to hide. To combat self-entropy, the ego builds ever-more sophisticated puzzle structures around itself. It is all a game of survival. Given a lifeline to prolong itself in a new form, it will grab it with both hands, day after day, "lifetime" after "lifetime". Many romanticise the idea of reincarnation, and think it is something desirable. Reincarnation is simply the ongoing attachment to form(s), which is the cause of all suffering.
  7. This makes me think of that's why perhaps the analogy that non duality teachers give with when you have a dream and wake up, the dream is gone, therefore it was not real, but often people then ask to one of these awakened teachers, 'how come when you awaken, or physically die, we are still here and the world is still here?' I suppose because there is a higher aspect of God that is continuing this dream as we see it, even when an individual physically dies or they become awakened, the world is still here. The end script of the entire movie hasn't played out yet, I assume.
  8. Since Leo awakened I feel he might disagree with some of the stuff he said in his old videos. So which videos should I avoid?
  9. @petar8p He’s a good mix of mostly SD blue, orange and green. If I was speaking from the perspective of universal intelligence, I’d say his function to help move people from Blue to Orange and those in Orange to Green. He’s not awakened and is stuck in some tier 1 traps, but you could do much worse.
  10. “Life is suffering” is a pretty bad translation and oversimplification of the first noble truth. It’s more accurate to say “there is inherent suffering/dissatisfaction in life when one is not fully awakened”. I’d highly doubt that second sentence does not apply at least a little for you if you’re completely honest with yourself. That’s not at all to say 99% of life isn’t amazing for you. I mean that’s how it feels for me, but there are certainly situations which can produce suffering and dissatisfaction although I have techniques that can basically make it vanish whenever I want if I care enough.
  11. Then why you get so defensive when Kuba has a problem with equating love with torture or saying that God loves torture? As you know, you too would be defensive when you got tortured. I get what you're saying, it's about making the distinction between the meaning of something in it's absolute and relative sense of the word which I know you try to explain to him, but maybe he does or doesnt already understand, but regardless it's natural to get defensive at the thought of people who would justify rape and torture in the relative sense of the word (meaning the word as we experience it in it's lesser conscious state) by deluding themselves into believing that they 'know' love= torture therefore have a justification to not do anything about the torture. Notice I put the word 'know' in brackets because true knowing = experiencing and when you don't experience love, you don't really know, you just think you know. Large amounts of people (especially spiritual type folks who are 'vulnerable' to spiritual bypassing) would as a result allow and enable torture and rape, with the justification it's "love" because they think they are at a higher level of awakening and understanding which would mean more torture for the victim(s) that is you, me and them. For as long as you are here in a human vessel, whether awakened or not, it's better to side with the 'you' that is going through the worst (the victims of torture) and stop the rapists, if necessary, torture the rapists ('yourself') if that's the only thing that will help in that situation. So if in your own state of unconsciousness, you get defensive, where to direct your defensiveness best? Towards people like Kuba ('yourself' as well) who's understandably upset by what this type of talks could lead to and getting defensive about him not getting it (the theory when it comes to the statement in the absolute sense of 'torture being love') or better direct your defensiveness towards the people who say love=rape too often while being delusional about what it really means? If you ask me, talking too much about the theory of Love (in the absolute sense) is not helpful, because it usually results into more spiritual bypassing than anything, which makes people behave worse, not better. You spread more love by practicing and focussing on being courageous and showing compassion for the ones who need it most in any given situation which needs to be judged accordingly.
  12. Yes, it began on a day when I started hearing anomalous voices (no mental health diagnosis or anything like that), helping me try to find the will to live. It ended on the particular day when I woke up and all was silent. I knew the ride was completed then, and that I had figured out who I am and what my destiny is. I was awakened with the help of my guide protectors (I call them this now). I hope this clarifies things a bit.
  13. If you have abnormal psychology to begin with you will be more mentally unstable, especially with awakenings. It's not cut and dry at all. As I said, there are thousands of different awakened states of consciousness and no such thing as one "enlightened" condition or "naty state". This is a myth. People with abnormal psychology will have a very different spiritual path than normies. Most spiritual advice is for normies. It will not work if your brain is wired in some unique way.
  14. Okay so I've been meditating for a couple years but I didn't really know what I was doing until a couple weeks ago. And WOWWWW. Seriously how do most people not know about this? My first glimpse of enlightenment was about a month ago and I was doing neti neti whilst high on weed and man that was some crazy shit. It felt really alien. I suddenly realised that there is no experiencer and all there is and ever was is experience. And yeah this felt really really alien. I felt like I just discovered orgasms for the first time hahaha. And now when I meditate I gradually gain more minfulness and thoughts start to fade into noise and everything becomes 'noise' ( neutral and there isn't anything that is more significant than any other thing ) and once that happens I feel like a key has just been taken out of the lock. And I'm not attached to my thoughts, I'm not convinced that I am my thoughts, or my sight or my senstations anymore and not in that problem solving mode. It's fucking beautiful and so alien at the same time. I often feel a wave of energy run through me as this happens like a vibration. that just coarses through me and I'm suddenly non attached to anything. Then this fades and I'm attached to thoughts again. And then I notice I'm talking to myself in my head about how enlightened I am lmao. And then I realise this is ego. And I'm back in square one. And I cannot go more than 20 minutes without an uncontrollable urge to move and open my eyes. Also when I opened my eyes after my most recent meditation everything was as if I have never seen it before, like I had new eyes or I was just born. and it gradually fades into my regular everyday state. I also experience mild closed eye visuals whilst this is happening and a ringing in my ears. But for the most part it feels like I've fallen out of my thoughts. Anyone else experience anythign similar? Was that falling out of thoughts the void? And if so how can I make it last and not attach myself to the ego? EDIT: Also I'm noticing how because I'm not in that state anymore I cannot really grasp what that's like. Is this falling out of thoughts thing of any significance? Am I going crazy? Is this just the ego playing tricks and deluding itself into believing it's enlightened? EDIT: I also feel weird presences or like someone is watching me whilst meditating but that fades too as i focus on my breath. I also see different colours as this state comes on and it looks a lot like the northern lights. EDIT: I know this is the third edit lmao but I'm also noticing how whenever this state comes on it's like my mind doesnt want me to see it. it diverts my attention. This is some freaky shit maaaan And I get it now how when leo said its like a scratch on the top of your head turns into finding a zip then slowly unzipping yourself from yourself. EDIT: I don't know if this is psychosis coming on or if it was enlightenment. It feels pretty good. EDIT: My hands feel like just hands and not like i own them ownership is a delusion. What the fuck is happening? Am I delusional and just imagining I'm enlightened? if anyone knows then pls tell me what is happening. Should I ask a psychiatrist if I'm sane? EDIT: So my regular state where im attached to thoughts is literally insane because everything is fundamentally neutral and just noise and believing that it's something more is craziness. And that means everyone else is insane too. But I know what sane is now. what the fuck EDIT: How do I know this is not my mind playing tricks on me making me believe I've experienced enlightenment? When really I'm just imagining it EDIT: I feel pretty regular now and I cannot really understand it unless im in that state. I cannot unsee this though :DD i feel exactly the same as before I meditated today but really really aware EDIT: I have no idea what the fuck i was talking about anymore lmao wtf EDIT: Now I see that attachments are like lenses on the truth ( pure conciousness or neutrality as i said ) But I'm not in that state anymore I just get it EDIT: Okay so it's the next day and I feel basically the same as before. I think that I try to rationalise what is happening and I begin to believe that my rationalisations are enlightenment. I don't look at it as crazy anymore. more like really sane.
  15. These distinctions are bogus. As I explained in my State Of Consciousness Is Everything video, everything is a state of consciousness and there are many kinds and degrees of awakened states. There is no such thing as "enlightenment". This is one of the biggest errors of modern spirituality.
  16. The awakened is functional, the insane is not functional. If you are not able to compose yourself and be chill, there's a problem. If you are not able to handle your own basic survival needs, there's a problem. If you are not able to be happy, there's a problem. If you are not able to interact peacefully with others, there's a problem.
  17. At the end of the day, experience is an uncontrollable and self-automated process. The saint should receive no praise as they had no choice or alternative, even if to the untrained mind it appears that they did have a choice. Similarly, the psychopath should receive no hatred as they also have no control over the matter. The same is to be said of awakened or unawakened people. They also had no choice in arriving at either designation. Life lives itself. The only question is: how well can you live with that? Solid post btw.
  18. Basically, once you become permanently awakened, this experience will be your default state. Just keep in mind, the wall and the room is not 'true'. It is just as much of a concoction of your mind as your sense of self. This was a solid glimpse. You are on the right track. I suggest doing the technique I've posted here and see how it helps along with self enquiry:
  19. As I watched this video for the third time (my last watch was 6 months ago) I was jumping out of my seat at the insights I received. In our past lifetimes we have already awakened the mind, we have already experienced ourselves as infinite consciousness and we have already become one with God. In this lifetime, we have forgotten our own personal awakening, and so are trying to watch our egos as if it is the enemy for us to once again "transcend it's limitations" in a never-ending spiritual crusade, but this journey is no longer useful in this day of age. Non-dual teachers are being replaced with heart-centered teachers because the divine masculine has woken up, and now it is time for our divine feminine to follow in its line, through opening up our hearts in the most committed, and loving way possible, that each of us deserves to experience and will eventually experience in this lifetime or the next. No longer is the spiritual path about transcending the ego, but instead committing to reality, by letting each one of our thoughts, and emotions be seen, heard and felt as we take up the role of the kind mother or father we never had; or the best friend we always wanted. I recommend for everyone to watch the entire video. It explains everything I have said in unending depth that will save you years on your spiritual path. Years where you avoided your heart by not embracing your thoughts, emotions, and whatever is in front of your face by instead following a non-dual guru who will only lead you to a place you have already mastered. I had to come back to tell you all this, and I hope you can see the simplicity of what I am saying. That in the past we have been told to push everything away, accept what is, and put ourselves under a spiritual microscope to spot the ego and remove it like a parasite. And now, whether you like it or not, we are here to embrace the living shit out of our ego, at the rate you love your heart, at the rate you love whatever arises in your life Many blessings. Here is the most inspiring part of the video, but watch it all if it is possible, thank you for reading:
  20. Twin flame experience with a dark energy being I had a twin flame experience with a dark energy being for a time. Our natures were equal, not one lesser than the other. He was dark and I was light. In the beginning his energy was dense, lacking in light or balance. When the energy shifted his energy shifted along with it but even at his brightest, he was all shadow. He was a highly awakened feminine, with psychic abilities. We were ancient friends from many lifetimes. Apparently I had been a mystic in many lifetimes previously and he was there along with me, tormenting me, loving me, his knowledge span far outweighing mine but not in his wisdom. He would whisper in dark tones into my mind. Very different from the tones of my other twin flame who is of the light, masculine. The darkness for me is related to the feminine principle for some reason (Shakti). And the light with the masculine principle (Shiva) The dark being would glow with a radiance that was unmatched. He was sublimely beautiful and worshipped. Although infinitely selfish. He thought this radiance and glow (Shakti, energy, manifest) enough, and that love was not necessary. After all he was worshipped and adored. ‘My’ Shiva is love. ”Shiva is love, Shakti is life. Where there is love, there is life”
  21. I don't think it's possible to understand anything without at least one layer of interpretation. That's how our minds work. We need to have a framework to base our understanding in. Understanding doesn't just appear out of nowhere or occur in the ether. It needs a mediator, and the main ones are intuition and language. But even intuition requires a certain level of interpretation. That's my observation at least. Any thought I think, and any word I say is already an interpretation. I haven't yet found a way to bypass interpretation. We have science, which is a lot better and more accurate. If I want to understand something, the first place to go to is science. I don't think the universe has desires. Why would it? The universe can live with or without humans. It will still exist regardless of humans and their awareness, so what's the point of it wanting humans to do this but not that? Evolution is an assumption. We don't even know if it's real. Maybe all that's happening is just coping, shape-shifting, and role-playing between forms, but no fundamental evolution. I do the same as you when I meditate. But I don't have as much free time currently. I used to do 8 hours long meditation sessions a couple of years back, that was when I first awakened. Now, I mostly meditate for two hours a day max, and I even skip some days. What's that thing? That's how they got wiped, not why. Why were they wiped out if they truly understood consciousness? Shouldn't that understanding have been enough to help them protect themselves somehow? Or is strength the ultimate card in existence? (I pick the latter option). And most importantly, where's their good Karma when they needed it the most? But regardless, I even doubt that's how they got wiped in the first place. A stronger culture doesn't just kill everyone from the weaker cultures. Rather, they kill some and enslave the rest. So the wisdom that any culture must have had, should remain and automatically get embedded in the new dominating culture. I'm witnessing this directly as western culture has invaded mine. My culture didn't just vanish, it simply incorporated itself into the stronger trends. The way I see any culture can get wiped is if a better culture comes and replaces the delusions and misconceptions of the earlier one. That seems more like nature to me. There isn't an absolute good or absolute bad, just better and worse. And the better always trumps the worse out of existence. You know I like and respect you and everything, and I really hope that this won't damage our friendship, but in all honestly this sounds like nothing more than hippy daydreaming/morality. The alternative for me is working with reality as it is. Reality is this way. I wish it was some other way, but it isn't. So I have to adapt and change in order to fit and survive.
  22. I’m not going to pretend I don’t know what I speak about. Psychedelics highs are not enlightenment. That is not an opinion. That is not a need to be right. It’s a fact. And you can go find and look up teachers who’ve done massive dose trips that have also awakened and they’ll tell you the same thing ever time and that’s been valid in “my own path” in so far as that statement makes any sense at all. So I don’t just believe people in what they say. If that’s how you read what I say, cool. That’s fine and you’re free to do what you want but in the end I’m going to call it out. I’m not outright dismissing psychedelics but I’m calling it for what it is and isn’t. You actually aren’t being some innocent “I don’t know anything” seeker with your projections that I’m suggesting some monastic dogmatism is somehow necessary. I was pointing out the demand for genuine real work for most people as that seems to be how it goes. Thank you come out of nowhere calling “that Buddhist dogma” and making false claims regarding psychedelics and the belief that psychedelics trips somehow awaken people when in fact they don’t. They might open people’s minds to resize there’s more to self and life than meets the eye but that’s not awakening. That is what I was calling out and it isn’t an opinion. It’s not just some preference for some teachers over others. Those that think conditioned experiences are realization of the unconditioned unborn nature of that which is Absolute are wrong. In the same way those that think 1 + 1 = 4 are wrong. Or confuse Mexico and USA on the map. It’s not an opinion. And if you think spiritual teachers aren't clear and deliberate in calling out people when they’re wrong, again, you don't know what you’re talking about.
  23. Oh the projection. No. I didn’t say people need to become Buddhist monks or go into monasticism. I was very clear about what it was I said so go back and reread what I said. Now let me make sure I’m clear, once again, on this forum. Explain to me how every teacher out there that’s done more psychedelics than probably anybody on this forum will ever do that’s ACTUALLY awakened consistently says the same thing - THAT’S NOT IT. But no, you think you’re up to something different. Ralston can tell you. Lol even Ram Dass himself has said it. I know the guy who was the lead manufacturer of LSD in the world in the 60s and 70s that did doses as high as 20,000 micrograms and when asked if that was it I get a one word answer - NO. Funny how Leo doesn’t share the story of when Brendan Lea, the guy taking over Ralston’s gig at Cheng Hsin, literally went over to Leo’s place when challenged on whether 5-MeO was enlightenment to do it and still said “NO”. State changes, peak experiences, and whatever it is you think and believe it is that’s going on is not enlightenment nor will it ever be. All conditioned states are precisely that - CONDITIONED. Temporary. Transient. They are not the unconditioned Absolute. It’s still the same narcisstic ego and sense of “me” that believes is having all those experiences. But go ahead, deny all those that came before you that will consistently tell you the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Keep thinking you’re special. Enlightenment and the True Nature of Reality is beyond the mind. And regarding your projections on me thinking you need to go to some mountain cave is a projection. There’s also a reason retreats and intensives are 8-12 hours per day of sitting. So although I’m not saying one needs to do that, I’m not stupid enough to believe most people are going to be deeply liberated from the bondage of self while picking up chicks or pursuing a 6 figure career. I’ve never seen it. All the many people I’ve been fortunate to meet in this lifetime put in inhuman amounts of work because by and large that seems to be what it takes for most. All you people that think getting high on your couch for 12 hours is just cute. Awakening on the one doesn’t require anything and at the same time, by and large, takes enormous amounts of work. I’m not a Buddhist nor do I subscribe to any dogma. I report what I consistently see again and again and again and again. And there are patterns. If actually believe a tool like Andrew Tate is somehow a good man and not a scum bag after all that’s been shown of him god help you. Shows how weak your masculinity is.
  24. At the age of 33, the "Jesus Year" I had a powerful, life changing spiritual awakening. For the first time in my life, I have awakened to, what I now understand to be "Divine Feminine". From the age of 16, since I got my first computer, until the age of 33, I was living in what I know understand to be "distorted masculine". I spent most of my time during the next 17 years figuring out how to make money online and a lot of "partying" (with alcohol and cigarettes). The awakening to "Divine Feminine" was so amazing and powerful, I knew I was searching and longing for it my entire life. The awakening of "Divine Feminine" has also awakened the "Divine Masculine" in me on some level. I got a taste of what it feels to be truly alive from these experiences. After having a few of those experiences under medium to high (heroic) doses of magic mushrooms, I realized that I have A LOT to learn. I was doing my best to document those experiences by journaling so that I could integrate as much wisdom as possible and extract the most value from those powerful trips. I still have most of those trip reports in my OneNote library. During these awakenings I felt the power of the divine, true life force, holy shakti awaken in me. I knew I could do and be anybody I wanted and I wasn't wrong, but there was "a catch" - confusion, loops, fear, awkwardness, I could see the old patterns of "distorted masculine" very clearly in myself and I was trying to figure out how to "heal, change and let go" of those conditions and patterns so that I could embody the glory of my True Self that I would always get a glimpse of during the trips. I had a burning desire to learn how to navigate psychedelic experiences so that I could embody my true self, and that became a priority in my life, I immersed myself fully into spirituality, with the main focus being on psychedelic awakening. There is so much that happened during the next 6 years, I am 39 now. I experienced the depths of distorted masculine so that I could awaken to the deliciousness of Divine Feminine and the glory of my true self in the most beautiful way possible. I have gotten to know the polarity of masculine and feminine on a very deep level, I understand it better than anybody else in the world. I have gone through the most difficult journey to understand the source of the cause of suffering in our world. To gain this understanding, I needed to directly experience the depths of unfathomable suffering and then come out of that darkness so that I can have absolute understanding, forgiveness, and gratitude for everything. I will be recording YouTube videos soon for my channel Life Craft, I will be talking about this subject in more depth. If you watch my upcoming videos you will see the embodiment of balance of masculine and feminine and authenticity that you haven't seen before. Much gratitude for this powerful question love. Love, light and blessings to you beloved sister. How the Polarity of Masculine and Feminine Played Out in My Awakening.mp3
  25. Just an update as to what I've been doing. Today I was practising tuning into the angelic consciousness -Breath- on the mental plane (at least that's what it tells me, that it's a reflection) by noting all words around me. All words are now embedded with angelic consciousness, Breath. I'm hoping by tuning in I can increase my self love and therefore increase life energy. Synchronicity increases with contact. I think synchronicity means increased communication with mental plane, specifically angelic consciousness. I'm hoping it will spread from words to other things, like people. It seemed to be doing so today. Update: Yes it does spread to other things, it spreads like wildfire. This might be a solution to my sometimes depressive state. Angelic consciousness is the true self of the cognitive entities in my psyche. It is the spiritual plane peaking through, since all is Breath and angelic consciousness is Breath. They are awakened aspects within me reflected back to me. The mental and spiritual plane cross over. Techniquely angelic consciousness is on the spiritual plane since it is Breath and Breath is Love and ‘experiences of love and oneness’ are under the spiritual plane. However I receive information that they are reflections and simultaneously on the mental plane.