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  1. "Spirituality, if it's authentic, is going to be something that unites us to something that pulls back the veils that we look through without even knowing that we're looking through them because they become habitual. We look through these veils and our perception stops at the distinction and uniqueness of things." "Even the world of awakening is a diverse world. The uniqueness of things prevails in any state we may be in." "One of my central tasks is to give voice to a universal human experience. I'm giving voice to what we all know, even if we don't know that we know it." "Teachings can pull you away from yourself, if you're not careful. You can be always searching for what some other teaching has defined for you as the goal, and it may or may not be yours." "Some of our best opportunities to transform comes through difficult and trying times in life. When we suffer enough, then we stop holding things so tightly. Often what we're holding onto is what never is to begin with. The most difficult thing in moments like that is letting go of the fantasy that never was. What actually is, or what actually was, that can be challenging enough, but what's even more challenging is what wasn't and what won't be. We can grab innocently onto some veiling of experience that makes it far more difficult, and the difficulty is having some sense of what wasn't or what won't be. Life is different than I thought it was. I'm different than I thought I was. You're different than I thought you were." "One thought believed sets heaven and earth infinitely apart." "Just be honest with yourself and your own thinking." "It's the truth that sets you free, not trying to maintain a particular experience. There is no such thing as the endlessly sustained experience." "One definition of enlightenment: it's the total harmonization of body, mind, and spirit." "Any kind of unveiling requires a radical ability to be totally honest with oneself." "What would it be if I spoke from the quiet place in me?" "Have the intention to have silence from the head: skylike and spacious; silence at the dimension of awakened mind. Down here, the level of the gut, is the silence in the real ground of being. It has a different quality; it has no spatial quality at all: it's something more rooted. And then here, the level of the heart, there's intimacy and connection. This is where we perceive unity from. We can have intimate encounters, if we're here. It's an intuitive attuning. When we feel connection, how we act and move and speak will flow out of our intimate connection. Lean into your heart. It's a little nervous, because it's intimate; it's a little revealing. Play with it. Experiment with it. What would it be to be in the silent intimacy of the heart walking down the sidewalk?" "That's what the human heart has to be willing to do: to be vulnerable. When the human heart gets connected with the spiritual heart, that's the part of you that's invulnerable." "The words aren't as important as the intimacy with which you're engaging. You're the benevolent presence that all that vulnerability needs." "What would it be like to act and move and do and relate from whatever your current version of the deeper place within you is? Start with the small stuff: washing the dishes, walking down the hallway, or encountering somebody outdoors that might need your ear for a couple of minutes." "I don't say this so anybody is overly aggrandizing themselves, because it's actually a humbling thing: the world needs you. It needs all of us. It needs each and every one of us. It needs anybody that's even endeavoring to be connected and to live from a place that's just a bit more connected. It's not just all an inside act."
  2. @newbee Fear only exists in the relative domain, which is illusory. In absolute truth, only nothingness / non duality "exists" although it is even beyond existence and non-existence. The nothingness is God. They are synonomous. Ultimately speaking God is all there is, and God is nothing. Fear and Love are a duality. Heaven and hell are a duality. Dualities ultimately do not exist. However the Nothingness we speak of here IS what true Love is. So ultimately Reality is pure Love. But pure Love without any contrast is simply nothing, and without fear as a contrast the meaning and the beauty of Love can not be realized. There are no awakened people. When awakening happens, people will dissappear, the illusion of people will be transcended. What remains is pure Love aka God aka Nothingness.
  3. @Leo GuraBut how do you know you are awakened? What if you've imagined that stuff is imagined but it's not? @StarStruck True. I guess another one is, well, how do you explain someone having died and then come back to life for awhile and then people seeing them resurrect? And how do you explain that evil spirits are reported to have a negative reaction to religious things? You would think that evil spirits would have ZERO reaction to religious things if religion was fake and that it would have no power over them. How do you know that most of you on this forum aren't being invaded by evil spirits right now which is causing doubt that this is a possibility and they don't want you to think that way because they don't want you to believe because that is how they operate? Okay, I could say that someone coming back to life was witchcraft or that seeing someone being resurrected was a massive group hallucination. But then what, the priest and the people experiencing the evil spirits are hallucinating the entire time? I guess my thinking was like, if evil exists, love exists too and love exists via God and evil exists via Satan. I guess another one, why would people report being able to see angels and why would angels bother wanting to do good things and why would people report being able to see demonic things and why would people report them doing bad things? It could be that people who do evil things aren't necessarily low conscious or selfish but rather have demons leading the way. This could be possible and shouldn't be discarded as not if one was wanting to be studious and check out every possibility for reality possible. Another one is, do you find that you have hate and doubt inside for religious people and if so, could that be demons inspiring that hate? I guess for me, I was wanting to check out every possible paradigm for reality and was even writing a book and reading books about different paradigms and I was acting like each one at the time was absolutely true in order to do that and that is also how I got here... whereas if I would have explored this like it was fake the entire time, I wouldn't have gotten here at all.
  4. Your critique I think is in sync with a blog post I just read from a woman who had a spontaneous awakening. It's an issue that many men (but also women, though more so men) have on this path to enlightenment and it is a good thing to address it I feel, because it's true. I'll copy/paste some paragraphs from her article. I'm sure it'll sound familiar : "Online forums and Facebook groups dedicated to endless debate about enlightenment, non-duality, advaita-vedanta, emptiness and more, are largely populated by men. And it’s men who are the most active participants in what often amounts to breast beating to prove who has the right answer or the most enlightened understanding." She further points out that a lot of these are 'stuck in the head' and she noticed two kinds of 'heady-awakenings': "The first is where someone has understood the concept of “no self” and then gone on to live their life as if this cognitive grasp equals true realization. This idea-based version of awakening is most common among online, male-dominated chat groups about enlightenment. (Yes, there are women there too…I’m just saying, it’s mostly guys). The second is the more rare case of folks who have been catapulted into the emptiness and get stuck there. Some call it Zen Sickness. It looks like apathy and indifference to any real engagement in reality. These sorts of men do show up in chat rooms online, but mostly to correct everyone by pointing out that “Nothing matters, nothing is real, there is no-one here, and so stop debating already.” I observed a lot of this type of behavior on this forum as well. Too much arrogance and not enough compassion, combined with a lot of insight is a sign of a person or people who had glimpses but are not awakened on a 24/7 basis. Also interesting what Adyashanti had to say about this: “Enlightenment does not mean one should disappear into the realm of transcendence. To be fixated in the absolute is simply the polar opposite of being fixated in the relative…. To awaken to the absolute view is profound and transformative, but to awaken from all fixed points of view is the birth of true nonduality. If emptiness cannot dance, it is not true emptiness. If moonlight does not flood the empty night sky and reflect in every drop of water, on every blade of grass, then you are only looking at your own empty dream. I say, “Wake up!” Then your heart will be flooded with a Love that you cannot contain.” That should serve as a good answer to those who insist on some absolute view such as "rape = love" and act like holding this insight is a sign of being awakened. It's another form of spiritual bypassing imo, to use an absolute truth against someone's personal truth. A truly enlightened person would prioritize showing/practicing compassion towards someone's personal experience/truth when needed as opposed to lecturing the person with some absolute truths, because they're not 'getting it'. Needless to say I do appreciate Leo's dedication and courage as an explorer of truth/reality, but I'd recommend him to become even more dedicated to checking in with his own self on how much he is actually living these truths in his day to day life, if being enlightened on a permanent basis is his true goal. Being the moderator of your own forum also serves as an amplifier of the ego and to become a teacher prematurely before becoming awakened 24/7 is unfortunately unhelpful as the audience they gain will only enlarge their ego and ironically stop true enlightenment in its tracks or make it a lot harder.
  5. solid and worked criticism. many valid and real points. but I have many doubts about many things. first thing, the word "teacher" . For me Leo is not a teacher, he is a guy who delves into reality and explains his findings. These hints can be useful for you on your way. I guess if you take the course he's talking about, he'll be a teacher, but he's not for now. second, traditional spirituality. I have the feeling that absolutely no one frees himself from the trap of the ego through any school of traditional spirituality. this may be wrong, but I can't help but think so. As you say, the goal of spirituality is liberation, not knowledge, since you cannot know infinity. but maybe if you can understand it. one thing is to cover and another to understand its mechanics. more and more it seems to me that without understanding there is no liberation, and without psychedelics there is no understanding. psychedelics are essential to be able to delve into the structure of reality, to understand it and thus stop being trapped in the trap of the ego. For liberation there must be understanding, and in this Leo is the pioneer. no one else tries to understand or explain what they have understood. lastly, his unloving attitude. It seems that he is a rather lonely guy, not at all gregarious by nature, who despises everything that is belonging to a group, feeling accepted, etc. and that is very noticeable when interacting with him. It seems that he has the typical superiority complex of a smart nerd who did not feel accepted in childhood for other kids less smart than him. and that shows, it makes him a bit poisonous in interaction with people, the dumbs. but hey, that's his problem, no one is perfect. And i think it's an advantage. It keeps him far of the sectary temptation. if what we want is to free ourselves, his work is of enormous help. That's enough And 4, the environment in the forum. What do you expect? A group of truly awakened people? Not today. Maybe one day.
  6. Interesting story from a guy, called Cornelius Christopher who was suicidal and eventually became awakened instead. He experienced a phenomenon physicists call a quantum superposition meaning two or more conflicted states / alternative realities existing at the exact same time and in the same space. There he observed his suicide from the past, present, and future, including the now moment. He discovered that there is no such thing as death as we know it when we physically die; only consciousness exists before it collapses into one of those realities. In his autobiography, Cornelius describes he had received many extraordinary gifts, including pure consciousness where he has no inner voice, chatter and no ego. he experiences pure silence all the time with no self-doubt and or ability to judge.
  7. I'm creating this thread inspired by Leo's blog post on October 23rd, recent posts on this forum, Shinzen Young's writings, and books such as 1000 (Ramaji). Needless to say, different teachers and traditions talk about different (though possibly related) things when they talk about enlightenment, awakening and spiritual development. Therefore, it would be interesting to identify the most important dimensions of awakening and spiritual development claimed by different traditions. We could then ask: 1) Which practices allow you to progress most effectively along different dimensions? 2) Which dimensions might not be worth focusing on because others subsume them? These are some dimensions that I can come up with off the top of my head. I'm not claiming that this list is correct or complete. Some dimensions may be redundant. I don't necessarily agree with every item. I'm just trying to collect the claims made by various teachers and spiritual traditions. Increasing concentration. Increasing sensory clarity. Decreasing reactivity. Dismantling habituated patterns of behavior. Reducing suffering beyond that caused by reactivity. Increasing recognition of the constructed nature of the self. Increasing recognition of the constructed nature of phenomena. Increasing recognition of the nondual nature of experience. Increasing ability to rest in and live from more awakened levels of awareness. Increasing ability to embody and sustain positive states such as love and open-heartedness. Increasing recognition of consciousness as ultimate reality. Realizing God (this is specific to Leo). Interestingly, some teachers are supposedly highly developed along the most sophisticated dimensions yet are clearly deficient in others. Think of a meditation master who fully recognises nonduality but suffers from alcoholism. Which dimensions would you add or remove?
  8. As quantum physics, non-dual teachings and, of course, you in your awakened state have figured out: reality is one thing connected to the center of your direct experience. Everything, even the slightest arbitrary bit of consciousness. And as I'm figuring this out bit by bit I feel helpless. What kills me the most is to see others "bad attitude" as a reflection of my lack of love and selflessness. On the other hand, others seem to be in paradise when I'm loving and selfless. But it always starts with my state. This gets so radical sometimes, that it's laughable. I hate to say it but: How can this feel fair? How am I supposed to bear the burden of being responsible for every consciousness in this entire planet. Most people seem bitter and depressed. (Because I am - of course). I don't have so much love for this massive pile of depression everywhere I look. I don't know how to tackle this. Especially if this direct consciousness gets even less ignorant. What way is there to gain so much love for this loveless life around me?
  9. @Leo Gura Leo you are very interesting You are the most awakened The most intelligent Recently you achieved insanity and out insaned the insane and you are too sane working on being less sane @Tyler Robinson S tier means the best of the best in its class. No really a spiral thing
  10. I'm open-minded towards what you say in your videos and understand that from your point of view you became fully conscious of reality and that's it for you. I will not try to argue that you're right or wrong. Here's my perspective, just for fun. Your teachings on deconstruction have a lot in common with Buddhist Madhyamaka philosophy. This philosophy says that all phenomena are "empty" of essence or substantiality and only exist in relation to other causes, conditions and conceptual designation. Applying this in meditation and contemplation ultimately leads to a complete deconstruction of conventional reality, which becomes "like a dream". Here's where things get interesting because there is a long-standing debate about the meaning of "emptiness". Some schools will say that if you deconstruct relative reality in this way, a truly existing ultimate reality shines forth. Dzogchen is one example of this approach. Your teachings come across like this, except that you made your discoveries independently. Other schools will say that even emptiness is empty. Everything is relative. In other words, you deconstruct even deconstruction, and the ultimate truth is emptiness. Instead of taking one philosophical position or the other, one can try to apply emptiness/deconstruction wisely. If you deconstruct too much, you may end up like Jed McKenna, nihilistic and closed off from the most wonderful possibilities. His books come across as fictional but perfectly exemplify this extreme. Opening up to a transcendental reality sounds much more appealing, but it brings a serious disadvantage to the practice. Paradoxically, making awakened awareness (infinite consciousness, God, whatever one calls it) into a thing in any way reintroduces a duality that gets in the way of ultimate realization. Here's my most optimistic theory about Leo's discoveries: maybe even the most advanced meditators cannot completely avoid the tiniest residual duality as above. However, it might be possible to quiet down the conceptual mind so completely with a combination of psychedelics and hardcore spiritual work in preparation that there is nothing to get in the way of ultimate reality. I don't have any reason to believe this is true, but it's the most charitable theory I can come up with for Leo's claims of unprecedented realization.
  11. I would just like to say I empathize with self-shame regarding materialistic pursuits. Mine wasn't caused by Owen and I don't necessarily think yours was caused by him either possibly just awakened. This seems to be a strange feature of the human race. Most religious people have this where they think extramarital sex will cause them to literally burn in hell for eternity so I think you're not doing too bad. I don't actually understand where this is coming from but it's very deep in our psyche. I have huge self-doubts and overthinking when it comes to my motivations when it comes to things like masturbation, porn and money as well. It causes me to examine my thoughts and actions over and over again which is good because I try to choose the wisest path but it also comes with a lot of self-demonization and anxiety. I literally feel physical sensations as if my body was fighting against "negative energy." You're definitely not alone in this.
  12. Irrelevant to the the point. There are many people like Sadhguru where there naturally shouldn't be. Sadhguru sometimes mentions how he can can simply look at a random person and they both suddenly "feel" each other's "energy" or "quality of consciousness", and are in shock of each other. Like meeting a fellow "awakened one". Even Leo talks about this in his Turquoise video, iirc. People can be at a level where they just radiate their Turquoiseness, where people start to gather around them from the energy they radiate. Simply having grown up in "the right kind of environment", as Carl was suggesting, isn't enough to account for this, I didn't. I was making the point that matters of the physical alone aren't enough to account for everything we see. Yes, but again that doesn't mean anything. Experiences are just that. I wasn't suggesting that souls are the reason for these differences, but that they could be one, in theory. It's an "unknown" why some people just don't seem to "fit" in a family, or are particularly drawn to some random/specific thing in their career or whatever. It being unknown means there are, for certain, variables which we haven't accounted for, meaning we can't rule out souls being one such variable. Specific reasons? You mean like ones we've measured with our modern day equipment? Well there is some indirect empirical evidence of this, by the monroe institute, such as proof of dimensions outside our own, which validate Robert Monroe's and Tom Campbell's accounts of their direct experiences, many of which suggest and/or confirm the existence of soul-like forms and their fundamental/ubiquitous nature across all realms of existence. But all that exists is your experience, so if it's not your experience it's not your truth and is impossible to really verify. If an alien knocked on your door, or if a famous scientist proclaimed that souls exist, none of that would really mean anything.
  13. Yeah, I agree with all of these. My main critique is just the overall vibe that Leo and many of his followers give off. For someone who preaches infinite love, he and followers don't really radiate it. Instead he has a vibe of 'everyone else is so stupid and mediocre except me'. He claims spiritual teachers aren't awake and yet they radiate a million times more love than him. I don't doubt that he's higher levels of awakenings through psychedelics but he doesn't embody the love he realized, then there's not much point to it. Instead of telling us how awakened he is, he should show us through action and not words.
  14. I thought that because God is all there is, fear can not exist (because I assume you can only fear something outside of you or in duality), so love is automatically generated. But in another post you said that nothingness is even prior to love? Is eternal hell as much part of the absolute truth as eternal heaven then? Is this nothingness responsible for its own manifestations to experience "God" as the highest expression of love , but could just as well be something ugly like eternal hell or is that part of illusion? And is this also why many awakened people refer to this as "I am" / " I am that" / or "I am that I am" instead of what I would expect to be more common " I am love"?
  15. @Derek White that was a Solid critique. I share that he has no clue how deep other people/gurus are awakened in the background. I dont understand why you see Leo as too intellectual. I see it more the opposite, he is doing the practice. Look at all his experiments, retreats and so on. And thats exploration/understanding on a very practical level By the way through his practical exploration he discovered 5 meo Malt and made it popular. There are many people now who prefer malt over classic 5 meo dmt thanks to his discovery. This alone should show you how deep his practical work goes.
  16. A Critique Of And Leo Gura The intention of this critique is to make people aware of some of Leo’s limitations. It might save people time and unnecessary suffering. It is not meant to invalidate or insult or Leo. I think Leo is a great teacher in many ways, this is just healthy criticism. Please take it lightly. Since Leo likes to criticize everyone else, I thought why not do it to him this time. It’s worth mentioning that I’ve personally never taken any psychedelics and I don’t consider myself some advanced spiritual person either. Some might consider this critique incomplete - which is fair. I have been watching Leo and other teachers for a long time. Nevertheless, I think it can still be helpful for people to read this. If anything, it can be an exercise in open-mindedness. It’s important to note that I will only be critiquing Leo on his more core and central teaching. So don’t expect much on minutia like his dating advice or politics. Although these thing can be important to some people, and you are free to level your own critiques on him, small or big, below this post, I personally won’t be focusing much on this. So sit back and let’s being… Freedom from understanding This one is a little confusing and long but the most important. Stick with me please. Basically, Leo takes psychedelics and shares his findings on YouTube. Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because there are things he doesn’t explicitly tell you: What Leo does is pursuit of understanding. It is an endless process. There is no end to it. You can keep on accumulating new experiences and making your understanding better and better. Understanding is a limited process rooted in the ego-mind. So during his psychedelic trip he has an experience of God. We can say he is in a higher state of consciousness. Once it is over, he comes back to his normal state of consciousness. The experience is stored in the form of memory which gets interpreted and communicated by the ego-mind. The memory isn’t reliable because it can’t be stored. Understanding is a limited thing, whereas Truth is unlimited it can’t be bound to such things. So here’s what you need to know: Most people don’t need to do what Leo does. Leo is like a scientist. It’s his profession and passion to have new experiences and create new mental models. This pays his bills. Truth is beyond understanding. Truth is something living, it doesn’t come from a memory of a trip. Understanding (and experience) is only needed to answer a few basic questions, beyond it you don’t need it. Questions like, “Who am I?”, “What is thought?”, “What is the limitation of thought?” Basically to quiet the mind and satisfy your curiosity. To become free from this as well. The point of spirituality is freedom, but people get stuck in this cycle of accumulating experiences and gathering knowledge. They never become free from understanding itself. You have to use your understanding to get free from understanding. Getting more understanding will not change you. Your personality will remain the same. Your habits and patterns will remain the same. Your base level of consciousness will remain the same. You will remain an idiot. (If anything too many fixed ideas you got from your trips might make your ego swell and make it hard for you to look at life afresh.) You might regret wasting this time on understanding. It’s endless. It’s the same as exploring the physical world. You can keep exploring it deeper and deeper and arrive at new conclusions each time. Your time might be better spent on any number of things. It’s important to tell you that it will not get rid of suffering either, in case that’s why you are following Leo. It’s important to tell you this because people have attached unrealistic expectations about this. If you’re an average person with a job and a career, you don’t need to do this. In fact this might not even be spirituality for you, it’s like a weird game of documenting peak experiences. He might say he made this clear to people, but I say he doesn't explicitly tell you this. Most people don't need this and they don't know they don't need it, they are lost and Leo doesn't help them out. Lack of balance Leo likes to talk about balance, but how balanced is his spirituality? How balanced is his self-help? It is overly intellectual (as he himself admits). All he’s trying to do is get peak spiritual experiences. He has completely neglected raising his base level of consciousness. As far as you know he is not doing anything to raise it. He inspires others to do the same. Arrogance, ego and the forum If you had asked me about Leo’s ego a year ago, I would have ignored it as minutia, but now I increasingly feel it is becoming a problem. After an awakening his ego becomes inflated for several weeks. Every time he gets an awakening you can bet it will be like this. You know something other people don’t. So what? What’s the big deal? What’s there to be proud about? You don’t even know it after the trip. I don’t see the point of inflating your ego. Trap of solipsism “But it’s not ego, he’s trying to communicate solipsism. That’s why he says he is the best and the only one awakened.” No, no. If he was he wouldn’t say it like that. It would be a matter of fact statement. Anybody with some awareness can tell that what he is saying coming from ego. He thinks there’s no one he can learn from. There can be no characters in the dream more knowledgeable and aware as him. Yet he continues to be in the dream. He thinks he is the most advanced, not because of solipsism, he actually thinks that. (For anyone that thinks otherwise, you can simply use the search function and look what he said in the past.) (I'm not saying solipsism is not true.) It’s a one way conversation with him. There’s nothing you can say to him that will get through to him. There’s really no point talking to him anymore. It’s a misapplication of solipsism. “He’s just being authentic.” Being authentic doesn’t mean doing whatever comes to your mind. “I feel like murdering someone, so I will murder someone.” That’s not authentic. Again, I think it comes under a trap of solipsism. “The other teachers are not as good” He doesn’t know about other teachers’ methods. Leo doesn’t know about all these things, he has never learned from an actual Yogi, Tantric, or a Buddhist monk from the places these traditions originate from. He has never gone too deep into this. He’s not qualified to talk about it. He doesn’t know about devotion, about chakras, energy, and many other things. It might be because he has an autoimmune disorder which prevents him from exploring other methods fully. That’s why he likes psychedelics so much. They’re quick and easy. “Buddhism will never get you there.” Sadhguru said Buddhism is a long, drawn out process. He said Buddhist masters tell you it will take you 12 life times of sadhana to become enlightened. Buddhism in the east, the actual Buddhism, makes it clear. It doesn’t give you false expectations. "But re-incarnation and all that isn't real." Just like everything else. The walls in your house, your ego-mind, your body, and your psychedelics. How do you know it's not as real as radio waves? "But these teachers are genetic freaks! We can't be like them." So it just didn't occur to these genetic freaks that other people can never advance spiritually like them. These supposedly genetic freaks who are juggernauts of awareness, just didn't realize other people are not like them. It slipped their attention. Obviously if these people are so aware they know what they are doing and what others are capable of. I've seen videos and testimonies of people who go to these people. People's lives have changed for the better. Obviously not all the people who benefit make a YouTube channel and say exactly the same things Leo says. People are private. Being offensive and outrageous I am embarrassed to share that I watch with anybody. With post titles like, brains don’t exists and pedophilia is love. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Leo has no regard for how others might perceive his loyal followers when he does things like this. It’s coming from ego. The way he’s going about saying it is dumb. You don’t need to do all this to make your point. It’s unappealing, that’s why people move away from you and he feels they are moving away because they don’t understand his point. “Look at this video of a murder taking place. This is love guys! Look at this! Why are you going away? Surely you’re not as awake as me! I’m the most awakened person on the planet!” Future I think in the future, it is possible, Leo will eventually develop occult powers with the use of psychedelics. And his ego will be even more inflated. It will become even more ugly. This is all a consequence of not neglecting his base level of consciousness. Forum The forum is not a great place. Partly because Leo himself sets the precedence on how to communicate here and he himself breaks his own rules and name calls people. Even when he’s not name calling you directly, that’s what he’s trying to do indirectly. He’s so snarky too. Other than that he’s doing some version of “everything is a dream”, “this is just a figment of your dream.” “It’s the internet” No. They look at Leo’s writing style and get inspired. The quality of the forum is quite low. Some members with mental illnesses should’ve been reached out and told to take care of themselves before posting again. There are posts which are quite low, like “why I hate men/women” or some other thing like that. Some members should’ve been kicked out a long time ago but Leo seemed to have a soft-corner for them. There are people who have shown no progress (or even regression) and have been on the forum for a long time. For e.g, take Nahm’s example. He should’ve been stopped a long time ago. I come on the forum occasionally and even I noticed he was misleading members on the forum whether he meant to do it or not. And I have seen long term members being lost and no one corrects them. This is important ‘cause there have been incidents of suicide and people ending up in mental hospitals among Leo’s audience. It’s not far fetched to call what he does irresponsible. Better self-help teachers In a sense you can’t even call what Leo does self help anymore. Over the years, he has become more interested in sharing his awakening from his trips than actually understanding his audience’s problems and solving them. 90% of the time he’s just describing his awakening and it’s not of much use because you cannot get to that point by just listening to him. Just do the psychedelics in the way Leo say, there’s no point listening to him except for entertainment. I think, there are better more balanced self-help teachers out there. Those who don’t focus on journalling and intellectualizing too much. Intellectualizing is the number one trap today, people just sit and home and try to think through their problems instead of taking action. So that’s why I think it’s a big limitation of Leo. There is Sandeep Maheshwari for example who has a good balance of self-help and spirituality. His content is not in English however. And for what we know Leo is not a very productive person either. His life might be worse than most people’s for what we knew (partially because of his autoimmune disease). I don’t he’s the ideal person to teach a balanced self-help. For e.g. take the difference between Sadhguru and Leo on concentration. Concentration is one of the most important things you need to become successful spiritually and materially. Leo has a video on concentration titled: Concentration vs Meditation - How To Develop Concentration. I’m sure everyone has seen it multiple times so I won’t talk about it. Now look at what Sadhguru says about concentration: he says don’t try to concentrate. Trying to concentrate is torture and you won’t be able to sustain it. Instead be involved in whatever you are doing and focus will naturally come. Not attached, not detached, but involved. Like you are involved while playing a sport. To meditate is to be involved. Involvement brings attention, and attention brings clarity. Personally this had changed my life. Here’s one article by him: I think Sadhguru knows much more about attention, concentration, focus, alertness, and the overall mind than Leo. Other minutia If I were to say something else I would just say that Leo has a slight bias toward the “western” way of life and has wrong assumptions about people from other places. The lifestyle of the “west” isn’t all that great. They End I may edit this post later for spelling and grammatical errors, or if I want to add something to it.
  17. There's so many different mental disorders. They could share some similarities. But I consider insanity its own distinct domain. Most people with mental disorders have some specific way in which their mind works oddly. But they're not full-blown insane. When you are in a very high, awakened state of consciousness you could ask your mind to take you into insanity. Not that I recommend you do this. It could get really ugly. If you contemplate What is insanity? long enough, eventually you're break through into the insane domain. Which is not a place you want to be. It's quite dangerous.
  18. Anandamayi ma had no spiritual master & she was not educated enough & not doing any kind of sadhana. Still she was highly awakened.
  19. The ego traverses the the gamut of forms. For example, blade-of-grass consciousness > tree consciousness > fish consciousness > reptile consciousness > human consciousness > superhuman consciousness > trans-human consciousness > God-consciousness. The ego thinks the answer to its own immortality lies in the direction of increasingly complex and convoluted distractions from the truth, which is that it isn't real, and never was. It will keep up this charade until it is entirely dissolved. Right now, you are identifying with your human body. Or perhaps, if you consider yourself "awakened to God consciousness", you are identifying with a different form. All such identification is an egoic effort to survive and to hide. To combat self-entropy, the ego builds ever-more sophisticated puzzle structures around itself. It is all a game of survival. Given a lifeline to prolong itself in a new form, it will grab it with both hands, day after day, "lifetime" after "lifetime". Many romanticise the idea of reincarnation, and think it is something desirable. Reincarnation is simply the ongoing attachment to form(s), which is the cause of all suffering.
  20. This makes me think of that's why perhaps the analogy that non duality teachers give with when you have a dream and wake up, the dream is gone, therefore it was not real, but often people then ask to one of these awakened teachers, 'how come when you awaken, or physically die, we are still here and the world is still here?' I suppose because there is a higher aspect of God that is continuing this dream as we see it, even when an individual physically dies or they become awakened, the world is still here. The end script of the entire movie hasn't played out yet, I assume.
  21. @petar8p He’s a good mix of mostly SD blue, orange and green. If I was speaking from the perspective of universal intelligence, I’d say his function to help move people from Blue to Orange and those in Orange to Green. He’s not awakened and is stuck in some tier 1 traps, but you could do much worse.
  22. Since many people here are into psychedelics, I've decided share some of my early experiences with them. Although it is not a really a psychedelic I recommend it to people, if you really want to get a sense of what 'no self' is, salvia is the way to go. The issue is that this is an advanced and shocking psychedelic that can create traumatic trips for the uninitiated. This is definitely something your mind will resist experiencing. (unless you are highly awakened) A trip sitter is advised. Most other psychedelics do preserve the inherent sense of being a self to a degree. That illusion is rarely dispelled so completely. Salvia obviously doesn't FULLY represent what awakening is all about but I see a lot of people who have a big talk about how 'easy' no self is. Well, that entirely depends on the depth of the insight. I wouldn't say Salvia brings about the deepest insight into no self but it is definitely one of the more advanced and profound variations of no self. Be careful if you are going to try this psychedelic and personally, You shouldnt try it unless you already have some permanent awakening under your belt. Not only you go deeper that way but the experience leaves you empowered rather than traumatized. So if your friend offers you some salvia at a party, just say 'no' just in case ;)) Also, keep in mind that Salvia provides only a highly dysfunctional depth of no-self. Actual awakening will allow you to combine the depth of this insight with everyday life. It might sound crazy but this is why I recommend people to actually meditate rigorously. You'll start with baby steps and with time and practice, you'll mature your consciousness to such high levels. The fact of the matter is that if you want such high levels of understanding in general, you need to dedicate yourself to spirituality and integrate your entire life with contemplation and meditation. Otherwise, it will be impossible. Much love,
  23. “Life is suffering” is a pretty bad translation and oversimplification of the first noble truth. It’s more accurate to say “there is inherent suffering/dissatisfaction in life when one is not fully awakened”. I’d highly doubt that second sentence does not apply at least a little for you if you’re completely honest with yourself. That’s not at all to say 99% of life isn’t amazing for you. I mean that’s how it feels for me, but there are certainly situations which can produce suffering and dissatisfaction although I have techniques that can basically make it vanish whenever I want if I care enough.
  24. Then why you get so defensive when Kuba has a problem with equating love with torture or saying that God loves torture? As you know, you too would be defensive when you got tortured. I get what you're saying, it's about making the distinction between the meaning of something in it's absolute and relative sense of the word which I know you try to explain to him, but maybe he does or doesnt already understand, but regardless it's natural to get defensive at the thought of people who would justify rape and torture in the relative sense of the word (meaning the word as we experience it in it's lesser conscious state) by deluding themselves into believing that they 'know' love= torture therefore have a justification to not do anything about the torture. Notice I put the word 'know' in brackets because true knowing = experiencing and when you don't experience love, you don't really know, you just think you know. Large amounts of people (especially spiritual type folks who are 'vulnerable' to spiritual bypassing) would as a result allow and enable torture and rape, with the justification it's "love" because they think they are at a higher level of awakening and understanding which would mean more torture for the victim(s) that is you, me and them. For as long as you are here in a human vessel, whether awakened or not, it's better to side with the 'you' that is going through the worst (the victims of torture) and stop the rapists, if necessary, torture the rapists ('yourself') if that's the only thing that will help in that situation. So if in your own state of unconsciousness, you get defensive, where to direct your defensiveness best? Towards people like Kuba ('yourself' as well) who's understandably upset by what this type of talks could lead to and getting defensive about him not getting it (the theory when it comes to the statement in the absolute sense of 'torture being love') or better direct your defensiveness towards the people who say love=rape too often while being delusional about what it really means? If you ask me, talking too much about the theory of Love (in the absolute sense) is not helpful, because it usually results into more spiritual bypassing than anything, which makes people behave worse, not better. You spread more love by practicing and focussing on being courageous and showing compassion for the ones who need it most in any given situation which needs to be judged accordingly.
  25. Yes, it began on a day when I started hearing anomalous voices (no mental health diagnosis or anything like that), helping me try to find the will to live. It ended on the particular day when I woke up and all was silent. I knew the ride was completed then, and that I had figured out who I am and what my destiny is. I was awakened with the help of my guide protectors (I call them this now). I hope this clarifies things a bit.