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  1. @Razard86 I’m going to just quote a description of one of such less fabricated potential experiences than consciousness from an expert as I’ve likely only truly “been there” one time as far as this specific state goes. The standard jhanas are often seen as being progressively less fabricated states until you go past the eighth jhana to the cessation of perception and feeling which is essentially the opposite of experience. “The Eighth Jhana, Neither Perception Nor Non-Perception If meditators wish to attain the eighth jhana, they can simply hang out in Nothingness until they get bored with perception entirely and understand that even the profoundly subtle perception that is Nothingness is subtly disconcerting or dissatisfying. Thus, the mind will eventually shift on its own to the state with the perplexing but thoroughly appropriate title of “Neither Perception Nor Non-Perception”, hereafter “the eighth jhana” or “j8” for the sake of brevity. This state is largely incomprehensible. There is no reasonable way to attempt to describe it, save that it is a mind state. I am tempted to say that in it we are simultaneously focused so narrowly that we notice nothing and yet so broadly focused that we don’t notice even that, but such a description doesn’t do this state justice. Another way I sometimes think of this state is like what happens when you turn off an old, tube-driven black-and-white television when the screen goes blank and just before it shuts off there is this tiny pale dot in the middle of the screen. It is like what happens just at the moment that dot is right on the edge of being totally gone, as if you froze in time that edge right between the dot being there and not being there and had it apply to everything in your whole sensate world. One way or another, there is complete inattention to diversity, or divestment from attention to multiplicity, however you wish to think of it. The eighth jhana is the highest of the standard ordinary states of concentration that can be attained (ignoring the attainment of nirodha samapatti, also known as “the cessation of perception and feeling”, and some more unusual jhanic goodies detailed later). This state is contrasted with the first seven jhanas in that it is not possible to investigate this state, because it is too incomprehensible.” Consciousness is basically the same as awareness in my vocabulary if that tells you anything. Consciousness and awareness are essentially the same as experience other than a handful of rare states which are still experiential but happening at more subtle levels than consciousness or awareness. If you want to read more description about the eight jhana, this is the source that was quoted:
  2. This is the EXACT phenomena I'm describing btw: To the letter the same thing, is what happened about uh, 3 or 4 weeks ago. I've used DMT hundreds of times, since. Hm. 2020 I think? Spring of the first lockdown. Last use was about one year ago. I can def explain the phenomenal experiences of a DMT breakthrough. The precise exact way by which you become "sizeless" especially. And also the sense of identification with nothingness. I can explain that with precision also. Easily, on request. EXACTLY in easy language the steps which cause some of that phenomena. This was different. It ALL feels like transcendent shit though. DMT breakthroughs and repeating "Brahman" in a heavy hallucinogenic trance stroking my face like a fuckin' freak, it ALL feels to be something very real and transcendent and ALL is to a degree. That specific phenomena, just like the video, and also the other kinds of breakthrough trips, they're all insanely warped versions of typical perspective so....... I don't really have a clue it's all so weird.
  3. The ego is given some degree of control over its own life. For examples, it can influence its own mind, its own body, its own surroundings, and be a piece in a greater web of lives/subjects/objects. Obviously all of it is a Single One Nothingness/Divinity which supremely controls all of it but transcends it, itself, at the same time. But there is a part, called the ego, which can live its own life with the permission of the Divinity, because it itself is divine. It can even gain access to and become a representative of the highest Divine, the "CEO" as you called it. This isn't a possibility that's been shut off to you. It's attainable. It has to be. Go around accusing people of being fake and they'll lock you up in a sanitarium. That's just how it works. But I can confirm that solipsism is NOT true, because I exist, and if you claiming you exist means you exist, that means that there has to be at least two people. This called transference. Art = Life = Art.
  4. Only God's Will is all-powerful. Only God's will IS. God's will is the only command for this particular game to keep appearing as reality. There is no other will around but One, because anyone that you've always had interactions with is what makes the world alive. Given the fact that the Universe is this rn, the external objective reality is an idea. You'd get lonely ..because there is no veil of perception. Nobody is perceiving an objective external world. If I interact with You and I am ✌️ I am You because nonduality, duality, one, two, etc are words and thoughts, the only way of access for truth to get realized or for God to realize God is direct experience. I can't see my face when I open my eyes because Consciousness is not activity of brain neither has anything to do with brains. What is behind closed eyelids? It's the Same Same. What is behind opened eyes? The black screen you see when you close your eyes is not the perception of having your eyes closed when you realize there are no physical eyes, brains or eyelids. What's beyond the visual field? Nothing else appearing because to say *space*, you see, for that to be correct you should be having direct experience of what you call space beyond visual field... Now play around with this train of thought... You realize there is no space beyond direct experience, and you start wondeing... Is there anything at all happening beyond direct experience? And then you rethink the first question more throughly.. And u think to urself.. ? Ummmm God's game ? is designed in such a way that once the click happens you lose all fear. Because you know, and that knowing is your fuel. You are Unstoppable. Try this out: Close your eyes for 2 seconds, then open just one. Keep just that one open for 6 seconds. Look, did u notice? Now... At the same time, open the left eye and put your hand like this as you keep the other one open as well. ? Notice how you re creating the whole Qualia of every drop and ocean of sensation. Your body is Qalia. Of course you're dreaming up Qualia in real time. Qualia is not a mix of signals interpreted by a brain. Brain is Qualia too as all appearance. But guess what are the implications of *Brains are not even something that exist outside or as smth else other than though, Qualia. Only the eyes are the windows to "God's Highest States" Pointer .. ??? There are two Eyes ?️?️, Maybe you never thought it throughly, I mean, wtf, why 2✌️?️?️? why... And then you realize.. When you realize the real awakening triggered by this pointer, since you can't see your face you start looking for another ?️?️ and then finally everything clicks. It clicked. You start seeing and understanding that the absence of your eyes within your sight is experienced via a double body with the same nonlocal seat... Astral projection, OBE etc. Think about seeing your face and your body on the bed while out of body journeying... What is really happening is you having direct experience.. Eyes are that stuff which cannot be seen until You discover through direct truth access that the way you experience this very moment might have ✌️ existing nonlocal .. in the same "seat". Just imagine... A world where there is no suffering. A world where the only suffering the world ever experienced is through conscious direct experience. Hi? The One reading this rn. ?✌️Clue... Everything that appears as XYZ is Consciousness, your voice, sight insight, feels, thoughts are Consciousness as well. Consciousness = ? Reread this paragraph and read beyond what you first thought I mean; Two channels✌️OneScreen??✌️ One Godhead, I included some symbols here which I am not using to express what these emoticons etc are supposed to convey as meaning 'conventionally', please let all the old meaning behind. If you know what I mean you can surely verify it in your direct experience, the only way of recognizing the same insight, awakening and breakthrough realization is through getting the Clues, a clue is a pointer. Guess what? If everything is Consciousness, guess what the pointers are pointing at. Look...There is no ego either. There never was. What do I mean by that... Well, you might wonder, In what sense there is no ego... ?.. The ego is creation. Creation is play. The Ego you've been keep updating and upgrading as you keep dreaming it up... Every ego activit that occured within your awareness is the only reference point for what? ? Now you might wonder ? What if there is randomness here and there in God's game? But now think this throughly... everything you think and do is fueled by God's will and after True God's God-Realization begins the Journey of contacting yourself by initiating connnexion with Yourself, God-realized God wanna be Itself and experience itself..and explore this liberation through Interaction with Capital I. Direct experience of There is no veil of perception= Proof available when you take 5-meo with your girlfriend and you realize that you cannot see your face because this is when both get the biggest clue , literally and metaphorically, you cannot see your face because for you to look into your eyes you'd have to look through some other eyes. Fire cannot cook and eat, cannot magically turn into a human being, butterfly etc because fire is Qualia. Qualia has no will. But the recontextualization after the Realization: Consciousness cannot be absent There is no Unconsciousness What this is pointing to ...✌️ "I am Conscious in your Mind too* might make you enter this state: "the real realization of what this: Imagine Reading Religion stuff from God's POV. Do u remember that line? NWe made man in our image. Our. Our. Our. Image ?? God Realized that God is immortal and It's existence is absolute, it Has nothing to do with any unconscious nothingness. There is no nothing in existence, there is no absence when it comes to existence/God. Full stop. Start practicing some Consciousness play... Don't think about anything for 7 hours straight with a partner. You just focus on each other without talking, worrying, eating, doing rutine shit etc. Just stay there, both on 5-meo and look into each other's eyes till both of you recognize the fact that you've always communicated inside the mind. That s the only body of work that God sacrificed itself by living in your imagination thinking your whole life into being.
  5. Hello Everyone! I hope you all are doing good. I have a question. Why can nothingness (pure empty awareness) not keep itself appearing as everything (this whole Illusory dream experience) constantly without sleep as a break? Waiting for your response. Thanks & Regards Jawad
  6. I've been crying a lot lately. It's like I've rediscovered some emotional layer in me, that I've been trying to deny and destroy, but only managed to hide somewhere deep. It feels so empowering and liberating to just let all that emotional pain come out. See it, feel it. Be present in it. Not all crying has been from pain, it comes from love, too. I've been thinking about this lately and I've come to a point where putting happiness as end goal feels pointless and limiting. At least the way I see it now. I see everywhere statements such as "Don't try to be happy, be happy". And I see the first part of it. But whenever I stop to think about it and ask myself, overall do I consider myself to be happy, the answer is no, I can't say that. I can't find the overall happiness from my experience. Having happiness as my goal, I'm creating baseline and/or contrast to the present moment, because I start to rate how good my life is based on how close I am that happiness instead of just seeing what is. No matter how well everything is in my experience, it's never well enough because it didn't make me happy. What that even means? Do I have to be happy? I'm having a hard time verbalizing my experience around this. It almost sounds like I'm seeing happiness as some kind of bad thing now, but that's not exactly what I mean. Through all my life, I've held a belief that even though I'm not happy now, I can be happy somewhere in future. It's been my dream. I want to do everything I can to be happy. It's been necessary for my survival. It's been my driving force. Even though everything is collapsing now, it doesn't need to be that way always. But right now, I'm standing in a place where that mantra has lost it's meaning and become limiting. It's feels empty, pointless rule. I'm on an edge of letting go of that, and boy it feels scary. I have fears, what if I lose every meaning in life? What if I push myself to a dark place for eternity? What if I lose my will to live, what if I lose my enthusiasm? I feel like that's all I have. It's been my purpose in life, to become happy. It feels like letting go of that leaves me with nothing. No purpose, no meaning, no goal, no (figurative) solid ground under my feet. It feels like letting go of it is like destroying everything I've build. And I I have to start again from beginning. Still, it feels like the leap I need to do. *** She's walking in the darkness Blindfold tightly on her closed eyes She opens her eyes, but still Sees nothing The ground beneath her feet Vanishes And she falls She falls and falls and falls Into never ending void of darkness And nothingness Oh, how I wish I could tell her That she is the light Oh, how I wish I could show her That she's not falling Because she can fly *** Total time meditated this year: 37 hours 30 minutes Books read/listened this year: 9
  7. @patricknotstar Yes. I have a friend who lives trapped in this dimension. He says not to be afraid of the dark. Cant even begin to stomach the Lessons from this dimension. I almost dissolved once into nothingness and my ego instantly new what to do lol.
  8. I don’t think Kant was much of a mystic, he was a hardcore rationalist. So nothingness as the noumenal part of something probably wouldn’t be his first idea. But it’s an interesting idea.
  9. @Loba Ive had the experience of nothingness I was in college and drank 24 beer then took a bong hit. I went back to the living room and reality started looping. The girl I was with kept looking at the tv then looking at me asking me if im ok then looking back at the tv and I kept saying no. This happened 500 times then I greened out and I feel my soul leaving my body. Im in a state where I am nothing but a rolling emotion of sadness and loneliness. Each time the emotions roll I feel extreme sadness then extreme loneliness. Forever slowly I start forgetting what I am sad about slowly I start forgetting my life. I am becoming non existent as my thoughts start popping up once a week it seems my mind will say something. I forget everything Im just a void. Suddenly I am in sea of souls all the souls around me are screaming and crying we are flowing like a stream. I am not screaming or scared I have no idea whats going on. There is a water wheel the souls go up and its like a circular river. I look up there is a Giant Bull skeleton the size of a mountain in the middle it notices me because I am not screaming or scared. It picks me up and throws me. I wake up instantly after that. I could have woken up in anything after that and I wouldn't have known I ever existed.
  10. If you were stuck in a void where you were nothingness but your thoughts continued forever, what would stop you from imagining endless beautiful realities and stories? The assumption that it would be a hell state implies that you are not stuck inside a void, but rather in some kind of reality where some being other than yourself is causing you to suffer. If it was truly a void with nothing but your thoughts, there wouldn't be anything to make it a hell state. You wouldn't be bored, because you would have your mind to endlessly stimulate you. If took a break from stimulating yourself with imagination, you'd basically just default to bliss because you'd essentially be in a state of being that contains no "problems" because those would have to be imagined. If some kind of problem existed underneath everything when you stopped imagining things, then it wouldn't be a void. Endlessly stimulating yourself with imagination doesn't necessary work this way when you're a human (or imagining yourself as a human? ) because we have bodies that get uncomfortable, restless, tired, hungry, etc. but if you were just a mind in a void, these "limits" wouldn't exist unless you put them upon yourself by imagining them, so you would basically be in heaven, not hell.
  11. If consciousness is infinite , is it possible for there to be a conscious reality where after you die you are in an eternal dark void but your senses continue and you are essentially trapped in your own mind for all of eternity. Why would this not be possible? I ask because I had a dream in which this became a reality , I was in pure nothingness for what seemed like hours with nothing but my own thoughts and it made me question, what if this is actually possible to be suspended in this hell like state for all of time with no way out. I ask , why is this not because I know through direct experience this is possible temporarily as I experienced this void where I was in nothingness but my thoughts continued, given time is relative then should it also be possible that consciousness could become stuck in this state eternally.
  12. Yes .ceasing to exist forever is the perfect state. That's what Leo calls "melting into infinite love " . He doesn't want to blunt about it and tell you that you will have no form forever. Do you remember before you were born? Weren't you peaceful back then? I don't see why people are afraid of it. Either it's the beginning of another exciting part of a human being's life or it's nothingness and you won't care because you won't know. So I don't think it's anything to worry about. I answered below :
  13. And believe me, there is one last door. you have to dive headfirst, without reservation, into the absolute horror of absolute nothingness. this is not a joke. absolute emptiness. you have to disappear really. then the jet reactor will emerge and from it will sprout the inexhaustible jet of the glory of existence and a feeling will emerge: hallelujah. Hallelujah. and your heart will open Sounds wo wo? It's the reality
  14. What about deep sleep? It seems like Perfect nothingness. As if nothing ever happened and never existed. It seems like there is no consciousness during deep sleep.. It's not even dark, black or empty.. It's so much nothing that even the concept of nothing isn't it..... What happens exactly during deep sleep? Ramana maharshi used to say 'you are closer to your true nature during deep sleep'.
  15. Exactly there is a purpose to it. get tired of struggling and fighting...and you just accept. Its why enlightenment is inevitable. One day it just dawned on me I was like "Ohhhhh life just happens, how could I forget?" I was never in control. There is NO BODY controlling anything. If everything is SELF....then I am not a self, everything is me, my resistance is akin to a kidney having self-awareness suddenly waking up and thinking it is separate from the body. It asks questions like why am I here, what is my purpose? It then resists against the body, and struggles all in vain thinking it has some control, until one day it realizes its not the kidney, but the whole body and it relaxes....then it becomes one with the whole body. Humans have this issue. They have been given the gift of imagination, which basically makes them God in a finite form. They can create anything...and the first thing they created....was a finite self amidst an Infinite Self. The moment they did this...they created a World of Suffering. You can't suffer without a self. Ask yourself...can a kidney suffer? It can if it creates a self. Now notice this...Everything God creates...God becomes, so self is creation, so the self you are, you also created. So your ego is imaginary, but everything is imaginary, so your self is just as real as your human body. It is indistinguishable and that is why it is so hard to find your TRUE SELF, the NO SELF, the NO SELF that constantly creates a self. A self is just a creation that has a life. A beginning and an end. NO-SELF exists eternally, while SELF exists finitely. SELF can only exist within thought, emotion, and activity. If there is no activity going on...there is NO SELF. Just emptiness, nothingness. Everything was always this...but with thought, emotion, and can appear this has changed and a life emerges. 1. You just may not WANT TOO. There is no difference between you and another human. If a human can do can you. The only real limitations you have would be stuff like aptitude, but you would be amazed at what repetition and practice can create. Most humans have no clue what their true potential is. 2. Humanity has been adapting to far worse, poverty today is no where near as bad as how bad it was being a hunter-gatherer in the jungle/forest. So its all context. If humanity survived then, they could survive now. Since you ARE THEM, you can do it now. There is no separation. You already know I am right, you just fell asleep again. 4. Picture how you were as a child, picture how you are now, the child version of you could look at you and say how could I ever become them? Easy...because its you!!! There is no difference between the child version of you and the current version of you. But you can create that distinction. You can create a distinction between you now, and 5 seconds ago. LOL. distinctions are hilarious!!!
  16. If I hold a unicorn in my mind right displays as a faint image. Then it fades into nothingness or my memory probably. So I don't get how abstract objects are eternal. They seem subject to time and change.
  17. This moment is an infinite amount of time. This moment is never out of reach. Christians can use that same logic right? Q: If something can’t come from nothingness, who created God? A: An earlier uncaused divine being, known as the first cause. There problem solved. Or is it? See this first cause stuff is foolish. This moment right now is absolute and uncaused. We don’t need to create gods, big bangs, and first causes or infinite regresses to explain it. If we try to explain this moment, then it is an infinite search because this moment is infinite. Whatever you think is The Cause of this Moment is a dream inside of This Moment.
  18. I think you are not grasping the infinite regress problem. You cannot say that this present moment is caused by an infinite chain of previous causes. Because it would take infinite time to reach this moment. Therefore never really reach it . Example: Q: If something can’t come from nothingness, who created God? A: An earlier divine being. Q: Who created the earlier divine being? A: An even earlier divine being. Q: And who created that divine being? A: An even earlier divine being. Q: And who created that divine being? A: An even earlier divine being. Q: And who created that divine being? …and so on forever..
  19. After so many trips, so many retreats, so many meditations, so many so called "awakenings"... I still find myself alone in my room shocked in how this is actually possible (that God is real). Its like the amount of brainwash of materialism run so deep that it just doesn't take 1, 2, 3, or 4 awakenings to actually even consider this to be real. it takes years and years and many many many realizations and basking in that formless consciousness so that when you are in a normal, relatively "mainstream" functional state of consciousness, you can really be conscious and accept that yes, your experiences and realizations are valid, yes, this is real. Death is not real. Reality is infinite. My life is a dream. God is pure nothingness in all directions. And 99.9% of humans are fucking clueless about it and they believe 100% in the materialism paradigm. Fuck the illusion its so well designed Lmao. But I guess that way its even funnier when you really accept God completely.
  20. I took out that beautiful powder and proceeded to snort it. While I was cleaning the set before laying down in bed, I start noticing a bit of stiffness in my body, not as fluid as normal. Also, as I have not much experience with ketamine, I was a bit fearful about the dosage, yet surrendering and going with the flow. I lie in my bed and put the diamond sutra. I feel a strong coming up of ketamine with a bit of anxiety and mind thought did I take too much? Will I be able to handle it? Am I going to lose my shit in this trip? However, this is one of the few hindrances I have during my trips, I generally do not feel good in the coming up. So, I realized nothing could be done at that moment, you just relax and let it be without carrying on with the thought current of fear. All the body starts feeling more relaxed, almost numb, not in an uncomfortable way but also not in a pleasurable way, it was the way it was, and probably this pointer is very much the flavor of ketamine I got, anyway, let's carry on. At that moment, my cat enters my room, she knows I was tripping and went to say hello, I was a bit unsettled by her company when she moved but once she started sleeping me with it was great, if you trip with animals you know. I start feeling more spacious, like I have an inch more of sight before my eyes, like I was seeing from inside my skull. For a moment, to come up was strong and I started getting a bit of this feeling of no directions. These are all mental constructs, up and down, left and right, this caused me a bit of nausea. However, I felt nausea was a mental construct too, which then disappeared when I realized it. Once that happened, strangely I was again feeling orientation in my body just that I was aware of the space inside my body, not full 3d scan but an inch inside all my body and my legs were very relaxed. Now the insights, I realized the fact that I was grabbing things, better said, that all I thought as real or anchors of my reality were only so because I was grabbing them tight. For example, the fear in the beginning, or even my own mind, my mind existed only because I was grabbing it tight. Then, I became aware of the "I" in me which was strongly caught, like a knot plus pressure. I couldn't stop grabbing it, yet I became aware that if I stopped grabbing it, "I" would disappear, which from my state of consciousness now is understandable, but in that state of consciousness it hits you real hard. Put yourself in a higher state of consciousness, be intense with me now, the mind that is reading this words exists because you are holding it, mind has no life of its own. The "I" you are experiencing now is being grabbed so strongly and tight by nothingness. At that moment, I could not get a no-self experience at all because of the immense conglomerate and solidity of this "I", but I understood that it is my own making and that it has not me, but I have it. The message of the trip is letting go of everything. Come with me as you read, don't merely read, go behind my words, to what I'm pointing: This reality is what you think it is because you have so-called anchors. Whatever you believe this reality to be, consciousness, your own Self, love, memories you bring to the present, past experiences, mental constructs, feelings, body sensations... All that, you are grabbing. I thought that by grabbing to my past enlightenment experiences I was being more awake, yet it is clear for me now that it's not the case. I want to grab enlightenment, that is the problem. It is the grabbing, therefore let go. It is the grabbing of enlightenment the obstacle to enlightenment, therefore let go. It is the grabbing of yourself, of "I", therefore let go. I felt like an endless flower opening and opening, letting go and letting go. And the diamond sutra was pointing at the same all the time, let go of everything and then let go of nothingness. It was all the time the same, probably the essence of Buddhist teachings, to let go of everything even of letting go, being utterly free. Even the senses in some way you are holding, it is crazy in a normal state of consciousness to say that or to do it, but despite that, it was my experience, everything is being grabbed to give a sense of reality of existence, like nothingness solidifying into somethingness and being able to be aware of that process and letting go of all that, even of nothingness and nirvana, letting go of everything even of the "I", even of enlightenment, even of God; and then there is true God beyond your making, you do not need to make truth or hold God, it is always already the case, just be empty-handed, empty of emptiness, what is there that cannot be taken out or irreducible essence. That freedom of all that you thought real, to find what it needed no effort or absence of effort, the ever present groundless ground, you do not fall and get hurt, there is no end, the falling is eternal. The trip felt very short but the intuitions and insights were valid for me, specially the Buddhist ones. I had never explored this area of consciousness. I do not know much about Buddhism, a bit of zen but really not much. However, they are very legit experiences, I mean they are not that dry as one could think. They are really profound, getting deleted into nothingness and then deleting that nothingness, wow. I now agree with Leo when he said that you could go down to cessation or up to infinity. It felt a bit strange for me as it sounds too linear, the end points should touch as a circle, literally has been the case always in my previous explorations, maybe if I go deep enough it eventually does but Leo doesn't agree in this point. It is true that Buddhist that go all the way down don't seem to realize infinity or God, which is a strong point, yet there is something in me that keeps telling me that it must be circular and endpoints should merge. Anyway, I will definitely explore more this letting go or surrendering. This ketamine experience opened myself up to the fact that I can let "everything and nothing" go, when you do so, something beyond words is there. If you read it all thank you very much, hope you got new insights. Also be careful, one thing is to read, another to experience, states of consciousness are everything, you want to get to that state where it really hits you.
  21. Yes , Infinity , God , is really good words because thats what it truly is, in its essence, it is so ineffable so it is impossible to speak about it, but truly, enlightenment or serious awakening really makes everything completely meaningless, but not necessarily in a bad way, it is like coming home but simultanously it is pure madness, thoughts, concepts etc, is a way to veil the truth because it is frightening, and then the realization becomes, "life" is absolutely perfect as it is. Nothingness can not overcome it either so to speak, it is too free to be limited to it. Because it contains all that there is, even the not is as well in a paradoxically way. Like outside is looking in and outside does not even exist ? Funny, cosmic joke.
  22. Yup, that’s survival in action. I think it just takes time. As Leo said it’s just getting the reps in. Whenever you desire truth more than you desire to live then you’ll be willing to yield into nothingness. Keep it up!?
  23. I would describe something similar. It is like you realize all of existence is nothingness and this nothingness expands and expands as you merge with all of it. You become indistinguishable from all of reality when you are nothing. Some describe it as the abyss. I remember how I kinda freaked out when that happened and I stopped meditating for a bit. I triggered it with the help of the power of now by Eckhart Tolle. When the ego mind does not contextualize itself with past and future you are left with the present. Transcending time is the same as transcending ego and it could create these sorts of experiences. I would like to see advice on how to not freak out when that happens to do that I can just enjoy what I'm not used to. Maybe I would meditate more. At the very least you can try different forms of meditation like satisfaction or body scans. At least I found they were less intense.
  24. But what drives "gravity" to pull things down? Or what drives gravity to be the way it is? Unity by its own concept (regardless if you awakend to it or not) must include everything within itself—not even nothing can be outside it. One cannot have the whole or unity on one side, and the parts, forms, or differences on another. You see? To grasp a concept which contains everything in its full difference and contradiction in respect to itself, yet is not an empty abstraction like pure being or empty nothingness is not an easy task. So unity is only unity by virtue of the parts and differences which make it up, and these differences only are differences insofar they find themselves in a united whole and their respective place to each other within the context of the whole. This separation and these Differences, when looked at from a higher consciousness, they'll seem tautological. So they're differences that really aren't differences lol