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  1. @The0Self What you call contemporary nonduality is what I consider Neo-advaita. They all basically tell you there's nothing to do. Which pretty much guarantees you will never realize God.
  2. I see a big distinction between Neo-Advaita and this -- Jim Newman, Tony Parsons, Andreas Muller, Anna Brown, Andrea Reflects, Kenneth Madden, perhaps more... Lisa Cairns, etc -- aka contemporary nonduality (I've heard it called). Neo-Advaita says you're already enlightened and there's nothing to do, which is hopelessly taken on as a belief -- I wouldn't call it nonduality. This contemporary nonduality consists of a message being spoken that points to nothing; the absolute -- they rarely say there's nothing to do... and even if they seem like they do, whenever pressed, they always make it very clear there's no one to do that anyway, so who is giving up the search? It's made very clear that thinking or knowing you are enlightened already is just a game the individual would play to avoid liberation. In Neo-Advaita, you can supposedly know (or believe) you're enlightened. In contemporary nonduality, you can't -- because unlike Neo-Advaita, it does point to liberation, which is beyond mere belief.
  3. The integration of light and darkness inside we have to do. When thoughts arise about shame and sin and the dark "entity" is waiting to have it's feast is also what we call (ego dissolution or ego death). If we cling to much at what we know about reality, this kind of happenings could happen and all sorts of inside realities and fears, traumas, memory etc. From a metaphorical perspective, the Ego has to be sacrificied and renewed with the internal fire we have. So, on a brink of dispair like Ego dissolve, wich is no joke, to let go is to embrace the inner drive, or call it fury if you wish. In a dream picture it will apear as Satan or Lucifer. We must first deconstruct what those entities are. Satan has to be seen in new light. Because christianity lied in the first place about Satan or Lucifer. Let's remember that "the serpent" and "saviour" is the same principle. Christ is the metaphor of the Ego, sacrificing itself for the whole and be reborn. Take this like something we have to do at a personal level. Let the old go to be sacrified for the interior self and be reborn in a new paradigm. When the big sacrifice comes, that of the Ego, is normal at first, the body and mind will freak out similar to waiting real death. Getting in touch with the reality inside of what Satan or Lucifer represents. From a standpoint of no christian dogma, they represent the truth. They represent the movement inside. Jesus Christ said: to those who will be successful in my endeavors, i will give them Lucifer, the morning star. So, Lucifer, Satan, Shiva, Christ, are only names during history of that wich is dormant in the human body, or left for dead. Is where we threw our not desired emotions or thoughts,etc. Firstly, revise your beliefs about Satan, and let religious dogma go away. In the true words Lucifer represents the light and the principle of Air. Satan represents movement and the principle of Fire. Gabriel represents freedom of speech and the principle of Space/Akasha/Sound/Knowledge Duality is making people see angels and demons. From a nonduality perspective they are Daemons or facets of the subconscious mind. In western tradition we have 72 demons and 72 angels, so 144 Daemons.or "Gods". Duality is being stuck in the perspective only that of the Ego and mind. Because of society programming. So, we have to reconsider relearning everything we think we know, and distrust any dogma, this is why we have the breath, to not drop into insanity. And the embrace of all those dark feelings inside and stop judging. Now, entities are real from another perspective. If is too much trauma doing the inner work, then calling upon Christ or Shiva or Lucifer, could help greatly.
  4. And by the way... If someone were to tell you, for instance, “stop trying to get anywhere,” then they are coming from a place of mere conceptual understanding (thus, misunderstanding) of nonduality. As there’s no you to do that either.
  5. And psychedelics put you in DP/DR or right away into the nothingness without residual separation? Isn't there spiritual practice needed to realise nonduality before going into dissociative states? I'm not sure about you, but when I had DP/DR, I didn't have separation, because thoughts were as empty as the rest of reality. The suffering was ego death, fighting the change of perception that's occurring. DP/DR also wasn't that much suffering, the suffering came months/years after not experiencing any dissociations anymore.
  6. That's simply a lack of nuance on your part. You and Adeptus are committing the classic pre/trans fallacy and then getting outraged at me over it. I have never claimed to be a messiah in some delusional pre-rational way people like Adetpus take that to mean. Does God speak through me? Of course! All my deepest insights come from God. Do I teach people how to awaken? Of course! In that sense you could say I am guru or a messiah, but you and Adeptus have no clue what this actually means. You take it as some narcisstic fundamentalist thing, but it isn't that. Anyone can become a guru or a messiah simply by awakening and having a calling to awaken others. If you don't carefully study this work, then it may seem that way to you. Yes, precisely because people like you and Adeptus get confused. The video was not about me, it was to help clear up confusion which naturally rises in this work. No, I have always spoke out and warned against cult behavior and ideology. This has been the core of my work from day 1. Actually I take criticism and feedback all the time. But not when it comes from trolls who are way out of their element. Before you troll me, first demonstrate a solid understanding of spirituality, nonduality, epistemology, metaphysics, and my work. I teach extremely advanced things which require nuance and tons of personal contemplation and direct experience to understand. My teachings are not some dumb right wing video that you just casually troll. It will take you 10 years of deep study to render a serious criticsim of me. Not that you couldn't. But you're so far from that. This may shock you, but I am a busy guy and I have better things to do than to defend my work against ignorant people. If I was in that business it would be a full time job. If you cannot fathom my work then that's not my problem. Many people will misinterpret my work because that is simply the nature of the ego mind.
  7. No, this is actually going to shock you. I believe that God is everything in the universe, including me and you, and I've been espousing this since my teens (over 20 years). I also believe in nonduality, and have extensive meditation and psychedelic experience... not what you was wanting to read... right?
  8. @mandyjw Nonduality into everything. Well porns are porns. They are exactly that.
  9. I have watched thousands of YouTube videos about nonduality, read many books, and been a member in this forum for many years, so I know all the theory about it, for example the thing that "trying to achieve it is running from it." But it doesn't help. I don't get enlightened when I stop trying to achieve it. There has been periods when I haven't been trying to achieve it. I've heard "you enjoy suffering" a billion times as well. That doesn't help either. So I'm somehow supposed to stop enjoying suffering? When my experience tells me that I'm not enjoying suffering? I'm not buying it. You guys are only doing mental gymnastics all the time, creating concepts and beliefs.
  10. I can see how thinking isn't that much of a thing. I can experience voices, images or even imagined sensations but the "thought" itself is never there without an associated experience. Most of my thoughts are vocal, it's like I'm dreaming a voice talking to me (that I label mine). I never interact with the thought but only with the voice that is being dreamed of. One could say those things are just the "labelling of experiences" and the labelling itself is thought. Labelling here is just a synonym for duality. Like if I label the experience of a voice as a thought saying me things, is the labelling itself another experience? Am I experiencing the labelling of an experience through another experience, or is there just no actual labelling? Are dualities experienced? Or are they just "not"? The answer sounds obvious, especially given the name Nonduality. But I long thought that dualities are experienced as part of consciousness (experience of thought). In actuality I don't experience the dualities themselves, but voices and images that I later attribute to thought. I can see how there might be no thinking. But it will always appear as if I'm thinking, either from neuroimagery or by looking at the actions my body does. The neuroimagery of someone in a total state of flow playing basketball would probably reveal brain activity about basketball and about motor skills. But perhaps brain activity is different from thinking.
  11. From corresponding a bit with Adeptus, he might not even misunderstand nonduality entirely, he mainly just thinks Leo was being a bit over confident and half baked with his claims of healing abilities like a year ago or something — though I do still think Adeptus is misunderstanding that, because I don’t remember anything particularly crazy, and the way Adeptus acts leads me to believe he has a bit more of a problem with Leo than just that.
  12. No, it's the acceptance of the causes of suffering (belief in them) that is truly not true acceptance at all, that is the suffering. Some people are so disgusted they won't hear them (I remember feeling this way about Eckhart Tolle when I was 19) and others try to exploit the understanding which only results in suffering. We all do, really in some way, that's how we learn. I discovered them around the same time my Grandmother died and I was going through a really challenging period in my life. She essentially teaches how to emotionally embody nonduality. Her key insight for losing someone you love is, "look for the person you lost where they are not where they are not" and a few other insights hit me like lightning at that time. I also was able to connect with the intuition I'd always had but demonized for so long. The winter I discovered her, my kitchen sink drain clogged, and since my Grandmother was dying and no one could get care for he my entire family was helping and I was isolated with no help with my toddler and autistic son. My dog was dying and occasionally making massive messes in the house. I hired a plumber, and had a few other people try to fix the sink drain. No one could. My life was a mess, a literal freaking mess. Having a kitchen sink drain is really important. I tried to will it into being using law of attraction. I tired so hard to focus my head hurt. Nope. My life was such a disaster, but something really bright, transcending all that was calling me in a much clearer, deeper way than ever. That winter/early Spring I had an awakening, and several mystical experiences starting with the night my Grandmother died and connecting with her in such a profound way. It was like it all magically worked its way out and through and around the chaos of my life. Still, however, the kitchen sink drain was clogged. I literally got everything but the kitchen sink. So many psychological blockages and beliefs came loose and came crashing down all around me. The world feels like a truly magical, enchanted place, and I know and feel in my heart that I'm not separate from that. Synchronicity and insights keep sweeping me off my feet. Spring comes, the drain is clearly not frozen and I hire someone to dig up the entire length of plumbing in the back yard with an excavator and fix it. That morning I listen to a song with the lyrics "lightning in a bottle". They dig up an antique glass jar with "Lightning" printed on it. I ask him to dig my dog a grave under the apple tree in the back yard, because I've decided finally to have him put to sleep later that week. He does, they leave. I finally have a kitchen sink that works, weeks, months later. The next morning my dog dies peacefully on his own, early before the kids can wake up and find him, as if he'd planned it that way the entire time for my convenience. Law of Attraction is the focusing on what you DO want, focusing on what you do have and finding the feeling place of fulfillment and awe in it, without denying bigger dreams, without believing so much in time and limitations and "what is"... that is really the non resistant state that we all came here for. Love feels like love, and it is unconditional. It's essentially all about not settling (believing) anything less than that.
  13. I think it’s a matter of these people just not being very familiar with him. Bentinho is highly awakened and authentic it seems. Very high level techniques. Like a young Rupert Spira that actually lets his personality show and is concerned less with nonduality and more with manifesting your true nature through intuition and emotional guidance. Rather reminds me of Nahm / Phil / Actuality of Being Apparently Bentinho was instrumental in Frank Yang’s path.
  14. I mean all language about nonduality is occurring at the conceptual level which inherently makes distinctions, so if you’re gonna use language you may as well do it right and not make broad generalisations assuming everyone knows exactly what you mean and if they don’t it’s automatically because they are not “woke” big lol. Sorry that’s my rant over. I just focus on the raw experience these days, yoga is so damn good at taking you out of your mind and into your environment also. This kind of presence is what you want in life. More connected than anything.
  15. So is Bentinho a guy who understands nonduality intellectually, but the understanding hasn't reached his emotions yet? How does he transition into an authentic teacher? @Batman @Waken @Space
  16. Yes and he's right. God is alone. "with the same relationship to infinite God" LMAO my guy you literally ARE God, there is no such thing as a "relationship to God" other than by falsely believing so. This is inevitable, because Reality is Absolute while communication and interpretation are necessarily relative. It's your job to see past the relativity and pierce straight to the Absolute. I don't know much about him, but if what you're saying is true, he most likely boils down his teachings to make them more mainstream while ignoring the radical implications of nonduality in doing so.
  17. Every Spiral Dynamics Infinity Stone Color has now been collected: Stage Red and Stages Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow, Turquoise. So, when you’re done reading, snap your fingers like Tony Stark and say, “I…am…Spiral Dynamics Man ? " 449. Summary: Spiral Dynamics - Stage Purple “The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.” —African proverb -This comes from the work of Claire Graves, Don Beck and Christopher Cohen who developed Spiral Dynamics (ep: Spiral Dynamics.) Spiral Dynamics is a developmental model that looks at the evolution of culture and human psychology throughout time, both at an individual and collective level. -This model is extremely useful for understanding the development of yourself, of people around you and of different cultures and societies. It will help you make sense of the crazy cultural stuff that's happening around you. -Each stage corresponds to a set of values and a level of and moral cognitive development of the psyche. As we're going up the spiral, there’s an increase in the level of consciousness and complexity to the culture and to one's psyche. -You can’t skip stages. You have to go through each stage to get to the next stage. Also, no one stage is “better” than any other stage. eg: Genghis Khan went from a stage Purple upbringing to being a stage Red warlord. Genghis Khan (6 mins). His rule also created a foundation for Stage Blue and even Orange (2 mins). His empire established the Silk Road. He also allowed people to keep their religion, as long as they agreed to also pray to Genghis Khan. His story is the basis for Danerys Targaryen and the Dothraki in Game of Thrones. -Throughout life we try to evolve up these stages as quickly as we can, trying to get to tier two which is Yellow and Turquoise. -Stage Purple is tribalistic, animistic, mystical. Life is both magical and fragile, because the elements are harsh. It has primitive, yet deep mystical wisdom and traditions. It’s 10% of the world population and 1% of world influence because it’s so archaic and out of touch with technology and modern society. -If you’re living in a relatively developed part of the world, you’re probably around Stage Blue/Orange, maybe even Orange/Green. At this level of development, modern culture has indoctrinated us with individuality, materialism and consumerism. (Five Things about Libertarianism [5 mins].) -There’s a Libertarian myth that each person is a rugged individual, a John Wayne cowboy-type, who survives by himself, no society necessary. (ep: Why Libertarianism is Nonsense) “I have the right to my property, my house and my guns. I want to be left alone and I want things my way!!” -However, Libertarianism is not how most of humanity lives or has historically lived. The majority of human history was communal life where you lived as part of a tribe. Having an individual identity is something that's relatively modern. It's maybe a couple hundred years old to a thousand years old. In most developed parts of the world, we forget that humans are a tribal species and this leads to all sort of Libertarian absurdities. Stage Purple emerges with the beginning of homo sapiens. There’s never been a time in the history of humans where we lived as individuals in the wilderness. Mother Nature is too brutal to survive it alone. So, we’ve always been part of a tribe. If you look at our nearest ancestors the chimpanzees and the bonobos, you see that they don't survive by themselves. Bonobo tribe . They even have a highly social, highly communal, primitive culture, like using tools, grooming each other’s hair, learning from each other. You don’t see a lone monkey or gorilla surviving by himself in the jungle. He’d get eaten. (Learning from Bonobos.) Stage Purple is about being a member of a tribe. The Stage Purple tribe is how mankind began and how it has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. If your tribe dies out nothing else is possible. Your tribe is your whole life, your whole identity. Identity is the crux of all development. Contribution and self-sacrifice to the tribe are paramount. The individual sacrifices for the tribe. The tribe trumps the desires of your ego, or to have sex, or to hoard all the coconuts. Competitive individualists are looked down on because they put the tribe in danger. Life is magical and mystical. There's an element of spirituality and mysticism (we also see that at stage Turquoise.) Being with the tribe feels like living in an enchanted magical village. Disney movies do this a lot: Mulan’s ”Honor to Us All.” Pocahontas’ ”Colors of the Wind”. Moana. Tarzan’s ”You'll Be In My Heart”. Belle's “Provincial Life” ? The Stage Purple Family Stage Purple is a natural extension of the family unit. If you take the family as the basic unit of human survival, expand on that and you have a collection of families living together, which constitutes a tribe. Basically the tribe is one big extended family. Like in the family unit, if your mom needs help with her computer, you don’t bill her for your services. You do it, no problem, because she’s family. In a tribe, that attitude extends to everyone. Everybody helps everyone out. There’s no cold, calculating, business-like transaction where you’re trying to profit from someone else in the tribe. The tribe is small enough for everybody to know everyone and their personal business. There's no sense of alienation and anonymity, which exists today. If you're living in a big city you probably don't even know your neighbours. As a tribe we can hunt together, share new inventions and develop a shared culture, which becomes very powerful as we develop up the spiral. The tribe gives life meaning. There's a deep emotional bonding between members of the tribe just like in a family. You don't want to let your tribe down, so it’s important to contribute. Contributing isn’t some burden that's imposed by a dictator from up above. At the end of the day, once you're done all your survival activities, you can tell stories around the campfire, dance, do art, drumming, music, drink and party, which adds spice to life. There are group ceremonies, rituals and celebrations. It’s much better than being alone in a shelter trying to not die. The Stage Purple View of the Universe Purple seeks harmony with Mother Nature. Purple reveres the power of Mother Nature. Nature is mystical and wise. Knowing the environment is a matter of life or death. Knowing when the sun sets and rises tells you where to plant crops. You need to predict rainfall. Studying the stars and sky lets you navigate through the mountains. You need to find good hunting grounds. Adds to the animistic sense of spirituality. Time is cyclical, based on the seasons. Not linear time, but a cyclical sense of time. Time is connected to the movement of the sun, stars, seasons, zodiac sign. Polytheistic. There isn’t just one God. There’s usually a multiplicity of spirits that you have to appease and work with. There are conflicting spirits, some good, some bad, some petty, some mischievous. You can find these figures throughout mythology. Animistic: everything has a spiritual essence. Animism is the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. Purple obeys the desires of mystical spirit beings in nature. They have a life force and intentionality of their own. (The sun spirit, the water spirit, the plant spirit, etc.) eg: If we anger the river, the river will stop flowing and we’ll die of drought. We must appease the river by praying to it and performing rituals. The tree spirit in our oak tree is good and watches over us at night, but the tree spirit in the enemy tribe’s willow trees are bad. A mystical sense of cause and effect. Without science, it’s unknown how nature functions, which makes it deeply mysterious and mystical. Purple can draw false conclusions about causes and effects in nature. There's no theorizing about the logic behind performing a rain dance for the crops, or trying out different dances to get different results. That’s not how Stage Purple sees things. eg: The shaman might do a rain dance and believe he caused the rain to fall. The crops might go bad, and the tribe might think it must have dishonoured their ancestors in some way. Earthquakes and lightning probably come from earth, wind and fire spirits who demand a weekly vigorous, ceremonial, tribal dance ?. Stage Purple Mindset Stage Purple is more right-brained than left-brained. Purple is more intuitive, feeling-oriented, body-centred versus logical, rational and scientific. There’s no formal science at this stage of development. There's no writing system, so you can’t document and codify your understanding of the world. The logical mind is more about analyzing and categorizing things, which is good for scientific purposes or writing a book, but it's not so good for survival in the jungle. Stage Purple uses intuition to navigate through life and reality. Gut instincts are better for survival than logic. You'd be surprised how far you can get with intuition and instinct. eg: Stage Purple people who are very experienced, like a shaman or a medicine man, can have very keen senses and extraordinary perception which comes from massive experience. The Shaman’s been living in the jungle for 50 years, going on hunts and gathering plants. He’s become very very attuned to tracking animals, reading footprints, looking at weather patterns, predicting where lightning is going to come from, when rain is going to fall. He can hear different animal sounds or bird calls and based on that he can predict whether it's spring or fall, or if there are predators nearby. The shaman has become very very perceptive through intuition and feeling. This allows him to survive much better than logic would. All the logic in the world won’t help a scientist with three Phds survive in the Amazon. Following tradition keeps you alive. Survival at Stage Purple is very precarious because of the harsh environment. Traditions have been tested for hundreds and thousands of years by your ancestors and by their ancestors. They figured out to navigate the jungle through trial and error. Many of them died figuring out where to get clean water or safe shelter. Now you are relying upon their traditions to help you survive, so you follow them faithfully. So there's a great value placed upon retaining ancestral and tribal memory. Your survival literally depends upon your ancestors. It's not just nostalgia. That shared ancestral memory, knowledge and wisdom of how nature works is the tribe’s version of google (or ?). Purple’s rigid attachment to tradition leads to its downfall. They’re closed-minded and unable to adapt to other cultures and perspectives. They’re too rigid to co-operate with other tribes, which leads to conflict, battle and death. It also leads to the need for Stage Red’s ruthless, warlike individualism. Stage Purple Culture The tribe relies on a verbally shared history to pass down wisdom. Because Purple is usually pre-literate, they can’t create a manual on how to survive the elements. Without science, they also don’t know how nature really works. So, the tribe has a collective memory with rigid rules and rituals on how to behave. Without these traditions you could easily do something that kills you. You could eat the wrong plant and get poisoned. You could hunt the wrong animal and get eaten. If you do anything the wrong way you could die, and you can’t just call 911. Traditional customs are extremely important. The tribe relies on traditions and history to give people a sense of grounding and a sense of identity. The culture tells you who you are, where you came from and how you're supposed to behave. Because everything is traditional, there's not a lot of creativity or innovation. You just learn and obey the traditions. There’s a traditional, “right” way to hunt, cook, cure disease, make medicine, dance, celebrate, handle funerals and the death of loved ones, etc. It’s also important to know what’s taboo, what not to do. Vivid myths, parables, legends and telling stories. Storytelling is extremely important for pre-literate cultures. They existed before writing systems were invented. So, the history and wisdom of the tribe was memorized through stories and myths that were passed down from ancestor to ancestor to ancestor. To make sure those stories were kept intact and not corrupted, there wasn't a lot of room for creativity or embellishment. You had to learn those ancestral as faithfully as possible. So, a lot of emphasis is placed upon the history of the tribe. This actually plays a very important existential role in one's psyche. It’s important to retain a track record of where you came from. Tribes do this through mythology and sharing of stories. Today, modern science tells us where we came from. There’s a sperm and an egg, a genealogical record of ancestors and so forth. But science doesn’t exist at Stage Purple. There was no historical record you could google. You had no clue what happened 5000 years ago, except through the tribe’s stories. Culturally rich in folk stories, songs, dances, artwork and crafts. They compensate for a lack of writing with other art forms, which can be very beautiful and sophisticated. A lot of anthropology is about collecting these cultural artifacts and putting them in museums. eg: Sacred objects, traditional songs and dances, costumes and traditional dresses. Family relics, masks, tattoos, jewelry and other adornments. Has many folk stories about mystical creatures. Each culture has their own stories of mystical creatures who are often mischievous tricksters who have to be appeased or reckoned with. Spirits, sprites, pixies, elves, gnomes, trolls and magical creatures come from basically every culture. There are unwritten rules about how the tribe works. Because there's a deep sense of tribal history, there's lots of implicit rules that get developed over centuries of survival. Rules about hunting, dancing, celebrating, talking, eating, etc. One of the challenges anthropologists face when they discover a new tribe is there are implicit rules and customs you have to follow in order to not offend the tribe. So one of the challenges is they have to spend years really going “full native,” as it's said, living and learning within that tribe, through trial and error. Once they learn these unwritten rules, they can fit in and function. These rules are usually not rational or scientific. They’re sort of intuitive heuristics for survival in that particular environment. It also varies depending on the unique environment the tribe developed in. (re: Survival heuristics. The Himba tribe in Namibia can detect multiple, imperceptibly different shades of green, but have difficulty seeing the difference between green and blue.) Words have magical powers. Words are sacred, magical and powerful. Prayers, blessings and hexes. Words are used in dances and rituals. Communication with the spirit realm. Out of Body Experiences. Astral realms. Psychic Abilities are considered real. Summoning nature spirits and ancestors. Ordinary events are seen as mystical signs or omens. Superstition runs rampant. Purple doesn’t realize culture is an arbitrary construction. The tribe’s culture was created unconsciously as part of its survival activity. It’s not chosen, it just is. It’s helped their people survive for thousands, if not tens of thousands, of years. Survival is so brutal at Stage Purple that they’re loathe to change. It takes many stages above Purple to get to a point where culture is seen as something that's socially constructed and malleable. Purple also doesn’t see how culture can be counterproductive, destructive or a form of brainwashing. Purple thinks its culture is the only way, not just another way. Stage Purple has difficulty imagining other ways of living. Once other tribes starts interacting with it, the tribe's isolated bubble gets punctured. This creates a problem. Purple feels threatened by diversity and alternative perspectives about culture, rituals, gods and methods of handling survival. If another tribe performs a rain dance differently, it’s not just different, it’s “bad and evil.” It’s definitely not better than our raindance. Our tribe’s traditions came from our ancestors and we value our ancestors. We don't value their ancestors. Stage Purple is the early origin point of all religions. These ancient traditions got co-opted by religions that came later. They became systematized, orthodox, and stripped of mysticism. eg: Not eating pork or shellfish. It’s a carryover from Pagan customs from a time when eating either of those was dangerous because they carried disease. eg: Christmas was originally the Winter Solstice, which was an important date for hunter gatherer tribes. It’s the peak of winter, after that it starts going towards spring. Stage Purple Social Roles Fixed social roles. There are fixed social roles, the chieftain, the medicine man, the shaman, the hunter, the warrior, the fertile young bride, etc. Everybody's playing their role. These roles are very fixed. Cooperation is necessary for survival. Gender-based division of labor. There’s usually a gender-based division of labor. Women do the cooking and maybe gathering plants, whereas the men go hunting and manage the defensive perimeter. The men go on group hunts to increase their chances of victory, instead of going alone. There’s an emphasis on protecting fertile women. Women have many many children because half those children will probably die from lack of sanitation or lack of food. Not all the children will even make it to adulthood. Preference for boys. There’s lots of needed manual labor because survival is difficult. Boys tend to be physically stronger and better at survival than girls. Arranged marriages and selling daughters. Arranged marriages and selling of daughters is very common, usually when they're only 12 to 15 years old. The more beautiful the girl, the more reproductive value, the higher the dowry. The girl doesn't have any choice about this. The dowry is sort of the extra payment that the parents get for nurturing and raising a girl instead of a boy. Because she was physically weaker than the boy, but to compensate she has reproductive value. Sexuality is free and not taboo. Tribespeople are very comfortable with their sexuality and nudity. Sex is not seen as bad or dirty. It’s why you see half naked women in those National Geographic documentaries. These cultures also tend to be polygamous and have lots of children. The repression of sexuality comes at Stage Blue with the advent of orthodox religion and morality. Raising children communally. The child isn’t just raised by the mother and father, but by the entire village. It helps to socialize children and get them used to interacting with lots of people. Whereas modern society is isolating and young people don’t have as many social bonds, which leads to mental illness and socialization problems. Respect for the Elderly. Modern society tends to discount the elderly as feeble. In our modern culture we can go to google or some Harvard Phd and get information in books, or from other humans who lived 1000s of years ago. You don't have that in a pre-literate society, so literally it's the most experienced person who's still alive. At Stage Purple, there’s a lot of value placed upon the elderly. There tends to be naturally emerging leaders based on seniority and experience. There's a council of elders who are well respected and they serve the tribe selflessly. They coordinate things, but not in an autocratic way. Leaders emerge from seniority. It's not dictatorial or a bunch of power hungry monarchs, like a Stage Red mafia boss. A Chief instead of politicians. So the chieftain tends to be old, very experienced, has survived many battles, went on many hunts and has a lot of wisdom. When you can’t write down knowledge in a book, you can see how valuable life experience is. The chieftain is not a dictator. He's there to selflessly serve the tribe and pass on wisdom. He's not in it for personal gain. The chief is going to be on a close emotionally bonded basis with everyone he's dealing with. Unlike a corporation or mafia boss, he’s not trying to leech wealth from everyone underneath him. Stage Purple Resource Gathering/“Economy” Stage Purple is basically small-scale communism. It's pre-industrial, hunter-gatherer and usually pre-agricultural, although it’s capable of being agricultural on a small scale. (Generally as humans became highly agricultural they settled down and moved to stage Red and Blue.) There’s no formal legal system, court system, laws, military, taxation, or formal market. So, it’s the dinosaur of governments. The chief or elders usually distribute goods based on the needs of the people. It’s not about climbing a corporate ladder and becoming the richest and most powerful. Sharing of resources. There's a strong emphasis on the value of reciprocity, sharing and cooperative interdependence. Resources are distributed based on need. The tribe shares its resources, food and property to maximize tribe efficiency. Sharing is a necessity for survival in a harsh environment. This creates a natural insurance policy. If I can’t find fish today, maybe you’ll share some of your surplus with me, then I’ll cook dinner for you next week. There’s no sense of profit motive. Communal or Tribe property. There’s so much collaboration and cooperation that property is communal, not private. There's no strong sense of individual property rights. You could own your own house, but it’s also the entire village's house. Social bonds > Business & Profits There's not much to do in a Purple society other than social bonding. So that's the most valuable thing, moreso than wealth acquisition or collecting material objects. Purple isn’t very materially productive. That's not something they prioritize. Life isn’t about how much money you can earn or working 14 hours a day to get ahead, to buy stuff you can’t afford to impress people you don’t like. They’re not buying the latest technology or cool gadget or a new purse, like Stage Orange. Being on “Island Time.” Business schedules aren’t as important as social bonds, which is annoying for people with stage Orange goals. When Westerners do business in a Purple culture, like India, Jamaica, even rural Nova Scotia, stuff probably won’t get done on time, or quickly compared to an Orange culture like New York. Purple will prioritize a community celebration, or their niece’s wedding, or public holidays. (Chinese culture doesn't do that) Nepotism is also rampant, because Purple is so family oriented and social bonds are more important than profit. Blood bonds trump competence. Tribal warfare. Us vs Them. Stage Purple is so deeply tribal that there's an intense in-group/out-group dynamic, which leads to tribal warfare, blood feuds, racial violence and potentially ethnic cleansing. This is where Purple starts to phase into Stage Red. eg: Genghis Khan went from a stage Purple upbringing to being a stage Red warlord. Genghis Khan (6 mins). A Purple tribe can’t stay little forever. They will grow, take up more resources and more of the environment. Soon more tribes pop up and will start to interact. That’s when you get tribal conflict. There's a very deep social and emotional bond within a tribe, but when another tribe comes along they're seen as foreigners. Especially because each tribe is so beholden to its own traditions; they’re each very very inflexible. Each tribe is close-minded and traditional, so they clash with each other. They can't see the relativity of each other traditions that comes much further up the spiral. The other tribes are threatening. They have different traditions, values, culture, ancestry, appearance, etc. How do you make the tribes cooperate? This creates a very serious problem which ultimately leads to the necessity of higher stages of the spiral. Examples of Stage Purple -There's a lot of profound, effective and practical wisdom to be found within these Purple mystical spiritual traditions. It’s not all fairy tales and magical thinking. -People think non-duality is a modern, advanced thing, so it's amazing to see our ancestors from thousands of years ago already had it figured out (like with Aztec philosophy and Teotl.) -There’s tons of examples, here’s just a sampling. Tribes in… Sentinel Island: The Sentinelese Tribe - Untouched For 60,000 Years. Amazon: Korubo tribe. Documentary about the Huaoaranis tribe. Tribe that inspired Avatar. African tribes: Zulu, Bwiti, Surma, Hadza. The movie Black Panther drew inspiration from Stage Purple tribes. Black women leaving Christianity for traditions from their homeland Indonesia: Korowai tribe. Top 7 Indonesian tribes. Papua New Guinea: Chimbu Skeleton Tribe. Native American tribes: The Comanches. Lakota. The Apache. The Middle East: Afghanistan’s Koochi Tribes. Saudi Arabia. Iraq. Syria. Uzbekistan. Bedouin tribes in Oman. Russia: Chukchi people in Chukotka. Altai people. South East Asia: Bajau Laut tribe. India: Jawawa tribe. Jarawa's message for the world (10 mins) Siberia: Nenetses clan. Becoming a man in Siberia. Australia: Aborigines documentary (50 min). The Purple prototype. New Zealand: Maori. Maori Warriors. Cannibal tribes. Korowai tribe in West Papau, Indonesia. CNN reporter almost gets eaten by an Aghori. Although that often gets exaggerated because of Western stereotypes. Hawaiian culture Various Hawaiian ceremonies: Kahunas, luaus, leis, ceremonial food, cookouts. Aquaman does a Haka. Indian culture and spirituality is very tribalistic. India has 100s of tribes, each with their own language. Being so fragmented has created a barrier for business and modernization. It’s tough to pick a primary language for the country when each tribe wants their own language to be the dominant one. Lots of strange arcane spiritual traditions, based on herbal medicine, psychedelics, witchcraft, black magic in places like Mayong, Assam. Ayurveda. The Healthy Gamer channel covers this subject a lot. (It’s a great channel.) East Asian cultures: Tibetan spirituality. Nepal’s Kumari, the Living (child) Goddess. Japan’s Shinto religion. It’s separate and distinct from Buddhism. Very ritualistic, worships Kami who’s the disembodied life spirit that pervades everything, rather than a monotheistic God. Similar to the force in Star Wars. What is Shinto? The Maneki Neko. A golden cat with the paw that moves back and forth. A good luck charm. ლ(=ↀωↀ=)ლ Fortune cookies. A superstitious holdover from Purple. Something can be Purple and still have a recent origin. A lot of Purple stuff gets discovered and reinvented. Acupuncture. Chi energy. Teotl and Nawa notions of spirituality Very profound, effective and practical wisdom. Turns out non-duality’s been figured out for thousands of years. (ep: Aztec Nonduality). Cultural Practices The "Circle of Life" ? from The Lion King. The sacred Tree of Life. The gift economy and sharing of resources is a Purple idea. Used at Burning Man and various burns around the world. Old spiritual texts and scriptures. Ancient mythologies. Sun worship. Animal gods and spirits. Animals have a spirit and life force of their own, which is pagan and sort of anti-Christianity. Stage Blue treats animals as just personal property, which is not the case at Stage Purple. Ceremonies Tattoos that the Maori of New Zealand paint on. If you take magic mushrooms and look in the mirror, you can see those patterns on your face and body. The Day of the Dead Shrines. Ancient burial grounds. Burial rituals. Stonehenge. There are lots of different stone circles around the world. Art & Music The Paleolithic cave paintings like you see at Lascaux, France and other places in Spain and elsewhere in Europe. Folk tales and fairy tales. Chanting in drum music. Drum circles. Traditional songs and dances. Sweat lodges. Vision quests. Tribal tattoos. Face paint. Masks. Symbolic costumes and ceremonial dress. Jewelry. Totem poles. Sacred objects. Family relics. Superstitions Knocking on wood. The lucky rabbit's foot. Black cats. Prayer altars. The Evil Eye. Urban legends. Astrology. Secret handshakes. Magick -Leo tried various alternative healing modalities (alternative health stuff starts at 30min) to diagnose and treat what turned out to be SIBO. Very interesting ?. Crystals and gems. Teal Swan on Crystals. Witchcraft. Romanian witches. Modern Witch in Brooklyn. Wicca. Modern day Wicca. Gerald Gardner. Protection Magick. Protection from other people. Banishing spells. Shamanism. Neo-shamanism. Paganism. Voodoo. Modern day Voodoo. Voodoo and possession. Haitian Vodou at the Haus of Hoodoo . Voodoo Museum in New Orleans. Curses and hexes. Casting curses on politicians. Magical healers. Summoning healing spirits in Haiti. Sage cleansing in Native American tribes. Lovespells. Warnings about Love Spells. Wiccan. Voodoo. In modern Salem. Witches in modern day Massachusetts! ? War and Tribal Conquest The Haka. Originally used to rev up tribesmen before war. It’s is used today for cultural performances and revving up testosterone in sports. Maori All Blacks Haka. “Cheerleading” at an all-boys prep school. Try doing this before a work out! Animal sacrifice. Human sacrifice. Blood oaths. Cannibalism. Eating one's enemies. It's a trope where you defeat your enemy, cut out his heart and eat it while it’s still beating. Suicide bombing. This happens in very underdeveloped parts of the Middle East that are very tribal, very clannish. The culture, the value system there is that you sacrifice for your tribe. So if your tribe is getting exterminated you will gladly strap a bomb to your chest in the defense of your tribe. Suicide bombing is a hijacking of that stage Purple “sacrifice for the tribe” value system. It combines with toxic stage Red and gets weaponized. It seems irrational to Westerners, but not if you look at it using spiral dynamics. Kamikaze pilots in World War II is a similar thing. It’s a very self-sacrificing force that was part of Japanese culture. Psychedelics & Plant Medicines Herbal medicines. Ayahuasca mushrooms + peyote combo. Amino muscaria mushrooms. Ayahuasca ceremonies. Peyote ceremonies. Mexican shamans used Salvia divinorum for divining purposes in witchcraft. Magic mushrooms and datura are used in ceremonies. Boiti African tribes use iboga for ceremonies. Rites of Passage South Korean coming of age rituals. Fulani tribe in Benin (trigger warning ?). -Boys becoming Men 5 Shocking Ceremonies (trigger warning ?). Navajo ceremony. Bar mitzvahs. Boiti tribe use amanita muscaria mushrooms for this rite of passage. -Girls becoming Women 5 Shocking Ceremonies (? trigger warning ?). In the Apache tribe. Apache endurance test. Navajo ceremony. Hoopa Valley tribe in Northern California. Teeth filing in Indonesia. Amazonian tribe in Belem. Bat Mitzvahs. Debutante balls (last 60s NSFW). -Elaborate mating and marriage ceremonies Click here to watch Leo describe a sex act no one would enjoy, not even with the most beautiful person in the world ?❤️‍??. Bosniak Bridal tradition in Kosovo. Dowries. Fertility goddesses. Purple in Modern Culture There’s tons of examples, here’s just a few. The whole idea of the “noble savage.” Missionaries going to tribes to spread Christianity. The missionaries are stage Blue going to Purple tribes to “convert the heathens.” In modern society, Stage Purple lessons start getting integrated in kindergarten, when you’re thrown into a group of other kids. You learn how to share and play with others. High school is all about playing political games of who's the coolest kid in school. There are all these different tribes of kids based on where they sit in the cafeteria. Small company work environments, like a startup or team of 10 people. It's a modern invention, but has a tribal, communal stage Purple dynamic. Like an extended family. Books: Don Miguel Ruiz’s “The Four Agreements.” Ancient Mexican Toltec wisdom. Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist.” Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” covers Purple mythology. Carlos Castaneda’s books, especially “Don Juan.” Carlos Castaneda books arose after the 1960s psychedelic revolution. Amazing books filled with lots of ancient, tribal wisdom. Don Juan has a very animistic worldview. He’s reading signs into a crow flying over his head. He’s attributing mystical things to that crow, and it’s because he’s from Stage Purple. He’s both naive and wise, like a Purple shaman. Movies & TV: James Cameron's “Avatar.” The Navi, those Blue cat looking creatures are a ripoff of the Native Americans. ”The Medicine Man” with Sean Connery. "Dances with Wolves." Miyazaki films are heavily influenced by Shinto and spiritual animism. Is Miyazaki Inspired By Shinto? (13 mins). “Spirited Away" is a must watch, awesome film. Many Disney films and songs. Mulan’s ”Honor to Us All.” Pocahontas’ "Colors of the Wind." Moana. Tarzan’s ”You'll Be In My Heart”. Belle's "Provincial Life" ?. Games: Patapon is a rhythm game about controlling a little group of tribal guys who go to war against other tribes and defeat creatures. (Very cute and catchy.) Turok the Dinosaur Hunter. The treasure hunting elements in Tombraider and the Uncharted series (for us non-boomers ?) Legend of Zelda. It’s set in an animistic, mystical world, with influences from the Shinto religion. It has shrines, various water and fire spirits. The world has a magical, mysterious vibe with artifacts and different races of half-animal, half-humans. Ghosts of Tsushima has a strong Shinto element in the game. (It’s also very beautiful and fun to play.) Horizon Zero Dawn. Also a fun game to play, and beautiful. (Tripcaster is OP.) Stage Green Incorporating Stage Purple Stage Green tries to integrate our Purple ancestors’ tribal wisdom, harmony with nature, sharing of resources and a communal way of living. eg: The hippie “Envision” Festival in Costa Rica. Stage Green with a lot of Purple influence. Modern hippie stuff is heavily stage Purple. Same with Burning Man. Stage Green is also reacting against the materialism of stage Orange. It looks back fondly on the sharing of resources and the gift economy. There’s been a reevaluation of psychedelics, plant medicines, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, the value of shamanism and mysticism. It overly romanticizes Purple. Purple doesn’t scale with billions of people and modern technology, like nuclear weapons, tanks, airplanes, internet. It also can’t account for the environmental impact of a Stage Blue/Orange/Green and society. Slogans/Phrases/quotes Ubuntu is Zulu for “I am because we are” or “A person is a person through other persons.” All for one, one for all. Don't say it or it might come true There’s no place like home. We are all part of Mother Nature Blood is thicker than water. You'll jinx us. This is how we do things around here. Honor the ancestors. That will upset the spirits. What Triggers Stage Purple (1:34:42) Disrespecting tradition, elders, ancestor and spirits. Life is so fragile at stage Purple that disregarding “common sense” could get the tribe killed. Lack of bonding and lack of reciprocity. Not being a team player. Libertarianism. Trying to do your own thing. It’s considered selfish and rude and puts the tribe in jeopardy. Arrogance, greed, ambition, selfishness. Like a Wall Street trader trying to bribe a shaman at an Ayahuasca retreat for a better room. The shaman will be disgusted because he seeks wisdom, not money. Other tribes/cultures. Threatening and confusing. A danger to the tribe. Domination, exploitation, dehumanizing work schedules. The desire for materialism and productivity. It breaks social bonds which is a much bigger priority in the tribe. Innovation and progress. The tribe wants to keep things traditional, the way the ancestors have always done them, even at the expense of progress. A shaman would never try 5MeO-DMT for example. This is the downfall of Purple, the inability to adapt, especially since Orange is all about science, technology and evolution. Downsides and Unhealthy Aspects of Stage Purple 1) Tribalism. Probably the biggest downside. When people are deeply tribal this devolves into tribal warfare, blood feuds, ethnic cleansing and genocide in the worst case scenarios. 2) Extremely isolated and fearful of outsiders. 3) Narrow worldview. 4) Inability to adapt to modern society. The nature of life is constant evolution. You can't put technology back in the bottle.[/b] You have to work with the new technology that is available and integrate multiple cultures into your own. The globe is one interconnected system. A lot of old traditions and customs aren’t going to withstand the industrialized modern Western technological machine that is society. Stage Purple needs to let go of those old, outdated ways of living if they want to integrate with modern society. 5) Overly traditional and conservative. 6) Overly superstitious. Too much magical thinking versus rational thinking. There’s value to mysticism, but there's also value to being rational, practical and material at times. Sometimes you need to have simple rational plans and goals and be pragmatic. 7) Fearful of natural phenomenon. It can overly mystify natural phenomenon and treat it as though it’s not understandable through science. 8) Too slow to adapt technology. It can resist or reject technology, even when it’s more effective, which is a shame. eg: Psychedelics and the spiritual community. Modern chemical synthetic psychedelics are a new technology, invented in the last 60 or 70 years. They’re also more effective than yoga, meditation or even Ayahuasca in the jungle. They can get someone decades of results in 15mins. Part of the spiritual community says it’s “not real” or invalid to use for healing trauma, or personal development because it’s based on a drug. It’s a rejection of new technology. They’re not thinking about the potential that this technology can can offer us because it’s not the traditional way of doing things. 9) Doesn’t integrate information from outsiders. eg: Yoga. Strict yogis have a particular yogic system. (Yoga comes from Stage Purple.) Originally there were hundreds of different yoga systems, all with their own dogmas and rituals. Each one says it’s the best and only correct method of doing yoga. This can't possibly be true, because there's lots of yogis who've used lots of these different systems to become awake. None of them are communicating with each other and combining the best of each tradition to create a super-souped up version of yoga, like Bruce Lee’s Wing Chun. (Bruce Lee learned every fighting style, combined the best parts and created Wing Chun. It’s where the saying “absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own” comes from. Stage Purple doesn’t do this.) 10) Isn’t really “environmentally conscious.” If they were we’d see this awareness in Red, Blue and Orange, but we don’t. Their carbon footprint is too small for them to be polluters. They don’t have to deal with cars, or power plants, dumping toxic chemicals in the water or modern technology. True environmental consciousness only evolves at a high level of Stage Green. 11) Only works at small scales, in tribes. Not with millions of people, like in a city. Breaks down. Doesn’t scale. 12) Not innovative enough. Not creative, adaptable or progressive enough. It can’t work in the modern world. That's why Purple is dying off. It also has a lot of valuable wisdom that needs to be mined before it dies off. Stage Purple Wisdom for Incels Incels struggle to get laid simply because they don't know how to socialize. It's not that women don't want to sleep with you. It's not that you're not hot looking enough. It's not that you don't have a square enough jaw, a small dick or other incel excuses. The fundamental problem is that incels are so alienated. They spend so much time playing video games, watching anime, reading toxic incel forums, masturbating about how women don't like them, that they don't spend any time socializing with women face to face. If you want to get laid you need to start socializing. Many of these these incels didn't learn how to socialize properly when they were younger. Now they suffer from that. If you grew up in a proper healthy Stage Purple culture you would have learned these things by the time you were a teen and your life would be a lot more fulfilling. You'd be a lot less suicidal and you'd be a lot less depressed. Connecting with intuition and emotions. Incels are so “logical,” everything is about science and facts over feelings, this is nonsense. Actually, the quality of your life is much more contingent upon the quality of your emotions, and your intuition rather than your logic. Talking to and attracting girls requires being much more emotional and intuitive rather than logical and stuck in your head. The value of living in harmony with nature. For incels who keep writing troll comments about women and how they're depressed and want to kill themselves, when was the last time you were out in nature? Hiked in the forest while listening to the birds, basking at the sun, looking at the stars, without all the light pollution of the city? Probably not in years. You would feel a lot better about yourself if you did that. It’d be even better if you did that with some friends, as part of a group. So try camping with your friends instead of playing an MMO. Top Lessons from Stage Purple (1:49:50) -We live in a Blue/Orange/Green culture, so you probably have gaps in the lower stages like Purple, Red, Blue. Stuff you haven’t fully integrated, lack experience with or that you've turned into a shadow. 1) Be grateful for modern technology and creature comforts. Appreciate how much we take survival for granted in the modern world. eg: Primitive skills video. 2) Building intimate social bonds. Learning how to socialize. Being comfortable with socialization. Socialization is fulfilling. It helps you get friends, romantic partners, a spouse. A lot of people struggle with socializing today, partly because of the internet. We’re alienated. We didn't get properly socialized for whatever reason. That leads to social anxiety, bullying or being bullied and having an axe to grind. 3) Humans are a deeply communal species. Stage Orange Libertarian types think they are rugged individualists, that they can live life all by themselves. That mankind is supposed to live like a lone wolf. Well, those people haven’t learned the lessons of Stage Purple. They have to go back and learn that. If you're a Libertarian, start to appreciate what it really means to be human. You’re part of a larger global phenomenon that's happening. A larger society and community. To be part of a community means making sacrifices. It’s not all about you and what you need. It’s also about what you're willing to contribute to society. What kind of sacrifices are you willing to make. Then you wouldn't have these silly views of taxation being theft. Taxation is necessary to build everything you like about a developed democracy. That’s a much healthier point of view to have. 4) Caring for the entire community. Treating the entire human species as a family rather than treating other humans as strangers, aliens or illegals. Treating other races as equal instead of inferior, with lower IQs and all that nonsense in the alt-right. Start to see that we're all in the same boat. We're all part of Earth, the greater spirit of Gaia. All our actions collectively add up to what our community is doing. What we should be doing is building a global, multi-racial, multi-ethnic community. Imagine if you treated every race, every gender, every sexual orientation, every social class, as though they were members of your own family. If you embraced them with love and kindness instead of scapegoating and demonizing them. Imagine trying to distribute resources fairly, amongst everyone. Wouldn't that be something? 5) There’s more to life than individual profit. Many of us are lost in the trap of materialism and chasing profit at the expense of everything else. The quality of your life is determined by your social bonds and emotions, much more than the material objects your chase. 6) The value of living in harmony with nature and living more organically. There’s a spiritual quality to just being out in nature, which a lot of us are disconnected from, especially if you live in a big city. Try going out in nature more, communing with Mother Earth, so to speak. Go for hikes, go to the desert, the mountains, the forest, the jungle. Soak in the beauty, the fresh air. Make it a walking meditation. 7) Connecting with Intuition and Emotions Connect to your emotions and intuition, not just your logic. Live from your body and your heart, not just your head. Psychedelics can help open up your heart and get in touch with your body and out of your head. clip: Life Revolves Around Love, Not Logic or Science (6 mins). clip: Passion Is Not A Luxury (3 mins). 8) Psychedelics. We can turn them into modern technologies for deep healing and personal development. 9) The importance of spirituality, mysticism and psychic powers. This isn’t just wishful, magical thinking or the placebo effect. There's something very profound in spirituality and mysticism. Psychic powers are real and you can develop them to various degrees. Start taking that seriously as a possibility. 10) Simplifying life. Being rather than doing. Slowing down your life. Declutter and minimize. “Does this spark joy?” Getting rid of all unnecessary distractions. Spending less time online. Spending more time spiritually connected to nature and people. Start appreciating nature and you’ll see the quality of your life improve, especially if you move away from chasing material pleasures and being stuck in survival mode. Get into Being mode 11) Listening to the wisdom of your elders. Learn the wisdom of ancient traditions. Listen to the elders of your community, seek out their wisdom. Implement it in your life. Ancient traditions aren’t just silly superstition. There can be deep wisdom there. 12) A natural wholesome organic diet. Start eating veggies and organic, grass fed beef and you'll feel much better and live better. The whole organic foods movement gets criticized as elitist, but it’s also healthier. Our Stage Purple ancestors lived on organic food and they didn't have much cancer, heart disease, depression, AHDH, acne, eczema, erectile dysfunction, autoimmune disorders, and so forth. A lot of modern diseases comes from the toxic diets we’re eating. Transcending and Integrating Stage Purple -You’ve already transcended it. For sake of comprehensiveness, to transcend Purple you’ll have to develop a sense of personal ambition which will lead you to Stage Red. You can’t skip Red and go to Blue. -Stage Purple is not good or bad. No stage is “good” or “bad,” not even Red . -Question tradition. Let go of tradition. Question your ancestors. -Expose yourself to many different cultures and tribes. Travel and open your mind to the world, to new experiences. Broaden your horizons. -Let go of magical thinking and start to think more rationally, more strategically and more scientifically. Study some Western philosophy -There’s a lot of spiritual wisdom that you can find within Purple cultures. -Although it’s fairly primitive by today's standards, but there's also a lot of amazing stuff worth studying and reading about. Great documentaries too, even for free on youtube. Wrap Up -Most of’s viewers are roughly Orange/Green. At that stage it’s easy to take the lower stages for granted, so don’t forget to integrate them (Purple, Red, Blue.) Also try to avoid all the toxic elements of these stages. (Healthy) Stage Purple: Connection to nature. Community and a communal mindset. Socializing effortlessly and naturally. (Healthy) Stage Red: Assertiveness. Courage. Personal Ambition. (Healthy) Stage Blue: Self-discipline. Work ethic. -You need to spend a good five to ten years building a solid foundation for yourself with Stages Purple, Red, Blue and Orange. -You need a strong foundation where your survival and material needs are met in an effective, healthy way. Then, when you’re solid with that, you can start to work on enlightenment, awakening and advanced metaphysical subjects.
  18. hello 1 today I was contemplating about my 5g shrroms trip from last year and I had an experience where while I was looking at my room (around the peak) suddenly I was for like 2 seconds the room, only the room. There was only the thing I was looking at, the experience. And it also felt like I was the room forever at that moment. I tought it was mabey a ego death but now im thinking that it could be an experience of oneness. The fear grow in this trip after this experience of being my room. -> How would you lable the experience? 2 also an experience whitch I had and I also can't it really lable : I became really happy and euphoric and couldnt understand how I could have had fear at the beginning of the trip, I knew that there was no reason for fear. I felt extremely thankful for my family and for my life. This joy became more and more intense and it felt like my selfdeceptions where falling quickly one after another and I became more and more joyful and happy and thankful. I felt if I understood everything and it seemed so obvious and I knew it wouldnt last forever but I also felt so silly that I wouldnt be like that forever. The universe seemed like an organic machine and dimensions seemed like they are side by side. It was joy beyond what I had ever felt. (this was like 1-2 hours after I took shrooms and lastet like 1-2 hours) Im not really shure how to lable thiese experiences ( 1 and 2) because im only reading alongside about nonduality, ego-death, etc because my main focus at the moment is finding life purpose and psychology. Im not very familliar with the definition for these two mystical experiences and would appriecheate if someone understand these or who knows what the definiton of these are or could explain them. I want to understand these experience better.
  19. Okay it's your duty to erase the confusion on this topic and explain how does nonduality fit with solipsism because apparently there is a lot of confusion going on recently. So that when someone ask about it you can just reference to him the video lol. I would be very interested in hearing your take on this in a detailed video.. Leo.
  20. No one is alone in the universe, everyone is whole & complete, perfectly fulfilled, as the universe (only thought is to / seems to be to, the contrary of this). This place is a literal expression of love, which is why meditation & expression, emptying the cup, is so key to connectedness, oneness, authenticity, and just simple real - happiness. You aren’t interpreting nonduality ‘wrong’, you’re missing that’s judgement, and that is fear. It feels off because it is way off. Nonduality is uninterpretable. The practices, like grounding, meditation, expression (not thinking) are the way of, to & as peace, love, understanding, & True happiness.
  21. The limitations between potato vs. non potato are just as useful as any other duality or seeming perfect nonduality for insight. Someone with true and relatively present to every moment new insight can see way more of absolute truth in the nature that pulls on infinity in the complex and absolutely infinite constant interplay between potatoness vs. infinite power and love that this is actually really important new consciousness work to understand to unravel how to become beyond the potato non potato ultimate reality which seems to be a lasting bastion for insight which will only uncover better insight as it’s absolute truth feeling to the insight is replaced.
  22. My understanding of SD must be incorrect then. But if Spiral Dynamics is a single model dictated by one guy it kinda loses it's value. In his chart he places Beige at 100 000 years ago but Homo sapiens came about 200 000 years ago and they've been social for millions of years. It's not like we decided to form Purple-like groups magically 50 000 years ago. Orange 300 years old is even funnier. What about the ancien greek mathematicians, what color were they? According to the model Turquoise is "Experience the wholeness of existence through mind and spirit". This screams nonduality/enlightenment. If Jesus wasn't Turquoise what was he? As much as SD has value to understand our current society, I don't think the way it defines it's own evolution over time is accurate at all. Perhaps then I'm not talking about SD, but defining Beige to be pure survival and Turquoise to be enlightenment makes much more sense.
  23. Oh... the need to entertain is the resistance to boredom, not for others but for myself. "I cannot be boring!" I cannot be bored. Wow, what hell I've put myself through. It's funny but tears come out instead of laughter. Looking for meaning where there is none. none (pron.) Middle English non, none, from Old English nan "not one, not any, no person; not the least part," from ne "not" (see no) + an "one" (see one) None literally means, not one and nonduality. brb, looking at pictures of cats in top hats.