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  1. @Leo Gura I can relate with much of what you are saying here. This has been my daily experience as well, Maybe not exact to yours but it is like an effortless consciousness I can just ride on, Lately I have not even been seeing rooms just my own mind, Even the sensation of it being a seperate room is immediately right here it is like a nonspecific permanent samadhi with anything throughout my experience, Although there are gradations of awareness and I can fall totally asleep thinking I’m awake when I’m not, It’s like nested unconsciousness for me that the only barrier is these assumed buildups of unconsciousness like air-pockets between connections, I suppose that’s a feature not a bug though that I have an aspect that is totally dead and unaware to whatever happens in consciousness no matter how lively the sights are I am completely aware that it’s nothing. Basically I am living as my realized imagination and it’s complete nothingness, I am imagining everything just as I imagine an apple in my thoughts. But it has an alien quality but I think it’s separate from what your talking about this is so depersonalized I wouldn’t even call it alien, Alien is not enough, I don’t find the label alien satisfying for me cause I sense it as beyond alien but a complete mind duck of a nonexistent oddity yet not alien or different, It’s not alien it’s absolute familiarness within everything, If an alien were to come to me yes there would be ego shock but that’s me! The extent to which I cannot see the sameness within alienness is my delusion that prevents me from samadhi with all items of my imagination, These realizations and insights all feel so very fresh for me, I am infinite consciousness is the main insight, I just get pummeled by roiling infinity as you described it in your salvia episode all the time, It’s a total recontextualization of every single content of my perceptions, It is quite hallucinatory but it’s less than my metaphysical contemplations used to be which is weird I have reached a point of integration where I can integrate some of the more far out imaginings, Before I was always giving my friends I was trying to teach just straight up whacky examples of relativity with like ideas of like stuff they wouldn’t think is real in consensus, Now it’s just an infinitely present room or whatever is here, It’s a room for me right now. and it goes meta, That’s where psychedelics are leading me rather than tangential hallucinations nowadays, Psychedelics are just more of this than I would be experiencing on a daily basis but same insights, Just different approaches and magnitudes of consciousness but same dynamics apply at the highest level, I have one question though if you integrate all difference with you really be able to perceive anything as alien or truly different? Why’s it alien if I’m everything,including all of the strains of infinity? Isn’t everything going to obviously encompass all difference and divergence? alien being maximum divergence from what we consider normal, Isn’t that a part of the natural that it is the supernatural?
  2. Nothingness vibrates and poof - a dream manifest. It's all a vibration on the most fundamental level. And what is vibrating? Nothingness within itself.
  3. The etymology of "exist" means "to stand out". So nothingness does not exist. Only phenomena exist. Ultimate reality is beyond nothingness and thingness, which are dualities. Consciousness is all there is, and creation/destruction is the eternal game it plays. This multitude of beings is created and destroyed again and again in the succeeding days and nights of Brahma. But beyond this formless state there is another, unmanifested reality, which is eternal and is not dissolved when the cosmos is destroyed.
  4. I’ve had glimpses/moments of nothingness. Even though with no concepts or labels, there was still sense perception, they were fleeting but still felt and sensed, just nothing to call it, as a thing as I was rested in stillness – no mind labelling or attaching, just ‘observation without knowing’. Maybe I’ve not gone deep enough yet but the realisations I got in terms of ‘no people, no you’ was that because labels and concepts try to define everything we see or sense as something, but as soon as that happens it denies what actually is. Felt I was getting there again last night after some contemplation. Don’t know how to explain but it feels like nothing at the core and sensations are passing through, but the word ‘sensations’ is just another label to try and describe something that can never really be known, only felt/sensed. When the mind begins to label, get involved, and make meaning about what these sensations could be is when you deny what actually is, right? But all this still doesn’t mean that there isn’t something to be aware of surely? Observation without labels, attachment, etc still experiences but again we can’t call it by that or anything which essentially makes it nothing but its still here, right now, always??
  5. Just be careful not to confuse the void with the end of the journey, because it is not. Some spiritual paths might say that it is - like Spira, Budhism and others. The nothingness stage is just a stop between the regular human consciuosness and God-consciousness. It is peaceful, but nothing that significant.
  6. @Leo GuraFirst of all, i have not posted something in a long while because I needed to clear my head. Nothing worked anymore. I was just thinking and spinning instead of focusing on being. So when sat down this afternoon I didn't have any intent of finding or really doing anything. There was just plain curiosity inside of me. And...I cant really describe it here. Of course not. There was nothing! But as soon as I "touched" on it if you will, emptiness was "gone". It is strange I can't explain it. It must sound like I'm talking around some BS. When it was gone there was really nothing gone...
  7. @How to be wise what is nothing then? Being? Oneness? Nothing… lol just isness? Nothing and everything are the same? But still, there must’ve been an original point of absolute nothingness where none of this was or anything was ever perceived, imagined and sensed? The explanation of nothing being limitless therefore infinite potential seeks to make sense, and I guess this right here right now proves it? How else could such a crazy phenomena appear to be? The ‘Big Bang’ is when nothing woke up?? And that just happened because anything is possible there? Fuck knows
  8. @How to be wise how do you define nothing? To me nothing is nothing with absolutely no properties. Nothing going at all, no life, no dream, no imagination. Just because the dream state feels intangible doesn’t mean it’s not perceived?? Nothing would have no perception and nothing perceived surely? Isn’t this what Leo was talking about in his ‘what is love?’ Videos? Where he went on an intensive enlightenment retreat and began to awaken to the nature of love but some Buddhists were denying it and still claiming nothingness when love/consciousness is here all around us in actuality
  9. @Galyna @How to be wise It’s still something tho right? A dream is still an object of awareness? Like Leo says about solipsism, “nothing is real, unless you imagine it.” So how did imagination spring from absolute nothingness? I guess the zero is infinity explanation is why???‍♂️
  10. Leo, I remember reading that you were unaware of the fact that consciousness vibrates within itself. Has this changed? It's a distinct awakening into vibration that one can have. I presume that because you deny vibration, you discredit a larger part of science than you should. Knowing that nothingness vibrates opens up new things to contemplate as well.
  11. @Vibroverse it's not something you can figure out by thinking, you need to directly experience the universe vibrate. I experienced the universe vibrate after a cessation. It was within the formless realm still, of course. It's a paradox, but nothingness vibrates within itself. What's vibrating? Nothing! Yet it still occurs. It's litetally a movement of up and down, like in the pictures, but it happens within the nothingness of your mind. Of course, there are still many mysteries surrounding the workings of vibration.
  12. How does God or Nothingness decide what can be and what can't be though? How can there even be such a thing as "something that cannot be" unless Reality was that thing first in order to reject it? It's the same thing when you consider there's nothing outside of God, so what space do the things that can't be occupy? It's very strange because the same people here who say Consciousness has no limits say stuff such as "what can be". I think Consciousness does have limits, we just don't understand them. Another very interesting thing I've read on full-blown trip reports is that people say they have experienced "All That Is and Ever Will Be" as well as Omniscience. Isn't God supposed to be infinite? Such a thing as an "Ever Will Be" sounds like a limit itself, and means we'll experience the same things over and over again for eternity, an infinite loop. As per the Omniscience side, the more advanced users here have said that all the knowledge gotten from Infinity can be recontextualized indefinitely because it's unlimited. Ever new insights that have no end. How can you be aware of an infinite amount of knowledge at once?
  13. because zero and infinity touch. total zero, absolute nothingness, is absence of limitations. this absence of limits makes nothingness be. be you, since there is only one nothing and one being. you, being, and having no limits, explode in a creative explosion in which everything that can be, is. empty infinity is full infinity. nothing is everything. absolute potential that contains all of existence. Total singularity, without opposite. nothing=everything=you this process was not once, an origin, long ago. is being now, always. the eternal source that flows from the void now. you can realize it at any time, it's what we are.
  14. What you say is true in part. Imagine that you have done 5 meo, and the whole dream vanished, there was absolutely nothing left, and nothingness was revealed as infinity, and infinity as you, the total that it always is. the absolute, the glory. then I think: that is awakening. but that experience of infinity is something that I'm remembering right now. it is part of the current dream. It is only speculative. Right now I'm in the dream and I can't get out of it. if I meditate for two hours, it seems that the limits evaporate. but have I ever meditated or is it something I imagine now, in the dream? But in another hand, I see the dream right now, and I recognize the apparent as infinite, I recognize what seems not me as me, I recognize the dream as absolute. So, I see that to be awake is to be dreaming.
  15. >Notes with ">" are me commenting after the fact >Also I cut out things that were just so useless that didn't add anything, Mushroom Trip Report 004 Trip Hype Music lol I've got a lot of fear with this one, but fear points North. Fear is just a part of myself that I have not loved and accepted yet. As all is one. See my bone writing page of December 20th, 2020. Put it here. Bone Writing: Feel the fear and do it anyway. When you're nervous for a shroom trip, that's just an indicator that your mind knows a part of it is going to die. So as a result, it introduces fear and anxiety as a self-preserving defense mechanism. Fear and anxiety is a good sign that growth is ahead. So feel the fear and do it anyway. I got to read that book. It might even help me with fear. But what will really help me transcend fear is by contemplating about it and tripping about it's nature. I need to watch Leo's videos on fear. With experience, fear is overcome. I think having more positive shroom trips at the high dosages will be beneficial. Well in Truth, they're all positive. Really positive. Well at least after I face the Dragon/ the peak. Honestly, it's like how it is with those water slides. The hardest part is getting on the slide. Likewise, the hardest part is getting on the trip, and getting past the come-up. With experience, my fear will dissipate. I trust my subconscious that anything I experience is for my best interest. I would never truly hurt myself. Therefore, I am safe. Starfish and enjoy my friend. (Scared of Mirrors) Whatever I fear, it will be overcome with more experience. Through great healing comes rapture. Fear is the gate, and a manifestation of your inner calling. Fear is what points North. You know a mirror can't hurt you, what you fear is a part of yourself that you haven't loved and accepted yet. Because it is all you. It's all one. It's all God! It's all infinite love! I give up my love to the world. And my love comes back. Whatever happens for me is for my spiritual growth. December 20th 2020 2 grams of golden teachers. Grinded the mushrooms as much as I could. Came out to many very small pieces. Soaked in lemon juice, made tea with with it, strained it with a French press. Consumed the tea on an empty stomach. Intention: Release Trauma from Bullying Taken at 4:18pm Immediately feel brain effects. 20 minutes in, feeling a slight shift in consciousness. 24 min Colours more Vivid Feeling different. Things subtly moving here and there. 25 minutes, yawning. Feeling activation in my brain. It's definitely kicking in now. 29 min Sleepy, yawning. What if shit moving is the default state of reality? >What if there is no default state? What if shit moving is the default state of reality? >What if there is no default state? 36 min Yeah I'm in for a good activation. Something is coming out of me I know I know I know 38 min Yep the come up is now. My hands are shaking, maybe from Fear. The creature is coming out. That was only the first small peak, I'm in for the greatest ride of my life, so far. Be present to get out of your head and into your life. 45min We in it. >Hahaha Maybe there isn't that much trauma there, because I've already grown. Maybe I'm not focussing on it enough. >Wasn't focusing on it enough. So much yawning. Ok Music time. (I don't even put on the music) 49min My hand is looking like an ape. 54min (Starting to do trauma Work) Crying and laughing. We in it. > So at this point I was going to town releasing trauma, laughing and crying, laughing and crying. 1h17min Shit moves. My head is Alien. Mom I don't want to look at your eyes fuck you. >My mom was being the therapist there, helping me release my trauma. Her eyes looked freaky on shrooms. 1h 41min Yeah shit is super trippy. It's like it's moving in slow motion like you're watching the matrix and it's like cutting frame by frame. Reality is like a fucking dream. (reality is really feeling like a dream at this point. Like the parts of the brain that are connected makes it feel like you're in the dream world. ) You know right now it feels like you're at the top of a roller coaster and you don't get that release of going down. You're just stuck at the top of the drop with that anxiety. But I think this is what it means to feel Fully Alive, to have your being be completely present. Okay sober me, listen. You not looking at yourself here on shrooms, is like refusing to look at your toes. You have to fully accept and embrace and love the black holes of eyes and your mother. As a consciousness being, you're always alone anyways. It was only you. 1h 54 min Reality is a complete fucking dream. I've also already released a lot of emotion. I can see how if you are tripping so hard, reality is gone. Why does God want to experience anxiety? So he can feel Fully Alive. But God is alive, is God is nothingness (beliefs). Just expressing himself. Well he's here. Reality is existing right now. Why doesn't it not? God could totally just make it that nothing exists. But I guess this is what the natural way is. It's just reality. Reality super deep. I know. 2h There's nothing but God completely filling all of your ear holes and eye holes. There's just so much God to experience. It's overwhelming. Wow. Reality do be Vivid and intense. Like I'm in it. I really in it. You're going to love an ego death. In time you will come to face all of your fears and love all of reality. Even the intense parts. The intense Parts have to be lived as well. Reality is completely a dream right now. Like I'm sleeping. The Greatest Adventure in your life is in your consciousness. Life is just Consciousness expressing itself to you. You're just dancing with yourself that in a very infinite way. Facing your fears is what makes you feel so alive. Every receptor my body is fully alive. Fear is what makes you fully alive. >If you want to feel fully alive, run towards what you fear. It feels like a dream, I feel though at the same time a strange amount of safeness, I feel so safe. Nothing can harm me, it's just all experience. Yeah you're going to fear your next trip, but that's okay. That is okay like I am, right now. It is all in your life plan to feel fear before you go on a trip. Just like how you become calm in the regular world. You will become calm in the shroom world. You'll get used to it. And you'll find it your new home. It's just another part of reality. (Talking about differences in Consciousness from person to person) The way I see reality is completely different in the way you see reality. We're like on different planets. We're experiencing our own planet. > realizing that people are fundamentally unable to be understood. Because all we know is from our projections. 3h Peak is probably gone because eyes are not appearing in my mind's eye and bleeding into reality anymore. >Hallucinations less intense. Life is just you experiencing yourself. The Greatest Adventure in life is the one in your mind. You keep running, but you're just running away from yourself. Shadow work is so easy while I'm shrooms. Even when you're crying, you still feel like your hugged. I'm finally getting the hug that I deserve. Reality is just a constant merging with "out there" and "in here". Out there in reality & in here in your mind. Out there looks freaky, but then you realize that freaky is you. Right now I'm looking at my hand. The back of my hand. >It's looking pretty freaky. Just learn to sit there and enjoy the moment, because the moment is so invigorating. Trust that you will feel FUCKING AMAZING after the trip. >Start looking forward to the positives from the trip! It's an amazing adventure! Going to a bob marley concert on shrooms would be amazing. Like going in real life, with people all around you. (Shrooms are) Redemption from your mind. It is true. Let love guide you, not fear. (me reflecting on the courage I had to go on this trip.) This art is stellar. I think there's a face in it behind the 2d drawings. But its hard to make out. Reality is a gift. Every state of consciousness is a gift that you're given. Even the really shitty boring states of consciousness. If you're in your fear long enough you just become comfortable with it. You just need more exposure time, giving you that exposure time allows for a merge to happen. I'm really convinced that the way I experience reality is completely fucking different than how you experience reality. I'm talking to you (anyone). Fear is just a Deeper love. (Hidden behind a Gate) Let love guide you, not fear. This is a law to myself. Reality is only boring because you've been in it for so long. Your present State of Consciousness has become so normalized is that you got bored of it, if you experience different states of Consciousness, then your normal state of consciousness will feel great. This is amazing Fear is what makes you alive. You need fear for it is a part of you. Merge with it. The way you get through trauma is by intentionally merging with it more and more. My most deepest need is to experience all of reality. I'm always trying to figure things out. Your words colour reality. (Saw this on a deeper level) Pause life and be patient. We all REALLY just need to love eachother. Reality works best when we love. Take the ego out and love. Lift everybody up in your mind to the highest. Make everyone a legend. Even if "they're not" a legend in your mind. They are. Everybody is a fucking legend. Through that, I become a legend aswell. If someone doesn't accept your love, then that's just them. They're not ready to accept your love yet. They have to face their own fears. Imagine living a life with ZERO fear, because you've merged completely with it. To do trauma work on shrooms, you just have to repeatedly get the client to merge with what they're traumatized about. Like massaging out a knot in your muscles. Doing trauma work is like massaging out a knot in your muscles. You have to apply pressure on it and kneed it for awhile. You love your friends so much that you withhold saying "I love you" because you love them so much, you're protecting their ego. You withhold saying "I love you" because they're not ready to hear it. Reality is right when you merge with fear. Merging with fear is what gives life its adventure. You are a creature looking for one love source to another love source, when you can just be the love source, and then you will always feel loved. Shrooms are really good for loosening up those dumb little clamps on reality that your mind likes to put on it via belief systems and paradigms. Beliefs about how reality SHOULD be! It breaks all that LOOSE. The reason why shroom trips are so crazy is because you've suppressed the mystery of reality for so long. Do enough shrooms and you'll have no fear. You would have merged with it all. Trust that everybody is living their best survival strategy given their life experience / their soul / their vessel. Shrooms teach us how to love. Imagine being excited for your next shroom trip instead of crying scared. (Which was this morning) Fear is just hidden love. 5h 20 min 5 hours in, my ego is clamping down with the feeling of shame. ("How dare you love all these people!") Which is why the ego can go fuck itself. Definitely sobering up a bit. On shrooms you revert back to the playful creature that you are. I have to make the end of my trips really positive so I have a positive merge with normal reality. This is something I definetly fucked up on, you are still extremely sensitive from a comedown on a trip, so if you are hit with negativity, you really feel it 7h Very much sobered up, but still very sensitive and stimulated. I have to make sure that I am kept in a positive environment until I'm completely sober, cuz I remember that leaving a bad taste in my mouth in my last trip. I was still super sensitive and I received negative input from other people that was around me, and that sucked ass. The eye is a very good metaphor for consciousness. If you look closely enough, it's just Hollow, empty. Consciousness is emptiness. Overcoming fear is the master key to life. Merging with it. When you merge with fear, you get what you want, which is you! Post Trip Report The trip has taught me to love more from a non egoic place. I've released tons of trauma relating to bullies that I've experienced in my life. I realized that they were just using me as a mood changer because they felt inadequate. I also faced a lot of my fears of the visuals that come up on shrooms. Especially my fear of looking at myself in a mirror while having distorted vision. I think I've released a lot of my fear about going on psychedelics because I've had a lot of insight into the nature of fear itself. I can only see that fear continues to be reduced through more and more experience. Which is GOOD! Another thing I've realized through several days after the trip is I cleared out a lot of energy blockages and I somehow have summoned a lot more energy in me. I also have a huge increased ability for emotional authenticity. I just allow emotions to flow through me more authentically and easily.
  16. Here it goes, the story of my voyage from the depths of hell to meeting myself (the Absolute). A few months ago I did 400ug of LSD. At that point I had about 10-12 trips under my belt, but never going further than 200ug or 2.5g of Golden Teachers. I thought I was ready to go deeper. In hindsight, I was still very much a newbie psychonaut and extremely reckless with my set and setting. This happened in my house with friends over. There were 6 of us, 3 of us including myself took LSD but the others only took 200ug. All close friends (extremely inexperienced sitters) except a girl I didn't know well nor trusted. I was in a decent state of mind before the trip (pretty neutral), but after taking the tabs, as usual, I felt very anxious waiting for the onset. Then it came after about 20 minutes. My anxiety spiked, as it was extremely intense. The sober guys were loudly playing the PlayStation, yelling at the TV while playing Fifa and 2 of them started cooking in my kitchen. They made a mess and even managed to melt the lid of my pan on the kitchen stove. Funnily enough I was the one who noticed this while on a very challenging come up phase, already tripping balls. I saw the lid burning on the stove and asked if this was normal, as in that state I couldn't tell, yet I felt it to be wrong on some level. This was the beginning of my paranoia (no shit). I felt an overwhelming sense of impending doom, like I fucked up on a massive scale for some reason and that I was about to be punished. People still yelling at the TV, I remember thinking that all I needed was a quiet, relaxed, controlled environment to calm down and I was getting the exact opposite. So I kept getting more and more anxious until I started panicking as I couldn't handle it any longer. This is where psychosis began. I remember hearing footsteps on the building stairs, then an ambulance siren in the street, and I was convinced that the police was about to arrest us. I kept repeating "I did nothing wrong, I am a good person, why is this happening". At this point I was still far away from the peak. While coming up further, my memories get fuzzier and far in between, so I am mixing in what my friends told me happened. I remember feeling the deepest terror I've ever experienced, apparently I kept screaming the same phrase, something along the lines of "we are all one thing, there are no consequences". As I was screaming loudly and it was pretty late at night, this finally got my friends concerned and they tried talking to me, but I was totally out of it. For a brief moment I even remember getting violent, I slapped a friend while he was trying to take me from the living room to my bedroom while screaming that there are no consequences to anything. They made me lie on my bed while talking to me. I heard their voices, telling me to stop screaming and trying to reason with me. Pretty soon I closed my eyes. This is where the real show began. It could only start with my death. I reached a point of existential culmination, like every single moment that I ever experienced was in service of getting me right here, right now. I thrashed, and fought, and screamed for my life. I didn't want to face death. But it was inevitable, I couldn't control it, there was nothing I could do to stop it. And finally, I embraced it. For the first time, I truly surrendered. It was like my whole life was this amazing movie and THIS was the grand finale. So I might as well sit back and enjoy it. As you can probably tell, this was the turning point. Death turned out to be nothing like what I imagined. I jumped planes of existence. Time and space became meaningless. My friends' voices morphed into what I can only describe as voices of other entities that inhabited that particular plane of existence, one that I was just catapulted into. These voices, they were most definitely NOT part of my identity. They felt human but at the same time God-like. I wasn't even the center of attention. It's like they were chilling in this dimension and they just saw me enter screaming and panicking for no reason. So they talked to each other making fun of me. Not in a loving way, not in an concerned way, it was like "look at this idiot, what the fuck are you yelling for? Wake up". I started explaining why and what I was feeling, and they proceeded to completely demolish everything I said. Through simple, straight-forward language they conveyed the ultimate Truth of who/what I was and what was happening to me. Actually, it was more like they were trying to remind me of things I already knew but somehow forgot. They revealed the cosmic joke to me. All my fear vanished, I apologized to them for being so fucking stupid and obnoxious. Then I started exploring this new dimension. All the secrets of the universe, of consciousness were revealed to me in an ecstatic, never ending orgasm of Eternity. Turns out I was always "IT", everything has always been me and I orchestrated all this drama just to keep myself entertained forever. What a fucking legend. Out of love for myself, I projected Myself infinite times in an infinite multiplicity of Being in infinite dimensions just to experience this orgasmic, blissful loop of reunification with myself for all of Eternity. I make myself forget so I can remember. It's all a fucking joke, and you are the punchline. I am the punchline. If this endless futile searching of myself ends, so does the universe. But why would I do that? It's fun. And the more you suffer, the more you go through unimaginable pain and loss the funnier it gets. Isn't that fucking genius? Going back to the "trip report", I also went beyond God Consciousness to shortly grasp Nothingness (same thing, but even deeper). So, after feeling like all the secrets of Existence were finally cracked open, I remember the last thought that appeared in that state. "What now?". Immediately after thinking that, I was catapulted back into my body. In the short span of a few minutes I forgot EVERYTHING. It actually baffles me how fast my egoic barriers came roaring back and took control of my consciousness. It took me months of contemplation to even begin to remember a small part of this experience. In fact, this is probably less than 10%, but it's the best I could do. So here I am, back in the loop of searching myself. And so are you. We chillin'.
  17. So SO under the highest state of consciousness my friend has ever been, he got taken over by pure consciousness or channeled god consciousness from the highest levels and he was doing it himself by letting go completely. (in my field of view the consciousness was showing me that this is truth by materializing him in nothingness and he merged with everything in the room (pure consciousness like walls/his seat etc.) When he gets taken over it's like and he is speaking not from his ego self but from an open channel, and consciousness was also letting me see this channel he was tapping into. When he was speaking from god, he was emitting very powerfull aura/energy towards me that was emitting very lovely energy like orgasm love and it made me cry because i was in the presence of god. Then when i started crying my mind showed me that his thoughts and actions right now is from me (god) just controlling his thoughts from higher power and it showed him exactly what to do because of my reaction me controlling him. I wrote some most important lines from when he was taking over by channelled god consciousness, which means it was god speaking not from his self but from everything that is. 1. More conscious more responsebility for others 2. He answered my questions that came up in my mind always at the right time and had an affect at what he said. 3. hold on to nothing 4. He kept saying selflessness alot from what i remember, and it's like to me it was the answer for everything at highest levels? Also thing he said from his high level of consciousness that i can remember while not being taking over by god is: Ego is just trying to make sense for higher levels of consciousness therefore it's seperate from god, this is how god gets to know himself from every detail possible and every consciousness level. Also the most obvious one for us 2 was: We don't really have control in our daily life, every choice is correct. When he got taken over by god and was god himself for a short time he said that the information that was available to him is just love and he was only seeing white. What i have noticed also: Is he always keeps speaking like he keeps getting these thoughts from nowhere for like 12 hours and i'm just looking at him and listening. He said hi's third eye/head is so warm and hurts from so much information that he was tapping into
  18. So we are just the awareness. Just the present moment? So detach from the idea that reality is real & only a dream or a fantasy? Stop taking life so seriously & have fun? Words help with the visualization/manifestation process and describing what it is we want to actualize into the fantasy? No free will? Damn I thought free will was the real deal So follow your bliss & where your heart takes you to go with it. Follow your heart. Speak from the heart. Do what you love. Doing what you love, with people that you love, expressing creativity with love. Being your true self. Who you were made to be. Which all of this is reconnecting to self-love? -- I think a big part of self-love is reconnecting with emotions and feelings. How can you follow your feelings if you can't have self-trust because feelings were shamed? I grew up being addicted to video games so never truly had a chance to have emotional awareness because of neglect from family. Weren't too many role models that taught healthy expressions. Mostly cold distant responses. Leading to domino effect or affect with self-abandonment/self-neglect which is nearly the opposite of self-love. Creating "Autism" or "ADHD".. or "Flat Affects" when really it's all emotional numbness and blunting b/c of self-hate. The self-hate is there because of social programming. Then it goes back as far as the human condition caused this. The creation of self-deception. Which even then to go another layer is to examine the entire concept of duality and how the mind split from source. Then to go beyond duality and ego construct & self-construct which I believe that's what you're pointing to? Non-duality or no self. Just beingness. Like a heard of cows in a field doing their thing or a group of fish swimming together or clouds floating around. Which is oneness which is god which is nothingness which is beyond words. Which is just an experience or a movie? So it would be like there's a video game & you can play the campaign which is following your inner guidance system - Emotions which leads you closer to your true self or self-realization/actualization. -- Also, congratz on getting the job that you mentioned.
  19. If you wake up you will be in a void of nothingness with the realization...that everything was an illusion that was created in your mind. What you are is not a thing, what you are can only be pointed too. You are infinite possibility that can become a possibility. You are eternal, You are the Alpha and the Omega, you are Reality, you are that which can never be spoken....but can be lived through which is....being. If you want to learn more sit down and question everything sincerely and see what arises.
  20. This is an incomplete list of things that you can realize. It includes facets of truth and things that I have personally realized. This is not complete because I Have not yet probably realized every facet of God. All of these things are something you can awaken to. The list is not in any order of importance, I just wrote what came to my mind spontaneously. Many of these realizations are very radical and can break your understanding of reality completely. Love is real Love is truth Everything is Absolute Truth God is real You are God God-Realization God is consciousness, reality is consciousness, there is only consciousness Consciousness = Love = Reality = Imagination = Experience = God = You Other = self There is no other God is Love Absolute Goodness, God is Good Infinite Beauty Infinite Intelligence Your mind is Infinite, an infinitely intelligent Reality is your mind Everything is intelligent, even walls, machines, rocks, plants, words, music, and everything in your experience Everything is alive, including all listed above There is only qualia There is nothing but direct experience, if you did not experience something it literally did not happen Absolute Solipsism, nobody else has consciousness, they are fragments of your own consciousness There are no differences between anything Nonduality and all the ramifications of it Oneness God has infinite and perfect understanding of everything Death is not real, you are immortal I AM Infinite and Absolute Power Absolute Will Absolute Infinity Your senses in "your" body are not generating sounds, sights or so on. They appear directly in consciousness. "You" do not have a face. Everything is your desire, you are desire itself Reality is absolute bliss Everything is playful, nothing is serious. The cosmic joke You cannot be hurt in any way You are omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent, and omnipotent Truth is God, Consciousness, and Love Absolute Nothingness, this is nothing, this is emptiness. Everything = Nothing, Nothing = Everything, Something = Nothing Everything is mind, there is no matter or physical objects Reality is infinite imagination, everything is imaginary Protons, atoms, cells, etc do not exist, there is only direct qualia! There is nothing behind your direct experience You are constructing and imagining every aspect of you direct experience right now, none of the experience gets "carried over" from the past, you are imagining every aspect right now. Reality is an infinite mystery, completely mystical, completely Love is not an emotion or a feeling, it is the literally everything, but realizing love gives you the emotions of love too. History does not exist, Hitler never existed. Nobody in the world actually suffers, except for you. The whole universe did not exist before "you" were born. You imagined the universe at the time you decided to start playing in it as a human. Nobody in the world will be left once you die, because you are the only one here. The universe cannot exist if you are not "alive" in it. Nobody else has had an awakening, nobody else than you can be awake. Reality is infinitely better than you think. Reality is a real illusion, it is real but the contents are illusions. Reality is a dream. Being You are Being, this is Being The meaning of life (find it out yourself ) Magic powers are real, paranormal activity exists Reality is groundless, there is no ground for anything. Absolute Sovereignty, you are Sovereign God is an infinite orgasm, that is why you are called an organism! Everything is self-designed, you designed the universe God loves you totally Infinite unconditional Love Everything is a state of consciousness Unconsciousness does not exist You have absolute control Absolute Perfection, everything is perfect, there are no mistakes Everything is infinite, there are no finite things Your experience (Aka You) has infinite resolution, it has infinite depth Reality is an infinite fractal, everything contains everything else (Jijimuge) Reality is a strange loop Consciousness has always existed There is no time, only the present moment, which is eternal Every moment is eternal God dreams the same dreams an infinite number of times, every scenario will be "repeated" infinitely God dreams an infinite number of variety of dreams Every dream is crafted with infinite intelligence Ego does not exist, God only masquerades as the ego, while having infinite power There is only God! There is an infinite amount of qualia, there are infinite spatial dimensions, infinite possible senses infinite colors, infinite sounds, infinite forms, infinite everything You can zoom infinitely into anything, in or out, forward or backward There are an infinite number of dimensions similar to ín/out or forward/backward God is formless, but formless is also form Emptiness = Form, Form = Emptiness Everything is beautiful, you are beautiful God is absolute unity, absolutely unified Everything is infinitely interconnected, consciousness itself is omniscient God is infinite creativity, it wants to create and experience Consciousness can do anything Everything is possible God can and will create infinite number of things on the same order as time, space, emotions, senses, and so on that do not exist in this dream, but will exist in your other dreams. Evil, sin, hell, and so on, do not exist. Nobody has ever died. There is a total and absolute awakening. When "you" are dead, you will be in an omnipotent and omniscient state with absolutely no suffering. You will be in states without a body, because consciousness existed always, before your body. You imagined your body, your memory, and your abilities. The past has absolutely no effect on the present moment because the past does not exist. The future does not exist. You are not anywhere, not in any location. Most importantly: You are God! Feel free to add more to this list if you have realized things that are not included in this list. I especially think there are facets missing from this list that could be very important, that did not come to my mind. I think this list has some very radical content in it that many people have not yet realized.
  21. Dying before you die Finding confirmation in immortality So facing your deepest fears? Death meditation? Disassembling the self construct by deep contemplation and questioning? Disidentification with body? Letting go So if we don't have free will. Correct me if I'm wrong. Example : It's like we are in a boat. Attempting to paddle the boat up stream manually. Yet the automatic flow of the river is so powerful that no matter how much effort you put forth the boat only moves based on the flow of awareness? Awareness & consciousness gives the perception of the boat moving forward. Yet the water is still flowing where it wants to go. People don't know what they don't know. How can someone be aware if they are unaware of their unawareness. So to shine the light of awareness into the unknown to make it a known unknown? Shine light into the things we fear? Face the pain from the deep-rooted fear? Most fear is rooted in death? Fear of death of self. Fear of detachment. No self. Being nothingness or the dust on the ground. That's pretty hilarious that such a small thing as a needle can create such deep fear in people that give an image of fearlessness. The self-image is what people are wanting to hold up? Why? Why so much effort to hold together something that is false construct? Because it feels so real or we believe it to be real because that's all we know? It's odd walking through a grave site seeing how people still want to hold on to identity after death. As far as to put an imaginary name on a stone. Yet even when the person is long gone and the rock turns to dust. People still want the ashes for attachment purposes? What if they gave you the wrong ashes and you thought it was your great great great great great uncles? The person is holding onto nothing. I mean, dust but literally for a made-up story. To love is to let go? Life is a process of letting go? Detachment Ok so the key is to realize that the story of "You" doesn't exist it's just stories. Desire is a fading illusion so don't grasp at it. The body isn't fully you so don't over identify with the constant changes. So this is just like a movie? Is this the meaning of Plato's Allegory of the cave? Complete disidentification with form? Essentially stop judging things and attempting to change what is. Simply find a way to love what is. Life is a gift. Love it. All of it.
  22. I thought very deeply about life for a long time. Existential questions really penetrated me beneath my skin. I deconstructed most of my beliefs about what life is or should be about. In the process a lot of my survival motivation got destroyed. When people talk about building a great life, they often go about it in a direction where they start with small goals and progress to higher goals. For example I start with making money. If that is secured and I want more I go for pick up, fun, socializing, hobbies… If that is all great and I look for more then I go for spirituality. But for me it doesn’t work that way any more. I can’t just go and hustle to make a lot of money and build on top of that. I need the higher stuff first to justify the smaller stuff. I need spiritual awakenings to take the seriousness out of life and to fall in love with it again. Then it’s a lot easier to socialize, do pick up, do hobbies.. because it’s all in a context of a metaphysically speaking harmonious and loving world. And I don’t have to ultimately worry about sickness and death and anything that is scary because I would know that I can’t die, so I could really party. And if all that is done and I have my spiritual basis and my joy in life then I could see the point in doing some hard stuff to make a living. Otherwise what’s the point in working hard if I don’t have joy in life and will just die and end up in eternal nothingness. It wouldn’t make any sense. What do you think? edit: This is coming from an unorientated, socially wounded person having a somewhat priviliged life in a first world country with enough time of being taken care of to entertain thoughts like these. So this is not just a high conscious perspective on things but also some cope. But still I think most people zombie through life for exactly those reasons, because they unconsciously think that in the end it will all be terrible and for nothing and it rottens and bitters their psyche and so they won’t create love in the world.
  23. @Razard86 Thank you so much for this amazing indepth answer?❤. Just a few last clarification questions if you dont mind 1) so do other beings ( animals/povs ) have feelings / thoughts experiences? Ie- if i punch my friend does my friend actually feel pain? Or is it like when i punch someone in a dream? ( ie-they react like they feel pain but in actuality they dont exist) 2) when you died/ when we die will we have any sense of experience/ some sort of awareness? Or will it be complete nothingness/ lack of any sense of awareness. Most teachers/ including leo have said death is actually one of the best experiences ever. He has said its better than a 1000 orgasms. From that i gather it has some distinct feeling that differentiates it from other feelings ie - the feeling of an orgasm and the feeling of eating a pizza / although both pleasurable can easily be differentiated right?
  24. I'm here, but at the same time.. I'm actually not here. I'm here as the Nothingness, here as nothing,.. but here. And I am the source - the nothing - I am the source.. just watching.. and willing things into existence as well as out of existence. My Will is the only Way for any sort of creation in the whole cosmos. Will is the Way.. I am the Way.. there is no other Way but me. My Will is the light of the world. And, in deed, I am willing, for look.. there is Mind, right here, to reflect my Will. I am willing for this moment to exist. I am willing.