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  1. Some might say that those who appear to get triggered relatively easily cannot be “awakened”, but in fact awakening has nothing to do with human behaviour. That is, Hitler could be more spiritually advanced than Jesus. Some of you could be more spiritually advanced than me.
  2. Nope, that's just a narrative in your mind. Understanding Consciousness is way more tricky and radical than that. Yes, absolutely they are mental constructions and dogma. This situation is so bad that even after you have some of your so-called "enlightenments", even THAT is mental construction! Yes they are. You are doing it. Pure nonsense! This is self-deception! Most of the so-called "enlightened" people on this planet are deeply self-deceived. Nonsense. You fundamentally misunderstand how psychedelics work and what Truth even refers to. No. You fundamentally don't understand what Truth is. Consciousness comes in many states and degrees, and all of them are True. However, Awakened Consciousness is an extremely rare state and you will not be in it 24/7. Nor must you be in order to understand what Truth/God/Consciousness is. You are treating truth as some abstraction. What's not what Truth is. Truth is your entire field of experience, no matter what that experience is. However, even though that's the case, that doesn't mean you are Conscious of much. A dog's experience is Truth, however the dog is not Conscious of anything existential. I can say the same thing for all your meditative achievements. Even the fact that you have ever meditated is a concept/memory. So if you are going to deny me access to memory, I will do the same to you, and therefore even Buddhism doesn't exist because it's just a memory. You have never read a Buddhist book nor ever sat down to meditate nor done a retreat -- by your own logic. Calling me schizophrenic is completely nonsensical. You have no idea what that word means. Concepts can be used to make sense of reality, there is no problem in doing so, as long as it is done carefully and you understand what you are doing. This is Buddhist dogma that you picked up and which now forms the background of your entire worldview. This is just one way to frame things, and it certainly is not Awakening nor any high degree of Consciousness. Nor is it any kind of deep metaphysical understanding of reality. What you are talking about is shallow stuff. I don't give a fuck about equanimity or surrender. That is Buddhist dogma. What matters is Consciousness and understanding of reality. You are chasing the wrong thing. No! You have no comprehension of what God or Omniscience is. More Buddhist dogma. A piece of dog shit is God. But that doesn't mean you're deeply Conscious of anything. I'm well aware of what you're referring. What I'm referring to is a whole order of magnitude beyond the things you're talking about. You cannot even imagine what I am talking about because it is so radical. Simply irrelevant to Consciousness. You are full of shit and I see through all your Buddhist posturing. You haven't even begun to comprehend Consciousness. And if you keep acting in this utterly arrogant manner, you will be banned from here. You actually believe you comprehend Consciousness better than me? You're insane. You are a posterboy for the dangers of Buddhist and nondual teachings. You've turned them into a just another dream state which you now call "enlightenment". That's not Awakening, that's just a spiritual dream. I repeat: Buddhism and nonduality is not God-Realization nor Awakening. Enlightenment is dream. Since your mind is closed, I will no longer me making an effort to teach you. This is a consequence of your own mind's design. That's how you wanted it. So that's what I will give you. I am not going to teach people who refuse to listen and think they know better than me. You have not outsmarted me. You've just fooled yourself. I told you from the very beginning how much openmindedness is required for this work. You failed to learn that basic lesson. The amount of arrogance and gaslighting that I have to deal with from people like you is outrageous. You should be be ashamed of yourself. You have no respect for the sheer intelligence I offered you. I'm one of the only people on this planet who could have helped you access the highest Consciousness. But now you can go swim in the dream that you and your Buddhist friends have constructed. What I teach is not Buddhism. Because Buddhism isn't Awakening. If you don't like that then you're in the wrong place. The things I teach, no other human will teach you. It will take you a long time to appreciate that, if ever.
  3. @Carl-Richard Yeah, that used to happen a lot before my awakening. I would really adopt the character, almost literally become it. I would think like I am in their shoes and experience what I imagine would be their emotions. It was mostly the hero, but basically any character with a great deal of story and emotions. I literally suffered for the characters. Then I awakened and consciously decided to stop this. I learned to detach myself and observe just for fun. Then I almost stopped watching entirely, cuz it stopped being fun. Now I mostly watch sitcoms, if anything at all. My latest attempt to watch something different was Naruto. And it's boring as fuck! Lol, no. But there were discussions about banning anyone that leaves OCD-triggering white spaces before each paragraph. I honestly still don't know what I want to be. I think I could be anything, depending on the environment. Like I know what I have to be and have to do, but it's not like I want that. I don't not want it either. I'm fine being a puppet for God. Haha! Yeah, I think so. Although, I don't have enough info about Jim Carrey. I don't think I've seen him in any movies yet.
  4. @acidgoofy Sounds intense. I have been in the presence of some very awakened beings and it is profound. Once in India I had an awakened being give me a hug and the energy was so powerful afterward I had to go lay down for several hours and couldn't move.
  5. An awakened person shows up at the therapist’s office. Therapist calls his wife and tells her, “Honey, I’d be back from therapy later.” @Thought Art @Leo Gura
  6. In my case, I didn't know I was in an awakened state because it happened gradually. I thought I was normal and unawake because of how much people emphasize awakening as an extremely odd and supreme state with colors and visual effects and angels etc. I never got that sudden shift, or I did a few times but not in that pleasant majestic way. Then as I gradually started understanding the truth about myself, I realized that I was already there. The reason why only some experience it is because most people's practice is too weak and shallow. This is serious stuff and it requires tons of work. You can't just meditate 20 minutes a day and expect enlightenment. It's not very likely to happen that way. You need weeks and months of diligently consistent practice. It's like going to the gym. You can't expect to get very muscular if you go a couple times a month and lift 10 lbs.
  7. Well.. I can't think for myself because I'm not awakened. So all that is left for me is to follow a spiritual teaching or a spiritual tradition. Even "thinking for myself" would be a bias of mine. How do you know that thinking for yourself will not lead you astray and further removed from the truth? In comparing Islam to Buddhism.. Islam forces you to pray five times every single day even during sleep time... And if you miss a single prayer you gonna go to hell. There is of course no such thing as heaven and hell as in an eternal place of abiding after death. It can be understood metaphorically.
  8. oh so this is what she meant when she said work that dick everything makes sense now, I've awakened.
  9. this is good explaining it
  10. Contemplated on the meaning of life and was given this from God which is myself. God's ego wants to be the greatest hero in every story. That is why every ego struggles to find out what it wants to do in life. That is why it is always looking for role models and can get lost in dogma. But in God's eyes every ego is equally as great a hero which is why in God's eyes there is no evil but from the ego anything less than your best at being the most loving from their point of view is what they call evil. This is why every ego is addicted to self-development, video games, movies, and T.V. shows all in pursuit to try to become the greatest hero from their limited point of view. This issue is they are God so their limited point of view is also absolute. That is why it is so hard for awakened people to accept their ego. Their biggest desire is to escape the world of form and be with their beloved. While simultaneously realizing that the greatest gift they can give themselves is to love the present moment, and realize they are already with the beloved. Life and death are one!! Kobe Bryant is my favorite character as Razard86 because he epitomized hard work and valued getting results but not more than giving it his all in the process of winning. In his first NBA finals as a leader he took that Finals loss personally and made an effort to be a better leader by being more compassionate and empathetic without devaluing his principles. In the next NBA finals he had his worse game of the series but was able to win by putting his ego and pride aside and trust in his teammates. This proved that Kobe wanted to win at all cost because his biggest barrier to overcome in his life as a leader was his arrogance. He learned how to be compassionately arrogant. The problem humans have is they use logic to figure life out. What they fail to understand is life is translogical every trait matters you can't leave something out. Seek ye first paradox and then you can see life clearly. Life is just an ocean of self-paradox due to the problem of self-reference. Also God represents the highest most good non-judgmental thought you have. To access God you need to have a unitive world view, or one that sees all is infinite perfection. You wield the ego in service to your conditional relationships with survival such as food, money, friendships etc. There is nothing wrong with being selfish, if you do not be selfish you cannot live. So how to be selfish in a Godly way? Easy!!! Be the perfect gentleman or gentlewoman. Learn to be compassionately arrogant. How to accomplish this? Make listening your greatest skill. Learn to stop thinking when people are talking and give them your full undivided attention. How God integrates its egos, is through listening. If you listen long enough, and you are God realized you will realize that the person you were listening to IS GOD!!! Now if you are not God-realized its fine, listen anyway with the understanding that the more you listen to others the more you will understand them and learn how to get along with them. Now here is where arrogance comes in. Make a commitment to never accept anything that you believe to be Bullshit as true! You need to take complete authority for your world view. Now this does not mean you don't listen to others, but you stay true to your highest values. This means you need to create or adopt a value system that you follow. This value system must not be dogmatic, make it vague enough that you have some wiggle room to work with. Compassionately Arrogant is the key to life. If you are too compassionate you will bend over backwards for everyone and be a stepping stool. If you are too arrogant you will become a tyrant. A good way to help is think of it like this. God is that which empowers, so true compassion is in service to empowerment. A parent wants there kid to be a stronger version of them. Seek to empower those around you, and only keep close those who seek to empower you as well. If you choose to be a martyr like Jesus all is well, you will just suffer the same fate he did. If you are up to the task of martyrdom more power to you. But a more practical application is to care about your survival while helping others with theirs. By doing this you dissolve the boundary between selfish and selfless, between good and evil. Had this insight from God watching this video! God is AMAZING!!! Kobe Bryant is you!!
  11. Invoke nostalgia. And then really hone in on those feelings you had before, and ask yourself, why can't you have it now? What does it take to integrate that into your current experience? Go back to what you enjoyed as a kid and reminisce on it. You can use music to do this, or even going for a walk or eating a specific kind of food or playing a certain video game. I've recently awakened some sort of sensitivity by doing this, but it might also be related to this supplement I recently started taking called myo-inositol, or maybe a combination of that and nostalgia has triggered something inside me. Also, socializing helps since it pushes you out of overly-logical thinking. Talk with friends or family or something. Or just go chill at a café so that you're in some sort of new and social setting. And also, allow your experience to be experienced without your mental models and mental input. Let your keyboard be a keyboard instead of "God" or "Infinite Consciousness" or "illusion". Let your experience manifest itself how it wants to and let it play with your imagination however it wants.
  12. Honestly this sounds like a weed insight. When You look at it, wouldn't You say that's only story? And that too? I don't mean to sound dismissive. I've been awakening so much all month but now I think to myself that it all has been human bs... pointers like "Dream", describing IT even with words like "God" or "Consciousness", stories about how the Universe is... I sense it's all only human comprehension and that I have never really gone beyond my limited human understanding. ☹️ Lately I've been trying to focus only on PURE BEING but I couldn't do it. Yeah, I awakened further and it could be said it was amazing but I'm not satisfied... I feel like humanness is constricting me. The point is, aren't all stories of what God is bullshit? Aren't ALL ways of understanding not IT and therefore insufficient? I'm starting to doubt the value of understanding (through being) and I feel like going for only BEING. Because hell, what compares to IT..?
  13. Hmm. I had barely any visuals in my trips. I always awakened with my normal field of vision. It's an interesting possibility that it could be otherwise and I could actually see and become an infinite singularity. That's what I love Leo for most I think - showing me possibilities. I could become the Pure Godhead? Damn. This post really inspires me. I gotta try 5-MeO and all that shit in the future. ... By the way, I love gifs. Here are a few cool ones I found today. It's all Magic. I am Love AND I am nothing. Infinite Love. This is how I often feel when walking around. ^ I find such freedom in this gif. It feels so refreshing... God, I just love Reality haha. Free will fucking rocks.
  14. Life update Right now I have a clear head so let's write a small life update. I feel good. I'm mostly optimistic about the future. Today is a one month anniversary of an awakening that had an enormous impact on my life. It's been great... and I'm very grateful for all of it. But I feel like I have to rest a bit now. That's what Intuition is telling me. I want to DO more in the world, get lost in activities, be inspired by external stuff. I want to take a break from awakening, from this venturing into what I am deeper and deeper (which I feel like has become an obsession) and just... chill. Do shit I care about, which I've neglected a bit because of contemplating and focusing on further awakening all the time. I am going to be working in a very nice local cafe for at least the next 4 months (unless they fire me). Because I want to! I'm so excited by this, hahaha... It's gonna be fun. Besides that I'm still enrolled in college and I do other stuff that's meaningful to me like dancing and writing. And I'm not gonna completely stop contemplating/meditating - I will dedicate time for that, but less. Recently I've felt like my depth is running out. I'm getting less inspired inwardly and more by external things. Well, that's just the cycle I'm in. In about 4 months I assume I will start reaching "levels" I've never even dreamed about... I noticed a pattern that after about 3-4 months of forgettance I go into 3-4 months of ever-deeper awakening. Well, over 3 months have passed since the start of my current "expansion" phase. On November 18th I thought of seriously killing myself and that was the crisis that woke me up from lethargy. If I didn't then do some serious deconstruction and contemplation... oh, well, I'm just glad I got that slap on the face because of which I moved my ass. A crisis is the greatest opportunity for change. And now's the time for the "integration/forgettance" phase! It has a lot of beauty to it too. With each cycle I feel like I can handle it better. I can still remember to accept NOW... In fact I do this quite regularly and it always helps. (Thank You... ?) So I don't have to fret nothin'. Alright. I'll quickly mention what I've awakened to recently... New awakening I am God. God doesn't exist. I am nothing. I literally DON'T EXIST. To be God = to be not. Reality is My Fantasy. I am Fantasizing about what I am. And even though I don't exist, I AM through Dreaming! My Fantasy is all that IS. Nothing in this Fantasy matters. None of its content has anything in common with ME. No state, no awakening, no experience, no pointer is IT. It's all FANTASY! Nothing that happens in the Fantasy is related to Me... And yet the Fantasy is OF ME! I am completely NOTHING and all I do is Fantasize about what I am. The Fantasy is what I Imagine Myself to be. Reality is a Fantasy of what I am. Reality is a Realization of My Infinite Potential. Reality is a Dream of no one at all. Reality is Infinite Imagination. To Be = to Dream = to Fantasize = to Create = to Live. My only way of BEING is DREAMING. And Being = Dreaming, lol. So in short, I AM through BEING. I can BE even though there is no Me. And to BE is to BE exactly what IS. I am utterly nothing and I am Infinite. There is no other. My Dream is Ever-Lasting. And nothing I do in It makes any difference. To conclude, it's all just Fantasy. Nothing matters and I love it... Take me over. ?
  15. Once again I've awakened. No one will hear me... Even I won't hear me. Cause there is no "me". * But nobody came. I am so empty. My Dream is all these is... It's nothing, it's beautiful, it's meaningless. It IS what it IS. I am the Dreamer that doesn't exist, just Dreaming of what I am... A Dream of My Infinite Potential. A REALIZATION of It. Infinite Potential Actualized through Dreaming. I'm feeling sad. I don't even know why, but that's what IS right now. I just want to cry... But I have to contemplate further or I wouldn't be "myself". Fuck.
  16. @Inliytened1 @Breakingthewall You're both awake to certain things, but unawake to others. The thing I'm trying to communicate, both of you don't understand. Don't take it personally, but I think you're paradigm-locked. Otherwise, you'd get it. But you don't get it, so that's what I mean. It doesn't matter what I am. It matters what I say. It's not obvious. That's just one possibility, and I don't know if it's true. You were just trying to sell solipsism. There's nothing there to understand. You have a bunch of arguments that seem convincing to you. What I'm saying is that they aren't convincing to me and should not be convincing to you too. Once they are not convincing anymore, you will have awakened to what I'm saying. But until then, you'd still be unawake.
  17. Well you're the one asking about "if in limited form", "if still God", which implies a seperation. And there is no seperation between minds just an imagined one. Which is what happens when minds forget they are both God and one with everything. That's the paradox, you're both the father and son and so is everyone else. Not dogma my direct experience. I'm not always in that top awakened state and don't claim to be (though is certainly possible in awareness even for a human). But when I am that is what I see and the words I just replied you with is from that top awakened state. There's always all knowing God, time doesn't exist in God consciousness. From the mind that forgot God perspective to it it only knows itself in an illusion, but it's illusion not ultimate truth.
  18. To the all knowing God (which is you when you wake up) everything is God/itself, whether or not that "others" knows it or not doesn't make it different to the awakened. But out of Love the awakened will meet where the other is at so playing along, or out of Love the awakened will gently let the world know they too are God one way or another through its being. God is the one who is dreaming and then waking itself up through various means. Recognition of others as itself upon waking is just natural to God, maybe not natural to the conditioned ego so the question arises.
  19. I agree with this. Another way of looking at the spirituality is this.. We were born awakened and through life experience, circumstances.. the spiritual/awakened state has been blanketed and covered over. As the coverings are removed and thinned it begins to reveal the layers. some of which are painful, others joyful. It is a journey of awakening to and unlearning those things which have dis - enlightened us. The goal isn't paradise either. The goal is to realize that you are already in paradise. So it depends on how you Define your goals and expectations of your spiritual practices. If you assume you should reach to a particular euphoric state in the future.. You will be disappointed. Because spiritual life is not a hedonistic life. The spiritual path was always a stoic path. Think of the Buddha when he became enlightened. He was close to die from hunger.
  20. You have some hidden belief/thought filtering your view of God as alone, lol. Too much fears or social traumas. Awakening does not feel alone, that is a human idea. When I experienced my awakenings I felt amazing and free. No words to describe it. No God, nor alone. Just. BLISSFUL SUPREME BEING (Silent Truth) in pure ecstatic freedom. In fact I didnt wanted to go back into the dream. I was mad that I kinda had to in order to survive. I suggest you heal and awaken meditating first. Quit the forum to cleanse those filters and then after being a clear blank, maybe take psychedelics again without expectations. This tends to happen to the majority of people who awaken on psychedelics while magnifying their inner false beliefs and have not awakened first by the natural way through meditation and removing all lenses. Dont try to fly without learning how to walk properly. Reading osho can also help you get a proper context of truth. Remember truth is the natural way. Ego ways are the unnatural way for survival. Its your ego trying to trick you back into its false ways. You are in reverse but not used to it. It takes some time to adapt.
  21. @MarkKol Right thanks. And here is another very toxic/threatening message he posted to a user :
  22. On Jan 30th, Leo Gura had his most explosive outburst towards a user yet: Here are some facts about the issue: This was indeed directed to the user of the created thread Leo Gura had made a prior comment before this outburst that received no reply, where he was speaking in his regular tone. No exchange was made in between these comments, nor was any comment deleted, proving that the outburst came out suddenly, unexpectedly, and completely out of the blue. The user was not being overblown, boastful, grandiose, or overstating with his/her claims about their awakening state to elicit this type of behavior, not that being like that would remotely justify this malicious behavior in the least. You can read the full outburst here and see the context for yourself: Leo Gura violated his own forum guidelines as shown below directly taken from: #1 Rule: Don't Be A Jerk Speak to people with respect. Be conscious and kind. What’s NOT Allowed: Verbal abuse Calling members names like: stupid, idiot, moron, asshole, retard, evil, etc. Trash-talking, trolling, chronic criticism, blaming, or finger-pointing I checked in on the user myself to make sure he/she wasn't hurt, as the leader of the forum had just bullied this person, and had no idea the mental state and stability of the user, considering anyone here could be going through a very hard time and be easily pushed to the edge, but ignores this potential to pridefully "school" the user instead. Not to mention the very fact that venturing into this domain of spirituality can leave individuals frail, fragile, and on edge, as they could potentially be going through difficult things, like having they're notions of life or death put into question, leaving them more vulnerable than before. And the fact that users of the forum have committed suicide, the leadership of the forum was instead used to bully and point the finger. Also Leo takes assumption in the original message that the user was offended. "The reason you're offended and swarming around like fish because…" Where I verified with the user that he not offended, but more importantly, not hurt. Leo does this often with his users, as he assumes he knows the exact blueprint of completely unique and distinct individual, that display as faceless strangers on an internet forum. To make the matter more hypocritical, Leo Gura had just made posts within two weeks prior that he was looking to "crackdown" on toxicity, drama, and wants to increase the maturity of the forum. Featuring quotes such as: "I've been seeing a lot of needless drama, in-fighting, and toxic communication on this forum of late. This makes the whole ecosystem unpleasant for the majority of members who are decent, respectful, and follow the rules." "Thanks again to those who have been on good behavior from the beginning and never needed such warnings and reminders. I will also be making an effort to improve my communication with you to rise to the level of maturity, wisdom, and respect that you deserve." "This forum will no longer be a safe haven for immature or emotionally unhinged people. Anyone not mature enough to communicate or socialize in a mentally-stable and integrous manner will simply not get to participate around me. If you cannot control your emotions, you're out. If you behave in an egotistical and dogmatic manner, you're out. If you attack other members of this community, you're out." "Every time before you post, as you write your post, I want you to stop and ask yourself, "How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways?", and "Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness?" On page 3 of the thread of the outburst, Leo Gura also continues with his maliciousness but directs it to another user:
  23. For me there was a desire to leave my family too and go live in the woods somewhere but I did stay. That's something I'm very grateful for today because they do give me great joy to be around. I think that for a time after an awakening I tended to get very easily triggered and it hurt so much. As I worked through those triggers they weren't much of an issue. I had the tendency to try to "protect" myself from triggers but what I really protected was the part of me that hadn't already awakened.
  24. Dude how are you going to put down Ralston Hawkins and Wilber. You must not have awakened at all because their books are so helpful. Especially Ralston. You must just be not getting it because if you follow those books you don't need this personal self help shit because you're so conscious that you are free to be authentic. Ralston talks a ton about the importance of radical honesty btw