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  1. All your ideas of mental illness are flying out the window when you experience God. And, no, I’m not talking about suicide. Fin.
  2. Obviously. But why would anyone expect to predict such a thing? This is why I cannot predict which of you is ready for my teachings. I cannot tell who of you is on the brink of suicide vs who is gonna wake up tomorrow. And I don't bother to care. You are at whatever level you are and only you can decide if a teaching is suitable for you. I can't help a person who isn't ready, just like I can't tell you which food you will like.
  3. If you guys wanna talk about suicide and teachings, the standard scientific view of being a conglomerate of mass and energy in a completely dumb universe almost made me kill myself, and in the process, I did great harm to my family and relationships. That's spread out far and wide, without any love or care. It took me years of epistemology and psychedelics to finally break through my limited physicalist view. And that's the mainstream view. When I did that, I came across and Leo never sounded far out or incompassionate, it is just that most people are simply so far from the most basic spiritual realizations and those beyond that, that you sound arrogant when you say that they have no idea what they're talking about. I tell you that they don't. I have had trips that had me disgusted with myself. I couldn't stop crying and seeing how foolish and nearsighted I was all my life. And I'm just beginning my work. I still have plenty of experiences ahead of me. It is challenging work that puts everything you take as truth as an illusion. That's the point of it. It requires looking to the bottom of the precipice of life and leaning forward as hard as you can without falling. Only this will bring you light. As a good Brazilian, I shall share a free translation of mine of a piece of the incredible book "The Devil to Pay in the Backlands" (Grande Sertão Veredas, in the original title), by Guimarães Rosa. That's a poetic description of the truth-seeking work that many people took in life and how difficult it is to do it. Hope you guys enjoy it: The flow of life wraps everything up, Life is like that: it heats up and cools down, it tightens and then loosens, it calms down and then relaxes. What it wants from us is courage. What God wants is to see us learning to be capable of being too happy, in the midst of joy, and even more joyful in the midst of sadness! Life invents! We begin things, not knowing why, and from then on loses the power to continue because life is everyone's collective effort, by everyone, stirred and tempered. The most important and beautiful thing in the world is this: that people are not always the same, they are not yet finished, but that they are always changing. They tune or go out of tune. Greater truth. Living is very dangerous; no it isn't. I don't even know how to explain these things. One feeling is that of the one that let himself feel, but another is of the feeler.*" *(The way that Portuguese verbs conjugate make this last sentence very hard to explain, but it portrays passive observation of feelings versus active search for an emotion/sensation)
  4. It's a complex issue. What happens is rather than thinking for one's self, they place all they have into their guru - and then when their guru "let's them down" they blame the guru - when in truth, they should never have given their mind away to another human being. I don't care who it is - the President of the United States or Elvis Presley. They are human and that makes them limited. The suicide thing is a personal one can be blamed for someone taking their own life. That is a decision they made. Unless it's a case where someone told them to do it because it would bring them to a certain place for.example, or give them something they don’t already have, and they were so brainwashed that they believed them. That would be a cult. That's not what the case is here. Here we stress free thought, and embrace the human condition.
  5. How many Buddhist’s have committed suicide? Not to mention the one who set himself on fire! People unfortunately kill themselves. I don’t believe you can blame Leo?
  6. I can see how some of the things would be conducive to suicide for an already unstable person, it's terrible that happens and I think everyone here wants to try to prevent it in the future. Not to be a smart ass but lookup Christian Pastor suicides, happens all the time man. Why Pastors Are Committing Suicide Nov 23, 2016 — Sarah Zylstra reports on a rising epidemic among pastors of loneliness, depression, mental illness, and even suicide.
  7. @Jodistrict I've never said Ayahuasca cannot heal physical illnesses. I've said that it's inappropriate to use it simply for that cause. It's like using stacks of steroids to fix libido issues when you could just use doctor-prescribed TRT or viagra. You don't need a volcano to fix your heating issues. You don't need a lake to get a drink of water when you have a fountain or sink nearby. If you need physical healing, there are other non-psychedelic ways of fixing them. Using a consciousness sledgehammer to fix your issues has very severe consequences and unintended impacts on human lives. For example, what if the person enters into states of consciousness so profound, unintended, and cause irrefutable harm to themselves? What if that person brewed up deep depression and committed suicide? I've seen enough people on Reddit that have used the Ayahuasca brew and had unintended and significant consequences to their physical well-being and relationships. They will never go to a ceremony or trust another Shaman again. You're playing a very serious game here. The only person here who is spreading misinformation is you, no? Wouldn't you be so loving to tell a person that Ayahuasca could potentially put them in these states and could lead to danger? You're missing a very plain point, which shows you don't even take Ayahuasca seriously as much as you do the Indigenous people. @Leo Gura I do see how I could be projecting how Ayahuasca affects me, I will be more careful next time. It's very unfortunate because it's very profound and deep. It has allowed me to experience Infinite Daemonic Love; I've also figured out how ghosts are infinitely looping itself; I've also imagined ghosts in other forms; I've also realized how haunting is love, as well as spiritual possessions. I've also imagined all of paranormal/supernatural activities; i've also created layers of psychic abilities based on these realizations. I also can put my consciousness in more pure states of consciousness. Too bad I cannot be sharing half of this stuff.
  8. think of a middle ages peasant going about their life. they live a brutal existence, but most of them don’t commit suicide. they instead create more humans who live in a slightly less brutal world. fast forward today, humans still deal with overwhelming amounts of suffering but most people don’t kill themselves and for the most part people who try to and fail are glad they failed. and I thought life was the problem. Lmao, fuck no. life is beautiful.
  9. @The Mystical Man If thousands of people lives are changed for the better because of Leo's teachings and 2 people commit suicide, should he take all his videos down?
  10. @Leo Gura The "complete run" applies to everything since your life is the only thing that exists. You view politics as the domain of the relative because you still think dying today is worse than dying 30 years later. It all comes back to the "all paths are the same" theory. Although it's not a theory, it's the absolute truth. I know it's hard to see how every curse turns into a blessing and how every blessing turns into a curse. Dying today is no different than dying 30 years later when it comes to pleasure-pain. It's all the same really. Please try contemplating dying today vs dying when you're 85. What's the difference? Contemplate suicide vs dying of old age. Which is more painful really?
  11. Saying that someone suicided specifically because of spiritual work is a bold claim. When I was suicidal, I wanted to kill myself because of nihilism, but when I got older and integrated some matters more properly, I saw the amount of trauma and other matters that were involved in that ideation, that were condensed behind a "Nothing matters, etc.". The reason for that person's suicide is the reason that took him to start spiritual work. The spiritual work was not responsible for it, this work is challenging but it is healing. It doesn't make you want to die, it gives you the tool for you to finally live. That being said, to anyone reading this, if you're depressed or have PTSD, be aware that psychedelics are extremely dangerous to people with those conditions and should not be taken by them.
  12. @The Mystical Man People have commited suicide after break ups. Should we ban and cancel human relationships from now on?
  13. This is true. Like, ideally you aren’t just watching Leo all day. If all you do is listen to Leo, you are being a moron. If you think Leo is better than you, you are a moron. If you think Leo is God or calling himself God and not you, you are a moron. If you think Leo wants you to commit suicide, you are a moron. Or, at least being a moron in that way. You should be so in love with life that you want to learn from all the great teachers. Should want to honour your life. Don’t just sit around watching for 7 years, not socializing or taking action to improve your life then blame Leo because YOU were lazy. My thing is, I love learning. I read books, watch lectures, study ideas, philosophy, self help, etc…. I love the whole self help field and and becoming a philosopher. Each teacher has their own style. I like Leo, and I like the forum. I don’t think Leo is like, my friend or something. He doesn’t hold hands, and give you a hug. But, I think he loves the God in me. That I know.
  14. The book list is actually the best thing about Actualized. That way you can learn about other teachers, and then you don't really need Gura anymore. That's how I "escaped" Gura. I know that not everyone will have the same experience with Actualized, but one suicide is one suicide too many, and there are already two or three suicides -- that we know of.
  15. Leo’s view on suicide in 10 minutes Leo talking about mastering life
  16. @lostingenosmaze At the 44:50 mark he clearly states that his friend was NOT a fan of Leo Gura. It's disingenuous to attribute his suicide to Spirituality can be extremely dangerous so we have to be careful in our approach to it. What is the effect that you want to have on your students if ultimately you don't care about their well-being? What you are currently doing is talking on a public forum (youtube) to impressionable young people. You have an effect on people and it's best that you are aware of the effect. To make an extreme analogy, I can also go to a kindergarten and yell at the kids that Santa is not real. Is it true? Yes. Is it effective? Yes. But at the end of my ordeal, I leave with lots of crying children. Don't you want to understand compassion? Or compassion is no longer part of your reality? Go to a third-world country where a mother is starving because she gave all the food to her children. Look at her face. Really LOOK at her. Maybe then you will understand.
  17. So what if I don't like it? I need to know MORE, ALL. What's the worse that could happen? Suicide? I've seen how I create the illusion of being a body, I've seen that everything is my Mind, I've felt immortal and my room was my divine heaven. I've seen how I was creating my neighbor, I've felt enormous intelligence "backing me up", and more... I also felt like those experiences were the best in my life, the joy of understanding and discovering is better than anything. And I noticed when the little drop of poison (fear) gets in, the whole juice gets bad. That's ego coming back online. And I wouldn't hurt my body.
  18. I'll listen to your guys' advice. I fucked up my life too much. Only when you lose everything are you free to do anything. What's that anything? I am desperate for advice.
  19. What you guys think? I find that a lot people on self help forums like these are usually nihilistic and depressed so it rings true when sadhguru labels selfhelp in the following video. Of course each individual is different, but patterns do emerge.
  20. Please convince me to die, because as I see it, there is no way to move forwards. My roots are cut, unbelievable. If only I knew in the past what I know now... if only I knew. Some people are disgusting and suffocating. I might be that to you, cause everything is relative. There is no way that I'll commit suicide. Simply no way. No because I'm afraid of the pain and of disappearing, but because I'm angry at many people and don't seea good reason why I should die, while they should have it all when I'm better than them.
  21. I tripped on 10gr of dried mushrooms and also on huge amount of mycelium (yeah you can trip on Psylocibe Cubensis mycelium, it depends on a substrate it was colonizing tho) more then a dozen times, lost count long time ago. I don't think it can cause a suicide and stuff like this if you do it responsibly, slowly unceasing your dosage, writing teach trip down/contemplating afterwards and doing regular meditation in a strong determination sitting kind of way. Each huge increase in dosage gives the whole trip a new qualitative aspect. I think each increase by 3-5 grams makes mushroom trips qualitatively different in many aspects. Personally - I'm looking towards trying 15gr and eventually even 40gr of dried mushrooms.
  22. A mental breakdown, trauma, or suicide. Basically any chem can do that at high enough doses. I generally keep my doses moderate, so that I can retain more of the trip. If you blast a high dose you will have an epic trip but you won't be able to retain or remember any of it. But lately I have been experimenting with higher doses. My experiments are not yet complete.
  23. What's pretty sad though, is when i had a choice to pierce my heart and i did it. Everything was lead automatically to the truth. I was shown how sad the gods reality actually is, it's just like an infinite small vibration producing alot of heat what we call love in the total void. In that place there is only your thought that goes infinitely=creation and blackness all around for infinity. God operates automatically in that state and does actions that are best for him, that's why we are here because you don't want to be there. I was literally shown everything what all the quotes meant, what suicide is, how the reality of self is constructed, who are others, how dreams work and so on. So appreciate your life that you're here and just enjoy life without much thinking
  24. data has shown a rise in minors reporting mental health problems It likely isn’t just being more likely to report it, as the rate of self harm and suicide has also increased The risk factors seem to be being white, female, and liberal Interestingly, conservative girls report less depressive symptoms than liberal males What do you think is causing it, and what are the solutions?
  25. I see that education could have a massive impact on the future of mankind. I have many ideas for courses in mind, but I am not sure how to implement them. I may have to build schools in order to make these ideas real. Here are a few ideas for courses in schools and colleges. emotional mastery and meditation Developmental psychology How to distinguish between real news and fake news. (Already starting and we need more of this.). Other courses focused on the philosophy of logic and epistemology can be included. Religious philosophy. This is interesting and useful for understanding many worldviews, but controversial because some religions want only one religion to be taught, but Satanists argue that all religions should be taught. I agree with the Satanist because it helps people learn critical thinking by comparing different belief systems. This unlikely to happen in today's society because of close mindedness toward Satanism. The history of white washing history. This includes slavery, holocaust denial, and one day it will include January 6th. It studies the way in which historical narratives are cherry picked or completely ignored in order to help people gain political power or to avoid accountability. White washing history can lead to future genocides of the previous genocide is denied or blamed on the same group. How to learn. This would be a game changer for education. One of the goals of these kinds of courses is to address our overly secularized society in which emotional mastery and spirituality are underestimated. This backfires on mankind in many ways including suicide rates which could be reduced through meditation and emotional mastery. Other ideas for reforming education include improving access to online education in rural areas of developed country and introducing this technology to under developed countries. This can be combined with reduced classroom sizes to improve the quality of education. How else should education be changed? What courses should be included? How do we make these ideas reality? Do we have to build our own schools in order to make this possible?