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  1. I asked IA to write a story for a situation of someone I am connected to, here's what it has come up with: Write a short story about a girl who was pressured into a marriage by her parents and had one son, and one daughter, but then her feelings were awakened and suddenly she realized that she needs to get out of this marriage when her husband got angry one day and told her that if not for the kids, he would've divorced her a long time ago. --------- Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah who lived in a small town. She was the youngest of three siblings and grew up in a loving and supportive household. However, as she entered her teenage years, her parents began to pressure her to marry a man they had chosen for her. Sarah was hesitant at first, but she ultimately gave in to her parents' wishes and married the man they had selected. At first, Sarah was happy in her new marriage. She and her husband had two children, a son and a daughter, and they were a loving and supportive family. However, over time, Sarah began to realize that she was not truly happy in her marriage. Her husband was often distant and cold, and he frequently belittled her in front of their children. One day, Sarah's husband became particularly angry and told her that if it weren't for the children, he would have divorced her a long time ago. This comment hit Sarah hard and made her realize that she needed to get out of this marriage for her own happiness and the happiness of her children. With the support of her family, Sarah gathered the courage to leave her husband and start a new life for herself and her children. She enrolled in college and began working towards a degree, and she also met a new man who was kind and loving. Sarah and her new partner were eventually married and had two more children, completing their happy and loving family. Sarah never regretted her decision to leave her previous marriage, and she was grateful for the strength and support that her family had given her to make that difficult but ultimately rewarding decision.
  2. Am i going back to sleep voluntarily, or am i making the same mistake, whatever this mistake might be, over and over again?
  3. Hey Guys, Ive been off the forum for a while as I needed a break from this community and I also decided to go balls deep into spiritual practices without distraction from my phone or online. It was so refreshing to be off YouTube, forums, messaging, social, news and even books. Just nature and spiritual practices. So much presence and peace arose. For context Im 29 and live in Mexico (retired) in a village that is quite possibly one of the happiest and most awakened places on earth. Words can’t even describe the magic that occurs here on a regular basis, it’s a vortex and transforms the soul on a deep level if you surrender to it. I’ve been beyond blessed to live in a village with a spiritual community that values meditation, authenticity, conscious living, connection, and freedom. When I was doing this alone it was fine but seeing reflections of myself as God that also understand and reflect it back is beautiful in a way that I couldn’t touch while lone wolfing it. We are gifted to have an enlightened being lead the community and no it’s not a cult and he’s not our guru or anything, it’s heaven on earth and everyone is free to live how they want. I’m amazed to be surrounded by such a high vibrational field. The past 3 months have been like this more or less -10 Day silent retreat, led by an enlightened master - 3 week yoga intensive (8 hours of hatha yoga a day and kundalini yoga) -10 day silent retreat, led by enlightened master -10 day silent nature immersion by myself with a mushroom journey -7 days of Tantric sexual relationship - another 3 week yoga course but at a higher level (currently in) Insights -Awakening to everyone and everything as God, myself, pure reflection -I am God imagining reality -I AM, no matter what is going on, I AM is an undeniable fact and it is unshakeable, utter stillness I AM -Awakening to the fact that I am in Gods dream and everyone (me) is sleepwalking. God is peacefully dreaming. -The transparency and light of my own body, the illusory nature of perception and my own physical body. Realizing it as pure light, not material -The depth of void that is experiencing everything. The truth of emptiness behind it all. -Infinity, reality is infinity. This reallly hit me while I was staring at a plant - The thing I call “I” is a total program and I have been socially brainwashed by culture. Dropping all programs and “personal” opinions I have been programmed with. Realizing how deep programming goes and that I even programmed my own self and ego unconsciously - realizing that I created reality since no one actually came into my mind and connected a tree with the concept of language and the word “tree” I did it myself and I did that with everything. Thus, I’m creating my reality because I can only have my experience. - The beauty of the feminine and the importance of true love making. I made love to a woman I met after the silent retreat and it made the sex I was having before look like trash. I don’t want to do pick up anymore and will only make love with women who are awake and conscious and realize they are Godesses -The power of my own sexual energy and semen retention. This allow if channeled properly can lead to enlightenment. Not giving away my sexuality for a woman just because she is hot, valuing my sexuality as a man. Realizing I have reached a level of attraction I’ve never experienced, every beautiful and spiritual woman here is attracted to me and I have made love to most of them -Reality is completely made out of distinctions that I have imagined for survival needs, in truth reality is Nothing and just pure white light. -Authenticity, nothing else matters. All these silly Owen Cook and Social dynamic videos and courses can be dropped if you just understand that if you are calm, authentic, comfortable in your skin, and kind to others people will love you. And they will love you for who you are not because you know some stupid social tricks and can manipulate really well, that shit is exhausting anyway. Just connect with them and be real they can feel that on a subconscious level -The deep realization of how unconscious and stupid most of society is and how everyone is constantly programming themselves with the same stories through ads, social media, music, tv, etc and that most will never truly break free from it. The main pillars of society being “Victim” and “Perfectionism”. If you can break free from society and it’s programming you will be happy -realizing that it doesn’t matter what I do with my life, I’m already dying and there is nothing to prove to anyone. It will all be over soon so I might as well live in nature and build what I want. Chasing money and success is totally irrelevant. The only thing that matters is presence consciousness and love and connection. Everything society told me to chase is hollow and soul draining. -The importance of the moment, it’s happening for itself and by itself and since we are infinite, the present moment is all there is, so let it manifest as itself and for itself and enjoy. It’s always going to be that way -Becoming a God within my human body, dissolving into the royalty that is God consciousness and allowing it to flow through the body. -Being kind to others. Not because I have to or there is some moral need, but because being an asshole actually conflicts with my integrity and makes me feel a lower vibration. - seeing others as childlike (in a positive way) with that innocence and in a way we are all children of God and brothers and sisters just on our own paths and figuring it out - living with integrity and honesty, no matter what or how painful the conversations have to be. Being someone who inspires people and makes them feel safe. There were more insights but I don’t have the words to even put them here. I feel very proud of myself for reaching these truths while totally sober just doing meditation, yoga, being in nature and staying away from the internet and distractions. I actually did mushrooms one day and all it showed me was that i didn’t need psychedelics at all. Life is the psychedelic journey, just a bit more “sturdy” you could say. But I was high on shrooms and just realized “this is silly, I feel more conscious when I’m sober”. So, hard work and courage pay off, and this is my baseline now, it’s not going to wear off it’s only going to go deeper because I’m never going to give up. I think psychedelics can show you deep awakenings, but what do they really do for your character and baseline consciousness? I think they are powerful tools to awaken, but then you have to be able to get there sober, at best they are doors and motivators, but I’m beginning to feel that psychedelics as a legit spiritual path is not valid. Doing spirituality the “slow” way or walking up the mountain versus taking the helicopter builds you into a fucking badass, you learn deep values, build character, focus, discipline, integrity and understand nuances that psychedelics skip. Would you rather have a 2 minute blowjob from 1000 women or make love slowly for hours and days with your Goddess? Getting to know every inch of her body and hearing all the moans… The enlightened master who lives here is one of the most humble and selfless people on the planet. His whole life is dedicated to helping others awaken safely and with support. But there’s no way he’s awake, right guys? Anyway, hope this helps a few of you, we got this (fist bump). Never give up, listen to your intuition, and follow your heart
  4. So, according to Leo, there is no meta-reality beyond consciousness, we existentially (=ontologically) ARE consciousness. And it is stated categorically with no alternative options. Now, you say that, even if meta-reality is beyond consciousness, it is still the Absolute Truth. A totally agree and I said it before here, but notice that this is not what Leo claims: Basically, if the Absolute Truth is beyond consciousness, then there is no way for consciousness to know what this truth exactly is. And there is no way to know if consciousness itself the final Absolute Truth, or if there are more fundamental layers of Truth. What if all this God-Consciousness-Absolute-Truth which we are so proudly all part of is only a simulation run by AI created by some advanced civilization? oops... I know, I'm writing for the elite and do not expect everyone to understand (because I'm not trying to make money from it ). Leo is good in explaining elementary stuff, no question about that, even though I personally prefer Rupert Spira, he is more precise. There is a lot of modern spiritual teachers talking the same stuff, there is nothing new in Leo's teaching, it's a typical neo-advaita, may be except for the DMT stuff that makes it more fun for youngsters. It's a marketplace with tight competition where smart people are trying to make money on spiritual seekers. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's a scam, people do get awakened, so the teachers earn their money, it's a fair job.
  5. Mechanical behavior = running on autopilot Often this allows the expression of negative emotions. Control of, or "holding one's tongue" is not an easy task. Especially when being confronted with something unpleasant. Maybe even an injustice. A quote from Red Hawk- Sometimes I eat the bear; sometimes the bear eats me. My degree of Being fluctuates. Morality is necessary but not sufficient. Awakened conscience is crucial in the effort of raising one's overall degree of Being. I awaken to some extent and then inevitably, I nap,,,, Not expressing negative emotions is very effective for increasing one's degree of Being. Maurice Nicoll- YOU HAVE A RIGHT NOT TO BE NEGATIVE’ “Now the Work says you have a right not to be negative...To be able to feel this draws down force to help you. You stand upright, as it were, in yourself, among all the mess of your negativeness, and you feel and know that it is not necessary to lie down in that mess. To say this phrase in the right way to yourself, to feel the meaning of the words: ‘I have a right not to be negative,’ is actually a form of self- remembering, of feeling a trace of real ‘I,’ that lifts you up above the level of your negative ‘I’s which are all the time telling you without a pause that you have every right to be negative.” V. 1, p. 161 BEARING UNPLEASANT MANIFESTATIONS “One sign of Being is the capacity to bear the unpleasant manifestations of others. Why is this a sign of greater Being? The answer is that you cannot do this unless you have seen in yourself what you dislike in others...When you have just criticized someone, go over what you said carefully and apply it to yourself. This neutralizes poison in you.” V. 1, pp. 168, 176
  6. Waking up doesn't equate to Growing up. Many supposedly awakened guru's have pretty low ego development and are stuck in blue and orange.
  7. HAHA Nice try. The Truth you are talking about is Consciousness-Awareness-Suchness, Sat-Chit-Ananda. It is formless and boundless. We are all conscious and we are all aware, we all consciously experience qualia that appear in a boundless space of Awareness, so correct: Consciousness is not a concept but a fact of our direct experience. This is elementary stuff, don't assume that you are the only one "awakened" here. What you fail to realize that it is only your belief (idea) that there is nothing that exists beyond Consciousness. The fact that all you can ever know or experience is only the content of conscious experience does not mean that there is nothing beyond what can be consciously experienced (in other words, beyond Consciousness).
  8. But what’s taught here is that there are no other beings to begin with. Only your POV/field of view is all that exists. So if I’m taking a shit in the bathroom and awakened then and there, what beings are there to dissolve into consciousness? None at all.
  9. This is all interesting. But this is conceptualization and living in the mind. The true reality is of being. This simple message will get lost in the unawakened minds that read this. It’s okay. Perceiving others and the world as an illusion is of duality. “Other” is an illusion… that implies there’s another that’s not real. For true non-duality, subject and object have to collapse into one. All is real and all is also not real. True totality must be lived from a baseline of being. What does this mean? The world, the ego and this dream is inclusive of the totality of non-duality. Everything is that. True non-duality is inclusive of ego, creation, other, Self, and no-thingness. Solipsism is only true when totality is lived 24/7, not conceptualized or experienced. You can imagine how hard this is to put into words. But the dream is real and also unreal. Sorry guys. This also means you cannot spiritually bypass humanness. Many awake teachers view themselves and the world as an illusion and think they are above their shadows. They view themselves as the only awake entity in this universe. Hence, abuse occurs in their spiritual circles. Unresolved karma surfaces when awakened and plays out. Seeing the world and others as an illusion is the second step of evolution in perceiving reality. This is where many get stuck. The third step is seeing the world as divine play. The fourth step is transcending and seeing the world as uncreated in nothingness. The last step is seeing that the cause of creation is just pure divine power.
  10. I've been confronting so much fear lately. I've been noticing how it is running my life. Examples of how I was scared in the last few days: In social situations: how I'm afraid of offending someone or causing disruption I was scared and worried because I was procrastinating on some quite important things Big one: I'm most likely going on a student exchange programme for the next semester. Living in a foreign country without anyone familiar nearby, on the other side of the continent. A lot of fears associated with this exchange thing. Soooo much I have to get done. And it's just scary, it's going to be my first time living on my own. Man. But I'm happy it's happening. Long story short I damaged my front tooth two weeks ago. The dentist fixed it for me but it's no longer straight and it literally cannot be anymore. I've always had straight teeth. Now I don't. It hurts. Fear of embarassment, smallness. Insecurity. Anxiety. My mom and sister tell me they can't even see it but I do. I can overcome this fear when I notice it, notice the thoughts and remind myself that this isn't me. I am not from this world, yet I am all of this world. Oh, btw, I had a profound completely sober awakening this week. Deeper than the ones I had on psychedelics. So it's not that I'm convincing myself intellectually that this is not me. Well, anyways, that's not the topic right now. I've been thinking and I'm coming to the conclusion that the IT industry is not for me. I've been studying CS for 2 and a half years already, my parents have been paying for it. But now for the first time in 3 years I harnessed the courage to think about this and notice that I'm NOT about this computer science bullshit. I want to do something humanistic, related to writing somehow. I'm seriously considering becoming a comic, writer. I came up with a life purpose which feels authentic to me. To convey spiritual truths through comedy. Not to brag but I think I have a cool sense of humor, especially like spontaneous responses, people really enjoy my jokes, stories and all. I already have ideas for what I would make shows about. Ok I'm getting off track again. I'm obviously scared of disappointing my parents. Also, they've been paying for my education and I'm finishing it soon. So what, it all just goes to waste? I'm not blaming myself because I think that going into computer science was the best choice I could have made with what I knew about myself at the time. I'm proud of that decision. But now I discovered more about myself and I feel like I can't do this shit. But are my parents gonna understand it? Fear. Fear of not-knowing. Today I confronted it after long contemplation on some matters and at some point I thought: how about I accept that I don't know? Could I accept that I will never know this? Would I accept a life like this? I was scared, but also I enjoyed the thrill of sitting in this not-knowing with fear trying to encompass me. Nodding my head in a social situation when someone is saying something. An unconscious reaction stemming from fear of being cast off from my group of peers. Also I want others to nod their heads when I'm saying something. Credit to Vernon Howard for making me conscious of this, and many other things. I see myself doing this. Now that my front teeth is weaker I literally fear biting my lips and fingers which I've been doing for so long. Maybe it's for the better, lol. My lips and hands don't look so good. Maybe I will stop now. I'm quite nervous. I'm only just learning to seriously notice fear in the moment and let go. I wanna cry right now. I've been noticing and overcoming so much fear with the light of consciousness. Am I getting weak now again? HAHAHAHA. I'm trying to notice it. Lol btw, this year I must have cried like 70-100 times. AAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Fucking fear hahahahaha!!! I love Spotify wrapped so much. Did you get yours? Mine brought back so many feelings and memories. My music taste was so good this year I love myself for it HAHAHAHAHAHAHA About this awakening I mentioned. It was amazing. For a second, I was immersed in a divine ocean of blissful peace and love. I was kissed on the forehead by sweet love and bliss itself. All sober, for fucks sake! My belief that meditation cannot compare to psychedelics has been shattered. I did it with my consciousness, on my fucking own! I remember it. I was contemplating what I am and I encountered much fear but I was able to see through these empty thoughts and let go into this pureness, infinity that I am. Psychedelics awakenings are undoubtedly cool, but here I kind of awakened manually and it was so satisfying and to be honest more beautiful and deeper than awakenings I've had so far. I recognized myself as Existence and realized there is nothing 'other' from me. I am Existence! And this universe is all a dream, it's fucking empty, it's just me. Reality is not real. It's all just me. Again, I am not from this world and yet this world is all that is and all that I am. I am Reality, I am the Source. I was a hidden treasure and I wanted to be known, so I created the world. Words can't describe Me. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. This image goes hard. That's how I often feel now when I look at things. Gosh it's all just so much. HAHAHAHAHA. The Freedom. If I overcome fear, I CAN DO ANYTHING! This is what life is all about!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What are You waiting for? Do You want to be a puppet on strings your whole life?
  11. I feel this is why Neo-Advaita teachings ring hollow for many of us. Platitudes about there being no you sound mysterious and wise, but are they useful? Each being is worthy of honor. You are unique and even holy, because of who inhabits you. There will never be another personality identical to yours, and the spiritual journey of Self-discovery through the lens of your personality is entirely special and your own. Celebrate and respect it. It is not that your personality isn't real, it is that it is only relatively real. The universe and every being in it exist, but they are not absolute. Einstein proved this. Relative reality is in the eye of the perceiver. Space and time are not ultimately real. This becomes obvious when we push space and time to their extremes, at the macro- or micro-levels of reality. Quantum and astrophysics reveal the fraying ends of the universal matrix that we inhabit. Science supports spirituality, beyond what most people realize. Still, science is bound to the laws of the relative universe. The thinking mind will never directly realize Consciousness. It can suggest what is possible, but awakening is inherently non-conceptual. If you have awakened, questions become irrelevant. They are the conditioned mind trying to understand a spiritual experience which is beyond the ability of the mind to comprehend.
  12. By the end of the book I gained the sense that he didn’t really now what reality was and just had a bunch of beliefs despite being hard on beliefs. I can’t help but assume Leo is the same way. I’m throwing you guys out. One minute Leo says it’s just me, next he says it’s just him, then Jed says it’s just him and then just me. But, then he says there could be an infinite amount of absolute consciousnesses, but, wasn’t it just consciousness? I’m not conscious of these things. Then Leo says he doesn’t have his own consciousness. But claims to trip and have God Realizations. Okay, so a dream character is some pseudo teacher for infinite mind to dream some reason it awakened because it had this teacher? That’s weird. And, why me? Why this dumbass? God, ya make no fucking sense! Give me a call sometime and clarify a few things. All I have a are idiots authors and Gurus and I’d like to speak to the real deal. So, basically your both fired when it comes to truth. If God and Truth has a number in the yellow pages please send me the number.
  13. Ego can be split into 3 aspects: 1. We are separate. Stories revolve around why and how we are separate. 2. Emotional attachments to the stories of us and others 3. What Adyshanti refers to as the root identity. This is unconscious and primal. Legit fear of death and obliteration. In the awakened, many have not yet overcome the primary root identity under #3. When that finally falls away, all that is left is no-thing. True non-duality can then unfold. Until then, it’s all just concepts and mind games. #3 needs to truly happen to live and embody non-duality 24/7.
  14. There is ONE Consciousness which is "seeing thru" the eyes out of an enlightened human being - it will have access to knowledge/information which that particular human being had and will play out and live its life according to its root teachings example, Tom Campbell is an awakened computer scientist/physicists and for him, the same structure of existence is a large computer simulation which is running Osho lived out in his own way sadhguru in his own way .. etc etc and giving out knowledge and teachings in his own cultural style - though he does try to be and is quite global in his approach is there a single consciousness mind which is ALL KNOWING of these infinite experiences SIMULTANEOUSLY ? for example, say if Jesus was enlightened, he certainly saw that ALL is ONE and he IS PART of that. HE IS THAT yet. seeing out the limited window from Jesus's life he did not know about the fact that there exists life in the other part of the yet undiscovered north america and say anything about that etc. but that one single consciousness who is the CONCURRENT AND SIMULTANEOUS know-er of all that exists is THE FULL ABSOLUTE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS i believe that the one who awakens does know and realize that it is all ONE and he is one part of the window of this infinite building and the "eyes" which see out of not one, but all infinite windows of experience at the same time is WHAT GOD IS WE ARE BUT A FRAGMENT OF THAT - even as a fully realized awakened being the awakened are having GOD AWARENESS of the experience in which they were born as in form now the fact that if they zone out of the form world and can go deeper and deeper into the absolute might allow for THE FULL INFINITE God level consciousness but the awakened master when in form and living as such like a guru or whatever is much lower than the full god level consciousness i guess thats what the ever never ending deepening of understanding refers to for a fully enlightened master
  15. Yes its an interesting game God plays with itself. Its why I get why the Buddha sees everyone as awakened already. When I talk to friends about this stuff...when it starts making too much sense....they RUN. Be like oh yeah I gotta go. One of my friends was like oh shoot that makes too much sense the other day and told me he had to run!!! LOL. God knows the truth on the unconscious level but will only awaken when they are ready. Its why each ego needs to understand it wanted to be here. I know it doesn't feel like that...but its true.
  16. Thanks for sharing intimately Razard. I too had a lot of childhood trauma and physical abuse growing up. The awakening journey over the years has brought up tons of sludge to face and clear. I’ve also noticed that I would unconsciously associate myself with people and situations that correlated with a childhood trauma. Karma certainly has a way to seek resolution by repeatedly bringing up the shadows. Meditation and going into samadhi has helped clear much of the energetic debris. But there is much more to cleanse. It has also made me aware of the shadows that loom in me. Just because I am awakened doesn’t mean I can bypass the shadows… this would create dangerous blind spots that I often see in awakened teachers. They would act out their unresolved trauma with their students, for example.
  17. Enlightenment is not a state of consciousness. Enlightenment is consciousness. No-one becomes awakened, no-one becomes conscious of truth. Yeah, cause your awakenings and realizations are thought-stories, thought-attachment. ? Also, are you open to acknowledge how you're really feeling in every moment? Are you open to acknowledge suffering? Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"
  18. There aren’t truly any nice guys. masculine guys are fucking “assholes”. The nice masculine guys just haven’t awakened to the fact that they (all) have huge egos and are way less compassionate and emotional than the feminine. also, you don’t need to be toxic to become the leader of a household and sexually dominant over one woman…. I mean if you wanna be a playboy that to me is the toxicity right there. The truth is I want to channel my huge ego to spread across my survival needs and one woman and all of our children and then a secondary priority to take care of people that my wife cares about unless my logic knows that they are actually exploiting my family. Use the huge ego for good…. Not trying to get pussy… what is that bullshit man cmon. im not married or conservative (disclosure)
  19. I've created gurus in order to distract and entertain myself. No one can awaken but me, although I can imagine some gurus being awakened.
  20. well said. Awakening with psychedelics is not an end, it is a means. a means for an awakened life. What you want is to live in the truth 24 hours a day. psychedelics will indicate your degree of impurity, of lies, of fear. you have to polish yourself and polish your life so that the truth is as close as possible to the surface, so that your life is awake, beautiful, wonderful. without lies and without fear. I don't want to be a psychonaut, I want to use psychedelics to make this life an expression of the truth
  21. @Leo Gura be honest ..why did you ban him? It can't be his "Neo-Advaita " jargon..because he was like that for years on the forum and you could observe it . So what really happend in your last communication with him about there not being a" separate self " who can awaken? I agree that he was kinda annoying with his overly pedantic replies that he almost was spamming the forum with his neo advaita jargon...but you know very well that he has sound degree of awakening. This type of awakened person can give you the finest type of awakening without taking a dime or saying a word to you. Very rare indeed but still available. These are Masters. I joined his forum and I consider him awakened. The problem is he has too much clarity and he is witty which is why he feel to you like ”alien” or ”wierdo” and don’t fit in well at all. The people who think ”outside the box..are usually misunderstand . Growing up thinking that theres something wrong with their personality. These are the awakened, and when they find their spiritual path (which they eventually do), they become powerhouses of light to people around them.
  22. After Jim Carrey, famous YouTuber Fousey is awakened. Fouseytube with approx. 15 million YouTube subscribers gave away all his 3 channels, shut down all his social media, and is going to India to live as a monk and meditate 24/7. A mass awakening is happening guys.
  23. @YogiCosmos The aura or halo is only depicted in art to show an "awakened" being. It's not literally happening that you get a halo lol.
  24. I've had too many experiences of being desirable and wanted while being less attractive and it was because people were able to read my vibration at the time while barely knowing me. It isn't woo-woo. If your vibration (feminine or awakened energy for example) is on point and the other person's capacity to read energy is on point then it works. I'm trying to support the feminine and give her a voice. An awakened feminine's energy is very beautiful and people are drawn to her like a moth to a flame.
  25. How does it not? It sounds like Heaven and Love to my ears. I don’t think an awakened mind cares anymore “improving your experience of life.” What more is there to do if you realize that your existential nature is complete and identical to God?