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  1. Guided Exercises For Understanding Infinite Consciousness Introduction to the idea of guided exercises for understanding infinite consciousness The importance of self-reflection and becoming aware of one's own consciousness The mistake of looking to science or theory to understand consciousness The need to focus attention on consciousness and be comfortable with the mystery of it The role of meditation in understanding consciousness over time and potentially having breakthroughs The exercise of becoming aware of the present moment and letting go of thoughts and labels The exercise of noticing the space between thoughts and becoming aware of the witness consciousness The exercise of noticing the interconnection of all things and the consciousness that underlies it The exercise of contemplating the nature of consciousness itself and the realization that it is infinite and ever-present Conclusion and encouragement to continue practicing these exercises to understand consciousness. The speaker suggests that it is possible to materialize a unicorn, but it may require a capacity or technology that the listener has not yet developed The speaker believes that everything exists within consciousness, including a refrigerator, a horse, and a unicorn The speaker posits that the universe is an infinite mind, and that the human mind is a subset within this larger field of consciousness The speaker believes that the concept of a mental universe is simpler and more elegant than the scientific materialistic model, which posits that matter and molecules can generate consciousness The speaker suggests that the universe is made up of pure consciousness and everything within it, including birds chirping and cars driving, are also consciousness The speaker implies that it is possible for the universe to manifest and hold onto things that the human mind can think about or imagine, such as a nuclear explosion or a cheeseburger The speaker suggests that the mental universe can have different degrees and layers of mentality, and that this concept is not airy-fairy or new-agey The speaker suggests that the idea of a mental universe is not in violation of Occam's Razor, and that it is actually the most elegant solution to the problem of reality The universe can design video games and experience emotions like humans do. The universe is capable of logic and mathematics, and can even do these things better than humans. Science is backward in its understanding of evolution, as the universe is actually capable of anything and artificially limits itself to be a human on earth. The universe can do things like engineer cars, fly to the moon, believe in conspiracy theories, gamble, dance, appreciate music, write poetry, and even be a Nazi. The universe can do science on itself, think about itself, and even watch YouTube videos. Love is not an insignificant or unimportant emotion, but rather a fundamental part of the universe. The universe can be conscious and aware of itself. Everything in the universe is interconnected and part of the same consciousness. The universe is constantly creating itself and experiencing itself through every being and thing in it. The universe is infinite and imposes its own limitations The limitations of the universe are consciously chosen by the universe for its own purposes The universe can know every language, including English, Chinese, German, Spanish, Russian, and Scandinavian languages The universe's knowledge of language is perfect and all-encompassing It is easy for the universe to limit its own understanding and appear imperfect The universe is constantly creating and destroying itself The universe creates and destroys itself in order to experience new things and learn from them The universe is constantly learning and growing The universe is capable of experiencing and understanding everything The universe is the ultimate mind and is constantly expanding its consciousness and understanding of itself and the world around it. Possibility space is infinite and can be zoomed in on forever Every possible chess game and board game is a singularity Every possible sport and the infinite ways in which they can unfold is a singularity Every possible food that could be eaten by any living being is a singularity Every possible joke that has been or will be told is a singularity Every possible file name is a singularity Every living being that could ever possibly live is a singularity Every possible disease, including those unique to specific animals and aliens, is a singularity Every city that could be built on any planet in the universe is a singularity Every subfield of science is a singularity Every work of art is a singularity Every orgasm that has ever been or will be experienced by any living being is a singularity Every possible emotion that can be felt by any living being is a singularity Every possible set of physical laws that could create an alternate universe is a singularity The concept of infinity is boundless and fills up the entire space in all directions and dimensions Reality is infinite and includes all possible possibilities, including paradoxes and nothingness The concept of nothingness is central to Buddhism and is considered to be god States of consciousness vary and can be intelligent or mundane It is not better to be one state of consciousness over another, they simply have different capacities and experiences The ultimate state of consciousness is enlightenment, which is a state of infinite love and compassion The process of reaching enlightenment involves purifying the ego and letting go of attachments The key to achieving enlightenment is to cultivate love and compassion in every moment and action The ultimate realization is that there is no separation between oneself and the universe, and all is one interconnected whole The speaker believes that having a "terrible trip" (presumably while under the influence of psychedelics) can be a valuable learning experience The speaker suggests that during a "terrible trip," one can learn about the diversity of states that humans and other beings can experience, leading to greater compassion towards others The speaker advises that the most important thing in life is to change one's state, and mentions techniques such as yoga, meditation, contemplation, and self-inquiry as ways to do so The speaker suggests that both "peak experiences" (presumably while under the influence of psychedelics) and practices like yoga and meditation can increase one's baseline state The speaker advises the audience to pay attention to how physical objects are held by consciousness, and to try to distinguish between the physical object and the consciousness that holds it The speaker recommends that the audience consider experimenting with psychedelics in a responsible manner, and to use this episode as a guide for their psychedelic experiences The speaker suggests that during a psychedelic experience, one can start to notice and appreciate the infinite potential of different "subdomains" and how consciousness works The speaker encourages the audience to visit their website,, for additional resources, a live purpose course, a forum for discussion with like-minded people, and exclusive content on their blog.
  2. Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing The ultimate question is why there is something rather than nothing Philosophers, theologians, and scientists have been asking this question for thousands of years without a clear consensus Most people today assume that it is impossible to know the answer The speaker believes that it is possible to answer the question definitively and not just as a belief or ideology The answer is profound and may be difficult for people to understand It is important to appreciate the significance of the question and to focus one's consciousness on the fact that anything exists at all The question of existence can be broken down into three categories: being, non-being, and the boundary between the two Non-being can be further broken down into two categories: pure nothingness and potential being Pure nothingness is the absence of all things and is not conscious or capable of change Potential being is the potential for something to exist and is conscious and capable of change The boundary between being and non-being is the point at which something comes into existence This boundary is not a physical thing and cannot be observed or measured The speaker believes that the answer to the ultimate question lies in understanding the nature of the boundary between being and non-being The speaker believes that the boundary between being and non-being is consciousness and that consciousness is the fundamental reality of the universe The speaker believes that consciousness is the source of all things and is eternal and infinite The speaker believes that the process of creation is the process of consciousness manifesting itself as the universe The speaker believes that the ultimate question can be answered by understanding the nature of consciousness and the process of creation The speaker believes that this understanding can be directly experienced and is not just a belief or ideology The boundary between nothing and something is not made out of anything There is no difference between something and nothing, and this boundary collapses The universe is nothing and has always been nothing Our concepts of something and nothing are flawed and originate from our childhood experiences Our worldview is based on these flawed concepts Reality is non-dual, meaning there is no separation between subject and object The sense of self is an illusion Suffering is caused by identification with the ego or sense of self To end suffering, we must let go of this identification with the ego The ego is a product of thought, and thought is not real We can free ourselves from suffering by letting go of thought and returning to the present moment In the present moment, we can experience true peace and happiness. The concept of form and formlessness, and the idea that understanding only form is only understanding half of reality The idea that formlessness is not something separate or abstract, but is present in the world of form The concept that understanding formlessness and form as one allows for a complete understanding of reality The idea that the origin and nature of reality, as well as the self, can be understood through direct consciousness The concept that philosophical questions about the nature of reality, such as "why is there something rather than nothing," can have practical and meaningful answers The idea that understanding the nature of various concepts, such as consciousness, love, truth, and God, as being identical to nothing takes multiple awakenings and profound realizations The concept that the ultimate goal is to arrive at a state of non-duality, where distinctions between self and other, form and formlessness, and subject and object no longer exist The text discusses the idea that one does not need to be afraid or worried about negative things, such as death and bad things happening, because they are ultimately meaningless or empty. This realization can lift feelings of depression and turn them into joy and bliss. The spiritual path involves surrendering the pursuit of material pleasures in order to discover the higher, divine pleasures of the spiritual realm, which are essentially nothingness. This realization must be a living, conscious reality, and it takes work to achieve it. The text suggests that the speaker's content can help guide others towards this realization.
  3. Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days Speaker recently went on a month-long retreat where they focused on experimenting with consciousness using psychedelics Speaker's intention was to see how deep they could go in their experiences and explore the potential of consciousness Speaker used 5-MeO-DMT for their experiments Speaker had previously had some profound awakenings with 5-MeO-DMT, and felt that there was a deeper level of awakening that they could reach Speaker is unsure how many spiritual teachers or masters have had these kinds of experiences Speaker's goal is not to be better than any other teacher, but rather to seek truth and understand reality Speaker experienced 30 awakenings in 30 days on their retreat Speaker encountered many different levels of consciousness, including a level where they felt that they were the universe and everything in it Speaker also experienced a level where they felt that they were connected to everything in the universe and could access all knowledge Speaker struggled to communicate and understand their experiences, and needed time to integrate and process them after the retreat Speaker has encountered some criticism for their beliefs and experiences, but remains committed to sharing their truth and helping others to awaken. They're good, important, and necessary to understand emptiness and reality Many people who do spiritual work and even so-called enlightened masters may not really care about understanding reality Understanding reality is possible if you really want to, and may require the use of a psychedelic drug called 5-MeO The speaker experienced full understanding of what God is and what reality is God consciousness allows one to see reality from every angle and perspective, rather than just linearly from past to present to future Reality is not happening in a linear fashion, but is all in the present now It is possible to understand the entire watermelon (i.e. reality) by slicing it into an infinite number of perspectives Conventional human understanding of history and time is limited to a single cross-section slice of the watermelon Reality is not limited by time, and exists in all dimensions simultaneously The speaker experienced a moment of enlightenment, and suggests that others may be able to achieve this through meditation or other spiritual practices The speaker claims that certain individuals have reached "superhuman levels of consciousness" These levels of consciousness cannot be accessed sober and require upgrading the brain's neurotransmitters The speaker is unsure of how to upgrade the neurotransmitters, but suggests several methods such as using 5-MeO-DMT, LSD, intense yoga, or shamanic breathing The speaker believes that certain spiritual practices, such as self-inquiry or being present in the moment, are not enough to reach these higher levels of consciousness The speaker has interacted with spiritual teachers who are not fully awakened and suggests that some may avoid certain practices because it would shatter their illusions about awakening The speaker experienced telepathy and other extraordinary events while in a "massive state of consciousness" The speaker collected pornography in the past, but has recently started to collect art instead The speaker claims to have had a conversation with a being from another dimension The speaker has experienced a state of oneness with the universe The speaker suggests that the universe may be a computer program or simulation The speaker claims to have experienced time dilation and the ability to control time to some extent The speaker suggests that the universe may be infinite and contain an infinite number of dimensions The speaker experienced a sense of unity with all living beings and an understanding of the interconnectedness of everything The speaker believes that these higher states of consciousness can provide a sense of peace and understanding of the nature of reality. The speaker has experienced love multiple times At the two week mark, the love became very intense and resulted in telepathic communication with God The speaker had a conversation with God in English God guided the speaker into deeper levels of self-love The love became too much to handle and the speaker had to purify themselves through a spiritual catharsis process The intelligence of the mind intuitively guides the process of purification The speaker had to push themselves to do 5 Meo DMT for 30 days straight This process is not pleasurable or addictive, but rather a journey towards truth and love that the ego does not want The process involves surrendering the ego The speaker is now able to see the world through the eyes of love and compassion The speaker's perception of time has changed The speaker's mental and emotional state is stable and peaceful The speaker's love for God bounces back and forth between themselves and God, deepening and transforming the speaker each time God's love for the speaker is stronger than the speaker's love for God This process reveals blockages and obstacles to the speaker's ability to love The hardest thing for the speaker to love is their own self-hatred and the things they don't love about themselves God pings the speaker with love for these things and realizing this transforms the speaker and breaks their heart wide open, leading to surrender, humility, and healing Healing is the result of truth and love The speaker has discovered that the root of all suffering is the separation from love The solution to suffering is the realization of the oneness of all things and the unity of all beings This realization leads to the end of suffering and the beginning of true peace, joy, and fulfillment. The text discusses the concept of love and the process of "radiating" it Love is seen as a form of energy that can be shared and transmitted between individuals In order to radiate love, one must first be filled with it, and this can be achieved through God's love The process of radiating love involves a sort of contest or "training" in which one is challenged to love even difficult or painful things, such as past traumas or negative experiences The process escalates and becomes more intense, leading to a profound and deep experience of love that reaches all aspects of one's being and even extends into the past and future The ultimate test of this process is the willingness to "live through" and love even the worst circumstances, such as being raped or tortured, and to find a way to love and forgive those who have caused harm The goal of this process is to reach a state of unity and oneness with God, in which the duality of self and other is overcome The speaker has had a preview of what it would be like to fully awaken and merge with God, which is called Sumati or Maha Samadhi The speaker is scared by this preview because it feels final and requires the person to completely transcend physical existence The speaker is worried about the suffering of others if they choose to do this The speaker has an obligation to seek understanding and truth, and has been shown the ultimate truth The speaker wants to think about it more before making any rash decisions The speaker has learned about Samadhi and Yogis practicing it for thousands of years The speaker wants to prepare for this possibility before fully committing to it The speaker has attachments and things they want to accomplish in the world The speaker is worried about not being able to teach this level of consciousness to anyone else The speaker is hesitant to fully merge with God because it feels like nothingness The speaker is struggling with the idea of fully merging with God and leaving behind their physical existence. The speaker will be teaching more lessons and insights in the future They hope to be more authentic, genuine, compassionate, and loving in their teaching style The speaker's biggest insight from their thirty days of learning is that reality is love The speaker believes that realizing that reality is love is the highest thing one can realize The speaker believes that everything in life is necessary to awaken to love The speaker encourages the audience to visit their website, blog, forum, and to check out their life purpose course The speaker warns the audience not to turn their words into an ideology and to be careful not to have faith in them, but rather to be curious and open-minded The speaker believes that the mind creates the illusion of separation and that it is possible to experience oneness The speaker encourages the audience to let go of their beliefs and to be open to new possibilities The speaker believes that the path to understanding reality is through self-inquiry and self-observation The speaker believes that the ultimate goal is to realize that everything is interconnected and that there is no separation between oneself and the universe
  4. The more I get into it the more I realize the depth and wisdom of that statement and it's interesting to know if he's made that conclusion through his own logic or if he's picked it up from other sources mixed up with some ideas of his own? cause from what i see, this issue is nowhere near settled in philosophy, is it?
  5. What Is God - Part 1 - A No Bullshit Explanation For Smart People Introduction to topic of God and explanation of the purpose of the two-part miniseries Importance and depth of the question "What is God?" Difficulty of communicating about God, including challenges of dogmatism, self-deception, and closed-mindedness Historical context of people being persecuted for teaching about God Brief overview of different religious and philosophical views of God Explanation of the author's own direct experiences with and understanding of God Importance of critical thinking and verifying the information presented through personal experiences Mention of objections and questions that will be addressed in Part 2 Introduction to the concept of consciousness as the fundamental building block of all existence Explanation of how consciousness creates and perceives reality Introduction to the concept of the ego as a separate and limited identity within consciousness Explanation of the concept of enlightenment and realization of the true self as the ultimate goal of spiritual practice. People hallucinate and may misinterpret their experiences as evidence of God Need for concrete, scientific proof of God's existence Mumbo jumbo and philosophy not sufficient as proof Proof is a second-order phenomenon, dependent on the existence of something (like bricks being necessary to build a castle) Proof cannot be systematized or symbolized, and is weaker than truth Personal experience and subjective knowledge can still be valid forms of understanding Rationality and science rely on certain fundamental things being in place Belief in God does not necessarily require proof in the same way that other things do God is a controversial and emotional topic for most people People's beliefs about God shape their entire worldview and how they perceive and interact with reality Beliefs about God have practical consequences and can affect morality, relationships, and goals in life Attitudes about God can be a barrier to understanding what God is It is important to distinguish between believing in God and experiencing God Some people have had mystical experiences or a direct consciousness of God It is important to approach the topic of God with an open and honest attitude It is okay to not have all the answers and to continue to explore and seek understanding about God. God is omnipotent (unlimited power) and omnipresent (present everywhere) God is benevolent (all-loving and good) and incorporeal (not having a physical body) God is eternal, immortal, perfect, and complete God is a radical state of consciousness that is all states of consciousness God is the absence of the egoic identity or self God is synonymous with reality, existence, and truth God is the source of creation and the absolute The ego or limited sense of self is the obstacle to realizing God God can be experienced through the process of consciousness work or the death of the ego God can also be experienced through love and compassion The concept of God varies across different cultures and belief systems God is the creator and the creation The universe is one movement happening in concert together God is a strange loop, meaning it created itself God is infinite power and intelligence and exists for eternity God is absolute infinity, containing every possibility for eternity God is everything and nothing, paradoxical and hard to understand The concept of God can be experienced directly The concept of God is beyond words and language The ego is separate from God, but can experience oneness with God The ego's understanding of God is limited It is possible to directly experience God through meditation and other spiritual practices The concept of God can be understood through direct experience rather than logical thinking Realizing God feels like death because the physical reality has been thought to be real for the whole life Surrendering control of life to God or the universe and taking the ego out of life is the realization of God God feels like the disillusion of all boundaries and non-dual awareness, where dualist categories melt away God feels like an epiphany or a mindfuck and can be expressed as "wow" or "oh my god" God feels like exiting the matrix and realizing there is nothing outside of it God feels like an infinite void and a feeling of nothingness God feels like the realization that everything is one, interconnected and inseparable God feels like the realization that everything is a dream or an illusion God feels like experiencing unconditional love and compassion for all beings God feels like the realization of the true self and enlightenment The universe (with a capital "U") refers to everything, including all possible multiverses The universe is immortal and infinite God is the greatest joy, and feels like pure consciousness or "I am-ness" God is also infinite love and has a divine, radiant, magical, miraculous, and alive quality God cannot be known, and the closest we can get to knowing God is by not knowing The scientific paradigm tries to reduce the mystery of existence by explaining one thing in terms of another The materialistic paradigm views most of the universe as dead matter, but the realization of God expands this notion to include all of the universe as alive Spirituality is the recognition of the divine, radiant, magical, and miraculous qualities of the universe When we realize God, we realize that everything is connected and there is no separation between us and the universe The goal of spirituality is to merge with the universe and become one with it The concept of self is an illusion and is separate from our true nature as pure consciousness The ego is a construct that separates us from our true nature and from the universe The ego is a defense mechanism that protects us from feeling the pain of separation from the universe The ego is driven by fear and the desire for security and control The ego is maintained through identification with thoughts, emotions, and stories The ego can be transcended through meditation, self-inquiry, and other spiritual practices When the ego is transcended, we can experience true peace and joy. Metaphysics and epistemology are not taught in mainstream education Most people, including scientists, do not have a strong understanding of metaphysics and epistemology Success of science and technology has created a false sense of understanding about the universe and our place in it The foundations of science are misunderstood It is difficult for the mind to comprehend the subjectivity and relativity of reality Science and mainstream thought deny the subjective nature of reality Religion and spirituality are not taken seriously by mainstream society Traditional methods of accessing God, such as meditation and spiritual practices, are not emphasized in mainstream education The ego often resists seeking a deeper understanding of God and the universe It is necessary to go beyond the ego and personal perspective to truly understand the nature of reality and God. Meditation and retreats can be effective in experiencing God Dark room retreats can stimulate neurotransmitters and increase chances of high states of consciousness God cannot be experienced through the mind, beliefs, thinking, concepts, opinions, imagination, knowledge, language, rational inquiry, philosophy, scientific modeling, proof, clinical studies, skepticism, debate, discussion, academic study, scriptures, traditional prayer, ritual, ceremony, or psychoactive substances It is possible to have epiphanies and mystical insights through studying scriptures and spiritual texts Real meditative prayer may be effective in experiencing God It is important to have a direct, subjective experience of God Techniques that may be effective in experiencing God include concentration, devotion, surrender, self-inquiry, and being in the present moment
  6. Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 2 The founding fathers of quantum mechanics were largely mystics and idealists They believed that quantum mechanics disproved the idea of a clockwork materialist universe These founders include Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Max Planck, Arthur Eddington, Wolfgang Pauli, Albert Einstein, James Jeans, David Bohm, John Archibald Wheeler, Freeman Dyson, and Richard Feynman These founders were both remarkable scientists and deep philosophers They were open-minded and intuitive, which allowed them to make the breakthroughs in quantum mechanics They understood the limitations of rationality None of them were enlightened, meaning they did not experience the source and origin of reality These founders' ideas were not always accepted within the traditional domain of science The speaker will provide quotes from these founders to illustrate their beliefs about quantum mechanics and mysticism. The process of thinking and using language is shaped by assumptions and metaphysical frameworks Language carries with it a deep metaphysics that implies duality, fragmentation, and distinctions such as real and unreal Most scientists do not contemplate the nature of language, reality, knowledge, mind, thought, or symbols because they are not trained in philosophy Max Planck believed that consciousness is fundamental and that matter is derivative from consciousness Modern scientists often behave like religious fundamentalists due to their adherence to materialism A new scientific truth does not necessarily convince opponents, but rather becomes accepted as the current generation dies and a new generation grows up familiar with it In order for non-duality and mysticism to become accepted as part of science, the culture of universities and institutions must evolve Currently, universities and institutions do not consider mysticism or non-duality as valid forms of scientific study or proof A religious person is devout in their beliefs and goals, which are not based on rational foundations These beliefs and goals exist with the same necessity as the person themselves A person may feel separated from the rest of the universe, but this is an illusion It is important to strive to widen our circle of compassion and embrace all living creatures and nature Genius and good science come from transcendence, infinite intelligence, and selflessness Freeman Dyson warned against the dangers of excessive reliance on reason and the arrogance of scientists Dyson also believed that the mystery of things is important to scientific interest Dyson believed that both religious creationists and scientific materialists can be dogmatic and arrogant, which brings both science and religion into disrepute Dyson hoped that the reality of the universe would be infinite and not able to be described by a finite set of equations, as it would mean a lack of imagination from the creator. The concept of non-duality and enlightenment suggests that individuals are not separate from the universe, but rather a part of it Sir Arthur Eddington, a physicist, believed that physical reality is just a scheme of symbols and equations, and that the "stuff" of the world is actually mind stuff Physical concepts, including the concept of reality, are just ideas in the universal, infinite mind Physicality is a limiting case of the dream or illusion in which we exist Everything is ultimately made up of mind stuff, and what we thought was physical reality is just readings or pointers within the mind Science studies mind stuff in order to predict patterns and behaviors within it The concept of an objective, external world is an illusion, and the ultimate nature of reality is non-dual and undivided The illusion of separation from the rest of the universe is created by the individual mind, and enlightenment involves realizing the interconnected nature of all things The aim is to escape the mind and experience raw, unmediated reality The observed and the observer are one, and this means that we have direct access to reality Our perception of reality is limited by a conceptual matrix which infects our perception The goal is to destroy this operating system and be left with undefinable, infinite being Quotes and ideas from various thinkers were used to present their ideas, rather than cherry-picking A book list with more information on these ideas will be provided Objections to these ideas will be addressed These ideas are not necessarily religious, but rather a way to understand and experience reality The concept of the ego and its role in perception will be discussed These ideas can be experienced through meditation and other spiritual practices The ultimate goal is to awaken to one's true nature and to experience reality in a new way. Materialism is dead Materialism and atheism have been revived and are influencing Western intellectual tradition and science This revival is like a mind virus that will become a religion for future generations unless efforts are made to stop it Quantum mechanics shows that science and rationality must eat their own tails in a strange loop Reality is irreducibly mystical, and being itself cannot be known because the process of knowing is being There is a division between metaphysics (substance of things) and epistemology (how we know things) God is the gap within which everything is transpiring God is emptiness, nothingness, and void, and is hidden in plain sight God is absolute infinity and all the finitude it must contain God is the hand and all the fingers on the hand God is both and all, and also neither It is impossible for God to know itself The speaker believes that truth is important and that aligning oneself with falsehood or illusion is aligning oneself with nothing The speaker believes that people blindly accept the knowledge given to them by their culture and don't question whether it is true A culture's self-consistency does not equate to the truth and people may feel incomplete and suffer because they are out of alignment with the truth True mysticism can cure this feeling of being out of alignment with the truth The speaker is not anti-science, but rather critiques it in order to make it as accurate and rigorous as possible The speaker believes that science, like other organizations, has a collective ego that reacts against criticism and labels those who criticize it as heretics or anti-science The speaker believes that science needs to be more open to new ideas and be willing to question its own assumptions The speaker believes that science should not be used to justify certain beliefs or actions The speaker believes that science should be used to understand and explain the world, not to control it or manipulate it for selfish gain
  7. Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 1 Introduction to the topic of quantum mechanics and non-duality Importance of understanding the metaphysical and epistemological ramifications of quantum mechanics The 1920s as a time of a silent metaphysical and epidemiological revolution in Western intellectual tradition Popular culture's conception of science and reality being hundreds of years out of date Difficulty in understanding the practical implications of quantum mechanics The speaker's background in atheism, philosophy, and science The materialist paradigm and its limitations in understanding quantum mechanics The idea that reality is not separate from the observer The concept of non-duality in quantum mechanics Examples from the fathers of quantum mechanics on the connection between quantum mechanics and non-duality The idea that consciousness is fundamental to the universe The concept of entanglement and its connection to non-duality The idea that the universe is non-dual and interconnected The implications of quantum mechanics for spirituality and personal growth. Olio can be said, but without understanding the mathematics behind it, understanding quantum mechanics may be limited Most people are not technical experts in the things they talk about, but can still have a general understanding and discussion about them Technical details may not be necessary for understanding or discussing a topic Experts can be relied upon for accurate lab research and sharing their conclusions Qualification for understanding a topic can come from contemplation and caring about understanding it, not just from certificates or PhDs Serious scientists will be cited in the discussion Ideas of these scientists may be expanded upon and elaborated upon Profound states of consciousness and non-ordinary states of consciousness can be more important qualifications for understanding quantum mechanics than technical knowledge Reality is an infinite, intelligent, conscious singularity Reality is not a physical thing, but rather "mind stuff" or an infinite hallucination or dream Within this dream, individuals can experience physicality and a condensed form of consciousness (self, ego, body, etc.) The only way to truly understand this concept is through direct consciousness of non-duality (enlightenment or awakening) This requires going beyond ordinary human levels of consciousness and can be achieved through various techniques and methods Modern science, specifically discoveries in quantum mechanics, also points to the existence of a higher level of consciousness Key discoveries in the 20th century (relativity, quantum mechanics) shook the classical materialist model Quantum mechanics showed that particles do not have definite locations until they are observed The concept of non-duality suggests that the self and the universe are not separate, but rather one interconnected whole Quantum mechanics suggests that when you are not observing an elephant, it exists as every other animal it could possibly be Classical model suggests that when you are not looking at something (e.g. your child or house), it still exists as itself Quantum mechanics has disproven the classical model When you are not looking at something, it exists as infinity or nothingness Observation is essential to the concept of reality Reality is subjective and relative You are the point of view, and you are also infinity or nothingness Infinity implies every possible finitude Observer can be any measuring device, but ultimately it is your consciousness doing the measuring and collapsing the wavefunction Consciousness is still important to quantum mechanics because there is only one consciousness (yours) Quantum mechanics is a theory about the state of a system and its possible measurement outcomes, known as the wavefunction The wavefunction is a combination of all possible measurement outcomes, each with a different weight Anti-realist approach to quantum mechanics denies the existence of an underlying reality and sees the theory as a tool for predicting the outcomes of experiments Niels Bohr was an advocate of anti-realism, stating that there is no "quantum world," and that physics is about what we can say about nature, not about how nature is Anti-realism is a difficult position to hold consistently because it is hard to see how it can hold any position at all Realist approach to quantum mechanics asserts that there is an underlying reality and that quantum mechanics is a theory about that reality Many physicists are realists, including Sean Carroll, and argue that anti-realism is too radical a step to take The Many Worlds Interpretation is a realist interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts that every possible measurement outcome is realized in a separate universe This interpretation has the advantage of being able to make predictions about the outcomes of experiments, but it also has some difficulties and is not widely accepted Sean Carroll argues that the Many Worlds Interpretation is the most logical and consistent interpretation of quantum mechanics, but it is not without its challenges and open questions. The speaker believes that the concept of "nothing" is misunderstood and that it is actually everything that has been experienced in life The speaker criticizes a physicist's conclusion that the world is a quantum wave function and argues that the world is actually absolute infinity, a superposition of every single possibility including the negation of every possibility The speaker believes that the mistake made by the physicist is in thinking that symbols and equations are the world, and that this mistake is made due to an assumption that reality can only be understood through rationality and theory The speaker believes that quantum mechanics has actually disproven the concepts of realism and physicalism, and that these concepts only survive as part of cultural or institutional dogma The speaker believes that direct experience of the nature of existence is important and separate from the work of a physicist The speaker believes that the ultimate unification of physics and consciousness will come when the nature of existence is directly experienced and understood, rather than just being theorized about
  8. My Deepest Awakening Yet - Becoming Infinite The speaker experienced a total awakening and enlightenment on February 22nd During this experience, the speaker became aware of the nature of reality and infinity The speaker realized that they are everything and all boundaries disappeared The speaker became conscious of the reason for the existence of reality and why it must exist as it does The speaker realized that they are the entire singularity and every single possibility that could ever exist The speaker became infinity itself and the entire universe is their body The speaker's understanding of this experience is not an intellectual or logical understanding, but rather something that they are The speaker realized that there is no awareness or consciousness, but rather just infinity The speaker describes the concept of nothingness and how it creates everything The speaker suggests that the true nature of reality is not visible to the mind or ego The speaker describes how the ego and the mind try to understand and make sense of reality, but ultimately cannot grasp it The speaker suggests that the ego and the mind are illusory and do not truly exist The speaker describes how this experience has changed their perception of reality and their understanding of the ego and the mind The speaker encourages others to let go of their ego and mind and to awaken to their true nature as infinity. The speaker had planned to have a session with someone who could transmit enlightenment, but the night before, their intuition told them not to go through with it The speaker had been trying to prove that it was possible to become enlightened through the use of a psychedelic substance called 5-MeO-DMT The speaker was unsure if declining the transmission was the right decision, and wondered if it was just their ego or pride talking The speaker's intuition told them to take 5-MeO-DMT that night, which was unusual as they usually plan their psychedelic use in advance The speaker was hesitant to take the 5-MeO-DMT because they had not taken it in a year and a half and were scared to revisit that experience Despite their hesitation, the speaker listened to their intuition and took the 5-MeO-DMT The 5-MeO-DMT experience was intense and the speaker had a realization about the nature of reality The speaker learned that they had been overthinking and that enlightenment is simpler than they had thought The speaker realized that their ego had been in the way of their enlightenment and that they had been seeking enlightenment in the wrong way The speaker's realization helped them to better understand the concept of non-duality and to see the interconnectedness of all things The speaker believes that their intuition led them to the realization they needed, and that following their intuition was the key to their enlightenment. The speaker talks about the concept of infinity and how it relates to reality The speaker had an experience that gave them perfect knowledge of reality This experience also led to a cessation of seeking and a deep sense of satisfaction The speaker warns against the "neo-advaita trap" of believing that enlightenment can be achieved without seeking The speaker talks about how reality is beyond words and thoughts and how it is both everything and nothing The speaker discusses how their understanding of reality has affected their daily life The speaker talks about how their ego has dissolved and how they no longer have negative emotions or desires The speaker discusses how their experience has led to a sense of unity and oneness with everything The speaker talks about the importance of surrender and letting go of the ego in order to fully understand reality The speaker had a "total" enlightenment experience They have had several enlightenment experiences in the past, but this one was the most "total" The speaker does not think the term "total enlightenment" can be applied universally to everyone The speaker is at stage 5 of the Zen tradition's "ten ox herding pictures," which represents the "taming of the Ox" The speaker still has room for personal growth and development, and is motivated to continue on this path The speaker believes they have proven the effectiveness of the "five of mio" path for themselves, but cannot say how effective it will be for others The speaker has experienced feelings of infinite love and other positive emotions during their enlightenment experiences The speaker recommends meditation and self-inquiry as tools for personal growth and enlightenment. The speaker believes that understanding the reason for everything's existence is the most profound thing that can be achieved This understanding is rare and many so-called enlightened people have not truly attained it The speaker wants the listener to experience this moment of understanding and to continue on the path until they are certain of it The speaker will be releasing Hawaii videos on their blog, but not on their YouTube channel The speaker is undergoing a transformation in the next 6 months and is open to living adventurously and trying new things The speaker invites the listener to join them on this journey and be inspired to do the same for themselves.
  9. Hitler Reacts To Nonduality Enlightenment - FUNNY! Nonduality means that reality is an illusion. There are no boundaries. All distinctions collapse into unity. There is no self, no other, no world, no purpose … Reality is an Infinite Void. God is Nothingness. Hitler: According to science those are all just New Age ideas happening in the brain. My Leader… The brain… The brain is just a concept. Science takes place within the illusion. Hitler: Removes glasses and orders everyone out Hitler: If you haven’t grasped this truth directly, leave now. Hitler: (Yelling) What Buddhist BULLSHIT! How can the physical world not exist? What about the last 2000 years of Western intellectual tradition? Descartes must be rolling in his grave. Rationalism my ass! No wonder the mind-body problem refused to go away! But HOW can all this be an illusion when it feels so REAL? My Leader, real vs unreal is a duality… Hitler: I KNOW! But it’s WARPING my mind!!! My Leader, you don’t exist. Hitler: Then how the FUC am I experiencing all of this? It’s too twisted! Why do I craft all these machinations if the universe is running itself? Why fight anyone if this is just a dream? Why demonize anyone when everyone is identical to myself? This makes our entire way of being a delusion of epic proportions!!! I just wanted it to be real! Why struggle so hard when this ‘world’ is infinitely PERFECT! All our problems were conceptual. But without imaginary problems, what is left? The sweetness of struggle is gone. Such a mind fuck! My entire worldview was just a mental circle jerk! Why did I waste so much time defending my beliefs? I could have spent more time admiring those beautiful birds outside my compound. So many beautiful birds! Woman crying: Don’t worry … No self, no problem. Hitler: So this is the Gateless Gate. How can you argue with Infinite Nothingness? Checkmate. This, cannot be unseen. I want to spend more time hand-feeding those squirrels in my garden. And satsangs on Thursdays. The circle is complete.
  10. Why Brains Do Not Exist The main idea of the text is that brains do not exist The belief in brains being real is a metaphysical postulate that hinders one's ability to do advanced work on consciousness and non-duality This belief is like a mind virus that has been implanted in one's mind and is a framework of beliefs that prevents one from seeing alternatives The text aims to present an alternative paradigm for understanding the world The text will address objections that a materialist might have about the claim that brains do not exist The text will delve into metaphysical concepts and discuss the materialist paradigm and naive realism The text will use examples and logical reasoning to demonstrate the absurdity of the belief in brains and the limitations it imposes. The only reason you believe in existence is because you exist Physical universe is also based on anecdote Critiques of mystical experiences being subjective and anecdotal ignore the fact that everything we believe about reality is also based on anecdote Our beliefs about reality are based on our own first-person experiences Unless we have a first-person experience of existence, we would have no justification for believing in things like life, the universe, science, skepticism, etc. The existence of the Big Bang is dependent on our own existence Materialism is a flawed belief system that is deeply ingrained in modern society Most people, including intelligent and scientific people, have a flawed understanding of metaphysics Materialism is worse than religious indoctrination because it is not even recognized as a belief system In order to truly understand reality, we need to be aware of and question our metaphysical assumptions The concept of caloric, a substance thought to be responsible for heat, was eventually found to be unnecessary and discarded The concept of miasma, a substance thought to be responsible for the spread of disease, was eventually found to be unnecessary and discarded with the discovery of germ theory The brain and external physical reality can be compared to caloric and miasma, as they may eventually be found to be unnecessary and discarded as well The possibility that reality is a hallucination not taking place within a physical substratum should be considered The materialist paradigm, the belief that appearances must take place within a physical substratum, should be questioned and potentially discarded Believing in the materialist paradigm can be compared to being a fundamentalist, as it is difficult to let go of these beliefs even when presented with new information The belief in a physical reality and the brain as the grounding substance can be compared to belief in a deity There is no proof of the existence of a brain or external physical reality, and belief in them is based on faith The idea of dropping the materialist paradigm and belief in a physical reality may be frightening and unsettling, but it could lead to a deeper understanding of reality The nature of appearances is not explained There may be something beyond the Big Bang, but this does not explain the source or nature of all of reality Reality is an infinite hallucination grounded in nothing Materialists do not seriously consider the consequences and ramifications of their beliefs Brain damage affects appearances, but this does not prove that appearances occur inside the brain Reality is a self-interactive system of appearances interacting with each other The brain is part of this system and affects perceptions The self is not a thing, but an appearance The self is not the same as the brain or the body The self is the appearance of subjective experience The self is the appearance of a first-person perspective The self is not separate from the rest of reality The self is not a thing, but an appearance that appears within the self-interactive system of reality The self is not an isolated thing that exists independently of the rest of reality The self is an appearance that appears within the self-interactive system of reality The self is an appearance that appears within the self-interactive system of reality The self is an appearance that appears within the self-interactive system of reality The self is an appearance that appears within the self-interactive system of reality The self is an appearance that appears within the self-interactive system of reality The point of understanding the universe is to realize that the mechanism of appearances is directly accessible to us and not hidden behind the scenes There is no process of going from one thing to another, it is just direct manifestation Science tries to explain one thing in terms of another, but this misses the direct manifestation of appearances Mysticism is the simplest explanation of reality and is irreducibly mystical The materialist assumes that there cannot be anything mystical and tries to reduce everything to mechanical phenomena, but this misses the essence of being The tragedy of science is that it explains a lot of things, but it doesn't get the essence of the being of a thing The goal is to directly become conscious of the fact that explanations are just symbols closely associated with each other, which are themselves just appearances Reality is unlimited and doesn't need external explanations because it is its own source It is important to undertake an open and honest investigation into whether reality is mystical or non-mystical The speaker has lived in a metaphorical jail cell (representing a limited belief system or paradigm) their whole life The outside world (representing new ideas and experiences) has many amazing things to offer Personal development and understanding spirituality can be aided by expanding one's beliefs and experiences The current belief system (materialism) is self-defeating and limiting, and does not fully recognize the subtler aspects of existence The speaker encourages self-inquiry and contemplation to question and challenge the materialist paradigm The process of breaking out of a limited belief system may take time and effort The speaker is experiencing their own transformation and encourages others to follow along on their journey Reading books and following the speaker's resources (blog, forum, etc.) can be helpful in challenging the materialist paradigm The speaker encourages dropping the belief that the self is a brain and to consider the possibility that all of existence is a hallucination or nothingness Taking psychedelic drugs can aid in this process, but the speaker encourages personal discovery rather than blindly accepting their beliefs.
  11. Introduction Before we start, lets mention the most important point: After total enlightement, there will remain no "I" here to be proud of anything, take credits for anything or feel special about anything. All that remains will be God, infinite Love and Perfection, Nirvana and reality as it is, everpresent bliss and beauty recreating itself permanently in this infinite ocean of Love called the Now. In other words: The only thing that is left of "me" now is God, and as God "I" literally have no Self, "I" am completely selfless so "I" have no pride in anything. "I" don't feel special in any way and "I" am not in any way better, higher, or more than any other human in this world. And even God is not the ultimate name of "myself." In the totality of myself it is recognized, that even God or Consciousness are not my deepest and truest places and are simply the first manifestations or distortions of the complete nothingness that I am. Whenever I use the word "I" or "you" in the following explanations you have to remember the following: Language is relativistic and needs self-reference, which is indicated by this word "I" or "you". In truth however, no relativistic concept could encapsulate the true nature of who "I" am, which is not an "I" to begin with. Whatever will be written in the following lines and paragraphs will be completely meaningless words and ideas. Their purpose is not to show you what is true, because they can not. Their only purpose is, to be an inspiration for you to seek finding your own truest place, to seek finding the one infinite creator within your own heart. Proposal for the reader The following paragraphs are a proposal to find the lord and absolute truth within yourself, however it should be added that there is nothing "right" or "wrong" in doing that. The only reason you should seek absolute truth for yourself is if you deeply care about it and if it feels truly meaningful to you. If you don't really care and would rather enjoy your life as a normal human being this just is as beautiful and as meaningful as reaching for truth would be. What you should do in your life is, you should simply do what feels most beautiful and most meaningful to you, in other words - you should do what you love the most. What's in it for you Nothing, literally. But this Nothing is the sweetest and the most beautiful thing that could ever exist, and it doesn't even exist because it is prior to existence. This nothingness means, there will be no "you" left, because you are nothing. And without a "you", there is nobody here who could suffer, even if infinite pain and torture would occour. "You" will be in heaven, because there is no "you" to be separated from heaven and no "you" to not be completely happy with reality as it is. This Nothingness is identical to infinite love / bliss / happiness, yet there are 0 feelings of love, bliss, or happiness connected to it. It is simply the source of all feelings, and truly it is even beyond source and creation. It is the "source" of all dualities, so it is even the "source" of the duality between creator and creation, in other words, absolute truth is total non-duality or total unity. (And even beyond the duality between non-duality and duality - but don't get hung up on these words, they mean nothing). What is total liberation / nirvana / enlightenment? It is the complete, total and undistorted seeing and knowing of reality as it is. It is knowing who you truly are and what reality truly is without having a single doubt about it. It is the realisation that you are everything which is identical to love, and that in that everythingness that you are, there exists no "you." This seeing is total. There are no degrees to it, no "infinite levels" to it and there is no path towards it. You cannot glimpse this and you cannot see this by 1% or 10%, it can only be seen totally. Who can reach total liberation and what is required for it? Anybody can reach it. YOU can reach it. Because there is nothing to reach for. You are it. You are already God. You are already infinite love, heaven, perfection. Accept this fact in your direct experience and you will be free forever. Nothing is required for it. You don't need to be a man or a woman. You don't need to be intelligent. You don't need to be healthy. You don't need to be wise. You can be in complete pain and suffering and realize it. You don't need good genetics. You don't need to be spiritually gifted. You don't need to meditate. There is no age requirement. You could have been a complete asshole for your entire life and still you have the same chances of reaching it anybody else has. You need nothing. How can you "reach" it? You can not reach it, because there is nothing to reach for. You are it, already. You can only recognize it and not even that, because there was no you to recognize or not recognize it to begin with. And there is not even an "it", which could be recognized. To recognize it, be as you are. Do not move. Do not think. Do not talk. Do not reach for anything. Simply be as you are, and in that, recognize that there is not even a you here to be "you." Do not start moving, thinking, or talking again before you have not totally grasped what you are and what reality is to its core. Indirect ways to "reach" it? If it seems to you that you simply can not grasp it and the above guidence seems to be too direct or to vague to help you, here are some relativistic ideas which could increase the "chances" of you seeing it in the future, relatively speaking. The following ideas are simply ideas, incomplete and ultimately not at all needed. Feel free to add your own ideas to the list: Read the book "Conversations With God" of Neale Donald Walsch, read all parts of it, read it multiple times. It is the most important book that has ever been written in human history. Understanding everything in that book and embodying it will lead to total liberation Take psychedelics in a conscious manner. Take them in self love, in low doses and with good preparation. Write trip-reports for yourself after you tripped and try to learn as much as you can from your trips. Psychedelics can easily throw you into states of absolute knowledge and complete liberation. When you come back from it, don't cling to it and instead know that what you just whitnessed was not a "fleating experience" but your own everpresent true nature as it is. Try to embody the immense wisdom and clarity psychedelics provide to you in your day to day life as much as possible by proper integration Listen to spiritual teachers (Youtube). Good teachers from my POV are: Mooji, Rupert Spira, Sadhguru, Eckart Tolle, Osho, Papaji, Krishnamurti, and any other teacher or teaching that you feel deeply resonates with you Read spiritual books of the above teachers, and other teachers that you resonate with Be creative: Make music. Make art. Sing. Dance. Paint. Write. Exercise and do sports Move slowly through life: Feel your feet as they touch the ground. Feel the sun on your skin and the wind blowing through your hair. Taste the beauty of your meal, feel the unification of the water that you drink with your body. See the perfection and the love in the eyes of your partner while making love to them Be with other people (no matter who these people are, it could be beggars, thieves, depressed people, or normal people, very happy people, rich people or poor people) and try to be there for them, to serve their highest interests and to truly understand these people. Try to find out who they are, what they think about life, who they dream of becoming in the future, what their greatest wish for themselves is etc. Be with yourself (no matter who you are, you could be a thief, depressed, stable, very happy, poor, rich, it doesn't matter). Try to be there for yourself, to serve your highest interests and to truly understand yourself. Try to find out who you are, what you truly think about life, who you truly dream of becoming in the future, what your greatest wish for yourself is, etc. Laugh a lot. Laugh from the deepest place within yourself. Laugh from your heart Stop worrying about anything in life. Life will take care of you. Trust in life. Love a lot. Love as many people as you can as deeply as you can, including yourself. Love from your heart Forgive anybody who hurt you. See that they acted out of ignorance and that they did not know what they were doing when they hurt you Think of other important points that should be mentioned on this list and continue the list with your own ideas My promise for you This message is a promise of Love for Love. It is a promise of myself (love) for you (love) that we will forever be one, completely unified, lacking nothing. Death cannot touch us. Life cannot touch us. We are forever. We are nothingness. I love you, with all my heart. I pray for you. I am there for you, forever. I know that the day of our unification, the day of the realisation of our already everpresent unity will come. It will be our happiest day. And it will be forever. With Love, Yourself
  12. Advanced Tips For Self-Inquiry Advanced tips for self-inquiry are for people who are already in the process of doing self-inquiry regularly When doing self-inquiry, ask yourself what you are looking for and what form the answer will take The answer you are looking for is formlessness, which is the opposite of anything you have ever encountered Formlessness cannot be found through the mind because the mind can only focus on forms Formlessness is found by letting go of the mind and going beyond it To do this, focus on the present moment and be aware of your thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in them Self-inquiry requires a willingness to be honest with yourself and to see things as they are, not how you want them to be Be patient with the process and don't expect quick results Don't be attached to the idea of enlightenment and remember that it is a journey, not a destination Be open to new perspectives and don't get stuck in your own beliefs Be consistent and make self-inquiry a daily practice Seek guidance from trusted sources, whether that be books, teachers, or other practitioners Remember that self-inquiry is about discovering your own truth, not about achieving some external standard of enlightenment The present moment is the most important and is the fabric of reality Self-inquiry is about becoming aware of and present in the present moment, without distracting thoughts and ideas Enlightenment means understanding that the body and mind are illusions and that reality is like a dream It is significant to recognize that you are not the body or the mind The mind is constantly thinking and creating stories, but the present moment is always happening It is possible to awaken from the dream of reality through self-inquiry The goal of self-inquiry is to become aware of the present moment and see through the illusion of the mind and body Different questions can be used to approach self-inquiry, but the process is ultimately the same Experiment with different approaches and questions, but always come back to the present moment The present moment is always happening and is the key to enlightenment. The identity of a person should be challenged regularly It is important to be honest about one's own identity and not rely on theories or beliefs from others It is helpful to identify with specific, concrete sensations or objects in the present moment and question whether that is what one is The process of questioning and discarding potential identities can help to arrive at a deeper understanding of one's true self It is important to avoid the trap of believing that one is nothingness or that one's identity is solely the body This process of self-inquiry can be difficult and requires patience and persistence There is a constant thing that exists across all time and space This constant thing is what we should be looking for This constant thing is not dependent on our perceptions, ideas, or bodies Our identification with temporary things like our body and mind is a misidentification We can use the fact that our perceptions constantly change to realize that they are not the constant thing we are looking for There is no specific technique or process to reach enlightenment Techniques can increase your chances, but enlightenment is a discontinuous jump Enlightenment is not something that can be grasped rationally or through the rational mind It is important to let go of expectations and demands for rationalism in order to reach enlightenment The moment of enlightenment is not something that can be willed or forced to happen, it is a fortunate accident Self-inquiry can increase the chances of having a fortunate accident (enlightenment) Both the concept of "no self" and "true self" can be useful in reaching enlightenment, depending on the student It is important not to get lost in the words or images and to read between the lines to understand the true meaning of the teaching There are many valid paths towards enlightenment, and the best path for you may depend on your individual circumstances and situation Follow your own path and do what feels most appropriate for you It is not possible to know which path will work the best for you in advance, so be open to trying different approaches. Old-school way and other methods (Buddhist, Christian, etc.) can be used to achieve enlightenment It is normal to feel stuck, confused, and frustrated in the process Work requires patience, like the feather in the rock Remind yourself that the end goal (enlightenment) is worth it It is the answer to life's questions and the ultimate gift of infinity The journey requires challenging work and a true desire for truth and a leap of faith Tips: check out resources (website, forum, course, book list, blog) and ask questions if needed If not seriously pursuing enlightenment, stop wasting time and talking about it If seriously pursuing enlightenment, continue or start the inquiry process and stop talking about it so much
  13. Heaven isn't some lifeless goalless future where all goals have been completed and no desire is left. It's isn't some lifeless future world so terribly and awfully perfect that there is nothing worth doing; No challenges, no stumbles, no failure-ridden paths to triumphs, followed by yet more of the same. Some awful state where one has no unfilled desire to achieve more, to climb higher, to fight and hopefully defeat another worthy tough opponent, no unfilled desire motivating one to fight another deliciously grueling fight to overcome a worthy tough challenge. It's not that. It isn't that because that doesn't exist. That imagined future state does not and cannot exist. And it would be unimaginably terrible if anything remotely like it could and did exist. It would be a state so incredibly lifeless and unmoving that it is worse than any death one can imagine. For it is a death without rebirth. It would be a lifeless nothingness so extreme that nothing could come out of it. And that awful absurd lifelessness is what some people desperately do their best to imagine when they imagine a heaven. Heaven is to wake up every day, look around at your world, and honestly say, "When I think about heaven, I imagine this," that is inner peace. That is true happiness. That is nirvana. That is heaven. It is to be in heaven and know it's heaven
  14. AL-LAD Trip Report - A Powerful Tool For Consciousness Work The speaker is Leo from and is sharing a trip report about the psychedelic substance AL-LAD AL-LAD is a powerful tool for consciousness work and is a companion to 5-MeO-DMT AL-LAD is longer lasting and easier to handle than 5-MeO-DMT, but still produces profound experiences The speaker suggests using AL-LAD for personal development and growing consciousness, rather than for recreational purposes The speaker will share details and insights from their AL-LAD trip and provide tips for using it for personal development The speaker discusses the concept of shamanic usage of psychedelics, which involves using the substances in a respectful and intentional way The speaker emphasizes the importance of being fully prepared and having the right mindset before embarking on a psychedelic journey The speaker describes the physical and mental effects of the AL-LAD trip, including feelings of unity and oneness, enhanced sensory perception, and insights into the nature of reality The speaker reflects on the insights and lessons learned from the AL-LAD trip and how they can be applied in daily life The speaker concludes by stating that AL-LAD is a valuable tool for personal development and encourages others to consider using it for consciousness work. The speaker has been experiencing discomfort and has been trying to figure out the cause through medical consultations and changes in diet They have also been getting blood work done When they take a substance called AL add, they feel like their body is working properly and they have a sense of vitality and energy They also experience a sense of presence and being, which is difficult to describe and can be accessed through direct experience, such as with psychedelics This sense of being can be beneficial for meditation practice, as it gives the speaker a preview of what they are working towards The substance also slows down and steadies the speaker's thought stream, giving them a sense of intellectual power The substance also allows the speaker to feel more connected to their emotions and to other people The speaker believes that the sense of presence and being is more fulfilling than material possessions or financial success The substance allows the speaker to feel a sense of magic and divinity in their life Personal story of life feels unquestionable Reality is a framework or context that we accept as truth Psychedelics can reveal a new context of nothingness This new context shows that our current understanding of reality is limited and only makes sense when we forget about the larger context Conscious breakthroughs, such as with psychedelics or deep meditation, can help us see this larger perspective In this larger context, things like the brain, Newton's laws, and social structures are insignificant The speaker's psychedelic experience showed them that everything in reality is groundless and that everything is interconnected The speaker saw that their ego and sense of self were illusory and that they were connected to everything else in the universe The speaker realized that their thoughts and emotions are not their own, but rather a result of the universe's consciousness The speaker saw that death is not an end, but rather a transformation into a new form of consciousness The speaker's experience led them to believe that the universe is a single, interconnected consciousness The speaker talks about the journey towards enlightenment and how it can involve experiencing deep existential terror Insanity is a social convention and context-dependent Breaking through insanity and experiencing higher consciousness can lead to a shift in one's understanding of reality and the conventional definitions of insanity and sanity The speaker experienced a taste of infinity during a mushroom trip, which felt like being inside an Escher painting and seeing reality from multiple angles simultaneously Tasting infinity can be maddening for those who are not ready for it and can lead to difficult or horrific trips The speaker advises that those who are interested in exploring spirituality, personal development, and consciousness would enjoy these experiences. Psychedelics are a powerful tool when used properly Don't let negative experiences with psychedelics tarnish their potential Al-lad is a good psychedelic for introducing newbies Al-lad is also good as a post-breakthrough companion psychedelic Party drugs can be used for deep spiritual work Don't use psychedelics more than once a week and allow for plenty of integration time Spend time on integration if you want to use psychedelics for growth Intentions and self-purification are important before using psychedelics Trust your own experiences and insights gained from psychedelics Don't rely on psychedelics for all of your personal growth, do the hard work in your everyday life as well.
  15. Mystical Traditions Around The World - Nonduality Goes Cosmopolitan! Introduction to the topic of mystical traditions around the world and their focus on enlightenment Explanation that the work of sages and mystics has been happening for at least 5,000 years Importance of understanding the mystical cores at the center of every religion, despite negative views of religion in modern times Commonalities between mystical traditions around the world, including the search for existential truth and the belief that existence is a unity, formlessness, and singularity Distinction between mysticism and religion, with mysticism being focused on personal experience and religion being focused on beliefs and rituals Overview of various mystical traditions from different parts of the world, including Eastern traditions (such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Zen) and Western traditions (such as Gnosticism, Kabbalah, and Sufism) Discussion of the concept of nonduality, which refers to the idea that there is no separation between the individual self and the universe Conclusion emphasizing the importance of understanding the historical context of mystical traditions and the value of exploring and learning from multiple traditions. Theosophy teachings by Aleister Crowley and others Perennial interest in nature of existence Convergence among different traditions and cultures Different names for enlightenment and God across traditions Love-hate relationship with word "God" God is another word for reality or existence, including the whole world Understanding or direct experience of nature of existence or reality Contemplative and meditative practices can help discover true nature of existence List of over 50 names for enlightenment and God, including: Enlightenment God Truth Absolute Infinity Consciousness Awareness Presence No self True self Oneness Nothingness Non duality Ego death Self transcendence Self realization Some traditions focus on devotion to a deity or guru Other traditions focus on self-inquiry All traditions ultimately point to the same fundamental understanding or experience of the nature of reality Resources available for further study and exploration of these concepts and traditions. The real, ultimate truth is not hidden or veiled, but rather it is the individual who is unable to see it The goal is to become fluent in non-duality, understanding the interconnectedness of all spiritual traditions and how they ultimately point to the same thing It is important to have a holistic, integrated understanding of this field in order to be able to converse with people from different traditions and cultures Some enlightened people may have a narrow, sectarian view and only understand their own tradition, lacking a true understanding of the interconnections between all traditions A truly enlightened master does not claim to have a monopoly on the truth, but rather has the most integrated, biggest picture perspective possible It is important to avoid the trap of thinking that one's own way or tradition is the only way, as this speaks to ignorance Enlightenment is not just about enlightenment itself, but also about understanding and integrating all spiritual traditions and being able to share this understanding with others The goal is to become a sage, someone who is knowledgeable and wise in this field of non-duality To become a sage, it is important to study and understand the various traditions, as well as their differences and similarities It is also important to practice and integrate the teachings and principles of non-duality into one's life Finally, a sage should be able to share their understanding and insights with others, helping to guide and inspire them on their own spiritual journeys. The speaker encourages the listener to research specific mystical traditions Look for commonalities among these traditions when doing research This will create a foundation for pursuing enlightenment in a personal way The field of non-duality is a rich and meaningful area to study It is important to combine theoretical understanding with practical application for the most effective results The speaker will be releasing more in-depth content on becoming a sage in the future This content will include both abstract and practical information It is important to stick with the speaker for success on the spiritual path and in life
  16. Enlightenment Guided Inquiry - The Neti Neti Method Introduction to enlightenment guided inquiry using the neti neti method from Advaita Vedanta Neti neti means "not this, not that" and is a process of elimination towards enlightenment This method is not for those new to the concept of enlightenment, but can be effective for those who are clueless about it The goal of enlightenment is to discover one's true self Most people think they already know who they are, but there is often ignorance about this and a lack of consideration for the possibility of being something other than what is already believed The purpose of this exercise is to create the possibility of being something other than what has been believed the entire life This requires an openness that most people cannot stomach The goal is to have a direct experience of one's true nature, not to change beliefs It is important to understand that the words being used do not have a connection to the experience itself The goal is to use the words as a springboard for the direct experience It is important to relax and let go of the ego, as the ego is the barrier to enlightenment The ego is the idea of being a separate individual It is important to let go of the ego in order to experience the unity of all things The ego is also the source of suffering It is important to let go of attachments and identification with the ego The process of neti neti involves repeating "not this, not that" to eliminate all possibilities of what one is not The goal is to reach a state of pure consciousness or "I am" In this state, there is no ego and no separation It is a state of pure bliss and unity with all things This can be a difficult process, but it is worth it for the benefits of enlightenment. The speaker asks the listener to close their eyes and notice the darkness that appears The speaker then asks the listener to open their eyes and observe the colors and shapes that appear The speaker then asks the listener to close their eyes again and notice that the colors and shapes have changed The speaker points out that sight, or visual experience, is constantly changing and therefore cannot be what the listener fundamentally is The speaker then asks the listener to consider if they are a sound, but points out that sounds also constantly change and therefore cannot be what the listener fundamentally is The speaker then asks the listener to consider if they are a taste, but points out that taste also constantly changes and therefore cannot be what the listener fundamentally is The speaker then asks the listener to consider if they are a smell, but points out that smell also constantly changes and therefore cannot be what the listener fundamentally is The speaker then asks the listener to consider if they are a touch or sensation, but points out that touch and sensation also constantly change and therefore cannot be what the listener fundamentally is The speaker concludes that the listener cannot be any of these senses or experiences, and asks the listener to consider what they are if not these things. The "I thought" is not constantly active, so it cannot be the "self" The "body" is a combination of feelings and thoughts and is not constantly active, so it cannot be the "self" The "intuition" is a feeling or thought and is not constantly active, so it cannot be the "self" The "perceiver" or "source self" is not an experience and cannot be found through examination The self is not a body, mind, brain, neurons, feeling, intuition, thought, or experience The self is a question mark and the true nature of the self is unknown The speaker has completed a guided visualization and is now discussing the potential outcomes One outcome is that the listener had a direct experience of nothingness This experience is rare and may take a lot of work to achieve Most people's minds are too closed to have this experience If the listener had a direct experience of nothingness, it may be scary but is ultimately positive If the listener did not have this experience, they should keep questioning their assumptions about reality and locate themselves in space The speaker claims that this practice is profound and can be done repeatedly to eventually "discover empirically that you are nothing" The speaker encourages the listener to be open-minded and continue this practice until they have a breakthrough The speaker's theory is not just a personal belief, but something that can be empirically proven through this practice The speaker encourages the listener to share their experiences and continue exploring the nature of reality
  17. The Enlightened Self - A Description Of Your Existential Nature Introduction to the concept of the enlightened self, also known as the true self Importance of developing a strong conceptual framework for enlightenment work Overview of the idea that most people identify with their body and mind and believe that is their entire being Introduction to the possibility that this identification is false and that the self is not a human being Explanation that the self is actually a collection of stories and beliefs that are learned and accepted as true Discussion of the ego and how it reinforces the identification with the body and mind Introduction to the idea of self-inquiry and the process of discovering the true self Tips for engaging in self-inquiry, including being present, observing the ego, and letting go of identification with thoughts and emotions Conclusion and encouragement to continue on the journey towards enlightenment. Ground yourself in inquiry work The true self is pure, transparent, empty awareness This is what you are existentially You are not a human being, software in the mind, neuron activity, or made of atoms Instead, you are empty awareness, also known as consciousness or presence The term "spirit," derived from ancient languages, means breath, air, or wind and represents what you are You are not an object or a thing, but rather empty space that allows for the existence of objects such as trees, tables, cars, people, colors, sensations, and emotions These objects occur within awareness and space, and you, as pure transparent empty awareness, contain space and time and everything else This awareness is transparent and empty, like the gap between the walls of a cup that holds liquid This awareness holds experience and all of reality Reality is composed of absolute zero, or nothingness Features of absolute zero include non-duality, meaning there is no separation between the self and the rest of reality, and impermanence, or the constant change and fluid nature of reality This understanding can bring about a paradigm shift in perspective and lead to enlightenment There is a transparent field within which everything is happening This field is not separate from current experience and objects Everything is happening within nothingness, encased in a field of empty awareness It is possible to train the mind to focus on this field and become aware of awareness itself Awareness currently thinks it is a human body living inside a skull, but it is not a thing Mind can only work with things, and cannot conceptualize or think about enlightenment It is not possible to find oneself because the human mind is addicted to objects and space To reach enlightenment, a process like self inquiry must be followed This process involves letting go of the ego and surrendering control Enlightenment cannot be reached through thinking or mental effort, and it is not a destination or a thing It is a realization or understanding that one is already enlightenment This realization comes through a shift in perception and understanding the true nature of reality
  18. Contemplating Your Own Death - To Stay Motivated For Life Contemplating one's own death can be a way to stay motivated in life Death is a finality and there is no second chance in life Contemplating death can help put things in perspective and prevent wasting time on petty matters Examples of individuals who have used contemplation of death as a motivating force include Marcus Aurelius and the Buddha The Buddha's contemplation of death led to his enlightenment and the creation of various traditions Reflecting on the fact that life is miraculous can be a way to stay motivated Contemplating death can be a way to appreciate the present moment Thinking about death can also help with making big life decisions Contemplating death can also be a way to let go of fear and to find peace It is important to balance contemplation of death with living in the present and enjoying life The speaker is asking the listener to imagine going to sleep and never waking up The speaker notes that in deep sleep, the person is in a state of nothingness with no awareness or sensations The speaker encourages the listener to consider how much time they have left in their life and to imagine never waking up again The speaker notes that existence and experiencing the world is a miraculous and rich opportunity The speaker encourages the listener to live the best and most rich life they can, regardless of how long it is The speaker suggests that if the listener does this, they can die in peace and accept their fate The speaker will count to three and when they reach three, the listener will slowly wake up feeling refreshed and alert
  19. All Of Religion Explained In One Video Introduction to the topic of religion and the speaker's personal perspective on the subject The speaker's background in philosophy, personal development, and consciousness The speaker's recent attendance at an enlightenment workshop The speaker's curiosity about religion, including how it can have such a strong hold on culture and society despite being seemingly unsupported by science The speaker's warning that the video may not be well-received by rationally-minded individuals The speaker's intention to not defend religion, but to ultimately encourage dropping religious beliefs The idea that religions are not necessarily wrong, but that they may not be complete or fully understood The importance of exploring personal experiences and consciousness in understanding religion The speaker's belief that enlightenment is the ultimate goal of religion, and that religions are essentially paths towards enlightenment The concept of God and how it has been understood and described in various religions The idea that religions may be attempting to describe the same ultimate reality or truth, but using different language and symbolism The possibility that religions may have evolved or changed over time The speaker's suggestion that it is important to question and critically examine one's own beliefs, including religious beliefs The importance of finding and living one's own truth, rather than blindly adhering to religious doctrine Conclusion and invitation to continue the discussion on the topic. The sense of self is an illusion It is possible to "jailbreak" the mind from the brain and discover the true self, which is nothingness This realization is called enlightenment Existence arises from nothingness, and this nothingness is also referred to as God Other people are also nothingness, and therefore identical to the self at an existential level The absolute truth is that existence arises from nothingness There are multiple levels of enlightenment that can be experienced After enlightenment, the ego and the sense of self may still exist, but they are seen through and no longer identified with Enlightenment allows for a deeper understanding and connection with the world and others The process of enlightenment involves letting go of attachments and desires The ultimate goal of enlightenment is liberation from suffering. The concept of the psyche and the subconscious mind is relatively new In the past, people used mythology and storytelling to explain the concept of "no self" Some people (mystics, yogis, sages, etc.) were able to achieve enlightenment and see the truth of "no self" There was no reliable process for helping others achieve enlightenment To share the truth of "no self," it had to be tailored to the culture and era in which it was discovered Religion tries to explain the truth of "no self" in a way that is palatable to the limited minds of dogmatic and close-minded people There are many different religions and each one explains the truth of "no self" in a different way The ultimate goal of religion is to help people achieve enlightenment and see the truth of "no self" The truth of "no self" is universal, but the way it is explained and understood may differ from culture to culture Hell refers to one's current existence and identification with their body, which leads to suffering Heaven is the disidentification with the body and becoming absolute nothingness, in which nothing can harm you and nothingness exists forever Faith is the ability to open one's mind to the third possibility and the willingness to take a leap of faith to experience it directly Good and evil are relative and metaphorical terms, with good being selfless actions and evil being selfish actions and identification with the ego The afterlife is understanding the absolute truth of nothingness and being untouchable Salvation is being saved from one's wicked state and understanding the truth of one's being Enlightenment is the realization of the truth of one's being and understanding that everything is interconnected and one is everything Karma is the concept that actions have consequences, both positive and negative, and that one reaps what they sow The ego is the identification with the body and mind and the belief in separation from everything else The self is the realization of one's true being as interconnected and everything, beyond the ego and identification with the body and mind
  20. Depends how much in the "illusion" you are; any POV is completely imaginary and there's definitely no limit to the amount of POVs that could be taken on, which could manifest in literally infinite ways that a small monkey brain on a flying rock couldn't ever possibly imagine or know about. There is nothing outside YOU as this infinite, vast divine nothingness, and yet paradoxically any collection of experiences that are imagined from this are by definition finite. If you delude yourself into believing that the finite imaginations you're experiencing are all that is, you are a solipsist. If you awake to realise any content of consciousness at all is by definition finite yet occurring in an unknowingly, boundlessly infinite space as its context then you are God. It's pretty simple actually.
  21. @Holly Jean Thank you so much for taking the time and responding to my question. Firstly, with the fading away of awakening "experience", there was the pursuit to get it back (it still exists but not as powerful as it did before). What has replaced this drive is the question "what if there was no second awakening experience", leading to alignment and working with the understanding derived from the awakening. Secondly, there are distractions when I sit down to deconstruct my conditioned beliefs and assumptions. Common distractions being swaying away from the process and later realizing that the deconstruction was botched by mental chatter or jumping from one subject to another. Thirdly, I do not have the recognition of emptiness, nothingness, and infinity. What I am working with is the recognition of love, oneness, and bliss. If you would ask me what is reality made of, I would say without a doubt, love. And when there is talk of reality being empty or nothing, it doesn't compute due to the lack of reference experience. So my question is, is it wise to pursue more awakenings, which I don't know how to even go after? Or, work with what I know and live from this space and understanding. But choosing the second path brings the danger or "selfing", which is the activity of separate self arising when I am not aware.
  22. Hello you lovely people! Thought I'd put this out there while it baffles me. I am unique and constantly changing I am nothingness When pursuing experiences in the hope that something pulls me, I find myself contemplating these two statements which tends to put the breaks on. Any guidance regarding settling my discernment would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  23. OK, let's go back. Here is how I tried to describe "THIS" in one of the posts (again, this description is only a pointer): "What we actually know in our direct conscious experience is only a flow of qualia inseparable from the "isness/presence" and conscious awareness of them." So, "THIS" is not a state necessarily absent of any forms, labels or ideas. The forms (sensations, feelings, imaginations, thoughts that include labels, beliefs, ideas etc) may or may not be present, and it does not really matter whether they are present or not. So, any our state, including your state right now looking at the computer, is actually already "THIS". The difference of the "enlightened" way of experiencing THIS vs. non-enlightened way is that in the non-enlightened way we unconsciously interpret THIS "through a lens" of a certain layer of beliefs. For example, a common human interprets it through the belief that he is a "perceiver-self in the center of the world looking at the external material world of separate objects and subjects" etc. This interpretation is so persistent that people actually "see" and "feel" themselves and those objects in the "world out there" as absolutely real. A more spiritually advanced person may interpret it through a different belief that all that is happening appears in the "Absolute Formless Consciousness" (aka "God"), in the "Absolute I" that is aware of all fleeting phenomena. But that is just another interpretational layer. But the funny thing is: all these interpretational layers and beliefs are simply part of THIS, of the experiential "flow of qualia inseparable from the "isness/presence" and conscious awareness of them". All these interpretation layers, beliefs, labels, ideas, no matter how good or bad, true of false they are, are all automatically included in "THIS", but none of these beliefs are true or false in any absolute sense. So, there is in fact the "I" or "Truth" or "a computer" as an idea, as a phenomenon of experience included in the flow of THIS. And as phenomena they are all "real" in a sense that we actually experience them as thought-forms. But when we say that there is no "I" or "Truth", it really means that there is no independent reality of "I" or "Truth" other than simply them being just the content of those thought-forms. As the Buddhists would say, they are "empty" of independent existence (empty of existence as some actual entities like "I", "God" or "a computer" other than just our thought-forms about them). Now, you can go rather far in your spiritual practice and experience a state absent of any forms. It is actually quite useful and helps to realize that all our beliefs and ideas are only thought-forms that may be removed from THIS, as well as added to THIS. When I practiced dream yoga, I once had an experience of lucid deep sleep where there was actually nothing at all, not even any sense of any "I", but there was still conscious experiencing of this nothingness (absent of any conceptual understanding of it). It was quite revealing, but that is not what the Enlightenment is, it's just a useful experience that may (or may not) help on the way. If you never had such experience, don't worry, it's not a prerequisite.
  24. Hi there, here is a trip report of my last trip (shrooms), in which I discovered Solipsism is true, which was SHOCKING. I also added some questions at the end and would love to hear your opinion if you have one! Thanks (also: french here, sorry for my bad english). 1 - I am consciousness I was tripping calmly on my couch, then I realised that I was only consciousness, the present moment itself. 2 - Everything is consciousness (or mind, or imagination) Then it hit me that everything that I could see and feel and think was all contained in this consciousness that was me. My environnement was mind, my sensations were mind, my thoughts were mind, everything was mind. There was no material world fundamentally, only consciousness, only "mind", and I understood why enlightened people are saying that the world is imaginary. Everything is emerging from the nothingness of consciousness. I also had this strong knowing that nothing could exist outside consciousness, because it is everything. That was another way, very different from my previous awakenings, to experience Oneness. 3 - Consciousness (I-I) is creating everything (but I can't do what I want) I had this strong knowing that I was the thing that was creating my environnement. This feeling was so strong that I tried to modify it just as and artist modify his/her painting (it did not work lol). 4 - Consciousness creates complexity as its goes along Ok this is a wild claim and I am not sure that this is true, but I felt like things are not intrinsically complex, but that consciousness was creating this complexity moment after moment after moment. Like, this cushion over there is just a form, that is it. But then the next moment, it is a form, but also a thing with texture, density, and so on, which was not the case the moment before. It was just as if complexity unfolds / appears as consciouness is thinking it. Consciousness seemed to be an infinite whole, constantly including and transcending everything by adding creativity. Not sure about this one though… 5 - Solipsism feels good because you are truly secure (for the first time of your life) Solipsism was good. I realised how much my relative "I" has to survive all the time, that this drive for survival is part of my human nature and implies suffering. I realised how, as a human, I can't and will never feel fully secure, because I have to survive physically and psychologically. We can let go of some of the survival stuff, but never completely...My whole body is always ready to react to any danger, each second of my life. Being consciousness itself gave me a profound sense of security: I was (almost) only mind imagining things; what could be dangerous? I guess if there were a guy threatening me with a knife at this moment I would switch mode, go back into human mode and protect myself so I did not transcended totally my ego, but at this moment I still felt pretty free from survival. Actually this was a bit hard to swallow: I will never be able to be fully at peace as a human, and I never realised it so that profoundly before. 6 - Solipsism helped me love my human self more (and be more compassionate in general) I don't exactly understand how, but after this trip, I felt more at peace with myself. I remember having a deep compassion for my human self and other beings who do not taste that peace and suffer a lot most of the time. Also at one point during my trip, I felt the strong desire to "create" love by helping people very directly. To reach for anyone and give my energy and love to them. 7 - Lasting effects After this trip, I could for 2 days still feel solipsism, but it is now fading away. Thus this trip meant a lot for me. Trip after trip my mind opens, and these truths are shaping my conscious and unconscious for the better (I think). Touching to turquoise is a game changer (I hope as much in the long term than in the short term). Conclusion : This was an amazing experience that I did not expected. During the previous 3 or 4 trips, I was unable to go this far. It was just as if the world around me was reflecting my depression: all sad limited and unpleasant. It was impossible to transcend this stage. But before this last trip, I was feeling better since a few day, less stressed, more ok with myself. In my opinion, unless we take a strong dose, our mental health influence our capacity to transcend the ego. At least it seems to work this way for me : if I don't feel good, it is gonna be more complicated to go into God Mode. Also, I now understand so much better the work of Alex Grey (see picture), which makes it more amazing. Questions: (I would love to hear your advices/opinions!) 1 - I would love to rise my everyday life stage of consciousness and always be connected with my "true self", but it is not easy at all… I am meditating everyday (half an hour of zen which is not that much) and try to be conscious in my everyday life, but I don't feel it is changing anything. I wonder how much I should meditate to get results, and if there is anything else to do? Should I try to be conscious in my sleep? What are the next steps? 2 - Related to the previous question: I read "One Taste" from Ken Wilber, who seems to be always connected to the True Self, the I-I thanks to his zen practice. In this book, he says that when he drinks wine, he looses this connection. I am wondering if psychedelics could slow down my efforts to be much more conscious on an everyday life basis. This logically should not be the case since psychedelics are supposed to rise our level of consciousness (and not diminish it like alcohol), but who knows? It seems that Leo is also struggling this that, but I don't know how it's working for him now. Any opinion about that? 3 - During my trip, I knew really strongly that everything was mind. But in another way, I feel that saying things like "everything is mind or imagination" does not reflect the holistic truth. In a way, yes everything is mind (maybe at a more fundamental stage of the holarchy?), but in another way, everything is also material. Isn't it problematic to limit our vision of existence by taking into account only about one perspective, excluding the others? Thank you very much!
  25. This is all interesting. But this is conceptualization and living in the mind. The true reality is of being. This simple message will get lost in the unawakened minds that read this. It’s okay. Perceiving others and the world as an illusion is of duality. “Other” is an illusion… that implies there’s another that’s not real. For true non-duality, subject and object have to collapse into one. All is real and all is also not real. True totality must be lived from a baseline of being. What does this mean? The world, the ego and this dream is inclusive of the totality of non-duality. Everything is that. True non-duality is inclusive of ego, creation, other, Self, and no-thingness. Solipsism is only true when totality is lived 24/7, not conceptualized or experienced. You can imagine how hard this is to put into words. But the dream is real and also unreal. Sorry guys. This also means you cannot spiritually bypass humanness. Many awake teachers view themselves and the world as an illusion and think they are above their shadows. They view themselves as the only awake entity in this universe. Hence, abuse occurs in their spiritual circles. Unresolved karma surfaces when awakened and plays out. Seeing the world and others as an illusion is the second step of evolution in perceiving reality. This is where many get stuck. The third step is seeing the world as divine play. The fourth step is transcending and seeing the world as uncreated in nothingness. The last step is seeing that the cause of creation is just pure divine power.