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  1. "Satcitananda (सच्चिदानन्द) is a compounded Sanskrit word consisting of "sat", "chit", and "ananda", all three considered as inseparable from the nature of ultimate reality called Brahman in Hinduism.[9] The different forms of spelling is driven by euphonic (sandhi) rules of Sanskrit, useful in different contexts.[9] sat (सत्):[10] In Sanskrit, sat means "being, existence", "real, actual", "true, good, right", or "that which really is, existence, essence, true being, really existent, good, true".[10][note 2] cit (चित्):[12] means "consciousness" or "spirit".[13][14][15] ānanda (आनन्द):[16] means "happiness, joy, bliss", "pure happiness, one of three attributes of Atman or Brahman in the Vedanta philosophy".[16] Loctefeld and other scholars translate ananda as "bliss"" Shankara's Crest-Jewel of Discriminationūḍāmaṇi Now I shall tell you the nature of the Atman. If you realize it, you will be freed from the bonds of ignorance, and attain liberation. There is a self-existent Reality, which is the basis of our consciousness of ego. That Reality is the witness of the three states of our consciousness, and is distinct from the five bodily coverings. That Reality is the knower in all states of consciousness-waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep. It is aware of the presence or absence of the mind and its functions. It is the Atman. That Reality sees everything by its own light. No one sees it. It gives intelligence to the mind and the intellect, but no one gives it light. That Reality pervades the universe, but no one penetrates it. It alone shines. The universe shines with its reflected light. Because of its presence, the body, senses, mind and intellect apply themselves to their respective functions, as though obeying its command. Its nature is eternal consciousness. It knows all things, from the sense of ego to the body itself. It is the knower of pleasure and pain and of the [ 62] sense-objects. It knows everything objectivelyjust as a man knows the objective existence of a jar. This is the Atman. the Supreme Being, the ancient. It never ceases to experience infinite joy. It is always the same. It is consciousness itself. The organs and vital energies function under its command. Here, within this body, in the pure mind, in the secret chamber of intelligence. in the infinite universe within the heart, the Atman shines in iu captivating splendour. like a noonday sun. By its light, the universe is revealed It is the knower of the activities of the mind and of the individual man. It is the witness of all the actions of the body, the sense-organs and the vital energy. It seems to be identified with all these, just as fire appears identified with an iron ball. But it neither acts nor is subject to the slightest change. The Atman is birthless and deathless. It neither grows nor decays. It is unchangeable, eternal. It does not dissolve when the body dissolves. Does the ether cease to exist when the jar that enclosed it is broken? The Atman is distinct from Maya, the primal cause, and from her effect, the universe. The nature of the Atman is pure consciousness. The Atman reveals this entire universe of mind and' matter. It cannot be defined. In and through the various states of consciousness-the waking. the dreaming and the sleeping-it maintains our unbroken awareness of identity. It manifests itself as the witness of the intelligence. Water by the River
  2. "Jester's privilege Jester's privilege is the ability and right of a jester to talk and mock freely without being punished. As an acknowledgement of this right, the court jester had symbols denoting their status and protection under the law." Yet, you are working quite earnest on your own demise by self-transcedence... So, let's all drink to the death of a clown! May he be in permanent bliss and happy, Sat-Chit-Anada! And continue writing his usual hilarious posts ever after... Ain't no royal court like this lovely place here, with such magnificient royality, nobility, prophets, and even sometimes clergy, And with the most hilarious jester yours truly is aware of. "In the largest courts, the royal households, many thousands of individuals constituted the court. These courtiers included the monarch or noble's camarilla and retinue, household, nobility, clergy, those with court appointments, bodyguards, and may also include emissaries from other kingdoms or visitors to the court. Foreign princes and foreign nobility in exile may also seek refuge at a court." So Namaste, let's all drink to the death of a clown, and bon voyage everyone! Clowning by the Selling Water by the RIver
  3. Likely possible and extremely rare. Refer to the story of Ramana Maharshi. Truth is what you should be after, not feeling good. Bliss may be inherent to one's nature but grounding our search for truth on the pursuit of "pleasure" is not appropriate. Becoming conscious of the Truth must be the committed goal. Granted, Would any human pursue the truth if he were completely happy and free from suffering? What is happiness? In any case, it's likely we have no idea what bliss is. It may not be what we think it is.
  4. Where God is there is also maya. When was He not? Therefore, maya is equally beginningless. Where is the end of it? To whom does one feel attracted? Whose manifestation is it? Reflect deeply! If all is His manifestation, then whose maya is it? Endeavour to find yourself, be it as the Lord’s eternal servant, be it as the Atma. You are immortal—the Bliss of the Self. Why then has one to experience birth and death? There is but the Self reposing within Itself. ~ MA Anandamayee
  5. God is Bliss, you deny it because you are a devil. Bliss is a facet of God/Reality/Awakening. Only the ego and darkness can deny the right of God to reclaim one of this most fundamental attributes and rights. So much darkness in this forum unfortunately. I will be leaving this place soon if people don't start to open their hearts more and actually purify themselves. If you are in the path of Awakening, careful with getting poisoned with messages of devils that defend darkness and reject Light and Goodness.
  6. you are 3 things sat chit ananda these are absolutes you drop out of them when you enter the you mode thereby you know the opposite you dont know an absolute you be an absolute the three are truth consciousness bliss (likewise once the you enters there is no truth, what you know and say is the false, namely everything you say is illusion lies ignorance)
  7. it's more to explore yourself from different angles. Or different perspectives. It's really not about taking away the bliss. The bliss only seems to be taken away when one finite angle is explored- because in that moment you cannot be all angles. All angles is what brings the bliss because it is total Oneness- everything united. But then, specific aspects of yourself cannot be lived through. The bliss of Oneness must be sacrificed to experience this. But it is never gone forever.
  8. Just layin' out the basic law of existence... don't shoot the messenger. Bliss may be the essence of your being, but you can only experience it in contrast with "not bliss". That's why you are here. That's why ANYTHING AT ALL is here. What else would be the purpose of form aka. (apparent) duality?
  9. Good logic-based mental construction. wrong by the way. We call happiness to the default state of being, it is existence. Unhappiness is what we call obstacles that occur, and that have evolution as their purpose. they are a necessary tool. they really are nothing, they are apparent, reality is absolute happiness, that is, it does not need unhappiness as a contrast to be bliss. what we call bliss is simply the normal state of being, but we are involved in an evolutionary work towards more complex forms and we have few free hours, or none in many cases
  10. Because there is nothing else to do. You can choose/modify the quality, intensity and duration of the experience of "not bliss", but you cannot completely get rid of it. Existence is the eternal dance between opposing polarities. From darkness into light... and from light into darkness. Eliminate one of them, and you eliminate the experience of existence itself.
  11. That's true, without comparison you couldn't call it Bliss. But I´m saying, once you know the opposite, I think at least for me is enough. Why keep visiting darkness? @Bazooka Jesus Like Alan Watts said "once you get the message, hang out the phone". Once you have seen darkness, why keep going over and over to darkness again ?‍?
  12. I wouldn't call it absolute bliss but I am able to generate energizing pleasure mixed with peace and stability at will. It seems the key is to let go of your attachment to the body completely, for the experience of unconditional pleasure. And letting go of your mind, ceasing to control it and identify with it, so completely. This gives rise to joy and happiness. Combined it feels really good and you can generate it in any condition. It's not dependent on your mood. The only reason that state isn't constant for me is because I haven't practiced it enough. The idea behind letting go is very simple and basic but you have to do it at such a degree where you almost have to grab onto your body through your will to stay in it.
  13. @Javfly33 What I am saying is that you don't know what bliss is until and unless you experience "not bliss". Light without darkness stops being light because there is nothing to contrast it with. That's why form exists. God can only know itself as love and bliss if it gets to experience the opposite.
  14. What question LOL. She asked me several of them. I don't know how to answer them. I don't understand those questions. There is a mistake in your thinking. 24/7 Bliss stops being bliss, when you actually fall down off the bliss to a lower state of consciousness, and ego thoughts start to say "Hey! I´m tired of the bliss! This is getting boring! I want to experience some suffering!" See? The bliss stops being bliss when you are actually not anymore in the state of Bliss. If you stay in the state of Bliss, the Bliss always is Bliss People say "but you will get tired of always being blissful!!". Of course, you get tired but because you again are in the ego mind, where thoughts of 'boringness' can exist again. However, I must say, if one could truly have a 'panel of control' to activate or disactivate Bliss at will, yes, I think one would not be in a state of Bliss 24/7. One would explore different states and overall as I have said, if one is doing certain material things in the dream, one can not be in a state of Bliss or one won't do the work right, like Driving, operating machinery, giving talks, writing a book....etc. But, most of you guys problems is not this, not even close, you should first taste what really is Bliss, and stay there for a long fucking time...then start thinking about being so Cool about letting it go to do higher purpose/help the world...
  15. 24/7 bliss stops being bliss. A thing cannot exist without its opposite. What do you think we're all doing here?
  16. I mean, at least, personally, when I think about bliss, I´m not talking about psychological happiness or physical pleasure. But you are right, since bliss or love are just words, for each people have different meanings. In what sense you are trying to help?
  17. Words like bliss and love mean different things to people. As I define bliss, it is unconditional being, free from illusions and suffering. As I define love, it is the reality of absolute sameness, beyond the appearance of differences. I see these differently than the human emotions of bliss and love, which no matter how hard we try to hold onto them, always slip through our fingers. It is impossible for human bliss and love to last forever. Like every duality, they eventually necessitate the opposite. If you are awake, you can anchor your awareness in absolute bliss and love, even within the dream. Human emotions still come and go, as they must. Absolute bliss and love are perpetual, and can be perpetually realized within the dream.
  18. sorry OP you wanna cheat your girlfriend and you are talking about 24/7 bliss???
  19. Keep playing your dialectical games. Then everyone is my DMs asking me for "what is my technique" and all of that. Thank god you guys didn't care about feeling good ? you were so above me that you don't care about suffering, you are so "selfless". Yet, when shit hits the fan, you want what you want as any living creature in this planet. You think you are spiritual by rejecting pleasure/well being/bliss. Yet it is in this denial when you are being the most egoic. The most devil, the most darkness. Darkness denying Light! Of course The ego denying Goodness. Of course. Of course.
  20. You? Really? Who is blissful? Does this state have an ownership, if it does, whom it belongs to? How long will it continue, and who is in control? This whole text was written from the personal point of view. Which can NOT be further from the truth... Personality is not a set of thoughts. Personality is the idea that these set of thoughts have an author. There is a thought, any thought which thinks itself. At the same time, there is a certain feeling from a first perspective that this thought belongs to "me". This is how capture takes place, notice it. Notice it is not a feeling, it is not a thought, it is exactly a concept, idea that I am thinking "something"... Notice it and remove this idea of "me". Bliss happens to no one, no one is in control.... Just snap your fingers and remove this idea of "me". "Everything happens by itself ..." Not to SOMEONE, thinking and bliss create "YOUR CHARACTER" Stop appointing the owner (author) TO the thinking process. To do this, you need to see that there is no one to get out of it. You do not want it, because it is DEATH. P.S. Reality has a tendency to morph and change. Bliss soon shall pass.
  21. by the River I know. What kind of idiot would post a search link to his own posts about the topic of bliss And probably some won't like the following statements (because they implicitely nothing else than a call to action for practice/meditation of whatever form, because suffering can end): When resting in ones True Nature in certain awakened states, the psychological resistance (to what is) of suffering is gone. And these states can go from peak state, to plateau, to permanent. Bliss and love and compassion flow then from ones True Core. Every being, depending on its Karma, has at least to potential to do and realize that, this life or the next. At some point of the path one gets the choice to do exactly that, and one wouldn't contract again, because it becomes a choice. Sure one can get sad, or feel pain, hunger, whatever, but no resistance to it, no contraction, no closing down. "One" stays open, no resistance or psychological suffering added on top. It blows through ones Being like the wind. Adi Da called the separate self "self-contraction", which can be relaxed with love. Sellling Water by the River Ken Wilber on that: Ken Wilber, One Taste: "Monday, March 24. With the awakening of constant consciousness, you becomesomething of a divine schizophrenic, in the popular sense of “split-minded,” because you have access to both the Witnessand the ego. You are actually “whole-minded,” but it sounds like it’s split, because you are aware of the constant Witness or Spirit in you, and you are also perfectly aware of themovie of life, the ego and all its ups and downs. So you still feel pain and suffering and sorrow, but they can no longer convince you of their importance—you are no longer the victim of life, but its Witness. In fact, because you are no longer afraid of your feelings,you can engage them with much greater intensity. The movie of life becomes more vivid and vibrant, precisely because you are no longer grasping or avoiding it, and thus no longer trying to dull or dilute it. You no longer turn the volume down. You might even cry harder, laugh louder, jump higher. Choiceless awareness doesn’t mean you cease to feel; it means you feel fully, feel deeply, feel to infinity itself, and laugh and cry and love until it hurts. Life jumps right off the screen, and you are one with all of it, because you don’t recoil. If you are having a dream, and you think it’s real, it can get very scary. Say you are dreaming that you are tightropewalking across Niagara Falls. If you fall off, you plunge to your death. So you are walking very slowly, very carefully.Then suppose you start lucid dreaming, and you realize that it’s just a dream. What do you do? Become more cautious and careful? No, you start jumping up and down on the tightrope, you do flips, you bounce around, you have a ball—precisely because you know it isn’t real. When you realize it’s a dream, you can afford to play. The same thing happens when you realize that ordinary life is just a dream, just a movie, just a play. You don’t become more cautious, more timid, more reserved. You start jumping up and down and doing flips, precisely because it’sall a dream, it’s all pure Emptiness. You don’t feel less, you feel more—because you can afford to. You are no longer afraid of dying, and therefore you are not afraid of living.You become radical and wild, intense and vivid, shocking and silly. You let it all come pouring through, because it’s all your dream. Life then assumes its true intensity, its vivid luminosity, itsradical effervescence. Pain is more painful and happiness is happier; joy is more joyous and sorrow is even sadder. It all comes radiantly alive to the mirror-mind, the mind that doesn’t grasp or avoid, but simply witnesses the play, and therefore can afford to play, even as it watches. What would motivate you if you saw everything as the dream of your own highest Self? What would actually move you in this playful dream world? Everything in the dream is basically fun, at some deep level, except for this: when you see your friends suffering because they think the dream is real, you want to relieve their suffering, you want them to wake up, too. Watching them suffer is not fun. And so a deep and powerful compassion arises in the heart of the awakened ones, and they seek, above all else, to awaken others—and thus relieve them from the sorrow and the pity,the torment and the pain, the terror and the anguish that comes from taking with dreadful seriousness the passing dream of life. So you are a divine schizophrenic, you are “split-minded” in the sense that you are simultaneously in touch with both the pure Witness and the world of the ego-film. But that really means you are actually “whole-minded,” because these two worlds are really not-two. The ego is just the dream of the Witness, the film that the Witness creates out of its own infinite plenitude, simply so it will have something to watch at the movies. At that point the entire play arises within your own constant consciousness. There is no inside and no outside, no in here versus out there. The nondual universe of One Taste arises as a spontaneous gesture of your own true nature. You can taste the sun and swallow the moon, and centuries fit in the palm of your hand. The pure I-I, the greatI AMness, breathes to infinity and creates a Kosmos as the Song of its very Self, and oceans of compassion fall as tears from your very own Original Face. Last night I saw the reflection of the moon in a cool clear crystal pond, and nothing else happened."
  22. Lol. It depends on the truth. The truth of a girlfriend cheating on you isn’t going to make you happy. Nor should you want it to. It is okay and expected to be pissed off when that truth is revealed. Part of being human is feeling the full range of the human experience. True happiness is feeling all your feelings with acceptance and no judgment. If you can accept all your emotions as they are, you will be more happier than a blissed out monk who rejects all other feelings than bliss.
  23. Freedom means no prejudice against anything, i.e., duality - non-dualism, bliss - suffering. Doesn't matter, just - no bias. Here is the way. Accepting what is. So simple that it's almost impossible to implement. But it's worth remembering this natural state of being. Exactly - being, not acting!
  24. I don't see the possibility of being blissful 24/7 as long as you have a body constantly working on preservation & survival. You can't transcend basic biological needs just like that, not with a body and ego. If your goal is happiness, watch Leo's Ultimate Guide to Happiness and get your basic needs met. Spiritual Bypassing is not going to help in the long run, personal experience. If your goal is bliss (which requires awakening), you gotta appreciate all the infinite parts of reality for what they are.
  25. @Sincerity bro ..please let's open a new page with each other and stop teasing or provoking each other . I know we can because that's what all spiritual traditions since the dawn of time teach like the Upanishads if you study them. They say that the enlightened one is fully and permanently established in his true nature as pure effortless bliss. and I saw a glimpse of unconditional happiness when I meditate .but I'm curious how to make it my baseline state .