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  1. Here's another interesting take. What color are angels? Usually bright white. What do their symbolize? God's glory, light, love, holyness, blessingness etc. Where do they come from? From above, from the heavens. So basicly this white brilliant light that comes from god passes through us, blessing us, healing us, supporting us, guiding us as we are in communication with god through prayer or our heart chakra. That's basicly christianity. .... Here's the final interesting take What is the color of nothingness? Almost everybody would say black. What does black symbolize? Often it symbolizes death, void, nothingness. Where did creation start from? It started from nothingness, void, primordial womb of energy. Basicly this is buddhism. A primordial energy of existence. Zen silence cultivation. Primordial self realization. .... Summary. We have different energies in existence. We have bright white heavenly energies of light, glory and love. (Christianity) We have primordial black color force is exitence where everything comes from. Nothingness. ( buddhism, dhyanalinga, zen) We have red sexual kundalini energy (tantra, satanism, kali, occult, sorcery) Maybe there's more even. I know mantak chia is obssesed with violet light for some reason. As one of the quotes from sadhguru goes. "Creation is one light breaking into different colors like a rainbow, that's what different religions stand for."
  2. @Phil777 put yourself in the situation that things are not real but imaginary. children are imaginary, and rapes. they are mental constructions in the nothingness to experience possibilities of existence. Do you understand then that all constructions are qualitatively the same? they are love for being Leaving nothing aside, all that can be is, since as God, the reality, you love to be, you love it with everything
  3. Today, while doing my Kriya, I went deep and realized that awareness is what the body does, it's a part of the body. And after that realization a gap between the body + mind + awareness opened up and I detached from all of that and, for a short period, went to this deep Nothingness Void. It's like pure Being, IS'ness without any substance sort to say. That experience was very disturbing for the mind. Like super disturbing to realize what am I. So my question is - Is this the final "I" or does it go deeper?
  4. @Leo Gura Is there more? I definetely experienced God-Realization fairly often. Nothingness Void was a first. In my experience it was way harder and trickier to break through the Nothingness than God-Realization.
  5. @Leo Gura and others these are not profound epiphanies I had during doing acid,shrooms, watching spiritual videos, contemplating,etc. 1)Time is an illusion. The now is eternal. 2) we are all God with multiple personality disorders. 3) the material world is layers upon layers over nothingness. 4) Life is a dream. By dream I don't mean the Wikipedia definition of a dream. It is the absolute dream and reality at the same time hence the duality collapses. 5) My body is a segment of the universe but I am the entire universe. The distinction between self and other things collapses. 6) The self is an illusion. What you identify as creates all of your suffering. Things I am yet to learn: 1) I still don't understand how birth and death is imaginary. 2) I still don't know how is every moment eternal. 3) still haven't experienced infinite love. 4) yet to achieve full ego death. 5) What is the point of life 6) Why can't I get what I want if I'm God and creating my own reality.
  6. I experienced the void and the great nothingness it represented. It was an annihilating experience. There was a feeling of loneliness which was unimaginable. That is what it is like if there is no creation - the most utterly dismal sense of being alone. Also stillness. Life however, is not still and, therefore, there is life. That is why there is creation for there to be more than nothingness. Ii also dawned on me that we too create life for ourselves. It is not the material things but the love and relationships we create that give our life meaning. That is all there is and that is our way to create a life of joy.. While these relationships exist, we can escape the void and being alone. So, there are individual souls each creating life in myriad forms. Through creation, God fills the void.
  7. Yesterday, I experienced nothingness for the first time. It was amazing, but it’s impossible to describe. It wasn’t nothingness like ‘a black hole’ or some empty void. No, everything was still there, but it was nothing. The best description that I have so far is that: everything was still there, but nothing could be said about it. To even say that it exists is already just a belief. Nothing could be said about it that would be true, therefore it is nothing. But the ‘perception’ didn’t change; I was still looking at the room, but there was no belief. There wasn’t even a me looking at the room, because that itself is another belief. It’s a very slippery notion to talk about. For some reason, I wasn’t even surprised when this experience came to me. The only thing interesting about it is that, by definition, it cannot be explained. Amazing. Btw, no psychedelics were involved in this experience. I’ve never taken psychedelics before ever. This was a ‘clean’ experience.
  8. None .I have contacted publishers and bookstore owners. People with phd in philosophy can't help me publish my book. I refuse the academic route .i don't want to become a philosophy Professor in a university. I want to become an Independent thinker. to have a graduate level knowledge of philosophy (and probably any subject), you will need to do a lot of reading in the secondary literature of philosophy, which is mostly professional philosophy journals that discuss the specific problems, interpretations, and analysis of the famous philosophical texts. It can be downright boring. But I decided to take the red pill and read dozens of highly complicated philosophy texts from the most genius philosophers ever. I would just read the philosophers themselves. here are the texts that still resonate with me years after reading and reflecting upon them: -Plato. The Republic -Aristotle. Nichomachean Ethics and The Politics (They’re really part of the same work.) -Marcus Aurelius. Meditations. -Augustine. Confessions. -Descartes. Meditations on First Philosophy. -Pascal. Pensees. -David Hume. Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding. -Spinoza. Ethics. -Kant. Critique of Pure Reason. Critique of Practical Reason. Critique of Judgement. -Hegel. Philosophy of Right. -Kierkegaard. Fear and Trembling and The Sickness Unto Death. -Nietzsche. The Genealogy of Morals. Beyond Good and Evil. Thus Spoke Zarathustra. -Ludwig Wittgenstein. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. -Martin Heidegger. Being and Time. -Jean Paul Sartre. Being and Nothingness. -Emmanual Levinas. Totality and Infinity. -Simone DeBeauvoir. The Second Sex. -Luce Irigaray. Speculum of the Other : Woman. -Michel Foucault. Discipline and Punish. History of Sexuality. I read ALL that . Word by word . And again I'm starting from zero . I want to be creative . Most people who are Interested in philosophy go the academic route .but that's not what I'm aspiring to . I want to become a worldwide well known philosopher . Not just a dude with A phd in philosophy and teaches the history of philosophy (which is not real philosophy, but that's how its done in academia ).
  9. What if some religions are better than others? What kind of higher power? I like the statement that all religions are mental dependancy. We could read and study them all like literature of various countries, although I would have a hard time trying out a prayer in Arabic, or maybe not. Can I be an agnostic, cause I don't want to be an atheist? I know that there must be some kind of intelligent being that has everything it needs to create a world like this. But I don't want to worship it. I'm not sure I can accept it fully, cause if it is responsible for all creation, there are some things I'd tell it I wish it never created. How can you trust such a higher power? Maybe you mean to believe in a higher power but not know what or who it is and so not get affiliated with any religion I guess. But why meditate if you're not a Hindu or Buddhist? Etc. And certainly not Buddhism, okay. What about psychonautism? Religion of psychonauts? Where are their temples? They should have at least two.? I guess their temple would be something like a forest or camp for retreats. But it would be nice to build an awesome looking temple and make this a famous religion around the world if that is how you get to know God. This makes no sense to me either. Yeah, God is one, but it can have children, right? We are like little baby Gods that cannot die and get reincarnated over time... I don't believe in this, just saying. This is absurd. But you know, since there is nothing outside God, inside him,I don't know. It's hard ro believe that this moment with all its contents has always existed and just keeps on repeating itself and popping back into awareness, stored in some Godlike space or nothingness which is everything that exists and ever existed. What a weird thing this home is, this plant is and that tree is. Makes no sense. Call it God, a tiny part of God, it still makes no sense. How do you experience the whole thing? It appears God is just anything and everything that ever was, will be or could be. But why care about God and worship him through Quran and a Moswue if he's just everything? I guess there is some wisdom behind it.
  10. I kind of lost when Leo talk about all the topic in deep with so clear aspects. In his style: Ego: Culture is ego, science is ego, religion is ego... God: You are god, I am god, hand is god, Youtube is god... Brain: Memory is concept, idea is concept, future is concept... Enlightenment: ... I understand that He is trying touch the point to different viewers that people knows "oh, he is talking about me." But after he presents everything relate to each topic, then I don't actually remember what is the purpose that I watch this. Yes, I feel pure, nothing, and everything is neuter. but this is not the purpose before we watch his video, isn't it? We want to solve simple problem, everyday life problem. And the goal what we want is inside in our ego, yes, it's ego. You guys feel ego is nice, right? money, love, fame, etc. we feel stupid but we still feel good when we achieve it. We have to experience it, the rock, the problem, the pointless upset, or something time wasting, THEN we can pass that. So when Leo tries to help anyone who is lost, and then I feel a bit lost. Is Nothingness helping our everyday life?
  11. “There is, mendicants, that dimension where there is no earth, no water, no fire, no wind; no dimension of infinite space, no dimension of infinite consciousness, no dimension of nothingness, no dimension of neither perception nor non-perception; no this world, no other world, no moon or sun. There, mendicants, I say there is no coming or going or remaining or passing away or reappearing. It is not established, does not proceed, and has no support. Just this is the end of suffering.” - Paṭhamanibbānapaṭisaṁyuttasutta The Buddha specifically wrote it like this as he describes the 4 higher Jhanas in this sutra are not quite what he wanted people to realize, as refined and profound experiences of consciousness as they may be - many people here have experienced through psychedelics what you call infinite and nothingness, but that's not it. We might think 'I have experienced enlightenment/infinity' but coming to realize enlightenment itself is not dependent on any condition itself, we see we are just falling in and out in an experience, a momentary lapse or expansion in the sense of I. It strikes me over and over and over why the Buddha said to solely focus on ending suffering and to give up on metaphysical pondering or to the 'highest realization' which is promoted so heavily here. What is it we are really seeking? is it that direct knowing, not a thought nor a concept, not a belief nor a cognization of experience, but it is just that to be in the world of form but to remain empty and to be empty as to be all form. Because as two people share a concept of God-realization as the ultimate Truth, for both of those people it's not the Truth. It is not the knowing of now, it is the recollection of memory. Which is the whole spiritual progress, the whole burning of karma, either you explode your individuality through devotion or you empty yourself entirely through awareness, those are two ways we can do it. And it is some serious fucking work involved, stepping into the depths of what is binding us to these bodies is not for everyone. After spending 3 months in a forest thai monastery, I came to a serious confrontation about how much shit the mind has accumulated through getting identified, spiritual growth must be at the forefront, it must be absolutely soaked into the core of what we are - to strive for growth, to try our best moment to moment. Love you guys
  12. Hi, maybe I'm not the first to have the idea but its worth a try. I wanted to start a thread where we share our enlightenment experiences with each other in order to learn and just for curiosity sake My experiences listed by chronological order: 1. I was sitting under a tree at the back of my mothers house. The tree had red leaves. It happened gradually: A weird feeling creeped up. A feeling that deep down I truly know who I am and am just putting on a mask. We are all players in a grand game and our personalities are nothing but masks. 2. I was peeling potatoes and an insight hit me: "sometimes in life the most important thing to do is to peel potatoes". It meant to me that happiness is to be found not in a future which is yet to come, but in the moment. 3.During one of my psychotic episodes I pressed my arms against each other and asked myself: 'How is it that my hand dose not go through?' I thought of physics and of the electromagnetic forces in between them but still this did not satisfy an answer. Then in what seemed like a blink of an eye I got it: Things are the way they are because it is the most perfect way.. And that is why my hand dose not go through the other hand. 4.I went to a spring near where I live. It was morning and the atmosphere was so nice. I sat with my guitar and then I knew that in about 3 seconds I'm about to have a huge insight. This is the biggest of my awakenings yet and what I realize was that god exists(only later have I come to recognize god as my true self). The exact words which went through my mind where: Who else? 5.The Nothingness awakening: It was very simple, a spiritual guide came to me(I have imagined him it helped me a lot) and just stated: you know what that is? It actually is just nothing. I know it sounds silly but that got me to realize what Nothingness is. Here I want to add that the "No self" was not an awakening but rather a gradual dissipation for me so I do not list that here. 6. My final awakening cannot be put into words as I myself cannot make sense of it yet. When (and if) I can ill be happy to share it Have an awesome weekend and enjoy life! Daniel.
  13. What do i mean by '' Absolute Nothingness '' ? I mean the lack of the very thing that is a constant, consciousness. The finality of being dead forever, having no form, no proprieties forever is Absolute Nothingness. No sensory experience/r, just pure nothingness. Absolute infinity / Absolute nothingness are polar opposites. Absolute infinity has phenomenons, proprieties and even an ability to generate this thread, but it does not include a self negating attribute to it other than recycling ( death ) . You can actually escape the absolutely infinite wheel by turning yourself towards Absolute Nothingness. Ego death is not enough, this reality is only one set. You need consciousness-death. All of this can be done from the comfort of your bedroom.
  14. I just finished the book. I love it. It's one of my favorites now. Very insightful and well-written. I like Douglass: "There's no way to meet in nothingness. We have to meet in somethingness, in a world. And what is more wonderful than meeting in a good way? Nothing." - Douglass Gilette
  15. That makes more sense to me. But it's still a weird situation. Things existing or not existing blows my mind. No matter how you slice it reality is a magical thing.
  16. Hi All, I'm sure many of you have heard Leo or various other teachers discuss the "void" in which everything exists. Instinctively whenever I've heard this being referred to, I've always known that i wasn't quite getting it.. I would kind of just try to imagine nothingness.. darkness, the vacuum of space. Nothing really ever came to me as any kind of "realisation" and i could tell that i was just projecting concepts. So a few months ago i was laying down in my backyard, looking up at the night sky. I was thinking about fast we are moving through space. Earth spinning at 1,600km/h its also circling around the sun at 107,000km/h and then consider that the sun is also moving around the milky way galaxy at 720,000km/hr Since there isn't really any kind of universal frame of reference, i began to imagine how we could potentially be moving through space at an infinite speed. I just entertained the idea. Thats when i had an Oh My God moment. It was a deep realisation that, even right now im unable to recapture in the way i did in that moment. I imagined, a cubic meter of a "location" in space that is absolutely motionless.. Stars, Planets, Us.. all passing through it at unfathomable speed. Completely unaffected by it. Sometimes it is "filled" with the vacuum of space and sometimes it is filled with the center of a planet, or even something as dense as a neutron star. It is the nothingness that allows all things to exist within it. Just thought i would share how i came upon this realisation myself in case anyone else was in the same place as I was up until this insight. Coincidentally I heard Leo mention it in one of his more recent videos where he described an object (i think it was a hammer) in empty space as an example. I just thought that even though the way in which I came to my realisation is more convoluted, it might just be the thing that someone needs to get the insight
  17. Two

    Nothingness Without End
  18. no concept matches the true depths of emptiness and basically killing yourself to sacrifice the subjective experience is the goal. therefore, if its true that the self only reveals itself to the true self itself, then its simple there's no way to get there all that can happen is a staged breakthrough which you don't have any control of. therefore you must give up control does that mean that the breakthrough is dependant on pure luck and the choice of god itself, or will it definately happen if i do self-inquiry for 50 years?
  19. Date: October 10th 2022 Dose: 4.5g Mazatapec Intention: What is Actuality? Taken at 5:50 pm 12 minutes in Feeling a come-up. 14 minutes Kicking in, yawning, tired, etc. Getting into that shroom head space Eventually my contemplation of "What is actuality?" just dove into me asking "What are you, God?" To me, this was the same question as asking what is actuality. Insights and Musings You can't explain it. You either are conscious of it or you're not. When your hand is not in your consciousness, it it literally exists as nothingness. Void. Parts of your body that you do not see or feel literally do not exist. And then when you look at it then it spontaneously gets imagined into existence. God has the power to do that. And God damn. God damn. God is one fucking asshole, he had me fooled. The ultimate Illusionist. I have become conscious that I live in a mind. Post Trip Report Definitely Some mind-blowing insights into the nature of reality. Super duper fun to see god's power where he can just make things appear and vanish. Turn a corner and the room you were just is is gone.
  20. The beautiful aspect of dualities is they create a sense of movement, progression, and experience. They may only be imagination, but even for God they serve a purpose. Imagine being formless, changeless, and timeless. God is not bored, but neither is it excited. It is light and love, but without creation, how is this light and love manifested? It is all God, dreaming the cosmos into existence and collapsing it into nothingness, in an infinite divine cycle. Science supports the expansion and contraction of the cosmos, but mystics realized it millennia ago. Take the numbers below as symbolic, and realize the deeper meaning of the insight: The Day of Brahma ends after a thousand yugas and the Night of Brahma ends after a thousand yugas. When the day of Brahma dawns, forms are brought forth from the Unmanifest; when the night of Brahma comes, these forms merge in the Formless again. This multitude of beings is created and destroyed again and again in the succeeding days and nights of Brahma. But beyond this formless state there is another, unmanifested reality, which is eternal and is not dissolved when the cosmos is destroyed. - Bhagavad Gita 8:17-20
  21. You can't awake of that because otherwise you would be in control at all times, and its not possible when consciousness=nothingness
  22. Consciousness is the building block of the reality that doesnt really exist, the reality is you, you're creating your reality on the go out of nothing. Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Both. Which came first? Nothingness or consciousness? It's both. You're just experiencing an illusion of something, behind the scenes there is really nothing. In the world of dualities we think nothing is actually non existence but it doesnt work like that
  23. You both are wrong, "nothingness" and "You are Consciousness" are both the same at the highest level. I made a paint. Consciousness = nothingness , that is why there is no one in control ever and never will be.
  24. Good description of the how truly hard it is to face the void. really, it shouldn't be since there is nothing bad in the void, nor good. it is to realize that under the thin surface of appearance, there is an infinite ocean of nothingness. It is terrifying because you disappear diluted in that infinity and there is not the slightest thing to hold on to. there is no opinion about that nothingness, no fear, only lack of all life. the self, as soon as it returns, is horrified and wants to get out of there immediately. This is why whoever wants to access that state while sober has to educate himself with years of intensive meditation. a psychedelic can get you there in a moment. you just need courage to face it many times. there is a point to understand. there is something in the void, the consciousness of the void. then you see that the void is one more creation, exactly the same as watching a sunset, or the awareness of yourself as an individual. and there is also resistance. really, you are perceiving the emptiness, and resisting it, even though it seems that there is no you. as soon as you completely abandon yourself, the revelation takes place. the revelation more than a revelation is the total rupture of the limits that you impose on yourself. your perceiving the emptiness is limitation. you have to merge with it and encompass the infinite, then the void is revealed as absolute power, absolute love, intelligence and total freedom of the inexplicable: god. you. the obvious, what always was. how did you forget this? then all your energy channels stop forming curves, bends, paths, and become straight beams that reach infinity. all your energy is released.
  25. For me, the consciousness IS the nothingness. Conciousness is literally nothing.