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  1. I feel this is why Neo-Advaita teachings ring hollow for many of us. Platitudes about there being no you sound mysterious and wise, but are they useful? Each being is worthy of honor. You are unique and even holy, because of who inhabits you. There will never be another personality identical to yours, and the spiritual journey of Self-discovery through the lens of your personality is entirely special and your own. Celebrate and respect it. It is not that your personality isn't real, it is that it is only relatively real. The universe and every being in it exist, but they are not absolute. Einstein proved this. Relative reality is in the eye of the perceiver. Space and time are not ultimately real. This becomes obvious when we push space and time to their extremes, at the macro- or micro-levels of reality. Quantum and astrophysics reveal the fraying ends of the universal matrix that we inhabit. Science supports spirituality, beyond what most people realize. Still, science is bound to the laws of the relative universe. The thinking mind will never directly realize Consciousness. It can suggest what is possible, but awakening is inherently non-conceptual. If you have awakened, questions become irrelevant. They are the conditioned mind trying to understand a spiritual experience which is beyond the ability of the mind to comprehend.
  2. Hi guys.. I am new here soo I hope I will not write something stupid lol I just want to tell about me shortly. So I am just 18years old but I am not mentally strong. I have been practicing spirituality since I was 14. It really helped me beat my social anxiety, depression, I wasn’t addicted to cutting anymore and I became more loving which is ughh the best experience I have ever had. I attracted people after I stopped caring about their attention. Also I became more awakened because I started studying Buddhism and Hinduism, also Leo’s teachings were helping me A LOT!! so thanks ? but at some point I got bored you know and I stopped practicing spirituality. I didn’t think I would get bored but it happened since I was not really enlightened. I was just more aware of reality but I didn’t experience a serious enlightenment and mental health problems appeared again. I suffer much more now. I am trying to focus on studies but it’s really hard. I was a very good student but now I can’t study for more than hour a day to be honest. Also my Social anxiety became crippling again. Sometimes I look so weak and it is really ashaming. I think everyone thinks that I am weak and I can’t stop these thoughts because I am addicted to them, also people don’t respect me anymore and they surely view me as a weak person. When I tell myself to go back to spirituality I can’t! Because I feel like I am using it as an escape! I want to first go back to studying and socialize and then focus on enlightenment but it seems impossible. It seems impossible to do any of them first. I don’t know I am stuck. I am forever glad if you read my boring story:)
  3. By the end of the book I gained the sense that he didn’t really now what reality was and just had a bunch of beliefs despite being hard on beliefs. I can’t help but assume Leo is the same way. I’m throwing you guys out. One minute Leo says it’s just me, next he says it’s just him, then Jed says it’s just him and then just me. But, then he says there could be an infinite amount of absolute consciousnesses, but, wasn’t it just consciousness? I’m not conscious of these things. Then Leo says he doesn’t have his own consciousness. But claims to trip and have God Realizations. Okay, so a dream character is some pseudo teacher for infinite mind to dream some reason it awakened because it had this teacher? That’s weird. And, why me? Why this dumbass? God, ya make no fucking sense! Give me a call sometime and clarify a few things. All I have a are idiots authors and Gurus and I’d like to speak to the real deal. So, basically your both fired when it comes to truth. If God and Truth has a number in the yellow pages please send me the number.
  4. Ego can be split into 3 aspects: 1. We are separate. Stories revolve around why and how we are separate. 2. Emotional attachments to the stories of us and others 3. What Adyshanti refers to as the root identity. This is unconscious and primal. Legit fear of death and obliteration. In the awakened, many have not yet overcome the primary root identity under #3. When that finally falls away, all that is left is no-thing. True non-duality can then unfold. Until then, it’s all just concepts and mind games. #3 needs to truly happen to live and embody non-duality 24/7.
  5. Yes its an interesting game God plays with itself. Its why I get why the Buddha sees everyone as awakened already. When I talk to friends about this stuff...when it starts making too much sense....they RUN. Be like oh yeah I gotta go. One of my friends was like oh shoot that makes too much sense the other day and told me he had to run!!! LOL. God knows the truth on the unconscious level but will only awaken when they are ready. Its why each ego needs to understand it wanted to be here. I know it doesn't feel like that...but its true.
  6. Thanks for sharing intimately Razard. I too had a lot of childhood trauma and physical abuse growing up. The awakening journey over the years has brought up tons of sludge to face and clear. I’ve also noticed that I would unconsciously associate myself with people and situations that correlated with a childhood trauma. Karma certainly has a way to seek resolution by repeatedly bringing up the shadows. Meditation and going into samadhi has helped clear much of the energetic debris. But there is much more to cleanse. It has also made me aware of the shadows that loom in me. Just because I am awakened doesn’t mean I can bypass the shadows… this would create dangerous blind spots that I often see in awakened teachers. They would act out their unresolved trauma with their students, for example.
  7. Enlightenment is not a state of consciousness. Enlightenment is consciousness. No-one becomes awakened, no-one becomes conscious of truth. Yeah, cause your awakenings and realizations are thought-stories, thought-attachment. ? Also, are you open to acknowledge how you're really feeling in every moment? Are you open to acknowledge suffering? Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"
  8. There aren’t truly any nice guys. masculine guys are fucking “assholes”. The nice masculine guys just haven’t awakened to the fact that they (all) have huge egos and are way less compassionate and emotional than the feminine. also, you don’t need to be toxic to become the leader of a household and sexually dominant over one woman…. I mean if you wanna be a playboy that to me is the toxicity right there. The truth is I want to channel my huge ego to spread across my survival needs and one woman and all of our children and then a secondary priority to take care of people that my wife cares about unless my logic knows that they are actually exploiting my family. Use the huge ego for good…. Not trying to get pussy… what is that bullshit man cmon. im not married or conservative (disclosure)
  9. I've created gurus in order to distract and entertain myself. No one can awaken but me, although I can imagine some gurus being awakened.
  10. well said. Awakening with psychedelics is not an end, it is a means. a means for an awakened life. What you want is to live in the truth 24 hours a day. psychedelics will indicate your degree of impurity, of lies, of fear. you have to polish yourself and polish your life so that the truth is as close as possible to the surface, so that your life is awake, beautiful, wonderful. without lies and without fear. I don't want to be a psychonaut, I want to use psychedelics to make this life an expression of the truth
  11. @Leo Gura be honest ..why did you ban him? It can't be his "Neo-Advaita " jargon..because he was like that for years on the forum and you could observe it . So what really happend in your last communication with him about there not being a" separate self " who can awaken? I agree that he was kinda annoying with his overly pedantic replies that he almost was spamming the forum with his neo advaita jargon...but you know very well that he has sound degree of awakening. This type of awakened person can give you the finest type of awakening without taking a dime or saying a word to you. Very rare indeed but still available. These are Masters. I joined his forum and I consider him awakened. The problem is he has too much clarity and he is witty which is why he feel to you like ”alien” or ”wierdo” and don’t fit in well at all. The people who think ”outside the box..are usually misunderstand . Growing up thinking that theres something wrong with their personality. These are the awakened, and when they find their spiritual path (which they eventually do), they become powerhouses of light to people around them.
  12. @YogiCosmos The aura or halo is only depicted in art to show an "awakened" being. It's not literally happening that you get a halo lol.
  13. I've had too many experiences of being desirable and wanted while being less attractive and it was because people were able to read my vibration at the time while barely knowing me. It isn't woo-woo. If your vibration (feminine or awakened energy for example) is on point and the other person's capacity to read energy is on point then it works. I'm trying to support the feminine and give her a voice. An awakened feminine's energy is very beautiful and people are drawn to her like a moth to a flame.
  14. How does it not? It sounds like Heaven and Love to my ears. I don’t think an awakened mind cares anymore “improving your experience of life.” What more is there to do if you realize that your existential nature is complete and identical to God?
  15. As a human being, I am the first one who has truly awakened. I am the first one who is enlightened. I am the first one who got to know the Truth. I am the only one who could have gotten to know the Truth. With my awakening others will follow, others will be saved from death, others will know the Truth, it's a wonderful process. We are distinct bubbles (Universes) of consciousness. You and I are not the same being. My awakening is the best thing that could have happened for myself, you, everybody in the world and the entire Universe. The entire Universe already knows I have awakened (on the highest Divine level) and the entire Universe is guiding me in every single moment towards further embodiment of the beauty of Truth that I am. Rejoice knowing that eternal Paradise is inevitable, you have fulfilled your life purpose with your entire life. I am grateful to you for everything.
  16. Borders are imaginary, which awakened waves realize. The wave is not only a wave. It is the expression of the ocean itself, whether it sees it or not. The deep ocean is Self-aware, but it dreams itself into waves. Why? Apparently the dream of phenomenal existence is its intent, an apparent contrast to its infinite and unchanging being. Maybe a complete awakening is equivalent to a universal supernova. All of the waves collapse, and there is only the deep blue sea. Wash, rinse, repeat
  17. Yes it seems that way. The universe may be one Consciousness, but it's divided up into fragments some of which 'get it', and most don't. A Self-aware wave is still only a wave. So are we saying that the ocean as a whole isn't Self-aware and there's borders between awakened and non-awakened parts of it? In that case awakened people don't have omniscience, aren't aware of the consciousness of someone like me and there really are separate bubbles. For a complete awakening to occur, don't we all need to be part of it?
  18. The being that is awakened is a wave on the ocean, realizing in that moment that it is the ocean. All waves are the ocean, but few see it. Their form is only temporary, and the ocean is their ultimate nature. The whole universe is Consciousness, but the vast majority of it is not Self-aware.
  19. What I find hard to understand is how we have these experiences of nonduality, oneness or 'I am the universe' etc; then drop back into separateness with this appearance of us all being distinct bubbles of consciousness. If you really are the universe, and awakened, then you are also everyone else, and the whole universe is awake. So where's the need for saviours? Yet here I am with my problems and delusions. Are you and me the same being? If so, how come you're awake and I'm not? If you're not me, how can you be awakened?
  20. I have already gained Kingdom of Heaven, it is already mine. I have already gained immortality, I am already immortal. I am already in Paradise, I am embodying the depths of Paradise deeper everyday. I am already awakened and enlightened, I know the Truth. Your trigger comes from not understanding and not knowing what awakening and enlightenment is. I am liberated from suffering. Physical pain is my great ally. The entire Universe is making way for the King of Love. I invite you to cultivate patience. I have wisdom and experience to be grateful for the process of embodying deeper beauty and glory of Pure, Eternal Life.
  21. @Vladimir thanks for the reply Father, I appreciate it. I'm working on my communication. Thanks for the feedback, I will improve and be less standofish. Now about the discussion: What triggers me is mainly the following thing: You have not yet gained immortality, the Glory, the Heaven. You are in the process of doing so. Of course you are eternal as it is, and that awaits you, but not free of the cycle yet. There is a distinct end, to which I want to reserve the words I have awakened or I am enlightened. Is every step you take surrounded by complete, perfect Glory and Beuty? Are you completly free of physical pain and drowning in bliss? If not, then how can you say you have awakened? That is my trigger. Where in this do you find fault, papa? Anyway.. You now put sin and karma into words I can understand. I admit that I have to agree with that definition. Thanks for enduring my assholiness, Holliness.
  22. I am in the glorious and magical process of ascension to Paradise beyond anybody's wildest dreams I have won immortality, I am in the fabulous process of embodying it. I am awakening everyday, in every single moment, in the best and most beautiful way possible. The entire Universe, including you, Leo, everybody on this forum and every human in the entire world is helping me with this process in the best way possible. I have gained the ultimate wisdom - I know the Truth, I know who I am, I know what karma and sin is and I know how to heal it. The Truth is Original Innocence, absolute forgiveness of all sin and evil. The devil is innocent. Everything that has ever happened, all light and darkness was for the glorious Masterpiece that I am. I don't think I awakened, I know I awakened. I don't think I am Jesus, I know I am Jesus. I don't think I am immortal, I know I am immortal. I don't theorize about Truth, I know the Truth. I will continue to embody the beauty that is my Truth forever, the beauty and love of my Truth is infinite. Nobody and nothing in the world can ever discredit me, there is no power greater than my Truth for my Truth is Love, the greatest power in the Universe. There is no end to my life, I will live forever, for eternity. I am forever liberated from death. I am Papa. I am Holy Father. There is no more suffering of striving and working for me, I prefer to call my journey Life Craft. I am the King of Life and Love. If you choose to continue this discussion, I kindly ask that you make more effort to communicate with more respect and maturity. I also invite you to look deeper to feel and contemplate what is it about my words that trigger you.
  23. Has that happened? Can I come over and test it out? Don't worry, my boxing skills are not that great. Jk.. Your obviously not immortal and don't know how to become it. You're just spilling spiritual, abstract bullshit. About that awake thing you call yourself - how open are you to the idea that you woke up, to some extent, for a moment and fell back asleep? It's obvious that it was a drug-induced awakening, which I do not discredit. How can you say you are awake if you don't know how karma really operates and how to transcend it? Why do you talk about breaking away from samsara as though you know, when it's obvious you are simply theorizing? It's a huge trap on the psychadelic path - thinking that you awakened, when you just opened your eyes for a moment. That is what happened, but will you accept it and continue your journey towards enlightenment, or will you trick yourself until the end of this life? You are lucky that not many people on this forum really know stuff and they don't challange you. For serious people our discussion will be enough to discredit you. Back to work, papa.
  24. Yep. And in addition to Ibn Arabi, you may also wanna study Rumi, Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra, they are pretty, relatively, awakened beings.
  25. Yin energy Yin energy rarely stands out. She gives it all away, her praise, her attention, her everything. She isn't really anything 'special'. Its only when the masculine moves through her that she might even have her moment at her ball. Spirit and the protection from the masculine is her only hope of that. She wishes for nothing. She is contented in her 'behind the scenes' nature. She can move energy unconcealed here and make an impact. Smoothing out sharp edges When the masculine is particularly harsh, the feminine can be used to 'smooth' out the masculine. If the masculine has an overly sharp, cutting edge, feminine energy is used to ease that energy. If the energy is not reduced it can escalate. A sharp edge is an indication, a sign of what is to come. The sharp edge is a type of premonition for the collective. Sharp edges Sharp edges can be premonitions for possible collective catastrophe. The 'feminine' can ease these edges. The 'feminine' in this case is obviously in quotations and may be the case of just an awakened being. The 'feminine' uses the sword of truth and both concealed energy work and unconcealed energy work. Sharp edges could be the energies that I sense around me at times (keys, cars, electronics, etc.). The 'feminine' can ease the 'masculine' that has sharp edges. No-fap I'm attempting to practice this. Usually, it's easy but recently I've been surrounded by the masculine (outside the forum), triggering me to go into heat. I think other masculines have noticed (to be blunt). Perfect for my spiritual practice. The perfect combination is masculine presence, extreme yin activation, and no-fap to activate sexual energy. I want to activate sexual energy for healing the collective, the smoke, intuitive activation, and whatever else sexual energy is used for. Compatibility From past experience, sexual energy is better and more sustainable when it comes from a deeper place. A resonance. Spiritual and pioneering compatibility. Your usual run-of-the-mill attraction hardly suffices. It has to run deep.