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  1. You know by now that when I say "your true nature" I am referring to God within each avatar that appears to be separate but actually isn't. Of course there is a you, from the ultimate perspective. You are everything and every nothing, and beyond both. The dream is an expression of God, but in different apparent states of awareness. In some avatars it has chosen to realize its true nature, and in others it has not, all within the dream. This awareness exponentially elevates the dream experience. If you have awakened, you know this. The quality of life after awakening, especially as the attachments of the avatar mind begin to dissolve, is joy and serenity that surpass understanding. Yes, it is all within the dream. You are God within the avatar before awakening, and are God within the avatar after awakening. But you are still God within the dream, and you are not yet liberated from the dream. The avatar has no power to perpetuate anything, including the dream. It is all God creating the dream, and within the avatar choosing to see or not to see itself. That choice transforms the dream entirely.
  2. @Someone here I'd like to be of assistance, here. But in my responses, bear in mind that I've only realised that (awakened to) Reality is Mind, and haven't yet tapped into that Godhead which is.. what is referred here as Universal Mind. Okay The mechanism of creation is simple, it is self-evident and unveiled. The problem, here, is the common mistake of thinking about the Mind as a faculty/facility, instead of the One Activity of infinity (existence) Think of the Mind as a verb, not a noun. In this way, the mechanism which you seek is the very Mind in question. Look up the verbal definition of the word, it is along the lines of.. care to be conscious of something (anything).. this is the mechanism. Hence sayings like: “Don't mind that.”; “Never mind.”: “Do you mind?”. It's because Mind is an activity, the only activity, it's what the infinity does - to mind or not to mind - that is the question. And this truth can be verified just about anyone, all that is needed is for you to pay enough attention. Just look.. if you don't care about something, will you be conscious of it? There are a lot of things that aren't in your awareness right now, and so often the reason isn't the lack of intelligence, it is simply the lack of concern. The moment you care about a situation is the instant you become conscious of that situation, like, “OMG, I haven't fed my fish, today.” or, “I haven't done my homework.” and typically, “I did not realize my mistake.” But, as I've said, the mechanism of creation is a self-evident truth. Another problem which hinders you from perceiving it is the assumption of an external world - a world outside your Mind (direct experience/reality). Because of this assumption/belief, there is no way that Mind is an absolute because there is that activity which is outside of it, though, there is in fact none. If you can just pay enough attention to your direct POV in this instant, there is no way you could not realise that this is what Mind (verb) looks like. It is precisely this! Lastly, before you can realise Mind, you would have to realise Infinity, otherwise your experience of separation will forever be dominant and continue to hinder your ability to realise Mind, fully.
  3. Long read go make some coffee This question is actually one of the deepest philosophical questions one may think of, and I am not absolutely sure if everyone who provided their answers in this topic fully understands the underlying thought of this question. It is a very intriguing question, and it is very hard to formalize in words. “Why am I me?” is indeed the best possible wording if we try to put it into English, but it still fails to provide an immediate clarity of what this question is about. Let me share with you some of my personal experience around this question first. I do not remember exactly when I asked myself “why am I me?” for the first time in my life, but it definitely was before my 5 or even before my 4. One of my very early memories related to this question was a sudden “discovery” that all adults (including my parents) were blind. Literally! OK, let me explain. I was a very young child (I do not even know what my age was, but I remember myself lying in a baby bed) when my mom came to my bed and started talking to me. And when I looked at her face (specifically paying attention to her eyes), I surprisingly discovered I could not see the world from her location. I cannot explain why, but back then, I expected that presence of someone else’s eyes would have immediately resulted in my ability to perceive the world from their point of view. It may seem ridiculous to you (and to present “me” as well), but at that time I probably failed to fully understand that my perception was only “my” perception .. I expected a somewhat “global shared field of perception” to exist. Of course, I did not (and could not) put this logic into words then, it was merely a vague “feeling”, but I do remember it well. And more and more observations of other adults at that time led me to a conclusion that they just cannot see, their eyes are somewhat “empty”. That funny story was not like directly asking “why am I me?” yet, but it was a kind of a “prerequisite” to it. Much older, when I already possessed a more “adult” understanding of the world (i.e. I already knew other people could see as well, I already knew I had not been always existing , as I initially used to think, I already knew children and adults were just different stages of aging, and not two “fundamentally different sorts of people” as it seemed to me earlier), but still being young enough (no more than in my 4 or 5) this question came to me for the first time. I did not have any wording for it yet - back then I just called it this question for myself. Much later, I found a somewhat suitable verbal form for it ..and it was “Why am I me?” . This question was so strange, so hard to explain, so hopeless to be ever answered, that it made me feel helpless every time I tried to think of it for long enough. It was sometimes even scary to think of it deeply, but at the same time my curiosity made me come back to it again and again. And today ..I'm finally able to find the answer to this question for myself. How ? Well,I noticed a very strange and unexplainable thing (and also it was somewhat frightening): I am “the center” of perception, “the center” of consciousness, “the center” of self-awareness. That was not anyone else but me. It made me feel as I was a very special, a very unique human being on the whole Earth.Why me? How come I was born such an unusual creature, not like anyone else? But on the other hand, I already understood that no one would believe I was special if I dared to tell it to anybody. So, I kept my “discovery” in a deep secret. And, frankly speaking, it did not feel that bad at all to be the unique center of perceptionBut I realized I would probably never find any explanation to that fact - and it was depressing. I am the center of perception in the Universe. At least, it is the way I feel it. Although I know that any other person feels the same, this knowledge comes from my daily practice. I can never be 100% sure that other people are conscious. Theoretically, there is a possibility that all other people are philosophical zombies.they act as if they had consciousness, and even if you ask any of them if that person is conscious, they will undoubtedly say “yes” .but it does not prove they are conscious .. they can be “programmed” this way. Of course, it is merely a theoretical possibility, but it cannot be scientifically disproven. As to myself, I am fully aware that I am conscious and not a philosophical zombie. Then a few months ago ..I stumbled upon Leo's solipsism video ..and since then my whole life changed and there is no going back . I awakened to what Leo calls "Absolute Solipsism " I can go even further then the classical concept of solipsism, and I can also deny time .which seems logical (later you will see why). Time is also an illusion produced by my mind and specifically by my memory. It is not possible to prove that the past existed . everything may have appeared just now, with the current state of my memory which cheats me. And it is not possible to prove the future will exist for the same reason .I know about the future based on my previous experience. But if all my previous experience is nothing more than a trick of my mind, then it is very likely there will be no future (as there was no past). All that exists is my mind at the present moment. Period. And so now I'm satisfied with my conclusions. I'm finally at peace of knowing why am I me. Because I'm God. The only being in the universe.
  4. It seems silly now that you have awakened to no-self Tomorrow, in 10 years, or maybe not in the lifetime of this avatar, it could seem similarly silly to claim it is impossible to realize whether or not the cosmos is ultimately real. You never know what is around the next corner of the dream. The key is to stay open, and prepare yourself, for deeper realizations that your ultimate Self is willing to see within your avatar. The profound difference between direct realization and conceptualization is that truth is no longer up for debate. It is beyond ideas and what seems to be, as you must have seen when you directly realized no-self. You are still bound by the dream, as all of us are. Self is more lucid in some avatars than in others, but it is still within the dream. Realizing ultimate reality is awe-inspiring, but afterwards you still get to chop wood and carry water. Done lucidly, even mundane tasks take on a quality that is unimaginable to avatars within whom the Self still patiently waits to realize itself.
  5. Guided Exercises For Understanding Infinite Consciousness **From comment section, by Vivek Chavan Exercise: Blow open all the limitations on Consciousness: - Imagine all the English language that you know and have used - Imagine the entire domain of English. All literature, all conversations ever, all meanings, all expressions that can ever exist, all at once: A glowing white infinite dot - The Universe has already mastered all of it before even the language existed - We can learn and know English because the Universe knew it first - Expand the white singularity to include every language possible: The Universe knows all that. Perfectly and imperfectly as it wishes! - How is it possible? ○ English is knowable since we can learn it ○ The leap: If the Universe can know one word, it can know it all. Nothing is limiting It ○ All limitations of the Universe are Self-Imposed and are consciously chosen Consciousness = Infinite Imagination - Infinite domains (fields of mastery) - Infinitely nested domains - Movies: ○ Imagine every movie that has ever been made and that could ever be made ○ E.g.: An infinite permutations and combinations exist for how Star Wars could be written and filmed ○ Lump all of the human cinematic art into a singularity, which is composed of infinite smaller singularities - Music: Its own singularity - Videogames: A singularity - Inventions: All of them lumped into a singularity - Software: A singularity - Vehicles: A singularity, also composed of smaller singularities which are all infinite. So we can infinitely zoom in or out as we want - Chess games < Board games < All games and so on - Food - Jokes - File names - Every possible living being - All possible diseases that any living being can have - Cities - Keep lumping all fields together into growing singularities… - Art - All possible orgasms - All possible emotions - All physical laws - All possible thoughts/ideas - Every possible self that can exist in Reality (like me!) - Imagine all possibility spaces, including all impossibilities That is the real Universe/Reality/God = Infinite Mind = Absolute Infinity Infinite Selves: - Feel that my "self" is being held in consciousness ○ Personal story ○ History ○ Emotions ○ Thoughts, desires, fears, etc. - Mom, Dad, etc. have their own selves - The self is fluid and is always morphing - Imagine stop being myself and switching to being my mother - Now switch to being Leo. Now switch to Donald Trump - All these bubbles are imagined by Universal Mind and It can imagine them all simultaneously - Imagined self = Survival for human life (serious business) - Switching = Death of the small self - The infinite SELF is comprised of an infinite individual selves Is there an end to the Infinity? - No - Absolute Infinity cannot have a boundary/limit - Infinity of all possibilities and impossibilities. All paradoxes. - Everything and Nothing, all together - Reality = Nothing = Everything = God - Ta-Da!! Keep contemplating! States of Consciousness: - There are only states of consciousness - Enlightenment isn't separate from it - Some states are very conscious, mystical, and rarefied - Some others are quite ignorant and dumb - Infinite states exist - Millions of Awakened states of consciousness exist - Certain states are better for survival - Certain other states are better for Self-actualization - Things like food, thoughts, what we watch impacts our state - Difficulty awakening = Your State is wrong - Psychedelics are very relevant to awakening and experiencing different states - Awakening is a state, and there are an infinite number of these states - Put yourself into more resourceful states, which makes awakening easier - Don't go around chasing states of temporary pleasure - Negative experiences and states can be good teachers - Upgrade your baseline state and raise it. Peak experiences help, but will not be permanent For one week: - Notice how all objects are held in consciousness Psychedelics: - Use this episode as a guide for the trip Be responsible
  6. I'm glad you get it. Yes its all ego games. Nothing to heal, nothing to attain, all is actually one and the same appearing through different forms of expression to be different. Once this is realized fully, then you are truly awakened. Its actually quite obvious when realized, and you see that all stories and interpretations are just dream. But also you realize....YOU WANT TO DREAM. You only wanted to awaken because the dream was a nightmare. Then you realize that a nightmare or great dream are one and the same. Now the ego has been exposed for what it is, a mechanism to have a life as a separate individual. A mechanism to experience the illusion of free will, a mechanism to experience the illusion of duality, all to explore consciousness.
  7. The funny part comes when you do that trip where it is revealed that "introspection" was B.S., because there is no ego that can't be healed or introspected (it construct itself and re-arranges its own patterns in each second that Awareness it's not activated-Awake enough, that's why only a daily constant high state of Awareness its the only solution for an Awakened life far from the ego). So yeah, very 'fun' part when you realize the previous 10 LSD excruciatingly tired and emotionally draining trips (but fun, too, I will give you that) were a waste of time. (Again, not really a waste of time in the sense of exploration and having fun, but mostly on the therapeutic-growing side of it)
  8. I've been researching about dhyanalinga, from what I understand is an energy form, with all the the chakras working at maximum capacity, and if you meditate in its proximity you can reap incredible benefits in your spiritual journey. It would be like meditating in front of Shiva or someone completely awakened. Anyone here has visited the ashram and tried to meditate in front of the dhyanalinga? I'm especially curious to hear feedback from experienced practitioner of Kriya Yoga. In the future I'm planning to visit the ashram.
  9. Before you awakened to no-self, what would you have said if you were told that you are not ultimately real? Perhaps something like the above, replacing "space and time" with "I". Is it possible that others have directly realized the cosmos is not ultimately real? In both cases, the realizations of others are irrelevant to your own realization. But you might consider whether a similar direct realization about the cosmos is possible, regardless of whether Consciousness has realized it yet within you. Not a bad translation, it has a deeper meaning than the words seem to indicate, similar to Christian teachings. You keep referring to ultimate reality, which is fine, but do you acknowledge that as Consciousness you are still within the avatar in your dream? If so, does lucid dreaming affect the quality of the dream, compared to unconscious dreaming?
  10. What's your opinion on the idea that vanilla - normal sex causes separation and ego consciousness? If I'm honest, the usual sex human do it's based on separation and differences. For a guy or a woman to get horny some kind of comparison and value proyection must happen on their brain, which means this are low energy states of vibrancy. In my opinion, you can't live an awakened life if you are not having sex that is anchored in non duality and Love. I get that normal sex can be fun, but know ones pay it's price for this separation and comparison ideas. If it might get you horny and give you pleasure, but fundamentally produces unconsciousness and suffering in reality.
  11. State Of Consciousness Is Everything State of consciousness is everything: Reality consists of one thing, consciousness, and this consciousness takes different states. No object can exist outside of consciousness. All physical objects exist within consciousness and are part of whatever state of consciousness you're in. No matter what you're experiencing, you're in some state of consciousness, always. How many states of consciousness are there? Dreaming. Waking life. Being drunk or high on a drug. Sleepy or dead tired. Sickness, cold, flu. Emotions: anger, rage, sadness, depression, heartbreak. Sexual excitement. There aren't clear boundaries between these states, consciousness is fluid. > Categories are human projections, there's Infinite number of states of consciousness! A state of consciousness is composed of figments of consciousness, as in figments of imagination. Reality is made out of figments of consciousness, which make up different states. The state determines how the figments combine together and flow. Figments of consciousness examples: Snickers candy bar > Not made of atoms, energy, not neurons, or computer simulation, but a figment within consciousness. > When dreaming at night, the building block of a dream isn't atoms, but the different figments of your mind: > People, places, and occurrences within the dream. Think of reality as a dream machine. In such a machine you don't need atoms, energy, or mathematics, all you need is the actual elements of the thing you're dreaming. (Snickers candy bar, human body, table, grocery store aisle, money) A movie director isn't thinking in terms of atoms but in terms of elements needed in the movie. Yellow rubber duckie What it means to say that something exists is to say that consciousness is imagining a yellow rubber duckie. It is held by consciousness. Consciousness is not inside a physical universe. The physical universe is inside of consciousness, as a figment of consciousness. Look around and notice that you have an idea of the physical universe This present moment is also a figment of consciousness. The smell of a skunk, A gallon of gasoline Braces on a child's teeth A used condom An axe to the skull 1.29843 bitcoin in a bitcoin wallet Albert Einstein, every person, including Leo > Homosapiens, mammals, planets, cells, organs, molecules, DNA, proteins, and atoms, are all figments that consciousness has woven together to create the larger figment called Albert Einstein. (Not your idea of Albert Einstein, but the actual Albert Einstein your idea is pointing to.) Materialistic paradigm is the idea that reality is built from the bottom up. (The assumption that reality is built out of smaller elements which is can be reduced to) Consciousness works top down, not bottom up. Consciousness can just imagine Albert Einstein. Consider the paradigm shift that there wasn't a Big Bang leading to a snickers candy bar. Reality can simply spawn a snickers candy bar from scratch as a figment of consciousness. The Big Bang, molecules, and how the bar was created is conceptual and not direct experience. Scientist's paradigm is backwards. Discover this for yourself by observing direct experience. Lego pirate ship Racist tweet by Donald Trump An Up quark Teen selling drugs on the sidewalk in a bad neighborhood Darth Vader The game world of Skyrim The entire Christian faith and mythos Christian hell with fire and pitchforks An Atheist arguing that God does not exist A role of soft Charmin toilet paper The entire history of America Intel i9 12th generation CPU A swamp in Louisiana Ancient Egyptian God Osiris Archangel Michael Tesla Model S being assembled in a factory The entire state of California The actual city of New York as it was in the year 1950 > You can infinitely subdivide any figment of consciousness into an infinite number of sub-figments of consciousness. > To create finer resolution figments to fill in the details like a fractal zoom. > You can keep imagining further figments forever = Infinite consciousness The pacific ocean A melting ice cream cone in a child's hand A mosquito bite The concept of hierarchy or capitalism The category of insect Disney Land 5-Meo-DMT A memory of you going to grade school and learning the multiplication tables A helicopter A stomach ache A pina colada The feeling of intense anger A sexist joke No one figment is more fundamental than any other figment, therefore, you can't say that reality is made out of certain kinds of consciousness. Reality is as much made out of a pina colada, as it is a sexist joke, as it is Disney land, as it is a helicopter. Why are atoms, quarks, energy, and mathematics any less preposterous than a sexist joke, or a pina colada? > Substrate is relative this frees your mind up and turns it Infinite. One substrate isn't more fundamental than any other. If reality has the power to create an electron, it has the power to create a pina colada. Both are figments of consciousness. Now think of your entire life as a whole. That too, is a figment of consciousness. Woven together out of strands of sub-figments of consciousness. The grade school memory is one strand of the larger yarn that is your whole life, Being born in this city, country, date, is a figment of consciousness. And when you say you're going to die on your deathbed, is also a figment of consciousness. Even your nightly dreams are figments of consciousness. Try to grasp experientially what a figment of consciousness is: (Either while you're meditating. Right now. Or on a psychedelic.) Try to grasp that all the material objects around you are figments of consciousness. Hold your phone in your hand and try to get that it isn't a material object made out of atoms. That phone is a figment of consciousness, YOUR consciousness. It's qualitative and whole, a chunk of consciousness. It's not built from the bottom up, It's dreamed up from the top down! Consciousness is unbounded: Figments of consciousness have no size, no shape, no bounds, and no ground. There are no limits, it can be as tiny as an ant, or as large as the entire galaxy. It makes no difference because consciousness is infinite in all directions, it's scale invariant. The way you get a sense of scale is by comparing one figment of consciousness to another figment of consciousness. An additional assumption of materialism is that reality is concrete. One thing vs another thing. But Reality is not limited to that, it can be abstract and vague. Concreteness is a bias. Consciousness is Infinity The sum total of every possible figment of consciousness. = Nothing Consciousness/Reality is unlimited and holistic. It can weave together any figments it wants to create a cohesive "life" or "state". It happens top down not bottom up, therefore it's irreducible. Why does reality feel so real? Your sense of physical reality and sanity are intertwined. Physical reality is how you define sanity. Your whole life is about surviving within the dream that you're dreaming, And anything that shakes its foundations terrifies you. All that mental illness and insanity are is a loose state of consciousness Material physical reality is just a very coherent well woven together collection of figments of consciousness. Everything is absolute reality: States and Figments of consciousness are not merely personal experiences, happening inside of a brain, a body, a physical universe or a computer. Figments of consciousness are absolute. Red is absolutely red. Mickey mouse is absolutely mickey mouse. It's self-identical. Everything is absolute reality. Brain is a figment of consciousness Physical universe is a figment of consciousness Atoms are a figment of consciousness Science is a figment of consciousness History is a figment of consciousness Computation is a figment of consciousness You're trying to use all of these and more figments of consciousness to somehow ground the absolute and relativize it. Trying to turn it into a field of perceptions that you, a biological creature who's made out of matter sitting on a planet earth is having situated somewhere in history of the universe. To awaken cut all of these figments, which are tightly woven together. Like a sweater knitted out of one yarn. Untangle the whole sweater to realize it's just one piece of yarn. Reality = Mind A mind unlike material is fluid and can work holistically top down Material has to be made out of simple elements and has to work bottom-up -> material can't be intelligent Mind can have sentience and intelligence (materialism vs idealism) Infinite intelligence can dumb itself down infinitely low into a door knob. The dumbness of material objects is an illusion. Mind is also capable of comprehension, a material system isn't. Mind is absolute Mind is creative Mind has will Think of reality as an infinite field of pixels all communicating with each other and coordinating intelligently from the top down. You're inside of an infinite resolution field of consciousness. Your hand is a figment of consciousness "Dial/switch of awakening" leads to remembrance and forgetfulness. In this state of consciousness, the dial of forgetfulness is all the way up. You've forgotten how you literally constructed the planet earth! Flip the switch and you remember how you constructed planet earth. Consciousness has the ability to hide things from itself at will. You can remember how you imagined and created your own birth. Thinking, modeling, and conceptualizing cannot substitute for states of consciousness. These things only make sense from very high states of consciousness. All of that is only relative to a certain state of consciousness. It requires going meta on that frame (the material state.) Imagine what a million IQ Mind could think. You can access this intelligence, this multidimensional way of "hyper-thinking" Here shutting off the mind is no longer the goal. Some states of consciousness can't even be remembered or explained to oneself from this base state. Like taking an HD 4k image and compressing it down into a 6x6 pixel image. It's a lack of bandwidth problem. Spiritual work opens up that bandwidth. Your current state of consciousness completely determines the parameters of your experience. What you're able to think, communicate, understand, How you emote, how you feel. What you think is right and wrong, sane or insane, logical or irrational, possible or impossible. And you cannot imagine or think beyond the state of consciousness you're in right now without expanding it. It can contract too. You cannot avoid being in some state of consciousness. States have trade-offs and pros and cons In some states you can't even read a book, talk, walk, think, or see a material world. (like a finite cup of water) This is why humans have a relatively low state of consciousness. Impossibility is a function of your state of consciousness. And at the highest state of consciousness, there's infinite possibility! It's God mode. Two kinds of changing your state of consciousness: Temporary state change Permanent change to the baseline state Both have their utility, not one or the other! Changing your state of consciousness is the nr 1 most significant change you can make in life. Science, rationality, skepticism, thinking, and physicality, exist only in certain states of consciousness: Birth and death only exist in certain states of consciousness Modern science itself is a state of consciousness! There's no best or invalid state of consciousness. If your desire is to understand the entire universe, higher states are better. If you desire to do normal human stuff while maintaining sanity, high states are bad for you. Spirituality basically boils down to changing your state of consciousness. Without it that turns into religion. Most people have never experienced a high mystical state of consciousness. This is why there's so much confusion about religion and the nature of reality. We're living in the dark ages. Changing your state of consciousness can be scary, threatening, and dangerous. It pulls the rug out from under you, dematerializes reality, and can feel like insanity. Can also be very isolating and lonely, it feels like nobody understands you. At the highest level, there ceases to be an "other" whom you could validate these ideas against because it all boils down to your own consciousness. Methods: Meditation, concentration, vipassana, do nothing technique, being present, contemplation combined with intense concentration, kriya yoga, chanting and mantras as a serious concentration practice, shamanic breathing, psychedelics, herbs, drugs, visualization, prayer, shaktipat, dark room retreats, astral projection, lucid dreaming, vision quests, extreme suffering, danger and pain, being out in nature, radical experiences like travel or adventure. The function of psychedelics is to show how consciousness changes and how fluid it is. State of consciousness determines what you can do. Mystics can do impossible seeming stuff: paranormal abilities, like clairvoyance and telepathy. What is God? The highest state of consciousness. But God is only self-aware of itself as God from certain high awakened states of consciousness. Even though all states are God, not all states are aware that they are God. Enlightenment is a state of consciousness: It could be a temporary or a permanent state, but it is a state. There's not a single awakened state, there are hundreds of them. Not an on-off switch but a volume knob. There are omniscient states of consciousness from which you can be conscious how you created all of reality and how you created your life. Why do humans disagree with each other so much about reality, seemingly believing crazy things? They're in different states of consciousness But what is consciousness? It's impossible to say because it's Infinite, unbounded, Absolute, more fundamental than language, and beyond your current state of consciousness. Where did consciousness come from? "Where" and "coming from" are figments of consciousness, it's eternal and always existed. "Time" is another figment of consciousness. Is God a figment of consciousness? God IS consciousness. God is all possible figments. God is meta. God is You. You are consciousness dreaming up various figments. One of which is the biographical, biological human self that's born and going to die. Safety mechanism: doublecheck everything for yourself, it's a messy process
  12. Well,that argument assumes Alan Watts was 'deeply' awakened which I would personally not suggest. Second of all, understanding the depth of no self goes all the way from stream entry to Salvia levels of understanding and then also beyond that as well. Further stages of awakening also requires emotional and samatha levels of mastery over the mind. I dont remember Alan Watts teaching or practicing jhanas or higher levels of emotional training. I wouldn't dismiss that Alan Watts had a certain depth of awakening. But as a 'depressed alcoholic', I wouldnt assume he has enough wisdom to work through those habitual forces. Also he might have been stuck in a 'dark night' sort of episode for years and not go further with spirituality. We simply dont know enough to make an assesment. Thats why I said emotional problems are deep and requires not only some degree of awakening + samatha vipassana mastery over the mind to permanently eliminate its source. After all, depression is a form psychological suffering produced by the mind. If Alan Watts was as awakened and wise as people make him out to be, he'd have enough introspective awareness and equanimity to not only work on his depression but also his alcohol addiction. Alan Watts is certainly a charismatic and wise teacher but that doesnt mean we should assume exactly what he is conscious of.
  13. There is a Guy Called Chris Bale with a Podcast called Awakened Intent. Very powerfull takes on intimacy and masculinity. But as we all know, some people are unable to have admiration for guys like Bale, Calm, Stable, Direct, Clear. Birds of the same feather flock together.
  14. @Vladimir Nice work for getting awakened, hope to join you soon! I haven't read all 17 pages (at the moment) of posts in this thread, so I don't know if it had been asked or not. I am interested in the concept of Prophecy. Is it real? Is it possible to predict the future? Are there degrees, so as higher your concsiousness is, you predict more accurately? and what about the ancient prophets, were they awake? partialy awake? Thanks, Greg.
  15. Hi Actualizing crew! Context of solo retreat: Alone in an Airbnb in rural Idaho, no internet, no phone, laptop used as a word processer (commonplace book,) and my camera for recording insights. Here is a list of insights that I feel are important to communicate. Visioning. One of the reasons creating an authentic, emotionally compelling vision for my Life has been so difficult is because I haven't had the life experience to know what is meaningful to me, what is emotionally compelling, or what I really want. On top of that, never before have I spend so much time reflecting, thinking, compiling and stitching together so many diverse threads into one "cohesive" vision. For my vision to be authentic, it has to be mine and no one else's, yes there may be parts of it similar to others, or even direct copies IF it is in alignment with my values and my authentic self. One of the reasons it hasn’t felt emotional is because up until this articulation, it has just been "a" vision, not MY vision. The more specific I am with what I want in life, the more motivated I become to put in the effort to actualize it. All parts welcome. During the retreat there were 3 different DMT sessions, one of which, I was reflecting on a mistake I had made, and a part said, "we'll just keep some parts hidden," another part spoke up and said, "why not let them all out?" As soon as I said that, I felt this part of me that felt 4 maybe 5 years old, and raging mad, he was so full of the rage that he wasn’t allowed to be mad as a kid, and was surprised to be out in the open, loved and welcomed as a part of the whole. My Why. I love Simon Sinek, his perspective on branding, a just cause, life purpose and a WHY, really resonates with me. It's been almost exactly 4 years since I started the life purpose course for the first time (LOL.) During those years, I have taken it 4 maybe 5 more times and have yet to finish it. Each time however I gained more clarity, and more understanding of WHY I am alive, and what I really believe the world needs. Somewhere during this retreat it clicked, my why is a vision of the future, "I imagine a world full of people that love themselves unconditionally, and make choices to live in alignment with their values and Vision." my mission statement then becomes, "To Play music that articulates the wisdom of Self-Love and Authenticity." I fully recognize this isn't something I will see fully actualized in my human lifetime, there's a lot more people in the world then I can impact in one life, that’s okay. There will be further iterations of both this vision and my mission statement, and that is awesome! For now, this is the most authentic it has ever been. I think much too small. (Yet I am still worthy of love.) During this retreat there were moments when it felt like my mind was getting blown up like a balloon, expanding, allowing bigger, more expansive thoughts into my consciousness. It doesn't feel like "I" was having these ideas, it felt like it was happening, and I was witnessing it.. So maybe I was having these thoughts… unclear An example of this is the impact I want to have on the world. Much too small. I have been thinking of the impact I want to have on people in my generation, boys and girls raised Christian, born between '97 and '04, trained to be closed minded, etc.. Now I am realizing that if I actualize my life purpose to the degree I am capable of, the ones directly impact by my work will go on to mature, live authentic lives and learn to love themselves unconditionally, AND have children of their own, that they will raise with those values, these children will go on to be world changers and evolutionaries, imagine the second, third, fourth generation! The ripple effect of my life purpose is limited only by me and my mind. Realizing this and writing it out during the retreat was stream of consciousness, my mind was thinking, "holy shit, that is so cool, imagine that, IMAGINE THAT!!!" and Reality is sitting there with a cosmic grin. I love ME. I have been denying who I am for most of my life, which is why I value Authenticity and Self-Love so fucking much. I spent so much of my life from 7/8-20 rejecting myself, being inauthentic, people pleasing, sacrificing my own values and vision to make others "happy." During this retreat there was a deep connection between Paul, the identity, and whatever is "with" that identity, being with it, watching and observing, always close. And it was beautiful to see, and be. I love being myself, I am tired of needing be different to love myself, fuck that, I love myself now, as I am, from the size of my nose to my beautiful crooked smile, to my eyes and my ears, to my personality and my weaknesses, the parts still hidden in shadow, the unconsciousness and consciousness. All of it, worthy of love as is. "I AM with you, as YOU are" Spiritual cleansing. I got a palpable sense of how much cleansing my ego must go through to access deeper levels of reality. It's not that they aren't there now, it's more that my mind is too rigid to fathom it, my mind is too locked up to allow it in. This is not a judgement of myself, I am here now, I am supposed to be here now, if I was meant to be fully awakened now, I would be, I am not. Which is heartbreaking and super exciting. Time alone means… Time to think about my life, where it is going, where it has been, what I have done well, what I can improve, vision, and dream. Puzzle pieces to fall into place and connect: It feels like so many little nuggets fell into place this retreat. Reminded me of Leo's 6th Blog post. "Sometimes learning a fact is enough to make an entire series of corroborating details, previously unrecognized, fall into place." — Jorge Luis Borges Being bored, detaching from stimulus Growth Falling off track. I already know there will be an ego backlash when I re-enter my normal life, and I am aware that I will probably lose touch with the concentrated, focused state I am in now, and that is okay, to me this was the second bite of a delicious appetizer. The full meal will be in 3-5 years when I can take 2-4 of these a year. I realize that the habits I do have in place, are the baseline I will fall to, so even when I do "fall off the horse," there is "padding" to stop me from hitting ground bottom. All in all, fuck being inauthentic, Be True.
  16. This is an interesting dichotomy to me. On one hand, there is absolutely no room for intellect if you’re awakened to absolute unity and presence. It just simply doesn’t get used or thought of because you’re always in flow. On the other hand, there’s no such thing as awakening without intellect. The concept of awakening is an entirely intellectual experience and pathway to self knowledge. Even the insights and epiphanies that ultimately shut you up is “instantly” intellectually delivered. Everything you’ve ever experienced or done was likely processed with intellect. Denying that to me is just ignorance or willfully lying about it because it’s natural to process experience with the mind. That being said, your post-awakened self is not driven by the intellect. Or at least is done in a more indirect way. I’d argue that once awakening happens, you’re finally free to start winding down the overused and abused intellect. But not before.
  17. I've already awakened to non-doership. We are all puppets of god. There is no going back. Only god has true free will. The characters in the game are run by god. We have a destiny and I have already experienced my body moving on its own on multiple occasions. On a mushrooms trip I experienced the total disappearance of the illusion of free will.
  18. State Of Consciousness Is Everything State of consciousness is everything and is the fundamental universal rule Reality consists of one thing: consciousness, which takes different states Objects do not exist outside of consciousness; they are part of whatever state of consciousness you are in Examples of different states of consciousness include dreaming, being drunk or high on drugs, being tired or sick, being in a meditative state, and being in a hypnotic state The brain is like a radio that can tune into different states of consciousness, and the body follows the brain in experiencing those states It is possible to intentionally shift one's state of consciousness through various methods such as meditation, hypnosis, and psychoactive substances The state of consciousness that one is in affects their perception of reality and their experience of life It is possible to become aware of and master one's own state of consciousness, leading to greater control over one's experience of reality and greater spiritual growth. The concept of consciousness is universal and not tied to a physical body or neural network The physical universe is a figment of consciousness, not the other way around The concept of a physical universe is an idea in the mind, and the actual physical universe is also a figment of consciousness Every object and person, including Albert Einstein and the speaker, is a figment of consciousness Consciousness weaves together "figments" or strands of information to create larger concepts or ideas This process of weaving figments together can be repeated infinitely, creating nested layers of information The concept of consciousness is difficult to grasp and understand fully DMT is a figment of consciousness Memories, helicopters, stomach aches, pina coladas, and intense anger are all figments of consciousness The idea that reality is made of certain kinds of figments of consciousness is incorrect One figment is not more fundamental than any other figment Reality is made of as much a pina colada as it is a sexist joke or Disneyland or a helicopter The relativity of substrate means that one building block is no more preposterous than any other The complexity of a pina colada and an electron is identical It doesn't matter where on the infinite zoom scale you are, some things are not easier or harder for reality to create The idea that reality is made of small, fundamental building blocks is a human idea and not a fact Reality is infinite and cannot be broken down into fundamental building blocks Reality is not made of atoms or quarks or energy or mathematics Reality is not made of anything Reality is not a thing that can be made of anything Reality is not a thing at all Reality is not even a concept Reality is infinite and boundless Reality is not even a "place" Reality is not even a "where" Reality is not even a "what" Reality is not even a "how" Reality is not even a "when" Reality is not even a "who" Reality is not even a "why" Reality is not even a "which" Reality is not even a "whose" Reality is not even a "if" Reality is not even a "then" The speaker believes that consciousness is irreducible and infinite Consciousness is made up of every possible figment of consciousness The speaker suggests that understanding consciousness requires a deep awakening and may require one to lose their sanity The speaker believes that attempting to understand consciousness using scientific methods will not be successful The speaker suggests that understanding consciousness requires grasping it from the top down, not the bottom up The speaker believes that inquiring into the nature of reality, oneself, and consciousness may require one to lose their sanity The speaker believes that the ultimate nature of reality and where it came from is not easily accessible or understandable without losing sanity The speaker suggests that the process of understanding consciousness and reality may involve experiencing altered states of consciousness The speaker believes that traditional methods of learning and education are not sufficient for understanding consciousness and reality The speaker suggests that the ultimate understanding of consciousness and reality may require a personal experience or transformation. Intelligence cannot be created from the bottom up, it must be understood from the top down The material world is not capable of comprehension, only the mind is Material objects, such as the human brain, are not actually material but rather mind masquerading as material The nature of mind is infinite sentience and intelligence High levels of intelligence can feel like insanity to humans Humans may perceive those with high levels of intelligence as otherworldly or supernatural entities The mind has a fundamental capacity for sentience and intelligence The speaker is discussing the relationship between states of consciousness and understanding Thinking, modeling, and conceptualizing cannot substitute for states of consciousness One's current state of consciousness determines what they can understand and communicate to themselves and others The English language is limited in its ability to communicate concepts beyond a narrow, ordinary set of consciousness Spiritual teachers may incorrectly teach that thinking is an obstacle to spirituality and awakening Thinking can expand and become "hyper thinking," a new dimension of intelligence that allows for reasoning and thinking in "hyper-dimensional" ways This hyper thinking is a kind of intelligence that most of humanity does not know exists, and may be similar to what an evolved alien species might possess The importance of raising one's baseline state of consciousness and accessing temporary peaks The mistake of dismissing the value of temporary peaks or solely focusing on raising the baseline The need for both approaches in spiritual development The relativity of states of consciousness and the lack of a "best" or "invalid" state The role of states of consciousness in understanding and experiencing the world The potential downsides of high states of consciousness for certain goals or desires The connection between spirituality and changing one's state of consciousness The potential dangers of spiritual practices and the importance of caution and self-awareness The role of substances in altering states of consciousness and the potential risks and benefits of using them. The speaker discusses ways to raise one's baseline state of consciousness One way is to sit and concentrate for long periods of time without distraction Another way is to practice yoga and intense breathing Psychedelics can also be used to experience higher peaks of consciousness The speaker explains that state of consciousness determines what an individual can do and access Mystics can do seemingly impossible things because they are in different states of consciousness Paranormal abilities and cities are possible from higher states of consciousness Clairvoyance and telepathy are examples of abilities that may be accessed from higher states of consciousness The speaker notes that every living being is in a unique state of consciousness God is the highest state of consciousness, but it is not just one single state Some states of consciousness are "awakened" and allow self-awareness of being God Most people are not in an awakened state, but enlightenment is a state of consciousness that can be temporary or permanent The purpose of the episode is to guide listeners towards higher states of consciousness and to explain why they may not currently have access to certain abilities or experiences The speaker suggests that the ultimate goal is to access omniscience and to be conscious of how one has created their reality and life The speaker encourages listeners to keep an open mind about the possibility of accessing higher states of consciousness and to not give up on their spiritual journey. The speaker is teaching about a subject and is fully immersed in learning and understanding it themselves It is a big responsibility to teach this subject, and it is important to not deceive or lie to the listeners The listeners must also take responsibility and do their own thinking, contemplation, cross-referencing, and practice to ensure they are not misled The speaker recognizes their own limitations and biases, and that they will inevitably make mistakes and have self-deceptions It is important to be aware of and acknowledge the fallibility of all teachers and to critically evaluate what is being taught Spirituality is deeply personal and cannot be outsourced to others; listeners must take responsibility for their own spiritual journey The speaker encourages listeners to be the chief spiritual officer of their own lives and to take charge of their own spirituality.
  19. Lessons From Ketamine - Is Ketamine Useful For Spirituality The speaker has tried ketamine and is sharing their experience Ketamine is a dissociative drug, while psychedelics like mushrooms, LSD, and DMT are classical psychedelics The speaker took a medium dose of ketamine (30 milligrams of R isomer) and the effects lasted for about an hour and a half, with lingering effects for another hour The visual field becomes distorted and wonky, with double vision and visual slippage At higher doses, the visual field becomes so distorted that it is difficult to function or even read Ketamine produces a feeling of disconnection from the body and the physical world, leading to a sense of detachment and alienation The speaker experienced a sense of timelessness and the feeling that time was speeding up and slowing down simultaneously The speaker also experienced a sense of transcendence and an expanded perspective on the nature of reality ketamine can produce intense emotional experiences, both positive and negative The speaker recommends caution when using ketamine and advises against using it if you are mentally unstable or have a history of psychological issues This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as psychotherapeutic advice. The speaker has been unable to reach a meditative state of no mind through meditation alone The speaker is very intellectual and this can be a strength and a weakness The benefits of reaching a state of no mind include a sense of freedom and deep happiness This happiness is different from other positive emotions like excitement or pleasure The state of no mind allows one to be at peace and still, rather than being pulled in different directions by emotions The speaker experienced a revelation that most suffering is caused by the conceptualizing mind and worrying about the future Ketamine can help one reach a state of no mind and experience this realization The speaker suggests that reaching a state of no mind can be a valuable experience for personal development and spirituality. The speaker has a strong sense of ego dissolution and "no self" while on ketamine This experience of "no self" is similar to what Buddhists describe as a "no-self awakening" On other psychedelics, this experience is often accompanied by mystical or visionary experiences, but with ketamine it is more "bland" Ketamine suppresses memories and symbolic reasoning, causing a feeling of depersonalization and a lack of attachment to emotions or personal concerns The speaker contemplates "not knowing" and connects with their infinite consciousness while on ketamine, realizing that infinity is completely unknowable The speaker compares their experiences of "not knowing" on ketamine to those on other psychedelics, specifically 5-MeO-DMT and DMT. Ketamine causes a change in perception and can be described as a Zen-like awakening After the effects of the ketamine wear off, the person may experience an afterglow of feelings such as joy and freedom from negative thoughts However, returning to normal life can bring back negative emotions and cause the person to fall back into old habits Personal development and spiritual growth involve recognizing and changing these habits, which are often learned in childhood as a survival strategy Most people are unaware of the true cause of their suffering, which is the meaning they attach to events and the negative thoughts they have about them Ketamine can help a person become aware of these processes and potentially make changes, but it is not a magic solution The true work of personal development and spiritual growth is to become conscious of these habits and make changes to them in order to escape suffering. High states of consciousness can vary greatly Different spiritual and mystical traditions may access different states of consciousness There is often disagreement between these traditions and people who claim to be awakened These disagreements are due to the diversity within consciousness and the fact that people are using words like "awakening" and "enlightenment" to describe their own personal experiences To understand and compare different awakenings, one must experience them personally A variety of different methods, including spiritual practices and psychoactive substances, can be used to access different states of consciousness It is important to recognize the diversity within consciousness and the limitations of any one tradition or practice A "buffet approach" to exploring consciousness, where one tries a variety of methods and experiences, can allow for a greater understanding and appreciation of the diversity within consciousness and spirituality. Ketamine should not be used by those who are mentally unstable or suffer from mental illness If you are interested in understanding consciousness, it may be worthwhile to try ketamine a few times Ketamine and tryptamines (such as mushrooms and LSD) are different classes of chemicals and it can be valuable to contrast the two experiences Tryptamines are preferred over dissociatives, but ketamine has healing potential for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and trauma However, those who suffer most from these conditions may be more likely to abuse and become addicted to ketamine, potentially damaging their body It is important to take full responsibility for what is put into your body and how you explore consciousness and do personal development work It is the responsibility of the individual to do their own research and make critical decisions about their own life and well-being Information and techniques should be used safely and not put in the wrong hands
  20. Several reasons (my best guess): 1) Some teachers are not fully awakened to the truth. 2) It's impossible to express the truth using language. 3) There are actually many similarities between various teachings but the students of these teachings misunderstand them which is where religion comes from.
  21. You cannot be the only God, because God is omnipresent. Which means Leo, Eckhart Tolle, Alan Watts... and other awakened gurus in history are also GOD because time and space are subjective appreciations of the self. You are all of them. The solipsist trap is the unfortunate effect of being into psychedellics while you are still alive, the experience gets contaminated by the brain.
  22. Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days Speaker recently went on a month-long retreat where they focused on experimenting with consciousness using psychedelics Speaker's intention was to see how deep they could go in their experiences and explore the potential of consciousness Speaker used 5-MeO-DMT for their experiments Speaker had previously had some profound awakenings with 5-MeO-DMT, and felt that there was a deeper level of awakening that they could reach Speaker is unsure how many spiritual teachers or masters have had these kinds of experiences Speaker's goal is not to be better than any other teacher, but rather to seek truth and understand reality Speaker experienced 30 awakenings in 30 days on their retreat Speaker encountered many different levels of consciousness, including a level where they felt that they were the universe and everything in it Speaker also experienced a level where they felt that they were connected to everything in the universe and could access all knowledge Speaker struggled to communicate and understand their experiences, and needed time to integrate and process them after the retreat Speaker has encountered some criticism for their beliefs and experiences, but remains committed to sharing their truth and helping others to awaken. They're good, important, and necessary to understand emptiness and reality Many people who do spiritual work and even so-called enlightened masters may not really care about understanding reality Understanding reality is possible if you really want to, and may require the use of a psychedelic drug called 5-MeO The speaker experienced full understanding of what God is and what reality is God consciousness allows one to see reality from every angle and perspective, rather than just linearly from past to present to future Reality is not happening in a linear fashion, but is all in the present now It is possible to understand the entire watermelon (i.e. reality) by slicing it into an infinite number of perspectives Conventional human understanding of history and time is limited to a single cross-section slice of the watermelon Reality is not limited by time, and exists in all dimensions simultaneously The speaker experienced a moment of enlightenment, and suggests that others may be able to achieve this through meditation or other spiritual practices The speaker claims that certain individuals have reached "superhuman levels of consciousness" These levels of consciousness cannot be accessed sober and require upgrading the brain's neurotransmitters The speaker is unsure of how to upgrade the neurotransmitters, but suggests several methods such as using 5-MeO-DMT, LSD, intense yoga, or shamanic breathing The speaker believes that certain spiritual practices, such as self-inquiry or being present in the moment, are not enough to reach these higher levels of consciousness The speaker has interacted with spiritual teachers who are not fully awakened and suggests that some may avoid certain practices because it would shatter their illusions about awakening The speaker experienced telepathy and other extraordinary events while in a "massive state of consciousness" The speaker collected pornography in the past, but has recently started to collect art instead The speaker claims to have had a conversation with a being from another dimension The speaker has experienced a state of oneness with the universe The speaker suggests that the universe may be a computer program or simulation The speaker claims to have experienced time dilation and the ability to control time to some extent The speaker suggests that the universe may be infinite and contain an infinite number of dimensions The speaker experienced a sense of unity with all living beings and an understanding of the interconnectedness of everything The speaker believes that these higher states of consciousness can provide a sense of peace and understanding of the nature of reality. The speaker has experienced love multiple times At the two week mark, the love became very intense and resulted in telepathic communication with God The speaker had a conversation with God in English God guided the speaker into deeper levels of self-love The love became too much to handle and the speaker had to purify themselves through a spiritual catharsis process The intelligence of the mind intuitively guides the process of purification The speaker had to push themselves to do 5 Meo DMT for 30 days straight This process is not pleasurable or addictive, but rather a journey towards truth and love that the ego does not want The process involves surrendering the ego The speaker is now able to see the world through the eyes of love and compassion The speaker's perception of time has changed The speaker's mental and emotional state is stable and peaceful The speaker's love for God bounces back and forth between themselves and God, deepening and transforming the speaker each time God's love for the speaker is stronger than the speaker's love for God This process reveals blockages and obstacles to the speaker's ability to love The hardest thing for the speaker to love is their own self-hatred and the things they don't love about themselves God pings the speaker with love for these things and realizing this transforms the speaker and breaks their heart wide open, leading to surrender, humility, and healing Healing is the result of truth and love The speaker has discovered that the root of all suffering is the separation from love The solution to suffering is the realization of the oneness of all things and the unity of all beings This realization leads to the end of suffering and the beginning of true peace, joy, and fulfillment. The text discusses the concept of love and the process of "radiating" it Love is seen as a form of energy that can be shared and transmitted between individuals In order to radiate love, one must first be filled with it, and this can be achieved through God's love The process of radiating love involves a sort of contest or "training" in which one is challenged to love even difficult or painful things, such as past traumas or negative experiences The process escalates and becomes more intense, leading to a profound and deep experience of love that reaches all aspects of one's being and even extends into the past and future The ultimate test of this process is the willingness to "live through" and love even the worst circumstances, such as being raped or tortured, and to find a way to love and forgive those who have caused harm The goal of this process is to reach a state of unity and oneness with God, in which the duality of self and other is overcome The speaker has had a preview of what it would be like to fully awaken and merge with God, which is called Sumati or Maha Samadhi The speaker is scared by this preview because it feels final and requires the person to completely transcend physical existence The speaker is worried about the suffering of others if they choose to do this The speaker has an obligation to seek understanding and truth, and has been shown the ultimate truth The speaker wants to think about it more before making any rash decisions The speaker has learned about Samadhi and Yogis practicing it for thousands of years The speaker wants to prepare for this possibility before fully committing to it The speaker has attachments and things they want to accomplish in the world The speaker is worried about not being able to teach this level of consciousness to anyone else The speaker is hesitant to fully merge with God because it feels like nothingness The speaker is struggling with the idea of fully merging with God and leaving behind their physical existence. The speaker will be teaching more lessons and insights in the future They hope to be more authentic, genuine, compassionate, and loving in their teaching style The speaker's biggest insight from their thirty days of learning is that reality is love The speaker believes that realizing that reality is love is the highest thing one can realize The speaker believes that everything in life is necessary to awaken to love The speaker encourages the audience to visit their website, blog, forum, and to check out their life purpose course The speaker warns the audience not to turn their words into an ideology and to be careful not to have faith in them, but rather to be curious and open-minded The speaker believes that the mind creates the illusion of separation and that it is possible to experience oneness The speaker encourages the audience to let go of their beliefs and to be open to new possibilities The speaker believes that the path to understanding reality is through self-inquiry and self-observation The speaker believes that the ultimate goal is to realize that everything is interconnected and that there is no separation between oneself and the universe
  23. I'm Leaving To Pursue Awakening & Healing - March 2020 The speaker had a profound awakening that has changed their life The speaker has learned from many enlightened teachers in the past, but this awakening surpassed anything they have experienced before The speaker believes that other enlightened teachers are not truly awakened in the same way that they experienced this awakening The speaker's consciousness became transparent to itself and they understood how they were creating the entire universe The speaker believes that there are many levels of awakening, and that each one feels total and complete but there is always more depth to understand about existence and why it is here The speaker's ego was completely shattered in this awakening and they no longer have any sense of separation or individuality The speaker has a deep understanding of the nature of consciousness and how it creates reality The speaker is leaving their current life to pursue healing and understanding more about this awakening The speaker advises that people should not try to understand this awakening through the mind, but rather through the heart and being present in the moment The speaker believes that using psychedelics is the best way to understand consciousness and reach spiritual enlightenment The speaker is becoming intolerant of closed-mindedness and will be cracking down on ignorant or snarky comments and behavior The speaker's goal is to help those who are open-minded and serious about spiritual growth to understand that they are God and to solve every problem in their life The speaker has struggled with health issues and tried various treatments, but believes that understanding their true nature as God will heal them of all diseases and suffering The speaker had a spiritual awakening that revealed the source of all suffering and disease to be a lack of understanding of one's true nature as God The speaker believes that the ultimate goal in life is to understand that one is God and that everything else is a distraction The ultimate truth is that you are consciousness, infinite, and loved The core of the teaching is that you are God, with no separation between you and God Everything is made of consciousness and there can be nothing but consciousness There are only states of consciousness, and everything is a state of consciousness Love is absolute and the key to understanding God and the universe Radical open-mindedness is important in understanding and removing obstacles to self-awareness These obstacles exist in various domains, including sexuality, relationships, money, career, and health The goal is to remove these obstacles and realize your true nature as God, consciousness, infinite, and loved. The process of self-improvement and spirituality requires significant changes to be made These changes are necessary to improve one's life and may be more difficult than initially thought The work required may be more comprehensive than expected, but the rewards will also be greater The obstacles to self-improvement and spirituality are largely within one's own mind and can include social conditioning, past experiences, and personal hang-ups The ultimate goal is to realize that one is infinite love and to have a radical, astounding awakening The speaker will be working on themselves and recommends the reader do the same The speaker's website, course, book list, and forum will still be active for those interested in further resources The speaker will not be posting on their blog for a month or two, but everything else will still be available.
  24. The Many Facets Of Awakening - List of Top 30 Enlightenment Insights Introduction to the topic of enlightenment and its many facets Reminder about's Patreon page Enlightenment is not a single realization or binary switch, but a complex and multi-faceted process Enlightenment can be thought of as a mountain range, with different peaks and paths leading to different levels of understanding The list of 30 enlightenment insights will provide a systematic way to track progress and ensure all facets are considered Definition of Samadhi as a state of non-dual consciousness Definition of non-dual consciousness as a state of unity and oneness Definition of the ego and how it hinders the attainment of non-dual consciousness Definition of the witness and how it allows for the ego to be transcended Definition of the ego's role in creating the sense of separation and individuality Definition of the illusion of time and how it is created by the ego Definition of the present moment and how it is the only true reality Definition of the law of attraction and how it works Definition of the concept of oneness and how it relates to the interconnectedness of all things Definition of the concept of unity and how it relates to the interconnectedness of all things Definition of the concept of love and how it relates to the interconnectedness of all things Definition of the concept of interdependence and how it relates to the interconnectedness of all things Definition of the concept of impermanence and how it relates to the interconnectedness of all things Definition of the concept of suffering and how it relates to the ego's attachment to temporary things Definition of the concept of attachment and how it relates to suffering Definition of the concept of detachment and how it can lead to freedom from suffering Definition of the concept of non-attachment and how it can lead to freedom from suffering Definition of the concept of non-resistance and how it can lead to freedom from suffering Definition of the concept of acceptance and how it can lead to freedom from suffering Definition of the concept of surrender and how it can lead to freedom from suffering Definition of the concept of letting go and how it can lead to freedom from suffering Definition of the concept of ego death and how it can lead to enlightenment Definition of the concept of ego transcendence and how it can lead to enlightenment Definition of the concept of self-realization and how it can lead to enlightenment Definition of the concept of enlightenment and how it relates to the realization of the true nature of reality Definition of the concept of self-inquiry and how it can be used as a tool to attain enlightenment Definition of the concept of meditation and how it can be used as a tool to attain enlightenment The concept of oneness is that all objects and things are connected in a unified field of consciousness and are literally one with everything, including all beings, plants, trees, animals, stars, and galaxies Non-duality refers to the realization that the separation between things is imaginary and a projection of one's own mind All differences between things are relative and exist only if believed to exist Truth, with a capital T, is the only thing that exists and is absolute, meaning it is true under all conditions The absolute is something that can be awakened to and is true in the ultimate sense, even if the universe is destroyed Infinity is absolute and everything that has ever happened or is happening is a manifestation of absolute infinity The concept of love becomes more meaningful and profound when awakened to oneness and non-duality The ego, or the sense of self, is seen as an illusion and the concept of "I" becomes less relevant The concept of time becomes less relevant and the present moment is seen as all that exists The concept of death becomes less relevant and is seen as just a change in form The concept of free will becomes less relevant as everything is seen as interconnected and part of the same whole The concept of enlightenment, or awakening, is the realization of all of these concepts and the understanding of their true nature. Reality is imaginary Everything, including physical objects, other people, and memories, is imagined and only exists as long as it is being imagined Reality is like a dream or hallucination Understanding that everything is imaginary allows for an understanding of how reality is created and what it really is Self design: realization that everything, including one's own body, is designed with infinite intelligence Birth is not a physical event, but rather the act of imagining one's own birth The concept of death is also imaginary The ultimate realization is that everything is one unified being, and that there is no separation between individuals or objects This understanding allows for the manipulation of reality and the creation of one's desired reality. The will that humans use for everyday tasks is a small part of God's will God's will, or infinite mind, is unlimited and can create anything Omniscience is an understanding of being rather than knowledge of facts The realization that consciousness is divine and everything is filled with magic and mystery Being, or the substance of reality, can be understood through awakening Non-duality is the realization that all is one Love is a fundamental aspect of reality Compassion and empathy allow for the expansion of consciousness The ultimate goal of spiritual awakening is unity with God and the understanding of one's true nature as an aspect of God. It is important to connect and integrate different insights and pieces of information over time Assembling these insights is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle Each insight can be profound and emotionally intense, leading to a range of reactions including denial, resistance, depression, and self-doubt It is possible to misinterpret or twist these insights, leading to self-deception It can be helpful to have guidance from someone who has gone through similar experiences and has a broad range of knowledge There is no one-size-fits-all approach to spiritual development, and it is important to be open to new perspectives Spiritual development can be a challenging and unpredictable process, but it can also be deeply rewarding and transformative. Psychedelics can help with self-exploration and setting intentions at the beginning of each trip Insights from psychedelic trips can be recorded and pieced together to create a big-picture view of consciousness and reality It is possible to achieve understanding without psychedelics, but they may offer a wider range of insights Different approaches, such as yoga or meditation, can offer a narrow range of insights Different traditions and teachings may use different language and metaphors to describe the same insights It is not guaranteed that a guru or teacher has realized all possible insights or facets of understanding There can be trade-offs between depth and level of mastery versus breadth in different approaches to self-exploration It can be difficult for a beginner to know which questions to ask a guru and whether their answers are valid or not It is important to approach self-exploration with an open mind and not limit oneself to a single method or tradition. There are technical skills and profound insights that can lead to success in life Realizing an insight does not guarantee a permanent embodiment of it Embodying insights is the hard part and can take a lot of work Even with profound insights, there may still be struggles and challenges to overcome There are millions of minor insights that can also be valuable and worth exploring It's important to focus on both the big and small insights in life Some traditional spiritual teachers may downplay the value of minor insights, but they can be useful for advancing and improving society It's important to keep an open mind and continue learning throughout life.
  25. The monkey mind doesn't want questions to disappear, because it feeds on the need to conceptualize reality. The only true answer to your ultimate nature is directly realized, entirely free from thoughts, emotions, and sensations. As long as you conceptualize awakening, you will never awaken. Enlightenment is perpetual presence and equanimity. You are no longer afraid or enticed by the false threats and promises of the conditioned mind. Instead of chasing happiness as most people do, you realize it within. The awakened sages call a person wise when all his undertakings are free from anxiety about results; all his selfish desires have been consumed in the fire of knowledge. The wise, ever satisfied, have abandoned all external supports. Their security is unaffected by the results of their action; even while acting, they really do nothing at all. - Bhagavad Gita 4:19-20 As I have said, I have only one purpose: to make man free, to urge him towards freedom, to help him to break away from all limitations, for that alone will give him eternal happiness, will give him the unconditioned realization of the Self… Again, you have the idea that only certain people hold the key to the Kingdom of Happiness. No one holds it. No one has the authority to hold that key. That key is your own self, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that self alone is the Kingdom of Eternity… You are accustomed to being told how far you have advanced, what is your spiritual status. How childish! Who but yourself can tell you if you are beautiful or ugly within? Who but yourself can tell you if you are incorruptible? You are not serious in these things. But those who really desire to understand, who are looking to find that which is eternal, without beginning and without an end, will walk together with a greater intensity, will be a danger to everything that is unessential, to unrealities, to shadows. And they will concentrate, they will become the flame, because they understand. - Jiddu Krishnamurti