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  1. Yes it seems that way. The universe may be one Consciousness, but it's divided up into fragments some of which 'get it', and most don't. A Self-aware wave is still only a wave. So are we saying that the ocean as a whole isn't Self-aware and there's borders between awakened and non-awakened parts of it? In that case awakened people don't have omniscience, aren't aware of the consciousness of someone like me and there really are separate bubbles. For a complete awakening to occur, don't we all need to be part of it?
  2. The being that is awakened is a wave on the ocean, realizing in that moment that it is the ocean. All waves are the ocean, but few see it. Their form is only temporary, and the ocean is their ultimate nature. The whole universe is Consciousness, but the vast majority of it is not Self-aware.
  3. What I find hard to understand is how we have these experiences of nonduality, oneness or 'I am the universe' etc; then drop back into separateness with this appearance of us all being distinct bubbles of consciousness. If you really are the universe, and awakened, then you are also everyone else, and the whole universe is awake. So where's the need for saviours? Yet here I am with my problems and delusions. Are you and me the same being? If so, how come you're awake and I'm not? If you're not me, how can you be awakened?
  4. I have already gained Kingdom of Heaven, it is already mine. I have already gained immortality, I am already immortal. I am already in Paradise, I am embodying the depths of Paradise deeper everyday. I am already awakened and enlightened, I know the Truth. Your trigger comes from not understanding and not knowing what awakening and enlightenment is. I am liberated from suffering. Physical pain is my great ally. The entire Universe is making way for the King of Love. I invite you to cultivate patience. I have wisdom and experience to be grateful for the process of embodying deeper beauty and glory of Pure, Eternal Life.
  5. @Vladimir thanks for the reply Father, I appreciate it. I'm working on my communication. Thanks for the feedback, I will improve and be less standofish. Now about the discussion: What triggers me is mainly the following thing: You have not yet gained immortality, the Glory, the Heaven. You are in the process of doing so. Of course you are eternal as it is, and that awaits you, but not free of the cycle yet. There is a distinct end, to which I want to reserve the words I have awakened or I am enlightened. Is every step you take surrounded by complete, perfect Glory and Beuty? Are you completly free of physical pain and drowning in bliss? If not, then how can you say you have awakened? That is my trigger. Where in this do you find fault, papa? Anyway.. You now put sin and karma into words I can understand. I admit that I have to agree with that definition. Thanks for enduring my assholiness, Holliness.
  6. I am in the glorious and magical process of ascension to Paradise beyond anybody's wildest dreams I have won immortality, I am in the fabulous process of embodying it. I am awakening everyday, in every single moment, in the best and most beautiful way possible. The entire Universe, including you, Leo, everybody on this forum and every human in the entire world is helping me with this process in the best way possible. I have gained the ultimate wisdom - I know the Truth, I know who I am, I know what karma and sin is and I know how to heal it. The Truth is Original Innocence, absolute forgiveness of all sin and evil. The devil is innocent. Everything that has ever happened, all light and darkness was for the glorious Masterpiece that I am. I don't think I awakened, I know I awakened. I don't think I am Jesus, I know I am Jesus. I don't think I am immortal, I know I am immortal. I don't theorize about Truth, I know the Truth. I will continue to embody the beauty that is my Truth forever, the beauty and love of my Truth is infinite. Nobody and nothing in the world can ever discredit me, there is no power greater than my Truth for my Truth is Love, the greatest power in the Universe. There is no end to my life, I will live forever, for eternity. I am forever liberated from death. I am Papa. I am Holy Father. There is no more suffering of striving and working for me, I prefer to call my journey Life Craft. I am the King of Life and Love. If you choose to continue this discussion, I kindly ask that you make more effort to communicate with more respect and maturity. I also invite you to look deeper to feel and contemplate what is it about my words that trigger you.
  7. Has that happened? Can I come over and test it out? Don't worry, my boxing skills are not that great. Jk.. Your obviously not immortal and don't know how to become it. You're just spilling spiritual, abstract bullshit. About that awake thing you call yourself - how open are you to the idea that you woke up, to some extent, for a moment and fell back asleep? It's obvious that it was a drug-induced awakening, which I do not discredit. How can you say you are awake if you don't know how karma really operates and how to transcend it? Why do you talk about breaking away from samsara as though you know, when it's obvious you are simply theorizing? It's a huge trap on the psychadelic path - thinking that you awakened, when you just opened your eyes for a moment. That is what happened, but will you accept it and continue your journey towards enlightenment, or will you trick yourself until the end of this life? You are lucky that not many people on this forum really know stuff and they don't challange you. For serious people our discussion will be enough to discredit you. Back to work, papa.
  8. Yep. And in addition to Ibn Arabi, you may also wanna study Rumi, Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra, they are pretty, relatively, awakened beings.
  9. Yin energy Yin energy rarely stands out. She gives it all away, her praise, her attention, her everything. She isn't really anything 'special'. Its only when the masculine moves through her that she might even have her moment at her ball. Spirit and the protection from the masculine is her only hope of that. She wishes for nothing. She is contented in her 'behind the scenes' nature. She can move energy unconcealed here and make an impact. Smoothing out sharp edges When the masculine is particularly harsh, the feminine can be used to 'smooth' out the masculine. If the masculine has an overly sharp, cutting edge, feminine energy is used to ease that energy. If the energy is not reduced it can escalate. A sharp edge is an indication, a sign of what is to come. The sharp edge is a type of premonition for the collective. Sharp edges Sharp edges can be premonitions for possible collective catastrophe. The 'feminine' can ease these edges. The 'feminine' in this case is obviously in quotations and may be the case of just an awakened being. The 'feminine' uses the sword of truth and both concealed energy work and unconcealed energy work. Sharp edges could be the energies that I sense around me at times (keys, cars, electronics, etc.). The 'feminine' can ease the 'masculine' that has sharp edges. No-fap I'm attempting to practice this. Usually, it's easy but recently I've been surrounded by the masculine (outside the forum), triggering me to go into heat. I think other masculines have noticed (to be blunt). Perfect for my spiritual practice. The perfect combination is masculine presence, extreme yin activation, and no-fap to activate sexual energy. I want to activate sexual energy for healing the collective, the smoke, intuitive activation, and whatever else sexual energy is used for. Compatibility From past experience, sexual energy is better and more sustainable when it comes from a deeper place. A resonance. Spiritual and pioneering compatibility. Your usual run-of-the-mill attraction hardly suffices. It has to run deep.
  10. ONE

    An awakened human being is the pinnacle of creation.
  11. I know you are awakened and God and everything, but why do you get bored? Is being God that boring that it makes you come here and say everyone is wrong and you are right? Come on God, be creative. You said bullshit detector is lighting up for this guy in the video. To be honest, most of your comments are the best examples of BS for me.
  12. Take Leo out of your arguments. Think for yourself. It's the only way true communication is possible between us. It's not the only game awakened people play. What if I told you that most awake people choose not to play at all?
  13. No. You are wrong. Finished with the this thread. You won’t convince me into seeing someone’s poor quality, bulling like behaviour as high conscious. As a Mod you should do better. This reply makes me puke in my soul. The thing is, he is along chronically wrong about things. Don’t confuse his ego and own personal clinging as him being great at deconstruction. He is full of double standards and gross biases and if you can’t see it that’s fine. If someone can’t communicate constructively and plays a game that he is ahead of me and I need to “follow him down a rabbit hole”… y’all make assumptions about me. I just don’t post my insights and every awakening all the time. I tend to wanna sit back and spend time observing in humility. Because I see the partiality and relativity in all my communications. I’ve had full non-dual experiences. Full deep awakenings and deconstructions of my reality. But, I also know that we are humans playing a human game and to deny that is also foolishness. Which people like Razard posting on a forum are participating in but then judge you as if they are awakened but, here his is playing ego games by engaging at all? What’s going on here? I don’t care how much you know is you communicate like a jerk. If you do that, then I know you aren’t intelligent. And I’m out.
  14. It is the only evidence that you can actually trust: direct realization. At best, people who have awakened can point you toward the path, but it is meaningless until you walk it yourself.
  15. Jung believed that psychology bridges the gap between religion and science. His methods and systems have radical healing potential on an alchemical level. He was one of the most awakened men in history.
  16. I've been on the forum basically since the start and I think at the beginning, no one really knew what shape it would take and what kind of people it would attract. So it definitely interested me to have a community of people interested in talking about consciousness and non-duality and looking at society from a different perspective. Before i get into my criticisms I want to give some positives, its really great that you can meet and potentially build relationships with people interested in this stuff, theres not a lot of people that are that I come across in my life anyway, so this is cool. Also a lot of great resources get posted which can lead to going down new paths and learning new ideas. Now for the fun part... My main criticism is that I think Leo underestimates how much foundational growth people need to do before they start trying to realise things like god-consciousness and I believe this forum encourages them to bypass basic work they need to do in the real world which will help them grow. Most people come on here I believe because in some way they arent fulfilled by life, theyre looking for a way out. I would say the demographic on here is relatively young lets say 20s, in which case its not people who have lived 50 years and become disillusioned with their path, its those that dont want to face the everyday struggle of looking after yourself, working, going into the world. It can be a daunting prospect, especially if you have unaddressed traumas or parents that have coddled you or youre always online and have never really experienced life. Its natural that if you dont feel prepared you will look for a workaround, an easier way out, this is the human condition. I believe enlightenment is being unconsciously sold as this workaround, if you are looking for a way out in the way ive outlined, and you stumble upon Leos videos and hes talking about ultimate bliss and how it can be realised, something will hit home because there is truth in what Leo says, but you will only be attempting to bypass the hard but essential parts of life. I think people have the idea that, if i get enlightened everything else will fall into place, to me this is fantasy, it does not work like this. Maslows Hierarchy as well as Ken Wilburs model, which states you should 'grow up, clean up, wake up then show up'. No one puts waking up first, even spiral dynamics requires that you go through the lower stages and first and get to healthy versions of them. Because of the nature of any forum, ego does come into play and i think people tend to peg themselves higher on SD, but again this is just another form of bypassing, there is demonisation sometimes of blue and orange but i dont think people realise how important these are to incorporate for your life, its very important that you have structure, discipline, you know how to make money etc. I believe most people on the forum arent content because these things are not in order, its nothing to do with them not being enlightened. You will be surprised at how mch your state can change once you take responsibility for yourself, talk to more people, cook for yourself, workout etc. People who have never attempted to talk to the opposite sex, had a job, lived by themselves etc in my opinion should not be worried about Alien love or the highest levels of awakening. The reality is they want to do all those things and more but for whatever reason they dont feel they can, their striving for higher levels of consciousness is just avoidance and i think until they sort themselves out spirituality will almost be a means to an end. If you notice a lot of the people that I wouldve considered quite healthy higher stage people have actually left the forum or post very rarely and its just because of where the forum actually is. Im not criticising anyone for being at any level, thats part of the journey but i think its a bit of an illusion that this is a high level forum. I think this forum is people on their journey, working it out but have been seduced by the idea that they can be awakened mainly through psychedelics and will be able to skip big chunks of the journey. Im not saying that you shouldnt be interested in non-duality or Leos ideas, they of course can help and give you a new perspective on the world. What im saying is that dont expect them to be a way out of anything. Take joy in normal life, dont try to escape, level up in every aspect.
  17. ‘The entire creation is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil! But the creator—God—is not a half which has fallen out of unity, become separated from it and consequently recognizable; on the contrary, God is unity itself. He stands above all created forms which have fallen out of unity. Right within himself, he has perfect unity. He is the Nothing out of which Everything arises and manifests itself, but in him the nothing and everything make up non-separated, divine unity. ‘Creation always means a half of the whole . . . the half which has fallen out of unity and which has become recognizable through comparisons, while its complementary half has remained behind, unmanifested. That’s why you can never find and never recognize God—the creator—in the world of creation, simply because God has no complementary half with which he could be compared. There is absolutely no possibility of comparing him, and so there is no possibility of recognizing him.—You can only be God! ‘Listen, my child: There is only one eternal being—only one God. In everything alive there lives this one single being, there lives this one single God. God is the indivisible unity, he is present everywhere, he fills the entire universe. The whole universe lives because God animates it with his own eternal being! Hence God is like a tree of life giving its own being to the created, recognizable world that has become separated from its complementary half, in other words, giving life to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This tree of the knowledge of good and evil—our created world—is only alive because the tree of life—God his own life in its veins—lives in it! ‘The material world is like a tree of death: The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the God dwelling within it is the tree of life living in everything that is created. God is one and only one. This one single God is the self, the innermost being within all creatures. God is everywhere present, and since two things can’t occupy the same space at the same time and nothing can displace God from any place in the universe, only one and the same God can be present everywhere as the self in every created form. God is indivisible unity. All creatures, all plants, animals, man himself; all are fruits on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; all are alive because the vital flow from the tree of life streams through their veins, that is, because the tree of life lives within them. And that means in you too, little daughter!—Your body is also a fruit on the tree of death, on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and has no life of its own. But within you there lives the tree of life, because your self is also a little branch on God’s great tree of life, and you are only alive because God is living as your self within you and your body, keeping your person alive. ‘By virtue of having been born into your body, you have become a recognizable being. You have separated your consciousness from the great all and nothing—from God, from your own true self. You have fallen out of the divine, paradisiacal, original state—in which all possibilities of manifestation including all plants, all animals and man himself, are still within the all-embracing unity —into the world of many forms and differentiations. You have become a manifestation, a created form. Consequently everything you are here on the earthly plane is only the recognizable half of unity, made up of good and evil. And since your consciousness has been placed in your body, you have awakened in this body, that is, your consciousness has become identical with the body. ‘To eat of something is to become identical with it; for what you eat is what you will consist of, what you will be. Through identifying itself with your body, your consciousness has—symbolically—eaten of the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and by the same token become subject to the kingdom of death. ‘But now listen to the good news: Your body is the result of separation; it is only the visible half of your own true self. The other half has remained in the unmanifested, unconscious part of your being. By uniting these two complementary halves with each other, you can return to divine unity! It is impossible to experience this unity physically, that is, to make your invisible unconscious visible and physical also, and unite the two halves together. For one consciousness cannot animate two bodies. To try to experience unity in this way would mean death. By virtue of the very fact that the body has become visible and recognizable because it has separated itself from its complementary half, the reunion in this way would have to involve the death of the body. Nevertheless you still can experience, in the body, this divine reunion with your complementary half: In a state of consciousness! You can expand your consciousness until you make the unconscious part of you completely conscious, until you consciously experience the unmanifested, invisible half of yourself, and in this way achieve divine unity in your consciousness. Even while your body remains in the visible world of the created, you can merge your consciousness with your own true self, out of which you have fallen, thus forming the perfect unity. In this way, right here in this earthly existence, you can experience bliss—experience God—be God. ‘This striving for reunion is in everything that has been created. Every creature seeks its complementary half in order to re-unite with it. The positive male forms seek the negative-female forms and vice versa. This tendency on the part of positive and negative force even makes up the basic structure of matter. In actual fact, there couldn’t be any matter at all without this tendency; for this striving towards unity—towards the state of being God—makes up the attractive power between positive and negative forces, and the whole world is built on this striving to attain the divine, primordial state. This striving itself is the source of all power in the manifested world. Nature uses it and, projected into the body, it is the basis of sexual power. ‘As long as a creature seeks its complementary half outside itself, in the created, recognizable world, it will never find unity, simply because its complementary half isn’t outside itself, manifested, separate from itself, but on the contrary, unseparated from itself, in its own unmanifested part, in its unconscious! No creature could exist if it did not have its other half in the unmanifested. Take yourself for example, little daughter. The opposite of everything you are and manifest in your conscious part is contained in your unconscious part which nevertheless belongs to you, and which you are just as much as you are your conscious, manifested part. You don’t find your complementary part outside yourself—in a man of flesh and blood, for example, but in the unconscious part of your true self. When you unite in your consciousness two halves of yourself, you’ve found your way back into the infinite all and nothing, you’ve become identical with God again! ‘Through this union which takes place in your consciousness, the eternal longing of your manifested being ceases because it has found its complementary half and merged into unity with it; and for this reason the sexual desire of your body also ceases once and for all. You become complete within yourself. Right here in this physical existence, you experience the divine state: Immortality, bliss—fulfilment! And inasmuch as the same one, individual being lives in all creatures, you simultaneously become identical with the true self of every creature when you awaken within your own true self. You will achieve unity with God and simultaneously unity with the entire universe. You will lift your consciousness out of your body, out of your personal being, and experience all-inclusive cosmic consciousness. You will feel yourself as the “I”—the self—in every creature, in the entire universe, in God. This means you will again be eating of the fruit of the tree of life! Then you will have moved out of the world of effects into the world of causes, out of the realm of the transitory into the realm of the eternal, out of the created into the creative, out of the realm of death into the realm of life. In short, you will have achieved your resurrection in eternal being. And that is initiation!’ Ptahhotep ceases speaking. But I see this divine unity manifested in the impenetrable depths of his heavenly eyes. Endless happiness, calm and peace radiate forth from his eyes into my soul. In his glance I see the fulfilment of truth. He blesses me and I leave.
  18. @Leo Gura Have you heard of the book The Evolutionary Energy in Man by Gopi Krishna? This sounds a lot like what he experienced. Unfortunately it was years of hell that eventually calmed down to the point where he could live happily and led him to being a very awakened mystic poet. I hope you don't have to endure all of that suffering to get to the other side, but it might be worth reading to help ground yourself in someone else's similar experience. He was literally receiving novel's worth of mystical poetry in the form of light and he learned how to harness all of that energy.
  19. Take it easy man... We are not saints. We seek to learn more about the nature of this fucking infinite consciousness. So it's always fine to say I awakened. Look inside to see what really annoys you when you see someone proclaims awakening... There should be something you need to dig up. Otherwise you would be really easy with people talking about their awakenings.
  20. The nature this enquiry, I have come to learn, is usually Egotism. I used to have such questions in my mind when I first started: How many people in the world are awake? How many people are enlightened? Am I among the enlightened? Am I among the Awakened? But the more I got into this work, I realized it doesn't matter at all. The trick here is that there is not clear line dividing between realized and not-realized. The more important point though is: They way you see others is not necessarily the way they see themselves, and the way you see others depends on the way you see yourself. So, wouldn't it be better to improve yourself and embody more Love into your consciousness so you can see others better? So you can see the entire world enlightened?
  21. This thread is for asking me questions, not for asking and answering your own questions. I don't prefer calling myself "it" or "ego" and I don't recommend that for you. I am a human being, a precious, beloved, beautiful, genius, miraculous and the most treasured creation of God. You are speaking from the delusion of nihilism, same as @Razard86 , which is very prevalent on this forum I prefer to say "I'm breathing air" instead of "I'm sucking air" Why do I want to share about my awakening? I want to be congratulated. I want to be admired. I want to be seen. I want to be praised. I want to be treated with love and respect. I want to be recognized. I want to share the beauty of who I am. I want to share my Truth. I want to share because sharing is beautiful and it brings me much joy. I want to share my love. I want to share my wisdom. I want to share my joy. I want to share the beauty of who I am. I want to alleviate suffering. I want to heal myself and others. I want to keep embodying my Truth on a deeper level. I want the entire world to know the beauty of my Truth. By sharing and answering questions about my awakening, I embody my Truth deeper, the embodiment, recognition, acceptance of my Truth is the healing and salvation for our world. I want to receive the best gifts that the Universe can offer because I know I am worthy. I am Vladimir, precious child of God who has awakened to his Truth that he is Jesus Christ, savior of the world. I have great desire to share this Truth because humanity is in desperate need for salvation, there is great suffering in the world. There is no power greater than my Truth because my Truth is Love and Love is the greatest power in the Universe. The Truth forgives all, the Truth is original innocence, the Truth is Unity, the Truth is Love, the Truth is Life, the Truth is salvation, the Truth is victory over all darkness, The Truth is forgiveness of all darkness. Who is it that wants to share the awakening? I am king, warrior, magician, lover. I am Jesus Christ. I am Yeshua. I am Vladimir. I am Arza - The Beginning of Light. I am White Wolf - Czar of the Forest, Czar of animals and humans. I am wild. I'm a king from a long line of kings. I'm a hero of might and magic, a leader, a man of destiny. I am Prince of Peace. I am God. I am Eternal Father. I'm Merlin, Magi, Alchemist, Mind and body master. I am genius. I know myself. I am King Shaman. I am Grail King. I'm a Beautiful Mind. I am Sage of all Sages. I am divine. There is no one like me. I'm the master of martial arts. I'm a master healer. I am Lunar Lover. I am a healing moon man. I am the Guardian of the Womb. I am the master of shamanic martial arts. I'm a womb (hara) shaman. I'm a tantric priest. I am as wise as a serpent and gentle, innocent and harmless as a dove. I am Siberian. I am king of kings. I am Russian. I am the Light of the World. I'm a breath of fresh air. I am the True Vine. I am the Gate. I am the Bread of Life. I am a Good Shepherd. I am a brave heart. I am immortal. I am holy. I am whole. I am innocent. I am safe. My Soul is pure. I know myself. I'm the master of medicine songs. I'm a divine, innocent child of an unconditionally loving Mother Mary. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. I am which is, which was, and which is to come. I am the way the truth and the life. I am the resurrection and the life. I am a sovereign creator of my Universe. I am a sovereign being of light. I am. @r0ckyreed Thank you for your questions.
  22. Who is it that has awakened? Who is it that wants to share the “awakening?” Why does it want to share? The it I am referring to is ego. The ego cannot awaken because it doesn’t exist. But even so, as long as you are sucking air, the ego and maya will be always with you.
  23. @Leo Gura I'm looking forward to this alien consciousness video. I have a few questions: 1. Will you become a physical empirical sensory alien (in the traditional sense, such that even skeptics like Lawrence Krauss will be able to see it) or will this be a perceptual or interpretational shift? 2. Is there some sort of prerequisite to being able to see you as an Alien?
  24. That is the whole issue is how can you know that you are in a state with no self-deception at all? As long as there is Mind, there is always self-deception knocking at the door. The Dream Doubt still lingers. Also, can God know itself? How can God know itself if it is itself? Knowledge is always about some part of God and yet God is all there is. God/Existence/Consciousness is prior to knowing. Knowing already creates a duality between the knower and the known. I am just trying to understand. I could be wrong. Yup. That is what I am saying. Awakening is imaginary. I was lucid in my dream, but then I created a story when I wanted to share that with my mom. It is almost as if the lucidity/awakening was part of the dream. Can you think of other examples where this "need for sharing" happens? Why is it that when we awake, we have a desperate desire to share that with "others?" Maybe it is another clever mind trick of the dream. That is my hypothesis. How powerful is the Mind? If you think or "know" you have "awakened," then you have greatly underestimated the power of the Mind/self-deception & The Dream Doubt. How do you know you are awake? How do you know you aren't imagining/dreaming you are awake?
  25. This post is going to be very controversial, but I have been called to share my thoughts with ... Myself??? After some time contemplating what a dream really is, I have come to the realization that Awakening itself is a Dream! How did I come to such a conclusion? Well, we first must ask what a dream really is. A dream is consciousness inventing a reality/story through trickery and deception. As such, The Dream Doubt cannot be fully unraveled no matter how awake you are. For instance, I once had a dream (while sleeping at night) where I became lucid and realized that I was in a dream. I then woke up, went up stairs immediately and talked to my mom about it. I shared with her my excitement. But then, I "actually" woke up and realized that my mind imagined me waking up just to keep me in the dream!!!! This one dream I had redefined how I see spirituality, the concept of a dream, and awakening. I was lucid in the dream or so I imagine I was. It makes me wonder whether I was really awake or whether I was just dreaming that I was awake? I had another dream where I my grandpa died (still alive now I am assuming at the time of this writing) and I asked my mom whether this was real and if this was a dream. But of course, my mom (my mind) convinced me that it was real. These dreams really casted a major doubt upon me. I realized that no matter how conscious I think I am, I can never penetrate beyond the dream doubt. No matter how much meditation or psychedelics I do, it will all be a dream! There is no awakening because that is what the dream imagines. The duality between Asleep and Awake collapses as it must. The forum, Leo, Buddhism, psychedelics, meditation, and Awakening are part of the Dream!! This Dream is not going anywhere. But maybe lucidity within this dream is still possible? Or is it just a self-deception to make me think I am awake when I aint? Just because one is lucid within one dream does not mean one is lucid within all dreams. My lucid dream made me realize that when you start to wake up, your mind is going to do everything to keep you asleep. Even the resources/tools you think will wake you up like Leo, this forum, psychedelics, meditation, etc. will be used to keep you asleep. I dreamt that I was lucid in a dream, and it should make one wonder whether true Awakening is even possible and if it is but just another dream within the dream. How can we know anything for certain beyond the fact that Consciousness exists? How can you ever transcend self-deception or unravel The Dream Doubt? I don't think you can because to be dreaming requires self-deception, and there is no awakening without dreaming. I don't think you can never not consider no matter what experiences you may have, that you could be dreaming them all up right now!! Now, let me ask you (or other parts of myself) some questions. Given that reality is a self-deception or dream, how do you know you have awakened when it is possible that you are still inside of dream - a dream that has deceived you into thinking you have awakened when you really haven't? How can you know? How can acquire true understanding when ever tool you use is all part of dream? And please, don't give me any answers like "You will only know when you awaken" because that assumes that you can awaken to something beyond a dream. But how do we know there is anything beyond dreaming, and how can you know if you are awake? By the way, there is nothing wrong with dreaming. Awakening to me means realizing what is Absolutely True. But what is Absolutely True? Consciousness. The end. Alien consciousness is just another dream within Absolute Consciousness. Awakening is a Dream! How does that sit with you (pun intended)? Please let me know what you think. I cannot get past The Dream Doubt. Thanks!