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  1. Blissful for sure, but Bliss is not the goal per say, its the foundation, with Bliss as a natural state of occurrence, not due to a certain situation being in place in your Life, then you will go full speed ahead on everything Your Involved with, when Bliss is not the natural state, then Your looking to extract from outside, and other, and Fear will eventually rule fundamentally, all issues of Security (What about Me) come from this state of unconscious Fear, as you are just a tiny speck, anything can happen to You, and if it does it will be forgotten in a day or two, so most of the ppl live in this sort of state, or an up and down yo yo existence, both of which do not Empower You in any way, but Bliss does, when it is in place then Potential and Possibility open up for You in many ways!
  2. Intro: I finished my first round of therapeutic Ketamine through Better U (9 doses of Rapid Dissolve Tablets). I tried it to help heal pain. If I had to attach a clinical label to my pain, I'd say it's a mix of C-PTSD, depression and anxiety. Specifically, I wanted to become a better father and husband, reduce my suffering, move past career blocks, increase motivation, stop overeating, and more. My dose was 400 mg with the first trip at 200mg and the eighth at 600 mg. The first two trips were sublingual (spit), the third was sublingual/oral (swallowed), and the remaining 7 trips were administered rectally, dissolved in water (to avoid the taste). For all of these trips, I lay in my bed with an eye mask. Background: I'm 27 years old and over the last decade, I've done about 30 - 50 trips with Mushrooms, LSD, and Ayahuasca, but did not have any experience with Ketamine. I have deep reverence for the psychedelic experience and I feel like they have been instrumental on my path of healing and awakening. Most of the lessons I learned from Ketamine are old lessons that were deepened or refreshed, often in very profound ways. Lesson/Experience Summary: Trip 1: 200mg acclimation dose: Was not much of a trip. My body felt a bit numb and tingly but I noticed no cognitive changes. I felt bored and a little disappointed. (looking back, this was a microcosm of my waking experience). I was looking for something to come and "save me". I didn't get that. In the following days, I realized how my desire and expectations distracted me from actually being present with my experience. Trip 2: 400mg sublingual (spit) + a hit of cannabis one hour in: I intended to feel happy. I was again underwhelmed at first but when I hit the bong, my awareness expanded rapidly and I started to see visuals that I perceived as the power and intelligence of God on display (I also saw Aubrey Marcus's face on a butterfly lol). I felt a deep fear of tripping hard and ultimately the fear of God. I remained stuck in deep fear and resistance for the rest of the trip. I repeatedly tried to shift my focus to happiness and gratitude but I could not maintain my focus. The current of fear was too strong. The brokenness of "I'm not focused enough" dampened my feeling state and I remembered carrying that feeling since I was diagnosed ADD in my childhood. I also tried to just be present with the feeling I felt but I couldn't maintain that focus either. I started perceiving my feelings as the "Divine Feminine", seeing her as a living entity. I tried loving her but felt devoid of love and too distracted. I asked her how to love her and I heard, "Listen... feel". I tried, but again was too distracted to listen and feel. At this point, it became crystal clear that I needed to improve my concentration ability. It also became very clear that thoughts create feelings. My thinking was creating my suffering. In the following days, I practiced a lot of concentration meditation. I realized that most of my thoughts were textbook "sinful", like the 7 deadly sins in Christianity or the 5 hindrances in Buddhism. I worked on letting go and replacing those thoughts by applying some strategies I found in "Beyond Distraction" by Shaila Catherine, which I picked up in a bookstore and devoured in a few hours. I also become aware of a ton of self-judgment, particularly a ton of "I am not ______ enough". And I also projected all of that judgment onto the world. I felt like I needed to experience my judgment non-judgementally to experience the imperfection as a manifestation of Perfection. Through my refreshed meditation practice, I learned that suffering and discomfort dissolve when I meet them with fully accepting presence. Trip 3: 400 mg sublingual/oral (swallowed) + bong rip I did 3 rounds of Wif Hof breathing before the trip. On the come-up, I began to perceive my feelings with more clarity. Near the peak, I fully attempted to "let-go" and I spontaneously started breathing super fully, maybe more fully than I ever have in my life. It felt amazing. I felt intensely alive. I began to think about awakening and felt an intense energy in my chest. After closer observation, I realized that feeling was actually intense, heart-ponding fear. I realized that I was creating an imaginary "awakened" future that I felt attached to. This attachment was rooted in deep fear and resistance with the energy of, "LET ME OUT OF HERE, MAKE THIS STOP", with a thin veneer of "everything will be okay... hopefully". I laughed at how absurd it was that I was attached to this energy considering how horrible it actually felt. I noticed how I ran this same pattern all the time either with desirable or undesirable imagined futures which I felt attached to or attached to avoiding. Either way, it's essence was fear. In the following days, I meditated for 2+ hours a day, and I let go of many layers of pain (anger, shame, fear, sadness, etc.) I became aware that the doorway to peace was in every moment. No matter what form arises, there I was, perceiving it. I also noticed that whenever pleasure arises, fear and unworthiness come with it. The big insight from this trip is that when I let go, I started to breathe so fully. It's like I was breathing in life itself and with no conscious effort. I intuited that I could breathe my way into high states of consciousness but that would also mean illuminating the shadow/fear inside me, but I trusted the process. One of these evenings, I prayed for proper breathing. Then, in the middle of the night, I had a dream of two tablets dissolving on each side of my pelvic floor with each breath, as if they were replenishing my body's desire for oxygen. Still asleep, my body started to breathe very deeply with no conscious effort until I was half asleep and then fully awake still inhaling fully and effortlessly. Each breath felt full, wide, and deeply satisfying. I woke up my wife with my breathing. It felt amazing. I realized that for as long as I remember, I have been depriving my body of oxygen with shallow breathing patterns, creating a perfect breeding ground for fear and unconsciousness. I realized the close correlation between my depth of breathing and my mental state. I also learned that awareness of the breath as well as non-resistance are keys to high-quality breathing, and my meditation practice has been instrumental for that. Trip 4: 400mg plugged + bong rip Intention - awaken inner power and masculinity. I noticed that I was not present with my visual field like I was waiting for something else more real. When I did focus my attention, my closed-eye visual field morphed into a spiraling wall of Egyptian hieroglyphics. I meditated on courage. At one point, I said, "I realized the true meaning of freedom. True freedom is freedom to be myself." I burst into tears for a brief moment. What I meant was, no matter what I'm going through, I am free to be the kind of character that I want to be. If I am suffering, I can be the one who acts for my wellbeing. I call that "being myself" because I have a natural impulse to serve myself and those around me. So perhaps to be free, I just need to trust that impulse, that deep wisdom. I felt like my ability to be present and obedient to my deepest wisdom was hindered by my self-doubt. I essentially did not trust myself. I realized the deep wisdom of "trust in yourself". When I do not trust myself, I naturally avoid pain and discomfort because I don't believe that I'll be there for myself to get me through it. But if I trust myself, I know that I can endure any level of pain and emerge unharmed because my authentic loving character arises from my nature. So I learned self self-trust is a key to freedom. Even though I've made a terrible habit of ignoring my own wisdom, it never stops. It's always there. But that voice is not enough to be free, I need to know that I can and will consistently act upon that voice to actually feel free and safe. I realized that authentic character arises from freedom, and with my freedom, I choose to be a servant to all, present, a protector, merciful, abundant, nourishing, and devoted to my deepest wisdom. I noticed that I was labeling my eyes-closed visual field as "darkness" subconsciously, but then I realized, it was actually light. My whole visual field flashed with white light. I saw a beautiful native American woman singing. She symbolized the divine feminine, singing her song of deep wisdom that arises from Nature. Her song says you are free, and this wisdom is always available, but it's up to you to follow it. That natural "feminine" wisdom is the natural wisdom that springs from my source effortlessly, the feminine within the masculine (yin in the yang). As a man, it is my job to honor her song and protect her with all my heart and abilities. I also noticed how I was creating pain by anticipating either pain or pleasure in the future. I felt like I could take myself into pleasure but I kept making excuses for why I had to wait. I felt like I was waiting for some source of empowerment. But of course, empowerment must come from within. That's what empowerment means. I realized that the substance of my power is decisions. Making decisions is how I practice good-will. Good-will means executing the will of my deepest freedom. Practicing this leads to self-trust. Self-trust is key to letting go. Letting go is key to presence. Presence is the key to freedom. Freedom is the end-game. The next day, I ate a bunch of ginger mints and meditated for 25 minutes without moving. My head was so itchy, I felt like it was on fire, but I encouraged myself with positive self-talk, which was something I really don't do often enough. I contemplated femininity and masculinity. I wrote that the essence of femininity is surrender, receptivity, and energy. And the essence of masculinity is purpose. Purpose informs direction and decision, which is where masculine power lies. Without purpose, the direction of attention defaults to survival/ego maintenance. A purpose is something for the mind to chew on. I had a dream that I was in a video game and I died. I was waiting there to "restart", but I was deeply detached to my body because I perceived it as a dead video game character. I felt a sense of dissolving and expanding that was quite nice. (looking back, this feeling was very similar to what I experienced in trip 10). I also dreamt of a white dragon that looked like Haku from Spirited Away. The next day, I contemplated dragon energy. I began to understand the dragon as a symbol of raw power - power that destroys everything in opposition to it, not as an act of evil, but as an act of creation. I wanted to awaken that dragon within me. I also wrote this, "The Ocean holds space for all of it's creatures- beautiful and ugly, peaceful and violent. It is indifferent. Indifference is the highest form of love and freedom. And because all know freedom, the truth of our depth arises without force and shines with perfect clarity." A rip-off of the Tao Te Ching, but still beautiful. Trip 5: 400mg plugged Intention: awaken the inner dragon My breath was full and deep for at least the first hour. I felt incredibly alive and quite content. I felt like I was in God's VR simulator in the clouds and that everything I felt was divinely crafted. I had a vision of me sitting on on a cloud chair with a joystick and I was free to do anything I wanted. I felt like my body was made of pixels that were subdividing into finer and finer pixels. I visualized myself as Blue-Eyes White Dragon (from Yu-Gi-Oh!). Any time I would notice fear or resistance, I would blast it with white light as the dragon. I felt quite good but also very attached to my experience, which took away from it. It was a great trip overall. I remember being astounded by a sense of power in my body. I also remember acknowledging that there was no one here, that the concept of "self "was thin and insignificant compared to the truth of my being in my direct awareness. I said "Ketamine lets me be me which is nothing." On the tail end of the comedown, I went inside Chipotle to order food. The restaurant had the worst vibes imaginable. They were playing some ultra-slowed grunge trap music on a boombox behind the counter. The staff looked like they were on opiates. A worker scraped the grill the whole time, creating an ear-piercing scraping noise. The vibes screamed, "please kill me, make it end". It was pure pain and resistance. I went home, and with hesitation, took a few bites of my food which quickly created deep pain in my whole body. I threw it out. I realized that the deep suffering that I was resisting and judging was deep inside of me. That Chipotle was just reflecting my own deep pain and victim complex. I excavated a lot of self-hatred and resistance patterns in the following days. I also started to notice that some core desire in me was being suppressed. I thought how my craving for peace/joy/bliss might just be a means to become more free. I realized how I decided to suppress my anger from an early age so I did not hurt people with it like my father did. I acknowledged that although my intention was pure, I was misguided. Anger does not hurt anyone. It is simply a fire that signals that it is time for action and transformation. The anger I trapped inside burned me as self-hatred for many years. But when I meet anger with my loving conscious presence, it can be a powerful fuel that serves my purpose. I realized that an aspect of my core masculine desire is to ravish - to give my gift so fully that I completely lose myself in the giving. I explored this with my wife in Tantra, and it was great. I felt like I could let go much more deeply when I surrendered completely to her feelings and giving her the best possible experience. It was very different than my usual inhibited way, but we both loved it. The next day, I became acutely aware of how my judgments -all of my dualistic mind-activity - were distracting me from the present moment. I also drew up "the light spiral": Presence leads to love. Love leads to trust. Trust leads to surrender. Surrender leads to presence. Trip 6: 400mg (plugged) Intention - empowerment I experienced myself as a spirit body with deep freedom. I noted how I repeatedly would construct mental grounds for myself. Those grounds/identities were made of pain/tension. But they remained beneath my awareness while they built up, although I still felt the dis-ease. I said, "One level of freedom is being what you choose. That's what reality is always doing. But a deeper level of freedom is being what you want the most." This requires deep honesty about desire. I realized that I was dismissing my desire for bliss, labeling it as selfish. By I allowed myself to own it. I finally admit that I did want bliss for myself simply because I love myself. I also realized that even if I felt bliss if I could not share it, I would still feel empty. And so I wished bliss and peace upon myself and my family and the world. I placed my hands on my heart and said "Divine bliss here and now". Throughout the trip, it became increasingly clear that I was a free energy being governed by my intention and will. My experience responded to my will. On the comedown, I wandered outside on a cool evening and ran to the last patch of sunny ground. It felt like such a deep expression of my authentic desire. I felt like energy was rising up from my lower chakras, flowing into my upper body as a result of surrendering to my authentic desire. I did Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) in the mirror and excavated a lot of shame, unworthiness, and self-judgment. That night, I dreamt of my childhood crush and felt the profound desire I felt for her that had been suppressed my whole life. The next morning, I woke up early, went outside, and did breathwork while sun-gazing. I felt that same profound desire for the sun, like I wished it was inside my chest radiating brilliantly and effortlessly. I squinted as the sun rose higher and the glare in my eyelashes created a cross with the sun at the center. I thought of Jesus dying on the cross and how the sun represented presence and the cross represented death. I felt the desire to die (spiritually/mentally) so that I could let the light of my presence shine fully. I thought of the light spiral. I noticed how life flows out of death. My deepest desire springs from freedom. Freedom springs from the boundless intelligence that lives beyond separation. I was craving the realization of surrendered action. And most of all I was craving the fullness of my presence that I sense can only actualize with total surrender of self. I felt called to fast the next day and did, but found myself in a video-game fueled dopamine hole. I made a distinction between desire and craving. I said, "Desires arise from my deep wisdom and serve myself/others. They should be pursued. Cravings do not serve and therefore do not need to be fulfilled. Trip 7: 400mg (plugged) Intention: heal the pain in my heart and awaken warrior energy I breathed deeply and felt free on the come-up. I saw Dark Magician (from Yu-Gi-Oh!) and I felt like I could think clearly and create whatever I wanted without a bunch of self-doubt clouding my mind. I really liked that. I got up after about 45 minutes to put music on my speaker. Bad idea. It was a huge deboccle. I ended up taking a shit and I felt like I was coming down. I also grabbed a cup to throw up in. I felt like I wasted my trip. I felt stupid and disappointed. But I continued to breathe deeply and offered loving self-talk to myself. I looked over to the purge cup and it had an Ankh on it. In that moment, the hoop on top of the cross represented my head getting blown off which triggered a purge into the cup. I lay back down and continued offering love to myself while "dying" to the pain I was feeling. from that moment to the next three hours, I poured out the pain in my heart into my loving presence. I dissolved so much fear, shame, anger, unworthiness, etc. just feeling the pain, breathing fully, and allowing it to be and express itself in my body. I often sighed to help release the pain. This is some of the deepest healing I've ever done. For the first time, I was able to recognize and validate to truth of my self-judgements. This was because I recognized that all of these judgments were based on a limited perspective about temporary form and that deep down, I had unconditional love for myself. So i was able to say, wow, I really do suck, I am incapable, I am a selfish POS, I am unworthy, I am powerless, I am not good enough, and really mean it, while maintaining a deeper sense of love and freedom within me. It was very liberating and I felt so validated because before I was dismissing my self-judgement and therefore my pain as an illusion or darkness. But my self-judgment really did have some truth to it, as all perspectives do. My character really did suck ass a lot of the time. I really am broken. And after that, I felt like I was in a greater position to surrender myself because I was able to clearly see my own brokenness. For the first time in a long time, my heart felt open and alive. It was not radiating with joy or anything but just being able to feel aliveness was vastly preferable to the brick/black hole it felt like before. I felt so resiliant that I could face my deepest brokenness and still feel okay with a sense of deep love for myself. Then my wife walked in angry at me (for good reason) and stonewalled me. My heart immediately went back to feeling like a black hole. I was astounded at how I could be so skillful at processing my own self-hatred and then the second my wife felt angry at me, I completely closed and was consumed by anger. Upon reflection, I realized that nothing could take away the aliveness in my own heart besides my own closure. Trip 8: 600mg (plugged) This (increased dose) trip was particularly hard to describe. I felt like I was pure spirit and everything was flowing through me in circular patterns. The energy patterns are ancient yet always changing and always fresh. I was taken far far away from ordinary consciousness on a wild journey. It felt like I was made of magic. I traveled to different "rooms" filled with cathedral-like geometry. Breathing was easy and probably the deepest of my life. I felt like this great indescribably good love and light was deep inside of me but it felt dampened and out of reach. I threw up bile and let out some incredibly deep coughs that left my chest and throat sore for days. I was spitting out a thick layer of mucus that continued for five days. I also listed to sofeggio frequencies with nice headphones. I highly recommend this. Then I found Ketamine State yoga (r/KetamineStateYoga) Trip 9: 400mg (plugged) Intention: Embrace my inner fire, invite in Christ energy, practice Ketamine State Yoga (KSY) Pre-Trip: 3 rounds of Wim Hof breathwork Onset: I practiced intuitive breathing with an emphasis on relaxing my brow, throat, and heart chakras. The process was smooth, and there was a relatively small amount of tension compared to previous trips. I listed to Meditative Mind with headphones and I could feel my whole body vibrating in resonance with very little resistance. It felt great. The visuals were subtle but more refined and multi-layered than previous trips. Peak: I practiced the Primary KSY pranayama maybe 12 - 15 times. I quickly realized the value of the sigh and following my breath all the way to the bottom and past the first urge to inhale. Every time I did this, it felt good, and when I made it past the first urge to inhale, it felt like there was a layer of resistance dissolving. It felt like a partial death. I saw a vision of a blue Hindu deity (perhaps Kali). As the resistance dissolved, my awareness of the present deepened. As my awareness deepened, I became aware of more feeling details, like an increase of the resolution of my feelings (720p -> 1080p -> 4k). And as the resolution increased, it felt more and more beautiful. There was no incredible breakthrough moment, just a subtle increase in beauty and pleasantness every time I did the pranayama. Toward the end, I felt this very gentile and alive energy, like I had just begun to wake up from a long restful sleep. Not mind blowing bliss, but just pleasant and clean. I remember feeling great clarity and some point, not feeling much at all - just openness… and that felt really great. I realized I don’t need great pleasure to be satisfied. Simple openness and relative freedom from pain is enough. Some things I remember saying: Death is the dissolution of boundaries. Life begins beyond death. The real death is clinging to life. My purpose is to cultivate freedom- in me, through me, as me. Come down: ate some amazing pumpkin pie but I had family duties to take care of so I didn’t get to practice much KSY. Overall, this was my most pleasant and gentile ketamine experience. I will certainly be doing more KSY when I start another round of treatment. The primary KSY pranayama really is a difference maker and was the biggest missing piece in my practice. Conclusion: Overall, I am incredibly grateful for this experience. Ketamine is an amazing substance with great therapeutic potential. It taught me deep lessons on freedom, presence, breathing, self-love, surrender, Nature, energy, femininity, masculinity, and much more. I plan on doing more ketamine in the future when I have time and can afford it. It has helped me do great healing and i feel considerably more free than when i started. Tips that I'll be applying in the future: Practice Ketamine State Yoga. This practice was instrumental and I look forward to exploring it more, as I only really got a taste. Practice daily meditation and journaling to deepen your trips. Listen to solfeggio frequencies or relaxing lyricless music on a nice speaker/headphones during your trip Hydrate a lot on the come-down to help ease dizziness Give yourself as much interrupted time as possible to trip and integrate. Thanks for reading. I hope this is valuable to someone out there. I'm happy to discuss anything you like. Blessings.
  3. yeah I can kind of gather that it's not the 'final' stage, otherwise who would want Enlightenment in the first place. But would you say you are "enlightened" at this point? Like are you in bliss all the time? An enlightenment teacher I follow is in that constant no-ego state all the time, I know there's the temporary and permanent samadhi etc. by no means I am at that point yet.
  4. Simple to Answer, and has been answered this way a million times.. God/Absolute/Grand Intelligence/Brahma cannot Experience itself, it has to create Form to Experience itself, but with Humans we have within Us Free Will, Choice, Determination, with that we can decide how to Experience Life here, Suffering way doesn't allow Potential to come forth, Bliss Way does, so we have to choose first then explore the limits if their is any of this Life we all Have. Only Ppl that are Suffering ask Why Life, Why God Why everything, if You were Blissed Out You wouldn't ask half as much!
  5. I know you asked for Leo, but hoping my insights are useful and can bring some peace. The fantastical realms of DMT, of bread crumbs and "playing the game", eternal hide and seek, and God realization as your post describes it, are not the final realizations one can have (I realize that this can be a loaded phrase...wink ). The fantastic realms and bliss are convincing because of exactly that, they are fantastic and unbelievably blissful. Some would say they are the pinnacle of human experience, in a sense I am inclined to agree. In short, you are still in relative reality, there is still a some-thing (even if it is God) experiencing some-thing else. Things can be reduced further from here This is nice to know, because you don't have to carry whatever burden comes to you from these moments of God realization. These spooks to your ego, unless cultivating more experiences in God-realization leads you to eventually put these ideas down and move on, or allows your body/mind/consciousness to expand to allow for growth, you don't have to put yourself through these trials if you would prefer not to. You'll see, you can have many of these experiences (whether voluntarily or involuntarily) but ultimately you'll be left unsatisfied, and asking "is there more?" - practically speaking, involuntarily insights might be your spirit yearning for growth. It can be speaking to your earnestness, and maybe some potential. I can't condone the use of drugs, but growth is typically a good thing - don't get in the way of your own growth by doing things you know are counter to your growing The goal in spirituality is to move that meter stick we call "identity" further and further back. With God realization, you realize and focus on the fact of your consciousness, but this consciousness rests on an identity, mistakenly thinking "I am God, I am the single thing, only thing, all things, everywhere." But there is nothing that holds this identity, the identity we think these particular thoughts are happening to does not really exist. There is really only consciousness, removed from any sense of it thinking "I am God" or anyone owning it You must continue moving that meter stick back until all subject-object experience and relativity (not reality, don't misread me) dissolves. Ramana would say that your "I" sense, the feeling of I goes into and dissolves in the heart. Buddha would say you are extinguished, like a candle. How do you do this? You continue studying, reading insights into enlightenment, you study and read and learn and apply all that you can. Follow an established path, find a teacher. My own recent insights have emphasized the importance of developing the virtuous qualities that Buddhism extols - honestly it is an excellent path if you ever consider it The journey ends when it has ended, so you will keep making discoveries and removing layers of the identity until you are finished. Finally, be mindful about where the 'fantastic' sort of thoughts can lead - if it is time to hang up the phone, hang up the phone, don't unnecessarily pursue the realizations via drugs if you don't have to (not sure how much/often you are using). The 'fantastic' thoughts can be a bit ungrounding if pursued too far or in the wrong context and that could mean extra suffering for you and for anyone else who would have to deal with the fallout. God realizations (especially with drugs, but not always) can lead to some wackiness, no worries, stay calm and stay safe
  6. A lots of good inputs from others... I am not sure if what I have to say here, is what you want to hear, in any case it might help you later, once you have journeyed on this painful path a little further. You are tortured by unconscious forces, including the survival of the human specie. Of course having kids would take that one force out! And there are other forces much deeper at play, interfering with your peace of mind. What you are experiencing is rather common, and it is one of the element of the midlife crisis. But this is no consolation. Ok now I will tell you what you don't feel because you don't know, and may not really want to know: If you had all that which your heart desires it would be fun for a while but you probably would find it "addictive" - kind like alcohol, drugs, sugar, and many other types of addictions. Eventually you would find yourself into a not so fun phase, . That is one scenario. There are many scenarios, some better than others but ultimately, the journey leads to the realization that the promises of such relationships and sex are highly deceptive. Nothing is as promised, and "there is no-satisfaction"! It is a search that leads to empty hands - other than the LESSON that the syren's call leads the ship to crash into the rocky shore. The syren's call sounds beautiful and hypnotic... but that is where the beauty ends. "Sex is overly rated" is a powerful statement simply because of the truth that it embodies. There was a time where this statement made no sense to me. That was a time when body pleasures and body pains were clearly two separate things. That was when I was under the spell of the syren's, it was even to a certain degree, after I started to tell that the promises of orgasmic-bliss were feeble in contrast to the true capacity of the soul's field of experience. Man the ultimate truth is that you have missed nothing. The gifts that the mortal shell offers are hollow and empty of substance. Happiness is not found there and will not be found there.
  7. Hi, I have not seen this video. But I would like to work with your question, as it is a very good question. This topic is related to the concept of Free-Will. It is true that God can not force any soul against what the soul wills. The reason and the 'why' every soul MUST return (eventually and ultimately) to God is a fact that can only be truly understood when one consider the ACTUAL nature of the state of Separation from God. How real is a soul's separation from God? A soul can not be truly separated from God. This statement does not mean that our experience of being separated from God is not genuine. It is genuine, but only as an experience not as a fact. It is like dreaming, when you dream you are in another city, you really believe you are there, and you are completely unaware that your body is actually lying in bed in your city. Your dream is genuine, and all the struggles and joys in the dream are real to you, they affect your mind and your state of consciousness. The state of separation which is the basic requirement for the NEED to Return to God (reunites back into the godhead) does NOT just happen haphazardly and for no reason. The state of separation (the dream) must be 'willed' to happen. This 'will' engendering the experience of separation is difficult to truly understand. It is often misunderstood as the will-of-God wanting to know the 'limited' and basically 'what-God-is-NOT'. This is and a confused concept. One thing you can be certain is that every soul you see experiencing human and non-human forms have WILLED that experience. Specifically it is You that has WILLED the experienced of separation - that fact should be beyond any reasonable doubt. What is the nature of this state of separation? It has been identified as the state of 'suffering' in Buddhism and other spiritual ideologies. The suffering inherent to that state should be obvious to most human beings. Another characteristic of this state that can be use to identify it, is a state where the soul does NOT feel at Home. A state where the soul does NOT feel at Home - What does this mean? What does this say? For one thing it defines how fundamentally this State is uncomfortable to the soul. It is uncomfortable because this State was NOT made for the soul, it was made for our being, for ourself, for our True Self. It is NOT the true Home of our Self. Of course we now face the question WHY did the soul WILLED this experience. And I do not have a short answer to explain it. So for now I will skip this question; and move to the concept of the True Home of the soul. The True Home were you belong, truly belong, is eternal bliss; is Perfect and Pure Love. ... I could add more characteristics, "unlimited", etc... what does all this sounds like? That is what God Created for Himself and for your True Self... for your soul. That is the only State that is True and that the soul can feel at home. The return to that Home is not going to happen as long as the soul does not 'will' to return. In other words as long as the soul wills against BEING at Home it will not experience the Return, which is an awakening from the dream of separation. A Realization which is Mental/Spiritual in Nature. This experience of separation from God, is a state specifically designed to experience the 'Limited' also known as 'Death'. Everything as a beginning and an end. In this place of continuous change there is a very special experience designed for the souls learning and ultimate awakening. The soul can take abuse and punishment (suffering) only so long. But its true escape from this state of suffering will not occur until the soul learns to WILL DIFFERENTLY. That lesson, that teaching is here in this world, in this state. No soul will 'forever' seek and NOT-FIND. Every soul is seeking its Home, and will continue until it has find its True-Will which is the very same Will as God's.
  8. how much higher can you get than bliss/ecstacy/peace? Just 'extreme' forms of this, which many advanced spiritual practitioners experience. Do share
  9. Pranmaya Kosha, or Bliss Body, if its non physical, then its non manifested, but from another sort of realm I would guess.. This is the problem, we cannot discuss things of this nature, once something goes from physical to non physical, no language can really describe it, so that one reading or listening to the words knows, one has to experience it for themselves, then say nothing about it, because too much has already been said..
  10. Your life will not be perfect after you realize nothing will ever be possible and that you're completely blameless even with indeterminate free will, no, in fact it will be ineffable. Like a flow of consciousness that shoots some emotion here and there, fluctuates easily, goes around etc. and makes you feel things that there are no words for but which are positive. Not enthusiasm or excitement or bliss, but just new consciousness. Keep buddha's face in your mind, meditate and realize nothing will ever be possible and that individuals are helpless victims infinitely checkmated by the system. You are disagreeing with this because you bring your wrongful interpretation to the words I am using but in reality it's the truth and the method to achieve what I described above. There are no opportunities, nothing is possible. The system gives no opportunities and an individual can do nothing. Money, sex, fame, success... all beyond your control. Even everyday actions are beyond your control, or at least believing in this will help you get to a better state, sort of like a flow state but instead of being mainly related to one activity, this flow state is related to life. You just realize you have no agency and let things happen. You use your free will to do activities which are there for fun, but never let them subsume you or become too important, and don't expect anything from them e.g. thinking about some future related to them.
  11. Yes, if you remove all ties from you Will not reincarnate as anything, not even any Mystical dimension or love realm. You Will stay as Pure Formless empty Energy. The Pranamaya Kosha is the Bliss body and once you touch that you have a good peak about what is death. But is even better than that because Pranamaya Kosha is Still manifestation even Though is not-physical. As Nirvana Shatakam says "I am not any of the 5 stealth bodies (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and Blissful)" Anyways, The Only reason you are experiencing a human form now is because you havent worked your karma completely. When that happens Creation is over for you. No Infinite, no void, no nothing. Just You. What you wanted all the time.
  12. Day 66: I'm getting some more clarity about my life and trajectory, finally. These past 2 - 3 weeks were kinda rough with lots of brainfog, doubt, worry and fear in spite of my efforts to do things right. Million dollar idea: And yesterday morning I finally had my million dollar idea. I started reading this book: And while I was feeling worried about my situation the million dollar idea came the next day. It is quite simple: Step 1: Create a new Etsy PoD store, this time using lesser known suppliers selling high margin products Step 2: Explain to people how to do the same in Youtube videos Step 3: Offer to create the same for them for a fee Step 4: Also create a course Step 5: Remove step 3 and instead of that create my own PoD platform with exclusive products. The platform has a sign-up fee to keep it exclusive and we take a cut on top of that from each sale. This last step would be the real big money and if I were to take this route I'd partner with a crazy entrepreneur who's willing to put in the sweat equity and the hours. Then I'd be happy to take a below 50% stake in this only in exchange for promo and getting the people to sign up. So there you have it, million dollar idea. I can go "yes but" all day long but here it is, a literal million dollar idea, by which I mean it has the potential to create at least $1 million in profit over the next 5 years, but potentially a lot more. It taps right into my knowledge and skills, while also helping other people accomplish something useful; making money on Etsy. I don't see how this isn't a huge win for everyone. Next step is to accept that this it THE plan, and just go. Eyes closed jump off that bridge and enjoy the hell out of it. No turning back, no other options, this is what I'll be working on the next five years. Also this has both short and long term money potential which is why it's so awesome. I could literally get people buying my coaching packages after only releasing one or two videos. Reiki Session August: Went to my Reiki lady yesterday which was great. It's funny how I texted her the night before and I was still in this contracted space, but the next morning I woke up and I already had this million dollar idea and felt great before the session. So perhaps the mere planning of the session lifted my spirits, or it's just how the universe aligned things. Mercury is in retrograde, whatever that means. Lessons from the session: I attach things to stuff. Like I attach happiness to (getting out of) debt. I make life so conditional. But things are already perfect. Money is energy. Money is not everything. You have a right to bliss, a right to smile, a right to be grateful. Without money. You have all that already. Be patient. I am very impatient with this. When I have an idea, I want that to be real instantly. But I must act confidently and be trusting of the universe. You cannot change the speed at which the seasons go by, be patient. Thing will happen on the Universe's clock. She told me I'm on a path towards bliss. This was very interesting.. I always thought my progress was me going towards something material like more social confidence, earthly success, money, leadership. But never thought of it this way. Look at my debt and my situation from a place of presence, bliss and confidence, detachment. Attach the heart to my goals and go towards that bliss. But don't attach yourself to the debt. Cosmic joke: after she told me this whole thing about money isn't everything she asked me to pay for the session, which I gladly did. But I couldn't help but notice a slight discomfort coming from her, as if her asking for the payment somehow discredited her speech about money not being that important. I interpreted this as a little cosmic joke, as if to say; contradictions can be true, and also YOU are dreaming this up, don't give authority away to your Reiki lady cause clearly I'm seeing something here that she's not. So what she said about money is true, but at the same time you must be able to hold the paradoxical thought that money IS actually important. After all why does she charge me? Next steps: I feel like I've finally been pulled out of this rut and I'm ready to just take steps each day towards success. I have clarity now. Find suppliers Make content about this Start new Etsy shop Make more content
  13. Very true, it's way more likely to flip from difficulty to bliss, and that should probably even be considered the expected path it'll take. I find the 5HT2A psychedelics to be different in that the terrifying aspects are more persistent and don't lead to positive enlightening breakthroughs once a bad trip has begun. It could just be me though.
  14. @What Am I ah ok thanks for clarifying. Yes it would not be possible I think. And it wouldn't be a good decision because switching from horror (come up/ego death) to bliss is common on 5 and it happens fast. If you would take in horror you would miss the bliss after (which heals the horror I think)
  15. @MarioGabrielJ Everything I did upon that awakening was in infinite reference to all of existence, no holon left behind! Everything references everything else and hence becomes available through association, but that's not enough to let go. Everything needs to be sufficiently addressed and appreciated, every thought/sensation/person/intuition/capability/memory in infinite synchronicity! But that's baby stuff, then we just took control over our psyche's mechanisms *and so I did "the thing!" jump out a window! And now we just art ourselves into it And then instant manifestation. And then pure being. And then not even thinking about it And then infinite alien bliss. And then the best of all worlds. And then some, and some more And then it's time to appreciate the path. All of the path and all that is and is to come And finally, make it and relax! Having surpassed Stage Coral. Having fulfilled every desire Having gotten the best of all worlds. Having let go of every attachment. And even so, there is always more to tell but tell is not show and the show is the real magic. Having appreciated everything in existence. Always ending in "And everything else too!"
  16. I dont mean conceptually saying "yeah is bliss, is love, blabla". I mean actually. Like that literally It is the quality of It, an Empty Bliss that Exists. Just for no fucking reason. Because It is literally THAT (Bliss). With this possibility, there is no question of what happens after death or where consciousness goes. Of course nothing happens. The Bliss remains BUT without the forms AND without the Thoughts. The theory of It is right now the Bliss quality of consciousness (consciousness at is purest Form/untouched by any fluctuation) right now It is veiled by Thoughts. This Thoughts veil or cloud heavily the true quality of consciousness. When "death" happens no Thought IS there, therefore Pure Consciousness remains, which turns out to be Empty Bliss (Bliss is not a simple label, It is the "material" or "form" of Consciousness). It is very real. It is not a label, It is not a simple peaceful state. It is literally Awakening To the purest Form of Consciousness. Empty Bliss. This changes everything. Death might not be actually real.
  17. Many things, there are layers to what we are when here in this form and in this realm, there is Earth/Food Body, Mind Body (this is the intelligence of creation that is within You and everything material, its not about Thougths/thinking which has nothing to do with Your existential Beingness as Your thoughts and thinking can change day to day, your Existential Being does not), Energy Body, Etheric or Transitional Body, Bliss Body, then Soul/Atman from what I understand...
  18. In deep sleep "You" whatever that is, is still here, its just a matter of Consciousness or Awareness of it, look up Yoga Nidra which is the science or method of how to be Aware while in Deep Sleep, all of this is possible, but first just be at Peace, or at Bliss, if one cannot just do this in waking state, forget about Deep Sleep Awareness or what happens after physical death...
  19. It depends on the intensity of your sadhana. If is 1 hour a day then 30 years for a permanent stablished Bliss is pretty damn good. Where do i sign? Sadhana for me is no effort at all. Particularly Hatha Yoga programs is a en enjoyable practice for me. Kriyas are a bit more demanding Though. Is not the same as going to Live on the mountains and do 3 hours a day and then on weekends do 24/7 sadhana for 20 years. Then the possibility of leaving the body consciously opens Up. I see no possibility of such unless you Live Deep on nature for a lot of time. Dissolving is no joke, we are talking about ending your physical attachment, tremendos clarity of consciousness need to be developed You become Shamabhi itself? 😎
  20. You do you. Everyone is different. Personally I see porn as a massive drain of sexual power and masculinity. I think it takes away your life force and leads to needing more and more of it, and more intense porn too. I don’t think most guys are conscious of how it effects them. When I quit my mind was much calmer, stronger, peaceful, and I was able to channel the sexual energy to conquering my life vision and goals. I know how to do sexual transmission so it doesn’t get stuck and I don’t get all pent up on sexual energy and act aggressive. It’s more like a cool flow of bliss and energy coming from retained sexual energy. Millions of men are struggling with porn addiction and the negative effects are well documented at this point. Also lots of the women are treated unfairly, you’d be surprised at how much you might be masturbating to a sex trafficker or woman just being straight up drugged and raped. The suicide rate for women in porn is very high It’s not this harmless thing you’re making it out to be. But if you can find quality verified porn and enjoy it, sure, go to town on top of that, when I’m not watching porn I’m so much better with women naturally and in the bedroom I’m basically a Tantric God. Im done with that mind rotting garbage.
  21. If I am seriously practicing for 30 years, I don't want just to be in bliss, I want to be higher than Jesus on a bike.
  22. Found this old thread where people say Mooji is a cult leader Leo said: But if I was a Guru, my whole cult would be around sex with my female followers. What's the problem with that? My followers get to have the time of their lives while we all enjoy physical contact, which may further enhance our spiritual bonding together. My whole commune would be my followers and I melting together and just getting higher and higher together in bliss. And then sure we may have physical urges that gets played out. Yes that might be slightly manipulative, but followers want to be following so I don't really see the problem. If anything it would enhance their experience, especially considering these communes are popular with women who are stuck in a rut, the sex adds to our sexual liberation. In this type of setting sex is the MOST enjoyed, so this is more consensual than regular boy meets girl at a bar. This is far more magical and sacred. I really don't see the problem. Anybody judging this from the outside is either jealous or doesn't trust my capabilities and integrity as a cult leader, and tries to use the SHAME from religion and society around sex to besmudge our beautiful bonding together. But please change my mind.
  23. You can separate them. Sex is a label that doesn't point to "divine bliss", if you want to say divine bliss, just say divine bliss. Sex is the act between two (or more) lovers, meant to be used for procreation, but humans have evolved enough to be able to use it for fun. I heard animals don't have sex for fun, but I don't know for sure, maybe some more intelligent ones do.
  24. That would feel in experience like having sex with the universe. That's what I'm trying to say. You can't seperate love, union and sex. They all go together. You just have to change your idea of what sex is. It's not lust. It's devine bliss.
  25. Some people say a shared orgasm or a spiritual bliss experience are the highest states there are. (I'm not sure what high means but) Pick up your kid, your partner, or the person you love the most in the world, and tell them how you feel about them while you hold each other. Now magnify that to the entire room, the world, your emotions, everything you are, were, have ever been or ever will be. Every animal, every surface, every thought, every action/reaction <----- If you can hold this state for long enough, opinions vary some say weeks, some say less or more, you will experience infinite, unconditional love because you will have no condition to experience it. I don't want to bias it more than that, only to say that a physical orgasm doesn't come close. Any Guru who hasn't had an infinite love awakening can't put this into perspective for you, but hopefully, I got a bit closer.