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  1. Leo, Good job on always pushing the boundaries and exploring in ways that are authentic yo your journey of God realization and transformation. There are not many sources out there covering such topics as: holism, spiral dynamics. psychedelic awakening, sense-making, epistemological empathy, non-duality, God realization... I have been on this path along side you and have also found that awakening with psychedelics the one way I have found to access both deep hidden trauma (giving me access to healing my childhood survival patterns), as well as, access to God in a non-dual, infinite ineffable way. I still do yoga, meditation, vision quests, dream work... as a means of supporting my psychedelic work, and like you, have found that these modalities are amazing, and fall so short of providing a radical transformational wisdom, insight, and God realization that plant medicines do. I have tried many psychedelics, all for the purpose of deep understanding of myself and Spirit: - Iboga, Aya, Toad, Ninos, MDMA... I have love 5Meo DMt!! and am looking forward to trying MALT and the ability to deconstruct how God (I,We) are creating this reality! I have a few questions I wonder if you could answer: As God (limited in the human form) what is your belief in our ability to manifest - To experience and participate as humans with our non-dual nature and have this reflect in our material reality. Dp you feel your experience with psychedelics and the wisdom you receive from them and the felt sense of infinite love has changed you... i.e. have you moved closer to the embodiment of this infinite love in your life? I work in the field of psychedelics, integration, facilitation and it is amazing to witness the childhood survival patters that hack the human physiological systems and how hard it is for humans to transmute these patterns and live in true sovereignty and wholeness. There is a great book called the 5 personality patterns that has been quite insightful! it Maybe worth reading and sharing... Anyway, thanks for sharing your process.
  2. I love it when I forget about a piece of music that I wrote, and then 'accidentally' come across it again. It gives me the opportunity to listen to it through brand new ears. From a totally new perspective. It's a very cool experience. I wrote/recorded essence and absolution some months ago, at the very beginning stage of this transformation of mine. It was sort of an experiment... I wanted to try out something new. I think there is big potential in this style. I'm sure I'll come back to it at some point. What I'm working on right now though, is a completely different world.
  3. It sounds like you are going after states, not for the Truth. There is no such a thing as "God state", because God doesn't exist, it is existence. In other words, God is not distinct from any thing. So sorry, I have no idea what you talk about when you say by living in some god head state. As a human being you can have a very different variety of states, for sure. But those are all functions of self and mind. Self and mind are not God, but they are manifestations of "it" so fundamentally there is no separation. So, it doesn't matter whether your self is in a state of suffering or flow, or some love state. Self is not separated from God. If "God" was a function of state or experience, then it wouldn't be the Truth. It would be just another thing in existence, relative to some other things which are not god. I don't mean that going after states isn't good or beneficial. On the contrary: improving your state of being is important for us all. I love being in the flow state. But a state of being is not the nature of being, and many many fall prey to the delusion that God is hiding in some mystical state. God is every state of being. I think this is especially common among Psychonauts. The substance nukes self or mind so deeply that you are temporarily freed from being inside a conceptual self that drains your being and lower your state. And boom, you go from emotional deficiency into some blissful state of peace/flow/love, and mistake the state for the Truth. Classic trap. If you want to permanently change your state, than lose, loosen or change the self you created. Self transformation is no easy task at all, especially if you want the "high" states of being. You will have to sacrifice a lot of what you built as your self for this. And shedding deep beliefs and assumptions about you or reality is not easy at all. And you don't remember that you crafted your self from scratch, because your were to busy in creating it, so how could you? Consider that if you want constant emotional abundance and being in flow or bliss, you would actually have to give a up all the things that bind you into your current self and state of being. And this could be everything that you hold dear as a self.
  4. Humanity has widely gone on the misunderstanding that things, circumstances, people and events bring them (the separate self) happiness and security. This misunderstanding has lead to a epidemic of unfulfillment and a need to secure things. This creates the suffering of greed. If we apply this same misunderstanding on a wider scale to the problem of climate change, we change nothing and then our own impotence becomes incredibly frustrating. We may try to control and enforce others to comply. We may sacrifice human health, life and happiness for the earth and turn it into a war, where it's earth against humans, forgetting we ourselves are never separate from earth or humanity. What will truly transform our environment is the transformation of ourselves, because it is a reflection of us. No inner, no outer. What will truly transform our environment is love for it, and love for ourselves, knowing that love knows no inner, no outer. We believe that the world was here before us, not realizing that our knowledge of the world came only after the knowledge that we are. The very essence of being and knowing is love. That's why shame, blame, remorse, control, and despair will never ever heal the environment. It's what created the need to have the bigger, better, best and the following lack of fulfillment when it was obtained.
  5. Keeping it short and simple. Avoiding over-scripting. The purpose of this split is to attain a clearer view on the overall process. To organize the bits and pieces and accelerate the progress. WR1: Minor adjustments due to unexpected migration. The shift brings new gifts. Both physical and metaphysical. A slight but noticable change in style of expression, as well as appearance. Little to nothing remains from PR. Barely a memory. The vision remains the same, merely the playground changes. In this first phase, I spend most of my time in solitude. Little to no interactions. Mainly surface level dialogues. I moved to Italy primarily for one reason: money. That remains my focus. The rest of the gifts, that this city offers, will be unpacked later. Money. Music. Fitness. That's all in a nutshell, for this phase. WR2: Moving to a bigger, more fancy apartment. Already attained a significant amount of money. My desired body-shape nearly fully built. First piece of music, born in this new chapter, is released. More interaction/socialization. Dating. Sex. Long, wild, fun, memorable nights. Starting to script the details of DR. WR3: Deep scripting of DR. Preparation. Closure of the chapter. Retrospect. Overview. All necessary lessons and skills learned and mastered. Transformation complete. The wait is over.
  6. Or rather to simply commit to the Truth at all costs, and the other stuff to come as a by-product. I recall Leo mentioning something like this isn't really a purpose but a potent supplement to your human experience - something like that. Or like what Ralston mentions - You awaken to certain degrees, then you do the transformation work, continue to live in the world etc. Is it worth revising my life purpose even though it drives me and gets me excited?
  7. I feel like crying, but it's not quite on the surface yet. I'm sure those tears will come later, when I put on the right kind of music.. There is melancholy in the air. Some tension. Will work my way through it slowly. I'm at the beach, all is empty and silent. Pleasant summer breeze. The sky is clear, the stars shine bright. They're soothing my soul. I know nothing is lost. I know there is so much to look forward to.. But still, I feel this transition deeply. It's not just about me moving. There is a lot of layers to this transformation. Some heartache is only natural. What am I to do with all this silence..?
  8. WOW! Thanks for sharing. Don't know what to make of it yet, but a fresh perspective (for me at least) and will definitely be exploring this more. Some notes: Like a caterpillar squirming in the cocoon, psychology tries to make you get back out of the uncomfortably tight cocoon of transformation to "normalcy" back to "reality", but really you are just left being a dysfunctional, half caterpillar, half butterfly. The mystic tells you to keep going with the suffering and pain, so that you can become the butterfly and transcend the old reality completely, like a phoenix rising from the ashes "This work aims to transform the mind to reject the Ego based self-worth of determination, and thereby replace self-worth feeling with self-awareness. This work is occult through and through and will transform the fool who absolutely wants to be like before into a spirit that merges with the universe, which looks back on the pain and suffering and feels nothing but LOVE for this pain, the pain that made him burn, so that now the Phoenix from the ashes brings light over the world!" Shame destroys you, it is always self-centered thought mechanisms. At it's extreme it can be psychosis, where the panicked ego tries to desperately save self-worth and avoid shame as the ego is being burned - from the perspective of psychology this is a problem to be treated to quickly get you back to being a functioning member of society. From the perspective of mysticism, this is you being freed from hell, transforming into something totally new.
  9. Yea, there are not really necessary tool, but they are indeed powerful in showing how deluded the false self is, and how the different aspects of mind operates. They empower greatly the possibility of Enlightenment and Transformation. They can pierce through the most negative or false belief you have regarding your self, life and existence, and show you how the depth of your misalignment with Truth, as well as the enormous energy you invest in keeping your self in a contracted state and adversarial disposition regarding the other. I would dare to say that without Psychedelics, it is almost impossible to be motivated toward a deep Transformation of self and mind. Modern culture and language has created a very limited mind patterns which creates a glass ceiling that is fortified by other programmed and self-deluded minds. Psychedelics break this ceiling and motivates you to change the self-mind you created that is the only thing that gives life to this self imposed limitations.
  10. It's perfectly possible for someone to change and stop acting like a narcissist or sociopath. The "information" on how to recognize a sociopath is simply labelling. A set of behavior patterns are identified as being "of a sociopath". Whether one can stop "being a sociopath" is the same as asking whether one is capable of dropping those behavior patterns. Are you capable of acting in your own will? Do you have free will? I cannot provide a proof that transformation is possible, because that would be the same as providing a proof that you have free will. But through your own personal experience you can see for yourself whether you can control your behaviors and act however you want. If you ever attain this true freedom, through meditation or other practices, then labels like sociopath will no longer apply or matter. This exploration into yourself and what you are capable of (and whether you have free will or not) is an exploration that has been made by many others in the past, about themselves. Except due to the subjective nature of this investigation, no amount of self-investigation of other people tell you anything about yourself. I do encourage anyone to explore their experience deeply and find out what they really are, but unfortunately the knowledge we get in investigating ourselves cannot be shared. The best we can share is a pointer asking others to go within themselves.
  11. Hi guys. Is it really impossible for narcissist or even a sociopath to change. There is a bunch of information how to recognise a sociopath, how to avoid it, but almost no information about transformation. What I found is that cognitive behaviour therapy and psychedelics might be helpful, but there is not enough proof or exploration done. This specific case is not aware of his irresponsible actions. He honestly wants to change and with help of self improvement he already changed a bit throughout a year and became more aware of his actions. It is slow journey and of course some aspects of personality can be changed. But can narcissism be cured from roots? All his actions come from being hurt and being abandoned by parent at early age (2 years old). Please share insights or information about changes, I am aware that this could be a life long journey, but is it worth putting effort?
  12. The Chakra Body of knowledge is another model/map for enlightenment and transformation, so just don't get to cling to it. It is distinctions of mind, albeit useful ones for some "seekers". Eventually, it will be more direct to grasp directly how you are doing self-imposed limitations with the mind, which is what ultimately causing "blocks" in the chakras, so to speak. Any chakra-based practice - Yoga, Chanting, Meditation or what not - is just another method or process designed to lead you to directly touching your limitations, because you lost touch with this ongoing activity you took on. At some point I invite you to entertain the possibility that you can directly "open your chakras" without any practice: you'll just need to drop your self and that is no easy thing to do.
  13. Not sure what to do. There's the thought of a thought about retardation descending so many levels of retardation, barely being able to be called 'form', that it doesn't make sense to or can no longer be mocked or caricaturized. Ran out of a lot of anger. Out of energy to struggle or do anything. What's supposed to be done with this? Dopamine zombie, resorting back to traditional comfort eating after a long time. Why have I been rewatching so much HxH alongside reaction episodes? Do I have the energy to keep up awareness of bugs and hijackers? I feel exhausted and drained but don't know what to do about it. Eating healthy and good routine and all of that is supposed to help but, why am I so stuck everytime I try real life? Keep your eyes focused for just some moments man. Shame is certainly part of this. -- No, the anger is not gone. That was false. This heat and tension, yes it's still here. But obviously you feel different. That heat and scorn, is it an identity? You obviously crave it. But to what end? Is there any meaning to this? You think that you choose the scorn because not choosing so leads you to making incorrect conflations and falling into traps and modes you feel scorn for. You decided or thought that it's better than the alternatives you've had. Right now I'm literally desiring; muscle aches, heat, pain, tension, disharmony, war. I'm desiring pain. I desperately crave those muscle aches and the heat from it. Craving tension. Why? Why do I want this? I believe that this pain and suffering is good or preferable, some vehicle for transformation. I fear going back to the old me, falling into the old programs. I fear dying an retarded faggồt. The anger was never a vehicle for changing in the external world despite all my struggling, making it worse and worse till explosion. No amount of struggling, translating, could connect my imaginary space to external world. That despair of being unable to connect the two, that regret of being helpless and having no control, it makes a self-loathing I so rarely truly gaze upon. All that was/is left was a narrative of anger which degenerated into meaningless (self-)destruction, contempt and hedonism. Jesus Christ, what the fuck am I supposed to do? Go along with that scorn?... I wonder what will happen to me. Don't believe the bug telling you you're in a loop. But Jesus Christ this is a lot. Don't tell me to relax, you're telling me to chew my testicles I won't leave it there though, the deja vu is here for a reason, and it can be more like a light bulb rather than a hopeless thought. -- I do think one thing though. If you're being callous and feel physically sick/shame, don't look away from how gross you feel. The reason it doesn't quite feel you're in a loop. The alleged things you're repeating or looping back to, it's kinda like you're remembering those things rather than being those things. Following through with the delusion that what is clearly memory of it is in fact it (just to explain the difference), it's as though your experience has a more bouncy and rubbery feel to it than what it was before. What I really, really don't want is that humiliation. That humiliation of being on the floor, kneeling, castrated and weak. That is why I'm so angry. I'm not sure how much more truthful my contempt and scorn is than that.
  14. @LastThursday ohh that's amazing then, haha. Yeah, I really don't think that much philosophically. Didn't think that somebody had it in them, lol, though if someone is that person, that would be you. Ahh let's just say that my thoughts are largely determined by the situations which I exist. Which means people, and a whole lot of children and constant changing situations (that's my fault) haha. And I am not even enlightened yet, I don't know how but somehow I had an sudden enlightenment last year and drifting between the worlds I came back because life situations wouldn't do and then I gone the furthest way to unconsciousness just to not accidentally drift into that world again, fake or real. Now at a certain date last weeks I have gone through almost all stages of complete unconsciousness and all you can do there to consciousness. I always thought that enlightenment was just beyond the wall, so I jumped over and over but every time, every new transformation or change I find myself not there yet. I didn't understand how extremely important consciousness is and how it is to be used before reaching the 'ultimate'. You know that you could just be thinking that your thinking is sustainable. But it is really putting a limit on your precence or other forms of consciousness. The mind has so many other parts than thought, maybe just maybe you are attached more to thinking than to all the rest of the mind. And won't allow it to take all shapes at any time. Maybe you have fear of a undirected totality of raw consciousness. I dont know how many chakras is of the mind but there is a lot, haha, that much I have seen. Too love body and mind, every part of it is stillness. Omg sorry for making you read all this shit, such a waste of my time. Sorry my ego has gone wild today, with the choice of course, I want to not hurry the process too much, body and mind felt like it needed a day to adapt to consciousness and I dont fucking know what my mind is doing right now, mental diarrhea to keep me from not becoming healthy too concious too close to something higher, the next step... Sorry, have a good day, with much love. Peace
  15. Keeping going Also, there are active kinds of meditation that you personally might find more enjoyable. More active for example is vipassana meditation which is basically a body scan. However, even that requires a focused mind. So, at every beginning of vipassana meditation I'd do focus on breath or counting numbers. And even if you do that active technique, it gets boring after some time. Boredom is something you are getting confronted with in every meditation technique. Notice every arising feeling or emotion and come back to the thing you focus on. It's a never ending coming back to the thing you focus on (except for jhanas, but I have just conceptual understanding about that). Boredom is just another form arising that reminds you to refocus. For me personally what resonates is letting myself fall into comfy consciousness. Letting go from everything - just resting in awareness. It's like letting yourself drift in salt water and becoming one with the calm ocean. Things like thoughts & sensations may arise from the undifferentiated formless water and crystallize into form. They fall back into the water eventually. The benefits of meditation are very subtle in that you notice just a general sense of wellbeing & clear-headedness. When you stop meditation for months you will notice the difference. Hehe, you know it was truth. It requires no evidence because you personally verified it. You can try to validate it with perspectives from others. However, language can communicate just so much. What the perspective tells in language points you to truth and you can say "Yeah I know that personally". And still, you don't know the meaning/interpretation of what the perspectives really meant. And that's ok, you still imagine that we mean that same things and we speak of the same things in language. It's like going hiking in a nature reserve and seeing a rock shaped like a duck. You go back to the camp and ask the rangers for this particular kind of rock. They say, yes of course, many people discovered this one. You can take the pointing of that and validate that other people have discovered the rock. However, you still can have discovered a completely new rock shaped like a duck. The way you can verify that this is a new rock is to ask the rangers if they come back with you. Then you go together back and verify that this rock indeed a new one or not. With meditation you cannot ask other people to go back with you to validate that. You can only take the words and assume that's what they meant. This makes the practice tricky and you rediscover new dimensions of what people said even after you thought you discovered it already. It's like being a child and thinking to grasp what someone has told you. Then you rediscover it as an adult and you see the extent of it being broader & more complicated than you assumed as a kid. It's basically hyperventilating. The oxygen levels in your blood rise and the CO2 level go down. I also think the pH of the blood changes. There are no real drawbacks: you get ego-backlashes and there can be complications when you have heart problems or are pregnant. If you have heavy deep-seated trauma, it can come into your awareness and overwhelm you. Then it's better to do with a professional specializing in breathwork. Otherwise it is a good spiritual practice like meditation. A meditative calm mind certainly helps when emotions or memories arise and get expressed in the body as twitches, laughter, crying, tingles on the skin... These bodily sensations also certainly arise when being in trance or meditation. Meditation makes the mind clear (as in not attaching to thoughts etc). Introspection is shining the light of awareness on certain parts and recognizing truth and falsehood. The light of awareness can only illuminate just so much. That's why it's important to have a broad range of experiences. Experiences (even when you don't remember them anymore) shape the light to illuminate more parts or illuminate in other ways. Introspection leads to more insights. Insights lead to recontextualization of experiences. The experiences viewed from the new light are broader by nature and enable deeper introspection. And so on it goes. In introspecting you will see illuminated parts that are false. It hurts to recognize these parts (because you assumed them to be true) and the tendency is there to look away. Look at it and realize that it makes you more authentic, real and self-honest to be able to see and accept it. It doesn't have to change, rather continuing to be aware of it leads inevitably to transformation. Thoughts are the tools to create the life you want to have. Meditation or expanded states of consciousness in general increasingly show you that thoughts are not saying anything about you. Thoughts and the mind are there to create the life you want. Believing thoughts about yourself is conditioning. The basis is how you feel. Delusion is only when you believe reality to be a certain way. Open-mindedness and a pull towards truth/self-honesty come into play here. You delude yourself constantly without noticing. Curiosity and introspection get you to know yourself. Do you think feeling is limited? Edit: Experience the death of identity in an expanded state of consciousness. Then you will know it. And yet you begin to describe what it is. It is a world that you constructed to function better in society & the world. It is about deconstructing what you think the world is and then putting it together again. You will know it is illusory and at the same time you continue because you know you constructed it. It is about constructing your worldview consciously rather than getting it unconsciously from upbringing. Having a unconsciously constructed worldview is like having one pair of shoes for all kinds of situations. Sometimes another pair of shoes is needed for mountain climbing or living with a tribe in the amazon forest. Dropping the shoes and putting on others is effortless when you constructed them consciously. It is effortful when you attach to your unconscious paradigm. It is about having lots of differently coloured glasses for all kind of situations. You can drop the lens of material objective reality and put on and wear a magical-mystical lens for some time. And then another... They all distort, constract and magnify certain aspects of reality. It is about recognizing that you imagine New York and don't have direct experience of it. And yet, there is the Universal Mind that imagines New York and you as caeland. More on Mind later. Consistency is saying something about how you view the world, not how the world is (assuming the world is independent of you). Imagine that the world is entirely different and that you interpret it just in a consistent homeostatic way. Homeostasis is functional. Consider that what is functional is not always true. Imagine a lunatic in an insane asylum waking up every day and claiming that because his way of viewing reality from his lunatic perspective is consistent that it has truth. Well, it has, but it also doesn't have truth. It's partial. That doesn' answer it completely, but I hope is makes you ponder. Consider that your state of consciousness has to be less functional and thus less human in a sense for you to recognize that. Approaching the Absolute perspective (Mind) looks like denying reality. I mean, the rock in my hand is solid right? Physicality is somewhat explained here in the timestamped video. Watch till they speak about Donald Hoffmann. Well, it is mind-bending and defies reality. Reality breaks down. And it is ok to not get that. It is ok to think that this is impossible and insane. It is a map you read and it is too far out there for you right now. Hehe, imagine going to calculus class before knowing algebra. Doesn't work out right? Your ability to get this stuff gets better with time. Heck, when I read my first journaling entries, it's laughable how much stuff I assumed. And yet I stuck around and wrote in it persistently almost every day for months. There is a huge learning curve. No hurry. You grasp it with time.
  16. @blessedlion1993 Enjoyment is typically being within one's existing frame of development, or "comfort zone" if you will. With what's familiar. Development is the transformation of our current form of being, towards a more complex version of that. Meditation can be a challenge, and is a challenge. It pushes you into a different "space" where your brain is allowed to make new connection and new sense of what you already thought you knew. Of course you can reach a point where the depth of meditation stalls, for different reasons, and then it's just maintaining status quo. And yes, stretching outside of what we know, do, are comfortable with, what's cosy, safe, familiar, presents us with such circumstances where our current complexity of mind is not enough to be successful in our sense making, and through that stretching of ourselves, we end up in territories where we have to make new sense of what's going on, to create new meaning for ourselves, essentially expanding our comfort zone. Ultimately developing a bias towards not holding on to current beliefs, and constantly looking for new, better serving beliefs. Development becoming self-serving. Which essentially, and paradoxically, is enjoyment through development, developing through enjoyment. While this is the accelerated form of development, developmental challenges happen all the time, you could call it life micro-dosing challenges of such small nature that we don't really look at it as development, and the shifts created are less profound so that we don't notice that shifting in our sense making happening. Just reflect over your past life since you were a toddler, learning to speak, walk, and all the way til today, it's one single developmental journey, and this, right here, is the progression of that journey. So again, what to pursue is more-so determined by what kind of outcomes you are looking for.
  17. @blessedlion1993 Depends on what you desire. The perceived need to partake in social games and other deficiency needs, you don't lose interest in or forget, they need to be transcended, in one way or another. Whether this happens or not is not depending on books. It's the result of transformation of internal processes, a form of maturity that is not all too likely to happen by itself. So getting there is the journey. Getting there on your own is of course possible. Absorbing wisdom of others can be, but isn't necessarily, somewhat of a shortcut to get there, allowing for avoiding some traps on the road. Essentially, development is the journey. Development happens through challenges. Challenges happens through exposure. They are overcome by doing, not by absorbing theory. Spirituality can be pursued without tending to development. Enlightenment always was an option, throughout history, regardless of overall level of development. So, again, this depends on which path you choose. But transcendence is not escape from that which we find challenging, that's hiding, suppression, avoidence, and fuel for that which fester in our shadows. If you love spending time in nature, love and focus on that, not on the fear of missing out on some wisdom, instead build you own kind of wisdom. It's all about your happiness, not what others think. What feels right, is right.
  18. A very pleasant walk and brief interaction with a friend. Back at the base. Feeling loved and supported. Abundant. At times I get this urge to fast forward through life, and skip the boring parts of this transformation. I feel so close to my DR, but it's still quite far away. I know this will take some time to unfold. Feeling confident about securing that job tomorrow and slowly stepping into the WR. It's a room with a nice view.
  19. Masculine and feminine are not just social constructs. Though there are notions of masculinity and femininity that are purely a product of culture. For example, the idea that pink is a feminine color is purely a social construct. Or the idea that women wear make up is purely a social construct. But there is a consistency across cultures and eras with regard to the archetypal masculine and feminine… which supersedes but informs human gender. And this consistency comes about because, on one level, all things in the cosmos is an interplay between Yin and Yang which are two polar subtle qualities. And the way human beings most readily understand Yin and Yang is through the archetypal masculine and feminine. I used to believe that masculinity and femininity were just social constructs, until I had some awakenings where I was sensitive enough to pick up on these qualities. A good rule of thumb to understand the nature of the masculine and feminine is to look at its associated elements. The masculine is more akin to the elements air and fire. The masculine has no substance on its own but can enact itself upon substances and have a transformative effect. The feminine is more akin to the elements of Earth and water. And so, the feminine has substance but no transformation without something acting upon it. And the overwhelming energy of the Earth is feminine, which is reflected universally in all cultures. The qualities of the masculine include intellect, ambition, movement, and the tendency of human beings to transform Mother Nature to fit its needs and whims. The qualities of the feminine include emotion, acceptance, stillness, and the tendency of human beings to accept and respect the workings of Mother Nature. And you’ll notice that this doesn’t have a lot to do with human gender. The masculine and feminine are not primarily concerned with the gender expressions humanity… though this does impact that domain just as it impacts all domains.
  20. The New Chinese Cultural Revolution against Western liberal globalism and global speculator and financialized capitalism. Note: My Aim is not to simp for China but to inform people on this post on the official Chinese perspective and source on things. ''Li Guangman, a columnist for the now-defunct website Chawang and former editor of the trade publication Central China Electric Power, first published his opinion piece, “Everyone Can Sense That a Profound Transformation is Underway!,” to his public WeChat account @李光满冰点时评. People’s Daily, Xinhua, Guangming Daily, and other prominent state media platforms promptly picked up the piece. While it is unclear whether the move was coordinated with Li beforehand, it is not unprecedented for state media to elevate nationalistic bloggers who echo, or even foreshadow national policy. In 2014, Xi Jinping promoted Zhou Xiaoping, an ultra-nationalist blogger with a particular distaste for the U.S., as a model for other writers at the Beijing Forum on Literature and Art, in a speech evocative of Mao Zedong’s 1942 “Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art.” Li’s sweeping, impassioned essay used an ongoing celebrity culture “clean up” campaign as a launching point to argue that the United States “is waging biological warfare, cyberwarfare, space warfare and public opinion battles against China, and is ramping up efforts to foment a ‘color revolution’ by mobilizing a fifth column within China.” In his vigorous conclusion, Li dismisses recent reforms as superficial, arguing that it is time for a more radical transformation: China’s entertainment industry has never lacked for scandals that stink to high heaven. Taken together, the recent back-to-back scandals involving Kris Wu and Henry Huo, Zhang Zhehan’s “devil worship” at Japan’s Yasukuni Shrine, and now the rape allegation against Hunan TV host Qian Feng have made people feel that the Chinese entertainment industry is rotten to the core. Without a swift crackdown, entertainment will not be the only thing that rots—the arts, literature, culture, performance, film, and television spheres will all follow suit. What sort of feeling do we get, just by looking at the events of the last two days—the crackdown on fan groups, Zheng Shuang being fined, and works by Zhao Wei and Gao Xiaosong being banned and de-platformed? If we take a broader political perspective on this series of events, we can discern a historical and developmental trend. Consider the suspension of Ant Group’s IPO, the central government’s antitrust policies and reorganization of the economic order, the 18.2 billion yuan fine levied on Alibaba and the investigation of Didi Global, the grand commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, the proposed path to common prosperity, and the recent series of actions to clean up the mess in the entertainment industry. What these events tell us is that a monumental change is taking place in China and that the economic, financial, cultural, and political spheres are undergoing a profound transformation—or, one could say, a profound revolution. It marks a return from “capitalist cliques” to the People, a shift from “capital-centered” to “people-centered.” It is, therefore, a political transformation in which the People will once again be front and center, and all those who obstruct this people-centered transformation will be left behind. This profound transformation also marks a return to the original intent of the Chinese Communist Party, a return to a people-centered approach, and a return to the essence of socialism. This transformation will wash away all the dust: capital markets will no longer be a paradise for get-rich-quick capitalists, cultural markets will no longer be heaven for sissy-boy stars, and news and public opinion will no longer be in the position of worshipping western culture. It is a return to the revolutionary spirit, a return to heroism, a return to courage and righteousness. We need to bring all forms of cultural chaos under control and build a vibrant, healthy, virile, intrepid, and people-oriented culture. We need to combat the manipulation of capital markets by big capital, fight platform-based monopolies, prevent bad money from driving out the good, and ensure the flow of capital to high-tech companies, manufacturers, and companies operating in the real economy. The ongoing restructuring of private tutoring organizations and school districts will clean up the chaos in the educational system, bring about a true return to accessibility and fairness, and give ordinary people room for upward mobility. In the future, we must also bring high housing prices and exorbitant medical expenses under control, and completely level the “three great mountains” of education, medical care, and housing. Although we are not trying to “kill the rich to aid the poor,” we need to find a practical solution to a worsening income gap that allows the rich to keep getting richer while the poor keep getting poorer. Common prosperity means allowing ordinary workers to enjoy a larger share of the social distribution of wealth. This transformation will bring a breath of fresh air to our society. Current efforts to crack down on the arts, entertainment, film, and television spheres are not nearly robust enough. We must use all the means at our disposal to strike down various forms of celebrity worship and fan culture, stamp out “pretty-boy” and “sissy-boy” tendencies in our national character, and ensure that our arts, entertainment, film, and television spheres are truly upright and upstanding. Those working in the arts, entertainment, film, and television must go down to the grassroots and allow ordinary workers and citizens to become the protagonists, to play the leading roles in our literature and art. China faces an increasingly fraught and complex international landscape as the United States menaces China with worsening military threats, economic and technological blockades, attacks on our financial system, and attempts at political and diplomatic isolation. The U.S. is waging biological warfare, cyber warfare, space warfare, and public opinion battles against China, and is ramping up efforts to foment a “color revolution” by mobilizing the fifth column within China. If we rely on the barons of capitalism to battle the forces of imperialism and hegemony, if we continue our obeisance to American “tittytainment” tactics, if we allow this generation of young people to lose their mettle and masculinity, then who needs an enemy—we will have brought destruction upon ourselves, much like the Soviet Union back in the day, when it allowed the nation to disintegrate, its wealth to be looted, and its population to sink into calamity. The profound transformations now taking place in China are a direct response to an increasingly fraught and complex international landscape and a direct response to the savage and violent attacks that the U.S. has already begun to launch against China. Every one of us can sense that a profound social transformation is underway, and it is not limited to the realm of capital or entertainment. It is not enough to make superficial changes, to tear down what is already rotten; we must go deeper, and scrape the poison from the bone. We must clean the house and clear the air to make our society a healthier one and to make all members of our society happy in body and mind.'' [Chinese] Introduction by Joseph Brouwer; translation by Alex Yu and Cindy Carter. Source:
  21. @Stovo @DocWatts The New Chinese Cultural Revolution against Western liberal globalism and global speculator and financialized capitalism. Personal Note: My aim is not to simp for China but to inform people in this post on the official Chinese perspective on things. ''Li Guangman, a columnist for the now-defunct website Chawang and former editor of the trade publication Central China Electric Power, first published his opinion piece, “Everyone Can Sense That a Profound Transformation is Underway!,” to his public WeChat account @李光满冰点时评. People’s Daily, Xinhua, Guangming Daily, and other prominent state media platforms promptly picked up the piece. While it is unclear whether the move was coordinated with Li beforehand, it is not unprecedented for state media to elevate nationalistic bloggers who echo, or even foreshadow national policy. In 2014, Xi Jinping promoted Zhou Xiaoping, an ultra-nationalist blogger with a particular distaste for the U.S., as a model for other writers at the Beijing Forum on Literature and Art, in a speech evocative of Mao Zedong’s 1942 “Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art.” Li’s sweeping, impassioned essay used an ongoing celebrity culture “clean up” campaign as a launching point to argue that the United States “is waging biological warfare, cyberwarfare, space warfare and public opinion battles against China, and is ramping up efforts to foment a ‘color revolution’ by mobilizing a fifth column within China.” In his vigorous conclusion, Li dismisses recent reforms as superficial, arguing that it is time for a more radical transformation: China’s entertainment industry has never lacked for scandals that stink to high heaven. Taken together, the recent back-to-back scandals involving Kris Wu and Henry Huo, Zhang Zhehan’s “devil worship” at Japan’s Yasukuni Shrine, and now the rape allegation against Hunan TV host Qian Feng have made people feel that the Chinese entertainment industry is rotten to the core. Without a swift crackdown, entertainment will not be the only thing that rots—the arts, literature, culture, performance, film, and television spheres will all follow suit. What sort of feeling do we get, just by looking at the events of the last two days—the crackdown on fan groups, Zheng Shuang being fined, and works by Zhao Wei and Gao Xiaosong being banned and de-platformed? If we take a broader political perspective on this series of events, we can discern a historical and developmental trend. Consider the suspension of Ant Group’s IPO, the central government’s antitrust policies and reorganization of the economic order, the 18.2 billion yuan fine levied on Alibaba and the investigation of Didi Global, the grand commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, the proposed path to common prosperity, and the recent series of actions to clean up the mess in the entertainment industry. What these events tell us is that a monumental change is taking place in China and that the economic, financial, cultural, and political spheres are undergoing a profound transformation—or, one could say, a profound revolution. It marks a return from “capitalist cliques” to the People, a shift from “capital-centered” to “people-centered.” It is, therefore, a political transformation in which the People will once again be front and center, and all those who obstruct this people-centered transformation will be left behind. This profound transformation also marks a return to the original intent of the Chinese Communist Party, a return to a people-centered approach, and a return to the essence of socialism. This transformation will wash away all the dust: capital markets will no longer be a paradise for get-rich-quick capitalists, cultural markets will no longer be heaven for sissy-boy stars, and news and public opinion will no longer be in the position of worshipping western culture. It is a return to the revolutionary spirit, a return to heroism, a return to courage and righteousness. We need to bring all forms of cultural chaos under control and build a vibrant, healthy, virile, intrepid, and people-oriented culture. We need to combat the manipulation of capital markets by big capital, fight platform-based monopolies, prevent bad money from driving out the good, and ensure the flow of capital to high-tech companies, manufacturers, and companies operating in the real economy. The ongoing restructuring of private tutoring organizations and school districts will clean up the chaos in the educational system, bring about a true return to accessibility and fairness, and give ordinary people room for upward mobility. In the future, we must also bring high housing prices and exorbitant medical expenses under control, and completely level the “three great mountains” of education, medical care, and housing. Although we are not trying to “kill the rich to aid the poor,” we need to find a practical solution to a worsening income gap that allows the rich to keep getting richer while the poor keep getting poorer. Common prosperity means allowing ordinary workers to enjoy a larger share of the social distribution of wealth. This transformation will bring a breath of fresh air to our society. Current efforts to crack down on the arts, entertainment, film, and television spheres are not nearly robust enough. We must use all the means at our disposal to strike down various forms of celebrity worship and fan culture, stamp out “pretty-boy” and “sissy-boy” tendencies in our national character, and ensure that our arts, entertainment, film, and television spheres are truly upright and upstanding. Those working in the arts, entertainment, film, and television must go down to the grassroots and allow ordinary workers and citizens to become the protagonists, to play the leading roles in our literature and art. China faces an increasingly fraught and complex international landscape as the United States menaces China with worsening military threats, economic and technological blockades, attacks on our financial system, and attempts at political and diplomatic isolation. The U.S. is waging biological warfare, cyber warfare, space warfare, and public opinion battles against China, and is ramping up efforts to foment a “color revolution” by mobilizing the fifth column within China. If we rely on the barons of capitalism to battle the forces of imperialism and hegemony, if we continue our obeisance to American “tittytainment” tactics, if we allow this generation of young people to lose their mettle and masculinity, then who needs an enemy—we will have brought destruction upon ourselves, much like the Soviet Union back in the day, when it allowed the nation to disintegrate, its wealth to be looted, and its population to sink into calamity. The profound transformations now taking place in China are a direct response to an increasingly fraught and complex international landscape and a direct response to the savage and violent attacks that the U.S. has already begun to launch against China. Every one of us can sense that a profound social transformation is underway, and it is not limited to the realm of capital or entertainment. It is not enough to make superficial changes, to tear down what is already rotten; we must go deeper, and scrape the poison from the bone. We must clean the house and clear the air to make our society a healthier one and to make all members of our society happy in body and mind.'' [Chinese] Introduction by Joseph Brouwer; translation by Alex Yu and Cindy Carter. Source:
  22. Imagination is indistinguishable from Truth. The Script is more than just a story. It is pure magic at play. As well as high science. These words that I'm programming into my subconscious mind, are actually light-codes, vibrational patterns that are key to activating this transformation. What I think of, focus upon, radiate through... eventually, has no other option but to 'materialize' right before my eyes, become tangible and experiental. In a sense; I am only grounding thought into denser forms of light. Slower frequencies appear and feel solid. But it's all just Light, no matter how you slice it. Beautiful, divine, Infinitely intelligent Light. Dancing for itself. Tomorrow is another day, full of opportunities. I feel great about this transition. I might just charm my way into an awesome, new workplace. Some action with the ladies would be nice, too. Later, I have not much in mind. The usual. Music, chill, some socialization, inner work. Rest is open. Trading money came in, sooner than I expected. Feeling abundant. Remaining open for more money to fly in, out of nowhere. Because, why not. It happened once, I'm sure it can happen many more times. God is gracious. That's literally my name.
  23. I agree I had this insight in my head a few times when thinking about history and some historical events and comparing it to now, but I think this is even more especially true when it comes to massive collective ego formations and mass mental constructions such as the population living in countries and particulary the state and those in charge of it who's identity survival is often most at stake when leading a country since it is reflection, more often than not, of the sum total of the stage of the development of the whole of the population of the country in the way they govern it and maintain their positions and identity survival as leaders of this mass collective ego formation However, determining how evil something is in terms of relations between mass complex collectives that threaten the survival of the perspective of one or both is a tricky endeavor, since one of those perspectives in this instance contains within itself various spectrums of development in spheres such as culture, economy, religion, and politics, etc. that can be threatened in terms of survival of the identity reflecting that level of their development by another perspective higher or lower in those fields that by its existence undermines the survival and legitimacy of the first one. I thought about it and as you can see am not yet until the point where I can clearly express it in words and clarify these ideas about this survival of identities perspectives interaction on a massive complex scale such as entire countries. Yes, but to gain them you have to undergo a lot of suffering in deconstructing them a lot and experiencing the death and transformation of each of them while each fiber in your ego is intuitively against this and resisting this with all its emotional backslash and homeostasis to willingly muster the willpower and determination to undergo through this suffering willingly and through a prolonged period. It's very counter-intuitive since every fiber in your mind/body is heavily resisting this and trying to convince and fool you to not attempt this emotionally and psychically risky endeavor and sticking with what you know and adapted and got used to ensure maximum certainty, comfort, and prosperous surviving without a lot of pains and risks.
  24. Crystallization of desired vibratory signatures has been initiated 2+ years ago. My understanding of the process is not quite complete. But, I've had many deep insights. It could be said, that there is a transformation, taking place on a 'molecular' level. It comes with the shift. From subject-object awareness, to nondual awareness. From carbon based-anatomy, to crystal-based. It's just Light penetrating deeper into my being. It is a script, yes. A code. But that does not mean the experience is not valid. DNA activations and upgrades are initiated. Both major and minor vortex areas are activated. Massive downloads, straight from The Tree Of Knowledge. Radiance. Pure Light. Crystallization of the WR is in process. Some small percentage of the DR is already crystallized, too. Looking from above though; it's all said and done, already.
  25. ? Such a drastic transformation!