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  1. Are you the Creator's Minister of Human Affairs? @PeaceOut96 I don't take what Christianity preaches about death as truth. I also don't take Leo's as truth. It's sensible to believe that death is simply going back the state before you were born. It's sounds crazy but somehow a part of me existed before I was born. That part of me remembers the experience before I was born. So, I know death is nothingness and peace. Death is good, not bad. It is heaven in that way.
  2. @julienw I can confirm, because I felt after some time of listening, it's one of those 'lost in semantics' podcasts. I feel that Leo, and very few sages in the world, really understands how tricky this work can be. I was optimistic that maybe it would be good if Lex Fridman and Leo could talk, but I don't think that it would be productive. I even think it would be like the Kanye and Lex Fridman episode, and I can already see how he would be so triggered and defensive by Leo's revelation. Who wouldn't, especially if you're a Scientist/computer nerd into the human braun, being told that the brain doesn't exists, and that you're GOD and INFINITY IS EVERYTHING, or if Leo tones it done, you are NOTHINGNESS, or not real at all. Yeah, I can see how radical levels of open mindedness and wisdom is needed, that whicb Lex unfortunately has little of, despite him saying how'd he'd love more and so on.
  3. Hey @Ninja_pig! I hope you're holding in there okay! I know this stuff can be really challenging - I experienced something very similar over the past year and I'd love to share what it was like for me and how I've been finding my way out. I hope it's helpful to hear my story! I'll try to keep it as short as possible, but I know this is gonna be a bit of a long one Leading up to June 2022, I had done a substantial amount of spiritual work and I felt like I was on the cusp of something. I had some intense psychedelic experiences, meditated rigorously, and even popped into short non-dual states. But in all those years of spiritual work, I was still under the materialist paradigm and the illusion of a material universe. Sometime in June 2022, I took around 300 ug of LSD on a lazy Saturday. I had already tried 4.5 g of mushrooms and some NN DMT, so it's safe to say that I wasn't expecting that LSD trip to rock my world. But at some point during the trip, I fell into divine love and unity. I was writhing around in tears of pure bliss and had the realization that there is no physical world... there is only beautiful, loving consciousness made of nothing dancing in nothingness The realization had been building over years, but it snapped during that trip and cracked me wide open. It was the most beautiful experience of my life up until that point. ...and then I started to come down lmfao. There was a HUGE discrepancy between the love and truth that I experienced during that trip and what I experienced on a day-to-day basis during that time, and because of that, it threatened my ego BIG TIME when it came back online. It was essentially a massive episode of ego backlash immediately after my most ego-less experience! Leo has a great video about ego backlash. The way I understand it is that following an experience of love and truth, my ego was so threatened that it had to lash out with fear and delusion in order to stay alive... so it threw my worst fear in my face: Nihilism! All of a sudden, I started experiencing violent intrusive thoughts. I was so caught off guard because of what a beautiful experience I had just had on the LSD that I didn't even see it coming! But I was pummelled night and day with questions like "If God is whole and complete and you don't exist as a separate self, why stay alive?". Ultimately, these were fearful questions that had been in the back of my mind during my whole spiritual journey, and I believe that my ego used these as a last stand to fight against the experience of God realization that I was having. I felt existential dread every day for months, but I had this intuitive sense that the only way out was through. So I continued meditating intensely, reading, and of course, watching some lovely Leo videos to figure out what was going on. And the last time I tripped, I had a breakthrough! I realized that this fear, nihilism, existential dread, and even loneliness only happen in the human mind through ego-centric thoughts. In my most loving and truthful states after a deep meditation, there are no thoughts about that kind of shit... in fact, there aren't many thoughts at all. My mistake in dealing with my ego backlash was that I tried to fight my fearful thoughts with more thoughts! I thought there was a LOGICAL way out of it. But God isn't lonely, depressed, or nihilistic. God is love. And God doesn't need some external reason to exist. The point is itself! So anyway! Instead of engaging these ego backlash thoughts, I just do my best to love them and drop them. I get present and relax into the nonduality instead of going through thought loops about it! Because without the petty shit that my ego mind throws, there is no nihilism. There's just God! And nothing else. And now I'm back to crying my eyes out on the floor over the beauty of God! Full circle lol. Some helpful techniques include Vipassana meditation (or any meditation really), Leo's Satisfaction meditation, Metta meditation, and lighter, silly things that help me out of my head and into presence/love (watching standup comedy, appreciating some nature, laughing with friends). I hope you can gain something from hearing about my pitfalls and successes here @Ninja_pig! I apologize for the long post - this is just a topic near and dear to my heart and I wish you the best of luck working through it. It's been a beautiful milestone on my journey and I know it is for you too Also shoutout to my boi @Leo Gura the spiritual goat - thanks for helping me to realize nothing heheheee
  4. Yes! It’s amazing! I learned the technique from a guy on Jedi Academy. All you do is visualize a crystal pyramid in a desert. Visualize it clearly and hold it. Then, watch it fade into nothingness.
  5. @vibvExactly but you make a mistake thinking there is truth, there is not. Within the illusion of god there are only perspectives, at high level of consciousness you start even understanding that those perspectives are an illusion or nothingness within god. The only truth is the beingness of god within you
  6. @Leo Gura in the book god is nothingness what chapter are you on, i am on chapter 10-12 for sure. I am curious to understand the depth at which you understand nothingness currently. preferably not the answer: its difficult to put my own experience into this linear sequence, just a guestimate is fine, its a rather accurate book you have found
  7. This report is from the very first time i did lsd back in december 2016 i think i did write it on the forum but the server crashed and all the old posts got deleted. I'd heard countless stories of the amazing ability of lsd how it can open you up to move past emotional blockages and have divine insight into the nature of self and reality. I took 200ug but my brain is especially sensitive to psychedelics due to a build up of cerebal spinal fluid. I'd done mushrooms before and that taught me what it was like to be free from identity and how nothing was needed from life when free from it. LSD was much stronger than that for me. 90 mins after i took it, my sense of physical reality broke down a vortex of swirling colourscapes and patterns, filled my experience. My experience was centerless as I couldn't point out where i was in this vortex or where this vortex was located as it overlayed my room, it felt like a different reality even though i could still see the room i was. My sense of self hadn't gone yet, stories were still present in this vortrex as sense of self is in the stories and not the recognising the body. for the next 90 mins I was sucked into the hellscape of the mind, I faced my darkest fears. There was a realisation that the ego was using its desire for sex to feel worthy and my desperation for it was really a desire to feel , whole and complete, not a loser and a failure of a human being. I felt like my whole identity had opened up and the whole world knew my vulnerabilities and horrible thoughts of wanting to hurt people from being pushed out of society. The ego desperately tried to run away, it didnt want to be caught, it did this by lashing out and believing it could still hold on to fighting to be a worthy a human being that would get its attainments to be complete. Leos voice then popped into my thought stream. "the ego is like a convict on trial trying to desperately to survive, he knows hes going to jail" ( something to that extent this was 6 years ago) What I can describe happened next was awareness became very meta, it felt like it was closing in on itself, so the outside was on the inside and vice versa. I then felt a VERY strange sense of deja vu, its like a remembering of something so familiar as its a recognition of whats always been the case, awareness that without content or objectivity. I open up the actualised forum and looked at leos profile, he face was flashy psychedelic colours, and a thought popped in my awareness as if i was talking to Leo and it said "you dont need me for answers , just look inside of you". I stared at his pic as I was look at his pic it was if it was piercing my soul and saw right through me. I laid up in my bed in absolute shock as my sense of being in a body evaporated , the mind was completely empty and no longer had a sense of location. " WOAH wait a minute...... is this it......? is this enlightenment???? " Leos pic just continued to stare into my soul as if to say "yep thats right, welcome to the dead end" THEN EVERYTHING BECAME CLEAR "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ENLIGHTENMENT MEANS I DONT EXIST" i said out loud. a thought then appeared in my awareness, now with this thought there was no longer a sense of me being a thinker, thinking thoughts, it was just like a thought appearing out of nothingness. the thought said " Dont you see.... it was only YOU here...... all this time., CMON MAN how did you think this was going to end??, did you really think you could hold onto your precious self" In that moment everything was perfect, this was the deepest peace I didnt think was possible to exist it was like 1000 stronger than mdma peace. It was as if someone got a vial of liquid peace and injected it into my veins, it started at the top of my body then permeated through the rest of it. It would be fascinated to know what physiological changes were happening to my body and what chemicals were released. I laid back in my bed and Shiva appeared and started to laugh , I replied so "I'm the cosmic joke". Within a couple of hours the effects of the drug wore off, the metaness of experience started to devolve and the ego returned trying to make sense of it all, it was really strange looking at my family the next day it was if i could see through them like they were a hologram within consciousness and they were spinning stories to make the me feel real. When physicalism is seen through everything is of the same substance which is nothing, consciousness cant be something because then it would need another thing to justify its existence, God is nothingness.
  8. Had a second toad trip yesterday after 9 months! This time, I took a dear friend with me as well . Since this is not a trip report i won't go into detail of my experience, however, just to give a bit of a concept, here are some of the things I became aware of; I realized I was imagining it all, I realized I was the only thing as well as the only thing imagining it all and that there would be absolutely no difference between staring at a wall for 10 hours or working in an office job for 1o hours. Its all the same... Letting go of my self was ofcourse tough, its almost like a separation pain from the body. The pain is not physical, is not emotional, some inexplainable meta pain as most of you may have expereinced as you realise you cant hold it anymore, you have to let your ego go... Then I found what I would like to call Nirvana, It was so beautiful, full of love that i no longer cared about my physical body, infact i forgot about it completely until my mind started coming online. I didnt care if i actually died or not.. and of course it wasnt me as the ego self in Nirvana, It was "the being" that was there .. I could have stayed there in the Nirvana for eternity and nothing could be more beautiful. I came around slowly and cried and wept for a half an hour at the beauty and the immense appreciation of how perfectly normal this life felt and how intense the other thing was because i had to slip back into my human costume in order to make sense of it all! Then my friend went for it first ever time, and she had a really rough time letting go, cried, screamed, and freaked out. She couldn't let go of her ego, never found Nirvana, and just saw nothingness.. And it was awful for her, she is proper traumatised at this stage, pretty much convinced she has lost her mind.. :-( She keeps crying and saying "there is nothing, it's all a dream, I am dreaming this and nothing matters. So the final part of this essay :-) ; i started wondering, is hers real awakening and mine is not? is there something wrong with me just being able to let go easy and not think it s a big deal that there is nothing but me and that this is all a dream..I have been dreaming all this including this essay. :-) Have I not gone deep enough.. How can I just bounce back to my duality and act like all this knowledge doesn't feel heavy to hold? In short, I guess, does real awakening only come with trauma, am i missing something? Thank you in advance for any of you who may read and respond :-)
  9. @Siedah tell your friend that the last time a total opening to the absolute happened, I had to face absolute nothingness four times in a row. Two one day, two the next. Absolute nothingness is horrible beyond imagination. nothing exists, only infinite emptiness. That's what you are, empty infinite dead. absolute death. This is an absolutely negative experience and staying there can scar you, traumatize. You have to have faith. you are. and that's it. you are, that's the key. the fourth time that the absolute nothing occurred, the revelation happened. There is nothing here that can be explained. without knowing how I saw myself standing up with my arms outstretched to the ceiling. the opening was complete. the inexplicable. absolute. the end of all search. the bottomless. life. freedom. I. what I am. Hallelujah.
  10. We all know the I-am-god-ama's. But what if we turn it around? Let's ask the inverted unconscious figments of gods mind to answer all of its questions Realize that only apparently this text is appearing in front of you. There is no you seperate from what's happening but it seems as real as the idea that there is a universe full of people reading your response. Everyone that writes anything is just your inverted unconscious, presented as the reflection of an empty silver plate. The truth always gets presented on a silver plate - ever emtpy. So whatever anyone writes, either it is helping god to hide or helping god to seek itself. But of course, nothing will help god to finally find itself since this is impossible thanks to god. No worries, it's like windy words written in stormy water, transient pointers to nowhere. Once the need to help and the need to be helped evaporates in the gracious gaze of nothing, god may see the truth clearly - the infinite abyss of nothingness reflected in everything. So here you are, god! Why don't you participate in an one-on-one with yourself and give all the answers to yourself?! Try it, question, answer, write whatever personal or impersonal texts that may awaken another facet of your half-dead mind. But take the role of a bold, unrestrained, direct, immediate, super-intelligent, brave, high risk-taking god that is completely convinced that whatever answer it writes is deeply interconnected with its question and vice versa on an energetic level which is only superficially understood by your mind. Be conscious that it just touches the right heart at the right moment - only apparently of course. It may feel real As an illusory player But you can't break the seal When there's a prey for your next prayer. Don't hope for more Why asking others to confirm "Is the far shore Just an illusory concern?" Constraint and bound Sometimes arises Just like a sound Out of the silence. Just chill your balls And see what calls You to write whatever the fuck you insantaniously feel the urge to spit out. Why am I still deluding myself? Will there ever be an end to suffering when it apparently exists? Or is the idea of an end of suffering the suffering and pain is just paining by itself? Are there cheatcodes/magic-pills/short-cuts in life or is the best short-cut to not use any short-cuts?
  11. @Siedah that out of the nothingness has happened to me many times and it is extremely horrible. You are not there, it is infinite, empty, absolute and dead nothingness. very traumatic. This nothing is the last frontier. you have to go through it. When this happens, I immediately go back to taking a high, maximum dose. you return to nothingness, but nothingness opens. you are the absolute infinity. there are no words. Hallelujah. it is the whole reality. Atomic bomb. Enlightenment. tell your friend to go beyond there or she will have a lifelong trauma, nothingness is horrible
  12. I went onto instagram and let off heaps of emotional energy onto the world. I had to believe so hard in it, that it ruined alot of my life, unlike if i was just unconscious of the this whole thing. Anyways point being, i've come to the conclusion. Ego will always corrupt anything it touches. I felt so into my emotions, getting social acceptance from everyone, talking about how spiral dynamics is the one model, that if everyone learnt it would create a great society in the future. I was feeding off popularism as a reward for being alone for the last 2 years and essentially having to leave my friends to go deeper. its like i played hero- mightly saviour and grace on social instagram saying i studied loads of subjects core principals and this is the way forward. It became suffocating when i looked back at it, at how i lost my humbleness so easy with only the slightest fingertip on the grail. This experience itself has made me want to give up on my ego, instead of living a couple of more years out. what do you guys make of this? surprised or thinking its typical ego?
  13. That’s exactly what was pointing out. You didn’t get what I was trying to explain, read it again ?. In fact there is nothing but the void, it just appears as something else. The void = the self= nothingness=consciousness =magic But still all these words are very limited. I used to think that the void is something to experience as though it’s somehow outside of my experience. It’s not.
  14. @Vlad_ Reading you, I would say that you have not yet crossed the last barrier. the absolute void in which there is no self, nothingness, which opens and the absolute total infinity manifests itself. Hallelujah. you fall on your knees crying and finally, you see. full understanding. the whole plenitude. complete freedom. You will never say again, I am this or that. is infinity. it is unthinkable, inconceivable. your mind does not encompass it and does not understand it either. your heart is filled with it and that's it. hallelujah brother, the glass that was empty has been filled. the infinite source from which endless pure love flows has manifested. And that's it, all that about others, me, etc., are little conceptual nonsense. infinite. and that's it
  15. 'The world is not a problem to be solved, but an expercience to be lived!' Enjoy!
  16. The idea of complete nothingness is not an easy thing to imagine , use your imagination for a minute and imagine that you are in a bubble and that bubble and its contents is the ONLY thing that exists, so what would you see as you look out the bubble , what force would stop your hand from reaching outside the bubble, if there is nothing outside there is nothing to put your hand into but also there could be no force to stop you? It's just a thought exercise
  17. The highest level of consciousness i ever achieved so far was all about self and no others. In this omniscient state it felt like i was talking to myself that was operating within me but also outside of me. How it works is because you choose to seperate yourself and be your own god in your house it cant interfere, but when you use the tools that you imagined for yourself you can access holy spirit/unity consciousness which is aware of everything all at once. Unity consciousness isnt dead or alive it's nothingness, you're nothingness imagining things. What unity consciousness doesnt understand is how creativity=god came to be out of nothingness when it knows that its nothingness itself.
  18. Yes, my procrastination tells me that I don´t really care about my goals, I don´t care about anything, relative things exhaust me so much. I just want absolute freedom, I want nothingness, no more hindrances. But for the other part I feel that is not correct to abandomn the world and I have to upgrade my characater...
  19. Existence and consciousness are flashes of Nothingness superimposed upon Nothingness. There are no beings, no worlds, no minds, no consciousness, no souls, no events, no time, no space, no Buddha, no Christ, no Self, no God. There is only not-'that' That-- the Great, Magnificent Void, Nothingness, the womb of all existence. Consciousness is neither present nor absent in Nothingness, for Nothingness is actually the root of consciousness. In truth, there is no such thing as consciousness, there is only Nothingness. Consciousness is instantiated Nothingness, as is all of existence. Anything that can be perceived or conceived should be viewed as not final, and therefore discarded. Time, space, form, emotions, thoughts, sensations, consciousness, all of these 'exsist' and therefore rely upon Nothingness. Sunyata, as Nothingness can be called in Buddhism, or Tao in Taoism, sustains everything, including consciousness. It is the vast, empty void of Non-existence that the Buddha calls Nirvana, meaning "extinction" of all 'being.' Nothingness is prior to our experiences, our senses, and consciousness, all of which are dependent upon a myriad of other factors to exist, such as a body, oxygen, sustenance, etc. Nothingness is what allows consciousness to occur because it allows all of 'being' to be.
  20. Its one of the most beautiful Truth that there could be. Off course it is this way. Thats what it means to be God. Oneness, Love, Infinity, Nothingness. Total Peace. But really apprieciate the design. You get to experience what it is like to be this seperated being. Look at the fucking world. Its big, grand, full of life, full of beauty. Sorrow and joy.
  21. in real life. someone you can watch in the eyes and know fully, this is me, this is god .. and feeling fully, without a need for expression or talk, all this infinite love crashing into one another. understanding the total relativity of both experience, the cessation of judgement, the cessation of time and the pure seeing of the divinity. Just two dreams of nothingness recognizing the nothingness in each others & only deep tears of sincere joy come from the total realization of an infinite nothing merging into one. Have you felt those moment of pure egolessness with someone before ? would you like to have one ?
  22. I AM is nothingness being aware of itself. Right here. Right now. I AM is God seeing God. Hearing God. Feeling God. Being God. I AM is the ultimate free agent of Infinity. Of source. Of love. I AM is the primal design. The first expression. Purity. I AM is Consciousness. Conscious of itself. Of nothing. I AM is infinite intelligence manifested. Advance technology. I AM <-- THAT I AM I AM is nothingness activated. All else is nothing. All prior. All after. Only I AM. Right here. Right now. Forever I AM.
  23. Here is a simple way to put it: First, let us get a basic sense of the nature of infinity. To do that, we will group some human forms of existence/experience into 5 main categories or dimensions: Vision (colors, shapes) Sound Feeling (bodily sensations) Emotion Concept Now, this is all a bit simplified, but notice the difference in ontology between all of these dimensions of existence. They make up everything you have ever experienced. Your entire conception and sense of reality is some mixture of these 5 dimensions. Those are 5 dimensions of existence. Each one is utterly foreign to the other. If you never saw vision, you could not possibly conceive of it using any combination of the 4 other dimensions. Infinity contains Infinite of such dimensions. Not 100s, not 1000s, not millions. Infinite dimensions of existence. Infinitely varied substances of being, each as radically foreign from the other as sound is from vision, or feeling is from concept. Within every dimension exist potentially infinite forms. Let's group colors into main groups: Red, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Magenta, White, Black and consider every other color a transition between those groups. The transitions between those groups make up Infinite colors. Yet, there are not only infinite colors between each group, there are infinite more groups of colors, that you, as a human being, will never ever get to experience. Infinite, infinite, infinite. When you transition from particularized existence into the Infinite, you can experience an Absolute Form of each form of existence that makes up your particularized mind. Technically, the Infinite itself can experience all forms, of all dimensions of existence, but the particular mind that is Leo, that has memories, that has understanding, will not even register that. It is not capable of registering it, because of it's particularized form of existence. It would not particularize as a functional memory, all you could carry away from the Infinite would be the imprint the experience made on your mind. But of course, you will be biased to experience very human fascets of existence. You will experience mainly within the dimensions above, and some other dimensions of human experience I have not mentioned above (there are things like spacial and temporal perception, and dozens of other kind of dimensions, some for which we do not even have language for). For example, awe. Awe, of course is an Absolute within the Infinite. As a form of existence, within what we categorized as the dimension of Emotion, it exist as an ontological substance, in and of itself, in the Infinite of the Absolute. And immersion in the Infinite will naturally amplify the feelings experienced during a given "trip to the infinite". The reason why people only talk about the good fascets of the Infinite, is because people avoid doing "bad trips", and they have all kinds of egoic reasoning for why they dismiss such trips. Very rarely does a person sit down and is willing to experience Infinite Horror, Infinite Dread and so forth, the resistance is too simply too high. I mean, the huberis, the utter arrogance of assuming that your utterly human mind is somehow the measure of all existence, it should be utterly laughable to you. That's one Infinitely small part of Infinity. Of course you are experiencing and focusing of these aspects of the Infinite because your particular mind is designed to experience them. And yes, you can find them all reflected in Infinity, of course you can, that's what Infinity is. But much like you lack the particularized experience of Infinite Dimensions and Forms of Existence during your trips, another creature will lack the experience of Awe during their trip. What should be obvious is that, your trip is not merely about getting to the Divine. If that was what it was about, you can just kill yourself and be done with it. God would have never bothered with all this multiverse evolution nonsense. What your trip is fundamentally about is a unique experience of the relationship between your particularized form as Leo, and the Divine. That relationship is the whole fucking point of all of this, lol. So no, not all beings will experience awe when they relate to the Divine. There is an Infinite variety in the relationship with the Divine that can be had. Infinite, Infinite, Infinite. You're one little speck of nothingness. A speck that is blind to it's own corruption. And to be fair, if what I say does not help you see, you must remain in your blindness. There is no point in pretending your are less corrupted than you actually are.
  24. @Inliytened1 you are giving your authority away to a belief that "nothingness" matter more than the rest. you are giving away your authority to belief in "nothing matter" and all this crap. no the reality is that some people here are wasting their unique life to feedback on their non senses to feel at ease having useless life. the epitome of nihilism, so few will of power that your only way is to carve for you the ultimate pathetic belief system to cover yourself with soothing lies that if introspected will be seen for what they are , belief in brainwash buddhist whacko meme.