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  1. @Jehovah increases The Absolute Truth of Nothingness has always been Known.
  2. Yes, there is ONE spirit but many bodies. One Spirit is looking through many eyes. Spiritually speaking we are One. Materialy speaking there are others. We have different bodies, brains, and psyches but ONE spirit. Energy is the opposite of Spirit and yet they are the same. Two sides of the same coin. If it were otherwise you would never recognize anything. The Spirit would be just itself. Without darkness, there is no Light. Without Light, there is no Darkness. Shakti and Shiva Nothingness = Spirit Something = energy Merging of Spirit and Energy = Illumination You have to square the circle You have a Material body so you have a capable brain and nervous system. And because of that, you have a working persona. (to keep the body alive and to procreate) The ONE Spirit in that individual body wills the material body to move. Spirit uses the persona(mind) to realize and look back at itself. Your true self is the Spirit. And Spirit has a WILL so this means that matter has no will. No thing = infinity = one 0 = ♾️ = 1 One Spirit has three aspects. Spirit = no space + Matter = infinite space = Oneness Consciousness is Spirit. Your true self. Which is no self or infinite selfs. Poteto potato. Energy is motion so Spirit being its opposite must be No motion. No motion means It's perfectly still. This means the only means to match that primal state is to be completely still in body and in mind. ?
  3. I am the body (ego, seperate self) I am infinity (spirit/consiousness) Awakening. You must merge Spirit(consciousness) and energy (physical world) to be illuminated being. Inner world (psyche + consiousness) + Outer world (natural science) = illumination. They are BOTH the real. BOTH exist in complete unity. Imagine the Jing Yang symbol. If all was just white (consciousness) how would you regonize the black? What if all was just Black(energy) , how would you regonize the White part? You can't regonize them. But when they are together you can regonize and become illuminated. The fact is that you can't have one without the other. This proves that there is external world and Inner world. Physical and spiritual. BOTH are sides of the same coin. Spirit and energy are the same thing but in different STATES at the same TIME. DO YOU SEE? It is not right to say that external world does not exist. It exist as much as consiousness. Because it is consciousness but in completely different state. Without this relationship with spirit and energy you could never ever realizes anything at all. The fact is that there is only ONE Truth. Not multible! And the Truth is that Spirit is one thing. This means it is timeless. Timeless is eternal. It is personal. Timelessness has no space. No space means it is SILENCE (No motion) Spirit is completely motionless, unmanifested nothingness. Matter on the other hand is complete opposites of spirit. Matter is motion, Time, space, un True, indifferent. Seperation. Thinking is motion and this is why thinking alone cannot reach Spirit. Spirit can only know spirit by BEING SPIRIT. This means that psychedelic which amplify imagination (thinking) is not a valid place to draw any real facts. Only by complete relaxation and Stillness can pure consiousness shine. There in that unity is wholeness and KNOWINGNESS.
  4. Beautiful, Galyna ? Reminds me of "Dark Night of the Soul" by St. John of the Cross. It is a desperate journey that moves you beyond the childlike euphoria of initial awakening, into the deep ocean of self-annihilation which is necessary for true God-realization. I love the commentary by Mirabai Starr: This is a path of annihilation of the ego. But we must first be brought home to ourselves before we can bear to see our nothingness before God…It is less for those who are struggling to find themselves than it is for the ones who have a clear sense of self and are ready to purify it… This is a path for those who use their suffering as a tool for transformation. In the dark night of each soul, we are simultaneously annihilated and immeasurably strengthened.
  5. In no particular order, if I was sorting through your thoughts as if I was you: What makes you think that he is truly happy, as opposed to putting on a facade? Or that he is not simply experiencing the absence of pain due to suppression and consequent numbness? For example: if you took away all of his toys and put him alone in a room for a while... how long would it take for him to fall into pieces (and to be reduced to a childish stub of a person) due to being forced to be around himself and his own psyche? And what would be left of him after this? IMO, even speaking moderately from personal experience as my upbringing was very harsh and emotionally suppressive in many ways: you can't have that kind of harsh, stitled tone when you talk all the time... and actually be capable of real happiness. And that tone is likely the result of someone who has taken all of his vulnerable, most childish emotions, thoughts, dreams, and impulses, and just CRUSHED it down into near-nothingness so he can "be a man". Happiness expresses itself in the body as being a sort of ease and expansive quality, generally. This can be seen in people's body language, and generally, it's very easy to spot in the way that people can usually tell a fake smile from a genuine smile.... what do you think? There are multiple versions of "fierce" spirituality embodied well but this is not what it looks like, IMO. First and foremost: It FLOWS freely. It is not so stilted and tense. This particular microcosm of the internet tends to really emphasize "absolute responsibility" over your reality more than other places. Perhaps it's the self-help bent? There are a ton of upsides to this stance, even in taking it to an extreme, but it's also a recipe for absolute misery for everything that you have somehow failed to address and account for. You can delay this with temporary copes, but eventually it comes back to you, like pulling a rubber band and it snapping against your wrist. And when it does, it hits hard. Even with the numbness. And guess what? It never ends. By definition, you cause yourself suffering in this way if you don't learn how to loosen your grip a bit. In general, living in a state where one is taking a narrow, aggressive, goal-orientated focus is not actually that conducive for happiness. Because all there ever is... is "right now". But it is conducive for bailing yourself out of situations and creating new ones, with the way that he is using it. In my experience, to be happy while also having goals and objectives is to embrace all the meaning and pleasure you take in your purpose... but RIGHT NOW. Not later. Now. Actually, are you aware that Buddhism also advocates for total personal responsibility? (That this is what ends "karma", which is mainly really just referring to the cycle of entanglements in causes and effects?:) Hinduism (at least theoretically) operates on the same principle.
  6. Well that is a deep question. Every POV has truth because every POV is literally truth, it just is seeing and experiencing truth from a particular perspective. As a POV grows its ability to see truth expands, so yes Buddhism holds truth. The problem is Buddhism doesn't incorporate the Love aspect of reality, it emphasizes the void, the nothingness, but it doesn't emphasize that the nothingness is also desire, which is Love. It doesn't emphasize that the void is desire, but desire at the highest level, the desire that is without distinction, infinite peace. The ultimate truth, is there are no levels, no progress, and every POV is always equal no matter what it does. That everything is just a game, a play, and the only reason awakening exists is to become aware of this. After that, you can pretty much live your life how you wanted because now you can finally live in peace. Most don't get authentic rest until their dream ends, with awakening you can rest in the present moment. So yes Buddhism holds truth, but they forget the love aspect/don't emphasize it.
  7. @Someone here What's right here is that nothingness. I am not trying to preach non-duality but you gotta apply that here. What you observe is nothingness and so are you. Worrying about the universe suddenly changing states into nothingness can only come from a lack of understanding that it's already nothing. Yes, you don't know if you're making sense or not, you're only believing it because you see others replying coherently to your thread. But how do you figure if they are being coherent or not? Through your own sense making no? How do you know that's coherent? Through others? That's circular reasoning. By chaos I mean complete inconsistency. How would you ever know if reality isn't already completely insane but you just, being insane, think it's sane? What I meant was how do you know if the past even happened? Worrying about whether the past happened to begin with is the primary concern, and only after answering that could you worry about, will the future be consistent?
  8. How'd ya know the universe hasn't collapsed into nothingness already? How do you know you are speaking coherently and making sense? You don't know if any of your thoughts are rational or not. You don't know if your idea of rational is rational or not. How do you know you're not in complete and utter chaos right now. You don't. I think worrying about consistency should be done more like this. What happens physically should be a secondary issue. You can worry about whether the sun will rise tomorrow after figuring out if it ever rose to begin with.
  9. Nothing stops reality from just collapsing into nothingness right now. Nothing to worry about though
  10. I agree, but these ideas can be derived from a partial awakening. You can directly realize nothingness, or the Consciousness that you are, without the deeper realization that Consciousness is all, including the universe that it creates. The problem is, people may have these partial realizations and then build a theory on it, which locks them into a conceptual framework that prevents a full awakening.
  11. Will speak from direct experience here. Nothingness is void and emptiness. Void exists within the context of consciousness because there is an element of space to it. What is beneath nothingness? No-thingness. There is no emptiness here. This is wholeness that vibrates with intense aliveness and infuses the deep silence.
  12. Can nothingness stand out? Can it be anything other than non-differentiation? If not, nothingness cannot exist. Maybe a more accurate word than "exist" is "real". Nothingness can be real without existing. Just more words, which inevitably lead to confusion because they cannot represent ultimate reality. The territory is only directly realized, no matter how accurate the map pretends to be.
  13. experience is required in order that nothingness could experience itself. nothingness is all alone and its wondering "am i all alone?", it cannot know because there is nobody there to tell it that its all alone. to realize its own qualitites MIND must have an experience. through experience nothingness is not only being itself but also undestands itself, MIND = GOD = NOTHINGNESS = EXPERIENCE = UNDESRTANDING
  14. everything could exist, nothingness included.
  15. It is a red flag to speak of something rather than nothing. Any distinction is just another duality. Solipsists claim that they are everything. Nihilists claim that only nothingness is real. Ultimate reality laughs at claims. Consciousness is beyond something and nothing. It cannot be conceptualized, only Self-realized. We are it, and everything and every nothing is it.
  16. Yeah I've noticed this too. As stage green becomes more and more prevalent... we will see more mis-use of psychological terms like gaslighting, projection, narcissist... Narcissist is a funny one because many people think that others who are self-absorbed are narcissists.... but LOL isn't every single ego a narcissist? Even calling another person a narcissist is already implying that you aren't selfless enough to step into their shoes and understand their behavior. Projection is a funny one too... often I'll make a comment about my opinion of someone or something and I'll be told: "that's your projection." No shit... all of existence is my projection. The existence of "other people" is my projection. The existence of the world itself is my projection. Everything is a fabricated story that is projected by God's mind onto Nothingness. What concept, thought, word, or story isn't a projection?
  17. I always wonder why people who have experienced this commonly use the term 'nothingness' since nothing can't really exist. At least something exist, but I once read the same word spelled differently as in 'NO-THINGNESS' . The hyphen makes a big difference, pointing to 'not a thing', but still beingness'. I still don't understand why this beingness goes along with what we associate with 'happy feelings' which is not neutral nor unhappy and I've also seen it described as non-emotional happiness being non-dual. But then why there is no non-emotional non-dual sadness ?
  18. Nobody on here (myself included) knows what they are talking about. No one on here (myself included) is awake or Truth-realized. Buddhism is NOT Awakening. Cessation is NOT Awakening. Meditation is NOT Awakening Psychedelics are NOT Awakening. Mystical Experiences are NOT Awakening. Hallucination is NOT Awakening. Reading a spiritual book is NOT Awakening Nothingness is NOT Awakening. Any blissful feeling you have is NOT Awakening Spiritual Enlightenment is NOT Awakening. And finally, Leo or is NOT Awakening. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Awakening IS Truth-Realization Truth-Realization = Complete Understanding of Reality
  19. @r0ckyreed I`m pointing towards existence, which is formless, so it's difficult for you to grasp. Yet it still IS and is not really "nothing", but as far as symbols go, nothingness is as good as it gets, because there are no attributes to it. Comon guys, these are rudamentary things which you get after first cessation. Start peddaling harder, because Leo is way ahead. You probably have no idea what Leo is really teaching, or you only understand it, but you have not verified it. So stop philosophising emptily and go do the practices. You need enlightenment experiences.
  20. Infinite dimension of empty consciousness! Which I guess Consciousness is neither something nor nothing. Consciousness isn’t an object and it isn’t nonexistent. What are you really pointing to then? Nothing or something? In my experience, the only Nothing you can point to is yourself. Where you think your eyes, brain, and head are, there is nothing, but there is also everything. You really are pointing at everything which includes the nothingness behind your eyes. Consciousness is Everything!
  21. @Someone here you have to experience the void to get it. It's not an absence of everything. @r0ckyreed of course non-existence does not exist, lol. That's completly opposite of what I am pointing to. Nothingness exists - the end.
  22. What is nothingness? As an example of what I mean by this question, lets suppose the universe is everything that exists, then shrink it down back to the singularity and imagine, if possible that the singularity vanishing from existence. Absolute nothingness (You cannot say nothing is left, or you have nothing left, because the word "IS" and LEFT and HAVE, denote that you have a something.) Maybe we could use "Absolute nothingness= Total Absence of Everything? An infinite totally empty void is not nothing, it is three dimentional empty space! Can one describe a negation like this in words?
  23. @Leo Gura I can relate with much of what you are saying here. This has been my daily experience as well, Maybe not exact to yours but it is like an effortless consciousness I can just ride on, Lately I have not even been seeing rooms just my own mind, Even the sensation of it being a seperate room is immediately right here it is like a nonspecific permanent samadhi with anything throughout my experience, Although there are gradations of awareness and I can fall totally asleep thinking I’m awake when I’m not, It’s like nested unconsciousness for me that the only barrier is these assumed buildups of unconsciousness like air-pockets between connections, I suppose that’s a feature not a bug though that I have an aspect that is totally dead and unaware to whatever happens in consciousness no matter how lively the sights are I am completely aware that it’s nothing. Basically I am living as my realized imagination and it’s complete nothingness, I am imagining everything just as I imagine an apple in my thoughts. But it has an alien quality but I think it’s separate from what your talking about this is so depersonalized I wouldn’t even call it alien, Alien is not enough, I don’t find the label alien satisfying for me cause I sense it as beyond alien but a complete mind duck of a nonexistent oddity yet not alien or different, It’s not alien it’s absolute familiarness within everything, If an alien were to come to me yes there would be ego shock but that’s me! The extent to which I cannot see the sameness within alienness is my delusion that prevents me from samadhi with all items of my imagination, These realizations and insights all feel so very fresh for me, I am infinite consciousness is the main insight, I just get pummeled by roiling infinity as you described it in your salvia episode all the time, It’s a total recontextualization of every single content of my perceptions, It is quite hallucinatory but it’s less than my metaphysical contemplations used to be which is weird I have reached a point of integration where I can integrate some of the more far out imaginings, Before I was always giving my friends I was trying to teach just straight up whacky examples of relativity with like ideas of like stuff they wouldn’t think is real in consensus, Now it’s just an infinitely present room or whatever is here, It’s a room for me right now. and it goes meta, That’s where psychedelics are leading me rather than tangential hallucinations nowadays, Psychedelics are just more of this than I would be experiencing on a daily basis but same insights, Just different approaches and magnitudes of consciousness but same dynamics apply at the highest level, I have one question though if you integrate all difference with you really be able to perceive anything as alien or truly different? Why’s it alien if I’m everything,including all of the strains of infinity? Isn’t everything going to obviously encompass all difference and divergence? alien being maximum divergence from what we consider normal, Isn’t that a part of the natural that it is the supernatural?
  24. Nothingness vibrates and poof - a dream manifest. It's all a vibration on the most fundamental level. And what is vibrating? Nothingness within itself.