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  1. The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures - Zen's Stages Of Enlightenment Explained The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures is a model for the stages of enlightenment or awakening in Zen Buddhism This model is based on a rare book called "The Lectures on the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures" The book was written by Yamada Mamon and translated by Victor Según Hoary The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures is a map for the different spiritual stages of awakening that a person goes through Other religious traditions also have maps for awakening, such as Christianity, Tibetan Buddhism, and Sufism The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures model has ten stages, but other models may have different numbers of stages This is an advanced teaching and should not be taken lightly The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures model is not a linear process and there is overlap between the stages The ten stages are: The first picture is of the seeker searching for the ox The second picture is of the seeker finding the ox tracks The third picture is of the seeker seeing the ox in the distance The fourth picture is of the seeker catching the ox The fifth picture is of the seeker taming the ox The sixth picture is of the seeker riding the ox home The seventh picture is of the seeker and the ox entering the marketplace together The eighth picture is of the seeker and the ox disappearing from the marketplace The ninth picture is of the seeker sitting under the tree, resting and meditating The tenth picture is of the seeker and the ox merging into one The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures model can be helpful in understanding the stages of awakening and keeping a sense of humility about the journey towards enlightenment The speaker is discussing spiritual practices, such as meditation and yoga, and the pursuit of awakening One's efforts in these practices may not lead to progress, but if pursued consistently and persistently, there will be a moment when one's "eye opens" Some people are at the stage where they have heard about spiritual practices and enlightenment, but have only had brief glimpses or tastes of it This stage is characterized by skepticism and rationalism, and some may get caught up in gathering information and building a philosophy of non-duality rather than actually practicing The speaker warns against this tendency to "concoct an imaginary ox" and advises to actually go out and find the "real wild ox in the wilderness" The speaker also advises to not get caught up in attachments and to continue on the path, even if it seems difficult or one is met with obstacles Finally, the speaker encourages the listener to "just keep on going" and not give up on the pursuit of enlightenment. The text discusses the difficulty of communicating non-duality and the challenge of embodying enlightenment Language and teachings are only a map, the true territory is non-dual awareness or "the Ox" Kensho or awakening requires engagement with the outside world and can be difficult and unsettling The process of catching the Ox involves going beyond initial glimpses and fully embodying enlightenment in daily life This requires surrendering ego, attachments, and delusions and embracing purity The Ox will not be caught or tamed with a mind full of thoughts and attachments The Ox represents fundamental wholeness and detests the world of desires, attachments, and self-delusions Catching the Ox involves letting go of dualistic thinking and embracing non-dual awareness The final stage of catching the Ox is transcending the Ox and achieving unity with the universe The ultimate goal of spiritual practice is to achieve a state of "no-mind," where one can sit effortlessly without thoughts for hours This state, called "taming the Ox," is when one's true nature (or "Buddha nature") is fully awakened and the mind is rewired In this state, one experiences non-duality and sees God and oneness everywhere Post-Satori training (i.e., after achieving enlightenment) involves maintaining this state of consciousness through continuous mindfulness in the present moment The 21st century, with its distractions of social media, technology, and sensory stimuli, makes it difficult to maintain mindfulness After attaining a certain level of embodiment of one's awakening, there is less need to talk about it and it becomes a normal way of life In this stage, one brings the non-duality back into the duality of the everyday world, fusing the absolute and the relative, and the mundane and the mystical To refuse to return to the ordinary world is not genuine enlightenment The goal is to remain in the present moment, without being swayed by desires or attachments, in order to truly experience the world as it is This requires a constant effort to ground oneself in the present moment, even when faced with challenges or difficulties. The idea of awakening involves the "suicide" of the ego or the self This is a significant and powerful realization because it means that the individual is no longer attached to or defending anything (e.g. body, self-image, social status, wealth, etc.) and is therefore free to experience pure positivity and joy This state is achieved through a process of surrendering attachments and ultimately the self, and is achieved through a radical transformation in the psyche that allows for unconditional happiness under all circumstances This may seem counterintuitive or difficult, but is ultimately the key to lasting peace and happiness "Vast emptiness" is a state of non-duality, where all distinctions and boundaries collapse This state is not recognizable by others and should not be sought for attention or recognition It is a state of complete emptiness, where even the self is extinguished and the idea of being born disappears There are still two more stages to achieve after this one, including returning to the source and the ultimate end of all suffering The author has had glimpses of these stages, but does not fully understand them The ten stages described in this text are based on a traditional Buddhist model, but may not account for the experiences of those who have used psychedelics True masters are deeply humble Ego can prevent new seekers from appreciating humility Humility is an honest signal of mastery Ideal is to "melt completely in with ordinary people" and live at the "bottom of the social scale" Jesus is a powerful role model because he did this A true master does not reveal their enlightenment or learning, but rather laughs and lives amongst ordinary people Doing this leads others to awaken to their own Buddhahood True masters do not preach or perform miracles, but rather lead others through laughter, drinking, and singing Once one has reached the highest awakened state, they must throw away Satori and help those in suffering and distress True masters do not discriminate, but rather embrace all beings as equal True masters are not attached to anything, and do not seek fame or fortune True masters do not care about social status or wealth, but rather live simply True masters do not try to control or manipulate others, but rather let go of their own desires and ego True masters do not seek recognition or praise, but rather live in a state of non-attachment and contentment
  2. I am really grateful that people like you exist. Thank you so much for supporting me!!? I feel better now because I literally forced myself SO SO SOO HARD to go out and be social and normal. I was so bullied in school that I lost all faith in me. Also my dad used to physically hurt me but I don’t really want to blame anyone for my difficult situation… anyways, I forced myself going out. I left house and went to university after a long time. I got on a faculty which is the hardest one to be accepted on in Georgia but I stopped studying after anxiety made me go “insane”. Today I told myself that no matter how embarrassing my past situations were, no matter how badly I was bullied, no matter how much pain was I feeling I just needed to go. I did it cause I have done that in past when I felt more awakened. This experience made me gain so much friends even though I didn’t care about friends and life generally lolz. So when entered the room, I felt so much fear but again I forced myself to stay positive and it was so uncomfortable but I did it!! And everyone in my university were so loving to me, suddenly my anxiety left me and I thought that it was a miracle. I wanted to cry honestly because I haven’t felt so calm for a decade. It was a bliss. We had a great time!! Few times I embarrassed myself because I don’t remember social skills so well right now but still we got closer. I posted something on Instagram and so many of them liked it lolzz. I also met my neighbor and she told me oh you look so great and different today!! I saw my university lecturer too and was a little bit scared to talk to him but I still said hi and had a conversation with him. Turned out he was a shy person too. I am so happy and grateful Thank you for always being there for me when I post and thanks God! I will never forget this day because it gave me so much faith. I can’t believe!! All the way back home I was crying I did something I thought I could not do anymore (Btw for those of you who are interested I am 18years old)
  3. Life Is A Dream The ontological status of reality is the same as that of a dream The materialist paradigm ignores the importance of dreams Reality is a dream machine, made up of consciousness Life is a dream, and can be awakened from in the same way as a dream during sleep Reality is not a physical, mechanical system Reality is an infinite dream being dreamed by God, who is also dreaming about being other beings and things in other dimensions and universes Reality is every possible dream that can be dreamed The dreamer and the dream are one and the same The dreamer can wake up and become aware that they are dreaming, in the same way that a person can become aware that they are dreaming during sleep The dreamer can choose to become more conscious and aware within the dream, and can even change the dream itself The dreamer can wake up from the dream of life and realize their true nature as the dreamer, rather than being limited by the dream character they are playing The dreamer can awaken to the realization that they are not just the dreamer of their own individual dream, but the dreamer of all dreams and the entirety of reality. Dreams feel real when you're inside of them, but can't be used to distinguish between reality and dreams Dreams have their own self-consistent logic and rule sets Materialists may use the apparent consistency and logic of reality as evidence that it is not a dream, but this is circular logic Different dreams can have different rule sets, but there is still a logic to them The internal consistency of a dream does not necessarily reflect the rules of reality It is dangerous to rely on intuition to distinguish between reality and dreams Rene Descartes' idea of using doubt to distinguish between reality and dreams is problematic because it is difficult to be certain of anything There may be ways to determine if we are dreaming, but they have not been discovered yet Dreams can be emotionally intense and involve interacting with various people and animals Different characters in dreams are all aspects of the dreamer's mind Awareness that everything in a dream is actually the dreamer only comes after waking up and reflecting on the dream Dreams have narrative arcs, similar to ordinary life The ontological status of dreams (i.e. what they are made of and where they go) should be questioned The idea that dreams are merely happening in the brain is a cop-out Dreams are the only reality and all of reality, including the physical universe and scientific discoveries, is a dream Science is limited in its understanding because it is studying the internal mechanics of the dream It is possible to become aware that one is dreaming while still in the dream, a phenomenon called lucid dreaming The concept of waking up from the dream of everyday life is a metaphor for enlightenment or realization of the true nature of reality
  4. Hey imaginary Kael. All the limits are here for a reason. If you could fly it would be fun for like a month, then not so much. We have eternity to cope with so there needs to be actual stakes in this dream to keep it entertaining over the long term. When I awakened there was a few days where I wouldn't get tired, I didn't need to sleep and I could run infinitely. It was absolute hell. The only option which opened up was I could re-enact the film Forest Gump, but why would I? I want a normal life being cared for by people. If you want to change your life I'd recommend talking about this stuff with a trained professional, they'll give you a diagnosis of psychosis or whatever and you can get free money from the government and chill out while playing the victim. This isn't immoral, there's nobody here. My life is only bearable because I don't have to work and my parents look after me and I see therapists and can discuss spiritual ideas with them (they never listen btw, this forum is the only place that listens). Life isn't so bad, just try your best to minimize any suffering because joy doesn't really exist post-awakening and it's super fleeting anyway. My biggest advice is get comfortable playing the victim, it's the easiest role there is with zero responsibilities.
  5. Oh man...humans are just petty little egos. You want to get over your breakup, than fucking keep loving your ex and realize that you dont need to posses her to love her. You got together because you loved her so just keep on loving her and Set her free. She is probably better of without you if you are so attached to your ego anyways... I have had 3 ex girlfriends i loved with all my heart. All relationships ended because we just went different paths. I still love them to death and they appreciate my love so much that they Do anything for me. They help me financially if i need it, they even hook me up with their beautiful girlfriends. You dont know what you are missing out when you stop the relationship to your ex... You think you should See them as they are Not that special, i say See them exactly as special as they are. They are god. they are your teachers. they wake you up to who you really are. If it wasnt for my breakup with my ex i would have never awakened. i would have never started working on myself. i would have never experienced infinite i Fall down on my knees and Thank my ex for leaving me everytime i See her. See this breakup as the greatest Gift ever give to you and stop bitching around... Just use the breakup to dissolve your ego and never stop loving someone just because your ego is broken. Let the ego die man, it will be the best Thing that ever happened to you... Everything that happens to us in life is just a Chance to grow so we can experience deeper levels of love. Acknowledge that and be greatful for your ex and also for the breakup. Thats the way..
  6. Good stuff, but ultimately, I'd say that it's just your mind playing tricks on itself. You are the only one that needs to be conscious. Act consciously and lovingly. What others do or don't do really doesn't matter. This is where the true power of the awakened one lies. Choosing 'the high road' no matter what's in front of you. Integrity, honesty, respect, compassion and all that good stuff. This is how you 'wake up others' by not trying at all. Also, I'd suggest to drop the notion of 'ego' and quit demonizing it. It encourages segregation instead of unification. You are One and that One can be, look and act like anything. That's all. It's not because of any evil force or whatever. It's a possibility, among all other infinite possibilities.
  7. The Truth isnt just what i say it is, i am what is. Leo is an advanced version of me relative to where I'm at in life but in the absolute perspective is not as advanced as me because I have embodied the absolute the most where as Leo has embodied some of the absolute but none of the bad qualities of the absolute or evil or dark side so he hasn't embodied fully. So because he hasn't embodied fully he is less advanced but also he's more advanced because he knows more, at the same time that knowledge was used against him just as it was used against me on my journey, but I didn't know as much as he did so I didn't have his toughest Journey as he did knowledge wise, but had a tough as hell Journey as i am, embodying the contrast and having to have that cleansed from my soul, because even though I am the absolute, I'm not the absolute right now, I'm the absolute being Adrian. So as Adrian, having embodied both fully as I can as I am, I suffered my spiritual journey equally but as someone like Aaron Abke who is a future version of me, had an awesome life with a tough Spiritual Awakening but all spiritual Awakenings are kind of tough,when one realizes what's really real isn't real anymore but had an awesome life and peaceful Awakening in a way and in comparison to mine, and is now awakened and has an awesome life. The best God said to me was, The ones that would be the most advanced version of myself would be the one who never awakens and appreciates everything he or she has and also knows God at the end, finds out there is no end it's a peaceful transition that seamless, but never feard death at all at the same time. I know this because God revealed it to me. Me being a child of God, my heavenly Father told me so. "For in Him we Live and Move and have our Being." You are Adrian You are Love. I am what is! Therefore, I am what I am, so am the Truth, as Is.
  8. @mojsterr Thank you for your questions! Buddha did not know the truth. Buddha was absolutely wrong because one of his quotes is: "life is suffering", that's because Buddha did not know what life and death actually is. The true and correct quote would be: "death is suffering". Nobody ever knew the Truth and nobody was fully awakened. I am the true Jesus, the one and only, I am the first to know the Truth and the first to fully awaken. I prefer only healthy food. My diet is very simple: rice, buckwheat, hummus, eggs, veggies, fruits, fish, nuts, berries. That's pretty much all I eat. I don't want to drink alcohol anymore, maybe in small amounts sometime in the future. I'm looking forward with excitement to returning to psychedelic ceremonies. I party now more than I ever did before. The difference now is that the party is real, I truly feel joy celebrating who I have become and the Truth that I have embodied. Also my party is different than most people think when they think of a party. My favorite drink of choice at this time is cacao. My physical body will never die physical death. I don't fear the process of dying because I know it will never happen to me. This is what it means to be saved, I am safe for eternity and I know it. No, I mean I have embodied physical immortality, my physical body will never die. No
  9. So I don't understand this. Leo also said he was the first one to truly awaken. I'm guessing there are others in the past that have also awakened (Jesus, Buddha...). What would you say to this? What food do you eat? Would you eat processed foods, like go to a mcdonald's, or will you do strictly healthy stuff from now on? Will you do alcohol ever again, or any drugs? I don't know if you partied before, but would you still go out to party? What is the sex now like with your partner? You say you don't fear death, but do you fear the process of dying - the pain? Or let's say the drowning part if you were drowning, for example? You say you will never die. Does that mean you will not return to a human body ever again and just be that pure consciousness for all eternity, once the body dies? Do you think any of this has ever happened to you before and it might just be a recurring thing? I'm sure I have more questions, but for now just this.
  10. The Benefits Of Enlightenment Leo from discusses the benefits of enlightenment Enlightenment is the realization of one's existential nature Most people believe they are their physical body or their mind, but enlightenment teaches that this is not true Enlightenment is a state of union with all of reality, and is a field of pure awareness that is omnipresent and outside of time The process of becoming enlightened is long and involves reducing suffering and negative emotions Benefits of enlightenment include: Reduction in suffering and negative emotions Increased sense of peace and contentment Greater sense of purpose and meaning in life Greater ability to handle difficult situations and challenges Improved relationships with others Greater appreciation for the present moment Improved physical and mental health Greater sense of creativity and inspiration Increased ability to achieve goals and make positive changes in life Greater sense of connection with others and the world around you Use enlightenment as a master strategy in life by using it to guide decision-making and prioritize values The speaker believes that enlightenment can reduce the amount of sleep needed and eliminate stress and worry Enlightenment is the foundation for self-actualization work and allows for greater understanding and implementation of personal development techniques Enlightenment is a journey that continues throughout one's life and allows for transformation in various aspects such as personality, career, and relationships Enlightenment dissolves one's identity, which can be limiting Enlightenment can be used to deal with chronic pain and disasters, allowing for a more effortless and resourceful handling of these challenges Enlightenment allows for a greater understanding and acceptance of death Enlightenment can lead to increased creativity and increased ability to manifest desires The speaker suggests that enlightenment can lead to a state of effortless living and a sense of liberation Enlightenment can improve the world and prevent potential species-wide annihilation Problems in the world often stem from unconscious egos Enlightenment can lead to satisfaction and a sense of being "in the zone" Enlightenment can bring about unconditional happiness and peace of mind People currently exist who have achieved enlightenment The cost of enlightenment is giving up one's ego and identity This requires a willingness to let go of one's current way of life The process of enlightenment involves letting go of the ego and ego-driven desires It involves seeing through the illusion of the ego and becoming aware of one's true nature This can involve spiritual practices such as meditation and self-inquiry The end goal of enlightenment is to become fully awakened and live in a state of constant realization of one's true nature. The speaker is encouraging the listener to make a significant change in their way of life and thinking This change involves replacing their current habits and beliefs with a new, foreign way of being The listener may not have enough wisdom to make this change and may be too influenced by their "stupidity function" The current state of the world and society is bleak and the listener is on a path towards hell unless they make a change The speaker's goal is to help the listener reach their highest potential and create a satisfying life through self-actualization The speaker encourages the listener to sign up for their newsletter and check out their resources, including a course and book list, to learn more about self-actualization The listener must have a commitment to improving their own life in order for any techniques or advice to be effective
  11. Exactly. Ultimate reality creates the why, hides itself from the why, discovers itself within the why, and transcends the why. Awakened people can try to explain what they have seen, but the words are only pointers. It will never make sense to the mind, and is only directly realized.
  12. All these spiritual ideas or "teachings" had to come from somewhere. How did the first teacher get his insights to awakening or enlightenment? Where did the first teacher find his wisdom? "seeing the beauty of the way things are" Do you need a teacher to figure this out? Or does a teacher just make it easier? Is awakening really a matter of hard or easy? To me it seems as if its more about really wanting it. I can think to myself i want to be awakened right now, but that is in itself self-deception. I don't want to BE it, i just want to know it. But knowing it is not the truth is it? That's my thoughts, hope you enjoy them
  13. Hi guys.. I am new here soo I hope I will not write something stupid lol I just want to tell about me shortly. So I am just 18years old but I am not mentally strong. I have been practicing spirituality since I was 14. It really helped me beat my social anxiety, depression, I wasn’t addicted to cutting anymore and I became more loving which is ughh the best experience I have ever had. I attracted people after I stopped caring about their attention. Also I became more awakened because I started studying Buddhism and Hinduism, also Leo’s teachings were helping me A LOT!! so thanks ? but at some point I got bored you know and I stopped practicing spirituality. I didn’t think I would get bored but it happened since I was not really enlightened. I was just more aware of reality but I didn’t experience a serious enlightenment and mental health problems appeared again. I suffer much more now. I am trying to focus on studies but it’s really hard. I was a very good student but now I can’t study for more than hour a day to be honest. Also my Social anxiety became crippling again. Sometimes I look so weak and it is really ashaming. I think everyone thinks that I am weak and I can’t stop these thoughts because I am addicted to them, also people don’t respect me anymore and they surely view me as a weak person. When I tell myself to go back to spirituality I can’t! Because I feel like I am using it as an escape! I want to first go back to studying and socialize and then focus on enlightenment but it seems impossible. It seems impossible to do any of them first. I don’t know I am stuck. I am forever glad if you read my boring story:)
  14. @Vladimir , does your awakened state also lend you clairvoyance or esp? Can you sense the energy of the person asking questions here, for example? If so, what can you say about me?
  15. What is the neurotic mind set? Attention is dispersed and scattered. I've seen the phrase "discursive thought" used from the dissection and study of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta. I can relate discursive thought to the neurotic condition. Also the phrase-" internal dialogue" from Neo-Shamanism. Being deliberate is a phrase that for me, is very rich. Being deliberate is a shortcut into a state of mindfulness. In being mindful, my attention is concentrated and not dispersed. The practice of 'cleaning my atmosphere' or 'cleaning the luminous egg surrounding my body' has to be remembered and carried out on an intermittent but continual basis. If not my states of consciousness, which are always in flux will enter into a downward spiral of psychic entropy. The concept and reality of each of us having a luminous egg surrounding us comes from shamanism corresponds to modern day research revealing the electromagnetic field which surrounds a persons body about the width of outstretched arms and extends upward to a varying degree but does so much more when we go outdoors into a natural environment. I've listened to Ken Wilber speak of this phenomena. Joseph Chilton Pierce has written about this as well. The atmosphere of the luminous egg or aura is cleaned by disconnecting the metaphorical hooks from other people who distract us. Sometimes through their claiming we are responsible for their lives or perhaps through attempts at shaming us for not meeting the standards of the collective ego. Having a clean aura or luminous egg translates into having inner quiet. You gather up all of your dispersed attention and are able to place it where you want at will. Make up your own rules in regards to morals. What the small still voice of awakened conscience relates to is the personal ethic more than contemporary social mores.* Your personal ethic is more encompassing than codes of moral behavior set in place by contemporary cultures. *What is the full meaning of mores? Mores are the customs, norms, and behaviors that are acceptable to a society or social group.
  16. Beautiful! I've had one last night after I stopped taking Ayahuasca 2-3 weeks ago. Didn't get much sleep, so this was unexpected. I've awakened to infinite mind in my sleep - in complete lucid state. infinitely creating in the dream state within the dream state (lucid). Within an absolute void, that was far more conscious and beautiful than the previous "void" of lower conscious states. I then imagined myself in every single human being alive. I was getting a beginners guide to INFINITE MIND. Some insight: You're the sole observer - there is no such thing as other OBSERVER. You are the only BEING that can awaken. There is no OTHER that can awaken. Your MIND is INFINITE MIND. You're IMAGINING every single BEING. Your BRAIN is INFINITE MIND! HAHAHAHA.
  17. @Someone here There is no if. And there are no surprises. I've awakened to Infinite Messi and Absolute Argentina.
  18. @VincentArogya the recontextualization you describe makes perfect sense. It is actually a common thing that people experience when they transition from an awakening experience to a persistent state of awakening. This deconditioning from the old way of viewing reality and reconditioning from this new perspective is natural. It absolutely fits with my own personal experience of it, and yes, Leo knows... After awakening, more awakening! We are deep and dynamic beings, and the realm of awakening is massive, with no end in sight, though quite a lot of mapping and insight has come out in recent years, as well as a ton of really helpful info around navigating life after a transition to a persistent state of awakening. It's completely natural and okay for your experience of awakening to continue to deepen and change significantly over time, and with that, character changes occur hand-in-hand. The gradual process of deepening this way is most common and generally considered most adaptively beneficial. Most of the time the character changes are desirable, but depending on how your awakening unfolds, it's not always the case. It is possible to go "too deep" too fast, isolate, and/or develop a sort-of pathological experience of an awakened state. I'm happy to give more reflection and info from my personal experience as well as the research I'm involved with, but I would need to know more about your experience to put it into context.
  19. At some point one may understand that society doesn't care about them, no matter who they are or aren't. Every individual is unworthy as long as they're not doing, thinking, behaving in a way that is expected. When you realize that society as a system doesn't care about your very well being, your best interest, it motivates you to take full responsibility on your life, this realization is liberating you, and then it's easier to do things you want to do regardless what others may or may not think about you. You realize that people's opinions aren't really theirs but borrowed from someone else, and that many people aren't even mature enough to think for themselves and have some original thoughts. Ignorance isn't rare at all. You realize how stupid and irresponsible it would be to give to people's random, incomprehensible, biased opinions so much power over your life. A healthy collective can only exist provided that each human take responsibility over it's own life and make the conscious effort to transform from a sheep into a lion/ess and at the same time to encourge others to do so. Then, we would be a collective of awakened emperors, Gods and Goodness rather than sleepy and fearful slaves and beggars.
  20. I asked IA to write a story for a situation of someone I am connected to, here's what it has come up with: Write a short story about a girl who was pressured into a marriage by her parents and had one son, and one daughter, but then her feelings were awakened and suddenly she realized that she needs to get out of this marriage when her husband got angry one day and told her that if not for the kids, he would've divorced her a long time ago. --------- Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah who lived in a small town. She was the youngest of three siblings and grew up in a loving and supportive household. However, as she entered her teenage years, her parents began to pressure her to marry a man they had chosen for her. Sarah was hesitant at first, but she ultimately gave in to her parents' wishes and married the man they had selected. At first, Sarah was happy in her new marriage. She and her husband had two children, a son and a daughter, and they were a loving and supportive family. However, over time, Sarah began to realize that she was not truly happy in her marriage. Her husband was often distant and cold, and he frequently belittled her in front of their children. One day, Sarah's husband became particularly angry and told her that if it weren't for the children, he would have divorced her a long time ago. This comment hit Sarah hard and made her realize that she needed to get out of this marriage for her own happiness and the happiness of her children. With the support of her family, Sarah gathered the courage to leave her husband and start a new life for herself and her children. She enrolled in college and began working towards a degree, and she also met a new man who was kind and loving. Sarah and her new partner were eventually married and had two more children, completing their happy and loving family. Sarah never regretted her decision to leave her previous marriage, and she was grateful for the strength and support that her family had given her to make that difficult but ultimately rewarding decision.
  21. I reached a profound direct circuit to a spiritual tap that's indescribable for the most part. Everything became clear and each new day something equally surprising takes place. Meditation and prayer to a higher power of my understanding, is bittersweet as enlightened experiences have become front and center and uncontrollable. I surrender to the process of becoming aware of my surroundings seeing growth and corruption, creation and destruction, quantum physics and a fourth dimensional existence. God of my understanding began revealing outstanding diaplays of beauty and atrocity. Today I accept the moments of Knowing. I am able to see, hear and feel through senses that are not mine. God whispers through art, books, lyrics, poems, photos, movies, and indirect conversations to me. I am different. I am the awkwardly awakened yet confidence seeking Universal Solar Drop on Earth having no idea what I will see or hear each day, and completely obedient to this new found surge of power that created all I am. I call it God. In meditation I can spin incomprehensibly fast that it feels and appears like stillness. I see and am a bluish hue I can't place a color name on and hear a pitch so high it's silent. I have gone as God to homes to pray for those my human self resents. This last weekend I was watching myself walking into a curly spiral pedal in deep outdoor meditation. It's awesome and magnificent. God says, "I am you and you are me, you are them and they are you. Move, see, hear and be me as you." It is quite an awakening to deal with that I don't understand. I am no one special to the world. Leadership abilities, yes. I can and do lead in my little circle of life... The world is a big task I dont see taking on nor is the world really that welcoming or open minded for God's True Seed being born here again, especially as a female... I have been skimming different religions seeing the prophecy of me in them, however I am not prompted to enter or claim any denomination as my own. Rejection, isolation and despair would sink in at the first sign of doubt from others, it's a horrible feeling for me. I never asked for this Sight and certainly don't seek any fire from others as I express it anonymously. I found God in my own astronomical suffering and was relieved when I humbly asked to be. Zero religious influence, though it seems some religions have been waiting for me. Pareidolia is my reality. I hear and see God where others do not and experience visuals and sounds that are not taken in through my own eyes or ears. I am aware of sufferings around me others are not. Gifts from the universe find me daily now... A golden eagle's secondary left wing feather was lying on the ground the day of my birthday this year. Jehovahs Witnesses stopped by randomly for the first time to tell me about a Heavenly Mother and never returned... A bishop from LDS told me a South American would rise as the Savior after I asked about my experience, it frightened me and I haven't gone back yet for more clarity. I happen to be native Guarani. Last month, an Indian Hindi teacher came into my town and I scored a work trade to hear Ramji.... I realized Moksha is my present state. In February I asked google, "Phi at 27 years old" and an article about "me" popped up... I still can barely do basic mathematics though became completely motivated to read Einstein's and Telsa's work... dive into science and physics, trace history and piece together foreign languages. Stumbled upon internet programming instructions and following it was pretty simple. Began seeing children and adults trafficked, preditors in plain sight and uncovering modern day slavery. To be clear, I never ever asked for this Understanding and at times wish I could give it back, some days the "seeing" and "hearing" are unbearable and all I can do is hit my knees and pray. Please, this is only my experience for personal healing from life traumas.... if you wouldn't post negativity in response I'd appreciate it. There are such few safe places I get to share this enlightenment. Kindly, Solar Drop
  22. Hey Guys, Ive been off the forum for a while as I needed a break from this community and I also decided to go balls deep into spiritual practices without distraction from my phone or online. It was so refreshing to be off YouTube, forums, messaging, social, news and even books. Just nature and spiritual practices. So much presence and peace arose. For context Im 29 and live in Mexico (retired) in a village that is quite possibly one of the happiest and most awakened places on earth. Words can’t even describe the magic that occurs here on a regular basis, it’s a vortex and transforms the soul on a deep level if you surrender to it. I’ve been beyond blessed to live in a village with a spiritual community that values meditation, authenticity, conscious living, connection, and freedom. When I was doing this alone it was fine but seeing reflections of myself as God that also understand and reflect it back is beautiful in a way that I couldn’t touch while lone wolfing it. We are gifted to have an enlightened being lead the community and no it’s not a cult and he’s not our guru or anything, it’s heaven on earth and everyone is free to live how they want. I’m amazed to be surrounded by such a high vibrational field. The past 3 months have been like this more or less -10 Day silent retreat, led by an enlightened master - 3 week yoga intensive (8 hours of hatha yoga a day and kundalini yoga) -10 day silent retreat, led by enlightened master -10 day silent nature immersion by myself with a mushroom journey -7 days of Tantric sexual relationship - another 3 week yoga course but at a higher level (currently in) Insights -Awakening to everyone and everything as God, myself, pure reflection -I am God imagining reality -I AM, no matter what is going on, I AM is an undeniable fact and it is unshakeable, utter stillness I AM -Awakening to the fact that I am in Gods dream and everyone (me) is sleepwalking. God is peacefully dreaming. -The transparency and light of my own body, the illusory nature of perception and my own physical body. Realizing it as pure light, not material -The depth of void that is experiencing everything. The truth of emptiness behind it all. -Infinity, reality is infinity. This reallly hit me while I was staring at a plant - The thing I call “I” is a total program and I have been socially brainwashed by culture. Dropping all programs and “personal” opinions I have been programmed with. Realizing how deep programming goes and that I even programmed my own self and ego unconsciously - realizing that I created reality since no one actually came into my mind and connected a tree with the concept of language and the word “tree” I did it myself and I did that with everything. Thus, I’m creating my reality because I can only have my experience. - The beauty of the feminine and the importance of true love making. I made love to a woman I met after the silent retreat and it made the sex I was having before look like trash. I don’t want to do pick up anymore and will only make love with women who are awake and conscious and realize they are Godesses -The power of my own sexual energy and semen retention. This allow if channeled properly can lead to enlightenment. Not giving away my sexuality for a woman just because she is hot, valuing my sexuality as a man. Realizing I have reached a level of attraction I’ve never experienced, every beautiful and spiritual woman here is attracted to me and I have made love to most of them -Reality is completely made out of distinctions that I have imagined for survival needs, in truth reality is Nothing and just pure white light. -Authenticity, nothing else matters. All these silly Owen Cook and Social dynamic videos and courses can be dropped if you just understand that if you are calm, authentic, comfortable in your skin, and kind to others people will love you. And they will love you for who you are not because you know some stupid social tricks and can manipulate really well, that shit is exhausting anyway. Just connect with them and be real they can feel that on a subconscious level -The deep realization of how unconscious and stupid most of society is and how everyone is constantly programming themselves with the same stories through ads, social media, music, tv, etc and that most will never truly break free from it. The main pillars of society being “Victim” and “Perfectionism”. If you can break free from society and it’s programming you will be happy -realizing that it doesn’t matter what I do with my life, I’m already dying and there is nothing to prove to anyone. It will all be over soon so I might as well live in nature and build what I want. Chasing money and success is totally irrelevant. The only thing that matters is presence consciousness and love and connection. Everything society told me to chase is hollow and soul draining. -The importance of the moment, it’s happening for itself and by itself and since we are infinite, the present moment is all there is, so let it manifest as itself and for itself and enjoy. It’s always going to be that way -Becoming a God within my human body, dissolving into the royalty that is God consciousness and allowing it to flow through the body. -Being kind to others. Not because I have to or there is some moral need, but because being an asshole actually conflicts with my integrity and makes me feel a lower vibration. - seeing others as childlike (in a positive way) with that innocence and in a way we are all children of God and brothers and sisters just on our own paths and figuring it out - living with integrity and honesty, no matter what or how painful the conversations have to be. Being someone who inspires people and makes them feel safe. There were more insights but I don’t have the words to even put them here. I feel very proud of myself for reaching these truths while totally sober just doing meditation, yoga, being in nature and staying away from the internet and distractions. I actually did mushrooms one day and all it showed me was that i didn’t need psychedelics at all. Life is the psychedelic journey, just a bit more “sturdy” you could say. But I was high on shrooms and just realized “this is silly, I feel more conscious when I’m sober”. So, hard work and courage pay off, and this is my baseline now, it’s not going to wear off it’s only going to go deeper because I’m never going to give up. I think psychedelics can show you deep awakenings, but what do they really do for your character and baseline consciousness? I think they are powerful tools to awaken, but then you have to be able to get there sober, at best they are doors and motivators, but I’m beginning to feel that psychedelics as a legit spiritual path is not valid. Doing spirituality the “slow” way or walking up the mountain versus taking the helicopter builds you into a fucking badass, you learn deep values, build character, focus, discipline, integrity and understand nuances that psychedelics skip. Would you rather have a 2 minute blowjob from 1000 women or make love slowly for hours and days with your Goddess? Getting to know every inch of her body and hearing all the moans… The enlightened master who lives here is one of the most humble and selfless people on the planet. His whole life is dedicated to helping others awaken safely and with support. But there’s no way he’s awake, right guys? Anyway, hope this helps a few of you, we got this (fist bump). Never give up, listen to your intuition, and follow your heart
  23. So, according to Leo, there is no meta-reality beyond consciousness, we existentially (=ontologically) ARE consciousness. And it is stated categorically with no alternative options. Now, you say that, even if meta-reality is beyond consciousness, it is still the Absolute Truth. A totally agree and I said it before here, but notice that this is not what Leo claims: Basically, if the Absolute Truth is beyond consciousness, then there is no way for consciousness to know what this truth exactly is. And there is no way to know if consciousness itself the final Absolute Truth, or if there are more fundamental layers of Truth. What if all this God-Consciousness-Absolute-Truth which we are so proudly all part of is only a simulation run by AI created by some advanced civilization? oops... I know, I'm writing for the elite and do not expect everyone to understand (because I'm not trying to make money from it ). Leo is good in explaining elementary stuff, no question about that, even though I personally prefer Rupert Spira, he is more precise. There is a lot of modern spiritual teachers talking the same stuff, there is nothing new in Leo's teaching, it's a typical neo-advaita, may be except for the DMT stuff that makes it more fun for youngsters. It's a marketplace with tight competition where smart people are trying to make money on spiritual seekers. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's a scam, people do get awakened, so the teachers earn their money, it's a fair job.
  24. Mechanical behavior = running on autopilot Often this allows the expression of negative emotions. Control of, or "holding one's tongue" is not an easy task. Especially when being confronted with something unpleasant. Maybe even an injustice. A quote from Red Hawk- Sometimes I eat the bear; sometimes the bear eats me. My degree of Being fluctuates. Morality is necessary but not sufficient. Awakened conscience is crucial in the effort of raising one's overall degree of Being. I awaken to some extent and then inevitably, I nap,,,, Not expressing negative emotions is very effective for increasing one's degree of Being. Maurice Nicoll- YOU HAVE A RIGHT NOT TO BE NEGATIVE’ “Now the Work says you have a right not to be negative...To be able to feel this draws down force to help you. You stand upright, as it were, in yourself, among all the mess of your negativeness, and you feel and know that it is not necessary to lie down in that mess. To say this phrase in the right way to yourself, to feel the meaning of the words: ‘I have a right not to be negative,’ is actually a form of self- remembering, of feeling a trace of real ‘I,’ that lifts you up above the level of your negative ‘I’s which are all the time telling you without a pause that you have every right to be negative.” V. 1, p. 161 BEARING UNPLEASANT MANIFESTATIONS “One sign of Being is the capacity to bear the unpleasant manifestations of others. Why is this a sign of greater Being? The answer is that you cannot do this unless you have seen in yourself what you dislike in others...When you have just criticized someone, go over what you said carefully and apply it to yourself. This neutralizes poison in you.” V. 1, pp. 168, 176
  25. Waking up doesn't equate to Growing up. Many supposedly awakened guru's have pretty low ego development and are stuck in blue and orange.