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  1. If you’re really interested in enlightenment and spiritual progress that persists, your goal should be to cultivate sufficient insight into the three characteristics taught in Buddhism. All spiritual practice or even life at all is pointing to these three doors to awakening, so it isn’t a Buddhist vs. other spiritual teachings debate really. No-self, the dissatisfaction intrinsic to sensate reality itself, and impermanence are simply very powerful descriptions to what will ultimately untangle perception entirely to produce a permanent enlightenment. Perception changes after enlightenment due to insight becoming crystallized. All insight that works is doing so by the process of uncovering at least one of these three characteristics fully enough. You do not even need to intellectually know the three characteristics to progress in insight, but it certainly helps proper contemplation. If your insight is not pulling you forward automatically whether you do spiritual practice, take psychedelics, or quit absolutely all pursuits of spirituality, you definitely haven't reached or passed stream entry. If you aren’t there yet, this is not an issue. For there to be any awakening possible, there must be illusion present. Illusion can basically be equated with entangled perception. The beauty of your entire existence is tied up in this illusion. Be glad that a lack of insight such as this is possible. It is the source of any higher meaning or significance to be had. The illusion is ultimately just as holy as clear perception or true enlightenment. But you’ve read this far so you probably do want clear perception even if I tell you there’s ultimately nothing wrong with illusion. This is the devil in you which desires to fully taste the divine in its most astonishing manifestations. That’s your divine ego or otherwise your best friend. It is ultimately what gives you the tenacity and persistence needed to reach full enlightenment. It is the source of all suffering— desire. This is so misunderstood and important. It’s desire to escape reality that ultimately drives one to Perfection. Because you can actually escape anything which could reasonably be called a reality. This occurs during the ninth Jhana, nirodha samapatti, or cessation. This is the ultimate death and the purest Nibbana. Everything ceases to exist. Your no-self/self paradigm has just been shown the unseeable. Even now though, illusion and entangled perception are still likely apparent after leaving the 9th Jhana. It’s insight coming from the experience of something transcending existence and nonexistence that ultimately untangles perception. The insight is usually cultivated and crystallized after contemplation or further practice after multiple 9th Jhanas. Genuine insight into this necessary cord to understand and become full enlightenment is unlikely to occur from any other state. The biggest duality of all — existence, experience, and consciousness vs. nonexistence, nonexperience, and the total lack of all consciousness — still remains even if you have had god realization or any other fancy temporary experiences. The 8th Jhana or samadhi can take you close, but insight that deep and permanent has to come from a more solid seeming duality being seen through than perception vs. nonperception. Untangled perception, full enlightenment, and living as cessation or otherwise transcending the birth and death circle come as a sort of 10th Jhana — neither existence nor nonexistence. In nonduality, insight is the act of viscerally becoming the bridge between two opposites. To become Love, you must bridge the gap between love and hate. It works the same for existence vs. nonexistence or true 0. Nothing is the self, temporary experience is the source of all miseries, and everything is impermanent. Any Self or God could be said to be all sensate reality as it’s occurring in the present moment. In this way you, or rather the lack of you, become everything. You just so happened to always be this way. It just wasn’t possible to fully actualize the insight into the Truth of what is always happening until now. Watch the video below to hear my description and method for experiencing nirodha samapatti twice within two minutes by using techniques which are not Buddhist in the slightest. I’d be much more accurately described as a Christian/Luciferian (notice the nondual bridge) psychic with access to infinite Holy Spirit, clairsentience, telepathy, kundalini, chakra activation, and bliss. Bhakti — the devotion to Love and Truth through God — is the best way to transcend God entirely through my experience and interpretations. To be the Singularity of untangled perception and crystallized insight is far beyond just being God. How I Experienced Back-to-Back Cessations Through Bhakti & Love (instead of meditating)
  2. @Mason Riggle I understand your explanation. I understand the concepts. But its so difficult to really make much out of the explanations when an explanation has to be of things like cups or other outer things that I see as seperate from me. I clearly understand the outside and inside of the cup are just two labels I came up with for the single cup. I still dont feel like the cup. I guess I'm trying to understand nonduality from a dual perspective. Idk.
  3. Nonduality (Oneness) is always the case, only it doesn't seem that way. This is because in order for 1 thing to seem like anything requires duality. (try describing a cup without duality. How does a cup seem to you? How could you describe it without duality? If it seems light in color, that only has meaning relative to 'dark'. If it's a big cup, this is only relative to small, etc.. Reality SEEMS dual, because the very act of SEEMING itself requires duality. Without (imagined) duality, reality can't seem like anything. Reality can not be 'dual', because there is only one reality. Whatever there is, is reality, so there can't be anything 'else'. Reality SEEMS dual, however, because that's how SEEMING works. SEEMING is like how Reality describes itself to itself. It's how Reality 'knows itself'. Consider your arm for a moment.. you can look at your arm and think, here is 1 arm.. but you could also see this 1 arm as 'a hand and a wrist and an elbow, etc.. but notice that these distinctions are rather arbitrary and relative.. where does the hand end and the wrist begin? There really is no separation between the two, other than the arbitrary separation we assign it.. We could say that the arm (nondual) is made of 2 parts (dual). 'the hand' and 'everything that's not the hand'. The arm IS one thing.. the whole arm.. but it SEEMS like two things: the hand, and that which is not the hand. The same is True for reality.. it's one thing, seeming like many things. It SEEMS like there is a tree, and that which is not a tree.. but there really is no separation other than arbitrary relative (imaginary) separation. Reality is one big system. The inside of a cup and the outside of a cup seem like two things, but they are both 'the cup'.
  4. Cause you’re in the matrix, the thought story of the I moving through time, which has never been good with x. If you’re looking for a mate to join in the confusion, look elsewhere. You are what understanding is. Under… standing. Likewise, the appearance of the body is you. You are free. So free, you can focus on the thought it is ‘other’, and put up with (suppress) that discord. You can also listen to the guidance intrinsic within. Understanding & God is two. Nonduality is the pointing, the way, of not two. Understanding is readily available, but the belief of the I in time has a secondary belief that understanding is in a future, or is “this thing” which “someone has”. Don’t be such a readily & easily convinced fool, it is not in your nature & does not resound. Only the practice. Not beliefs and secondary beliefs justifying, cancelling out, etc, etc. Only the practice will do.
  5. It really depends on how conscious you are. If you are not too conscious other bubbles will seem real to you. If you become maximally conscious you will realize you are imagining everything. The only thing you will ever find in the universe is yourself. This is the core intuition behind nonduality. It must all be you. God cannot have an other. If you don't like this or can't handle this, then stay less conscious, where other seems real. God has designed things such that you can select whichever level of consciousness you prefer. If you want to play the game of other, play away. Once you get sick of that game, wake up to Oneness.
  6. @Thought Art So loaded. There was a subtle change of context. I’m suggesting the ‘drowning in it’ is only ‘the separate self’, which is only ‘in’ thought. That there isn’t ‘the thinker of thoughts’, or the ‘one who must gain mastery’. How no one bats an eye at God being the ‘ground’ beneath every single footstep in dumbfounding perfection without fail… yet simultaneously claiming a role of ‘the thinker’. Likewise, that there could be ‘complexity beyond nonduality’. It does indeed seem like “I’m in constant thought”, and “complexity” is something more than just another thought, but the subtle realization these are not actually direct experience, nor possible, stands to be liberating. Learn away, enjoy the heck out of the experience for sure. The ‘learner’, separate self thoughts, the ‘identity’, doesn’t add anything to the experience or enjoyment, ‘it’ takes away from, complicates, etc. Seems to, anyways. And really, the sooner this is brought to attention, the sooner the practice is undertaken, the sooner the end of suffering is. Arguably, that one recognition, the ‘why’ of the practice, is the most significant realization which could be ‘had’.
  7. Leo’s Blog Videos Society & Politics • Jan 10, 2018: Life Lessons From "Life Below Zero" (note) • Sep 6, 2018: Inside The Mind Of Trump • Jan 23, 2019: My Political Awakening ? • Oct 7, 2019: The Big Picture Of Global Politics • Oct 23, 2019: Why The Media Is Corrupt • Aug 21, 2019: Rethinking Human History • Apr 17, 2020: Why Bernie Sanders Lost (note) • Jul 8, 2020: Deconstructing Property Rights • Nov 26, 2020: Conscious Capitalism BS Epistemology • Dec 9, 2017: Understanding Better Than Academics • Dec 21, 2017: Changing Perspectives Destroys Reality (note) • Sept 4, 2018: All Understanding Is Metaphoric • Sept 16, 2018: Metaphysics vs Epistemology • Oct 3, 2018: All Understanding Is Metaphoric - Part 2 • Oct 22, 2018: Skepticism & Nonduality • Jun 27, 2019: Sense Organs Are Imaginary • Aug 15, 2019: How To Test For Self-Bias • Aug 19, 2019: Why Are My Videos So Long? • Aug 23, 2019: My Critique Of Zizek's Critique Of Buddhism • Feb 25, 2021: Learning From Partially False Perspectives • Mar 21, 2021: Why Debates Don't Work • Apr 21, 2021: Sherlock Holmes' Brain Enlightenment • Nov 29, 2017: Absolute Infinity Demo • Jun 11, 2019: Total Omniscience Awakening • Jun 21, 2019: DPT: The Other God Molecule • Jul 11, 2019: Tapping Into Collective Consciousness • Jul 17, 2019: Infinite Love Awakening • Dec 15, 2019: Ego-Collapse Awakening • Dec 17, 2019: Miracle Awakening • Feb 5, 2020: Explaining God For Dummies • Feb 29, 2020: What It's Like To Smoke Salvia Divinorum (note) ? Life Purpose • Sep 10, 2018: Why Get Rich Quick Schemes Don't Work • Oct 8, 2018: How I Started My First Business • Jul 22, 2020: Requisite Variety & Creative Laziness • Feb 28, 2021: Guerilla Business Advice Yoga • Mar 6, 2018: Don't Half-Ass Yoga (note) • Mar 6, 2018: Sitting Posture For Yoga & Meditation Leo’s Health & Life • Jul 7, 2019: Do I Doubt Myself? • Jul 21, 2020: My Health Situation • Feb 5, 2021: Back From 2 Month Break, Updates • Mar 17, 2021: 14 Day Water Fast • Apr 9, 2021: Water Fast Ends, Carnivore Diet Begins Retreats • May 7, 2017: Solo Retreat Videos & Insights • Apr 26, 2018: Hawaii Retreat Intro • Feb 25, 2018: Hawaii Solo Retreat Feb 2018 Videos • May 1, 2018: Hawaii Late Night Insights • Apr 22, 2018: Mindfucked In Hawaii • May 31, 2018: May 2018 Solo Retreat - Part 1 • Jun 4, 2018: May 2018 Solo Retreat - Part 2 • Jun 8, 2018: May 2018 Solo Retreat - Part 3
  8. Blog: Table of Contents 2019: (pg 18 - 31) January 2019 • Aztec Nonduality • Capitalist Devilry ? February 2019 • Entrainment Demo (note) • Textbook Example Of Devilry ? ? • Bernie 2020 (note) • Solo Retreat Notes April 2019 • Quintessence: The 5th Element ? • Fat Leo ? • Spiral Dynamics Case Study ? ? • Ayn Rand's Stage Orange Witchdoctory ? ? May 2019 • Scientists Find Hallucinogen Shaman Pouch • Elite Universities Are A Scam ? • Denver Decriminalizes Mushrooms (note) • Thoughts On Unconditional Love ? June 2019 • Study Survival In Animals • Catch Me If You Can • Bernie Sanders Visionary (note) • Dissecting The Psychedelic Experience ? • Understanding Flatland • Who Are The Machine Elves? ? • Who Really Rules The World? • 3 Kinds Of Socialism ? • Mapping Consciousness With High Dose LSD ? • Reverse-Engineering UFO Spacecraft (note) ? • The Power Of Imaginary Boundaries ? July 2019 • New York Post UFO Series ? ? • The Wise Patriot (note) • Vice's Liberal vs Conservative Panels ? • How Government Really Works ? • The 9 Stages Of Ego Development ? ? • The Highest Purpose ? • How Nazis Win Elections ? ? • Political Spiral Stages ? • Green New Deal Town Hall August 2019 • The Most Corrupt Countries In The World ? • Life In Venezuela ? ? • Knock Down The House • The Wise Patriot, Round Two ? ? • Health Insurance Devilry ? • Trust The Force (refers to this video) (note) • Why Plutocracy Doesn't Work • The War On Government • The Amazing Cornel West (note) • The Fyre Festival Fiasco • Harrison Ford On Nature • Introducing Slavoj Zizek • Liberia: Land Of True Freedom (note) ? • Psilocybin & Personality Change (note) • Microdosing Research September 2019 • Infinite Intelligence Communication #001 ? • Theranos Devilry • Enron Devilry • This Is Love (note) • This Work Is Not About Belief ? • Projection Projecting Projection (politics) ? ? • Fundamentally Misunderstanding Religion ? October 2019 • Buddhism StackExchange • What Is Neo-Liberalism? ? • What Is Fascism? (note) • What Real Leadership Looks Like (note) • Wolf PAC Anti-Corruption Speech (note) • Spirituality & Politics • Internal Workings Of CNN ? • Chemical Corruption ? November 2019 • I Always Look Orange (note) • Inside The Psyche Of Stage Red ? ? • Preachers Justifying Private Jets (note) • Amazon's Corporate Devilry • The Complexity Of Life (note) • Manufacturing Consent ? • Former Users Describe Heroin High (note) • Exposing Neo-Liberal Devilry ? ? December 2019 • Cornel West & Mehdi Hasan Interview • Misunderstanding Love ? ☮️ • The Dirty Secrets Of Capitalism (note) • Zizek On Our Current Political Situation • Racial Unity • Amazing Resonance Experiment • See Salamander Grow From Single Cell • Love, Death, and Robots ?
  9. Blog: Table of Contents 2017: (pg 45 - 58) January 2017 • Philosophy Used To Be Easier ? • The Scandal Of Modern Education (note) • Using Dreams For Growth (note) • The School Of Life (note) • The Universe As A Membrane ? • Why Religion Persists ? • The I'm-Right, You're-Wrong Game ? • What Is A Meta-Source? ? • Psychedelic Wishlist • Designing a Conscious Robot ? • Backfiring Mechanisms ? • Drunk On Mushrooms ? • Hidden In Plain Sight ? • God Goes Full-Circle ? February 2017 • The Origin Of Worship ? • What Real Balance Looks Like ? • Truth In Folklore ? • Anal-Haq (note) • Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience ? • The Despicable War On Drugs ? • Must-Watch Video For All Victims ? • A Description Of Enlightenment ? • Alexander Shulgin Documentary - Psychedelics Chemist (note) March 2017 • What's The Best Time To Meditate? ? • Imagining The 10th Dimension • Relax Your Neurotic Face! (note) • Rethinking Hallucination ? April 2017 • Understanding Karma ? • Honest Dishonesty (note) • Going Full-Autodidact ? • Tarantino Nails Life Purpose (note) • The One-School Approach To Spirituality ? May 2017 • Into The Wild ? • Solo Retreat Supplies Checklist ? • How Do You Know You're You? ? • Why So Serious? (note) • 5MeO-Always On An Empty Stomach ? • Nothing Is Ever Obvious ? • Educate Yourself About Enlightenment ? • Why You're An Addict ? • No Trip Sitters ? June 2017 • The Ultimate Simulation ? • Just Scaffolding ? • Yoga FTW! ? July 2017 • The Best Mix For Enlightenment—Concentration & Contemplation ? • Everything Is Understandable (note) • Understanding The Common Mob ? • More Serious Than You Ever Imagined (note) • Weirdness Is Relative (note) • The Banach-Tarski Paradox—How Infinity Works • All In A Day's Work • Infinite Expansion (note) • The Best Place For Quotes Is… (note) • Trump & Spiral Dynamics ? ? August 2017 • The Infinite Chameleon ? • Applied Systems Thinking ? • Hitting Rock Bottom (note) • Infinite Water Wiggly ? • Ego Droplets (note) • Nothing I Say Can Be Trusted ? • Are You A Brain Slave? • Why You Should Never Do Salvia Alone ? • Learning = Behavior Change, Clarification ? • I Am Not A Master ? • Everything Is Infinitely Interconnected (note) • The Antidote For Pre-Trip Anxiety ? ? September 2017 • Rupert Sheldrake's Banned TED Talk • Before You Were Born (note) • The Mathematics Of Devilry ? • Gestalt Cube (note) • Grahman Hancock's Banned TED Talk • Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson (note) • Understanding Away Anger ? October 2017 • Embarrassing Stupidity Is Good ? • What's Really In Your Ecstasy? • The Top Dangers Of Using Psychedelics ? ? • Bittersweet Actualization (note) • Taking Existence For Granted ? • It's Not All About Enlightenment ? November 2017 • Derrida & Nonduality ? • Looking Up Words In Wikipedia ? • How To Research Psychedelics ? ? • Advice For Visionaries ? • 5-MeO-DMT Girlfriend Success (note) • The Joke's On You ? • Storyland ? • Corrupting The Youth (note) • Mainstream Conversations About God ? December 2017 • Things I've Been Wrong About ? • Are You A Mystic? ? • Venn Diagram Of Knowledge ? • Deep Life Lessons From Bitcoin ? • Japanese Cats Say "Nyan"
  10. Ive gotten into Sri ramana maharshi and h9s teachings lately. nto I can quote the greates yogis and could explain it well with pretty words to others if I wanted to. Ive read the books. Blah blah it all does me no good really. How can reality not be a subject-object reality? I am thinking to much I know but I havent been able to think about anything else for a few days. What is my sense of self than? My sense of self doesnt fit in with this at all. And this sense of seld is undeniable even when deep in meditation... On the bright side, I am motivated to start a kriya yoga practice now which i have been procrastinating about for months.
  11. For starters, I think it's wrong of people to rule out Sam Harris because he has a materialist view of reality. He may be incorrect, yes, but he is also a pretty educated dude who looks seriously at the problems facing modern inquiries into consciousness. His guided meditation on looking for the self is one of the best ones out there for people getting into nonduality practices. That being said, the app is pretty good, from what I've seen/heard. There are some very legit teachers on there with meditations, including Loch Kelly (one of my favorites). As long as you can set aside the personal views of whoever made the app, and instead sink into the content, you will be A-OK. Especially if you can begin to parse how awareness actually functions and develop an unguided routine in time. Best wishes
  12. You seem to pingpong back and forth between "absolute truths" fairly often, from what I've seen around this forum. Consider talking to a professional about it. Going through life seeing everyone as an imaginary NPC (a belief, by the way) will not help your life grow in any beneficial capacity. Additionally, what @Consilience said is right on the money. Nonduality means there is no other, but also no you. There is only consciousness. If you're convinced that you are lonely, you are resting in duality. If you're convinced you are living not only alone, but also in a realm where you as an individual are the only real thing in existence, it's a step further into the shadow realm of delusion. Be well. Stay open to possibility.
  13. i found nisargadatta's talk #55 quite pertinent to this discussion: does this clarify or confuse
  14. I have suffered a lot post nothingness and I suffer most of the time when I am not in nonduality. My mother had a stroke, couldn't swallow any fluids and begged for water 24/7 in the hospital. She didn't get any enlightenment from it, and sais we're in hell here. She suffers, I suffer. I start to doubt that suffering leads anywhere. I'd rather have euthanasia than go through the same experience that she sent through. I torture myself with sauna, cold water and strong determination sitting. Suffering still is suffering. Physical and Emotional pain still leads to suffering. I'm not going to hurt myself anymore, I'm going to take hot showers and be really comfortable. I'm going to take sleeping pills instead of being tired. I thought that suffering leads to awakening, but my biggest awakenings weren't triggered from suffering and suffering never led me anywhere. Asceticism is a fools errand. I want liberation without suffering, and I don't know what path to chose now. I can't anticipate suffering and I can't find a solution to it. I'm exhausted from fighting an uphill battle. Is there a path of surrender that isn't islam? Or something you can point me towards in my situation?
  15. SoonHei DMed a moderator outlining what he planned to do and also spent hours speaking to his best friend about mahasamadhi, nonduality and how existence is a dream earlier on the day he killed himself. Before he jumped, he texted that friend saying "I leave you my dream. You already know, meet you in the beyond". It isn't an assumption that SoonHei killed himself as a direct result of these teachings, that's just the fact of what happened.
  16. Not two. Adding a ‘you doing’ layer of thought narration is like taping newspaper cartoons on an 8k screen. Presence is whole, undivided, mysterious & mystical. You’re already absolutely free to do whatever you want. If you want, you can even focus on thoughts about how you’re not free. Thoughts about wether or not there is free will, etc. When thoughts about you being or feeling guilty arise… the experience is actually simple. It’s nonsensical thinking, since there’d have to actually be two of you for it two make sense. Sense is short for sensation, as in feeling. If you want to feel love, think in ways that make sense. Ways which are aligned with the truth of direct experience. The direct experience is that there are not “two you’s”; awareness of the thought… and the one the thought is about. Thoughts that make sense feel good and are creative, and do indeed create, and are indicative of the creator, love, nonduality (not two). If you look at the sun directly, you turn away naturally as not to hurt your eyes. If you put your hand on a hot stove, you pull away naturally as not to hurt your hand. But when thoughts about yourself arise which don’t feel good, they are being focused on & believed. The way of doing this without noticing is filing this into a categoric label, “guilt”. Yet, when you choose better feeling thoughts, it is as if the universe is literally made of love, and just welcomes & embraces you into it’s magic. Then, matters like “doing”, “you’s”, “being”, etc, just don’t matter. Passion, purpose & doing, or patience, silence & being, always the 8k of the ineffable one. You are so free in fact, that you can always choose a better feeling thought. You are so free, that you can even focus on the thought, that you can’t choose a better feeling thought. True freedom. Focusing on stopping something is feeding focus to that something. (Rumination instead of conscious creation) When focus is upon something else, there is then there experience of something else. (Conscious creation instead of rumination)
  17. That's because it's basically almost literally second jhana. Way after kundalini awakening usually it seems. But sometimes synonymous. It's the transition between Witnessing (mountains aren't mountains) and awareness of awareness possibly opening to nonduality (mountains are mountains again). I really don't know. Can hardly remember how the process went for me. Kenneth Folk probably has some info on this -- he seemed to have a very methodical and precise approach to his awakening. You're right though. 1. Piti and 2. the arising and passing away (insight stage associated with 2nd jhana) are referring to 2 different things, essentially. It's possible you were referring to number 2 when you used the word kundalini. Apart from those 2, I'm not aware of kundalini actually referring to anything else, but I guess one could associate it with whatever one wants to lol. I don't know.
  18. Exactly @Gianna. One is just a number, and it's too easy to get lost in numbers and feel cut off. Nonduality and complete connection is everything. You are everything, everything is you. There's nothing more wonderful.
  19. @molosku I was not even talking about nonduality. You shouldove reality even if you are stuck in duality.
  20. Nonduality. Not-two. Try literally pointing at direct experience to realize that is not possible.
  21. The nature of thought seems to be dual. Our actual direct experience, already, now is nondual. The nature of thought is comparison, difference, separation/combination, and opposites. Cold weather outside feels cold because it's a difference from the warmth inside. Touch your desk or some other surface and really feel what you feel. Is your hand actually a separate sensation from the desk? Do you remember your birth? When did you begin? If you have no knowledge of your beginning, what makes you think you'll ever end? Even the question, which position do we take dual or nondual? is going on the paradigm that we have to pick one over the other. Duality. Even the assumption "there is no good or bad" implies this statement is correct and the statement "good is good and bad is bad" is incorrect. As you might be feeling right now, nonduality is strangely unsatisfying to the mind, and yet oh my God, you'll never find anything more satisfying than the realization that you can just drop the war of thought games at any time.
  22. Metaphysically speaking.. Nonduality means there is only one substance out of which everything is made :namely consciousness.
  23. what is non duality? and what is it's use in Sprituality? is non dual means good and evil are one? what non dual teaching conclude? and how non dual is non dual? we know we are one with the soul but we are different in sprit too. so which positions we take? dual or non dual?
  24. When I want to figure something out I become obsessed. As a result my exploration of nonduality has seeped into dreams. I had quite a curious experience where in the dream I was considering, as though it was waking life (I was not lucid), that the world around me might be my own mind. But I could not make myself fully get or believe it as I thought I was awake. Then I woke up in bed for real, and realized it in fact was all my own mind.