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  1. Ok. Thank you. I am working on my reactionary time to how I respond to circumstances, people, places and things. Before I wasn't as aware, I didn't notice certain things. Now my awareness has expanded and my level of consciousness has become a bit elevated (if those are the right terms), it's not so comfortable anymore. They say ignorance is bliss and I can see why. But, at the same time, I don't want to be ignorant I want to become, i want to bloom, I want to shine. I AM these things, so I'm aware I have to wipe the windshield off in order to see clearly, to direct my energy where I can become a better version of all that I AM. This is a life-long journey and I have seen the difference in how I relate to myself and others already, but there is still growth to be made but I understand it's not more adding on but subtracting. I'm a perfectly made being because God is perfect. I am made in God's image so I am perfect, it's my perceptions and veils that I have to change not my BEINGNESS. The ISNESS just is, I am so excited to exist, I'm so excited to BE, so excited that sometimes I don't want to, sometimes I feel like I'm not living up to my true potential, sometimes I feel disappointed in myself, sometimes I feel I am letting down my true nature as God. Not morally, but existentially, he has given me life and I feel sometimes I'm not honoring that. The love I feel for God is beyond words, that sometimes I feel like I'm disappointing him. There's no guilt or shame, just ignorance. That's why my thirst for knowledge is so high. I feel his love inside of me everyday, minute and second, but I have conditioned that love and now I want to recondition it. This is why I'm still here, this is why I've developed courage and trying to understand, understand myself and the people around me. If not, there's no point. No point in existing, because I've given up on my own purpose of existence. I'm more concerned with how can I serve God for giving me this gift. This gift of life. How can I represent him. So that us my life purpose. My purpose driven life. My goal, Even though I understand that I AM the goal. That's why I want to recognize my true nature as God. God is thee only thing that's real to me, because it's all I see, INWARDLY. Thanks for reading this. It wasn't expected, just came out. Thank you Leo for the space in which to do this as I am not good at journalling on my own.
  2. Fully agreed and to add to this is there are some type of people that can sometimes be more neuro-divergent or mentally ill or just weird type, people like me actually begin more on the right side of the extreme and because spirituality is geared towards the left side when I started out at 11 years old I instantly reached an awakening peak the very first time I meditated after I read an osho's book on witnessing so I went off too hardcore to the right over time, every time anything was wrong or if I was trying to evolve further I always tried to get more spiritual when what I might have needed even from before I had an awakening was actually more ego, more assertiveness, more self centeredness and less uncontrolled empathy, more physicality, I needed less surrendering and of course because of this there is almost no advice regarding people who genuinely begin from the right side, because nobody teaches you how to consciously and skillfully hate or dislike something, I was overly optimistic to a stupid extreme that I would ignore any physical strain/pain that would challenge my love, surrender and optimism for what I thought was my self and others, It's almost complicated, but that's only because there's almost no advice on how being more egotistical is actually real evolution for people like me, it has negative connotations and what people can't understand is that actually it is supposed to have, the negativity itself doesn't imply suffering it implies difference and individuality, I assume it's partially because the feminine side and the post scarcity of a major part of humanity has only been active for maybe 70 years so we've been teaching ourselves how to be more feminine but not how to be consciously "masculine" especially because most of the ego and masculinity teaching are presented too sexually instead of from wholesale mechanical usefulness side that applies to every aspect of life, Accepting your hate and your biases doesn't just mean you stop being biased, you actually also become more biased by being unbiased, the degree of evolution is about the connection between simple and complicated, both have to exist always moving away from suffering and towards whatever(because there's no singular word for the good stuff), it is utterly irrelevant what form is either right now, even if something was good a moment ago and suddenly isn't then that is simply the truth, repetition is irrelevant, things don't have to be new, they don't have to be different and they don't have to be the same either, we just obey pleasure and pain 100% of time, why? Because I have not known any other single thing except what this confusion is trying to teach me, time, memory, imagination, multiple selves from where there are more types of pleasures and more vectors for reducing suffering(reducing suffering does not necessitate for there to be a suffering to reduce, you can remove suffering from nothing or even from bliss because it's just an expression/reaction of a type of action/form which in itself is a type of specific pleasure). Thank you for reading my cringe lol, because genuine social interaction is cringe even through a safe screen to me am I roight?
  3. Authenticity destroys our narcissistic tendencies. The only real superpower us as monkeys can gain from this is deep peace and bliss, and from that place we can be a little bit less of an asshole.
  4. For sure a valid experience description. The bold markings are by me. Merging implies a Unity = something merges with something. And has an experience. The Absolute by definition is always right here right know, and is either known/understood/realized, or covered under clouds of ignorance or mistaken (separate) identity. The Absolute (Reality itself) is not affected wether love arises in the mindstream of a being or not. Equating the Absolute with anything, be it an experience, a certain state, love, bliss, unity, whatever, n+1, anything non-permanent (aka anything at all) is... not the Absolute in which and as which all of that arises in a nondual way. When talking about anything specific we are talking (maximum, if at all) about one of the first "roll-out" elements of the Absolute doing its job of manifesting a manifested reality WITHIN ITSELF. Space, time, dimensions, love, bliss, subtle arisings, and so on... Spiritual Teachers and Traditions tell since the dawn of time about the utmost importance love, and how it is divine. Because love IS a fundamental property of any manifestation/universe. Love stabilizes awakened states, opens awakened states, and is definitely there to awe-inspiring degrees at the higher realms/states of reality. If one is so inclined, one could even say the essence of everything IS love. There is no manifestation without love as its essence, saturating it, pulling it all back to realize its source. So a necessary ground for every manifestation, showing its essential unity. Yet, it arises IN the Absolute. Where else could it arise? It is of the same essence as the Absolute, but WITHIN IT. And if that Absolute is not realized and always available right here right now as ones True Essence... one tends to talk about the first roll-outs of manifestation, the highest archetypes, the first arisings necessary to get a manifestation going... Selling Water .... PS; And talking about Absolutes in the plural, like x/y/z "is an absolute", is a joke in itself. The Absolute is One without a second. It is not even one. It is that which has no opposite. And no plural. All the rest are manifestations within it, tendencies, or primal manifestation archetypes.
  5. Thanks for the question. Like i said your personal traits are not who you are because they are added into you ..."installed " if you will We are basically programming souls (our true most essential nature) into socially survival-oriented robots (ego) without telling these souls that we did it. all of your beliefs..age's all conditioning. And you didn't code it yourself (most of it not at least). Age? Who gives a fuck about age. Career? Who gives a fuck about your career. Beliefs? Who gives a fuck about what you believe in. your outward fake appearance? Who gives a damn I don't..cos I'm not sleeping in ego anymor.. but most people actually seem to take all these stories seriously.. and they seem to be happy with it (being robots..being asleep). But when it dawns on you one day.. that the whole of your life has been nothing but code/programming..well that fucking hurts. That fucking hurts. Ignorance is Bliss as they say. But when you have that are basically beginning to wake up. And when you are completely tired of fake games and being inauthentic then then you're gonna wake up.
  6. Jed McKenna Interlude: No Belief is True "Self-realization, truth realization isn't a state of consciousness. You want to bring this whole thing down to a level that you can deal with it. But that's not possible.. truth isn't an idea or a concept. It's not in libraries or in the words of sages. It doesn't come in a flash of insight or a peak experience. Its not a feeling of bliss or ecstacy. It's not a concept to be understood or a feeling to be experienced. It's not in your heart or your mind. It's further. We're talking about lies, important lies. Lies right at the heart of who and what we are. We're making serious accusations. We're committing heresy because that's what heresy is, truth talk in the dream state. Spiritual awakening is about discovering what's true. Anything that's not about getting to the truth must be discarded. Truth isn't about knowing things. You already know too much. It's about unknowing. It's not about becoming true, it's about unbecoming false, so that all that's left is truth. If you want to become a priest or a lama or a rabbi or a theologian then there's a lot to learn, tons and tons. But if you want to figure out what's true, then it's a whole different process, and the last thing you need is more knowledge. Beliefs are candles that man uses to ward off the surrounding darkness. They are the charms that we use to hold infinity at bay, to dispell the black cloud that hovers over every head. Your moments of blackest despair are really your most honest moments, your most lucid moments. That's what you're seeing without your protective lenses. That's when you pull back the curtain and see things as they are. No belief is true. No. Belief. Is. True. All beliefs, all concepts, all thoughts, yes, they're all false. All bullshit. Of course they are. Not just religions and spiritual teachings but all philosophies, all ideas, all opinions. If you're going for the truth, you're not taking any of them with you. Nothing that says two, not one.. survives. That's what I say. It rings true because it is true." ~ From one of Jed McKenna's books
  7. Good that you deleted Instagram and keep in mind that parties, alcohol, sex is all just a waste of time and energy, it doesnt lead to ultimate happiness so those things don't matter, focus on the actual thing that is gonna give you happiness and actual pleasure which is going within and reconnecting with your higher self, you can do this with the best tool which is Brahmacharya of course, meditation, introspection, diet that makes you feel light and doesn't take too much energy to digest, quality sleep, not taking any substances like alcohol or drugs, and just making your life as pure as possible, the more pure it is, the more connected you are, the more bliss you will experience in you baseline state, anxiety, OCD and all those types of negative disorders will be fully gone, the less you will desire all the clickbait pleasures like alcohol, sex, parties and because humility will naturally come as well with a healthier lifestyle your pride will naturally also be gone which is what makes you feel bad about the quality of your college and will naturally remove the jelaousy because you will know that you found what you and everyone is looking for through things like parties, sex, alcohol, higher universities which they never find in those things and waste their life away which is ultimate happiness, your true self. You are not stupid for being academically "weak", the fact that you can self-reflect like this and do it on this forum tells me that very probably you are above most of your peers and those people who attend fancier schools are not necessarily smarter than you for that same reason above, consciousness and wisdom>smartness even tho both sides are good, but going to a fancier university won't make someone figure out the ultimate happiness aka our true nature and then aligning our practical life with it's wisdom which is basically kinda the goal of life, and you are closer to achiving that goal than most of those people, but that doesn't make those people stupid either, it's just a matter of destiny, and in that sense people like you, me and many on this forum are luckier then them so use that luck and of course don't kill yourself, you like all of us will die anyway one day so may as well go full out in life and give your best no matter what, especially when your destiny gives you a golden ticket in life which is being lucky enough to even know about a source of information like this channel and forum which helps you know about what to even do with life which most people don't and then waste it.
  8. Yeah shrooms basically make you feel like shit for the first 1-2 hours and you're asking yourself why you even did them, and then once you've worked through the tough part the euphoria and bliss kicks in. Not every time though. But when it does I'm like why the hell do I bother with MDMA?! This shit works and feels better and I can grow it in my house
  9. I feel excitement for writing this post. I've already talked numerous times about acting on your excitement, which is a principle I heard more often, but only took on when hearing it explained by Bashar. I've recommended this to numerous people. However, I know that I often misunderstood what this meant, and thought at times that acting out of anxiety was excitement, and highly suspect a lot of people who hear the suggestion will too. I'll therefore give my own still rather fresh insights about it, and also use Abraham Hicks' suggestion of the path of least resistance, which according to her is the same as the path of most allowance (excitement). Excitement here can be used synonymous with feelings as bliss, joy, love. You could subsitute it for things such as passion or attraction too, but excitement/joy seems to be a higher frequency, which is preferable when available. I'll sometimes use the word bliss instead of excitement, in order to lower the chance that you might mistake the tendency of acting out of anxiety to be coming from excitement. In acting out of anxiety, what you want feels 'out there' and it's like you're trying to get it. You'll feel an unrest and perhaps have a feeling or thought of 'I'm going to get this/work to it/grab it'. It could even feel like some sorta fear is there, something like 'oh please let me have it, give it to me'. There will be dense sensations in your body, like your chest and perhaps it feels like your belly is sort of clenched inwards. What you want is out there, and you are trying to get it from the place of feeling not having it. Likewise, trying to fill up a hole inside yourself is basically the same, like looking for a partner/pizza/whatever to complete you/make you happy/fill you up with love or some other feeling. That's not what I'm suggesting in this post. You can watch TV because you're really excited about a movie, which is great, but you can also do it to try to fill you up with some feeling, which isn't the same. In acting out of bliss/excitement, it's like you're coming from your bliss, acting quite literally out of your bliss and excitement. The excitement doesn't feel thrown outside, it's right here and you're acting from that place, you're in that space, coming from that energy and perhaps feel almost a bit magnetized to do something. It's like you'll feel 'light footed' to do something. It can feel like you really want to do something, because you'll be in the bliss of the acting itself. If you remember being a kid going on holiday, you might have felt excited and just sorta happy like you're already enjoying the thing of it. You can also have this for example in meditation when you're in that passion of that meditative state, in that energy. Or, sometimes I can play guitar, just for the feeling of bliss that it gives. Excitement according to Bashar can also for example be a peaceful knowing. Why choosing to act from your excitement and not anxiety? As I understand it, you get what you chose. If you chose to go with acting from for anxiety, you'll choose a life in which what you want is outside of you, and you have to struggle to get it. Life will support you in this and give you more things to act out of from anxiety. If you act out of your bliss, you'll choose that reality and life will be supporting of that. You'll be getting more blissful/exciting things for you to act on. In anxiety what you want is away, in bliss it's like you're in it, in the presence of it, in the bliss of it. In this way, life will thus support you in your bliss, and thus support (such as finances if required) will come to you in order for you to keep acting on your bliss. As Bashar suggest, your higher mind guides you with your excitement. If you don't look of what you're going to do from the lens of anxiety (like what can I get) but from the lens of what would be exciting/blissful/joyous/etc to do, you might find things that resonate in various degrees, like a sort of magnetism, this sense of bliss or excitement. The thing with the highest excitement is like a communication from your higher mind 'do this, this is the fastest path, here it is' and in this way your bliss will guide you. It might not seem like it's the straightest path to your mind, but this doesn't matter, as the physical mind doesn't know, nor needs to know how things will work out, that's the higher mind's job. The higher mind according to Bashar could be said to sorta layout the fastest route for you, that's avoiding all the obstacles that you would encounter when acting on lower frequencies (like anxiety), it will give you a way that navigates around your limiting beliefs. In many spiritual practices or teachings, people will say their way is the shortest, straightest path. But when you do it, you find it a lot of struggle and eventually might stop it. This is because the teaching or practice isn't in alignment with you and therefore actually not the fastest path, your excitement, the higher mind's route however, is. So act on the most blissful/exciting/joyful/attractive option and if you've acted on it and can't act on it no more, look at the next option that is most blissful, and of you go. Alternatively, the route of least resistance might be easier to understand for some people. It is actually the same thing, just look at the option that feels best, that makes you feel best. If you're in a down state, maybe you don't see much exciting options to act on, but you do find an option that feels 'ok', and then that would be the best thing to do. According to Abraham, you attract to your own energies, or at least things that are in the vicinity of that. So when you feel something is now 'ok' instead of 'dreadful', you'll and be in a higher state in which it might be easier to see even higher options, but will also get more things back from life that feel more 'ok' for you to act on. Therefore, you'll have less resistance and will then rise in energy, and therefore, more higher options present themselves to you. And up you go the emotional ladder and thereby attracting all the things you want and make you feel blissful, such as the partner that perfectly matches your own highest state. Nothing to get, but only to get yourself to feel better and letting all that thus makes you feel good, come to you, money, career options, partner, etc.
  10. I have the exact same experience. You are not alone. Terrance McKenna often referred to the "meat locker." If you trip and tell yourself not to think of a pink elephant, you're gonna think of a pink elephant. You may be stuck in a loop. You may be greedy for the euphoria and bliss. You are trying to control the trip. You have expectations. The cosmos always has control. You must embrace and inhabit your insignificance. Have patience. Give yourself a 50 year plan. Work on your chakras. Do yoga. Study yoga. Study chakras. Let go of your schedule and your plan. Let the universe come to you. Do not go looking for the universe. Let go. The lesson here is to surrender control. All will be revealed. You are not ready. You are skipping steps. Open your eyes. Accept the message. Show respect for the cosmos and the monad. This is not a game. There are no shortcuts. Explore your shadow. Get therapy. Read self help books. You have a calling. You have been chosen. This is not about recreation. These drugs are a tool. This is not escapism. Pack your bags. Buy the ticket. Take the ride. Hang in there. We've all been there.
  11. I get what you mean but no, diet is much more subjective and depends more on an individual than Brahmacharya, Brahmacharya is an universal tool that's objectively the best tool every human can access for getting the most possible bliss/happiness/pleasure out of life, diet depends more on the genetics, saving sexual energy absolutely doesn't
  12. I don't recommend tantric sex, it's an excuse for still having sex but making it "spiritual", it's better to have actual sex than having tantric sex, because even tho you don't lose your semen as a guy you still lose sexual energy/ojas so it doesn't matter that much that you don't literally release. It's either you have sex or you don't, no in between. To answer the 2nd part, the whole reason why i and basically everyone who is doing brahmacharya does it is for spirituality, for spiritual benefits, it's not to get women (even tho brahmacharya will metaphysically attract women to you so it's easy if a person really wants to use it as a tool for sex), the bliss/peace/energy combo that one gets from brahmacharya is better than sex or any other pleasure there is, that combo is happening in your baseline state 24/7 and until the day you release the sexual energy, this is why i'm so promotive of brahmacharya, because it's literally heaven on earth, God shines through you fully at all times, this is what everyone is looking for one way or another, even in sex, the reason why one has and desires sex is because it feels GOOD, but Brahmacharya is the number one sources of that GOODNESS that a human being can access, it's 24/7 feeling of the highest/best feeling of "GOODNESS" there is, and it's not something that's dependent on the outside world, you don't need another human to get this source of goodness/pleasure, you don't need pornography, you don't need an icecream, you don't need a dopamine hit, you don't need pleasure from watching a movie, because none of these things compare to the pleasure, to the goodness one gets from Brahmacharya, and one gets it from within, and this makes it fair because basically everyone can access it if they want to but they have to make a big sacrifice by giving up probably their biggest source of pleasure in life which is overall release of sexual energy, and it's not only a matter of Brahmacharya being better but it's also the ultimate thing because it's infinite, it's the access to the infinite, access to God and when one cuts that access they will go back to hell, back to the life of worldy pleasures which aren't ultimate, they can't ever fully satisfy a person, sex can't do this, ice cream can't do this, a movie can't do this, money can't do this, because all these things come and go, they don't last until the next round, until the next sex session, until the next ice cream cone, until the next movie, and at some point a person realizes that they still don't feel satisfied no matter what they try so they usually do 2 things: kill themselves or try spirituality(and spiritiuality is about making the connection with the infinite and the best way to make that connection is brahmacharya, there is nothing that will give you better connection with the source than sacrificing your sexual energy, and if a person doesn't do this they still may get a decent connection with God but it will never reach anywhere near their full potential, they will never get that 24/7 baseline state combo of bliss, peace and energy, they may get a low budget version of it, but it doesn't compare to the high budget version, to the ultimate budget version, to Brahmacharya, and all of this i'm speaking from experience, i know the contrast between my baseline state before and after Brahmacharya and those 2 things are literally HELL and HEAVEN, that's how big of a difference there is, you may think you feel good right now in your baseline state without Brahmacharya but i'm telling you the way you would feel a few months to a few years on ths lifestyle would be an insane difference in happiness/pleasure, i would never ever go back to the life without Brahmacharya, not because i don't allow myself but because i can't do it, this state that i'm in right now is the greatest thing there is in life and i can't give it up, i literally love this state too much, sex is laughable in comparison, you could offer me my perfect soulmate girlfriend with who i would have the greatest sex ever and i would decline because nothing compares to Brahmacharya, to 24/7 God presence intensified to the max
  13. It's true that you can become more angry if you go for longer but if you control yourself and don't ejaculate even that anger will go away after some time and you will be at peace, you can always go more than 2 weeks, i personally do it at all times, if it happens that i have a wet dream (which happens really rarely) so be it but other than that i don't really ever ejaculate and i'm good, don't remember the last time i was angry, just natural purity, peace, bliss and a lot of energy
  14. You keep thinking like the character, you need to think like a creator. When you write a story, if the character always lived in bliss...there is no story. If you started up Netflix and there was a story of a guy who always had from his perspective favorable outcomes and never any adversity...would you watch it? No!!! It would bore you!! If someone told you that somewhere in that movie that he discovers he is God you would say that it was bad writing because of course he is God everything is always going his way!!! Now notice what I just said? Understand that the ego is a construction of God...but also a limited, through both love and intelligence version of God. The ego is naturally a conditional, loving and honest actor. For it to develop it must be placed in varying conditions. This is why from the Absolute perspective feeling terrible is no better or worse is not better than feeling good because the purpose is not how you feel, the purpose is how close or far are you aligned with truth. The way awakening is set up, the way God Realization is set up, it is a complex mental construction of trickery done by YOU!!! YOU have tricked yourself. We can call this you, the higher self or collective intelligence. What you think of yourself is a compartmentalization, the ego, and this compartmentalization needs to be deconstructed so you can access the infinite and awaken. Now every thought, emotion, and action is watched by your higher self for its INTENTION. You literally cannot lie to your higher self if you want to awaken. Your higher self KNOWS what you can handle and KNOW what you cannot as it can see INFINITE STEPS ahead. Awakening is the process of you learning to TRUST YOUR SELF. Notice that theme has always played out when it came to dealing with fear. A lack of trust in yourself, is self-judgment. A lack of faith in the awakening process is SELF-JUDGMENT with a capital S. Both SELF-JUDGMENT, and self-judgment are mirror reflections of each other. The only way to awaken is with a deep surrender. You have to OPEN YOUR HEART, with a desire to freely fall into the warm embrace of all that is with complete trust that Love will conquer all. Basically the path to God is an INNER ROMANCE.
  15. This drug was designed to substitute MDMA without the side effects. I plan on trying it after AL-LAD Blue Bliss pellets (5-MAPB+2-FMA+5-MeO-MiPT)
  16. Interesting read. I liked it a lot. Eye opening. I never really delved into the makings of the Spiritual Ego or read too much about it, so thank you for posting this. You see, everything serves it's purpose. Maybe I wouldn't have seen this article if Mr. Messiah here didn't erupt from his volcano and started spreading his ashes. So, we need to see worth in everything. Is that Spiritual Ego talking. Or toxic positivity, or I am better than you syndrome. Sometimes its probably best to know nothing at all 'cause ignorance is bliss and now I'm gonna start analyzing myself for Spiritual Egotism. Not really 'cause I have different styles of communicating, so if I'm doing that, the other ways will cancel that out and I'll be in balance. Hehe
  17. I wouldn't say that porn is the symptom, it's definitely the problem itself, it's impossible to have self-love and watch porn in any way whatsoever, doesn't matter if it comes from the point of view of art or addiction it will take some of your energy nevertheless which is the reason why a person would be watching it in the first place, it's because it's going to give them some type of pleasant feeling in exchange for some of their sexual energy, doesn't have to be an orgasm, just a nice feeling is enough. Our natural state is pure, innocent bliss, it's the state one is born in, when we are younger it's the state every single person was in (bar anomalies that were really extremely abused or had some hard disease from the start) And throughout our youth and teens this bliss really gradually gets lost through bad habits, bad habits are things that give pleasure (of any degree, it can be subtle pleasure (like watching a cartoon for the sake of entertainment) or it can be extreme (orgasm) ) in exchange for that blissful energy and sexual energy is the by far the biggest source of energy which is why society is and has always been so sexually oriented, more oriented towards it than any other pleasure in the world (procreation argument aka "it's natural to want to have sex because of procreation" is bad argument because 99% of time when people have sex it's for the sake of pleasure not procreation which is basically people overusing their instinct to cope with life, if people only had sex to create children that would be a good argument of course) And because of this something like porn is the problem, it shouldn't be accepted in any way whatsoever, it shouldn't be demonized either but one should always have the intention to remove porn out of their life because it's another parasite that drains ones energy no matter from which perspective they go about watching it, doesn't matter if they are lustful or artful, their blissful energy will be taken as a consequence which means their self-love which is a natural state of being of every being will weaken, and slightly little by little lead toward self-hate if a person accepts a parasite like that for a long time, same goes for every other pleasure there is that drains energy, even if it's just little amount, it still shouldn't be accepted, assuming that one wants so self-actualize and be self-loving. We have to be practical about things like these and eliminate the things that are parasites of our natural self-love and not just accept anything in our relative lives because the absolute has that perspective, and counter-intuitively by not accepting those parasites in our lives (aka by not being loving towards them) we will experience much more self-love than if we kept those things in our life and tried loving them, porn is a problem no matter if we give it power or not and one should have the intention of removing it out of their life, end of story.
  18. one time on 5g of mushrooms, I stared at myself naked in front of a mirror for like 3 hours dying of laughter. Felt like i was god laughing at my own creation and just the general absurdity and bizarreness of life. Definitely taped into something (infinite intelligence) much higher than myself as an ego which enabled me to let go of so much self-created pain and suffering from my past, once I saw that it was all me, me creating my own pain and torture as much as I was creating my own bliss and heaven. this gave me absolute freedom inside Because I realised that I was powerful enough to create my own misery so that means I'm also powerful enough to create my own bliss. It was the first time I felt whole again. I didn't even think it was possible to feel that whole, to feel that much love. I did breathing techniques too and literally was the most liberating experience of my life. I still think about it a lot.
  19. It's for both men and women equally, the benefits start coming in a few days (4,5 days from my experience) but at the start they will of course be very subtle but will with time gradually increase in both number of benefits one starts getting and their quality. I would say it's absolutely necessary to practice Brahmacharya if someone is trying to self-actualize and work on their spirituality, i wouldn't only say that it's necessary but that it's by far the most important part of spiritual work and actualization. It's the foundation of living a good life both from the absolute (spirituality, God-realization) and relative (practical life, survival, purpose etc.) perspective, the reason why i'm saying this is because of my personal experience with it, i have a distinction in my life before and after i started practicing Brahmacharya and the contrast is too big for me to just say that one can practice spirituality and do actualization work without perseverance of their sexual energy, i think it's not worth it without it because even tho one will still get results it will take them so much longer and they will have to work so much harder than what they would have to work if they had Brahmacharya as their foundation for the work. After a few months of Brahmacharya this work becomes so effortless that it's almost like you are on an autopilot and God is doing everything through you, you are absolutely aligned with God and following your destiny to the fullest with no effort, and all of this is happening in your day to day baseline state, you're basically meditating at all times in a way, but it takes time to get to that point (even i myself would consider myself a beginner at this, i found out about Brahmacharya in 2020 and really got serious about it around the beginning of 2022, until then i just did it on and off kinda because i still didn't realize the value of it until last year), and even tho one can get to a similar state that i just described without saving their sexual energy it's not going to be comparable to the one with saved sexual energy, the difference in quality of bliss and peace and all the other spiritual stuff is enormous. I will try to be more specific now to actually name and describe the benefits of Brahmacharya: bliss (i usually notice it around day 4, it feels like an internal aura of energy inside your chest that gradually expands from the inside and even starts expanding to the outside of your body, but takes time, probably 3-4 months for it to fill your entire body and then it feels like it's going outside it as well, it feels like you are radiating with bliss, which is why other people subconsciously notice it as well and it's basically metaphysical (people start staring at you like deers in headlights, both men and women, babies and animals especially, it can be creepy at times but sometimes it's wholesome, you get used to it with time, and it's something that doesn't happen without Brahmacharya, i have tested it like 10+ times and it's always the same result, when i practice it it happens daily in any public place, when i don't it doesn't happen, it's not placebo which some people who haven't tried Brahmacharya blame it on which i always find hilarious but understandable, i know it sounds crazy) People usually don't take this point seriously because it's woo-woo but it's one of those things that when you see it for yourself you know it, also it's the best "sensation"(idk what else to call it, maybe state of being?) that i have felt in my life, obviously it's better than any pleasure that i have ever felt, it's better than anything that the 5 senses can provide), next up is peace which comes in the package with bliss basically, with time it gradually gets better and expands in ones body and outside as well, another one in the same package is energy, same coin as bliss and peace just another side, it gradually expands and intensifies with time, now i sleep like 4 hours a day naturally because of how much energy i have, i assume i will get to 2-3 hours of sleep as the years go by, of course naturally, without trying, it's not the case that i'm inentionally ruining my sleep, it just becomes natural because of the energy one saves with time, also that energy obviously helps with practical life as well, working out, running, house work, job or life purpose, it's a massive boost of energy basically Next up is health, i haven't gotten sick since 2021 in whatever way whatsoever(i used to get sick every few months), i used to have some pain in my knee for 2 years and it's gone, i used to have problems with my digestive system for a year, whenever i would eat i would have a stomach ache (and i eat pretty healthy) and that problem is gone, skin becomes absolutely clean and shiny and i never did any skincare and never cared about it, eyes also become obviously shiny and veins in the eyes are gone, also dark circles as well are gone, hair is thicker and more of it grows on the entire body (this is of course exclusively a male benefit, i'm sure there would be a parallel type benefit for women), much deeper voice (also male exclusive) Overall luck in life is another metaphysical benefit, you get so much more luckier when it comes to anything, synchronicities are another one that are in a way connected to the previous benefit, i usually see 50+ of them daily in numbers alone, of course they can come in other ways to (of course this isn't a literal benefit but it's a sign that you are doing something right because the increase in synchronicities becomes too big to ignore, God/universe is telling you you are aligning yourself with your highest self, that you are following your highest potential, your destiny) The meditation is obviously easy, it comes natural, as i said you basically meditate all the time, you feel like when you are a child and you are just wondering around pure and inoccent without a worry in the world, just in the moment enjoying the beauty of the present, also everything literally becomes so much more colorful, again just like when you were a child, the colors are much more intensified but in an elegant, pleasant way, you feel high on life 24/7, daily life aka baseline feels like a constant light psychedelic experience. This is already a long comment so i will stop there but to nutshell it, Brahmacharya gives your baseline state bliss, peace, energy, luck, beauty, joy, physical benefits both inside and outside of your body, mental benefits like absolute clarity of mind and flow, better memory, spiritual benefits like a constant state of psychedelic, pure, childlike meditation, makes self-actualization and spiritual work easy and effortless, takes care of your absolute and relative life naturally, balances both out and boosts it's qualities, and just makes life worth living, it gives aliveness to life. Also i would recommend these videos and articles to anyone interested as a start to the understanding of this whole practice which boils down to transcending your sexual instinct to gain heaven in your day to day life, these are quality videos, be openminded which is what this whole forum and channel is about and of course test it our for yourself if you want to see if there is truth to it, as someone who lives by this i can't recommend anything else when it comes to the pursuit for self-actualization more than Brahmacharya, this is the foundation of it all.
  20. I massively recommend everyone to checkout these 4 videos when it comes to this topic, persevering sexual energy has been probably the best thing in my life not only for spiritual progress but even practical life, it boosts everything it can boost, it makes life so much more beautiful, you almost feel high in a way, you feel that childlike innocence again, life becomes so much more colorful literally and metaphorically, but it takes time, don't just give it a week or a month as a test to see if it's beneficial, i recommend at least 4-6 months of perserverance of sexual energy (no sex, masturbation, watching pornography, fantasizing) to see that it's the real deal, it's not about suppressing an instinct, it's about transcending it, which is possible, you won't be horny 24/7 or something, those phases will come and go which is normal but if you go through them you will be at absolute peace and bliss at some point and of course there are so many other benefits as well but i don't wanna be naming everything in this post, just checkout these 4 videos and also a channel called "Beyond The Alchemy" is amazing for this topic, i just wanted to share all this cause i usually see that perseverance of sexual energy is massively undervalued on this forum even tho i would say it's probably the most important piece of the puzzle when it comes to spirituality and overall actualization, can't think of anything that compares from my personal experience so far, give it a try.
  21. Learn Yoga. With Yoga you can learn to master and understand the body so is no longer a burden to you. No matter what people say, unless you find a way to step out/dissolve the boundaries of body, true Bliss is not possible. (See my signature LoL).
  22. yes, i have had moments where i experience extended sense of self or no-self, this usually happens when I am sitting with my eyes closed. This feeling seems to be located around seeing and breathing and somehow turns this perception turns infinite or very large and you cannot understand how much space you are taking, within minutes it goes back to normal. Pronounced feeling of energies, blockages, bliss and chakras exist in my day to day experience. There is sometimes intuition when I have done a lot of meditation the previous day where I know there will be a person around the corner and I walk and they are there, this is very sudden, non-repeatable and spontaneous but i noticed it. I have had a few other, but they are not so significant.
  23. I just don't need to take anything. I literally do 10-15 min of Yoga everyday and then I bliss the fuck out to an intensity that no chemical can touch. When you touch the states of being I´ve touch, marihuana or psychedelic highs will be seen as candy. Don't make it as not taking drugs don't allow you to have mystical experiences. Actually doing drugs prevent you from touching the higuest, most intense, blissful, profound and crystal clear states of consciousness possible.
  24. I discovered 2 life purposes through LSD. These two paths are pure greatness and both align with my personality. I feel the Bliss of both ways. But, I dont know which one to pursue.