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Found 76 results

  1. GTITurbolover - lol - what an ignorant close-minded arrogant fuckhead you are. Ego is a concept. There exist no egos ultimately All that really exist is the non-duality of being. Nervous systems has the ability to seperate the non-dual pure 'Being' into duality. Duality is simply the seperation of pure 'Being' into: 1. the individual ego that thinks it exist (the internal world) ||||| 2. everything that that 'ego' doesn't define as himself (the external world)' This is the duality of life - living as an ego. The greater the seperation of pure non-dual Being into duality, the greater the created ego has a capacity to suffer. What does the seperation depend on? For all we know the seperation depends on the complexity of the nervous system. For all we can observe, it's the nervous system that creates the seperation of the non-duality into duality. The more complex nervous system, the more capacity there is for suffer. Now, imagine you self very hungry standing in a very beautiful garden. The sky is blue. The sun is shining. You are hungry. Surrounded by you in the garden is everything you could imagine putting in your mouth: - potato crops and crops with other food - trees with nuts - living cows, pigs, chickens who are standing peacefully around you - a pool with fish living in peace - trees with apples, fruits and so on. - bushes with berries There is an outdoor kitchen in the garden with everything you need to cook. Knives and so on. There even is a pistol so you quickly kill the animals to cook them if you want to. If you shoot them in the head they will die so quickly that they won't feel any pain at all. What do you do? Do you kill the pig lying next to you, taking a bath in the sun, so you can get some nice meat and cook it on the pan? Or do you simply go for the potatoes in the earth, the nuts hanging from the trees, the berries from the bushes, the fruits from the trees? I think most people would go for the vegetarian food. Yet, when we're in the supermarket, it's so fucking easy to buy the treated meat in the refrigerated counter. It's at least easy if you give zero fucks about how the meat got here in the supermarket. I guess most eat-meaters give zero fucks. And that's fine. Some people happen to give a fuck, somehow.