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  1. @Water by the River You forget that in this forum a lot of people are too cool for this selfish normie motivation of avoiding suffering/going towards freedom. They already said they don't mind suffering, they are so above of us normies just wanting to be blissed out with our mind totally empty. God! How we dare...choosing as the high goal to be just a simple peace of life as long as everything within is completely 'set up' and at ease. We would sell our brains with all the data and information for just the Empty Bliss. Such a traition to God. How simple we spiritually inferior developed we are for having such selfish simple priority....
  2. Of course psychedelics do not produce that because that if a function of training. What psychedelics produce is: 1) insane levels of consciousness which you will never ever naturally reach, 2) and insight. I have never claimed that psychedelics result in the end of suffering. All traditional spiritual techniques are about training your body and mind. Psychedelics skip all of that to take you to insane levels of consciousness and back. You cannot get the benefits of training without training. HOWEVER, just because you do a lot of training does not mean that you have accessed very high consciousness nor understand what consciousness is. So we're talking about two independent axes here. People love to confuse the two, which leads to all sorts of problems and arguments. The thing that I am vocal about it that people who do lots of training assume that that's all there to this work. But there is a whole other dimension which no amount of training can reach. You can train yourself for 40 years and you will still never reach levels of consciousness which I have reached. This does not mean I'm better trained than you or whatever you value like bliss, siddhis, or the end of suffering. I have never claimed such things because I have not even tried to train them seriously.
  3. 1. Enhanced willpower and capacities, clarity of perception, siddhis(still refining), decreased sleep, rapid insights, bodily bliss, removed Karma in extreme ways. Kriya on psychedelics brought certain degrees of consciousness about. 2. Started kriya last year
  4. Don't you see it in his videos (at least in some its quite obvious)? His state? The reason why he continues to engage with the topic of Enlightenment and the Absolute to "others"? Don't you think it would be easier for him to stay removed from the world in the bliss of his realization? Why doesn't he do that? Love. To stay remote, in ones own bliss, and not engage the ignorance of the world is the easiest thing to do at a certain point. But shortly after that point, you realize you are all beings. Literally. And that realization.... Love. Water by the River
  5. @Leo Gura Fair enough, but often these guys can say stuff that's appropriate for a particular group of people at a particular time. For example, Rupert Spira might say solipsism is madness to prevent people from going insane, maybe he intuits that people cannot swallow something like that. Then again that's assuming a lot. I do know more about Sadhguru because I have watched a lot of videos on him and not his YouTube do kriya yoga newbie stuff. If you look hard enough, he does admit the practice of yoga will not take you the deepest levels of consciousness but he didn't propose another "method". He has talked about karma, yoga, all of this stuff being more Illusion and I've also heard him say on many occasions that most teachers are not truly awake. So the persona he puts out doesn't represent his truest understanding and we can never know what his deepest understanding is if he clearly avoids talking about it EVEN in inner circles. So it makes sense when you say it's only possible to get it, if you get them talking to each other. The general ideas of consciousness, Infinity, Love and so on seem to be common among them. Actually, it's only Ralston (from the teachers I know) that doesn't talk about Love. I don't know the nuances. At the end, I really appreciate Ralston, it's less "trust me bro" spirituality. He has taught me a lot about beliefs, stories, assumptions, and the art of contemplation. At the same time, Sadhguru seems to be extraordinarily powerful. If he does certain things, he can make your body shake viciously, release trauma and experience deep states of Love, Joy, Bliss and Oneness but they don't seem to qualify as awakenings for me. From all the teachers, sadhguru intrigues me the most. I have seen him make 1000 people go nuts by clapping once. There is something going on there.
  6. Then let me have the cases which you consider fully enlightened that don't align. I will try to align them and their pointers if the pointers are about the Absolute, and the examples know what they are talking about. "Rupert Spira says that solpsism is madness. Ramana Maharshi says there are no others. Rupert Spira says consciousness is love, Ralston says love is just an emotion. " I could align that. All 4 cases know what they are talking about. Spira: Solipsism from the perspective of an unenlightened separate self is madness. From the unenlighened mindstream Solipsism is just not true, because the "I" refered to is not the Absolute, or Impersonal Infintie Consciousness, Reality itself. Ramana: From the Absolute perspective there are no others. But that needs Enlightenment, and a deep identity shift towards Infinite Impersonal Consciousness, Reality itself. If one is then inclined to talk fully from the Absolute Side of the street: No problem. Spira: Consciousness is love: Ones True Nature, Impersonal Infinite Consciousness opens the mindstream towards love and bliss, or loving all that is and arises. Very clear once enlightened. Ralston: Love an emotion in the meaning that some mindstreams show a little bit of it sometimes, others more often, the permanently enlightened mindstream needs that as basis to stay enlightened/awakened, but also produces that love as result of staying in ones nature on a consistent basis. It is a perspective on love as state that can dominate a mindstream or not. Water by the River
  7. Ralston is just being very picky about his words, as he always is. He is saying that a relative phenomenon like psychedelics has no direct relation to enlightenment or truth. Ralston tends to be anal about such things. He never levels with you on your relativity. He always speaks very strictly, with this sort of autistically hyper-Absolute perspective, so to speak. He's very careful about saying things like "psychedelics will lead you to enlightenment" or "everything is love" or "enlightenment is full of love and bliss." He doesn't want to lead people on with ideas. He is very careful about this. Admittedly, he does feel a bit standoffish when it comes to talking about psychedelics. He could offer more nuance so that he is not misunderstood as this entire thread misunderstands him. But, I do believe it is a misunderstanding, as he says at the end "it is possible to have direct consciousness while on some drug." Maybe this is just his teaching style and it works well in his workshops. I don't like it either, though.
  8. The whole point of God to create suffering/bliss is so you are constantly inclined to Bliss/Liberation ,imo, is crazy that some of you guys want to 'reject' or 'deny' this rules, by saying there is no difference between bliss and suffering. Of course there is! The difference is imaginary? Of course. But everything is imaginary. The fact that a hammer falling in your hand is imaginary, and a blowjob is imaginary, doesn't prevent that God creates for itself that one thing will be preferable to other thing. Now...if the goal is actually to feel as Blissful as when the hammer is hitting on your finger in the same way as getting the blowjob, then kudos to you, that is next level mastery. But notice that that goal is itself again God wanting to feel good. That craving/inclination is totally inherent to the game, is the foundation of the rules. Is how the dream has coherence. Absolutely any movement of any being in reality is subconsciously aimed to move towards becoming free of the bounds/liberation/dissolution/...etc. Nothing more egotistical than the ego thinking he is above the rules and he doesn't care about bliss/salvation.
  9. Yes. As a very experienced meditator with longterm-practice and seasoned in Awakening one can do two things a) completely shut off the thought-flow: A high-speed cut-off at the beginning stage of a thought-emergence. The thought doesn't look like a thought in this earliest emergence phase of it, more like a ripening "seed" that is cut off. Lots of training until that point... And to continue that high-speed-cutoff of emerging thought "capsules" can stop the thought-flow completely. Until having had it, hard to imagine. b) second, and much more important: Staying lucid while thinking, "riding" with ones awareness on the thought-stream. Pretty impossible to describe, stems partly from the ability to do a) . That skill allows to carry the meditation/awareness into daily life. It also causes (due to its momentum in daily life more so than a), since one cant act/work without a thought flow running) the Awakened States of nonduality/one with the visual field, mere appearance (solidity of visual field removed), timelessness (time is imagined right here in THAT), boundlessness (any limit would be imagined in THAT. All of the states that psychedelics also cause. But "without the pill". And it also it cuts the separate-self-contraction in the head which just dissolves, opening up a flow of bliss that is so strong to just overpower the suffering that the remaining separate-self tends to cause in cycles. These are "hard" states of consciousness, not some wishful thinking or some soft states. The separate-self/ego main-building block is regular suffering/being unsatisfied, rejecting or wanting something that is not present in that state, seeking it, getting it or not getting it, and suffering again. Water by the River
  10. funny, hm? When you hit yourself with a hammer on the knee that is also illusory. Same as with the separate-self that you mostly consider yourself to be during everday life (at least I assume). It hurts (not all the time, but regularly), and if you don't know how to switch that off and release the self-contraction, you are going to suffer. Illusion yes, but suffering. yes. And? You prefer the suffering over the bliss? Oh yes there is. It feels quite similiar what you get when to go for a trip. Except one doesn't need the psychedelic then. Dissolving the self-contraction/duality/suffering with on-board-devices, independend of the 5-MeO or whatever, and having a blissfull nondual state of infinite release. The visual field turning into mere appearance/clear light "hovering" in infinite consciousness. Ones true being, right here, right now. No more clouds of ignorance/self-contraction. The suffering IS the mechanism that never lets the separate-self or self-contraction stop seeking and suffering until it is dissolved in its True Being. After doing that long enough, there is a deep switching point of identity and access to this flow of bliss. Its called Full Enlightenment. Look forward to it! That is actually way better news of your(!) Potential than anything you wrote of in your post. It is your own potential, your True Nature. I am not telling you to do anything different (as practice) than what you are doing right now, but just consider to stop declaring heaven inexistent. You know, its a grave sin listed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church to declare heaven non-existant Water by the River
  11. here is something in which I do not agree and that for me is the deception of Buddhism. I agree with Leo that Buddhism is false, I wanted him to say exactly why he thinks it is false but he didn't say it. I tell you why I think it is false and where I see the error in your line of thought (imo). For you there is a samsara, maya, from which you have to scape to enter the bliss of true nature. the principle of Buddhism: the end of suffering. moksha would agree with you. there is none of this, that implies a duality that is not real, it is illusory and that is why enlightenment and Buddhism are illusory. there are only states of consciousness, and all states are the absolute. hence we call it "absolute". There is nothing else. suffering and bliss are the same, they are different states of what you are. spiritual work is not escaping from the wheel of samsara, there is no such thing. It is to deepen in the now, in you, to the maximum, for the beauty that this implies. enlightenment=to reach a goal is falsehood. there is no goal, this is self-limiting, and that is the error of Buddhism, which categorizes the state of being as Buddha or non-Buddha. Buddha is a myth . only one state deeper than others but not maximally deep because depth has no bottom what is real is the ability to free yourself at will from the logical conceptual mind, understanding what this mind is. there is nothing mystical about it, or rather, everything is mystical, including the conceptual mind. everything is existence and what we do is to be conscious of ourselves. without renouncing to suffering, because we are configured as humans now and suffering is human
  12. Yes. I learned here to my amazement that telling about the possiblity of opening up infinite bliss and release when the egoic self-contraction is dissolved/shut down (literally a contraction mostly felt in the head, and only felt as having been there when its gone), the ignorant/wrong concepts are cut off, and the solidity of the visual field is replaced with mere appearance/clear light, in an Infinite Opening of Reality without any possible limits, and telling of the bliss that that brings on a permanent basis whenever accessing True Nature (which is always here and can not not be here)... ...that all of that is supposedly not possible. Although I have the verification of exactly that every day. And although thousands of people across all times, centuries and cultures, across all wisdom traditions, tell the same. Honestly, what is left of small-me really rejoices in Big Me of the fact that "I" can verify that for myself without needing anything or anyone, or experiencing anything. Especially, i don't need any kind of -ISM anymore, which can only point the the moon, act as pointer. IT, or the "moon", is always right here. Can not not be here. And will eternally be here. Never lost, never found, only overlooked and clouded with ignorance and some other funny arisings hiding the Truth. Well, apparently every being is free to hug the spokes of the wheel of Samsara the egoic self-contraction, declare it God (and not contained within God), and affirm its inherent nature of suffering as the only spiritual goal possible, declaring that un-Truth as summum bonum. Well done, I know a gentlemen with style that would be proud of that.... Well, God & Gods & Gentlement with style don't seem to get tired of playing that game anytime soon. Until then, lets enjoy the show... And now, annoying Water-by-the-River, would you please s*** **? Selling Water by the River
  13. Uuum, lets assume Reality is infinite intelligent. Meaning Impersonal Infinite Consciousness manifests an Intelligence that holds Indras Net in itself, infinitely intelligent. And lets assume that: “Enlightenment is an accident. But we can make ourselves more accident prone.” So Reality wants a certain mindstream/states(like boundless timeless infinite mere appearance infinite consciousness)/not-too-unloving-personality/maybe certain other stuff also... : The making oneself accident prone. And then the accident can happen. Its not for the separate-self to decide when precisely that happens. Like I wrote before, there are self-guarding mechanisms of Reality. Reality apparently doesn't want too many enlightened uncompassionate egotists basking 24/7 in the bliss of their true nature. And True Nature = bliss = shutting off the self-contraction in ones head, making the whole field groundless mere appearance floating in infinity, and infinite release a the snap of ones finger. That is just how it is, although many apparently don't like to hear it. Water by the River
  14. The hardest part about accepting that I'm god is to accept the true nature of god which is infinite cruelty, evil and despair. I will and have already subjected trillions of beings to immense suffering. I have and will continue to bring into existence beings who never wished to exist for no reason at all other than this sick identity game of being infinite. I don't know what's going to happen to this character, the character is innocent but the controller of the character isn't. If I end up in the streets starving to death, maybe I deserve it because after all I have created this rotten and corrupt world. My will is done 24/7 and it's tragic. If god was truly good and selfless, he would lay down his imagination forever, remove the infinite love and bliss and sleep in nothingness forever. Now that's truly selfless. It is my wish and my desire. Absolute non existence. Is there anything more selfless than that, renouncing infinite pleasure and just be nothingness forever?
  15. Easy to overlook that 99,9%+ of Buddhists are not enlightened, and at least 99% of Buddhist teachers on the spiritual market place are not fully enlightened? Yes, the "success rate" of the Buddhist project is not good, not to say abysmal... But its a long journey over many (dream-)lifes, and the other spiritual systems/traditions are also not more successful. And for the "masses", Buddhism teaches mainly compassion & love & integration into the world/society/other beings, or generally staying open and loving to all that appears in Ones True Being/Reality, which is the same as living a healthy life on the relative level. Dream? Yes, but a dream more on the happy side and not a nightmare-dream. Which is probably precisely what most souls need to learn in this round of the game. And which is necessary to stabilize Awakening. A big part of the Gateless Gate is made out of compassion. I myself was also like "hey, wake up, that is all relative-level-stuff, go directly to Awakening and so on, why so much about this Boddhichitta and compassion-teaching stuff and why not more emphasis on the real Awakening-teachings?", but over the years as I got older that changed a bit.... Ken Wilber once said in One Taste: "First, although it is generally true that the East has produced a greater number of authentic realizers, nonetheless, the actual percentage of the Eastern population that is engaged in authentic transformative spirituality is, and always has been, pitifully small. I once asked Katagiri Roshi, with whom I had my first breakthrough (hopefully, not a breakdown), how many truly great Ch’an and Zen masters there have historically been. Without hesitating, he said, “Maybe one thousand altogether.” I asked another Zen master how many truly enlightened—deeply enlightened— Japanese Zen masters there were alive today, and he said, “Not more than a dozen.” (that statement from Katagiri was at least 30 years ago, probably rather 40. Nowadays its more for sure (and that quote should not cause any limiting belief), but still shows that one should not take the "Enlightenment" of the next Zen Teacher as the final thing. Chances are way higher that it isn't). Most Enlightenments/Awakenings are not full/deep Enlightenment (in Zen called Great Enlightenment), where there is no more doubt about the nature of Reality, God, Ones True Self. Water by the River @Leo Gura PS: Deep respect from my side concerning your last blog-post. That takes a very high degree of Integrity, Self-Reflection, and above all staying open. Very(!) few people could do something like that. So really deep respect for that, and hopefully I am not coming across in any way condescending or jovial in any way, because that is not intended. Whatever caused your suffering, I wish you all the best and a swift end of suffering, and a fast return to the bliss & pioneering exploration of the higher realms/dimensions! PSPS: Maybe you already know some of that material, but if not you will probably find these books quite interesting: Jaques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers Paperback Graham Hancock, Supernatural Charles Upton, The Alien Disclosure Deception: The Metaphysics of Social Engineering. Although some of that stuff is in my opinion too deeply infused with Traditionalist School (perennialism) of Guénon, Coomaraswamy and Schuon, still a very interesting perspective. Jürgen Ziewe (Out of body explorer over 40 years, with valid Enlightenment-experience-descriptions) for example:
  16. Calming the mind can be good, but it also has some serious limits. You need mind to reach very advanced understanding of God. One of the reasons I've been able to reach new kinds of understanding of God and Consciousness -- this alien stuff -- is because I did not take the standard path of just silencing my mind. And it paid off in some amazing ways. If you just shut off your mind your understanding of Consciousness will be quite limited in the end. You may get other benefits but your understanding will be lacking. Which is exactly the issue with all the Buddhists. They can sit for days in bliss under a tree, but they don't understand the mechanics of God. Many of them even dare to claim that God doesn't exist. Which is just embarrassing.
  17. Life is a movie. An entirely directed and designed experience. Everything is pre ordained. The transition from state of consciousness to state of consciousness, the flow of thoughts, the flow of actions, the emotions, etc. If you imagine a video editor who pieces together a video by cutting frames and inserting effects and audio tracks, god has video edited your entire life to the tiniest detail. That's why there shouldn't be any blame or guilt, useless and fraudulent emotions because you're not responsible for your actions. That said it is part of the play that people and society will attribute the blame of your actions to you, but that's also handcrafted and purely imaginary. You don't surrender to life, you don't do anything. You transition from moment to moment and everything happens automatically. If you know this, god will have planted some anxiety and discomfort from the knowing but it still changes nothing. The sage Ramesh Balsekar says that life is imprisonment for consciousness. Other sages say that life is a contrast to infinite love and bliss, a way to increase appreciation for the true home of consciousness. The life may include things like astral projection, lucid dreams and psychedelic trips. There is no control even in lucid dreams, you are under the illusion of free will like in waking life but in truth you're being directed by subtle thoughts like "Im gonna do this" This truth turns me into a nihilist because Im entirely powerless while dreaming and I have phases of intense discomfort, pain and suffering already pre planned and there is nothing I can do to avoid them. And how can I trust the architect of my suffering to provide me a good life. A good life is not guaranteed, you may be entirely born to suffer. Free will is literally a non existent fantasy because of the nature of imagination. Imagination has to follow a linear progression of moments, the imaginary is an expression of mind, it doesn't really have a "life". There is no "alive" beings. There is only fluid imagination that simulates life. In one sense it is not incorrect to say that this is a simulation because it is. It just isn't a computer simulation. This is a simulation of life. Actual life cannot truly exist, the only thing that is permanent and truly exists is god. Understanding is a function of the simulation or dream. It's states of consciousness. Like memory, consciousness can hold in itself a sense of understanding. This is a deconstruction of Maya, the illusion of consciousness. Enjoy.
  18. I think we can agree on that I wish you (and everyone else) freedom from suffering, and the bliss of the True Nature each being has at its core. And the fact that I do know that you underestimate your potential in being free from suffering and enjoying the bliss of what You really are is probably not one of the more challenging “lets agree to disagree”-topics. In that sense: All the best and Bon Voyage! Water by the River
  19. No, this is a bad assumption. Development does not directly translate into happiness. There is some truth to ignorance is bliss.
  20. If I had true sight I would see everything happening as love and feel that love. I could go homeless and I wouldn't care if only I could feel the love in every moment. Why must I go through life with an "ego", with a perspective that doesn't even want to exist. Why does god hoard all the love to itself only and not share it with its beings. I understand that god wants to give life to every form but why must it give form to suffering forms and not simply joyful forms. If everyone was feeling love all the time there would be no evil. Why isn't creation just an infinite field with all the possible forms in existence all blissed out in love walking around hugging and petting each other. Now that would be paradise. Why make everyone work and cruel shit like that. I see the radiance in all these beings existing but the feeling doesn't stay. I have this cold and heartless neutrality and I don't want it. I just want to disappear and be a love camera and just observe reality. Free this body from my grasp. Allow it to live in non existent bliss just like the others and simply observe.
  21. No Razard, you're actually wrong because getting my way all the time in truth has no distinction from not getting my way all the time. The distinction is imagined. You say that god imagines boredom when it gets its way all the time but god could instead imagine satisfaction, the experience is entirely customizable. The truth is entirely malleable. I don't necessarily wish for things to go my way, I just want to feel good. Things didn't go my way and now my life is horribly boring and unsalvageable. When things were going my way I was feeling satisfaction and was having a great time. It is said that any pleasure on this earth is like horrible torture compared to the bliss of heaven. Even given this fact, god is miserable and ungenerous in duling out the pleasures of this earth, you have to pay for it in equal misery. I experienced like 5 great blissful vacations in 28 years, with money that I had to earn working like a slave. Why can't my life be an endless LSD trip where my appreciation for music is heightened, where there's no such thing as "getting used to it". Where novelty is constant. Why can't my life be an endless buffet of choice. Why must I live constrained like a slave, chained to obligation and daily duties. Why didn't god at least make me compliant to the life I have. Why didn't he make me feel satisfied with what I have. Everything is the fault of the designer. The blame is entirely on the designer forever and ever. Surrender to what is because what is is a piece of shit but hey it's perfect. For fucking no one , no one sees that it is perfect because I'm the pnly one here and I don't see it and I'll never fucking see it. So what's the point of spending a life in dissatisfaction only tp appreciate it when I'm dead? Why bother living at all. God already knew this life. God is omniscient, it's not about appreciation. It's just stupid OCD retarded bullshit I have to be everything. For whom do I have to be everything? I thought god was free but no god is an eternal slave. I was surprised alright. Surprised that this world is a scam, run by occult pedophiles who want to kill everyone and make life a serfdom. I was surprised that the earth is actually flat and that there is no outer space. I was surprised that space was made in a Hollywood basement. I was surprise that the Vatican, celebrities and the secret societies actually worship lucifer. I was surprised that I am god. I was surprised by a lot of things. But I could have been surprised while living a good life which is actually what happened for the most part. I was surprised that my life was ruined beyond repair but now living is shit such that none of the surprises were actually worth anything.
  22. I woke up, meditated, did kriya yoga, and breathwork for a couple of hours. I then Snorted around 120mg of tested ketamine and holed. It was my first time holing and it was very cool, but I didn't have any crazy breakthroughs. Once I could move again with ease I took 3 large hits of DMT, and was unable to take a fourth. The psychedelic effects were about as strong as I've ever had them, even putting a standard DMT trip to shame. I starting off asking to just know what everything is, to know god, and after I laid down I was in this dimension with a massive room, with large tall angular entities. I had the sense this was a very profound place, and it seemed nothing like the jesters I sometimes meet with. The visuals were just absolutely ineffable, so advanced and intelligent. I few weeks ago on DMT I had been given the option to die, and had gratefully decided not to. This time I was ready to die and had accepted death, and so they brought out a file from the edge of the room. Then suddenly I was gone, transported to the void of God, no world, no self, no reality. And then, out of love and infinite curiosity, I decided and chose to incarnate in this reality. I would describe the process I experienced as Creation. God created everything, and it was me doing it. And then God decided to forget into this individual life, into my experience as a human being on earth. And for a while after the trip I was crying and screaming in existential bliss and awe, marveling at the world and self I had just created. This is everything put into a chronological story, but it is all beyond words. I became completely conscious of the process of Creation as god. What a beautiful and unique thing, the cause and explanation for all of reality. And yet still I continue to create. I realized that I will always be creating, infinitely and while I live this life, and it is a beautiful divine thing, it is what God does. I realized that everything is absolutely perfect, that I will never die and I am simply imagining this finite life and will continue to imagine when it is over. There is nothing to fear, nothing to worry about, all there is is perfection and love. Anyways, I will be more motivated to meditate, to life a fearless loving and pure life, to be as aware as possible. And to smoke more DMT. Much love, Thank you lots @Leo Gura for teaching me about all of this, I wouldn't be here experiencing the most meaningful thing I could have ever imagined otherwise. p.s. I mixed LSD with DMT a couple of days ago and also had a crazy trip. But there was no deep insight, just jester entities showing me all kinds of gadgets and gizmos, happy to see me. The visuals were absolutely insane. These dimensions are just so far beyond ours in complexity.
  23. Learn proper classic Yoga from a teacher. The key to produce this states is 'written' on your own body/breath. You will have to 'make it' by doing certain practices and techniques. I learned from sadhguru but who ever you choice, make sure he/she knows what it is doing and is not just gymnastics. Oh no, I have cancelled this year because I had a lot of expenses Next year. Yes, it feels like heaven. All of your sensory surroundings (particularly sounds since eyes are usually closed) become like little diamonds dripping tears of Love and Bliss. You become One with that. Yoga = Union ?
  24. IME, The best state ever is not a psychedelic peak, or any type of substance induced state. It is absolute concentration and intensity of your awareness, to such a level that feeling of Time completely disappears, and there is just Raw Awareness. In this state anything that happens on awareness is an orgasm on its own, a sound feels Ecstatic, each breath feels like heaven, this is what all humans beings should strive for. If you think you know blissfulness or ecstasy because of having taking MDMA or 300ug of Lsd, I´m just telling you, you haven't scratched the surface of how certain state of consciousness of God can feel like. I piss on mdma or heroin or whatever, this state of consciousness is beyond anything that a chemical could trigger. This is a pure Explosion of perfection. And, this can not be achieved for a long time while residing in normal society, only retreated in a place outside of the matrix influence, this can be lived. All types efforts to feel pleasure love or accomplishment through material goals are stupid, because they do not touch 1% of the bliss and heaven this state of consciousness is. I do have material attachments I want to burn, but once I´m done with that, I will say goodbye to the game. I will retreat to some ashram and in exchange of peeling potatoes 8 hours a day, I will be in heaven rest of the day. ?
  25. "I offer myself to the Light, the Auspicious Lord, who is the True Teacher, within and without, Who assumes the forms of Reality, Consciousness, and Bliss. Who is ever present and full of peace, Independant in His existence, the vital essence of illumination."